Chinese Munitions Factory Tragedy EVEREADY BATTERIES Always
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(«__ TODAY'S UGHTING-UP TIME Sunrise: 7.22 a.m.—Sunset: 5.32p.m. Llghtlng-up time 6.02 p.m. Rule of the Road KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE RIGHT INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 20—NO. 18 HAMILTON, BERMUDA, MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1935 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM THUMB-NAIL BIOGRAPHY "ALONG THE WATERFRONT" ! PANTOMIME AT THEY SAY Chinese Munitions Factory OF NAPOLEON ST. GEORGE'S I have mentioned in this column That the Lady Cubitt Compassion before the extraordinary propor- In view of the forthcoming pub ate Fund Committee has been tions to which exaggerated gossip "Aladdin" Presented to lication of Napoleon's Love Letters, busy. Tragedy l may lead and I have also added the we give the following thumb-nail Packed House * * * j tremendous amount of time de- That as all administration is con sketch of Napoleon. j voted by local reporters in their The Somers Opera House was fidential, only the recipients can BARBADOS RECEIVES ) endeavours to seek out the truth, fully appreciate the benefits of Aug. 15, 1769—Born in Ajaccio, if any, or try to consciously con packed on Friday evening, when Corsica, the year following its Mr. Wheeler and his company of the fund. ROYAL GIFT tradict wild rumour and dispel * * * union with France. Father: artistes from Hamilton presented the fairy tales of Front Street! That both inside and outside the Charles de Buonaparte, a poor It is curious how these things the pantomime "Aladdin and His Italian Cabinet Has One Boss — Divorce Suit Filed notary of noble birth. Mother: Wonderful Lamp." Fired by the House a lot of careful thought is start. Just because there was some i being given to the proposed ex Laetitia Ramolino, a woman of mention that north-Atlantic cross- j wholehearted enthusiasm of the Against Local Man — Lindbergh to Fly Again — Screen promoter, the performers gave of penditure on channels. strong character and great beau ings this summer would only cost j * * + Comedian Dead — Noise of Sabres — Mine Tragedy — ty, nicknamed "Madame Mere." £10. quite a number of local people j their best, and it is certain that all That most people believe that such Napoleon was the second son in a imagined that they could take I present enjoyed the various scenes Another Gunman Shoots Way to Freedom — Forbes- expenditure is not justified at family of five boys and three girls. the P.S.N, boats across to Eng- I to the full. There must have been the present moment. Robertson Has Birthday — Jamaican's New Post — 1778, aged 9 -Left home to enter land for that figure and enjoy all j an enormous amount of work be * . * Tommy Has Hard Time — Shipping Conference College of Autun, France, an the luxury of the service. hind the scenes, and the whole elementary school. show went without a hitch. As That there is little ground for be But if they considered that sisted by a well balanced orchestra lieving that a great increase in 1779, aged 10—Entered French mili all the direct summer bookings tary school at Brienne, and re led by Mr. Wheeler, the musical shipping would follow. QUEEN REMEMBERS NEW FACTORY COLLAPSES to the other side are extremely part was very enjoyable, and with * . * mained 5 years. heavy, so much so that reser 1784, aged 15—Entered Ecole Mili- the chorus there was a feast for That if the Marsh Folly had not BARBADOS vations have generally to be sent all. A full review of the pantomime been perpetrated, such an in Chinese Building Catches taire in Paris; remained 2 years to to Valparaiso if desirable accomo complete education as artillery j has already appeared in these vestment might have been pos BRIDGETOWN. Barbados, Jan. dation is required (and I assume columns, but it is doubtful if the sible. Hundreds officer. Was a good student in ' 20 (CP;—The Museum and Histor most travellwers would prefer it, production was previously so * * * history and mathematics. ical Society has received a gift from then there is little hope that the splendidly produced. HONGKONG, Jan. 20 (CP).—Two 1789, aged 20—Joined the French That as it is the B udget is only bal Her Majesty Queen Mary in the Company would reduce fares to oo hundred men are believed caught Revolution, and entered its army. anced (!) by juggling with reserves. shape of a carved ivory medallion such a terrific minimum during the in the collapse of a new govern 1791, aged 22—Promoted to lieu portrait of King William IV. The Summer. Possibly there may be DANCE RECITAL ment munitions factory at Parki- tenant in the artillery. That there will soon be none to medallion is mounted on ebony a slight difference in the winter ang, near Canton, and seven are 1792, aged 23—Promoted to captain. juggle with. under glass with a gilt oval mount months. known to be dead. The collapse Dec, 1793, aged 24—Promoted to j At the Colonial Opera House to ing surrounding the ebony frame, . * 9 of. the building, which took place general of brigade after distin- i morrow afternoon Mr. Edwin Straw- That a plain and ungarnished state the whole measuring four and a In spite of the fact that reporters today, carried down the first floor guishing himself at the capture i bridge and Miss Lisa Parnova will ment of extimated revenue would quarter by five and an eighth spend another good proportion of under the weight of three stone- of Toulon. appear in a dance recital, beginning be very welcome j ust now. inches. King William visited Bar their time listening to offenders at 5.30. This last performance will * * * crushing machines, two German Feb., 1794, aged 25—Given com- i bados in 1788 when he was captain being fined for riding their bicycles give many a chance to see these engineers narrowly escaping with mand of artillery of the Army of j That estimates have been described of the Pegassus. without lights with the resultant splendid artists who recently ap their lives. Five hundred men Italy. as guesstimates. publicity appearing in these col peared before a large audience in were working on the building at Oct. 4, 1795, aged 26 -Saved the ! * * * umns of the offences almost daily, the Bermudiana lounge. This is a DIVORCE SUIT FILED the time. Twenty are seriously French Republic by subduing a That it is hoped they will not have riders of local "bone-shakers" still special appearance for the benefit injured and more than a hundred serious royalist rebellion in the to be described as messtimates. resist the arm-of-the-law and try- of the younger people of the com are suffering from slight wounds Rue Vendemiaire. Paris. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 (CP)— to "make the grade" unnoticed, munity, but it is also felt that a That the entertainments are com Among the divorce suits filed today caused by the fallen walls and Mar., 1796, aged 27 -Married Jo- . during prohibited hours. large number of people who didn't ing thick and fast. at Reno was that of Barbara Bar plaster. Owing to the isolation of sephine de Beauharnais, who j At one time the fines were as see the Bermudiana performance * * * nard MacGregor against Gordon the locality no help was available helped secure his apppointment as low as 2/6, but offenders at that will take this opportunity to at That St. George's turned out in full MacGregor of Hamilton, Bermuda, for some time. commander-in-chief of the Army time were mostly erring in that, tend. force to see the pantomime. on the ground of cruelty. The of Italy. Scored brilliant vie- j * * . although they had lamps with Mr. Strawbridge will dance prac * * * couple were married in New York tories over Italian and Austrian I them, they failed to have them tically the same programme, with That perhaps Hamilton is too soph on April 27, 1929. Mrs. MacGregor GUNMAN MAKES ESCAPE forces. attached, either to the handlebar the addition of one or two extra isticated for such shows. is the daughter of George Grey Oct. 17, 1797, aged 28—Secured j or fork. -They were all cautioned selections. Mr. Alexander Alexay * * * Barnard, the sculptor. Mr. Mac Treaty of Campo-Formio, by which ATLANTIC CITY. Jan. 20 (CP).— and fined but the number of of will play the accompaniments. That a better explanation is that Gregor was last associated with France gained Belgium and the Alvin Karpis, a new "public enemy fences increased of decreased and _ - —oo there are too many shows for all Atlantic Dairy Products Company left bank of the Rhine. number one" of the United States, the penalty went up to 5, - with to pay. in Bermuda. 1798, aged 29—Campaigned in • MEETING OF PAGET BRANCH a gunman, shot his way to freedom forcer Magistrate A. C. Smith. » * Egypt. j from a police trap today and fled Even after months of warning BERMUDA WELFARE SOCIETY That the post office arrangements Oct. 8, 1799, aged 30. Returned j SABRE RATTLING in a stolen car. leaving behind him the offence still continues. Major at the East End fail to please from Egypt, abandoning his army ' two women, one of them wounded Appleby, the present Magistrate The annual meeting of the Paget anyone. in Syria and running ihe English in the leg by police bullets. of the Central District Court, Branch, Bermuda Welfare Society BERLIN, Jan. 20 (CP). -The blockade. Was greeted by French I mentioned on Saturday to one de will be held in the Paget School That the cynic says massing of Lithuanian troops at people as the "Strong Man" ' some people fendant, "I say to you what I say room on Friday evening January are never pleased.