Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Biogeosciences Discuss., 11, 17299–17337, 2014 www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/11/17299/2014/ doi:10.5194/bgd-11-17299-2014 BGD © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License. 11, 17299–17337, 2014 This discussion paper is/has been under review for the journal Biogeosciences (BG). Eutrophication Please refer to the corresponding final paper in BG if available. mitigation in rivers Eutrophication mitigation in rivers: C. Minaudo et al. 30 years of trends and seasonality Title Page changes in biogeochemistry of the Loire Abstract Introduction River (1980–2012) Conclusions References Tables Figures C. Minaudo1, M. Meybeck2, F. Moatar1, N. Gassama1, and F. Curie1 1University of Tours, E.A. 6293 GÉHCO, Tours, France J I 2 Paris VI University, UMR METIS, Paris, France J I Received: 9 October 2014 – Accepted: 12 November 2014 – Published: 12 December 2014 Back Close Correspondence to: C. Minaudo (
[email protected]) Full Screen / Esc Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. Printer-friendly Version Interactive Discussion 17299 Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Discussion Paper | Abstract BGD Trends and seasonality analysis since 1980 and longitudinal distribution from headwaters to estuary of algal pigment, nitrate and phosphate were investigated in the 11, 17299–17337, 2014 eutrophic Loire River. The continuous decline of phosphate concentrations recorded 5 since 1991 both in the main river and in the tributaries led to a significant reduction Eutrophication in algal biomass across the whole river system. While eutrophication remained lower mitigation in rivers in the main tributaries than in the Loire itself, they were found to contribute up to 45 % to the total nutrient load of the main river.