Washington, Saturday, January 24, 1942

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Washington, Saturday, January 24, 1942 ¿ s FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 7 1 9 3 4 ¿ r NUMBER 17 4 </a « t e d ^ Washington, Saturday, January 24, 1942 The President said Act, and to exercise its powers and CONTENTS perform its duties thereunder, hereby makes and promulgates the following THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER regulation: Executive Order: Page 1. Section 202.1 of the Economic Reg­ Washington, land reserved for R eserving a T ract op Land for U se by ulations is hereby amended to read as use of Commerce Depart­ the D epartment o p C ommerce as a follows: ment as beacon site---------- 499 B eacon S it e § 202.1 Forms of monthly reports of RULES, REGULATIONS, WASHINGTON financial and operating statistics. Fi­ ORDERS nancial and statistical reports shall be By virtue of the authority vested in me T itl e 14—C iv il A viation: as President of the United States, it is made by the air carriers as follows: Civil Aeronautics Board: ordered that the following-described (a) Each air carrier engaged in reg­ Economic regulations tract of land within the exterior boun­ ularly scheduled interstate air transpor­ amended: daries of the Wenatchee National Forest, tation within the continental limits of Form of accounts-------------- 500 in the State of Washington, claim to the United States and each air carrier Forms of monthly reports of which has been released by the Northern engaged in regularly scheduled opera­ financial and operating Pacific Railway Company in accordance tions within the territory of Hawaii shall statistics_____________ 499 with section 321 (b) of the Transporta­ for the month of January 1942 and each T itle 30—M ineral R esources: tion Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 898, 954), be, month thereafter make a financial and Bituminous Coal Division: and it is hereby, reserved and set apart statistical report to the Board in accord­ Minimum price schedules, re­ for the use of the Department of Com­ ance with the provisions of the Monthly lief orders, etc.: merce as a beacon site: Report of Financial and Operating Sta­ District 1 (3 documents) _ 500-502 Willamette Meridian tistics of Domestic Air Carriers, dated District 3 (2 documents)— 503 January 1, 1942, C.A.B. Form 2780 and District 7------- 503 T. 22 N., R. 11 E., sec. 21, lot 3, containing such amendments thereto as may here­ 41.60 acres. District 9------------------------ 504 after be approved by the Board, and shall District 23__________ 505 F ranklin D R oosevelt file such report in duplicate with the T itl e 32—N ational D e fe n se : T he W h it e H ouse, Secretary of the Board on or before the January 22,1942. 25th day of the month following that for Office of Production Manage­ which the report is made. ment: [No. 9036] Copper, supply conservation (b) Each other air carrier engaged in order_________________ 510 [P. R. Doc. 42-675; Piled, January 23, 1942; regularly scheduled air transportation 10:38 a. m.] Hemp seed, supply and distri­ (not including, however,.foreign air car­ bution order--------- -------- 521 riers) shall make its reports with re­ Mercury, use curtailed,-------- 519 Rules, Regulations, Orders spect to such matters in accordance with the provisions of the Monthly Report— Molasses, supply and distribu­ Financial and Operating Statistics tion order----- _------------- 517 TITLE 14—CIVIL AVIATION (Form No. 2380) heretofore issued by Motor trucks: the Post Office Department, and such Light, production restricted, 515 CHAPTER I—CIVIL AERONAUTICS report form is hereby adopted by the Medium and heavy, produc­ BOARD tion restricted------------ 514 Board for such purposes until further Preference order amended, 515 [Regulations, Serial Number 201] action by the Board. Whenever Form No. 2380 refers to the Postmaster Gen­ Passenger autos, production P art 2021—Accounts, R ecords and eral, any Assistant Postmaster General, restricted______________ 515 R eports the United States Post Office Depart­ Passenger autos and light amendment op th e economic regulations ment, or any division or section thereof, trucks, production of re­ placement parts re­ At a session of the Civil Aeronautics they shall hereafter be deemed to refer to the Civil Aeronautics Board. stricted (3 documents) __ 516 Board held at its office in Washington, Radio receivers and phono­ D. C., on the 21st day of January 1942. 2. This regulation, as amended, shall graphs, production re­ The Civil Aeronautics Board acting become effective on January 21, 1942. stricted________________ 520 pursuant to the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, particularly sections 205 (a) and By the Civil Aeronautics Board. Rubber, restriction order 407 (a) thereof and deeming its action [seal] D arw in C harles B r o w n , amended_______________ 511 necessary to carry out the provisions of Secretary. Sulphite wood pulp, alloca­ [F. R. Doc. 42-667; Filed, January 22, 1942; tion schedule amended— 517 13 P.R. 2474. 12:14 p. m.] (Continued on next page) 499 500 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, January 24, 1942 [Regulations, Serial Number 202] TITLE 30—MINERAL RESOURCES P art 2021—Accounts, R ecords and CHAPTER HI—BITUMINOUS COAL FEDERAL®REGISTER R eports DIVISION SPECIAL REGULATION AMENDING § 202.2— [Docket No. A-964] \vOntno* 1934 ¿ f F FORM OF ACCOUNTS OF AIR CARRIERS P art 321—M inim um P rice S chedule, At a session of the Civil Aeronautics District No. 1 Board held at its office in Washington, ORDER GRANTING PERMANENT RELIEF IN THE Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, D. C., on the 21st day of January 1942. MATTER OF THE PETITION OF SWANTON BIG and days following legal holidays by the The Civil Aeronautics Board acting VEIN COAL COMPANY, A CODE MEMBER IN Division of the Federal Register, The National Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ pursuant to the Civil Aeronautics Act of DISTRICT NO. 1, FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT tained in the Federal Register Act, approved 1938, particularly sections 205 (a) and OF PRICE CLASSIFICATIONS AND MINIMUM July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ 407 (d) thereof and deeming its action PRICES FOR COALS OF THE SWANTON NO. 1 tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ necessary to carry out the provisions MINE (MINE INDEX NO. 837) OF THE mittee, approved by the President. SWANTON BIG VEIN COAL COMPANY The Administrative Committee consists of of said Act and to exercise its powers th e Archivist or Acting Archivist, a n officer and perform its duties thereunder, hereby An original petition and amended peti­ of the Department of Justice designated by makes and promulgates the following tions having been filed with the Bitumi­ the Attorney General, and the Public Printer regulation: or Acting Public Printer. nous Coal Division on July 10, 1941, July The daily issue of the F ederal R egister 1. Section 202.2 of the Economic Regu­ 18, 1941, and July 22, 1941, respectively, will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free lations is hereby amended to read as by Swanton Big Vein Coal Company, a of postage, for $1.25 per m onth or $12.50 per follows: code member producer in District 1, pur­ year; single copies 10 cents each; payable in suant to section 4 H (d) of the Bitumi­ advance. Remit money order payable to the § 202.2 Form of accounts of air car­ Superintendent of Documents directly to the riers. Air carriers engaged in scheduled nous Coal Act of 1937, requesting the G overnm ent P rin tin g Office, W ashington, D. C. air transportation shall keep any and all establishment of price classifications for accounts, records and memoranda, in­ coals in Size Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of cluding accounts, records, and memo­ certain of the petitioner’s leased coal randa of the movement of traffic, as well lands in Garrett County, Maryland, in CONTENTS—Continued as of the receipts and expenditures of Subdistrict 44 of District 1 (Mine Index money, as follows: No. 837); T itle'32—National D efense—Con. A petition of intervention having been Selective Service System: Pa§e (a) Each air carrier engaged in regu­ filed by District Board 1, requesting that Conscientious objectors, clas­ larly scheduled interstate air transpor­ the petitioner’s coals be given a classifi­ sification by local boards- 506 tation within the continental limits of cation of “D”; Conscientious objectors, regu­ the United States and each air carrier Temporary relief having been granted lations governing camps engaged in regularly scheduled operations by an Order of the Director dated July operated by: within the territory of Hawaii, shall keep 30,1941, 6 F. R. 3847, establishing tempo­ Government_____________ 508 its accounts records, and memoranda in rary price classifications of “D” for the National Service Board for accordance with the Uniform System of above-mentioned sizes of the petitioner’s Religious Objectors----- 506 Accounts for Domestic Air Carriers is­ coal for shipment, by rail and correspond­ D elivery and induction, sued by the Civil Aeronautics Board, ing prices for shipment by truck; amendment____________ 506 dated January 1, 1942, and such amend­ A hearing in this matter having been Guadalupe County, New Mex­ ments thereto as may hereafter be pre­ held on September 5, and October 6,1941, ico, certain local board scribed by the Board; and shall bring pursuant to Orders of the Director, be­ physical examinations its accounts, records and memoranda for fore a duly designated Examiner of the waived_________________ 510 the period January 1,1942 to the effective Division at a hearing room thereof in T itle 38—P ensions, Bonuses, and date of this regulation into conformity Washington, D. C., at which all interested Veterans' R e lief: with such Uniform System of
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