Hunter's Hand Book of Victoria Bridge, Illustrated with Wood-Cuts. a Brief
^ta. l^v-t dqe Cthtmt'a Uttmerattj SJtbrarg . ^<VU^ BL,SH l &!iv,IX.Jl(NTER^ p'CKup . GRAND TRUNK VICTORIA BRIDGE CELEBRATIOI NOW READY EOMTEI ft.PiiC WITH two LirnoGBAPHic views, In Three Tints, (Summer and Winter). Size of each Plate x 8 inches, executed in the best style of the Art, by Saroj Major & Knapp, of New York. The work is dedicated, by permission, to the Grand Tr Railway Company of Canada. HUNTER & PICKUP having purchased the Electrotypes Plates, together with the Copyright of " Hunter's Panora Guide from Niagara to Quebec," of J. P. Jewett & Co., Bos former Proprietors and Publishers, have made arrangem* with Mr. J. Lovell, Printer and Publisher, Montreal, and now prepared to receive orders, wholesale and retail. On the receipt of one dollar, post paid, the two View Victoria Bridge, with Hand Book, will be sent, free of post to any. part of Canada. For $1, 25cts. the Hand-Book Views will be sent to England, Ireland or Scotland, neatly cured in wrappers. The two Views without the Hand-Boot $1, free of any other charge. To be had at the Book Stores in Town and Country ; i News-boys on board the Cars, and at rad&B&zg »w &m ADJOINING Post Office, Montreal. Orders from Great Britain, United States, and the Bri Provinces, to the undersigned, post paid, will receive mimed attention. HUNTER <Sr PICKUji Montreal, July, 1860. HUNTEE'S HAND BOOK OF l .„ THE VICTORIA BRIDGE. — ENTRANCE TO THE VICTORIA BRIDGE. The inscription on the lintel over the entrance to the abu t.
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