Dissolution ; I' 4" ; IE * EJ ,„ GOVERNOR to CLOSE OCT FIVE YEAR a Franchise, Like Ihe Very Limited One E\Eivi-D Tier- SESSION TODAY **Ft
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IaLway§ Mil /HE m^^^^^^^^^^^^mwm^mwWfor Cookir *mm&Drinking ■ JBtrmuda - jb Recorder Jlpurvis co LTD iv i a CANADA'S BEST Publishes] Bi-Weekly PRICE 4d. Wednesdays Saturdaya 6d. VOLUME XXIX HAMILTON, BERMUDA, WEDHx,bi»AY MARCH 4, 1953 No. 62 s Legislators in M.C.P.S. and Visitors In Assembly Lobby Lawyer Flays GoodMood s On Eve of Parliament's .. Undemocratic Policies ' in Bermuda Dissolution ; I' 4" ; IE * _EJ ,„ GOVERNOR TO CLOSE OCT FIVE YEAR A franchise, like ihe very limited one e\eivi-d tier- SESSION TODAY **ft. - S^*"'* I hn| and thwarting the will-of ■^ W mat Iwhich is BQMtaatlj l s regarded by Mr. Arnold Francs in an address hfemhera of the oi ...in- Bouae ibly were in a good Blood , the DeTonahire Political A-■ocnitloll .1-1a .' aab rday, as thirty-three of t got together hem to clear the -data negation of democi lo,- tha dissolution of Par] ■lie V U'T" tiie /leeks baanenl today by Ilis Bxeelkney More than :2ni) persona iiinidians -., , i the Ailiuini.-tra- the Governor that the ■_. _ al election can take plaee later d the Elliott School crowd into issssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssi-"Mist I the this mouth I auditorium to hear the lawyer partment af Educa i. Compliments Iay the franchise a- the I'oiin- wers exchanged ,i depart- - d to do in a j things m colony's political Thai leav.s many bes e\,e!niei| OD of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~pii< and part- ments which have no sem- should have done." cond inn Baaaag other .peeelles were made. \Vhile lib, and blance a po'icy which shows Bexerring to a remark earlier things, "inequitable and of only one member expressed the abs. nee of discrimination, he In the meeting to offer, but had nnjir 111 of taxation'' tear thai lie might not be re- ;. .mt ■ d out. failed to initial.' any legiala- ■ policy al «m- turned in tha next House, there and th unfair Mr. Francis then launched tion to give effect to his argu ployn.cnt in p>\ eminent pas*> seemed to be high confidence an on the rca-on- ments, Mr. Smith said The above picturepictU was taken ; >-TSk; ay attack aanaag ■ gnat majority of tha Tlif in * 04 after vice. vanecd by those in authority "It does not availau to bring milii as membersllleliineis andall riuton tied out folio* bc-syv. Only A Select Few - representatives thai they would aa lor denial of t.e p -itn-ns forward liianv of the wise Mr. VineeiViiict'in I representative for not M-<-king re-electioi Frane:s ioii-idered a- lie hack in harness for another S'iM!li.in:]>tniBJ^^Bk .Mr. to .|ualilied Xegroe,. Ha said which ■_■ per- live years amendments should be shownthowa on thetin- right.ri The Tbowi unt'air a l'raiichi-e which -iich arguments that coloured merely :.;il- i..nle to aaaatl Mr. Tod- ek.k. TiifTile t\ iio la.li.s.ll arc ;ilso visitors. IVhin.l them, IVarman of IVm only a select Utm of ihe service Busineaa disposed of yeater- " llr^Mfs people in the civil lings to ovi r- lights i \ ry limited number of peo- day rejection of and his friends kc li-.'lits a ciirareteciffSI t'»r Mr. Dudley Spur would up-et the even tenor of included the come their ohluseliess."He add- ~^^^. ple who can vote, to have a-- three clauses the bill author- In order to assist the Parliamentary Registrar in the I'roper^peri'on.iance of hi. tha community and jeopardise ill see them cendeney of their views. This " iaing the transfer of the fncao* ed he would rather the above mentioned persons are r< | to in ": i the Parliamentary Registrar the tourist trad could not im- stew in their own juice ontu re Ie a d s to frustration and .veil thinking to -oon aa poaaibk of the ownership of tha land in reap t of which they are not tiis- press the banal of the l-.iliour Board change of heart apathy. BoaM people explain the Hoard of Immigration;the there waa a 1 ill the respective parish individual. Mr. Smith expressed the hope this apathy as meaning that adoption of a report on dredg- Far From Qualified lhat there would be a change the people ure not interested i11"_- the S, QaOfga'a channel; new House. eedure adopted to inform per- in:? a tinal report .vouhl be in in exercising their right-. Only ftja casual glance Wl messages and of heart in the Report of Committee to the Governor amused son- their names had been ihe form of a draft bill "Put 1 think that apathy iu soi f the departments and the pasageof a few routine llr Etaaaell Pearman Hs, Studying bsdying the pre- when he comimjnted token front the rotmg by Protection ...Herniation-. r gard to politieal affaira iu would indicate that tin Legislative Council. members The committee expressed re i- a r suit of positions as i, that "this is prob- publishing long bats m the Of Legislature Beranada the sent holders of one mem- John "! that it was unable to limited franchise rather than with tho-e who are Only id* the three ,lv my haal opportunity to P~ He felt a better method compared bers who have decided not to ■" ** '" Adopted rap! te its work before the the fraiichi-e being the re-ult denied them,are far from.i|un- (h, as Speaker." How- [" - to Parliament, the Parish***!£\ e- ry clerks'T I of the p; nt of the people." Mr. Francis i.ti d. One ha- to think only seek re-ele.tion "eo„,ri,.ula,ed.hini. tod ' as """ itateu appalling conditions advantage ol* the motion to 1***" '"" matUr Mr. Pearman told the the took .,„, he (Merk he House, 1tie :ast coni i'c lo h-p"!l House — of oft recently high- have a -; ...,t- ttl'lll. the I'nl the people ha'e a which were for adjournment to last ?mm rr.late,,,,. .1 Sergean.. tliroll'.'llJ" to the Boom ef Ass-mbiy bej committee had agreed iu If, Sam the good ileal ol slaving power ligbted in reaped ta the Pom word. He was Mr. \V. E. Iiob- Mitchell, Mf Bwh tore it chared its deck- piincip! to a bill but th At- nt-Arms. Mr. Arnold , th). W|.r„,„„„. torney lake the view that "since see that it has lack-* "rts ol Sandys who congratu- hat n </ for [iy General did not have - Qflhjo to and the Press. w |;..r. property owners *■ a rnc .1st get anj rlea *>H rmt h still lacking quali- lated tha Speaker on tha many spirit ot CHni s . ,.,„,, ,,, ap^binted In danl ana hoped that the (i(, ia always innovations he had made dur- He d an(i whflw nary of last year for the pur-l matter was regarded our will is thwarted !i d staff. unity goodwill which ex- ; ,,, ,] what is the use of voting," and that a ing the session, and suggested and bcpu soW ur othenv st. t.lliin po-e of making reeopimenda- as oue of extreme importune. 'There is no doubt would eon- , V()tri, boys the Hon-- (i from the our and that, i-te.l iii haii)ls But pti()[) who as to and urgency, and he hoped a stay away polls. great number of consideration should be .,, next, and lie! tiona the neeeaaity and the ( 1( ti()U . He said were ways can till these positions given of rnue ..c. aml liaVt d s.rabiiity to protect new committee would be ap- there two to the installation that a good many ol , , , the people great deal of credit to hoped r(. taim.( tluir lUaliti.-ation to pointed by the next House tu by which the could wiih a soaM sort of heating facilities. men seeking re- . Legislature or its proceedings. the Assembly § haV(i ,.L.CL.iv,.(1 bring to achieve what they were after, theins. Ives and to the island ile complained that it was fc M Mr. James Pearman in pre- it fruition. eleetion would be returned. )o .^„ one was to use the power they as a whole." Mr. Francis sitting |fcofJ rr M whv senting the report that Mcmbers of \e,y uncomfortable in stated the committee have, by registering and vot- stated. "It is a slur and a de- their names should continue the live-man committee of the Chamber on some winter both were the Hon. R. C. Hollis Ual- ing and influencing public Unite insult to the intelligence W. on the voting list. Houses had examined a num- and Sir Eldon Triming- days. But the lion. W. lett opinion to change the outlook of the tourist to say thy M.C.P. Says People In the ease of young people ber of references and had ham of the Legislative Coun- I>a\ idvin, who sits opposite Mr. right, of the powers-that-be. Or, would not return if they were thk might be all but it studied the most rec nt Colo- Pearman, - Roberta asked him what was Over cil and -Mr. Mr. A.D. they could greeted by competent Negro Are Concerned is cau-in:.' eoiieern to older nial enactment on subject Spurliiig, Mr. Francis said w with all the "hot air" in the and the lion. Ileury on their arrival," he added. raag of folks. Mr. P.urch said one It was agreed yield to t h e,i r frustration times. Late Revision that the most Vesey of the House of Asseni- Turning his attention to the the House at man eame to him a couple l.ly.