(OaMlica Adverttriac F»fe .% (TEN PAGES) n U C E * $ V O t . L a , I ^ 7 9 . 8 M ANGH&OTE^ COKN., 1 3 1 1 0 -M Ui T FAMED SENATE TO THE FAilX (% TBE'UNiNitSE

ii^ Httter Ncees- ^ W i B e s u j By Rdpeed hwmes 8onn Ditcossion Feitoe ,Ynar--New;Fotl Q tG aiitililm iatty, Few CelebntioBS Her^ O to (Wee to iA Civic Evots. i . Tto Arrests — Printe A m . * ^ A P ) - t T fc * brg'afilzatlon of jobless relitf and Head of State Board of FiA> aiMib today the manner in which Manchester * 5 iired tha B oom b Two Arreqts preiknihasy dtacuaalon—toe propos­ .W a rn b ^ toat~^^'^ ri amitanoe. Gaorge Kelfy of Oakland gtoa the town aeea tola fine new their suppoEt-to-toa-program. Tim. t o ' - - ' - >■' aaSSctoaf tba un.*t atreat waa atruck by^an automobile toiildlng.jefrly, ready for.i occupan­ tows sought by toe coinmieaion fel< Thecoliuhlt but not hurt^nucb. Aaotbtf oar ran cy. The Home Bank *end Trust lo w ; ldentHbes^tn .1 IS toe universe slc^vdy being destroyed^.. .of is tt subject'to a.gradual proceea of' fe-ereatlon? That r^Wtpyity absorbed by toe _ ttaa wOl atari 19 a ateep enbankmeht In froUt of was toe dramatic I subject for heated debate between toe two cclebrat^ physicists here sb o ^ as they ap^ DtoeretiQiDaiy^pewaF WMohs vl(9 U)d ye a rs Bitow to wtodliit them 1 9 the England home at the Green ------— ,------.. . — . ------..w . . . . . ------if SdeAce ai,Ai^^tic.Cfity. Dr; Meatoestar Truat Company an,d toe permit toe 'board to lengtottor-^r tio n s ' S a vl^ Bank of Manto^er early .artto B toiBr t o a it o ^ tbam 1 9 bowUnr Over a lighted tourist sign 'w ton ^, based toalr offgumMito sb o rtito th e ;aaaabn , pbaafmma aa . w til A s - .-OhSi; crchpola oonaolidaUon was voted to u n b a ra vaudsilVe performance; M u i^ HVQMO. CA|t GOT ’BIM tSjkSriitod ^ detet^ntoe toe ■ o c iii. and toe yeair sr.w vlrioua actto|p idM ofrOarioue fli^IMb^* Managdr . Hugh CamphtiS reiiiltad ' INTO MCpipp TROUB^ toi(|g«rd^bM about the d is tr^ ‘ To alter toe'tpfiii:afid water laiae-. tb* BKmey pMd for adtotodpua, A ^ 4 o r a r iffr I merging.. EPBaoralei to toe achooUi ing tovto,(|f the 'Mtete /Wbito A lb u iquerque, «m . M ., J a n . X — total df about waa rafuUdeA imtoageramitofieeBapttated by a ro- itoOdttog xm i fiang< rights so Apairt dfty coiqilM attended thf Wends Santiago A b e y ta dimilbB In toa-aliMaina qatorally ■' le -ifiS a ^ Pub dlnner.Qaiee and cMe- i ^ vtolttog . wanted eotoa/llqiaor. overshaAiwediiihodli ooufelMatlon .l*lqe:.l|toye Tayerh in ‘SElke. my car and g o ^ S n ^ i^ b u t Many were In e ve n in g of them said; “It’s * toat ‘dM wise-to M>to)iiaitoa|{|ito-.gnM^ Im-. dPiiB e' outUde with toe brokeU ’ wtod* .prewfifirto'tlw^ywr^lh^^ W eatSMi Tarty sh to id .!’ cbeilar Sbitary wax-m j^nd' liito .Hto attended tha fifim tla g p it out; got to Becfbatld^S^'On^&oM Mreaf,^ S ld e lto o c a i ^ t h e n : v ritt a;-fartobr/.#a£w"-tout

;t o e :U w . itoMrieony. totoga o a r ___ _ , ^ ______, upeet.dortog to * yi crotrdi" Whop .toey' ipied botuas to tbb ofAM ^^rcitof' mead. A . Jototopfif sinitoji. ^o ^e h ln g ^^'^ Nepii York, Jan. i-^tAP)— «am '-they', f fw toore toterestod. -C b e lii^ , aotoa ftom ‘tm ■Jan.; ■ ,2 ;—r by Mif .too ^toottooce the West by toevd^rm u ctf his garieh; mid Shhtlago got' into .betw een an fi oral. Aaaem l^. w erf :r ■ItotoKClub . hator deeded , to .hlM ttoutoe .was^toat there Were two* Thoanaa J. nagera and - town. otob. Larxy ‘ Fay, I^h- tro o p s a t Sfiaphatfiwan, another to toe j hear, future. care oitoslde. with broken wtod- powetSd .Bibadway tobkStoer^'Waa a PtaVe B A ^ . to oatoahd oif4 a t ehields*.' 'lie took toe wrong bpei whato tod>-Gmat< W all reabhes toe (Oonitatiai^.oa. PsdMi VXt o ) to laildllto'atodiiat.tba r»> traotod many couples. W ith such , a viOjtim>,of h {8 o\^ mndssVgestuiie 'at 4* SjijB, begap ■ S toaday n ig h t a n d con­ ■ i b a , ^ limited nuihber ,of places to Ottris^ uhem ployto»t'reItdf; pdltce, said to tinued tocoughout today,' Reng'o d a y .'- '''' (Japanese M e ^ Agency) dispatches a « id .-„ 'itom id (Gonttou^ toi i ftoy, A ' i>irodu6t of toe ! Helri 'Ofvtaitojntof.'tba' Kitchen; dlitridt; vtos sho^jthibugh Japanese relntorcements' were too'ttois ' toe heari leat night ae he attempt­ rUshefd tfiere frctoHVSuiohun; and at an iiitiadoatliMr ed. to >mdlUM 'a^ toan whoiae salary 2:10 ^p. in. today a Japaneee ,air of tb e ir^ S auggeitad haV beto\cut:to'make room for an­ squadron botobed;toe wuled city of 10,Q(K)m6p(3 of vdiOlartBg baar df a other etomoye. • Shanhaihv^.; i or lato' bea-rooadcatlBg, PoUto, duoTe'dltlng. reportis toe Ghtotise ' aochunts ‘ eeld 'toe towM i toaroty odnflna tba ahpoto^ : ha^ had the more \ I Japanese opened fire on : Chine ot tba Vdlataad law to mNEW¥m*SDAYI stoliter; ai^aot, a plann 0 , under-; troops. wltoout .provocation. ^ The ^ekToM AeJ(ii»l!lii oobtatolng * blghar per- world' ei^todon^ eqt^out to find. Ed ­ Japaheee*'reported that they / bad ward Udoofiy, to doorman, who die- tound two bomba to. a Japauem p p - tv flC'aloQbbl tbaa toat. .lice.* etatton«ofiiiB»»hd«&*, tfiat* there­ Ittoaa arguad. wbuld remove appeal imo^atmy aftor four TnrUr*Gernniu;^riNit' toa gawooa of GoaatltutloBallty be- ahoto had outlay"dovm . leog^ Logalit; of H irA i after a detachmitot of troope wi Bat Only Half the N im ber^ The one. tone n i^ “caar” and sent to ShanhaOtoran, city to pro­ p u m tt la ganarally ooncerned Oooc ifl M M s , taxicab bpdtotpr wnoae night club tect Japanese , residents >and. .Qtot . A . IK*. gnaa ,baa tba right avon to repeal Conboy’s B31. Chinese fired toe detachment. enterpidBes'- once brought him fe lem S” 2 ai ■DforoaaooBt Aot If it daaireB ( M s Were I d Lioe' This Troop.Twitos--Slm rt m uch i i i a: wetoi dlied . with 1 to e homu tba. oommlttae aald 110,000 • This memin|g,U wes'renarted.toat on hon-rejiMtot otu^ iwhere tp three dltoei'in Ms pbdeet. ^ h lio a p '^toltoiiatood tba Bub-oomiBlttae Y e ir. New York, Jap. 2 .-^(AP)—Paul four Chinese tropp tretoii>Weire.mow- Weshiy^ftim, Jan. 2 .— ( A P ) - 4 -M a - packs mo used to cross oauntir ' ' ' B e m o e d 'S d a i^ tlonaltst Turkey's movamimt to n u n tlb g . He was said by pcUce to have cut Blanahard,. executive director, an­ ^\They,.riingm t o fo rc e more forelgaera out m o f IhiB; _jaatad bla pro- nounced-today that toe city affairs 10,000 ' PhUadelpbla, Jan. (AP) V (GoBtto.nad on Page 'Cwo) committee had challedged .toe jpbs to latanhul la vieweo aa batog B **iiuy of^^taatera" to test atandarda:i of AS baer» but agree that Though Jaek Froit ruled toe realm. iwality of a 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 ^ fee charged by to m ^rd with toe Turkeyf or Tufks King Momua in all bto glory athit- pdiltry.ifiAugtoratefl to 1 9 28 , w h en 1 ,- U o n , MV waa atodlVad aa suggeet- li^ 'tin ,Conhoy as legal aariatant to tto n ttila would: be i Ubaecaasary. ted up Broad atreet today to bla Obvempr Robeevelt to'toe removal 8 0 0 ,(| oom- pfbceedtoge agatoit former Mayor G re e ce to exch an g e fp r . h a lf a mlh> tog of a new year. Jam esXISfiaRf/ lion Mbstoma who were living to iktUra,'bl G re e c e , m i fOUoweri vafa not aa num- BtoflBbped' made public a lettor be _ _ m . aroua aa toay wart to battar tlmea. Suit. to Q w ; Comptroller Charles Thet was toe greatest masr move­ MOSEVaTPIS HITSEA Beri^ on ^ to i^ to which he ment of population to modern, times a. • I n*/r* foukul the hut tooae who marched and pranoad problem" to b r < and dancad toalr way to toe face of isakecl!' , 'What right does a wealthy Beheve Financial DdRcnhiM tonatioa^and niefa; aub-fraeaing weather, made toe ■ V tton bt toe BWiftoR; HIS AUIUIT POST uaual flue display. la ^ e r mt:a tipia 'wheu more than a Two Drowning and a which prior to 1 8 28 epprotomated a million peppii'^to Mew York a ty million and jt hfilf yearly. manta to Amertoioa ( ’ ^ waiBitoiiMBm , Father Penn, having dlfftouity to Six Renam On It Unt9 Gamed Cdoncl Mogeman As (toe of toe meettof bla 1 088 budget, out out hla are peimlleea and unemployed aak Are Reported In the The lateat movement to niake<]obe for more toiP 8 1 ,0 0 0 a day for toe for Turks provides for toe expulsion ' lem la to be I annual appropriation of IS 8 .0 0 0 to esa and datanddfiat A diore--A B actual vi;fi|kwhlc ■ he.ipent on toe ot foreign waiters, bootblacks, TnKfflHimmlf. E Ow r GoTorM rstoTo priaaa for tha New Yaar’a mum- important' to ,asera. and many of toa.form ar par- State. g^ers, musicians, cabaret; peiv ConM rrbUl wae approved by toe MOMranlaatton' ci ttolpanta decided not to celebrate ■ :S »T !8d ; . formers, janitors, gardners, lawyarii, to e iwto tllE •O flB S m ft Hntort E LduMUK- 4 e > to la y a a r. Bomkl'of Bsomate laat B^day. It aagiheers, ohemlsto, dentists and ' New Havra, Jan. .—(AP,).-r A 2 r a to a ^ to a n Pmtodelphla'a annual ahow la oar- hae .not yet bean paid by toe com00; p- doctors. Most df the forelgnera to m *litary jsoart' f t Inquiry named' tiy flr lft ," rlad oa by Naw Yaar*a cluba organ- ir o lle r. to contrastt . to toe Christmes toe lower oategbrieii are Ofeeka, but the etate .adjutoat gtoieral fiiet tbl ‘ fon To SaiE h TiA. toad for tot ona purpose of oelebrat- Fernudlna, Fla., Jan. 2 .— ( A P ) — Blanahard charged toat Berry week-end; when auto a oldehts; cost many Germans and Armenians are would 'be violating the city charter 6 day to . toveitlgata tor dMtli of tog toe advent' of toe Mew Year. The Qtoat Ouald flying boat Arctur- •1 1 lives, toe. new year,. 1 938 , ' w as among the professional' iqto. Colonel Mogene J. Moiansea,' com>> The-ktot of mbUitolii; WAStt tha' dty decided not to allow ui, forced;dbwn .Sunday at lea If he paid toe -bill without toe certl- ushered to .with a week-end oOlebra- tea didartd, 10 tloltion Of a 'dty auditor that toe Germany haa throatehed to , make toandlng ' offlder o f to# 182 field Albany. B. T.i Jau. S.—(AP)~ any prtoa money, toe cluba apUt Into xnllM ofl Fb; Pierce; withito ilx ms’en tlch which Included only ohe euto reprisals' by closing the dppro of krtlllexy ,whq wfla found ihot'to toa unequal a b o ard . isd aitoore I n ' a ' amount of | 86,()00 waa reaionable. affadttog av«9 PreMdaBtFeleet rranUlB D . Roesd- two groupa, ona agraatog to parade y fa ta lity . its unlverslMes to opo Turldsh sto- death to ,hla offioA at toe araibry. damaged condition at San Sebaatlan a B e a rin g aa uaual, toe other dedoUng to hold 8 2 ,0 0 0 Drownlngs which cost two Uvea, dents, who are stu^ng there, and dvlllaa offlolali gave a vote of cal sdenoea Mtea vaK M ba tonnaVy turned over tba creek today, Commander John Mc­ "M r. Conbby appeared at only a pagaant to tha MunldpaTStadlum, 12 were toe cause of the greatest week­ Greece has toreatoned to .expel suicide after Mogensen'i Jtody was muph more rapidly govenerablp of Maw Tork to Har- Cann of the Coast Guard base hero h e a ito g s b afo re G o v e rn o r R r d o ia v e lt to South Philaddphla, and charge end loss of life, while e suicide Turks employed G re e ce . found laat nl|^t. The^inOttary hoard eaoaa;, Bbonofidn |i was advised by radio. The crew to toeW alkar case,” toe lettor said. to organtoattona battotcto'em B . LaluBoa, today propoaad a admlsston for toe benefit of charity. brought the toll of violent deaths to American, British and Frep|Bh waa named as part of the regular w aa a afa . “If ha.was paid for hla appearanoea of antbonty batwaan Paw In toa Park fo u r . bualneii and professional men vpry rboedure. It will conduct Its. laves- rata whpa tofi^^mlklutoA a ta ta oai Commander MoCium said his ra­ at haartogi only, hla ohargas would S ital and W hitoar toil paopla did not oars Albert. Leone, 1 7 , of Simsbury generally left Istanbul years ago Ration _ Independently of Dr Mar- Uy hfiya flaoltoafl to aow betw een dio advlbea stated toe plane, which therefore amount to mpre than | 2,- a W h ite to pay fUr toalr annual frae ahow 4T, was toe auto victim. Hewas itruox and only two Amerioani are affect- M n Scarborough', med'ioat examiner. oaaoA Tha orgafitaefl .ato whathii- it was baoaui ' of toa frigid was forced down while searching 0 0 0 per hearing. It, would be un­ and fatally injured, his companion m ib t epems to be leatol to fair, however, to euggeet toat hla ed by toe recent law. Including toe iM e n d i o t to' World War veteran tamparature, laaa than p e rio n a for Paul Lohl:, 2 1 , reported mining 'ft&d ViiriDE. :fl^:|a tiSto to: diflaa more olaarly 6 0 0 only lervloe to toe state was to Varoai Soondo, 1 8 . aald, by a hit famlllee of affected forelgnera toe ■aid Coionel MoRenien had been wara to toa^atadlum where Gene to a boat off Canaveral, apparently and run driver while walkixtg on the The oom nfittetfW d .tt fltot||(%. I the Ibdetal maoblnary o f public hearingi. He Waa employed new law will force perions to employed tor niw l y a y e a r and Tunney and Jack Dempaey draw drifted ashbre by aid of toe wind and 4 0 ,0 0 0 7 - ileya to a "morfitoriwn w here th e o n Ju n e , and Mayor Walker pe* Weatoigue road in Simsbury. Scondo leave Iitanbul. pressed toe opinion financial dlfflonl- m o ra th a n persons to see tid e . 1 8 aearat to phyritefl aeljin of govemaent be- 100,000 signed on September . If we as­ laid .toe automobile had green Opnuneroe Suffers them fight ' The crew :? remained aboard toe 1 tlei .were reaponeible tor hla aot. vantlcfn, luob aa'hha aotoi tdn^fot aald a t sume' that ha li entitled to a lloenae platee. Turkish commerce has suffered as- There were deven clubs In line to plane all toght. Commander McQaoQ |5 0 0 Colonei Mogens . Jens Mogensen, Mogeneen left aeveral’Botea. One propCMsd,” but held that day tor each public hearing at Al­ a reifUlt of the bar against for­ for oloaar toe Broad atreet parade where ■aid, a&^ .ptaied it onto toa'.beach World W ar veteran, graduate of toe of them was unsealed but neither venoon has to to'ifintolatafl llr. b a n y , and 1 1 00 a day tor Incidental eigners. But Muetapha Kemal made gave any Indication aa. to toe motive. place with maohaatea] PfoaldaBt and formerly there were 2 5 . T w d v e whan It came ashore. advlci given to toe governor, and Arm y War college and commander dubp had dedded to 'Join toe McCann aald toe radio mesaage to o f the 162nd 'field artillery. National toe change with hie ejrei open, he In a brief he asked that Ueut Pnialdant Hoover aald ‘ we 'auume that ..he spuit all hla realised toat the rug industry and Col. George J. Seboen, chief of tfia word to toa volumaa: . O o v a m o r Stadium piageant . him did not ptste toe extent of dam- worklzig days from Jims 13 to Sep­ guard, shot himself through toe ba toUowad Danite toe odd, a lawe crowd dge to the plane, but he aald lt to head In. ah office to the Qolfe Street the exporM&g u o Importing trgde Panbury- police and second In com­ talk sMlgned to te m b e r 1 . to arduous labor on the to Iitanhul’i large trane-shlpment mand of toe nd field , artillery be t t r , Rooaavalt aald, lined B r ^ atreet as toe Mew Year dfeated ‘‘lir vm rppretty ■ badly' broken Walker case, he would atlll be en­ armory to Na^ Haven. 182 to Inqtofe into' bustoesa wduld dleappear tem M rari- notified of bli death. The .other.un­ it fan to OM to auo- parade passed by. One fanw organ- u p ” titled to only | 18 , 00|() initead of D r..M . M . . Scarbrough, medical reauit la ifhtol who had aat a liatlon, toe Charles Klda, Club, was The . plane did not succeed to lo­ f S E ^ . X X X examlptr, said he had fired the. ihot ly, but saltL It was. hls .‘deure. . to sealed note was addreiced to Cep- InstaiHtlto catow fbiiidad OB unaeineh ef- to toa proosadon, with Its kings and cating .M ng,' whose home was at oltliena of New York hav^ a prohebly some time Saturday night teach Turks* how h to handle their tain Robert C. Rloe of New London, our •M tol''*trilcitfl( m i a .kaiB uBdaratanding of prinoee, downs and other fan­ Vero. Beach and Blceborougb, Qa double grievance agatoet Governor altooygh toe bo^ .was not found own commerce. his adjutant. ” Thls^atu


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARV 2, PAGE TWO CARBON MOUNTAIN REV. AND MRS. ERICKSON s u m E u o m LEHMAN ASSUMES GIVES COSMOPOLITANS c:;- PRESEENT LEAVES ABOUTTOWN I OBITUARY 1 RULES FOR NEW YEAR CONTINUES WATCH NIGHT HOSTS Miai Marjorie Klrke of Yar­ THE GOVERNORSHIP $ iBUrtfilRf Pwfrim At Bmflu- FLOiODA FOR HOME mouth, Nova Scotia, la tha guaat m DEATHS 3 Rev.. Chsrlei C. Noble In In- Celebrfttdi Nfw .Yea a Mlaa Carol Watarbury of Main gpirstionai Address Before Loud Exploiion — nri Chureh Stturdty Night— atraat. John Zerwer Club Lost Friday. SlUU Follokra; nikitriU d U etarw. ad» Werk For P«ailM i A wadding brealcfaat waa aarvad |Pre«dent-ElM Roomelt John Zerwer, 76 yaara of age, died , Kmit I. Brlricioo of ■!»«• SaturdAy afternoon -at hia home, Mrs. Raymond BumhnnT pr> , ' ' ("i.miAi,, Coll,., .>'»n . > ^ondulMNiM Day Fidiing at Tba Brigham, Baat Canter atraat, ,f\ ohureb,* i m M » B oji iaH Thw Trifii 213 Highland atrtet. Highland Park, at tba maatlM of tba C^' ;nop<.i’, . ( MmuHflli, ih,- Mlit lird.,c Saturday morning for Mr. and Mra. ,.r ’ vith in'ir its jv, 1. .<); loOowlBf a euatom thoy Louia R. Hamper of Springfield and and Al Smith Alio Take following a brief illnaaa df heart club a t tba eJantar eburci> ^ <>,. ExpeditioD —* (Srco Great ".ui.jif, t'U't -; fii< o ff bav< H.u wOMfuUy oarriod w t Mlaa Maria L. Burgaaa and Fred trouble. Mr. Zaru'ar bad bean a raal- Friday afternoon and -> ^ tbrU’ ^ nor paftertte Ifi Offoago. CueofllMa dant of tbia town fof tba paat 80 Hood aarvad aa boateff. i«>ti guasi wlili a vMUg, Harper, brldaamaid and Fred Har­ Part In Ceremony. About 8 o’clock ffunday momlnff, lovU' i tbo pari^iloM of BfiM m per, W man. Mra. Harper waa t^ yaara, being employed y y Cut aalter w m tba Rev. C ba^ C. okurob to a wtteh*Blfbt aorvloa ' Sandoif. a loud cxplosten w m fdliowod a Brotbara tha greater part of that >ble, p a lte r o f tha F irst l ^ t h ^ NiwYtv'iBva. ’Tboriq^w M fa a ttla ,' J(Nb f — (A F )— f^miMr Mlaa Corrina B. Burgaaa of elldo of 860*fcot of a scetlon of the Storra. Tha wadding waa p ^ o r ^ time. Ha ia aurvivad by hia wlfaiwbo alit oburob, Hartford. His iaiplra- “Youth Cotew" If lifittte hM m §f» Aaaambly Chamber, Albany, N. ttenal talk waa partioularly am o* ountaln 1604eot high. Sulphur ^ Aboard Praiident Hoovar's Train in St. Mary*a church, Coventry at 10 waa Mlaa Carrie Porter. a itart tewani ki(8plMf th® «ltr* Y., Jan. 2->(A P)f- Colonel Herbert Ha waa a member of Xing David priate to tba New Year. Me atrase- lumcs Increased m terw ly, adding o’clock Saturday morning. rength to the belief an limted c m eeetibsiBl of henwlfiie bapfl fiipyp M Route to Washiofton, Jan 2 ^ H. Lehman waa formally inaugu­ Lodge, of Odd Fattowa of tbia town. ad the iraporU^e of folloudng the irjd do^ In the earth If providing dsiT!S!ic.r:^sis& (AP)—Coaaludtof a NaUu^y dab- Conmany O wiirraauma tha regu­ rated aa governor of New York to- Funeral aarvicaa will be held Tuaa- follewlag mice: “Leeing Nlf in the fioni arinte bOd flM. ' di^ in tba unpracadantad praaanea day afternoon at two o’clock, from laifcr lue;’’ second, to “Find abme th sm u fii for the dlsturbanos, J '& i , inc an^tioD, tba Praiidant and lar weakly driUa at tba armory tbia Tbo gulob bolew.Ctrbon Meuntalfi M n. iSover and thalr fuaate wwa of two of bla dlatlnguiebad pradaeaa- V'atkina Brotbara and burial will be causa or aema oi^aot greater thaa .jayoutbf wMdari evening at 7:80. aalf,” and “8a your age.’’ Xo ox* hM fllted to a dopOi of about 76 fsot •paadlac iwiftly northward today laora, Praaidant-alact Rooaavalt M d in tba Baat camatery. Rev. J. S. plainod that oartMn tmago ihould with beuldsrs and dirt, PusWng up tory of a olook wblob w m on ^ after laaviBf PMm Baaob, Fla., at Due '-to tba holiday, tba m atel^ Alfred B. Smith. Neill, paator of St. Mary’a ,cbureb, ofMnst tho side of anoteor'moun* of tba Home Buildara aoclaty 'Tba brief axareiaa brought Rooaa- will offietate. M Mttlad whan a parson roaohM a teUtloA aad wMeh bo brought waltewVfbbljgffoB V*46'A b >.' given age, after ii^ b they should tain, Savaral bundrad apactatora wavad acbadulad for thia evening at tba valt and Smith tt^athar to pay bln from gwodea.^t w nnar^T^ not try , to go bMk to childish All day Sunday and Sundap night, tlnopteoo wM O oirt^ bad bdan is Mr. and Mra. Hoover farawall at South Matbodlat church will bo tribute to Lehman whoaa political rumblings oontinuod itnd ayalanchsi aaplrationa lead to the reunion of things, Again “Take stock of Iclf' hlirftelly for maw r » r t . ftev. Palm Baaeb and a nafro atrlnf band om itted. fU N E R A U wsro noted, Tho sxploslvi Now two aerated by ibair praaidantlal tako a bstf hour every day for your Brioaon than w«4.tbi^^atery^ popular UinM Year grpstlng w m ascribod by John Cappallo baa returned to hia ambitiona. Once again tbay called worriM Md than * be dona with Otbar Wlaa Ma»” wblob w m - Wua* a polite aaeort tba J»aaj* ^ gsolMBts.toA'iPM pocket. trattd by alldoa. -Rofroabnonte^d home, 118 North Slim atraat, from each other ”A1” and “Frank" aa gamiiel Blaekteaii them, “Regard your Job creative* party motored from tba Sail- ly;’’ It la you- cbanco to make a ...... years ago, a Coal nfiaa w m a aootel parted MtewM alter wWeb tba Hartford boapltat where ha re­ tbay did whan Smith turned over ’The ftmaral of Commasdaat flam*^ f l S avm in Palm Baaeb wbieb b ^ contribution to life, and finally, “To worked in Carbon Mountain, hut tbh all pioaont want to tbo oburob auf^ cently underwent an operation fw the State government to Rooaavalt uel Blackman of Provldanoa, R. I„ / baan>ite llabUm baadquartera for tba Keep Your SenM of Humor.* n in e w m a1>afldoBad w ksfi g M be* tortem for a a ^ aorvlca to Wal- appandicitla. Ha la making rapid four yaara ago. a forniar eommoadlng officer of tna past aevaral daya, eroaeac tba Lana eana so thlek that fuftbar work w m cone tba If aw Yittr. donatikl spaM prograaa toward recovery. Tba inauguration, uaually gay and local Salvation Army Corpa, w m Wort brldfa, and cama to tba Ftori,- held Saturday afternoon in the M - daiiffaroaa.' and ehfb' fodmfi// da'Baat Coaat Railway atation Joyoua and alwaya colorful, waa' made aolamn by tha death of Mr. vation Army, ' Rrovidanca. T^ haf«t wbara It waa mat by railway Public acbool aeaalcna ware ra- LUTHER LEAGUE FLANS tea. o ifM ^ aumad hare today following the Lahman’a aiatar who waa buried aarvicaa ware largely att^ad by BAR ASSOOATION yaatteday. A Itmchaon and tba uaual Salvationiste from Pawtucket, Prov­ “ pMwHHdted’’ bM dted for Jut tbay boarded tba train tba Cbriatmaa vacation. In moat caaaa TURKEY TO OUST recaption ware cancelled. ldanoa and South Manehaater, rapto- card and g i fiUMr*®®! W k. Cute. Xxacutiva and Mra. Hoover attendance waa reported to ^ near­ NEW YEAR MEETINGS ly normal although aotba of tlw cbll- Capitol Crowded aanting tba three laat oorpi wuob ' FILESITS REPORT abobk *«*"<*■ cordially with Captain Tha Capitol crowded and ao toe dacaaaad offlcar commanded Ib a y n Harman Gray, flablnf a^rd u d “There la No “The .costs of preparation of any —are in my judgment rightly ask-^ It is time likewise tot closer con­ man; July 21, outing at Columbia Loomis; social committee, iiister ,th.’’ Mrs. Jennie Abom, the picture are one of the greatest lake, music committee, 'Eva John' ing both structural changes and Items. 'A cancellation of the con­ tacts between toe President and the Washington, Jan. 2.—(AP)— Hill, MariOfl Hin, Raymond Storrs, _ organist, accom panied, hiini. son, chairman, and mission commit toe elimination of upneoessary per­ tract now ‘would mean that Para­ governors.” ' , Speaker John N. Gamer has settled Mkrion SMawj .murio committee, C. B. Mosley playied two piano tee, Albin Johnson, chairman; sonnel and of wmecasaary fupo- m ount w ill not g et the Dlutjtrlcb p ic­ toe question of resigning an office Mrs. A. M. Sha^; Mrs. A. J. Vinton; iumhfra, Miss pet^' Woodruff August 4, lawn social, all commit­ tions,” he said. missionary committee, Mrs. ^ n ^ to the 'cello accompanied by ture It has already paid her for. By he does not hold. ' ,• As he Mtared upon his speech, reason of her refusal, the company JAPS AND CHINESE •The Texap was elected to toe tees; August 18, pre-convention Austin, Mrs. G. B. Kingsbury, Mrs. ^ jOuIm Burr and Mies Lucille meeting, publicity committee, Erik toe PreSidert-ele.t said, “thdiu IS 5-r-‘ has been burdened by an accumu vice presidency and to , toe next Gilbert Storrs; flower committee, .jwn played on the piano. Modean, chairman; September 13, another reaacm why I' rejoloe today Marion ShaW; Mrs. A. G. Anderson, lated loss of over 1200,000. Congress simultaneously In Novem­ Plentgr of. aotojarii: ^ Those who greeted .the. guests in IN HEAVY FIGHTING straw ride, social comiuittee, in the pri.vilege of tal^i^ part In Ruth Vintbfl, Mrs. Bryan Hall; fln- eluded Mrs. John PiddeS, Miss Ger- “We had hoped that the Academy ber. There has been some question toe inauguration of my long time thia tala of Slit’ I of Motion Picture Arte and Sciences of whether he can fesign as repre­ Rudolph Johnson, chairman; Sept aime cmmnlttee, A. M. Shaw, Gteorge ide Carrier; M rs. Leslie H ardy, ember 29, summer echoes, library friend and colleague. I shall have a tii China. would have been permitted to arbi­ sentative because hC has not taken Kingsbury, Eva Koehler, Mrs. A. J. „ Ruth Benedict, Mrs. G. H. Wil- (Continued From Page One) committee, Ruth Johnson, chair­ friend in Albany'and, ho will have trate this matter, but Miss Diet­ Vinton. ' ON THE BjMjMl W Mrs. Sidney Wheaton and Mrs. toe oath, man; October 6, harvest supper, a friend in WMbington.” Mr. and Mrs. Russell Martifl and ... R. Rheel. Ladies who poured rich’s, refusal has'forced us to resort ing northeastward toward Shanhai- “Ive put it up to, toe authorities to the oourte for ‘.iterpretatlon of decorating committee, Svea Lind­ The next President, after spend'.^ son, TerrwiCe, spent Saturday eve­ ivere Mrs. Theodore Bidwell, Miss Irwan to reinforce Chang Hsiao- in Texas,” Gamer said today as he r o m a n c e * our legal rights for the recover of berg, chairman, and flower commit­ ing his first day aa a private citizen ning with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mary Hutchison, Mrs....D. C. Y. Liang’s regulars who apparently, made public a letter of resignation at Hyde Park, motored to toe In- losses svqgateed because of ' her to Governor Ross Sterling. He said tee, Viola Larson, chairman* Moore,' Mrs. G. B. Willis, Mrs,«rred were hoidi^ toe waUed city against October 20, Middletown, and East augufatioa Accompanying him failuto to coihply with her contract." he hoped that it Would be accepted ''^M^'and'Mrs. WoUace McXplght Robinson, Mrs. Arthur Illin|^vMrs. the Japanese attack. Hamjpton, finance committee, Herb­ were his mother. Mrs. James Rodse- motored to Coventry last we4k. ' Six months ago the German One Japanese officer was reported so a successor oould be elected be­ Harold P^ton, Miss Mary Chap­ actress became a storm center of ert Johnson, chairman; November velt, his wife, and Miss Nancy Cook Mrs: McKnight will remain with man, Mrs. Edna Case Parker, Mrs to have been klUed leading a party fore March 4. 3, Hallowe’en social, music commit­ of Hyde Park, a long tUfle family toe studio when she and her director which attempted to storm the walla His letter of resignation dated Mf. and Idrs. George MMk|ell and ■t'- i RiQrmond St. Laurent. Joseph von Sternberg walked out in tee, Eva Johnson, Chairman; Nov­ friend, Mr. Roosevelt returns to Mr. ' McKfllght returfled to his W ith The young ladles who served were o f Shanhaikwan a fter toe ga^eSi December 31, 1882, follows: Hyde Park today. a disagreement over a script^ "My Dear Glovemor Sterling: - ember 17. annual meeting, camp home in Pefinsylvaflla this morning. MIm Naomi Foster, Miss Frances haul been Closed. > committee, Leonard Johnson, chair- The reports indicated that the fir­ Mr. and Mrs. Wrttht Gledden Joan Rowe, Mrs. Ray Warren, Miss Em "I hereby tender to you my reslg PM p U » ing was desultory on Sunday night: nation as a member-elect to toe malb December 1, Portland and visited Mr. and Mrs. ^ erett \ ma Strickland ( Miss Gladys Kletrie, Cromwell, athletic committee, Sher­ •eorets cf-Oenteai '^aris! • an^ this morning. Manebukuo po­ National House of Representatives iM t week. Mlsa'Marion Burr, Mies Marjorie SWINDLER IS ARRESTED wood .Anderson, chairman; Decem­ LARRY FAY SLAIN lice and the Japanese troops at toe for toe Seventy-third Congress, toe Wednesday evening the North Burr, Misa Doria Muldoon. Miss Mar- ber 16, Christmas party, lookout railway station exchanged fire with term of which commences on Coventey Community orcheetra will ■a5BBS?5S55^B®' jOrla MTddbon, Miss Emily House, committee, Helge Pearson, chair­ Opening epteode « “ft* thrlHlk(8( too Chinese troops in toe walled March 4, 1938. My election aa vice BY HIS DOORMAN put on a concert at the Coventry Hiss Laura Houae. Miss Lois Howe. man, and Junior committee, Ida Erie, Pa., Jan. 2.— (AP)—James city, but with toe arrival of rein­ president of the United States 'Orange HaU.. Miss Hazel Driggp '■wiai ■ Miss Emily Smith- Anderson, chairman. Leffingwell, alias Ralph Benson, 43, forcements for > bbUv sides toe makes it impossible lor me to qual­ and Chester Shields will also take, “THE LAST FROM Tli^ ^ The church committee in charge (Continued from Page Une) pari In the program. of Buffalo, N. S., is somewhat of a fighting spread and became heavier. ify as a member of the Seventy ojt the open house arrangem ents Was Saturday the , Home Bconomlcsf contortionist. The war office here confirmed;re- third Congress. to follows: Mrs. J. A. Irvine, Misa But, police say, he performs his Maloney’s 8100 a week salary tp 860: committee of Coventry Orange No. Helen Carrier, Mrs. Fred Carpenter. porta of the fighting but declined to "I submit my resignation at this TOWN STAYS QUIET in order to take on anotbes doorman' "stunt” by violating toe law—that eHtlmate Ita extent or toe posaibillty time so you may take such action 78, P. of H. win serve a supper tor ~~rs. Lucius Foster, Mrs. James he dislocates his shoulder and col­ at 840. Shortly after 8:30 o’clock the directors of the ’Tollafla coi ihnston, Mrs. David McComb, Mrs. of toe spread of hostilities. as you deem proper to select my lects money under false pretense's.' Rengo correspondents at Peiping last night, while cleaners were, Farm. Bureau, ^ond St. Laurent and Miss Mar- successor that he may qualify by ON NEW YEAR’S EYE straightening up the disarray of the C. C. Qrandolpb of Buffalo, Nickel and Tientsin said Chang Hsiao- Miss Margaret BUiott of Man March 4to next. club’s New Year* celebration, Ma­ ^ ret Russell. Plate railroad claim a^ent, swore Liang’s generals went into hurried Chester visited' her aunt Mrs. John "With kindest personal regards; loney appeared and began an argu­ out a warrant for Leffingwell. The conferences. General Hochukuo, (Continued from Page One.) Kingsbury iMt, week, t o d a y commumder of toe Chinese garrison I am ment with Ills employsr. Miss Corh Kingsbury student of TOlSKXtBOW accused man must face toe Feb­ "Sincerely and cordially yours, Fivsv shots followed, all but one AUTO V IC nM DIES ruary Grand Jury in Eri« oi\ charg­ at Shanhaikwan who was at Peiping "(Signed) JOHN N. GARNER.” Manchester people, it is evident toat the Connecticut Agricultural college yesterday, hurried back to hia post the big majority celebrated the^c- finding their mark in tha man who will resume her studies Jan. 3. I es of obtaining money under false bad ridden around town for ysai j >n pretenses. Orandolph said he paid early this morning. casion either in private homes here Miss Gladys. Orcutf, teacher in Authoritative quarters were not or in public places out of town. a specially constructed bulletproof Mlddletovm knd Miss Eva Roehler, Waterbury, Jan. 2.—(AP)—Wil- Leffingwell 8260 damages in March automobile. for a "faU” in Conneaut, Ohio. certain whether this fighting might SEES RED DICTATOR ' With toe comifig of toe New Year tsacheir In Mansfield, wW rw tm to sm Anewalt, 27, of Allentown, Pa., be a prelude US general hostilities Manchester loses its beautiful Once a FoUeomaa their respective schools Tuesday jid today in a hospital of inuries Police dlaiip Leffingwell makes a Fay began as a policeman^ but he along toe Jehol border^ or only an­ Christmas electric light decorating Offered In an auto accident. practice of appearing in public didn't iaat lon g on to e force. HiS: other local Incident. IF SOCIAL FORCES which baa been in effect along the rehearsal wUl be held at the ' His auto plunged down an em- places, faking a fall from a weak night life career started when he chair, throwing his shoulder out of business section. There were many home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ipngs hju^ment when it failed to make a made a race track “killing” in 1018 bury Friday evening. . nharp turn early yesterday. Edith place and collecting damages. In­ ARE NOT ADJUSTED reports of another appearance of and turned most of the proceeds vestigators said he worked toe MILITARY BOARD Manchester’s mysterious .woman Board 6f trustees of toe Second Mamey, 28, his companion, suffered Into a taxicab business. A few Congregational church meet Bbraaions and bruises. “racket" in Corry, Pa., Ashtabula, stabber but police found no reports months ago he sold 200 ot his cabs (Continued from Page fine) aiitoenic. It was noticeable that Friday evening at toe home of i AneWalt waa employed aa a sales- and Lorain, 0„ and Angola and TO PROBE SUICIDE for $5 apiece because he said he Charles Christensen. The Mmuel; saan and w m toe guest of Dn Louis fewer women are walking home Warsaw, N. Y. could not afford to maintain them. church meeting vill be held at Jhrdan. His father Winiam A. Ane- curring and where major efforts alone late at night, especially in the Although his various activities should be undertaken to deal with Chapel Hall, Jan. 9. proprietor of a haberdashery (Continued from Page One) east side section of the town, reputed to have netted him hun- . and his mother came here late IS NOT THE MAN them constructively." ‘dreds of thousands, Fay died James M. Quinn were named to toe The members of too committee are nlghf when they were notified virtually penniless,, in the opinion of d r o w n s i n l a k e military board of inquiry by Brig. Dr. Wesley C. MltcheU, professor of NOTED SPORTSMAN DIES their son was near death. Torrington, Jon. 2— (AP) —John Police Commicsloner Edwsrd P. ^Anewalt suffered a fractured Sarria, arrested in Schenectady, N. General William F. Ladd, adjutant economics, Columbia University, St. Petersburg, Fla., Jan. 2.— Mulrooney. He wm made a partner Peterborough, Ont., Jan. 2. Y„ for blackmail several days ago general. chairman; Dr. WUllam F. Ogbum, William ’Ihompaon, propri- Horace C. Hurlburtt, 70, prominent of toe Ciuia Blanca nigbLolub, ecrixe (AP)— and thought to be Charles Costa, A large sealed envelope found on professor of sociology, University of of the killing, recently because ot otor ot the Mount Jufian summer wanted In Torrington for toe mur­ his desk was -addressed to Miss , director of research; Dr. Westport, Conn., sportsman and a bis large following. hotel, was drpwned and his wife and He boUt an ^^tea oa a der of Patsy Strano in 1928, is not (Gertrude Montgomery of this city. Charles K. Merrlam, professor and leader of the Patrons of Husbandry, three grandchildren had narrow es­ •n'ahaart.naAtliriwU aft;, National farming organization, died With a record of 48 arrests. Fay's Costa, Chief William E. Nevin an­ She could not bo reachqfl. chairman of toe Department of Po­ criminal docket was clear of felony capes from death, when toe motor other wotoan’a with 1 Peraonal Notices nounced following a trip to Officials said Mogens^n’a affairs litical Science, University of Chica­ yesterday at his winter home here in the fashionable North Shore sec­ convictions, the charges against him truck in which they were driving Schenectady today. were in order and expressed toe be­ go; Dr. Howard W. Odum, director across toe frozen surface of Stoney BGBB DANtBli tion. He was spending his tenth bsvi^ been confined mostly to lief tLat suicide was correct. of toe Institute for Research In So­ Lake, crashed through the loe and AUNR^IEARAN winter here and had been in the city minor violations. His most notori­ CARD OF THANKS Colonel Mogensen and his wife cial Science, University of North ous arrest waa in connection with safik. near HeCraoken'e landing. 12 r-f* With to Shank our (rUnds and MAYOR’S 61BBBAOE only four weeks. NeYTs* C were divorced a year ago. She said Carolina; Dr. Alice ilamilton, of the toe alleged loose milk trust, in mUes\north of here today. kiahbors tor,kindness shown to us that as far as she knew hia only Harvard School o f. Public Health; Survivors besides tho wlfiow. In­ •( too time of tho death of ,our Torrington, Jan. (AP) —"A wbio^he waa acquitted. Th0aq)so>^ had owned the hotel nother, Mrs. Bllsabeth MoCann. TVs survivor was hls.,father in Copen­ and Shelby M. Harrison, general di­ clude bis mother, Mrs. Cornelia D. season’s greeting to all and a sin­ urlburtt, Westport; two ststsu, Fay, who was ip his forties, was ould also thank all those who epn- hagen. rector of toe Russell Sage Founda­ oreimed with having started the ^SMMTlrompaoo of Long Island Ibatod fiowort and donated t^lr cere hope that 1988 will be more tion. Edward Eyre Hunt is execu­ Srs. F. C. Colley, New Haven, , We would eepeolally thank The prosperous than 1982,” Is toe new Mogensen was formerly produc­ first modem night-oluh In Manhat- is a daughter. tion supervisor at the plant of the tive secretary. Conn., and Mrs. Helen Hlllyer, New Efforts are being made to recover IMSA A tm . years sentiment eimressed today by York City, apd one brother. Fred W. tan, with Texas Gulnan as toe -CAtxHtatsavAC Sargent and Company. He was 44 The Rockefeller Foundation toe body. Mayor Ernest E. Nflvey of Torring­ i Hurlburtt. Oakland, Cal. hostess. ^ ■ l a B a n m n ____bKRRBTT. years old. financed toe project. a n d iilti. Buaa FRY. ton. i , i ' ;'v v 'v t. ■ "'■.; " • ‘ • .'.*•• • • »'/ . ■' ,. *. •'.'1


Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d , s o u t h Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n N m m o n d a v .^^j^ ^ t ^ . f i - i «Bd Wotoeh in ths bungalow when awiir; robbers-fiOO weeks ag6, has returned to. bis home the frtir holdup men entered just loot,they souibt'',;'J aged TO from toe Rodkvllie q ty Hospital. He a W ia0D.0to.. m ’ W * d exMD,: suffered concussion of the brain and bsfors sunriss New Year’s dlture of 1200,000 would provide had lacerations about the face and They forced their way thrtui^ a presmt showed ifiy^*dirtre',to. more adequate aid to aged cltiaene heed.. * /. door .as others stood on guard outr now being aielited and isdnoh needed cuss the figh t, I Llohs Club Meeting side, .th* Club is situated in an Iso­ Folios said thrt 0] aid to many who are in dlatreie but The Rockville Lions Club will To n e OF REPORT ae yet have received no aartatanoe. lated section near the iMaldw c**y had talifn ihcet at toe Rockville House on Negro JumoB ;FrQi9(«'f^ljr poekets. If, the old age relief act were to Wednesday night at 6:06. There line, r ■ . ^ Include cltlaena aged 65 and over MESSAGE OF MAYOR Forces Cpfifitablo-.Tf, Shea was shot, polios Prtd, m he w’ li be dlimer follbwed by a meet­ Two Othen Injured By Hold- -X- with 6 yeara’ reaidence It w q ^ ing. At this meeting a list of Him Away.' - •: vTV'V' swung at one of toe_ irthers. .. Jt does seem that toe Stee Conmistion O p ^ d cover about 9,200 peraona and* would TO RE READ T O p H T names will bs presented by a com- R ib h ^ l was idued d u ^ eh^ coat about 11,800,000 per dHnum for ' ■ r r.',; produces a stabUlser -. to lolttee, who are to be favored as be­ tip! Men Who F)eo Whhont suing fight Torpery- w#s roU out of ocean beneflta and 825,000 fcr cwtral ad­ coming members of the olub. A NewhaU, (iaUt, and sevstal others To Lepdidien' ;Vhich ministration. Town taxes eventual­ The death from p guqjmrt eblo to take the squirt-oUi' rt^ Annual Meeting of Council To membership drive will be conducted Lobt.: in toe melee that <2* ■grapefruit ly wOuld' not be very much affected Be Hdd In Build­ during toe coming weeks.. Plans for JuUus Green, 2tiye)^oid; negro of toe holdup .men, all of whom got ' while state taxea'would Incwaae the annual Ladles’ Night will also known as toe '^'Junebqg’’ bad,i^tteh Reduces about 8916,000 whlqh amdtmt It la ing At 7:30 P. M. be discussed. believed would be offset to tte extent — I— Ndtes ^ final cbapter,today of ih)^ n < ^ '* Revere, Mass., Jan. 2.—(AP)— of aboTit 8800,000 through t^e MlW The message 6t Mayor A. '*’1. Union church memoers are asked apeotacular estaiio ,froin a .^ n , hie PoUce lacked toe sUgbtest of clues M n * report of. the ^mnecUcut afforded to private,charity and Indl- Waite to be read at the meeting of to meet at toe church bn Wednes­ imbsequent. kidnaping of a eohstable 'd^M iaaioa appointed In May, 1981, U jm lB. today in toelr search for toe four the city council in Memorial build­ day morning at 9:80 to J.2 o'clock to and a gun battle-between .toe| npgw ...... to investigate the subject of old age Probably local taxes wc^d be iit- sew garments for the Rockville boldUp -hen who shot and MUed me ing this evening will be of special Chapter, American Red Cross. If It w d deputy sheriffs. ^ man, critically wounded anot.er ^jttWWiU'oe ^ ? b e submittedauiwiiw to«« the tie affectk ^ If at all. Qjjggt W eIn added part interest ta the people of Rockville. la inconvenient for some of . tos Green was. being taken tq Los‘ Anr w d .badly Dear a third during Itfntnrt at the J^glnnliv ^ Jy toe wJucUon In toe euma now The message will be given at 7:8(^ women to attend, sewing can he geles from Folsom prison, ta.-etgna New Yearis bungalow dance. o’clock after the head of the city taken home. tolal for murder whimke, escapjea Mike Rlchardl, 40, . of Braintree, Partla rt I Ineliides toe “ I jociationa and individuals ' for toe administers toe oath of office to George Walnwright has been cop- from Deputy Sheriff Henry’M* e ooiklualonB and. the aUgedly one of toe proprietors of fv 'jJ care of these aged, Indigent per two alderpien and three council- fliisrt to his home on Grove street by ^ n on the train'near'Mojave yes­ t h e 'y ahd 'A ’’ club, .Was killed as ,t l ^ o f toe commission. men. The council now has 11 Re­ iUnpsB the past few days. terday. ' , two scote dancing couples clattered RESQLVES .to giv^ ; n ; toe ^raport of the dtrSetpr publicans and one Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petschke of The negro' surprised Cons^bl^ aefpss^the 'floor, of. -toe Isolated IS survey c^ old age dependency : The Republicans made a clean Bloomfield are in tois city today, at­ Truman Hamilton of Miajove, (moved North, Revere bungalow. trons, the Woifteh of ' ;■ relUef. inoludfM 'the eta,tlstlcal tending the funeral of William sweep' at the last city electloh. The Denison's pistol into toe officer's ribs Walter Shea, 28, of Malden, I in toe appendix. and iconstt- past year has been one of many Koenig. and forced him tb drive at full jipeed the b a ^ for the oommlaalon’s | PREDiaTHEEND MiSs Gladys Nettleton has re whom, police said was a guest, was and vicinity 'the sian^ ‘ - prOblemis for the members of toe toward Los Angeles. ^ shot- and wounded in’ toe stomach. iyalQns and' ratommendatlons. w city ebunoil, it being necessary to turned to her duties In New-York, is aipnmy Included a ssunple census I aftei visiting with her parents, Mr.' But a 'machine'load- -of- deputy He was taken to the. Massachusetts ed beauty sem ce: ■ifr. use the strictest economy. sheriffs, walked of the escape and Qenered h o^ ta l in Boston, -where ,._-jpersoiM 65 and over; a 0F 1 In spite of toe fact that this is a and Mrs. Francis S. Nettitop of Tal- almshouses, toe licensed | cott avenue. . ; • kidnaping, awaited him St toe' toouth bis condition was critical. the year 193? thdt has,ina.d€^-‘^he. legal hoUday, the meeting will be of Mint Canyon, 36 ndles ’nbsth' of (’ .Another guert, William Torpery, , hftihoi and the. endow^ homes in h«d tonight;. becau*« the city .char­ Mr. ahd Mrs. Charles B. Robinson and a;study of toe various and daughter Sylvia are spending here, on toe only roacl leading tp Ikis 26, of Malden; was taken to toe Ma­ »M ter specifies'timt the meeting shall Angeles. Greb“ opepod f??" Beauty Nook - M ahche$t^^ of outdoor rc^ef in exlst- be held on that day of to e week. some time with Mrs. Robinson’s par­ plewood hospital In , Malden, his Seyenteen States Already ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Thomas Of ing the officers ahd forced Hamiltod bead'split open by a blackjack. , It was .announced today that pro­ to tipm his automobile around m ost popular be^utjr shop. . crijiinmiaslon la unanimous in vision made. In .toe council Prospect street. Police said there were 40 men lijkmeluslona and recommendS' With the officers in pursiiit in a Have Radfieddib Amend-^ chamber for cltisens to attend the ; ' , , . Signed, . „ : 7 . ■ ; iM t Is opposed to any leglsla- \ > meeting tonight. running gun battle, tos copstablp •V tiw wMeh would reduce toe Individ- Fewer Biiths Last Year leaped'from his speddlng m a i^ s ment— Others To Follow. and this deputies mureid a/vqll^ bf . MABY ^LIZABB'l^’SBASTllii^ ruiirs sense ci rec^cmslbUity to sup­ In a checkup of toe births ahd Overnight t'i' port bis famUy and pro- marriages In the town of Vernon lead Into toe fu ^ v e ’b car. 'Thte Seme fonnule • • rtme ptitt. U T^fcirol|ai But it Is convinced for toe past year, It has been learn negro feU mortally \y Saturday moming on go forward. (■,' to agree to toe ohiags, because, of charges of violating toe rules of . • V I; diolded that ^.,>f6,f ^ s of Nebltoska long ago yU ■ »;rr>...... ', ParSdudcally' the 'C6n|toss''''find tole e latter wai_go- .11. dne 'person he not In drlveway. Both Concord, N. H .-The eMUgural __ per week. President who come In with! the address of Oovemor Wlneat wiU be fie eurvey of toe aged po^tum change are its oUef viotlms. The oars were datnaged. K aibiw was S placed under.bondi dwaiUng broadogit Wednesday at 8:16 p. rti oom M onilve and I present *‘lame duok"tOi^freM and and his Inaugural at 12:80 p. m., ' 1 rial. bs'lw wadm Bo- noiidont Hoover emmot be otfeoted 'Thursday. Hi ['’d -w f wv pgggrtnBBB of how soon toe amtod- WUHam KoenlgV and moBt li approved, ' If It Is ratified WlUlam Koenig,x^ 68,08. ofOf 119lie i»roe- Forge Village, Maes.—One child ' * 1 , * ' ' » 41 drowns and another la rsiousd Ih a __ j, sumy lamudiiudefi 18 bOfore peteber 16 of this yoar, how- peot street, died at hie home on A chiiok-up'sbow ii'our,stock been rrtttcrtyCTy;in8teririly.slHi^/)^^^ •ttb poMitai—>tloBi .of IoVOr, too gtvoBty-*nilrd Congnii laiurday following irteral weeks’ skating aooldsnt at Forge pOnd. will be limited to only eno regular UnsM. - Death was' due to a cere Brookline, Maes.—ituperf J. Hp^ .'to XO Ofi^OB t^ ■ale. (Wdert winbe flttW^^^ta Thers wfil be no more wlwii iwere'iur- aoiiion. If ratified before the next bi^nemorihafe. Although hU ooD' son, 29. Brookline Realtor, shoots ,ih 40 towBS mm the /rurdl preoidential eloetioB; Fomklln ; D. dition was eenoue, death oame a himself fatolly In tbs prsssnos of , .R o i^ o lt will haVa hii four year ehook to members of the fairtly and hli wife after they hfd returned WernurtriiivetkeiptomakeWayioroum ACTNOWl, / W 191 tern shayOd by 48 ras Saxony, Oermanv, March 2, 1177, 66 ysara old and ever, n ie aiBOBdinent takes sflsot on lUOB. ,'.f.' the era of Wllfiam and J n a a u Beverly,. Mau.—Funeral eervloee aaeuned sblrtlules from 10,1 toe October l^ s ft r ratifloatlon. Xt KdMif. ' He has lived In Rockville ,gj^j^rsrr.«,uj provides that Oragrass shall maet for 61 yeate. Beeldee hie wife. Mrs. are held for Bernard S. Sobnole, a , on January 8 foUowlBf, and on sabb Jennie TOuemnder Koenig, be leaves Cpast Ouardsnian attached to the ','1 tndipatas that about Januaiy 8 from than on .' son, Edmund of this city: a New London, Coiin.. , itotioh. «■/ P***®*?3W -Under present arrangsmonts the brotoar, Dr. James Koenig of Seboola died from a disease, the na­ per .omit oTthe total Seventy-Ttolrd Congress would meet rameetown. N. Y.; a sister, Mre. ture of which was not Immediately Wfif $69.6d in nOsd of asdrtano^ About k g tbsy first Monday of Doesmbsr, determined. Caries Petschke of Bloomfield. NW ''*r'!’M ' [800 rt^tofMi agad 11988, and again on toe first Monday Mr. Koenig was emplwed as ovsr Boston—Kenneth 8. Farnbam, I.pf full sue and about 0,800 of Dscembsr. 1984. - It will mast sesr at the James H. Regan Mfg. who lutrendered In Phoenix, Arir., support. Januaiw 8, 1984, mily, If tos amsnd Company for seventeen years, and two weeks ago, after being sought 1,192 p e r s ^ TO years o l d ___ msnt u ratified soon, slnee toe the fsw years was employed as by Boston authoritiea for 18 yeavs, • t, i/ovar In toe AS! I flovonty-Fouirth Congress wto take a wsaver at the Hockanum mill of arrives in cuitody of Boston oit^ 5 5 $ ^ “ f* the stage on. January;, 8, 1980. , the Hockanum Mills Company. He cere. I The Presldmit, on toe otoer hand, was a member of Fayette Lodge of Brookline, Maes.—A note plnneJ ifM age rehaf art .would not baa to loss time. Be takes Mason, Court Hearts of Oak, F. of to a post near her home resuits in Automatic le au toe March 4 of tola year as in tbs past, A., and Damor Lodge, Knights pf toe recovery by Mre. Harvey Cash­ ; ,isM o f aUglbUlty. Non-dtisens am | but whoever Is elected in November, Pythias. ' , . ^ ing, wife of toe Internationally (iB diflkl ln aU rt toa 18 itates wlto 1986, would take office January 20, The fufteral'was largely attended Model 22 Improved. j$raMO-rt|Hsnawa,'except Delaware, known brain spedallet, of a pin 1987, under the amendment. After trow hie late home on Prospec. valued at |4,0(>iD. Was 189.60. itrta resBinae eitB yaan| Is rea red the change is made, brtb CongrMs strert this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Chelmsford, Mass.—Five wooden (t o l^ w a r e ; 10 ysma^to^New York, and Premdent. will work full te rm Rev K. Otto Klette. paetor of toe ice houses and 26,000 tone of ice j * ysdrs In New Jetoey and 20 years Other Trooblee First Lutbsran eourch, officiated are destroyed by,fire. Lose wae es­ The 1987 PresldeBt, hpwever, wUI totermert wae In toe family plot at timated at f60,000. have other troubles. Up. to now a Grove Hill cemetery. ! t Vurtonnm 'itow T's^ of those I Loweil, Mass.—Eugene Demew, new President has had bis first-year Dietrirt Mnetliig In Sotaere who saw sendee with toe U. 3 ^tound------In need ^ at ^ the time of the__ .budget made up for him, and he The Jamiaiy meeting of the Navy in toe Spanlsb-American war surwysu m y were in tenvprary.tenvorary. distresedisu se without Congress Ameilcao Lemon and Its auxiliary the Boxer reoelUon, the Mexican Automatic toidy, because•eeauss oof- f ^ ,tbe .d e p depression. re s sio n , k ggjgg jh until December, unless at ‘toe fourth district has been post skirmish ■rf 1916 and toe World — of these ^**®w®***y urgent circumstances demanded poned from January to next Sun­ jwbuld not be gzaateQbenrats under|_g^gl gg jg indicated for day, January 8. The newly organ War, dies. He retired from the | Model 3.4. Navy In 1929. Ncny tan. old. age assistance., act. w w ^ Qjjg gunuuer. But from now on pew ized Romere Post and Auxiliary w ll Aldington, Mass.—C. A. Way- Was 899.50. rngUnatml that about, raeriiuarter rt ghlef executlvee will find a new Con- enterialD about three hundred mem man, trrtfic department represen­ Installed And at work on the hers of toe district. William C. Pfuhder of Rockville, district com tative of toe Boston Burea|u of the biB. fbind ineligible by the admlnls- gnanw fop the coming year. Fur- Associated Press, dies after a ^ ' : thermore that Congreas will be at mandfr. will preside. There will be a special program following the week’s lUnsss. 1, .Tfipe-- ‘8>?SS 1 liberty to stay In session as long as Boston—Ckiast Guard cutter Mo­ it wishes, up to two years.. And no meeting.' and luncheon will be served. Plans will be made for an jave reports she has taken to tow j extensive membership drive. th e. fishing trawler Patrick J O’Hara, which asked for assistance Autoiiiatic DuorDisc$ mpport Legislatures meeting tois Honoe Nnrelng Oaee Miss Mirinda Bradley, supervis with her engines disabled on ^ttonsr *x] George’s banks. Model 34 With Pump., .^tlle cost Ing beao of toe Rockville Visiting Nurse Association will teach the Providence, R. I-—Dr. James P. Was 8109.50. NOW isOns ___ Deery, an interne at St. Joseph's \for fuU support aiid -| 1 8 0 jtor I v«re,r Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Home Nurshig classes to be con ducted here under the direction of hospital, Is assigned to ambulance itiU support for a year. M&ryiand, Mliinesota, MAsourl, duty for the first time and his first .cost then of giving toe needed asslsn. Nebraska, Nevada, the Rockville Chapter. Red Cross The first class will be tois evening emergency call is to edd his 60- ^aoce to these 6,800 persons would be Mexico, North Dakota, O; yeaisold father, who collapsed in jrttogt 61 ,^ ,0 W per annum. _ South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, at 7 p. m., and toe second will be i CAxler tbs>rtate-town, system o f' held on Friday afternoon, January SL Mary’s church. The elder Deery | .1 -. Washlngtcm and Wyoming. 18. at 2 o’clock. died three hours later. . propoairt,’ half rt the cost of I Those which have not ratified but ' WoUM q>4 paid by toe state \It is the request of Mlsp Bradley which Jiave unlimited time are: that all who can arrange it so, to at­ i^haH'^l^^toe t ^ ^ which California, Colorado, Connecticut, poor pew n Is domiciled. | tend toe afternoon class, as it Will -- -> ^ ^ -4. Iowa, Kansas, Mississippi, New be difficult to take care of toe large Deaths Last Night ^ trib u ttoh Of toe rtatt womd North CarOUna. Ohio, number In the night class "s it now Attachment Ironer O k la C a , Vermont and Wisconsin. ■ttods. Copies of the tfxtbooks ar- T® The seventeen which already have rivisd here d u r ^ toe part week. Fort Dodge, la.—C. A. Roberta, !| Was 849.50. of toe om ^ ^ adii^4lra«on|ygygg^ „ g . Alabama, Arkansas, Visiting Nurses Bbsy NOW ^.aot,-' i«rt» asttnated at 64, publisher of the Port Dodge Mes­ ’ /: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Announcement has been made by senger. i ■f Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi Miss Mirinda Bradley of the Rock­ Des Moines—Mrs. George A. Jew­ New Jersey, New York, Pennsylva­ ville VMtlhg Nurse Association toat ett, 84, grandmother of Gerald A. 70 m fe i and^ver would nia, Rhode Island, South Carolina, All br«nd new stock. U p-to-date m odels with all im proveinente. • 4hrtrtbto be wmit fOwjOQO per an; those w ls ^ g the services of one of Jewett, Iowa collector of internal | Texas, Virginia and West Virginia. toe nurses should call toe office be­ revenue. .niim. •• O f. these Alabama, Kentucky, tween toe hours of 8 to 8:80 a. m„ total bust df tois relief, |1,- Stillwater, Minn.-—Charles B. j Sol? with dui^ usual .guarantee. Budget term s m ay be aw anged If djesir^ Louisiana, Mississippi, and ^^rglnia and 1 to 1:80 in the aftsmooh. It Jamieson, 71, for half a century a VjWtjiM not be an entirely have no regular session scheduled will be of great bwiefit to both toe * buiden upon toe tax logging, railroad and highway con­ for this year. public and nurses. The person call­ tractor in toe Middle West. lectlcut They are ing Should always tell hpw urgent Irtge sums for toe sup- Sidlsbuiy, Mo.—^Val H. Glester, 42, m the case Is when making the can, as editor and publisher of the Salis­ ' toe a g d poor, to addition STEAMER AGROUND serious illness will be taken care of toe rtntrlbutloBs by pUbUc char- first ’There are many cases of ill­ bury Press-Spectator. ;^itotte mime are being expended Copenhagen, Denmark, Jah, 2Q. ness In Rockville at toe present time Chicago—Strode P. Henderson, 68, ' charitable qgeiudcB^ and (AP)—-The American steamer Scan- and toe nursing staff Is busy every general manager of toe Chicago and jSU m ttto It is statw, bound for' New York with minute of toe day. Alto railroad. 7 7 3 M a i n S t . ■< i toat m^peodmiies by public passengers and freight, ran agroum - Cedric Deere Rome Blythe, Calif.—Capt. J. E. Baker, ;te rtrti on behalf of I today not far from this po:^ ^but 1; Cedric Deere, 5-year-old son of of the Third Infantiy, U. S. A., re­ Is about was expected that, salvage ^ togs tired. Mrs. Belle Deere of McLean Hill. A'.' V bnal eostl^ u id be eble io refidat her^topiev* Who was badly Injured when struck Wichita.—Meut: Wltoain Ch6

‘I I • ; jf-*’s yt- llV \ N


P A G E FO U H omtter how flvtag enterprises. Xt hM saved A n s B O o p ! Behind the Scenes in tut by ttakt tad !iaiit pitWBttd M tt^ much of our .» » of ta SaStatt U ottdlt tarn of laduttriot. tut ttt ^utUy laipor. ■ ^ “ “ iS ll^rU ttr. al»l. ttalfoaetloa Of pult^ up tao m ust some, lIttlixM&t moaiy for conitruotlon projicti C t t t n t a i g i,ni^fig of accounts, a 1 day. And the balances muit be that would oara thilr own am ortin- OABmETTOMOMOIVE ______^ * i 2 d — «w. tloa has been, It li assertid , com* LtBERAidS-THE “EDGE” financial and econqini? ** II wiNi) itriit liquidated In real money. Tens of _ a diplomacy and is now , thousands of farmers and home own­ platoly aigliotid. most Important representatlvs In • % “a t f a W o u ^ * ' Of oiptoial iatoroit la thii ooanoo* Roosevelt BeUeved Steering to ‘‘^ } t ji' o —tr*i ers are experiencing one of thoae set- cf Oentbr^ in Selectton of Offlolal Europe. '■ Uement days right now and they dU-__ tloa la tha aaaartloa that the thing OtD^ Family: Colonel House, Wilson Then there’s SeuatOir C artte Mvw «It^i*value pMventi thla kind of toaaclnf Aide, Lends a Hand of Virginia, now a favprita J m i.?.a:raym T O •rtlei and eOmmodltlei haa ua-la a fixed determlnaUoa onlhe part seoretaiy of the t t e ^ ^ By RODNEY DUTCHBR ney Baruch and Melvin Traylor, Pest Onios at aoeth^ MaawsBieT, or, to put It Of the R. F C. to pr^tm on the See.. M iVoeea^clM- »*•«»»*«"• NBA Service Writer Glass Is the outstanding Democra­ •aUBSORJPTlON RATW tha other way about, that the value projecta. It appeara that the tic authority on banWngf and Ob* »ar. By mall ...... V 'jt Washington, Jan. 2.—If half the finance. Per UoBie, ey mal^ ...... * doU^M o untooounUMy ta- otuuMlu*r / /' advance dope is true, Mr. Roosevelt isietl* ooBl*a ...... 0. 00.0 0 . be the rate of latereat TheR.F. c., Although Bound and c o n se r^ V a . DelTvar«a. ee* yaer »«»o«.»•««»» / is going to present us with an in­ he breathes fire in n ^ y But i£ that la oauaed by an laaulfl- It la oharged, demaada aa high at teresting Cabinet. USMBlll op^THD^aaaociA^ tacks on the pracUoee of V The dope files thick and fwt. It street and the stock brokern.' cS wCi • p« o»‘ *»*«“ « z kaa will inquire, how does it coma that which the la not to be taken too seriously, but netting along in years and , 7 /^ Sethe preponderance of premcuonpremction in- jjja^' “ the job “ ^pce. once, but feehCfed^^^ dicates a lik^hood that the Roos^ I about the necesdty ^M r aed alao th(i looal e*ws eab- ill ^to u ld in apite of the velt Cabinet. wiU con^^_ seywaJseywdjf^^''^ that'fieldthat field that ^ members ^stlhguishc for their pp^j^^ly could be persuaded to ta ^ Alf Vlabls Bt rspeblleatloe th».i» we have added varloua form a I the R. F . O. Inatata th a t th P*®3 1 •peetei dlaeatoh** htrele are also r*' « d very largely in- shall receipt lor glOO for every |90 1 liberalism or lack of orthodoxy, to the job. I stead of the stifled yawns v^ch • e r v s a . ______- creased Ita volume without, appar- It reoelvea. It la auller^,_to Ths greeted annpimcement of the Hoo- PebltshsT's So^bdpUM , to m t.ro L<«d., tbo pom l«lt.r. o«t. ver Cabinet, the Rodwvelt list may ■The name of Prcif. Jeiaue Matbsws 8p*cis i a f w g ^ w o^ 1 furter of the Harvard;, ^ w Terkr CBiosaoo DstfoU aai Poetea._ V l'- create considerable excitement. Roosevelt has said he .wouldn’t pops up M a likely attMuey Pell tsrtlod* olleei of N •IS rr. u...ors.o. x eral, taUng precedence oyer^ I actually choose anyone before Feb­ vartous so-called « ^ * ^ * ^ ^ * nor Ritchie of hlaryland,. Audit Bureau of Clroula- ruary, so his decisions thus far may doesn’t want the job and pf ttOBS. I the Federal Reserve j be considered tentative. But among all—they are I of such usurious Oharges couldn’t have It^ and Senv Cosapaay, y I recent apparently authoritative reve- Walsh of Montana, who ; SSSSSS J 1 lations bearing on the business of more yesira in the Senate w o l^t^ Cabinet-making are: ' First, your old friend Cplonel Ed­ would rath« serve. ^ . ►v . BooBlBB HaraM.Haruie.______Ik nramise , to pay ten doUaw'ln__IATO gold employment, aX COOU are aaaS fooj WWl Frankfurter is a- brillla^ ward M. House, who is tredited ough-going Ubewd and wa%f MONDAY, JANUARY 2. with picking most of Wilson’s' Cabi- jt r ' . 0 > - \ the chief defendeiapf ^^ ^ Iprtum. to poy m pdd dB. Audi |net, la now actively engaged in Sacco . and Vanxetti b e f^ g h b a p e r m o n e y ormich money you have the head of the R. F. C. la a oen^^ helping Roosevelt select one. execution. He/iS: not, the rwre the crat. Mr. Roooevelt need » t roaUy Seconu, the shrewashrewd Roosevdt’sKoweveit» i —— nuBtog fM . The science of money is not, «reater the power Off the crat, Mr. Roooevelt need iwt V**7 poUcy will provide for appointment puiiw* w . .ctoM.Ul! or. “““ th^ld auU^. U L it uuta u «l MBCh to <,rtte tod. ^ an intimate acquaintance in every ‘Ipointment. , department. either as the Cabinet H ardly any appolntmen tic I more revolutiona^ thaJT ^ naratnnfl andj so w#..nbound%,8 imup Inin xBrmn-l*"®.wrap- . A ndlH o -wig**^ call Mr. Pomerenov into member or the official seamd j j authority. Frances Peildna, New . Yolk.- ___ superstition lSl“S^iterthY 'l^^ goid|oonieralioe right now. Third, Roosevelt believes the I commlssicmer of labor,' its h ^ paaOfim are dI«o^t to ^power of thoM • ------Democratic party should be liberal I of labor. Not oxily becsuss/ -aynmwmr. It is In about tha^aame ^ to the extent of steering ‘left of Perkins is a woman but^ debtors have to « - cause selection . £SSS?ot“to‘’’3^«iSS.’ £51^ >• «« ““ “ I o—lStott .to fer boen broken and that normal times toe job. ______The A. F. of. L. and com-1 the Ambassador Hotd .. • ■ hear, much more on toe ground,.that f t t i t o i t t Jtotto. to . UK door ">>“ ** ‘* * * ^’ **J‘2—r—-.-'S, ■“ 114108 reduced ' from five dbUan ^ w e n t to. But Ai.—there «■is eneone fMnsrthtog I merce:merce; without strlppii^ strlppii , ei | dance to a. better band n e g l e c t e d ^•WiU you please s x |^ the is o rstty w dl doUar of some of thhevU power toupon their own talent talen for b u t m PO R T A N T 'wiw to take-an adult’s or cnllda P re- m in e r a l e l e m e n t s tompsrature; dao hbw to read a Young and John W. Davis as possl- ab(^ money that to p iikhta biuKcr which it his ac- 1 floor show entertainment ... . totfmomstsrT”totfmoinstsr ■ . ^ nndfr 1 biUtlM for secretary of state jm,d»w. ovm to tto »»« «« •» F a t women usuafiy ai under-1 rumors run strongest to and Al a ;-place Poaaihly our descendants -to the Answer: ,Tt Is a UtUs. difficult to l^practlosl sxpetii ttto».d«.to..dto, ouuoui. tto upumii. Nytor SOW wm lo^ bade on the explain to you how to handle a toexy nourished. two Roosevelt fr^ds, NormM H. I ' fUBtuB legalisgai tender,wmoer moni^^ "to^*»il*to KtSd; ^ moototer without beiag aids to s b ^ —Dr. Maurice LebeU, physician tof Davis and Frank l T Polk, who were co ^tiq g to suffiriently. wlds* I ^ Rut the psy-oft isto a bihot-dog wa-] y ^ . bstween 19W apd ^ Hollywood film stars. sen whlch^^aksa ths rounds o^lyeaw of pseudo-helen^ jMt as iw you. With an "little Cahtnet” members with preferences for ‘ ^^ro p srty of idl kind to sxtt>- «»«Bg thele peopWpeople ^to coaopellgoDS&e tablss which and m ^ea ssrves ths^ wetoera for I nre apt to regard toe ^ o ^ of t ^ thsrmomstsr-d Roosevelt in toe Wilson adminls- Miss Perkins is stffl. it uadim toe tongito for two,x run- tratioi^ Davis, a Democrat, has a 1 good bet. ^ c'- •« « .>pcwipw • lower ttoftlcto__^ *»,« I ot rvmfifriwrional ItolOoiwriMloiiel action we..HOB,uon i dlftorwt mntoods —Tb^Rev. James R. Cox, Pitts­ tor a-Bplrltuallsttc crowd. No g J ^ S S fw e n mtaiSns wUl be of tor using the toerpbmeter. burgh priest, leader of one of toe ESTABLISHED 58,YBARfr cf Uqqldatteib Farmsra do A OOMBlIIIBiD BHiPOBTS unemploy^ marches on Wash­ ^ ______. President Hoover’s Research Oo^ feancs is requlrSd, howwr, tol“^^^ygjy jittie importance In . 'wtSl their wltoat, nwrsly to put ington. CHAPEL AT 11 PAK proceeds to their p ^ e ts or Lflttee on Social Trends, appointed 0,^ •»■ (pt sqndl«B ^i^ iln o lS n g erl Answer; Therq Is little food value ft compelled to cell his prod- jail-15 6 8 pages: A sample of itt dlc-| T^w | toe cMory^^lT. ’'desnit* all toe notsei™ ana*** alfalfa tea«*• or “»*yany otheruwao* slmUarbu*uj« , __ in'gnltf to discharge Jfia cbliga- ijfm suffice. It says toe^ can __ exhibited at an, deVito bof drink with meals. I do not ad-^ The Friers, a r e - 1 iJt ^ bv that r* w h * ^ p atlen to to i‘take these

lars, of Indebtedness tolling |jgg evolved no illumination j ^^grtyette is announced ae etar of I toed mtoerala have been extracted,] fr—OT day; aiid ttat tte cuimer|Q„,t ,|w ilnady »ttr— 'tattlSTBBrt’NoId-ay ~>—at^. • • ;[{»» ^italtiSS was^ aU owaed by...... one individual- fly, offered------no eolution------‘ ■ Itt— atta«W w . .. -.l~„tt-|^,.^ J!g w a^ ~ « ^ ^IS L ,ta JStabatatawlaapattar.l , tt grata of to~—to: ^ ttat b« •-alTNly be-dl*»— ,X5555Hotdluao'toodwhaMVMMusca^ _to . S^frequteOy___ Lhi«h**mi.tflm cbl«^ mmmMifim vouT foiae t f l rd e a r that in such dreumstajmee the g,yj again. 'The naountain „ ^ ^fly^ meakeaey manner____ mentioned ent/Sttii tiMthe need of these mineral you do impreretoent valuation of commoAtiee and prop- fly. not only labored to bring forth' ’ •**^^ * ------f«v^'nothlBg'- strengir|denMBte —— r-1 -i— t* or or»«ucorganto salts, but I ^ within a short titoo. erty that must fortowUh be ^nmed L jp^yg. flyj tfl, niouse I* still-born. (Cha Tattee MarlmJto B im jd ) into dollars could be Actated by ^ j ijflere ft somstoteg almost j FMtyvaMv OHcfc*CHAs , foi;^ in foods, are not the Mme w Question; Homer W. asto? ^ „ r t t a — f iU -*«talt|^^^.tor-lltt~ r.tt»tt 0 0 1 ciS^”^. ISS; not, laevltebly, be a mlcroiOOplcally pygyy of type to arrival at the con- wile, ft stlU seen places . And 1 sawi s ^ . The really beneficial mineral the skin? There are just two Anall email one on toe Wheat, the cottonLnftoo tbet unlese somototog snmrt *jt»V .a ooupl#”____ w |sdts______hare been absorb^ and or- .le tte rs.” Cloth or ^WoFi house? ft done about things ■o»***>l®S fr^ ^ We ean-1 Answer: Tattoo marks can be re­ .■ moved by a beauty s p d ^ t w bjr i '' This grossly exaggerated 1 r"OUgh will _ I -_A* .aaftAtt Vm^ inStan^Olemenfi fotmd in the soil. toe tattoo artist, Umself,. but there have first to be ebanged ^ L.ft usuauyusuall’ a sm ^ amount of sear- m ated to r the catrcmcly tot^ ^ left.'Aleft. plastic surgeon may ! ebemieafaf laboratories inside of|l5S5.also do this ■ tor - you. w y$... I the plant cells before they are use­ toe imaginary one. itUs we fflise a guess. ful to h i^er formr of Ilf*. All this would be readily perceptl-1. However, it is Just possible that Nine a Day 1 make this statement as a defin- B ut it's Georgie Raft, .very I its fact, although toer* has been DO YOU KNOW THAT- Me to almost.any one were it not tor jtflyt gem of constfuctivi reasoning much about . town these some conftMion to the minds ot a the coofuaton ereatod'by an oft- Looted to toe first paragraph of this Its, who interests me . . . One few research workers on this p ^ t. MtmA end tinif*?***^ faot»toat weIg^tyrial is worth toe cost of the of HoUywood’s pets »t toe mo- stoM ^ animals which'______are__ prtmdcd______ment, Georgie was with some of toe toorganlc inlwal Over 42 per cent ot toe total i^W,r-#------^TdZtoiaynm Jor^;^ I#------. "Amorelm-I ^ , ^ u - i ln g in nine shows a night, around g^^, in their diets have showed a sales from farms are mad* dinrtng | OB t t , ^ votume,‘ to cash. We do our buff- Ipresslve In te g ra ^ of social Skuis i gj-yy^way Just a few years ago . . . y^yfled auperiority over anlmaft de- the three months ot Septomber, c a m e ___ fly means of an'exchange oftyud, fusion of social purposes, count 'em—nlim shows • * • • "J prived of these salts. The ream October and November i ! ! L w * d o ^ tn e S toe L « w J ^ impressively totogratod worked to four different p ^ ^ this, however, is not that the Raids 0 0 telwbooc boxes to too bank credits. We oont neeo w|makes an i ^ ^ theater engagement aa well ypip^i c ^ the unorganised,-London------ares alime aa,«««,ii,- are responsiblej yetual currency dollars. We pay by Inoft,. It sounds much more total j ^his brought bin. to several ..it, much as the fact that, when for a 1 ^ ^ trou- or by draft and we receive hectual then the echo it arouses—I tiio;iMad a r^k . He saved his 5** used to a deficient diet,Ninety Pfr c«t. rfo w fo o M money and didn't work for nearly tn^ serve to nare the mineral* to- Wes and® payments by toe saipe method Th* j •'bologuyl” Even if it isn’t. five ^ thereafter------IcoSorated to toTtlssues imd retard|pr^^ij^flto^^^ currency i* used only to minor or re-j , ------—------taa operations. Besides tilers ap-j a CHANOB FOB F. D. B. w «tatt».iiN » pears to be so much ot it that most when FrankUn D. Rooaevdt takes Somewka . ■uLuTlI itM. Ues idle laitt and*fui 'doe*does not move at lover over the Presidency PresldeBcy new next March It i wj*® 1/ V# f’-n . will probably be with hi* ears ring- bm«, YFIUVU w jwmw *•*•*.»— 1 ^ MSiAivaavn o —a***^*** - —— o'——o I ^ '^ aT — dreutttttatt. ar. taa. " 1M..— w ta ttta. -ta ta ta. |j,tt ta..ta office window fs?W and the weekly y m------^ , ,, - tJieve that prices are controlled by I corporation for its practlca^ wm^ 1 .^1 take has never fallen bSlSW 924,-1 which contain them I Texas produces ff6m on^tourto^to • the volume ef toe currency to Itslpiete failure to do its stuff with re- 1 ^000 ^ a #ertr. weWc. . Mort^than Moie thin 700,ow 700,009{dantly. j ^ay. ' I. <5* the" w'ted Statiii’ 'total ^ silk m ate- a tt. in (How to Tipke ^Temperature) I rial is betoq nuide by a process that I Inototog of any effect whatever toi statue of liberty i». con- : I insures it ag ^ e t wrinUtog. Fthe waar ot Jnandngj itlrueted of bronae. QuMtIW? ,Mr8. OMrgift M. M kt -/>• lyiANCHESTER BVEl^NG HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 2 ,198&. PACEnM k MLlim »T> Day By Day Review of News Events In 193.

timonial in honor of Charles E. bute to Squatrito to impressive members. Ashley Tanburi of Stam­ Rhc^ lifland. George B. Keith, killed in auto accident on Silver advertisements ADVERTISEMENTS. House. funeral service. ford telle police iq Meriden that he Selectm an, cozuKmts to run again. Lane. 25—Taxpayers League urges 17— ^Hospital drive is a success. was shot in Center Park here. 10— Miss Ah4-Naven dies. 4.—Gov. Roosevelt wires his re­ JOBLESS AD) drastic cut in town’s school ,ex- 18— ^Youngsters opto Puppy sale 13.—Louis T. Breen, Registrar of 11— «Ty» Holland beatl Earl Bis-grets at not coming to Manchester. pensea here. , Voters, resigns. Kiwanls Kiddies sell to win town tennis champion­ .5.—H orace B. Cheney declares 27— Attendance at Herald’s cook­ 19— ^Rev. P. B. Ward to celebrateguests of E. J. HoU at his Bolton ship. Miss Gladys Lampreoht wins tariff is leading, issue in election. 6—Speculation exists as to whom DGHCffTIN ing school breaks all records. first mass in Manchester. C. W. Hol­ estate. Jasper McLevy, Socialist over Miss Elizatath' Wasbwiewicz. 28— Relief board cuts town’s candidato for Governor speaks in Mra^ Mary. A. Burke, former north will be appointed postmaster, here if man re-named head of Memojrial Roosevelt is elected. SHOPPING NEWS grand list 682,771. hospital board of trustees. Center Park. M. E. E. Association end resident, toes to East Hartford. reports the expenditure of 691,0$1 12— School census shows 200 gain. 7. —^Police ..find beer cache in TOWI1N1932 T 21—^AU dogs here ordered confin­ ground at home of Mrs. Julia Moz- weeks of 1981-82. Water plant' figure higb, Boarc. of ed as epidemic of rabies breaks out. zcr. MARCH 28—Captain Annie Orr, Salva- •Hose Co. N o; 2, M. F . Du Selectmen feels. Bowers asks (Conttnaed from Page One.) 8. —Manchester joins with rest of tioniet, dies. officers for year. Thomas C. town's participation to M. E. C^. Make mid Break fC ttppers Weldon only eon Dr. Thonuks H. the country in casting its votea for March 1—^Hartford (bounty “Y” 25— ^Dress suit to B. V. D’a is at­ light hearing. We pretoct that one week A pair to scissors near thq Tbornton. The winners wefe oppos­ president and other offices. Sher­ fortable chair in which you do leaders elect at YMCA.- Board of tire in police court bearinR. Weldon dies. .13—Rogers and Thornton named from today everybody’s New ed to Cheney ' and' Sherwood 16.—POstoilice construction 30 wood Bowers defeated in contest for Year resolutions will have beep to your magazine reading will S^ectmen recommends a 17 mill 26— Drop three high acbool teach­ representatives in town primaries position as representative. Qi Bowers. Several new faces were per cent complete. Mrs. John F. broken. ’The funniest New Year convenient wheol you find an ii ers in Staff for coming year; add antofour former Sridetmen win; Wil­ 10— Aaron Cook opens brokerage named to the Board of Selectmen, tax rate for 1932. Larson of Startwtotber strOet dies. resolution we ever heard of was that appeals to yoH . . sometblpg liams. loses, ^eedtd-breaking vote office here. jn too National election of Novem- -2— ^Auto Show^ opens at state none. Two bouses hit by lightnlM* Joe McCaui^y makes U. S. Olym­ read, to wear, to make, to do. takes a lo ^ time to poU. Cheneys 11— Revere world war' heroes In made last year by a newspaper lier 8 Idanchester remained arm ory. 28— C. E. House A Son purchasepic team at Palo Alto, Ckd. penjsion A l^rt C ba^, Alexander servipes. „ columnist, who resolved never you don't have sdssorz Jmndjf^ staxme*^iy RepubUoan, giving all of J. W. Hale' Company. ' 18. —Ward Cheney Camp and to indulge in glossip except for depend upon going back later, 4—Pieretti Brothers of Center- 29— Jobless bureau nears end of Hianna, Joseph Kldpinsky, ’Thomas 12— Middle Turnpike man stabbed toht party’s nominees substantial brook lowest bidders on fede^ Auxiliary outing. business puiposes. often than not jrou’U forget all its task. ' McKtoh^, Robert Wetherell and nine times in eviction quarrel. majorities. building. Miss Irene McCuster takes 19. —Annual report of Manchester it. 36—Departed war heroes given Robert Kerr, Sr. 18—Wapping parish house de­ The purchase of tha J. W. Hale St Joseph Order vows. Edward L. Memorial hoepital issued. Board Of 15— Cheney’s business up 11 per town’s salute. stroyed by fire. . Photograph, frames of most at­ Comiiany by p. B. House and Son Bidwell dies, 71. Selectmen is told S. M. water sys­ cent in month.- Mrs. Catharine F. ' Manchester women will;have 15—Four men drink toast in car­ tractive .design an featured at was an event 'of the year, the man­ 7— i-Joe MeCluskey wins Intercol- tem ban be bought from CbeneyA^ Farrell toes. Town Treasurer bolic acid by mistake and two of Olson’s Paint Shop, Main street unusual opportunito: tosaOCir agement of the former company be­ le^te two mile run. Rev. K. E. 81..-rWUliam Stilto of HoUistor George H, Waddell anhoimces a re­ them die. Wednesday and Thursday They are just right tor those pic­ ing assumed Herbert House. Erickson, new pastor of Emanuel JUNE street dies at M. M. iipspital.^'Town duction in' the town debt despite a buy beautiful band knitted 16.— L. N. Heehner and Loren C. tures of family members and friends asks for three carloads of Redvunce wage reduc­ atroet commissioned tod Lt. in ^m< Posies M cCa^ey's Feats ^ tion of 10 per cent effective Jime 13. 20— ^Hartford teimis stars elim­street fatally injured in Hartford eggs:- There’s a revival, of ihterett;' Morgan street iUre, Haftfoid. ’Map- p to y G. accldeuL f , m the i^ rta world the perform­ chester Construction Company geui Arrest nine for speed'ng and ob­ inate Holland. JesatoB. Bisseli. Clar- 8-4 cup sif tod. cake flour . ' flower trimmed hatia |ttobt 26. —Thomas G. Stratton dies. ! .ento Martin re-elected president of 24—rMcCluskey again wins Rec’s 1-2 teaspbob baking iKiwder ances of Joe MeCluskey on the, contract to buUd Danielsow armeny. structing^ traffic at Middle Turnpike 27. — U. G. -Lippincott, veteran rie- five mile run. the flowers are usually; raqr '■ fire. Army Nayy Club. Alterations 1-8 Clip bhtter or other shorten- usi^-’m inaraes to' cover a oonstituted the highlight Mc- . KH^Lydail 4c Foulds. needle fac­ pmter dito^’'CSi^eys srck 8-4 mil* 26.—Robertson school to be ■ /jug , Ctuhkey's ^ctories in the steeple- tory to move to Tofrington. Soman- 4—Town School B6ard picks in new library complejted. to form a band around the Uqin for Water syimm. ’Towfl visit­ 22—Frankih Busch selected as ciosfd during winter. 2 squares unsweetened .chocolate, ohase and distance runs and his his takes first prise at* Columbia teachers for Districts 1-t. Swetosh ed by (^lone, teajtog down build­ 28.—Jolm G ., Mahoney installed And, by the way, flowers art nditleipation in the Olirmpibs sbetotieB and Odd Fellows hold Me­ Rec director, succeeding Lewis melted the most frequently used A Uhtverilty. ings and lar^ treto on Fef^ (Jazd- commander of American Legion post 1 cup sugar '^MOQgfat the town as well as him- 11— Mr. and Mrs. James H. Walk-imorial services. * Lloyd. Board of Selectmen and here. tions for evening gbwns.. . ' ; iner streets and Highland Parii- ; Cbamber of Commerce representa-' 2 eggs, well beaten fenown. The High scbooTs ath<* er of East Center street observe 6—First Qiureh of Nasartoe n - 29.—'Fwo thousand kiddlea guests of th9 same fabric____ as -.^4the; tette taaMs ware not outstanding in tives meet to tolcdss annual town 1 tension vatoUa golden wadding annivwrsary. Gus­ dedieatioa. M. R. S. wins C. C. L L. of West Side Club at lawn party. 1-2 cup walnut meats, chopped.: any snort hut toe year neared its tave Ulrich I injured in Hartford track title. MiMtoeetor Rod and Gun budget. A maric-down sale o f' Bliss and Cole, Hartford, apprais­ 28—Clarenoe Peterson elected DECEMBER V Sift -flour once, measure, add wlblw with A Record attendance at a auto accident. holds game supper at Bolton Lake. ers selected to fix municipal build­ baking powder, anfl sift together tiresses is h c ^ held at tiiie: ■ Mflb stoool badMtball game as president of AndCrsoh-Shea Post, V. ’tWoring Shop, 988 M i^ 12— MUd flu .epidemic hits town. .7—Hose Co. No. 8, S. M. F. D., in g vaJuiBii. - 1— Orford Soap Co. gives' 62,000three tim es., Add buttor to mslted nsarly 8,000 jEunmed toe state ar­ 16— Jobn conlon, Trotter atfeet hpida annual baqquet F.W. .—CchtolUiy G and Howitzer 24—W. B. Rogers addresses to relief fund. cboccilate and IMend. Combine su­ mory to sea Bristol High beat the 6—TeachMil to Ninth School Dis­ Company leave for Camp cross, m ilk doalot> diao* Town facee credit Associated Advertiisinf Cluhs la 2— Revise Cheney Benefit Associa­gar and eggs; add CbocMatemixture, With celery lasai-gulittst . , crisis. , trict namsd. In N. Heehner sleeted Nlantic for two weeks’ field train­ tion by-laws. beating thoroughly; then add flour, The delicate flavor of captain'of Rose Co. No. 1, S. M. F. ing. E. R. Worthington of Henry Springfield. celery is accented whan ,'m?iew oi the important events 17— Annual Spring opening. A. 0. 26-*-Swcdish Congregationallsts 8— Open campaign tor jobless. vanilla, and nuts. Pdur into ■ for the year follows: H. honors S t Patrick’s Day. Span­ D. for 84to term. Fire " damages street dies. Ninth District'gets free 5— Kiwanlans told ; businesl^ greased pdn, about S'g-2 inches, and thin, cream. To malm tkfv CharterrOak street house. MyTOn F . use of Rec spaces. observe 40th anniversary. thoroughly, h'eat.l Ciip o f tw '! ish War Auxilia^ cBebrates I2to 26— Tovm meeting call is issued. dianges have hit all branches to ih- bake in moderate bvmi (350 degrees ranniversary. Cheneys aimounee new and < Robert D. Burr receive college duatiy. ., . F.) 35 minutes. Cut in squares be­ to which 1 talfiei^ooa. toitltoV;; degrees. ^ 27— r-Judga Beajamin > Miller of teaspoon salt apd lr8 teaspoog,; ~ JANUARY credit service. Hartford and Clinton G. Itichols. 6— Edmtmil Mere, north end hew, fore removing from pan. Makes 25 9—Manchester Garden Club flow­ of pepper imd nutmeg'havh:; l^Frederiok W. Wakedel^ Che­ AUGUST speak at Manchester Improvement killed by automobile. - ^ browzfies. , er show op«i8.. Mtochester escapes added. Cook 1^ ^piart dfe6d: _ . IrrVinr Yutfa Bve quietly cele- ney Credit manager resigps. Na­ A ssociation a t Y . 6—JoUesa pledges coming in tional Guards win ,to^ basketball damage by late frost. 1. —Frank Taylor, of HoDlster slowly. ' V until tender, drain, as4 poor^l here with only one arrest 28— ' Manchester Taxpayers’ Even the more delicate pieces of series- championship. 9—Mrs. EUzaheth Fallow of Mtm- street toes. 9- ^ohn Gourley, local tailor, wins creami over it in the serving. ithiing place. L et^e rata casa bring heard before linen and clotbliig are successfully 21— Albert C. BJotMr of Cam­ro street dies. Annual M. H. 8. 2. —Police Board makes annual master’s certificate. / A isigh gives Manchester P. D. Commisaion. handled by the New Model Laundry, bridge street badly hurt In auto ac­ Senior aintios. Swedish Lutheran report. Textile testing apparatus 12—To. file petition to General worst defeat in history, 67 to 29— Cheney grand list drops two which sorts everything before laim- cident Cut hospital "costs'to save church adopts Emanuel Lutheran as pitoed in local Trade School. m illion ,doUimB. Only 17 cases Assembly seeking authority' for dezihg, so that all i^eces get tiie 14. . 610,000 in drive. naw name of church. 8.—Edward J. Simonds to succeed beard in town court In September. town to purchase water and sewer proper treatment To have the de- \ \ -i-~ H om e Bi|idc and Trust Com- 22— G. 0. P. “Regulars’^ trim “in- 11—Klwanis club plans to bpen W. H. Petherbridge as secretary of pronerttes. uvery-call, phone'' 8072. poioy talisn over by Savings Bank burgents” in Republican caucus. Kiddies. 'Camp Ju^ H> Children's^ y . 18— R ^to drive successful as to­ ' Manchestei;' and Manchester Contractor Gustaye Sehrieber com- Day In 'Msnehaster churches. Sons, 4.—Alexander Turkington of Ford OCTOBER tal passes 650,900. insist Company. pletM work on naw library. Daughters of Italy elect officert. street toes. 14—selectmen awalt appraisal^ re­ NEW PRESS ROOM cerem ony w as i ^ i d e and brisC; .tfk 6-^eople who draw out money 24—Dr. BHlliam R. Stevenson 14— ^Eighth D istrict lays 1 m ill 6.—Annual Globe Hollow water p o r t 1— Taxpayers' rate casq endS; oath; being admihisterwi to Savings Bank regain cond­ passed examination before State tax. Joe MeCluskey runs exhibition Carnival. Emil J.. Lang of Cam­ 17—Eighteen degrees below zero Hartford, Jan. 2.—(AP)—The I mayor by City Clerk Donihltor uce and dS]po^t money again, Examining Board. Postoffice sub­ race at West Side playgrounds pre­ bridge street arrested for embezsle- 2— Republican' rally in Centerreported here. State law on job vious to his departure for the Olym­ m e ^ * Park. Ihsurance. press room in the State Capitol,' .wedding of hBss Claire Xn- station plan questioned.. wUch is to be provided by the new cotos: ■ni pic games. Manchester honors her 6.—’Fwo Manchester families de­ 8—William B- Gammons, inven 19— rOvar 1,000 attend <9 ralng. I OM: ^dMMb and “ Hank” Keene, radio 28—^Town awaits dear skies fdr comptroller, Anson F. KOeler, Is ex<) last September, is announc.< Easter. SUk AsaodatKm executive College Captains at banquet ported. Austin! JqbBSOi^ wins to r, toes. night’s skating a t O n t e r Si^cin|i^; IPark. — . j' ‘ ^pected to he in^ readiness-tomor­ 'i y-:i -x r. i L pmrts obppefative aid is a «n ^ J.5**Bariy morning flro in Oak •schoiafship* tor D tofk^ uwvafrity-, ' 4-^Weiia X .'" Siricklud / elected street buslneii block. Selectmen try Joe M causkey pladeii third in Olym­ 28—Rockville'" txucik of woolen row . r Battalino forfeits feather- after White House conference. chairman of the new. Board to The room Is located on the fourth to .balance the town budget in long- pic steeplechase tofluke race. goods hi-jacked; A Wi^ht title because he is over- 27— Company 6 court flye ad­ Sriectmen. George E, Keith, Secre­ floor of the Ctapitol, commonly m eeting. ■ 8.— Frederick E. Chapman of 33—Saloon Uoanse aoug^t in town. ^'W eight. , vances to semi-flnals in National tary, George H, y^addell, clerk. ^ow n as the pharmacy room. Guard tourney. 17— Lt. Murphey of HowitserW elt Hartford appointed new Mer­ 5— Willard B. Rogers retires aft­ 24—Collier gitl hitch-hikers hurt V ' 9—Cut in grand list will force chandise Manager at Hales* Depart­ in Vernon Center aieddent 28— HowUm gale and snow stormCompany called for examination for er 20 years public aervtoe. Ther'''n -./ IV taxes m to 18 mins. promotion. M. H. 8. Class Day exer- ment Store. Mrs, Martha Rogers of 27— Woman stabbed on way to OLD ACTO R DDES U~Better street, lighting is bits New England coast., Robert W. Evans to Hemlock street, toes, cises hrid indoors due to rain. LUley street toes. ^ church. ifa ^ red by .coinndtteie in. report to Reid,. 76^ of 601 Main Street, struck Horace K. Burr, Francis K;\ Burr Vienna, J4n. 2:—(AP)—Josef 18— Emanuel Lutheran church 10. —Watkins Brothers announce 28— Charles Bimzell installed Ma- .TIB. me «a "Bostrd . of Selectmen, who endorse by auto, dies. Ground for new ix>st- and' Raymond) Woodbridge honored Danegger, who began his stage A* bantooaoi f.k holds reception to old and pew pas­ gigantic 6176,000 sale. Jobn B. Sbnic master. toaobaivss. offloe broken by distinguished group at Wesleyan for excellenec in career in New York and later work­ He'I of local officials. ! tors. M. H. S., Class Night program. ’Tomm of Biasell street toes. stu d ies;. 29— ^Howell Cheney to lead H oover Wlnaliedete tb«r en ( JS-rBorace Burr wins Clin 11. —Town arranges to meet notes school parley. “New Haven" road ed with Max Reinhardt, died todajr 29— Mrs. Sarah E. Slater, well 19— Eighth Distoict graduates 101 itvte*e V achotarshlp at Wesleyan. of 6190,000. Carload of Red Cross 6— Government cancels lease onto purchase Cheney railroad. of a heart a tt^ . He was 67. R. A. Johnsdn goes to known Manchester woman, dies. pupils. Eleven cases heard Ir town south end posttotice. Mrs. Helena ■ettaM ao';otte V court following the return of Judges flour a^ves for delivery. 30— Largest crowd in Manchester IWiuild^lfton to confer with senator - 30—Laiire crowd attends annual BUe to Main street toes from in­ BfAYOB SWORN IN r ubte e»cS S r K. of C. ball at State Armory. Johnson and Ferguson from the G. 12. —Registrars end registrations basketball history watched Bristol ontneia. Wvrk fBlnidm on Ocnmeotieut River for party caucuses. juries recetyed ifhett atruck by an humble Manchester High here 41 to O. P. convention in Chicago. automobile at Main and Middle Derby, Jan. 2— (AP) — Mayor bridge legislation; 18. —Mrs. Flora M. Weber of Oak 18. Plan to turn out 663 highway 20— ^New RuMnow building open­ William J. Rlordan vtae sworn in 15~fForeatvilli man’s birds win street toes.. Selectmen adopt atrict Tiumpike, Sept 29. lights in Manchester. W. H. Card memorial tropto at APItIL ed. Lorenso Bentley of Sterling ^ : Watson Gbdec, well known tor hid third term at city, ball this iPlace fatally injured when struck measures in' dispensing aid. 1 31— Another woman reported Minehoster Poultry Show., carpenter, toes. C. R. Burr heads noon along Wlfii .niest of the ap­ by automobile at Center. 15;— Guardsmen return from stabbed here. 16—Berald publishes list (ft peo- 1.—Price of milk reduced two police board; (Colonel H. B. Bisseli, pointive members of his official 'YUMP 21— Barnard schoefl graduates 187camp. Director I^wis Uoyd of Rec , pie owning property assessed at cents. Center reaigiui. secm ta iy. family vdiich he reappointed. The 616,000 or over. . 8.—Or E. Keith named del^ate pupils. Bastbound trains to Vernon discontinued. „M. H. 8. gradutes 174 17.—Bnsiim Williams, local Sal­ 8-^Hiram W. Evansi Imperial IT-M-Arturo Gremmo named presl- to Methodist church cdntortace in vation Army Commanding officer is pupils. Jotot Board ofl Apportion­ Wizard to Ku Klux Xian, speaks in - dent;ef toe Italian Club. AtlanUc aty. promoted to Adjutamt. William WAPPING ment approves Sehool Budget of Orange hall. Mrs. Mae A. Ander­ S0«4toachester’S' grand list is 5. —Death takes. Judge Alexander Roessner falie from Park street 6101,909 for districts one to eight; son of Maple street chaiged with 6MS64t6t8f two and a half million Arnott in Florida. Plan |Mhd Issue bridge to dehth on Cheney tracks. manslaughter in illegal operation Wells Risley, son of Mrs. Anna Resolved— t wto« out floating debt 6180,284 for Ninth Sehool District dfivtt taxes up. McQuskey wins Chicago Steeple­ on a Middletown woman. Meacham Risley of Foster street la m n^eaiiy. 200 couples attend 6. '—Senator Bingham ■^bits bonus,and 666,106 for High school. chase. That the merchandise we seU h!ei urges beer, in sp e ^ here. 22— Grammar school graduations, 10— M. E. B. Association organ­spending the Cbristmas-holidays at ball V state armory. 19. —Legion Auxiliary wipp twoizes for winder’s work. Y. M. C. A. Ivs tO'rakw 640,000 for 7—Taxpurers’ League tails In at* Manchester experiences a heavy cups for Americanisatiwi and Fidac his home here with his mother. He the best obtainable and that it will be solct tempt to close Recreation Centers windstorm. Falling tree demolished otaervrii “Founder’s” Day. Usf hi^niaeinployed starta activities. Unit rule hone of con­ 11— ^Mrs. EUsabeth Hunter stn^ckis attending college in the State of at the lowest possible price. , ^ J Sgi-iiarold W. darrity. admitted la town meeting. Miss Bdwlaa B. two cars in Tolland and one on Mc­ tention at Democratic caucus. Maine. by automobile on Center street. . .Signed, to M r, SlUott wins blg^tot scholastle honor Lean mu. Salvation Army Band 20. —Women’s singles tennis tour­ ’The (Christian Endeavor Society a t high ischoed. concerts announced. 12— Mistrial declared in Squatri­ 16 iJhretfdent MoOonauidiy of ney opens. Mrs. 'Itoomss Brosnan will hold its New Year’s party Sat­ 9.—Consolidation and refunding to damage amt Taxpayers indicate LOUIS L. FOSTER, Mgr. Wesleiya& tens Ifanchester New 24— Manchester welcomes theelected President of Hartford Dis­ urday evening at the home of Mr. will be voted upon April l5» Board a fight for lowto tax valuations. Bagdapd is more fortunate than State Convention of the Loyal Order trict Council, A. L. Auxiliary and and Mrs. Walter N. Foster of Foster of Selectmen decides. maiqf otoKjparts of toe country. of Moose,. Maeonio Veterans and lector Bronke elected Dept Execu­ 13— ^Squatrito estate rec^ves 68,-street. ■ 11—-Plan classified post office at Luther Ltogue.. Wm. H. SChieldge, EVERYBODY’S M A R K E T . J. inraughan elected grand tive Committeeman, at Waterbury 250 in damage milt The Federated Workers ehjbyed north' en.kuniliary each win first honors Cole, Herald printer, badly injured Lane on Friday. Ctaner was served • 14.-^*:Jeff” Helm elected captain ih V. F. W. convention parade in gutomobile accident injuries. ' bookkeeping at M. H. S. accepts ap­ when hit by auto in Hartford. at one o'clock, which was followed bn Princeton basketball team. N ew JBritian. ' ' pointment to staff of Boatpa H.. S. Three hundred enjoy Masonic get- 26—Two-payment tues are un­ 15.—Fishing seaton opens ^ with by songs and. games. Mrs. Frank wise. Board of Selectmen learns. 28—First Salvation Army Band of Commerce. Norris A. Butler, togetiier at Temple. W. (jongdon read a Christmas story, nqne-to-good luck. concert of the season. Pick Colum­ Bisseli Btreto toes. Candidacies of i<> - Pralessor Levitt Judge ISr^^ool Board votea to out A song and a pbem. conqraMd by bia Lake for C of G outing. M. E. E. WiUiam J. Thornton and Thomas J. school expense 635,000. Two ^hun­ Mrs. Clarence W. Johnson wero Juhnou), Herald and Republieane in A. Bureaumda its work. A total of Rogers, for State aSembly announc­ FEBRUARY general, in address .here. dred attend Poliah Republics ral­ much ei^oyed. Gifts, which were 776 given work during the year. ed. John L. Jenney to post of Select­ toys, were exchanged ana later POPULAR ly. 18.—Expect 25,0(KKo turn out for 20—National Guard units at full man. Mancheeter potato growers .isj^^oe. MeQuakey guest of Manchester Day at local stores. ,.. 16— Patrick J. l^oDonnell toes.given to some of the children in cam p strength. Pythian Sisters en-. organize. Frank V. Williams elect­ Miss Hattie Strickland, assistant town. Christmas carols closed a. I&lights of Columbus at meeting. 20.—Town votes consolidation by tertoin grand officers. Legion plane ed secreta^. August Lurson, 6* Homer Lane were the commit­ Rilbinow B n ild iB C , 8e*Rhnefi*noe. Worid’a cdored Stor Day. gist elected 1st vice; president of Cooney, 80, of 100 Summer street 855 Main Street, basketball dminps, thrill 600 here 22.—Carl Bengs, silk dyer here, 17— ^Legion A m dliary installs. tee on arrangements. Connecticut Pharmaceutical Asso­ reported missing. Selectmen 'vote 18— W illiam W ebb o f Buckland wUih brilliant exhibition beata.g dies toddenly. Over 800 dele­ 10 per cent wage cut for town em­ The adjourned azmual businese Ree 54-48. gates attend gathering of Daughters ciation. Number of cases in town and Mrs. Helen Enice Hartford, meeting of the First Congregational court drop one-half during the year; ployees. his common-law wife, sentenced to SIRLOIN, ROUND, PORTERHOUSE '4^—RuUnow Block >adly gutted of Veterans here. 24. —Elmore C. Packard, Center Church of South Windsor, will be by Are believed to have, been of in- ' 23.—Daylight Saving goes into income' off one-qus^ter during the jail for causing the dependency to held next Thursday, January 5. A same period. druggist retires due to ill health. a child. Northeaster bits Man- effect. 26.—Willard ,Rog«rs announces supper will be served by the church snow in live years 36—Police Commissioners vote 15 riiester. committee at six o’clock. Following’ plan to quit PoUce Board. Robert 20— Dau^ters to American Rev­ ___ Chester. jmeent cut for poUeemto. Cooney, aged wanderer found alive the supper there will be a roll call Twdve hundred persons "See 27.-^udge R. A. Johnson elected JULY olution dedicates Washington tree. of members As there is special busi­ in Dlastonbury. Republican caucus Cheney workers elect to work Bristd Higb edge Manchester 24 to president of Judges’ Association of endorsee town committee’s selec­ ness to transact it is earnestly re­ 38 to overtime game of basket: all. C on n to^ cu t , 1.—Cheneys report business pros­ council. Mrs. Emma (Dase of Ck>v- quested that all members be pres­ From Quality Steer Beef. tions for National, state and local e n ^ killed in automobile accident, ^7-^Popu)ar Si^eant Jobn Crock- 29.—Dr. E. O. Dolan, wins local pects bettor. Two hundred sixty •offices. ent. eit (Hm after lingering Ulneis with caucus for Roosevelt ' , enter swimming olassee at Globe in Coventry. Harry P. Files. Jr., has been 28. —Sixteen file for Selectmen. 21— Mrs. Johanna ' Schultz of pnoumonla. Hollowf Legion .plana big time for spendli^ the Christmas holidays at 29. —Burton T. AUto poultry Ridge street toes. Dennis F. Mc­ 6-r^oarly 700 persons attend the Fourth. houses burn; 600 ducks escape. bis home here, left Saturday with Mascnlq BalL MAY 5. —Joe MeCluskey wins two-mile Guire re-elected chairman to em? three of his chums' at college, for SHOULDER James Duffy “Jailed”-g e ts, qounty ployees division of the Cheney 9— Tonim votes to dipp two-pay- title for third time at Berkeley, to wander in.. . . Mainei^ q|nit tax system. Cel. Rain epolla Legion’s Fire- works council. 3—^Marshall Thom pson given par­ 30. —Mancheeter gives rousing 22— Selectman plan to standard­ 10— John KUhnly,, Sr., dies sud-don from Wethersfield states prison. wotks display at Old (3olf grounds. “Welcome Home” to Joe McClus- South Manchester and Manchester ize grocery orders for town’s needy. ARTIST WEDS POET VEAL CHOPS 4 2 5 « dsoily in Rockvine. 4— Jame; O’L taxy wins Olln key. , postofHce. receipts show decrease. James Spear of 'Oakland street ■ |1—Arthur J. Strsiw, well known scholarship at Wesleyan. psMr manufacturer, dies of pneu- Michael Kupsl^ of Birch street a T dies. Norristown, Pa., Jan. 2.—(AP)— moBla. ' 6—Supt A. F. Howes may seek suicide by drowning in the Connec­ SEPTEMBER 23— St. Mary’s church re-deto-A life-like sea gull, fashioned from 15—Mancbeater Oldtimers beat pension. ticut river. cates; Bishop Coley speaks. 1932 bronze, was the Dan Cupid behind Njtor Britain and make 6500 for 7—^Ehctend credit on light bills 6. —Dr. Edward G. Dolan given voting list near- 10,000 mark. Kee­ the romance a: d marriage of Wil­ Over 3,000 watch ice carni- three months. testimonial dinner in College Inn. l--qoudy sklea prevents good ney stoeet residents fight contem­ liam F. Boogar, Jr., a plater and LEAN RIB 8—Hospital drive opens;, goal is tw lsu ra . Walter Varich and Stanley Us, view to eclipse. plated closing of district school. sculptor of HaddoniSeld, N. J., and -ajM -O yw 700. persons 'visit new 620,000. north end youths, missing from 2^^ames H. Minikin of Manches­ 27—M. E. B. bureau opens offices Miss Alice Williamson, poet and 9—Propose 691,929 reduction in their homes. ter toes in Hartford Politics quiet in Mimiclpal building. v^ter, of Clinton, Mass.,. PORK CHOPS fcA^Attom ey Charles }<• O’Dowd school costs. 11.—Fo^-three boys taken by as candidates organize for battle. 30—Miss Lucas of Hartford The. sea gull, made by Mr. Boo­ o to to w office hare. 11—Board of Selectmen approves Kiwanie Club to Bolton Cam^. Labor day quiet. fatally Injured in South Windsor. gar, was exhibited last summer at 36^Albert B. Roberts to address moving library into Recr^ .ri6n Cen­ Manchester doctors announce Inten- 3—G. Louis Bidwell, former Man- the Artists’s Colony at Ptovlnce- at dedication of ntw T. ter. tiMtisbe stopped |toCI‘'skny breaks 18—Pomenlck Squatrito,. versatile niversary to Battle to the Boyne. lican town committee gives full 624,000 and decreases subjects. to see m ore o f his w ork a t his sum­ St«wliis V«al i{ t«pO|d to two-mile steeple- High echool athlete, killed in auto^ Locto poetoffice begins “furlough” support to:Thoniton and Rogers. . 2. —^E. J. Murphy nominated tomer home in Atlantic. .City. Satur­ 'J*- ' mobila accident toan of emidoyees. Manchester 8—Richud Allen, veteran mail head.Chamber of .Commerce. day night ..tlwy came here, and were gatopr for tea- 16-rGreat throng pays final tri- beauty spots risited by Garden Club carrier in automobile accident in .5.— H enry-H . FarireQ-to H artford married. “ ' . ■‘(Vl-J W m V /i’■»:•• •■ ■ V ■■



GABRIELLEE DEPRESSION MISSED PMPIIWIFORBUSH H.WCOBLEY ■i: ' ' 0 1 9 3 3 ''' -i i* Vi , * 'i N E A r S E l ^ ^ Ifffgwf- y *M TODAY In*, with his eyes sort at droopy— you know—and a little mocWngr, VhM «UHfr AMOS FBABODY somehow, as If, he knew something Only Small Group Behind the SittSi Ovm tt> •eco ^ I Udn’t. I sec now he has looked, **I'm, going! lie get iharried and set-' hate' s home lh a aman Snr.M lM V M TOM AVKMTit/S that way all the time but I just put Most stories begin bouM. 1 wont curtaliur 'tAjut lOMd-fe^iM liOiOAf T ab’s it down to his cool, superior foreign Movement, Official Re­ town' where tbmraAre neighbors and at the dnssi A la e lawns and fed garanluma In the tboi windows, frasb^fod S S m SSSs tt li muiieg... w ays— ” for poor SI S h e ila tea taUa out n^^ tho 1| S «>• fe« «OMlB. BnOrisf to "But, Tom, what—?” ‘ ^ kitchen windows. I. want chackqd p orts. h a d n 't been>.U room gl^ham ourtalns and' copper poto itad . loAi «mig&tajt "Oh—^hls white ahlrt front, fo r w eeks! in t w ga a shrugged. •fe o v t Soroftt,ktf ftU M io B ln ksi” m em ory tor hbr^; 'te n s and pans!' • ' ; . a ' “His what?” was ju s t a •yfe never had a houia, you know "Porches hate to be swopti' Ton decide to pretei^ “That was It—what I saw from New York,. Jan. 2.—.[(AP)f—D^. worked lapt '^‘h|ii^w eek be-' -my mother apd fhihar and I. ,I ro- get cluttered.” • Ansi^ death w m e a aeel- the raft, the 'something* I couldh’t Robert B. Speer, prominent church' tore: N o r 1 i- before membar my naothw carrying Ith itth around with haf In bmr trunk to ax lAlla iiaABBliHr devettoY tjj®™" locate. As soon as I saw him them leader, said today that while It was 1 h a t! N o 1( 'fia U th ia M l^ to seMBf the e i^ T ^ it came back to me In a flash. I forced lei ’ *a^.,/'b'r tho dressing room up pretty. Pump­ red| wagons and doU « hM« iM v gueetf^ an ef whom ^ flaw btw just the way I did then, too early to know whether the re­ "resting.” I kins and drltobas at HaUowa’an, of ileoplefM.the way! Bsifee e n p r ^ ‘ M B . S T A T L A N D - .only liot so far away. You see, port of the laymen's fprelgii ml^ wbret kind, wreathi aiid hqUy colored papm^ at •,?A‘i'idXte wisit'.ybif' . sions Injury would benefit mlimions Ok'^hSplMM. . of Tom’^ *' iliur.v^irt______hAii bean In undersUrt and expecting fa t:m tmaC.^ We Dover had d'hbmd. Ilf^ said in a.ioftbr tom OAHlAHI’B il VOEk handwmmidSMaeBd«|^;S^g^ BA* I trotiatfs and ahd StatlanderStatlaoder' In a terry- or barm t&m , missions would con­ m any others^u^ bb Just trunlui, M yrt Ehretythlng bad hope you!got it * , Only ' fU^t MABVIN PBATT, | cldtli hethrobe but De Vbo hadn’t tinue "as long as there are Cbrif* the same «Hj to.go. rM t hack sooner; or later in- tbia Love Id Whersrybtt^ aa d I I A N | imdressed that nl^ht. • He had nls tian people who believe In . the New S heila n ;t.li;'cim hii,lglrl, to a trunk! fnnilabed room.or a pak«a,£ . Irish writer. Oo coat off hnd a long, dark robe on« Testament.” ^ . th o u g h she iha^^Orl^^ glpm ^' “X used tofiook 0H|>the;.car win* chances are. batter, mayhA . apd then a n o ^ the but from the raft I • caught that . He said th^ report, a much-dla-^ deed fo r n chorus, jjUst dows lyben we noO(|d jiimpo and see 'persoaded to liiiish oat splash of whtte^hdraeshoiev shaped. cussed toplo In Protestant drcles, I pt- then. room ,18 'the lighted.bouses, ihe bedrooms, __over'Cash other-...... rr-r ______1» l* e ' It 'stood out from' the black rest of was not really a laymer’e report years agb.^she.^^.^ !ed In the thed- [maybe with Idds gOtog to bed. 1 Othervdse tha placd doesn’t,^ linda Bade, the towel with ohltA him. in daylight It Just looked and that neither be nor many of the ler almost ;aU’(n her ‘ rt Ufe; dhe used to see tim dining sf^ and much- Dova la a^rwhora Ass made to straofle wrung. . B trilneveroo^flnceltr denominations could, agree with Ita bad been borh 'inV a iiMing''robm mothjm .bustling ,>aek and fbrtb Ip i t ” by a sasear of «m* “He didn’t,undress? But—” theological basis or Its recommen­ and cradled m a truhkr tray because aprons. I uaod to see fxth^;'Com lng Strangs to ^ ;) u StatlaiidWs ■ “Y«B. He must have lied to you. dation \^ ^ t the mleeion enterprise Dolly DesmonA.'her. mother, : jlicri whom love had paaaod. by; , Totn. soiVlclsde of home and children runnl|ig. to the You told me that when he talkf^ be administered as a unit. .~ y couldn’t stdy ‘hrildnd «t ; '',the. hotel I front doors to meet them. wore Us room, about ft with you Hfe said he ra- “Foreign missions,” asserted iPr. while Johfihk 'went .bn’^ th the act date.; a,fat ‘ " this dremed and sat and doeed in the btg S j^ r, Who Is secretary of. theiBqard Afterward tobm^ehts firmly declin­ “Sometimes . in the. mornings I’d dure of''.the: vS*eatT-»»««J» t^ht I 4M a te lls of Foreign Mleslonf' of the Preahy-^ ed tile sunfcsI&B'cfJohnny’s moth­ see axprase wagons dad fire englkaa ThfflT ttee. ffom M id a g U rn chair by the window—” or doU carried cluttering 197 t b i ■•wy- “Wajt a moment, Toim' He ’ ;erlair Cnureta 1b' tht U; S«. A. mod ^ er (Dcdly was ah oin^man) fhht the '^ SbU aUn the mgMs>7< : former prsij|*lcu^ Fedei^: laby ehoplA.fttays bOtwd' In Ottum­ front wMks. l^tbea blowing on the out Into tte " Sunday 'eve- didn’t q[ulte aaj^ that—but I did liave lines on (Mondays. O irlah av^ Uttie / V w • hUera “ that impression.” She hugged h^ Council of Churches, “have suffered wa, la.. wMte the^'fihlahed the seh- dow n ih e P alooe with Slat- less, In this depression than home son. ' ’ ./_*■ ‘ ‘ ' parties. The other girls in maybe s h T la ^ ta fte ^ OTtbllmees and beid hcr^h^on ,thw^ and chocolate and cakes—r” patted flowen mv ttat wUm concentrated effort to^btUgrt^B/the missions, phUanthropic instttuUona ^So from ‘‘.thb flhitt: Bheiia ^®s k ihett, the. ro education.” ' ~ ta ^ haby-*’^u«ilted' hi day coaches .*Tt’s,: a* lot ofhunk,” said M yrt wates. rilouil^^ W t words. “Re ^d, \ atoadlly. She h u tte ^ a bit of topat- M m fhe far end ef hqraelf coxnfortable In. the. chair by m ille disagreeing with some:, of Oilng JtUB^ her first m ake'A 'sato; / tiU ISa^dow 'and-doaed off there-’ its major findings, he pAlsed piart at tfir^ moBtha,’ toddling Oh In and .. took a ^.ganierous, mouthful. “W eP,y,,.aakfA;.'.,Mte^ laifeid of his oWB ihat was It,'Tom . I misled you. )urpoi;ie and the spirit” of the report her second two years. Thea . JToa’d get rick bf■...... itto a weeln l ^ a . p a u a ^ , ypte'jfta as DO Vee most be Ihe and aK>roved many of Its prbpOMJi In te rfe r- sdly for. y»fu to. talk tltet wpy. W lte bobkhiiF Cftices oc^m ,3^ I. Dtaoer Is anuoieiced Whim be said ’made myself comfort­ the G e ^ : .8<^' able,’ 1 todk It for gw ted he meant for the bettennent of the program hue. knpw iedge yoi^ carqsx! You kayo the pfaklngf m tot thh:bduii!^':hl loA Bd opp«ti^ W he undressed: and repeated to. you in the Far East.*’ * W the id to ~ th e of a real; dancer. A murical .comedy Beat?” '. ' ' ‘ i- What «he , hBS toamed. But Small Gioape bed fa th e r ittar .Uke Marion Meriton.^ X don’t •' :M jyrt’a. teen and’ TMM'faaws that way. Tm awfully sorry!” Wings vdiarcj m w » » - ___ _ "That was perfaeUy natural. Td "rhe Impresslbn-that the inquiry ^ d th e 'Oct. see. why you couldn’t be as tpod. as' cepted routinedSlif’ :havB ^ • wait* was c£r^ed through by a gnat body S h e ^ kni ■ ^ n 'a k ’her she waa. AU teu need . ls'a:brealu to the rp o n ^ : hqiM^ ^ r 11^ tater they have gcne on the. same aj^^tio n . Thinga can’t keep up. the way t l^ The ttilfiiihfftfr rin g aji euppdse, he tbok off Us drero coat of laj^en . is Incorrect,” he salij.^^ parents. . be trii^hmia^ -:A-‘l«it»d ptyj.'on., the'bathrobe. 'R ow it “Only', a .very sxnall hut devoted' r id e ./It are forever; 'Die3r!re ' boiixd to F b r ; ■weelm-'^haw..'' B W ,,, B e ta n b ig '" 'A t 14 bhe'^-^ change.’! Her voice shook. “Fm OlA taking tke pourie. c<. li, wthat wae pf tUnk shout' It, I remehiber' aomo- rfoup. Was behind, it. And, bf the lb/ ylraa': none towSoOnT fo r' presen tly her .. V' , , ' ./»' . ''' I : else' that should have ,ipld me mei^ers • bf the commisslpn that’ fatiier,and;mmhfm,.ili#wn ae,“the Sheila, Fm 80 but you’re, a'lbL he joto Cousin: wrote the report, no m oiitlm h.thrto Dahdhg Deawphdt,” dlpd in a train She anMlril tluvugh auMan touhi,; Aiflhy ,'rhom'he hd^^ Yriy long coifid be classed 'as hushiesa laymeil ’(Thirty .Isn’t bk|,” Sheila aaiu uh- wriiok.: Ijt’^'im^enbd ' during the comfexstimy. It hiirt her to. think of rdbe-'"on^’and' it': w iA ,' drv)^ dose in the' popxiiar sense of the word. aummery.whim. weQa^hgd been left a c i^ ifle cheet-rJappe^ way of theta. ’ It wasn’t'a pretty hOuae plahbc«WhfiO ecm.® second-rate pictures nowl Why, he iieter : had- deed^-^ctiby, ,eItiW W W vaude^S miisiofui < sullied the ao- less'strohg.. ■ ,, medloil' miaSlonary tt' needed -we Yes, ^ e lla certainly waited to anything but butler * parte until he killed Bunto?” ' , this; horror thh^xbeane/qlohg^iNaw! f “y'^Sta^/ahoib-.lti::^Jwred ht send but u man whe la both, a good Chriatidn and'ah mepert In medicine, Ftorn some-fOP#* he’avone of the Wggefi^’: a j- ' I 'ceribg.> abh^ axfat old d^, haq hmeriMA'i^ tax '‘Y 'ea, he’s .S'stariT’'.-,' a ..."!; and there are. many auch- exceeded good-hhfhtoA>1lttle’Dolly’s shabby, a'ven ’ tiiough they: had bpm hateiMtot;*: e i ^ i f T i u ’t iioM>tl(sr . t t a i ^ n ig h t and “rmtiaffWid -ttiat the qbm m la^ well cut, gbod clothes In their tinte. The glow of the w:axm.o<>ffa!| /WttractivencllM. 9!^ , lehll built, slim the good food had sat Mlyrt to bff' mto spate*. which .drew up the repert spent tob as a-iifiklel tn o ^ Wttb delicately However, her'blouae-wais. frothy, ipd “Suffered from inaomnia. An; dhbrt .a.:tim ejn the field to an ^ as white aS’Ctueful laundering could ouived, afeildjtt'"throdt, dark .hair sad. In any' other sort of vroxkiMtet SSSe Hr- ^ O ther t l ^ - 1 'forgot: 'When we the «ff ot^ vMthfiarljgt desk as satm!:^rirsiiin^>ga^denla skin. make It. Her'gloves were worn ,too, w ould.8tlU.have been m.h#r;teime— f t^oiToW or ^^^y W,, dO 'redpqp-'” ^1 met b Ihe' dty at the office eaily are reii^ living, a m ^ the pebple That was Sh^h.,;- ‘®m bew lf bad butcher feat wefe neat ahd tri^ Bh:?idS» to yott^ the w^k he apOke of lb-said he ahd apieading Christiahlty by .their selected the' J»ms *.'Sh»yBe-' Sheila’s feet ahvays were neat and tol. ride of..her prin^ **‘^^»«* o&iehtto:iiyk slwk^ a|dpt badly In hotels. It trim. They were her’fortune. in ihow burinesa; where youth mode 1^ 'but; sikne ...... M*f^';A][si^ just ah anuBion- ahd J forgot preach. of ;blackherrlef,,aiiid cream, marble •rwlnkirhg,* twlnlhg,r / tapping, sad l^ t a; home, on I*afk , ifas a^b ^ .J® aU alihut it. Added tp th li bjaalhg (huEzling feet!. She' flCwldown 'the M yrt was in the dlscarA '; anid ebohy. - .dwUam eyse were set in Shells shivered a littM . Youth w y . jt'ii^wattaer yo)^ sort at apdl always OBLlOINO OiFClOBR stalra^w ’ and: paused "7 a t : Myrt^s '’Thbto town't bbmesi MyftF The ,q%e 'tu n ! w ith ^ 0 pfcWBrhted'sqpty finger. She so, S h o rt.,, ■ ■ >*<^.,ths ts|a.. Now doh tlgii^],^ direct from ■had UplaI^«m Y^W ■h^ * proud door. •;» , ^ j r - hthhe I A " Wbte,'' , ^ an keyed Up JackeonvUl'e, Fla.—rA man, deep' fling of the; heal W r ^.Ma Loweii, ‘‘CiMqq‘oa;i: Mtet to ' "I .worked at a sodatfouhteto af u i.'-^ .i,* n porch Ibid gmte ^ n i^ ry ‘‘f.lfipta at Idwt two-and perhaps three ly imder : the lnfliienci of liquor probrietrssS iff'CaeilhiM ^cal board breakiEast ^ m kmteoMA”' home.”'Myxt went on-, SJaqd ______, A*’'home that! Is :ca.' tit ■W. or'four'hlfl^ i^thout sleep. The staggered up to the desk at- the Ing house, sai^ take her be- M yftis' door-' epencu. cautiously.. stage struck.' You know,' hojy ilt , IS; d fbr--^t'farted by th» 3r' ■ BW suffefiod' fbr ,lt C. BUtier tp'put him Ih' jalL'-^tler , ‘ wen ^but widened to adnUt Sheila. -'V . : ; ' . , be. on the stage. Gobg.aroimd. .with toAi I t wmm right awny. You icsh Imagine she’d be right bn Sheila M adhqW i'ivwrM ttle money, "dK- It’s you,” Myrt smd' tether, a mechamc, I was. MbylM, ' M ^ t’e eyes were driNinay*. ‘Tve ’hn asl^.!’ ima. aM ^ had hardly compiled when the' mgn Vh#iiiA the job with ah uhkhbwn, prowling changed" his mind and wanted to and ecafcelyi‘a M tl^ unnecesaari^/ Within the, room .1 ^ ®teh hdmsarrlfhi hers at irt* eh-1 d b iA t 1 hhaB be, was dark,' closer dlsorderedi.. As 1 . ' 'v. . - abbut afUr taldhlght, pbbr epui^y furnish X bond to 'chair^'pnidWX^ b u S ^ M bing hetthbii b^' thifin dajw' he cataei back, to that hbt raised the’’iteadA clutcbli^'a: ^ n “Mother , and I Uved'ln a^ptetfY rburteu. scarfs, imajHbA Aad;~ as^ to h w re a l a n x ie ty .room:-4 t ^ the worst night of oU, blue e ri^ kimoao about her^sparse nlce'/houssj too.. I t: wasp’t•'slhythlng 1 j f ^M******^ in a pot In toe df:MlUXtow<^ nfleettoB . ym i knbW7.^ d knew he hsdn’t ■figure,"''' . ■ ' ■' ’' i ' Uke this: Iffe! Big roonte; You-know Ldow. iLmN'tosrihg'arbUnd to to e “ a lamb, iin't eber’r cem- chance In the world to sleep. ' Bo “Wa can'have" /breakfast . here, -;-coQk la the kltcheOr eat in thedin^f^ apnm cobUng sointotolxte dh the. hew ,'treMhter;ii; M ttU^ihers^ lux Myrt offerrtl llstieasly. “Pve got jraan uyL •he ji^ t 'taade- himself, comfoitoble’ nlng room*, Bltep ^ t r i r s .; : Wa g y bumen'! ’ Miaa coffee- an^'mekers-;-;’’’ '' ■ weren’t cooped up! te;.oneToOm. SU. srtUa hoddeA . ’’Suio,': I, know, . WQodlit^ ever thW ^um^.aad .’the “Oh, lei'ajto out,'' ■ Sb«Us: answer­ «fHlUsto^< the time tito way we.: ye'here^^’.jToU’re.thlraag'aboitt Eiee’^aad^^^ toff fb^'A mi! ^ enduSd. from-. aohim ed, “Itis/fey- treat and It/w ill ^ ybut Myrt sixhed;,heavUy, her. eyeS'^flxeA[But tto^[xtete exdrttom^ Ainos,' fiiU Of morbid, hiiif-ln. By HELEN WILLIAMS good;- You'stay bere an day;’* be :|rtv«n'vh*''Ji on a Astsht object. ' N. . I Over, teat'at-Dean’s t ObopL. House, ,,.A',fWc;.wak',:l, an abeatlt” sane thoughta-p” “Wen, ho.manager is going to And yet you woridn’t give thlijM yrt?” eura yen eugbt?” '. “And the door went rork-rOrk moatmted Dresamaking Leaaon Star- chase you to the coriier picture show, up for aU that,” temarked Shriht, | Thetetberis aitea'addeiwd; Dean’s ^ . be:ahabaolutogbat! “ ro rk — ” hlsM with Every Pattern either," Myrt returned tartly. smiUng. was the‘^tendexvey 7r t toe> success* wai^ me. just to curl up and ” His window, was parallel with You know ' this seaaon’s they!re Sheila said nothing. M yrt had been “You're right* I womdmti’f Myrt fm, th e fite t . ’.’YU^teMn^^^m^ that door and .ha could, hear I t wearing aU types of jumper dresses. out ol) a job so long that im one straightened. “A can; cff7beys:.hytr: S lteteC uiitejl/Tf’e^^^ _ forbid!” Ha atOl feund louder , than, anyone el|M.” . TodaY* modal wilf have Instant cculd remember her. last engage, {- ;t to db anything hut Ibbk ed over the gas jet may be aU I’ll SheUa^ had dlnto She. sighed. “ Wen—Tom^we did appeal to the <^c school girl. m en t, have for dinner tomorrow, Whb' duently, alWays aa 8o to te ® f X nm’ rather hu n^y. “Where it Thank beaten itia over!” • For It a brown, beige , and green “Going the rounds?” Myrt ven­ " I start?" plaid woolen made the jutater. It knows? But I woiddn’t go back-Jim It waa an ycCUent rortauiant just, S Y A :< •;gut by a very narrow ; margim' tured, glancing at : Sheila’s suit ana ow y the flUing:station now,,tool!’ off Broadwajr, o m flto h t 19*; , ,«t. the' beginning. That is, we he added’ soberly..' “The' chance' re- aas the wrapped closing now so gloves. ■*’Gee, you look fine. No “Why'don’t you write; to-ihim?” |wa»,good food,,^ excrilete'/aerrice« X'!'BCurto4 '.rt tfcmnstalrs and that Stat* noark of'. Statlander and my im­ vogulsh. The separate guin^ was matter how slim the old pocketbook " ' ■ ; ■ jTT # laadar. naan . caught you and you _ ige fhle wale pique. It Is also suggested Shelia. She wpa aorfy fo f Not .flashy ’ pression of the riilrt front” : gfSts you always look like a million Myrt. Perhaps going home would ‘ ei|, “Tte b ey there,^ SlwlMririm on. ■ ^ S S T a tt^ tha gari^re. What I < “If he’d kept hla head , and just smart with the giilmpe made of ton- dollars. Oh, w ell-ypu’rS young!” aecktiy wateAt '.dph’t: aee, lyim, la how you knew^- lim green, shade wool crepe. the very best thing for her. But H ^ t Fve neyy, seen a «oa|jto;^4^^ to -b e :. laughed at the idea—” ^ Her thin arms, from which the Myrt shook her head. | who looked haimy- Itememby LUy '.f .beeauae I f o ^ out^v^e yoh were •We'd have proved It but It would Wool Jersey, rahbit’a-hair woolen wide sleeves had faUeh, rose in the ’em. ma--and itoUr thoUfl^ It wiu pbor wool crepe and tweediUke ,cq tt^ . “I couldn’t I’d-rather eat; once^aJTrain? I saw her there/ttieyt ^ ^ have been a long, hard fight This air as she twisted her . faded hair day; y d be near Broadway; >hoplngf rNach tlm e ,^ w y wltn a^d lfly y way,^jnks, hla fatailYd huah It up are also suitabl'e. : A: into a bun and jabbed it with hair ..“poor. Marvtor-pbor me! I wh» S ty le N o . 8887 ie designed for 8 , for a bteak,' than, at home maxtiCdihusband- * > Whrif you tee.i'naairiejd somehow/ xad XU be hound he’s put p in a , . couple at Dean’s you can: . . having fltp tsMting towm to that quietly away and It win never oome 10, 12 and 14 years. Dressing was quick work. Stock to the richest m y in town.” manand ttUnkiag you’d got the Bias 8 requM yards 8ff-lnsh “I wouldn’t ’* aaid SbaUa. whether tiie htebaout^ o r toe rwife ip to triah BuraW wa wont push it” Ings' pulled' on,- then scuffed shoes, _ the most; money. Tqn exh r^>i gobde on < him somehow and that I “S peaking ta iSti statlander—” w ith m, yarda 85-lnch for blouse. a dress slid over the head and jerk Myrt stared in amazemyt. “ You bad to leave you and drive Da 'Voa Price of Pattern 15 Cents -what?” she asked us if yw illing to teU w h y t h ^ v e b e y qi . ,W Impish, grin was. in a mo­ ed smdbth about thin, hips, dark. hat And- you .c y teU iVhy' they think -to the Stoners. , How did you find ment, as dauntlesa as over. ‘^You’re Our Large Winter Fashion Maga* shoved doUm and scallops of hair believe her ears. 1 ' ■ /but, BhOca?” zlne contains the. most popular SheUa w u aU composure. “I more of being x yeeess thtoi tow hot v ^ oompUmentary about your pulled out to outline the forehead. do of eyh other. Whto J “ xrry X “One of those ‘Uttia things.’ Stau a^o r, are you, darling?” ■ styles for the adult, miss and cbilA wouldn’t rather, be here th y in a Street clothes, party dressee, coate, Reaching for a polo coat, se^ng > lender was rambUng . on and-, *(WeU; .be la ian old fool. He’s worn gloves and a flat purse, Lfyrt smaU town married to the richeat he said aomethlhg about w made more trouble, unnecessary blouses,, home wear, lingerie, etc. m y there, or even engaged to the In addition there is a three-lesson announced hersrif ready; nursery. I wee wool-gathering, but tro u b le— ” j The air outslre was brisk and second richest one. Even if I waa I .made him repeat; what he said “Have you talked it ^over with Beauty Course covering the face and hands, hair and figure. sunny. Spring was in its warmth bora in the theater I don’t like It— 4 . and hi that humoroua, careful way h im ? ” and in the voices of hucksters much.” She leyed forward.. “I ’d give be want over it again. About how “Lmrd, yea. We’ve all hashed Also a good selection of pdtch> work quilts, embroidery work, and shouting their wares a block be­ it up now—” ohrlm it waa that when 1 col- and ra*haaheA After you puUed ' Myrt eyed her almost in fright '//i£ DOU6AN lapaad in Cousin Amos' room, Mr. other HUggestions that you can make yond. Children home from 'schoo' lha faint—don’t be peevish, honey, In your leisure momento. played hop-scotch. Messenger hoys “That would be a!U right for a Be Voe appaarad the other end you had plenty of provocation and bicycled smoothly. Job or no Jolj^ It ‘hoofer’ to say,- SheUa,” she admit­ ; i fj . of- toe hfiS—pur anA I never: did Be sure to fill In the sise of the! nobody bUuned you!—^haughnessey p a tte rn . J was gopd to be alive, ted flnaUy. “But—^you’re a dycer! D /i WORK' know how ha got on the subject. turned you over to Rosie and she “But spring isn’t the best time The real thing!” Ihat hit m*> Tom, juit like a real caUed up motiier, and the two of Send Btampe or coin (coin pre-' blow. I couldn’t gat my breach. ferre c i). to get bCoked, either,” Myrt - re­ SheUa nodded. "Yes, I know. I’m them buBdled you off. Meemwhile Price ol book 10 cents. minded her companion as Sheila re­ supposed to have talent. Daughter Thera, it wi#-rtha arnmi ^ p § 'To’d our Irish frlisnd had the time of Price of pat^m IS centa, marked on the beauties of the day. of Johyy yd DoUy Desmond, been Wh^tmi for. I th m ^ tlm M t hla young Ufa—a grand yarn to tell e e 'A to ywi-and than Oniiar was “Maybe not, but I love It ” troupers. But there are too m yy RESOLVE and an audienee that was pop-eyed They seated tiiemselves at a lit dycers these days. Good ones. You aid Marvin earns down and with excitement. When 1 g o t back Manchester Herald MrTBtictlah^ had a suddm fit o< tie white tiled table in the. Coffee have to be a topliner to get y y at­ H ie depression taught us one great -dog-tired, (UaheveUed and sick Shop. Other late breakfasters were tention at all. And then they soon marnTf"’** and want off to gat you. with worry about you—they all fell Pattern Service there. Sheila nodded to an acquaint lesson... .experim ent is extravagant! waa ao fiiU ct axdtoment aad sua- on m e lik e w olves to heflur th e end forget you. Look at M arly Merl- For a Herald Pattern tend 15c ance or two and Myrt bowed once ton! The bit of the town two sea­ W e’re!learning now how to be reidly; ptifia: I thou^t Td >>p! 'While Of the story.” or twice mournfully. (TO Be Oenohided) in stamps or , cpln directly to sons ago—and where Is she now?” t h r i f t y . V, liJ ? 5lMVln picked for the Fashion Bureau, Manchester “Somebody leave you a fortune “Maybe she married, yd went M yrt asked as Sheila ordered fruit gttliGr Ohs, pi rig& I wte A BAOr WITH DEATH Elvenlng Herald, Fifth Avenue home,” suggested M yrt. Resolve that, during 1 9 8 8 , y o u S a S to.fbbli at.you aad all the and 2Srd street. New York Oty. . cereal, coffee, toast and' eggs (or “And maybe she Adn’t. Sbe!s sit­ 11 PfMO, Tex.—A wild race from both. She demurred no further, tim a J ob .wore im ting to aat ma nthony, N. M ., to El, Paso was nec- Be sure to flU In number of pat­ ting in some rooming [house this won’t experim ent.'.. .least 0^ aU A d th tern you desire. however, and Sheila was glad that minute oij.out lyking for'a job. And aaauyMM ■a’yS' the lift of little Billy she had invited Myrt. A few square ypur clothes. Resolve to get.^ttgr' 'Ward. Forrfour days Billy had been M y ion could really dyCe, Myrt! Patterp N o.'...... > meals were what she needed. She’s at A young, tro. vWhat’U It he acquainted w ith Dougan deanm g.u., suffering feom a sore throat and “You’re out of a job, Sheila" lilhaa I Wd aad ha (NhBa :whsn on the fifth day he began to Prlcb 15 Cents Thine habltatien is.ih the midst of when you’re old?” and tjien you^ll learn -w hrt, 'real deceit; tiiraugh'decelli they refuse to Myrt reminded her, nevertheless baUnd ma—I But fhi^ .ohOkA Mr. Ward loaded BUly into attacking the golden eggs when “You can opy a lingerie shop the hit you. Y o u ata^ hla 'ogr apd atartod h ii thriUiog ride Nam e . know me, eatth the Lord. — Jere­ way everyone else does,”'auggested t h r i f t is l m iah 9 :6. they arrived. 'g a tttc tly d u O r f i ^ iriddh 'andid In the office of Dr. “I know. But you never can ten M yrt practically. Sheila laughed in ^Vsndavtr. The daotor clegrsd tite A dd reel • ••0 #.•#•«•••****•***** o 0 0 spite of herself. No mao was ever so much de­ This coffee Is good. Isn’t It?” ^ throat and hmarttd a J^ver S lu • ^••'••feevetevesse “I’m not going to open up a shop tuba wdsjte<* him from ceived by soother as by himself. — "It’s the lucky break we’re hop Lord GrevlUe. -- ing for Just around the comer that for yythlng,” she said vehemytiy.


"‘BIG FOUR” JOIN SPORTS IMMORTALS REVOlTACArniltES TROJANS FAVORED MHUOrENGOlF TO BEAT PANTHERS TOURNEY WITH 27S IN CLASSIC TODAY Leaders Neareit Rival By New Year (lA e r s Ont Hittoric 1 9 K ; Hi||diB(pi Fpnr Strokea; Sarazen Triampht of Gene Sarazeg Yankeei and T e ^ Olyiikr Expect 70,000 To See Rote SdUAFAHDPOIIEDA Finishes Third and H a g n piad At Los Angeles; Many Bq Gatei DenRe De- Bowl TBt; Broaicast presiion. ' Ties For Fifth Phee. - S liliti At 4:30 P .M .; East' HEAD n s n e SUTE Miami, Fla., Jan. 3— (A P ) — ByALANOOUtO West Stan C h d In Char- Youag John Itovoita of Menominee, (A saeeiito Press flporte Bdltor) Me«t Id Heavyweight D ad At Mlob., ;won the ninth annual Aflami New York, Deo. 81.— (A P )—Even 1/^tbeli f the budgetsbudge fsilsd t o ! Open golf tournament here with ■porting ebownf 1983 bae been one of thethe moatmoi______gla:morous and eaidtlM', as . itrOame At Same Tone. etrokie for the 73 holes and upaet well ae one of the moet euoceeeful,, from,the " viewpoint of your VadUaoli a Madiion Sqoare Garden an impresiive lot of more exper­ uel’e glrli and hoys, in the recant; history of International eOmpati'tttoti * <-J ienced campaigners. Firmly en- 'AlthoughAlthough iba United Stntit o t fiM ^ to lift the ' Davif GNip, cMuMto if! By PAUL ZIMMBBMAN On Friday Night. trenohed in the lead six itrokei un­ AiNUikted FNMSporto Writer der par at the start of the final 30 world teaaio rivalry, onfi loift .li hole round, the "Iron Mnn from TERRIFIC BAHLES amateur gM crown to CMtoMtao " PeiadeBS, CaUf>» J u - 2.-»(AP)— Mlcbigan” equalled the card of Afflerloaa talent otberwleo ifog Mto ^ Nsw York, Jan. 2.— (A P )—Dark Denny. Shuts o f Cleveland, mateb- dominant In thaee iperta as ewi A wraath of foMi and a bad cf to boxing for two w asks because of Ing him itroke for stroke, and: fin- INflOCKEY LEAGUE pololo 0ond. rowing, and roM to tboma wara aada raady hara to­ the fragility of main-bout perform­ lebed four itrokes ahead o f bim>for hetoht*^tf of Olyfl»i« oonnuoi U Jiei day for tba footbaU teama of ers, Madljton Squart Garden will the total; play. Placid and M AnfOMK ' ^ « ■outham California ai^ Revelfa'e four-round card showed The year fairly solatutotod TUf waa tha aattlnf fortoa al^t- try again this Friday night with a 06-6S<^3-73—378, against the Jour- a remnrhnbla oMIeetiOB o i n Milk annual Boai Toumanmt heavywaigbt dilel invomag Ernie round eoore of Shuts, at 67-71-73- Rangeri Hold One Gann ■mashing performaaoeo, Muni whlob nany oon^ar a bat- Sobaiaf o f Boston and Stanley Pore- 78—188. Ha aollMted 1600 a i first from the roaring run of tba mytbloal national obaxn* da of Jenny City. ihRhey. The finale law « reversJ oolm CanAObeU up and Hawn mtenaWF- Bi^oBty t S r a j^ This bout originally was sched­ of the poeitiona in wbioh. Revolta Lend In American; Teren- toat Btaoa to the dntrilag di S S r ^ a axpaoted to wltaaia tba uled for December 38 but Bobaaf and jlbute finished In the recent Bill Cnrl’ through the homo turned up with an injury and had to Future generations will read with awe of the exploit!-of the above in the good year 1983. Vines non- Miami Open, when Shuts to Topi Canadian. of the Olympic 400T ' ask for a poitponenent. L u t week’i qluered the wdrld’e best on the tennis courts, just as Barann did on the golf llims of two ooBtlfisentei Mildred carded 391 for first place and baat nMWffhPnih twaan tba canyon walla of tba ibow was called off when Isidore (Babe) Dldrlkeon, DaUae itenofrapher.__ proveiproved_ berMlf _ the greatest woman’s atblste the world has1 known. flevelti by a itroker' The bifb peak of Oaetanaga, Bpanieb heavyweight Jimmy Foxx, Athletic slugger,er, Ted1 the horn mnTittete of both leagues, banged more balls over the fence than Hurtying through hie two rounds New York, Jan. 3—(AP) —Start­ were eoMid when C ^TNya^pcodaroua but alart alavn, who waa to have fought T o m ___ any rightband batter in bletory. In four and r half houri in ordar derful Olymplt, ohnmj yiT^rourt tha rafter pay, aald bt waa suffering from a to leave by plans for California, ing the new year with a lerlei of leoredA flfta-seeoad ■•aaott without a fWaat or n ua. cold. Oena larasan, American and Brlt- thrUllag batUee, the National Ito init lungiag otroke, ■MM fMopid to oBAorM with tlii Sohaaf’i Injury has completely lib open ebamteea,• tacked------up “ a Hookey League olube, brought out blue^lrtM Xtallnn gja aUtrSTiWirti. healed now and tbs Boston nattier last round of M f to slip into third more sharply than ever the terrlflo Babe Ruth|,in OotoMPf wall'aa walcbt aaanad to chow la ready to continue his oobe-back HAHBRKX WINNER plaoo. His card showed 71-73-78- olasele. mignlfloently Bertteanablp te tba Paolflo ooaat campain* He probably will rate a Fete Barry- 20 Years Of Pro (9-386,. Henri auoi, of^ F M struggle for plaoei in th# Amerloaa defiance to the Cube SSStent but tba Invadlv M ; bt favorite over Poreda although' Meadows, L. I., waa fourth with 8M. division and the eloee but iese la- tremeadoui bomoinmrN SaTbbM a dMidad payobologloal the New Jersey slugger Is one of the Waltef Hagen of Detroit and John tereeUag raoe la tba (Janadiaa eee- be Imd "Oallod’f; when M l AT SANTA HONKA ItoUN of raloago tlad for fifth placo tha game would ba^ a beet of the youiwcr orra of fighters Cagmg, and Going Strong tion. Mitt, with a cemauifitf ef m U and outpointed Sobaaf in their first with 990. nerve rarely writ ' ______two drfewivrty. Then leaders wars foUowed in Detroit, whleb dropped back Ihto bent OB making or meeting last lufiimer. the Amerloan group oellar last sure, earns beWiHHii Baby Arlamendl. Maxlcan fiaib order by PbU Perkins of Nsw York, ftrawb with a rooord nwnuug tba braiUu> Flttabufgb New York, JtB. 9.—Twenty years v v F r J a . 391; John Golden of Noroton, Conn., fldgbt after puiUag up to tie Cbloa- who boldi Oaliforalr state reoognl- Pshri With Pro To T n n In , was oloeer to the divlelon-leM- United Itates Open, of mlle-a-minute action on a pro­ W M k End SoOrtB nti Bslph Stinebraio of Indtana- ■hid and clim u hli tloB as faatberwelgbt champion, is , rrtotoiv ppjji, Xlngenib of .FsrgOi KJ New Rangers than tiw bookad to faos ,tba Brokolyn vet­ fessional baekethall court, in which eoaquait at heflm S S S I^ ^ ljp a tlia B CrtttontfE ta f Boot Boll Card of 63; N. D., 398;, Obulei L a w ot ) m Montreal Maroons end Ottawa eran, Arcbla Ball, once an outstand­ he bae played eome 9800 games, Senator^ wbioh were tied for eee- Bnmper Otynmlo rt§gf^ ing ohMllanger for the bantamweight By AfiiOOIATEP PB M i vUla, N. y., 396; Anty iU y ot Tor- have taken little of the fire of youth CBto, 396; BilUo Burkt of Oreen- ond In the International leetien, I f it were true t a il a u lff ,4 obampionrifip, in a ten round mneob Othor Scorei. out of Pete Barry. The 86-year-old' were to the Toronto Maple Leafo. eatoiprlsM flalsbei "to ttto at San. Francisco Friday night.. . Golft wlcb, Oona., 999; John Watson of prpfcMloaal hnsofiflll gad g s j s f a s boopeter, who got hie start with the South, Bead, End., 991; Jim Martuooi Toronto defeat#d Obleago and the Miami fiprlngs, 91a.—Bevolta eap- experleaoed a tough year So fir , as quantity goae, most of O rigiu l Oeluoe when that oage o f Teiorboro. N, J., 999. ^ ^ Maroons by one goal marglae, then the week’s action will take place Lo- turss Miami open with earns out of detroit last »| h t wlto gato thero waa i m tho w o ianta Monica, Calif.. Jan. 8 — ■quad wai hopping aU over the Cyril W «ker, nnsttoebed, 999; nm t. The St. Nlobelas Arena here, (A P )—One of the younger genera^ breiklng 37ft; a 3-3 tietio aeI Johnny Sorrott, Red eoat speetarlo of, tho T m I n bnifbaek of axoap- try, can eiill play plenty of fanta Monlhla. fiawe_ahohu Js% Tbompeoa of Youagetowa. plad to^flhow cowdn Kaneaa City, Pltteburi^ Pbiladcl- tion of golfers "who have been baeketoMl. Oblo, 999; J. R. fit o n r iM ot wing forforward, defiooted Ldury hia, Milwaukee, Porthmd, Ore., and Hambriok and Jim Roes win aaia- Aune'e hliilrt spot into the net m and which tha na» wotik knocking at the gates of gold and Pete—bis real name is John—is teur-pro tournamrat with best baU Xatoapqlle,, 800; wltaoM to thf ntidat of too ‘a&rSSSmwaa waU fg g fT lg guffalo all hhve sbowa carded SrikMttsto; Msei., 800,9Yid 1 1 ^ the last 40 eeeonde of play. Thd li2n35iklBg d e p «t glory in CallfohUa's winter tourna­ etui doing bis daily oborei with a card of 03. flvo potato earned during o e last finaaclil ft baekethall team, the Rosenblum- Tenalfi o i Laxliigton. Xy., 801, sad Jim week of 1983 gave thoMaplo Leaf# a Aaialai, put', on, a ments, eater^ the porcsls todty. He Oelties. The imiUng Irlehmao gives Noonsa, of Cmesge, 801. was Archie Hambrlek, 96»of 9Ssaee- Nsw 1fork-«-Maiir H#ebt and total of 38 and a star potot maifli) on fliparato diw i drew the' credit for hli long stay in the lUebastf MfbardjnMrii; finale of .na* tortbf mammelb o vlUe, Obio, who yeetorday won the ume to the fact that profeeslonal ov«r tho eooond plaoe okth*. annual Santa Monica 88,000 tiooal juntor indoor ohamptooehto. Ottawa beat the MaraoBs" and loet traetod aa'Mfb ai Iters do not play the earns Broewine, Maee>-MeleB drawn, to the Rangers during the. week ffie day*# t i ^ and, t t tba mntter of paaaaa tba amateur-pro tournament teamad gaxne as is playsd in coUsge. with Jlmlloss, n looM four-handicap Detroit, defeate Joaanei Pnlfrey, M , HEGHTtO DEFEND while Montreal reitted ftom throe tion, ourpiiiiag I stbara bad Warran nSarT 6-4, to win national straight ehutoute to wallow the pnvloui ^history tU V u O a n , a playar. Mia e ^ ls for tha three-day tost wert |87o. ”Tbe collegs cagsrs ars in there title, Rengere 4-8 S atu ^y and gam a tie wporii 'and Bob MdNalab w w f o u ^ with the old do-or-dle spirit," he ex­ Oenerali «m CaMfornla bopaa. The tourney reerived iteelf into a NETCROWN TODAY fc# eeoond. series oft. par*snmahlag rounds, plains. "Naturally, with such in- New York—Robert Moore retain# After exehaaging,. plaoedi wm TWO local.: badtetbalt ,te«nui, joUr^ ijplration beUnd them," they’re go- tor nay to. t o t Hartford this wade,/ tha which saw a beet ball card of 89- natic^l junior pookot bilfiard title Boston a eouplo of timeS;' I, the wnilng to pay 31—08, eight etrokee under neces­ ing to play their hrarte out. A t such wlib 76-D4 victory over A f^ f Ju- Cdi fv M BOUfb S tS T ol ptddag iw yarto CWffltb High Sebo^ m aat^ East Hartford a pace, they can last only a short o c ^ fiU oN jaoM, 2 d « B e Trvlna Warburton/ 147 at tba latter aehodra gym Fri­ sary M a victory. Cards of 07 dlce. Seeks TUrd Sncccitive Jon* AmiMleaa dlyieloa lead by ona pounds of ipaad, ware tba Trojan day ni|^t, while tba National Guarda wsrs rsquirsd to partldpato in tbs time. Lexington* Vo.—Tex Tllsoa IMeet- delate Saturday's defeat. The ccttti^ gjwhoto, tangle with tba AU-jBumaidaa at S t winnings. "But with the profsHlonal bas­ ed as head footbatt eoaeh at TVaeh- Bntiae met an oquaily unoxpeototi saw/tuoh natnraf . * * 'S ? ’kiCk-off 'waa sat for 3:16 F. Sseond plaes rssuited In a rix-way ketball player, things am different. ington and Lee, eetbaek last night when the Now gyateytow^ ArtoyfJ M atys ball on tba aante avanlng. The Biveketbatt: ior T am il Tide On Indoor l«t Guards have not got a home game tie between twoeomce which includ­ He's in there fighting to win the kork Americans set them down 64 * n a prUbabla a ta r t^ lineups: ed two paire of rank outeldera and game, for his living depends on it. NorthwMtem 88; Notre Dame 29. to o wide open, exoithty rioMi,' i t gla and aebadula4 tiba weak but aaak out of Pitt 38; Purdue 3i. iOOfiOOi rtIteSurjB town conteats. four of the country’s rsnking pro­ C om ! gave each ot the ieadMV An' ovefi fessionals who shot composite totals Kansas 88; fitaaford 17, break for the week as the; Brutts ■■ Largo. fl)iha,€iriWii; Tad Ballay» Ohio State 46; VaadorWlt 30, Paul Cuba, U ti tadda. Tba Trade School, travda to Marl- of 64, over the par 71 coutm. had preriously defeated the Mont­ Byri» ' tho S S teto titig , left guard. These teams were: Bob Tobin, Weetorn Reserve 40; Sytaeueo 39. . . ^ . _ . „ real Canadiene 14, dan Tburaday night to meet Maridan c;.y.cB.,. (Kw yoArsT=«-l bcovywo|fht,.oi Joe ftformay, oantar. Trade at 7:16 o'clock. Tba local Timber Point, N. Y., amateur u d The Amerke, after eUpptog into far cry from each. toddoo Ondar, rl^ t g«»f^- gate D* the Canadian diriSion oeuar, when machanica have high hopaa o f ra- Wifey Cox^ Brooklyn pro; Les Bol- Tulane 84; Tennesese 38. more from the University o f Penn thoae foaturing Dentoocy, to pyai^ Walton, rlgbt teokle. tumlng/to tba winiffng column, after •tead, Minneapolis amateur and eylvmtia, aimed today at a feat ac Detroit and the Canadtehs plry 4 0 n4y,;«ui1riilscd 4ti j^nwadassr, rlgbt «d . their defeat at the banda of New Harry Cooper, Chicago pro; George oomMiehed only by Vincent Rich­ 3-8 tie Thursday, regaining fourth it t o Hogan, quambadc. ' Hlne, young Santa Monica Simon place by triumpbtog'last night whito n< left Britain laat weak. ards—that of wtentog hie tiiird sue- ptire, and Frank Walsh, Chicago eeeelvs Ngtionel Indoor Junior Ten tho Habitaate took « 4-1 walloping Popular t o e Sebaatlaa, o; Fred Gordoo, another Santa from Chicago. flaraMC’e twto jradore Wdnatock, fullback. The High School also expects to nls ttiam^onehlp. . _ overcome t o t Horttord after tiie Sonica amateur, and Craig wood of That game also gave tba Slack- and :tiM: cwombg' goutbiBni Oallforate Keeht today faced Richard K. hawks third ip the American sine- disastrous encotmter with Bristol. Deal, N. J., who won the Ban Hebard, tennle captain and four-let­ of tb/ New York Rdy SparBngf left end. Bristol gave t o t Hartford a worse Francisco and Pasadena opens; Jack tion after Detroit's 8-1 victory over as the out Rfty'Rrown, (Captain), center. . ter athlete at the HUl School, Potte- the Americans and tie with, the bratlng tbfm the Red and White suf­ Lebouvitz, Los Angeles amateur -s- town. Pa., in a final round match team acooinptl A irea -Roaenberg, left guard. and George Beer, Bakersfield, Calif., CanadieaS' had brought the Red they rcpteo«ite4 hnty Gixrtia Toud, center- fered, the score being 60 to 17. East ' By N A T HOLMAN between the first and second seeded Hartford has since beaten Weaver pro; and Carleon Woll and A rt Nel­ Star Flayer, Goaeli and Aathor of Wings up even.; Paul Thompson kalridoOtoDlc cpodiMOo, isayy Stevens, right g u ^ - son,. Los Angeles amateur-pro com­ ^ _, e’rs. A briUiaat player, espedal' ted CXdcag&M assault last night ,witb Vtoes. Eddie Tolan. tote-Sm ith, rlgbt tackle. High and is one o f the best schoot- "Winning Basketball" iy on the boud floor of the Heventb three goals and an a s^ t. Ford Palmer, right end. boy outfits in Greater Hartford. bination. RegtoSMEt Armory, Hecbt was favoi-. mie Foxx, Babe IMdril Homer Griffith, quarterback. Four other twosomes for eighth Qaestion—What system e f . at­ Willo Moody, Helene:. place, two strokea behind the lead­ ed to 4ln. He has beaten Hebard to Bob/BrsUne, left halfback. The Guards-AU. Burnsides battle tack do yen advise to penetrate' the two previous tounuunent encoun* Ruth'. Lou Gehrig, HWty=^ HsmifW Bright, right halfback. looms as the best game of the season ers, These were Randolph Wein- zone defense? and Olto .Dutra contelbutofi; maon, 14-year-old Ookland, Calif., teris. tacular fe i^ . Gordoo Clark, fulm dc. to date.. It will be-interesting to Xn addition to playing the singles DARTMOUTHlEADS see whether or not the Guards can amateur and Ted Longworto, Answer — I recommend the dc I ^ w . d o Si^EMSv, Texarkana^ Tex.; W. B. Davidson, final, Hiecht also was a finalist in One of the World’s gr«|te BAST-WSST TILT cope effectively with the deadly ac­ layed offenOc to preferanee to the doubles. Paired with Ernest KosIeui Saa Prandsco. Jan. 3.—(AP)-— curacy of the Burnsides, who smoth­ L qs Angeles amateur and Charles fast-passing attack. Send tom letlo. actors ran afoul of the l Guest, D ^ , N. J.; B. Baird, and H. John "Pete** Barry of New York, he faced another IN WINTER SPORTS law while ' waiting. iri tbe ’ Stalwarte of the foothaU world ered the Rec Five last Friday night men into one'.8id£’ 0f the acne and strong team: o f New Yorkers, Giles daah hare todhy in the annual C. Evans, Los Angeles amateur-pro a third man into the otbei’. Have a fareiwell perforipihoi' The East Hactfiprd team displays but But he goes about winning in a Verstrafeh and John Nugrady. liM ^W eat charity game for the little passwork but when the l^ y e r team, and Dr. Q lff Baker and Al the piuBser come up as close as Nurmi., faverite. to' captufo; b M ^ t of CTlppled chDdren. The Zimmerman, Portland, Ore,, com­ different way. possible to the front line Of tixe Albert L. Jarvis of Tenafljr, N. J., Olyibpic Maritiion, .etos. ‘ ' brothers and. Nichols start shooting "He passes to his teammates as and the Hackley School at Tarry- cratrat, sponsored, by the Shrine, for the basket the scorers are given bination. zone and shoot short, fast passes Jack Shea, Dijimpic Ciuonp, from tbe games ,two ibrinc)^ togatber tbe 19SI heroes of Among those who failed to finish frequently as he can, and trys very to his teammates inside. town, N, Y., and V/illiam V. Wins­ they were to start. (Mi ■ plenty to da The All-Biumsides few long shots. His idea is to get low oTRoebester, N. Y., were rivals fat^u n g gridiron in a ;contest at have yet to meet defeat on their In toe^ money were Olin Dutra, Na­ Long posses are fatal for an to- profeSsionaUlsm ;Subsequently.-* Kacar Staaum which Is expected to tional P. G. A. champion who was a point or two ahead and then try terception is almost certain. A to the boys’ ringies final , and . part-, Wins Two M3e Test In greatest' fo<*t-racer ol hi# UnMk| home fioor. Ih e team is led by Van ners to the doubles final agidnst dra9T about 36,000 apectotors. Powell, one of the best guards in thid paired with Charles Ward, both to keep his opponents from getting short bounce pass through' the to the Olympic stands wMla. . ^•Americana, including -Michi- Santa Monicans, and George Von the hall.’’ line is most effective. Jacob SelUs and Albert Shapiro of youthful,'cbuntry-m#B ipit fhOft seetion. .Powell, by toe way, U v « Baltimo;re. Race For Trophy. tiirir athletic Jouiele to PdaiBd,, Rariry Newman, Purdue’s Paul at toe Ontennial Apartments here. Elm and StEuiley Turner, Los *Though Pete saves himself and Keep your best shot out to the ...I s and Coniell’s Jose Martinez- Angeles defeniUng ohisunpions. seems like an easy-going fellow out mid-court to await a return pass gCnttos and the U. S. A. 2k>rcina, swing into action on the Will the person who picked up tly: there on the floor, when you’re com­ from within the none 'when the Jules Ladoumegiie, Ffane^l eastern against a line^smasb* ing hia way with the bail, most any­ defense closes to to smother the Like Placid, N. Y., Jan. 2.— (A P ) ord-bteaking iniier. wah beinliheil^l Recreation Center’s scorebook from H ER AU ) NEWSIES W IN ' Thanks largely to Jack Sbea, Olym­ before be bad a chance to take j ffi:] ing^^K^vlihr weatem squad picked the steps o f the Herald office early thing can happen to surprise you. ball. He can then set hinueif frodi data of the PaCtflc coast, the He eases in and out of plays for a shot without any oppdsitien. pic skating champion, Dartmouth’s boat for the United States, a#. A Satxirday morning kindly return the BOMJVG winter sports team has taken the RodqrMountain tt^on , Kansas, with little effort, imd his reserve of TWOCAMES SATURDAY violator of the much-debated atog*; Nali-aaka. and Texas. ^ book, to toe Herald or to toe School Shearer’s Bidoks lead to the race for the Harding teur laws. The year closed udtfi; Street Rec? strength makes him a vMuable man Coached by Dana X. Bible of Rond ...... 93 84 . . . — 177 imtil the gun is sounded for the end trophy, prime award of the Lake none other than the oe.iebrOrte0t> Nebraska and r1»6r aseossn* 114 124 117— 866 that brought about the organiza­ fprd critics to toe barrier b y' fiO^ . at tight half and Roy Stone, Glympio Club, left end. tion of the Celtics. Pete waa only with eight; McOUt is fourth with, Elliott ... e e•e/107 87 90— 284 three, and Wimaini fifth with two. oepting a more * profitable job M ' btiwe at fullback. Morgan, Oregan, left tackle. 102— 881 14 at the time. bead f^ b a n coach at 1femple‘Uhl'< , .JVXmerlean, Joe Flke . . . . see s a 100 129 HOCKEY Tbe 440-yard race, in wbioh Shea Semi, Warilingten State, left Howard ...... 90 97 106— 293 Since that day he has seen a lot varsity. PhllfideipMa. / ' Kurth. o l v l l m ’ Danoei faces the guard. of country and played a lot of bas­ was also heavily favored, was de­ Along toe ifitomatlotaat. tyoobij#! Weatem tealj^t advantage with hla Ely, Nebraska, center. clared "no content" after a dlepute 631 ” 647 lil2 —1680 ketball. By AflflOClATBD PRESS the Amerloan etobteni ability ta ’ibra .Utibugb and smash Mclinarl,' Santa Clara, right As a member of the Rosenblum' over the start. Snow oonditiona forc­ flown more cooalateBtly a t ' plays before they aiirdarted. New- guard. Boa Anal National League ed cancellation of the 14-kilometer Oado ...... 124 106 109— 888 Celtics this year, he is paired with Toronto 9, Satrolt 2. Tie. of the parade. This eountty'* maa. le ft'6 ^ Of the Bast’s starting Jnlinaon, Utah, right tackle. 120— 876 four other great players. Vbrts are ekl run. Tho closing events of the totes beat rivals .a t Bneup, la e x it e d to' see action Hukuf, Nebraska, right end. Brennan ...... 121 186 The fcgnlar fermattM for the New York Amerleans 6, Boston 4. competition, the snow shoe races Allen . . . . e e e e e 86 107 109— 802 members of the Original Celtics— zone defease Is shewn hers. A. B. Chicago 4, Montreal Canadiene l. gameoiln/'toe Winter Ot: eaity fax tBe dontest. though he is Sander, Washington State,- quar­ Joe Lapchlck, center; Henry and ski jump, were to be Leld today.' Lake P|aotiL wlimtog soralllgAaNtelitehf)^^ la praotlce. terback. Brosowski ....109 100 . . . — 209 C. D and E are reaponslble' for ami Eniernatlonal League Kebert T. seat all9 126 134— 868 "Dutch’ Debnert, guard, and Dave in thdr respective zones. . Syracuse 8, Detroit 2. for the flrit time, with Andy Kerr of ^C^tete and Dlok Schaldaeb, California, left half- Banks, forward. The fourth buddy FIBflT BOUT OF YEAR runnel Staolaor of NOTthwestem put their Ck)lemaa . a e a a s e c e a a 108— 108 Oaondien-Atoerloon League of Pete’s if Nat Hickey, formerly of If your team gete a seven


i S a i , -3 A V < Read the (Hassified Rental Propertg Li5tinq on this Pag iijii \ bert Vlohnalr gave aomebody a hap- APARTMENTS, PLATS, ipy New Year aadvertenthadvertentlv yeater- W M l A 4 iB^Nniuitlon LOST AND POUND day and didn’t learn aboutlut it until DAILY TENEMENTS 63 I WITHDRAW MARINES It waa all over. l o s t —A BROWN POCKBTBOOK Queer Twiete FOR RENT—8 Room Apartmenta, During their abrence from home, MONDAY, JANUARY 2 (Cen.Val and, BAstyn;|MnS■H•.1?^^^^;-iv Manchester by Weit Side Rec.s 0 »ri"t«aa Ejy. aomccne walked Into the houae, ate iNoti—All wogftmn to kny and bASli i^tla of jppuf*'tlym f On *9?*^ S^der pleue call 8489. ^ Mlea all newly renovated, new gaa FROM NICARAGUA In Day*i l^ewe w’hat remained of the |!amil3r*a New ; eoMt to eoiuK "l6, servlM. 0* r kfflllaUon with Unltet? room tenements, with all modem as a legation guard ' or In any theater took it when it opened five Qjobile license tags are not only as j. .Qeluarga—rS ^ t (to omt •ASlCi-S|Stt ^Wis i »*Tb4 Herald will not be IniprQvements. Inquire at 147 Elaat capacity whatsoever.! 1Tit»-^12vie-rAn«on W^tJ)r.-als^ wbal wtam kdka Piju.. — . Vtpr iRO^ than one Vane Service meane lower rateb on years ago; ; , | useless as yesterday’s newspaper 11 iSl^iaiSO^MarkV Flahef Orehoatra wHti wcky kywjdto^anr aby edvertlaemeni orderea lor furniture moving to dlatant polnta Center street or telephone 7864. Secretary Adams yesterday sent I New York — "Bach, Beethoven but far mpre expefittve. Fines of 810 kwor KoU wranrYmrotaa - , . greetings to the American forces, CB8-WABC NETWORK NORTHWIST a e?iNAeiAM>p :*&ln% VS^r^m ...lon ot tneor Large motfem trucks, experienced 6 ROOM TENEMENT, all improve­ and Brahms are to , the soul what and costs imposed upon, the luckless the last of which were! mint, butter and eggs are to the 21 drivers caUght with the old tags ■Atid-^laati wabo (iMy) wlira wado wlba. katp- wabe. rent publloatton ot advertising men, prompt service, all goods In­ ments. garage, good location, rent woko wcao waab wnao war wkbw 1 ^ 5 south — ' rMtlfled onlv by oancellattpn or ine sured while in transit are features scheduled to sail for home to­ bo(ty,” said Ernest Hutcheson, dls-1 inffugnoed them .In reaching their WkS-ekckfWdto Wtou wlp-w(an wjak mil ; WlDfl___ IhZrMrZ mad*'tor the eervtce tndered reaaonable, 26 Walker, atreet. In­ day. He said the "record has been I 1 $ ^ 'S kT s s s s t r ^ I ' udyertleemente rnuet .®®btorir offered at no extra expense to you. tlngulshed p l^ s t. ' conclusions. ' wean quire 80 Walker. TO. 7268./ excellent— ----- throughout and reflects ! “Eat, drink and Bleep are 1 •* 7 MlnneapoUs—Teeth—even If, they wga w(biq4e— 6;46 ."Just Plain. Mil noot ba guaranteed FARMS AND LAND insurgents while 14 officers and .86 nof yet oome'hkclr., only;' Harrod’a, 'Orohaatra-biirtoj FOR SALE 71 to aWd.and plunge over an eiqbank- Tha Lana Watf^mldwaat rapaikt loiMMritw-NaniLA i n d e x o p ' men died of wpunds. The cost midwoat only i i Sh m 1933 will be; a gpod year for busl- teaeeeae.i I b e a u t y CULTURE—Bam whUe acre------. j Naches, Wash , — Fire CJMef ne^, so he’s ,cqmihg Put of retir^ riaralng. Details free. Hartford treesi grapevines, garden etc. Good George Huettner wants to know mejat to stkrt sill' over again. 81,000,000 a year. what town has a better fire record tertSay^|f|m' I Academy of Hairdressing 693 Main . reason, for sale. Phono 8230. It’s the hafness business he Is ip- tortobuielei£j for >1982 than Naches. • i terested in and he - says his come *'street; Hartford. m is s in g g ir l ; R E f u r n s His job has become monotonous. J •ewe#%•♦•••• LEGAL NOTICES 7S| back is due :to ihe* fact that horses nia. ‘-'i xv* • •'••«'•••• ••••4 Milford,' Jan. 2.3—ICAP)—M taem I he M p, . ■ '' lie . iv. ;.•••••••*'-• iiB L P WANTED— m a l e ; 361 Eatat; of Bll*abbtb-C; Loomia late; Kerwt^^ dkugktey of formev Dyrat''M;Y)rii^ AlBtaMaktiM of Bolton. In the Probate District of gj^gfiff ja,mes Kerwin,. Who ifor'Bale 4- Tiiriintf^^^ W ^ CONDUCT i • "" —% ,"V .er-bfficeti '■'wi8W|VpL,^ AndoVer deceased. ^ 1 dlsanpeared from' her home Decern- nigithii^ to /do; intOiiWWrik'tw G*cbarg«^...... wbfid > .renowned Rawleigh Home Uncertain ContiBue? ikto^SEtoei*orie»-^TlTe« ...... New Ym -s eve, po- ‘‘“ N a a e s bas s.populatoluof ibout Police ComnfladoMr James P. — “iVrio*—Painting J...*. s ' Serfvice' Business in East Hartford Estt^e to the Court of Probate for informed today by her A^man . said h ^ counted 1,255. Shroiid^HDisappea]^^ (•i>8eaools ...... v «- •• • 7-A, _ cities of South Manckes- 500.’ Bald District'for allowance. It la . fltther. Miss Kerwin had-been in Racine, Wis.—The si^ctators who Fdrm6£* M 0 9 !B | a 4 iHald-Hbln by Ttuek ,, . Windsor knd Hartford. Re- ORDERBD:r-That the .YtU day of _ v ^ . Denver—Justice, shy one too, and f. jnan«.litoy dPthed, :.' V 'f.i Hire January/ 1938. - at. 2 o’clpclc Ip ti+-r ■ ik»..4 toraE« iwi .liable hustler can start earning afternoon, it the Trobate Office Iff a bridge, toto the fcy_ __ _S5frt4r-.*^ wTOiay and IHcWiEBe xhiddly. Bolton be. and. the samft Is, assigned In , this holitoy season, probably adorned with coat dirty. Sha'a 1«“ I Aotee-MMorcycles | ^ rite immediately. Rawiblgh Co.i for a hearing on the annwance of S' xnany' husbands would'like atop courthouse dome many years, Bald administration account with sam but .they’re tearing down old buUd was tired of life. . ' _ M '^iceroffS ^ ...— | Dept CU-85-S, Albany, N. Y. to vTritq a book called“ I ’m a EHigl- ' But after he had; swum ashore he ■ Bervloes Dffelwh .....ler^A Estata ^ WHITE SUMNER. tiVw*Fi>om a Oudh Store.” shroiid'tofl .lllP^-QlMItriMitlng Judge. ^ ^ ^ t Lake Qty—Perhaps It would 1 .MicG(^;.',^:^r.__ Us—"NueisrlM •••••^« }| PO U LTR Y A N D S U P P L IE S 4^ be Improner to say the poUce offi- did it to '■*'1 siW#CtOTS ••••*.••*** H-1-2-33. . . Nob^katoediig; toe^ at- Flnrablng—Rpohng cer InterfMed, but anyway things who wagered he dlon t have neree tono^anfi dead. PT udanGih II I b u y a n d s e l l poultry of all ’ AT A COURT OP 1 might ^ v e been different if" *he enough to do it. -• - 1» kinds. William Ostrinsky, 91 Clin- at Hebron within and for the District j "Go home” said a police sergeant. alive, offim with toe to- ___ .j>rawmaktng ....i. of Hebron on the 13th dfi.y of Dc- hadn’t been there. U. R. Mills, re­ vesti^tion bPpeit' a riftvln^iief i£lTrpeklng--Gtorag6 . ko I •ton street. Tel. 8879. ' , \ noddpd •PSP^rlnS ,*..aa**»e ki ' —^------“r ported to headauarters lie and a too ...... kS ‘"®Pr"e8ent” ^LE0N G. RATHBONE. party of friends emerged from - a ------^ kk 1 iidfiTC, ‘ • night club last night to find three aalA lte PNwkt 24; FUEL AND FEED 49-A Estate of Warren P. Buck late of ra* r ; ^ u. a p* < such, a bad year. ed Uttlei kfi Hebron in said District/ deceased, toieves running away with their SheriffrJ. E. ^Hamlett .continued Lewis 'W. Phelps administrator. at llgurep? Then make coats which had been left, in Mills! Dr. Herman Bundesen, p ru d en t prerideht?” . . k<{ f o r SAU3—h a r d w o od also to hbld to jail here A.,. . H o l^ , -UscnMnwal , O R D E ^ D :—^That six months from the Number .2 from the automobile. Mills said he knocked of the Oilcago Board of health re- ti tange and fuel- oil. V. , 116 the date hexeof be, and the saraa are seven HI-HO pieces below. Cut the men down but before he could ported thiat elghty-slx, percent of all 83, pickied up Saturday fOTi _ . IW .-U W • ana Glaaaaa ... k» Wells sfmet, telephone 6148. \ limited and'allowed ff'r the creditors tiontog^'ifat;«prtoto^^ Ipktrnetion to bring- in their claimr against said them out and put them together obtain the coats an officer seized samples of liquor seized by police him. Before he coidd to t h e j, , ^ found to he hon-^polsonous, nothing' to^ do wito'toe .case., HpIdfB SEASONED Ha r d w o o d , stove estate, and the Administrator direct­ again eo as to tofm the Num- ___ jeai-^Jtoamatlo • ••• e j ed to give public notice to the creui- ■ ; ' ■ "• ■'ber.2. patrolman the thieved jt^ p e d up r^j^qk was more., than could-be said w a s V i^ to ^ ^ 6® a fonfita toptate ,qip^n»aa«Jaatrucrton aise; furnace' chunks ot fireplwce tors Of said estate to. bring In their of state’s .TtoBon l?y Wanien B. B; ''nianwatal and ifii away with.the coats.ja^ut'.-tbe variety found by raidere lengths i t cord ur 84 load. Gray claims within said, time allowed, by Loreto, .O.—Scorii^ atn .occajfionj' , Hofii^cuto' Results o f Ms;- to^er ' "Y:wat«ai" JinMia—Btookar-Mortgaaes .*••• ** birch 86; coro. Chas. Heckler, tele­ posting a copy of this order ^ on the Iprevious year, pritoing! ata < awaited: prembHis,,t .Opportnnltlea:...... || public sign post nearest- the Place al piece,of ice ^ 4 L OshIto|to> 'W -It, is., contrary to MqpeT to. Uo*o — ...... ** phone Rnsedale 13-13. - where the deceased last dwelt, within wind, Joto Serbu, 275-pound:Lorain catcK'Ferdo AUtoc^tlcs to bhlD continued to toVtoav ttatw anW arintfana the same Town, and by publishing seek .g' man,/id^itofled ■ ^ wbdff fbr;tMte8^ lip wanted—Female ...... 3S the same once In some newspaper athlete, yteterdaY opened (for him- j^jjnigk, Oi^beh resident, had ^ pv,;' Wanted—Male .. 3S WEARING APPAREL— having a circulation In said Probate self only) the 1933 swlinming^^- about^60 pounds of sturgeon steak W . Tt'lri. «|p Wanted—Male or Female 37 Dltorict, and return make to this son on Lakb Brie. He was nibbling (^ v in ^ 'i cpnservatipn war- 1 McCqln, to Maejlaa^ » W6S —we ..eoted * *87- a FURS 57 Court-of the notice given. sttif >go^; foriyardi' fpf kls bof^r o f tbatfone Wanted—Fem ale...... •» Attest: ___ an ice cream cone and waa clad In wasn’t tipfiBgresitog.' laatlone .Wanted—Mple ...... •» ;iT>R s a l e —LADl ] ^ NEW Black LEON G. RATHBONE. a regulat&n bathing suit wi^_^hel Questionied about having a stur- toe strength pf ah imoaymous leb- plojrment Agenetea. fur-trimmed .cloth cost, rize 44r. Judge. plunged In the water. After steering --on in tig possession; L^migk. ex- Steefcr*Fe*e“ FenptTy—V ehfelM The Number Birds—Petf » • e • e.e • Fi^ce rea8 ^ refused aa Invitation to breakfast in Apptns WUbout'Board. 4k Mr. and Mrs. Simon Leja rewlyed HYasbington, * Jan. 2,—(A P ) — j 'Bnardars Waoiad BOARDERS WANTED ^9-A toe White House to order not to when they returned home early lybat police thought was * Coootry Board—Keaorta lose’ his place at toe bead of the Sunday morning and were con- slaying was being tovestigated Hotels—Kastauranta ...... •1 LARGE HEATED ROOM with line for toe reception, went to toe fronted by four burglars who bad day. with ^ o rts made to establish | Wanted—Booms—Board 6k board, home privileges. 63 Garden executive mansion today simply "to The star gazer probably caused forced their way Into the house positively tta^ldenttte of tlm ylc- Heal Katata Fa* Haa« keep my record clear." Apartments. Plata Tanementa .. atreet Telephone 6194. a lot of HI-HO fans "fool during their absence. After wishing tim, beUeved, to be JWlo ^111, 28, Boalnasa Ixteailona for Rant ... A t toe last New Year's Teceptlon, trouble.” Here’s your revenge Mr. Leja a very prosperous new of Noith Tairytown, New Yot^ , Houpee tor Rent ROOM AND BOARD at 8U00 per] Hunefeld said it was his ambition He’s all picked to pieces! year toe burglars proceeded to re- y . Jf f y, Suburban (or Rent ...... I ..* week. The Hotel Sheridan. • TeL to head toe line, of every such occa­ Ueve him of 8160. chimp of ^ m A Sinntner.Homes for'Rent 8678.______sion as long as he lived. _ todianapolIs-From his home In city, limits to M a r y ^ ; -niwe were Wanted to Rent ...... The other visitor today was J. W. - 'V - ^ ‘ . Heal Betaie Pat Safa toe Brown county hlUs, Abe Mar- sevim i w Adartmem Building (or M a ... Blaisdell, a veteran of the Civil tin, 81, win. b ..r. Bueloaaa Property (or Sale APARTMENTS, FLATS, War. FArroa and Land tor Sale TE N E M E N TS 63 He said be attended bla firat New ..Y Bpuaaa (or SaU ...... Year’s reception while President Lota (or Sale Itaaort Property for Sal# f o r r e n t —LILLEY ST.—Near Lincoln was In toe White House but ft ItoUnn. ld«Uflc.tlatt,; m game, but dem’t you lade.^glta me sad soon j* the blame if ever^hing goes wrong Some as soon as I try out my luck. bad fun "I hope, os all you Ttoias know, one,Jt; toftU. AMttWi sometMv else may happen. Then, of eoune, we will be stuck.” 0 He hqpped in, fm^ieus as could man fa \lk

V' ■ ; > 'V - j y ; . . •' ■ I r«^* ■f*7-

MANCHESTER E V E N I N G HERALD; SOOTH MANCHESTES, CONN, MONDAY, JAOTART 2 ,19W. PAGE E IG S t ISil ji| Read the dlassified Rental Propertu Listing on this Pag

bert Vicknair gave somebody a hap­ APARTMENTS, FLATS, py-New Year tnadverteintly yester­ Wm * A i lifoniMitlon LOST AND FOUND day and didn’t learn about It until DAILY RADIO PROGRAM TENEMENTS 63 WITHDRAW MARINES it was all over. LOST—A BROWN POCKBTBOOK Qaeer Twiatt During Uudr antence from home, MONDAY, JANUARY 2 (Central and Eastern SUndetd Time) Manchester by West Side Rec„ Christinas Day. FOR RENT—3 Room Apartments, someone walked into the house, ate all newly renovated, new gas (Not*—All proerains to key and baslo chain or xroaM ■F*®*"' Finder please call S459. Miss FROM NICARAGUA / n Day’$ Neu>$ what renoMned of the l^unily’s New aeS; eoaU to coaat (o to c) dotiznatlon Inrindaa air*v*ilabla statloaa.) Evening Herald Deane. ranges, steam beat, hot water heat­ Year's Cay dinner aaJ 1 ^ this note CanL East. er, garage if desired. Rent reason­ Pracrana sobjeet to ebans*. P. M. behind: l i t Tka Aaaociatti Praaa} 3:15— 7:15—Buck Rogars in CLASSIFIED able. Inquire 109 Foster St.—Grube. east: Wm. O'Neal, Tenor—Dixie; ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 "Notice. Dear Msdam—^May God NBC-WEAF NE'TWORK Piano and Veeal—midwest . a iJvertisements N ew York—Prisoners in New bless yc-u for feetUhg s pewr hungry FOR RENT—6 AND 4 room tene­ last of the Men Will ftire York’s crowded alimony jail held a BASIC—kaat: w ^ f (kayj waol wUe 8:30— 7:30—Throe X eiatere — CENTER TRAVEL BUREAU—Our man on New Year’s Day. Gratefully, wjar wtas w cA tafi «Ht wfbr wro wnr leham Jones Orchestra — DIxm; Count six avoras* ments, all improvements. Apply 95 U ew Year’s dinner and sent out the ISernie the Bum.” wban w Sa wUm wwj wsal; MIdweat: Earl Hoffman Orchos.-midwoat Initlala numbar* and abbravlattona information service covers all Foster street Telephone 5230 or following gratings: “We wish the wmaq wefl ksd woe-wbo wow wdai 8rl5— 7:45—Morton Downey—also e^ aaeb count as • word and comoound branches of travel. Let us help you Left By Ton^t — Bees Pittsburgh—Masters of many 7d)0— 3d»—Whispering Jack BnUtl^ 4545^______little woman a happy New Year— NORTHWaSTT a CANADIAN — wlmj basic; Ann Leaf, Organ — Olxla: words as two worda Minimum cost is plan ycur next trip, via bus or arts—from caring for lost children wiba katp wabc wday kfyr ckgw cTcl and wish she were here.” to capturing klllera—the cops were Ballew Orch.-west; Bobby Banaon tor .r...l.n. steamship. L O. O. F. Building at FOR RENT—4-ROOM tenement 5 SOUTH — WTva wptf wwne wis wjax .■-c only; Noroemen—midwest Uiere For Year. The dean of the prisoners organ­ called to do a new one last night wtla-wsan wlod ’^ m wme *wb waP* 7:15— 8:1S^ingin’ Sam—bade; .Ann The Center. Dial 7007. Ridgewood street; garage: rent 320 ization told his fellow inmates he wjdx wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre Leaf—Olxla; Ballew Orches.—west month. Inquire L. L^ntl, 178 Practical jokers removed a man­ *“*■ S„'l,“l».rg. had no desire to get out. “I could’t hole cover and dropped an airedale woal ktbs kths 7:30— 8:30—Fu Manchu—bade: Cerry Parker street Phone 5623. get a job outside anyhow under MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kslr.kzbi Lynn’e Orchestra—midwest 6 Consacutlva Uays ..j J cisi » cts AUTOMOBILES Washington, Jan. 2— (AP)—^The dog in a sewer. T hm patrolmen ar­ COAST—kso kfl .kpw komo khq kpo SdlO— 9:00—Ruth. Etting—cat to eat J ^nsecutlv. Day. ::1 ct»| |> ®» FOR RENT—TWO, THRBEE and 4 present conditions and here I rived, thought the matter over, koca kex kjtr kpa Msd ktar kpi 8:15— 9:15—Mills Bros. — bade; Am­ FOR SALE Marines have been withdrawn from three meals and a place to sleep,” bassadors — Dixie; Straight’o Or. All ord'ers for Irregular Insertions room apartments, beat. Janitor then lowered Patrolman Tom Dil­ Cent. EaaL -m idwest: Kay Kyasr Orch.—west will be charged at the one time FOR SALE—1930 DODGE tnlck, service, refrigerator furnished. Call Nicaragua and the State Depart­ be said. lon into the hole, head first 8:00— 4:00—U. S. Marins tand Con. 8:30— 9:30—Mysteries in Paris—ba­ Soeclal rates for long term ever> ment considers the special relation­ Fayetteville, N. C.—While Fay­ While his companions grasped bis 3:30— 4:30—Plttsburah va So. Calif. sic; Kansas City Dance Prog.—w day advertlalnji given upon request 2 1-2 ton. In good condition. Price Arthur A. ECaefla 5440 or 4131, S:30— 7:30—Melody Keepeakee—basic 9:00—10:00—Easy Aces, SkSteh—also Ads ordered ter three or sis days reasonable, 19 Oakland Terrace. 875 Main street ship by which the United States in­ etteville slept burglars entered the ankles, Tom grasped the dog, yell­ 3:45— 7:45—Tha QoWberse. Sketch coast; Madison Singors-Dixie and stopped before the third oj” tervened in that country’s internal office of the Carolina theater, work­ ed “allay-oop!” and was hoisted to 7:00— edlO—Historic^ sketches—oast 9:15—10:15—To Bo Announosd 7:30— 8-JO-Rlchard Crooks, Tanor 9:30—10:30—Columbia Revue—alaq eat day will be charged only for the ac FOR RENT—5 ROOM downstairs affairs in 1926 at an end. ed for a;gcouple of hours and de­ the surface. g:0(^ edK>—Oypsiea Concort Orches. 9:45—10:45—Myrt A Margo—west rpL tual number of times the ad MOVING—TRUCKINIG— flat all modem conveniences, with The department in a review of parted! • “It’s all in a day’s work,” he ob­ S;S0— 0:30—Whltetnan's Band—to e 10KIO—11 dX>—Barlow Symphony—e to a ed. charging at the rate garage. Apply 38 Woodland street the Marine occupation promised A check-up revealed one lone dol­ 8:00—10:00—Morgan L. Eastman Or. 10:30—11:30—Lombardo Orehos.—c to e no allowance or refunds can "“ J* STORAGE 20 served, setting out for the Dillon •:30—10;30—Radio Foriim—also coast 11.*0O—12:00—Dance Orchestra—e to e on sis time ads stopped afier the Phone 6349. that “no American armed forces lar was missing. It had been hang­ residence with tie homeless dog. 10:00—11.-00—Tsd Waam* Orch.—oaet 11:30-12:30—Bon Solvin Orches.—cat flfih day. . _____ LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE will renoain in that country, either ing in a frame on the wall, given the Philadelphia— Motorists —21 of 10:30—11 *.30—Jack Dann^a Orch.-ba­ 18:00- IdIO—Danes Hour—wabc oaly No " t in forbids": wlsplay l.nes not FOR RENT—THRE^ flve and six as instructors in the constabulary, de: Richard Crooks—west rapaat moving, general trucking, livery place of honpr because it was the them—agreed today that 1932 auto­ IIKIO—jSdIO—Donald Nevis—east; Ths NBC-WJZ NETWORK ***The Herald will not be responsible service. Our affiliaUon with United room tenements, with all modem as a legation guard or in any theater took It when it opened flve mobile license tags are not only as Ooldbergs—rapaat for coast BASIC—East: wjs (key) wbs-wbsa - . for more than one Incorrect 'n*«” ',®“ Vans Service means lower rates on improvements. Inquire at 147 ESaat capacity whatsoever.” years ago. useless as yesterday’s newspaper 11:15—12:15—Ansep Wteks Or.—also e wbal wham kdka wgar wjr wlw; MId­ of *ny adverilSfrincDi oracroo Center street or t^epbone 7864. 11:30—18:30—Mark Fithsr Orchsstra weat: wcky kyw krkx wenr wla kwh furniture moving to distant points. Secretary Adams yesterday sent New York — “Bach, Beethoven but far more expehsive. Fines of 310 kwer koll wren wmaq kao more inan one nme. ,nrftr- Large modem trucks, experienced greetings to the American forces, CB8-WABC NETWORK The Inadvertent omission ®‘ '"®®^ 6 ROUM TENEMENT, all tmprove- and Brahms are to the soul what and costs imposed upon the luckless NORTHWEST A CANADIAN - wtmJ reel publication of advertlsine will be men, prompt service, all goods in­ the last of which were BASIC—East: wabo (key) wlcc wade wIba katp webc wday kfyr dtgw cfcf ments, garage, good location, rent milk, butter and eggs are to the 21 drivers caught with the old tags woko wcao waab wnac war wkbw ware SOUTH — wrva wptf wwne wto wJax rectified only by sured while in transit are features scheduled to sail for home to­ reasonable. 26 Walker street. In­ body,” said Ernest Hutcheson, dis­ influenced them in reaching their wbk ckok wdre wcau wip-wfan wlaa wfla-weun wlod wsm wme web wept charge made tor the service e"®*^*** offered at no extra expense to you. day. He said the "record has been wean wfbl w a^ wjav; Midwasti wbbm wjdx womb kvoo wky wfaa wbgp kpro All advertisements must conforrn quire 30 Walker. Tel. 7288. tinguished pianist. conclusions. In style, copy and typography ai n Daily trips to New York, oaggage excellent throughout and reflects "Eat, drink and sleep are i •* , Minneapolis—^Teeth—even if they wfn wfbnLkmbo wcco lunox wowo woal ktbe kths . v, EAST AND CANADIAN — wpg whp MOUNTAIN—koa kdyl kgir kfhl regulations enforced *h« delivered direct to steamship piers. great credit upon the Marine Corps essentials. But It is equaUy im happen to be “store teeth”—are PACIFIC COAST — kfo kfl kzw home ers and they reserve the right to and the whole Naval service." wlbw wbec wlbs wfea wore efrb ckao khq kpo keca kex kjr kpi kfed ktar edit, revise oi reject any copy con­ For further information call 3063, BUSINESS LOCATIONS portant,” Hutcheson added, “that commonly used for chewing. But a DIXIE — wfst wfaa wbro wgam w d^ sidered object !ona hie 8860, 8864. Perrett A Glcuney. Inc. Pnrpbse FolflUed the mind and spirit have food and service station attendant here is wnox kira wroo wlao wdsu wtoc krjd Cent. EacL CU»SIN« HOllHS—Classified ads to FOR RENT 61 wrr ktrh kua waco koma wdw wodx 4 :30- 5 ;SO—Tho Singing Lady—oaet The State Department said the relaxation in these days of low preserving in a glasa of water an 4 :45— 5:45—Orphan Annie—eaat ooiy oubitshed same day must be re- SILVER LANE BUS LINE offer the purposes fo r which the. Marinas re­ wbt wdaa wblg wbaa w ur wdbj wwva be morale. upper plate which took, the place of 6 d)0 — iiOO—Del Lampe’a Orcheetra ceived by 12 o’clock noon: Sotu'dxyo accommodation ot their large De- STORE FOR RENT, comer Bissell mained in Nicaragua had been ful­ MIDWEST — wbcm wabt wcah wmM 5 :15- itl^Jehnny Hart, Hollywood 10:S0 a. m. and Foster streets, apartment if If you are troubled over busi­ wtaq wkbb kfab wisn ksc) wlbw kfb 5;3( ^ 3 :30—AI Barnard—oast; Sing* Luxe bus for lodge, party or team filled. They were given as the or­ 26 cents. TELEPHONE YOUR desired. Inquire on premises. ness, over a saliuy cut, music will A week ago a stranger drove a wmt wnax wkbn wgl Ing Lady—midwest repast _ tnps at special rates. Phone 3063, ganization and training of a non­ provide a refuge! The strains < MOUNTAIN—kvor Ms kob ksl 5.45.: 3 :45—Lewsll Themaa — easts WANT ADS. partisan National constabulary and 1927 model automobile into the sta­ PACIFIC COASI* — kbJ knx koln kfb orphan Annie—midwest rapaat . 8860. 8864. f o r r e n t —IN THE OFFICE t.'olLi will give you peace, the swell tion, confessed he bad no money, 6 :00- 7 t00-Amea ’n’ Andy—aaat enTy Ada are accepted over the the supervision of the 1928, 1930 kfre kol kfpy kvi kern kmj kfbk kwg 5 :15 - 7 :18—Tha Jeatara, Veeal Trie building at 865 Main street, a suite of a symphony build you strengt • ” and offered bia false teeth, "Just as East. at the CHAKfSE RATE given »®®''* and 1932 elections. The Dalles, Ore.—Harry Williams 8 :30- 7i30- 0 reuehe A Chiee Marx ae a convenience to ■***'*'’*'**jr?' f offices, suitable for a doctor or good as new,” for two gallons of gas 4 :8^ - 5130 — SkIppy, Sketch — salt 7 :0 0 - StOO-Revua with Oua Van PROFESSIONAL By tonight, all of the 1,400 of­ 7 iS ^ liSO-daek Fulton, Jr., Sonia tha CASH KATES will M kindred lines. Also a very desirable raced with death New Year’s day “to get home on.” only: Batwasn the Book inda--w FVU p a y m e n t It paid at the buat- SERVICES 22 rent for ladies hair dressing es­ ficers and men will have left. At one and lost twice. 4 i45- ^ ; 46-Lona Wrif-aaat ba^ 7:48— IH5 -Ceuntry Doetar titaa office on or before the aevenih time—July, 1928—there were 5365 The teeth were accepted as securi­ S;0(h- iiOO—Batty BarthalH-also coast Srtio- liOO—Minatrala—also aeuiH , tablishment. Edward J. BoU. Tele­ Informed that bis aged mother ty for 26 cents, the cost of the gaso­ 6 :15- 3 i15—Rail and Dunn—alao eat 8;|(^ 8 iB5 -Malady Mements,_Veeil day followi.ig fbe '"•lu' THOSE DESIRING hourly or part Marinaa and 456 nsvsl Officers and 8:00—lOiM^Aliet Joy, Centralta each ad olharwtee the CHAKt»B phone 4642. ______was near death, WUliama entered line, when the stranger promised to •tS^ Ii30-Vau|hn da Laath, Sengs time care, by gradu*;te nurse, call men in Nicaragua. Since 1926 flve bis auJoniobile and started a trip to —aait; 6 l(lpey — rspsat for mid- 1 :15—10115-T e Be Anneuneed , RATE wilt »>• ■da return that evening with the money waat; Mldland*rs--r#at file—IO1IO—Oibaen Organ Revarlea^ bllliy for error* m telepbrned Mrs. Fred A. Johnson, telephone American officers and 29 men were reach her bedside. As be neared the Vh# accuracy and to reclaim the teeth. He has •;40— tidl^Talk on Rallaf—wabc lOtOO-lliOO-Relliekere Ouertet—eaail will be eeaumed and i.ieir 8284.______killed it action against bandits and Dalles, icy pavement caused bis car 8 i45- didO-Just^ Plain BIH — wabc Amee 'n* Andy—repeat for west cannot be guaranteed FARMS AND LAND 10i15- 11t15-AII«en tunley, Sepranp insurgents while 14 officers and ,85 to skid sad plunge over an embank­ not yet come back. only: Harrod’e Orehsatra—baste INDEX OF FOR SALE 71 men died of wounds. The cost of Arthur, lU.—Looking around a Tha Lena Wolf—mldwsat repeat lOilO-rililo-Nat'l LlgM PjM'e-*® • ment. He was killed. Later bis •tdO-TiOO-Myri and Marga - •a®* lltPO-l2 iOO-Art, ^•e#ro,^Ofeheetre COURSES AND CLASSES 27 keeping the Marines tkere over and bit, J. D. Warren has decided that Itiie—I2 tl0—Earl Hinee' Orelieatrs CLASSIFICATIONS f o r SALE— REASONABLE, mother died. only; Tha Pllere—mldwaat only 1933 will be a good year for busi­ acre farm, strawberry beds, fru.t above expenses bad they been at Kirtha ...... BEAUTY CULTURE!—Earn while home has been estimated at about Nacbes, Wash. — Fire Chief ness, so he's coming out of retire­ Cngagcnents ...... learning. Details free. Hartford trees, grapevines, garden etc. Good George Huettner wanta to know Marrl-'Ct ...... •••••••• 31,000,000 a year. ment to start all over again. ter saying the former Stats Sana* Academy of Hairdressing 693 Main reason for sale. Phone 3280. what town has a better fire record Uegtbfl It’s the banieM business be la in- tor is buried along a Card of Thanka ,,..•••••••••••• street, Hartford. M1S8INO OIBL RETURNS for 1932 than Nacbes. terested in and he says his come NEW aUES FAIL In Memorlam ...... His job has become monotonous, after being 'tiUed by robben In VIr* back is due to the fact that borses L^tt and Found .....•••••••••• LEGAL NOTICES 78 be says, because of the inactivity. Annooocefnaofe ...... Milford. Jgn. 2,—(API—Minerva are growing in popularity. ^ A*R»an orreBted in Ronaoke, V b,, ParsenaU ...... HELP WANTED— MALE 36 Not a single blase was reported TO SOLVE MYSTERY Kctate of ElUabetb C. Loomla late Kerwin. 19. daughter of former De­ Chicago—Enough guns to start a Dr. M. E. Yergin, was re le ^ ^ AolowaMlee of UoltoB In the Probate District of puty Sheriff James A. Kerwin. who for all of 1932. and the last one was .^utomobllaa for Sale ...... m e n w a n t e d t o CONDUCT young war were seised by the police or officers wsre convinced be hod Andover (IcccascJ. disappeared from her home Decem­ In August, 1931, when a warehouse Automobllca for Eacltarg# world renowned Rawleigh Home The Administrator having exhibited , In 1932. nothing to do with the cose, Auto Acceisortes— Tlree ...... ber 20, returned New Year’s eve. po­ burned. ^ ^ , Uncertainty Continues T Service Business in East Hartford his udminlitrntlon account wjth said Naches has a populatoiii of about I Police CommlMioner James P. Auto Bepairlnc— Palnflng ...... Ksiute to the Court of I’robatc for lice were informed today by her Allman said he counted 1,235. Shroud Disappearance c Aulo Scfaoola ...... County, cities of South Msnebes- said District for allowance. It Is father. Miss Keiwln bad been in 500. MOTHER GREETS SON Autoa— BhiP by T iu ck ter. Windsor and Hartford. Re­ uUDEItED;—That the »th day of Denver—Justice, shy one toe. and ' Racine. Wis.—The spectator! who Former State Senator. Autos^ P or tlira ..••••• » a e e e • • < Springfield. liable bustler can start earning January 1»33. at 3 o'clock In the a pair of scales, ia for aale. well saw a young man, fully clothed, Oaragas -MerYlca -Htorage afternoon, at the rrobate Office In “ mp from a bridge into the icy, Manila. Jan. 2.—(AP) -r Mf*- MotorcYf- vestigation hoped to r a rift in the ported to headquarters he and a before you catch cold ” nodded when her son osksd: “Do PalBtlBS—Papering •••eeecee clouite which would diulpato the ieeeae«e< '’'rV cscnt^'LEO N 0. RATHBONIS, Chicago—From the point of view ProfessfoiProfasaronal Sarvicas H I 'f H O jarty of friends emerged from a mystery. Clues thus far have yield- you remember tho timo when father night club last night to find three f the man who drinks, 1932 wasn't said be would rather be govsmEP* TallorlBg-DyalBg^laanlBg FUEL AND FEED 49-A **'^K«iale of Warren 1*. Ruck lat* c f ed lltUe. TiiJi thieves running away with their such a bad year. general o t the Pbtliiiplaes tntn vice* Tollat Ooodi and Sarvlca • e e a e • e Hebron In said District. dccea*cd, Sheriff J. E. Hsmlett continued WsBtad—Boainea* Sirvica a a e e e e FOR SALE—HARD WOOD also Lcwl* W. rhelp* adnilnUirato^r. /^OOD at figures f Then mske coate which had been left in Mills' Dr. Herman Bundesen, president president?” Bdeeatlanal ORDERED:—That six month* from ^ the Number 2 from tha automobile. Mills said be knocked of the Chicago Board of Health re­ to hold in jail here A. F. Holden, range and fuel oil. V. Fupo, 116 the date hereof be. and the *ame are 83. picked up Saturday for ques­ Conrsta ana Clafrea laeeeeeees •• limited and allowed for the creditor* seven HI-HO pieces below. Cut the men down but before he could ported that eighty-six perceut of all • a e • e e # e • e • e XM Wells street, telephone 6148. tioning, but expressed belief he had Private Inatructlon to bring In their claim - against aaid them out snd put them together obtain the coate an officer seized lomples of liquor seised by police UanelBBng •...... •...... *•'«« nothing to do with the cose. Holden Mualcaf—Dramatic ...... SEASONED HARD WOOD, stOVa estate, and the Administrator direct­ again eo as to form the Num­ him. Before ho could explain to the was found to be non-polsonoua, Wanted— Inatructlon ...... ed to give public notice to the credi­ ber 2. patrolman the thieves Jumped up which was more than could be said was Idratlfled as s former inmate NOTICE! size, furnace chunks or fireplace tor* of said estate to bring In their FiaaaelBl and ran away with the coate. about the variety found by raiders of state's prison by Warden B. E. lengths 37 cord or 34 load. Gray claim* within said time allowed, by Honeycutt Results of bis finger­ X will sell at public auction on tha Bonda—Stocka—Mortgagea .... birch 36 coru. Cbas. Heckler, tele­ posting a copy of this order on the Lorain, O.—Scoring an occasion­ previous year.. Buaincaa OPDortunltlea ...... printing are awaited. prerrdses. Land and Buildings Ustsit phone Rnsedale 13-18. public sign post nearest the place al piece of ice and s lot of cold Oshkosh, Wis.—It is contrary to Money to I x ia n ...... where the deceased last dwelt, within Authorities in Ohio continued to in the name of William K. Under* Help and SltBallaea the same Town, and by publishing wind, John Serbu, 275-pound Lorain law to catch sturgeon, but Ferdo a^ete, yesterday opened (for him­ seek a man, Identified by sever. .1 wood for taxes. Known oa tha Help Wanted-Female ...... the same once In aomo newspaper Lebnigk, Oshkosh resident, bad Island in Coventry Lake. March 8* Ilolp Wanted-Wale WEARING APPAREL- having a circulation In said Probate. self only) the 1933 swimming sea­ lersoBs through a photograph os about 60 pounds of iturfeon steak 1983, at 10 a. m. ____ -^Relp Wanted— Male or Femala . FURS 37 District, and return make to this son on Lake Slrio. He was nibbling and convinced conservation war­ ilcCoin. In Maryland, a search was Asanta Wanted Court of the notice given. still going forward for his body on WILLIAM J. McKINNBT. • Situatlona Wanted-Female .... an ice cream cone and was clad in dens be wasn’t transgressiBg. C ollector. Sltuatlona Wanted—Mala a • a a a a I FOR SALE—LADIES NEW Black ■^^^ifEON C. BATHBOSE. a regulation bathing suit when he Questioned about having a stur­ the itrength of on anonymous let­ Dmoloyinenl Agenclea fur-trimmed cloth coat, size 44. Judge. l.lv» fitovk—Fvla—PoBlIvr—Vakiciv" plunged in the water. After staying geon in his possession, Lehnlgk ex­ H-1-2-33. 9WiM ifiia Number 1 Doga— Btrila— Palf ...... J* Price reasonable. Write Box W, In three minutes, “just to conv'nce plained the fish leaped out of the LIvi Stock— Vehicle* ...... J; Herald. his friends” who were witnesses, water, "fell on the ice and broke its Poultry tnO Suoolle* qerbu emerged, declaring he felt Wanted — Pet*— PouUB(f-8 tock 44 neck.” It is contrary to the letter none the worse. of the law, he added, to throw dead For Sole—Mlaeellnacaua ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 CALL AT WHITE HOUSE Philadelphia — An automobile Article* u r Sale ...... fish Into the water. RiimIs and Acceaaorle* ...... FOF. RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS stolen here three months ago has The argument prevailed. Building Material* ...... *' for light housekeeping, ail improve­ been found in far away Oslo, Nor Kenosha, Wis.—Qarence F. Krlck- Uiainond*— Watches—Jewelry .. e* BUrntESIDENTISAWAY way, but police have a new problem Electrical Appliance*— Radio ments, stesm beat, gas and sink in sen, newly installed sheriff of Keno­ in what to do about it—for the Fuel and Feed ...... • • v * * *; every room. Rem reasonable. 109 sha county, startisd out the new Garden — Farm— Dairy Product* 60 owner has died. Authorities were Household Good* ...... V* Foster street.—Grube. Washington, Jan. 2.— (AP) —^The notified by cable Mrs. caiarles Am­ year with a resolution to let by­ MH,-hinery and Tool* ...... “I absence of President Hoover from sterdam’s large sedan was identi­ gones be bygones, poUtically speak­ &lu*ical Instrum ent*...... 63 FOR RENT—IN JOHNSON Block, ing. He announced be would retain OITIc* snd Store Equipment .... 64 single rooms, two and three room the capital did not prevent two men fied when left in a public garage from presenting themselves today at Leo Schend, his rival for the Re­ Special* at the Store* ...... 66 suits, all modem conveniences. Ap­ overseas for repairs. She died De­ Weartna Auparel— Furs ...... 67 the White House for the annual New publican nomination, as his deputy. ply Janitor, telephone 7635 or A. cem ber 23. W anted—To Buy ...... 6» Year’s day reception. llooBio— Bon rd— Hotel*—Reaorfa W. Harrison 6917. Detroit—“Happy New, Year, J. W. Hunefeld. who last year folks!” was the cheery greeting GANG SLAYING Reotaorant; refused an invitation to breakfast in Rooma Wiihoui Board ...... „ »9 Mr. and Mrs. Simon Leja received Washington, Jan. 2.—(AP) — Boarders W anted ...... BOARDERS WANTED 59-A the White House in order not to when they returned home early What police thought was a gang Coontry Board—Kesort* ...... 6ff Icse'hls place at the head of the Sunday morning and were con­ slayi^ was being investigated to­ Hotel* -Restaurants 61 LARGE HEATED ROOM with line for tte reception, went to the day with efforts mode to establish Wanted—Room*—Board ...... fronted by four burglars who had board, home privileges, 63 Garden executive mansion today simply “to The star gazer probably caused forced their way into the house positively the Identity of the vic­ Heal Katate Koi Rent keep my record clear.” Aparimetits, Flats. Tenement* . street Telephone 6194. a lot t>t HI-HO fans "foot during their absence. After wishing tim, believed, to be Julio Lelli, 28, Business Ixtcailons for Rent .. At the last New Year’s reception, trouble.” Here’s your revenge Mr. Leja a very prosperous new of North Tarrytown, New York. Houses lor Rent ...... ROOM AI7D BOARD at 31100 per Himefeld said it was his amMtlon He’s all picked to pieces! year the burglars proceeded to re­ Boy hikers found the body in a Suburban tor Rent ...... “ V week. The Hotel Sheridan. TeL to head the line of every such occa­ lieve him of 3160. clump of bushes just beyond the Summer Homes for Rent ...... ** sion as long as he lived. Wanted to Rent ...... 68 3673. Indianapolis—From his home in city limits in Maryland; There were The other vUdtor today was J. W. the Brown county Mils, Abe Mar­ seven bullet wounds. Police said Real Batate For Sale Blaisdell, a veteran of the Civil Aparimerii Building for Sale .. APARTMENTS. FLATS, tin, 81, who bears the same name tha slaying had taken place else­ Business Property for Sale .... W ar. as the rustic character created by where and that the body had been Farm* and Uand tor Sale ..... He said he attended his tirst New TENEMENTS 63 the late Kin Hubbard, cartoonist, thrown from an automobile. Houses for SsK Year’s reception while President A driver’s permit gave a clue to Lots for Sale ...... FOR RENT—LILLEY ST.—Near has written to state police, com­ Resort Properly for Sale ...... Uncoln was in the White House but identification. The man’s pockets Center, modem four and flve plaining of theft of his shotgun, Suburban for Sale ...... had gone to but few since. seme chickens and other articles. . An held a number of horse race betting Real Estate for Exchange...... rooms, first floor, steam heat, ga­ “1 jimt wanted to take, one more oflicer was assigned to investigate slips, and speakeasy cards. There Wanted-Real Estate ...... 27 rage. Inquire 21 Elro street Call look at the house in which Lincoln New Orleans—Mr. and Mrs. Al­ was no money. Aoetioo— Legal Notleeo lived,” he sai^ Legal Notices ...... It 5661. By FRANK BECK (BBAD.THE STORY^ THEN COLOR IWErPtCTURlp) ‘Tm just as scared as I can be to be, and stepped upon the. starter. GAS BXJGGIEfS—^R6Solvcd Whee! The csgine promptly roared- yank the big propeller. Geehl fear OH YEAH? WELL and Coppy shouted, “It’a all right '. I'VE MADE A RESOLUTION / ^ A N D A H ! CAUGHT that it wlU knock me flat,” said “Just let it heat a little bit and d o n ' t f o r g e t y o u r H WHOEVER IN THE ACT. Duncy, with a frown. then the fine plane will tie fit to take NEVER TO SA/ ANYTHING r e s o l u t i o n . . ' us soaring through the air. FU bet .THAT >k/ILL CAUSE OTHERS BREAKS THER AN W H ERE A M Y "If someone elM is game to .try, AND I I^AKE so we can ride out through the oky, we’ll be a sl^ t’” TROUBLE.. AND AMY HAS RESOLUTION h o u r 's Their friend, the little elf, then, SOME EASY thej^d best be very careful, so os RESOLVED TO CUT OOb^ RAYS THE A LONG not to get slappea down.” cried, “I hope you have iuok on your 9 TIME m o n e y ! "Now, wait a minute," Scouty ride. I must be leaving you right ON SWEETS. NOW YOU OTH ERS F i y e m now, to go back to my home, d o l l a r s ! WITHOUT cried. "There’ll be no trouble 'bout M A K E ONE this ride. The airplane has a starter “I trust you lads oU realine yea la je o a i ' A port®. that will moke the engine run. NOW must be careful ih the skieB. P ta^' all somebody has to do is step right safe and do not fool orouBdi Miere* on It *with his shoC. Hey Windy, try ever you may roam.” it out You’ll find how eas'ly it is The elf then left and Scouty erledf done.” “V7eII, let’s get going .on OUT : "All right.” sold Windy. "1 jun 3?hey oU clu A d d io d h te iittk i pImM* game, but, don’t you lada:^glve me and soon . the blame if evenrthlBf goes whmg Some ■ , M/ m ’ I i i os soon 08 I try out my lu6k. hod fun Vh«i C////y one, ' ' m m *1 hope, .da lU you Ttnies know. t m J . M it R i tb a u ck .flY aoBMthmg.dlad mop happeii. Then, of ceutM, ws wDl be etu^** (llM ' ' I He iMpped in, p a tix m de o o u li / / t

V ■; t ■■


Anethar way to butw xoprt Faithful ntvtar lam lays: awis.HB ecT row CHNiSTMee. mMtSif wlthSt Patar »■ **tt's batter to be oarand a hua< 80 xxfUea an hour on an ola Ht of drad tlm u than to ba kUlad onea," rt^*-.Xi'T>Wii6 WriYOU tlrat. 0 UlT5 M0 IClNii’F0 It M3 3 ! Tf COMt X s m IX Man — X navar fbifat anything Wlntar drlvinf haiarda art whan It la ones la iay neatlaad. TMft NOTE'D •BfeNTTLEY • X WWIA A S W b ^ Frland^WalL «Hu man, haw o T R V I N ^ t O graat Ramanabar that WlUt POWER CAN mSOOLOR MNfe OF PLED6 6 . THINK WHEHEX nwtoriiti Four paopla warn klUad about that 126 Xlent you spnaa time QUICKERTWAN HAd.P AN * J MARERS'^YEH f r a o ^ by a tra&^ruhlnf Into an back. SAW THEIH auto in Chlcao. Tha only a ^ v a r Man—Of course, that’s different. X APPLE A FANMLY / YOUR UNCLE*BiN,' B E P O M ^ i B put that In my pocket aald that awlrUnf anow obaourad | t r a i t ^ A RENTLEY |> P’I^NE^TANCE'-^ IN VAUD^U.E, tha vlaion of thadrlvar. Driva alowar; and more caratuUy in winter. Countarfaltars have bean busy of •pLE'DfSB HOLDS U P A SlPOSEDYb HAVE , late, perhaps corfaotly believing a bout a s LON my socks over to them. .:laan It up he found Inalda a HIS WIFE; Poor boyt X have neg* woman’s purae containing 125. lected your socks. But leave tham with me. X like darning. I really do. ’limes surely might have bean —Hummel, Hamburg. worse so cheer up. It hasn’t been necessary yet to plow under every WILLENQ third garage. "Darling, would you go through j see from my house by the side everything with me?” nf thf road the autos whiaalng past. "Rather! How much have you?" They are good, they are bad. they —Pele Mele, Paris. are old. they are new, but all of them go too fast. But why should ALL AT ONCE r sit in the ecoffer’s seat, or hurl the cynic’s sneer? They will coma Plump Girl: In the bus this to grief and beg relief, no matter morning three men Jumped up and what I fear. offered me their seats. Slim One: Did you take them, ■ft's Cutting down the automobile dear?—Der Lustlge Sachse, Zurich. traffic speed near schools, both *ln the city and In the country, seems, WEIGHTY PROBLEM A s h in g YOU A to be one of those things that, should happen automaUcally. HAPPY NEW YEAR’ Bride: I made this pudding all m i C .W if Ma.u.a>eT.ofr. A man in Charlotte, North Caro­ by myself. lina, put so much air In his automo* Hunby: Splendid! But who help­ bUe tire that it blew up, a portion ed you lift It tut of the oven?— (e roBUiM Vex, 1,111 of It breaking his nose. We’ve heard ^ Montreal Standard. of these air breaks before. - I PROUD OF AIM Paul Kochanskl, violin soloist! with the Cincinnati Symphony Or­ "The evidence shows that you SC O R C H Y S M IT H Mixed Feelings By John C Terry chestra, once permitted a professed threw a brick at the constable.’’ connoisseur of musical Instrum ^ts "Bhccuse me, air. It also shows to examine his Stradivarius violin. that I hit him.’’—Hummel, Ham­ The Pretty Examiner—Beautiful! burg. And it’s a read Studebaker. 1^’t it? Paul Kochanskl—Yes. Two thou­ 7" W A L.l d o n 't THINK THESE PEDPLE I ACTUALLY VKME.TO H A N S ^ ■^YDU OUGHTMT to FE6L" WAL ITS A VSAY ^OH.MY DEAR MISS ^ sand dollars, f. o. b. factory. RECENT HAPPENINGS KNOW WHAT UVIM' IS • GOSW, 1 SURE [ o n t o FOR FEAR ILL UKETHAT.JAKE — interesting place SERALmNE.VOuaPROCK Fla pperma.u.s.Mrera Fa n n y Says: DO MISS ^^4EM MOUNTAINS, SCORCHV! 1 E X P L O D E a h ' W LL SO M EBO DY. y m ’r c t r a v e l i n g in 1 Csuess, BUT TH6RP VibRDEE-d.lGKTFULiH Drunk—Wassa crowd for? JboiKityhatHn^-Pt^aniid IT a in 't HEAVTrtV TD BE BREATHIN' FAieOUS COMfPNY-fAErriHSl ARE SOME FUNNV TUATCHAWMIN'UME SO.YOU REALLY FEEL GOINS SHOT! tgxj Onlooker—Fellow’s looking for a to com- THAT CITY LIFE CRAMPS GASOLlNe LIKE THEY XX) HERE — aLEBRATEO MOVIE STARS, ON — E W SIT E - J puncture. VOUR VtYLt, AMO VOU AN'ALL COOPED UP LIKE ! DiRECrORSAND SCENARIO Drunk—Wassa feller want a OfHtmetiniSumtptitd hy WRITERS*. - WHY EVERY­ ,1 SEEK ONE pEREecav ' ^ puncture for? WANTTD GET BACK BODY IS C R A rf T© COMEv OCTOTTE RW/ISHlH'. THt RANGES ^ TD HOaYWOOO *. TESTER- It is surprising but true that, in DAY TAIKIH spots of many fatalities, .many TbA warning signs, the toll of death at lady railway crossings continues to m ongsttht LIKE grow. EiVery week people are killed f l 4f at level crossings, and they are dead iff because the driver would not spare time to make sure that the track comviourrutr was clear. Only a fool drives over such a crossing without making ^r>chy is sure that he has it to himself. ajc:. '•UMTIWA.P.. Judge — What’s the charges against this man, officer? Highway Patrolman—Arson, your Honor. Burning up the road. By C ra n e OUT OUR WAY By Williams CIVILIZED NATION: One that WASHINGTON TUBBS II cheerfully spends billions , to klU men but can’t think up a way to care for jobless. Sympathizer— How’s your in- so n ^ a? Cwt* WOTTA \F I HELP H ina ,1L L Incurable—Worse and worse —: I ^ ^ O 1 CARE*. WOU’v-L P o u c h m e o m “Ti-V can’t even sleep when its time to Love often times blooms on p^y HAVE A BlC» F o s s OM day. K10SE.,VSiiAESl VOO A&PIEEO MOT TO get up. o — H iT Mt./ , VUILl- V O U ? , MV HAMOS-AMO if X V - L\OOL POMCH VAE IKl TT4 H E L P H E P « I’LL STILL HPNE STO M ACI-I, AFTEF? AGREEiMGr HOT FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A f o s s - a h o i f I W W -TO h i t THE«E / WILL YOU? n e o t ir a l , i 'l l s t il l h a v e B v B lo sser CIPA6 HiM,M/\I HOLD HIM A F O P M e ! f u s s - OH.NMHAT Tto o o L TORW a t VYel/ , M A - X CAmT , WITH SBT >bUR s t u f f , IT WON’T TAWie W E'RE R t^» PR lN ^ EVER HEARD Of. ^/rvis L A ^ , iEMSATpNAL PARTIES, HONORlHG THE RH, MEl HOW I LONG 111 CHAMBERMAIDS/ IS ALREADY THE TALK OF THREE FOR ROMANTH AND NATIQRS. ^ EXTHlTeMeNT. 7 >(



SALESMAN SAM He*ll Turn Over a Lot of ^m ! By Sm»ll


* i

J SI’’* t

.; 1, ■( » : -;f >r-' F A ^ '1 3 B N MOOS fifnatnuN ABQQTTOWN 250 POIMOHIRT -RecM atioff C em er T0t)PQ(JARBART13 ".•Sr; A AT OIRBTMAS PARTY Two eases lepresentsd the total activity of the Mancheatw Police • M 1^ rtM Buciktod Oomxmu^ Court today—the first business day Mrs. Austin di«i|6y Aimauncfs T h e' __ .tloo' "Oesitoifs next wm oqdt It. of the new year—Benjamin Rydle- Sponsored fiy Nirtmeg l^ail of (&aber'will . b6 . ]N ^ F ri- m « b ! b k on accoant or Now xomt^ Y o w ig stm * Orchestra fa f* w - J. B. Neumann Wffl Be Guest wics of North street being sent to Epw«r^. - Le^[ae — Rev* dhy at' the East side bifiMiiig with -Tdge, No. 242, Gathering Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. George Rauchle ot 39 After Accident Brooklyn Man District Deputy Mrs. Leemon pre­ Norman street. The baby was born PROMPT DEUVERY Daughters of St George, will hold A fternoon. a sodgl on Wednesday evening in Keeps Driving Until Auto sented the past worthy mistress, at 12:18 p. m. yesterday at the Me­ Mrs. Annie Donnelly with a past morial hospital. Odd Follows han for Daughters and Won’t Go Further. More than fifty members of the Archie H. Hayes worthy mistress’s jewel. The newly Set your alarm clock early Sons of S t George and their fami­ Intermediate and Epworto Leagues lies and friends. Each Daughter installed worthy mistress, Mrs. PnrileU Place tomorrow a. m. so that you Johnson presented to the district of the South Methodist church at­ will provide a basket lunch for her­ Benjamin Horwltt of Brooklyn, will be at Hale’s promptly at deputy a white gold lavalier with tended toe ^uffet lunch served at self and guests. A very enjoyable N... Y., has a car in the Depot the church -esterday afternoon at nine for those marvelous Square Gtorage bn which about 8300 chip diamond. evening is promised for all. A short 5 o’clock. Grace Legg, first vice remnant values. We wish of repair work must be done as A light supper was served in the business meettag will be held at banquet hall after which all ad­ president, was in charge, assisted FILMS to. close-out all short lengths result of an accident he hac 7:30. journed to the main hall for games by Helen-Gwrdner, Virginia Loomis DEVELOPED AND of yard goods before we take thought to be trivial. Mr. Horwltt Inventory. Therefore, we and dancing. and Ann Lutson. PRINTED A new bridge tournament will himself had to finish a journey After the 'unch, the leagues com­ have, one large table just from Worcester, Mass., to hla home begin evening at the Masonic bined for a devotional period, at 24 HOUR SERVICE Temple under Uie direction of Hol- by bus and train last night which Theodore W. Shoemaker, R ^ o lv e — S^^iS?ric”*“ 1hSrJ®l“S ^ of ri^^ ger Bach and David Nelson. Play Horwltt lid been visiting friends NO ARRESTS MADE HERE Boston Theological Seminary stu­ Film Deposit Box at Department—silks, rayons, cotton prints, Jlngffie wlU start at 8 o'clock. in Worcester. Yesterday afternoon m rt^als, towelings and others. Women who are handy with dent, spoke <>n “Tbe Closed Carpen­ SSr n S le ’^ tod outstanding "buys” here tomorrow. he started to drive home. Just out­ ter Shop.” Gladys Harrison led the Store Entrance The Ladles Sewing Circle of the side of Worcester his car was F OR WRONG AUTO PUTES for 1933 devotionals. A large number of At HALE’S -Yard Goods DepartmjBU^Mrtn Floor, loft Highland Park Community club struck by nOther automobile. Hav­ students home from ■ college attend­ will give the -second in the series of ing concludea that the only dam­ KEMP'S T o get ed toe service. setback parties tomorrow evening age to his car was a bent fender he Apparently Manchester People Members of toe Epworto League at the clubhouse. The hostesses will continued on his way. Changed license Markers are pl^rming to attend toe New The Best Radio be Mrs. Annie Sinnamon and Mrs. Before long Horwitt discovered Year’s frolic at toe Hartford Y. M. Minnie Leidholdt All players will that the car did not ’Yert” just Sometime Saturday. C. A. at 7:45 o’clock tonight More ^be welcome. right but It continued to roll and than fifty acts of vaudeville Will be reception possible he kept on going. Coming down the presented followed by dancing. The installation of the new offi­ hill near TalcottvlUe the car stop­ No arrests were reported yester­ cers of Sunset Rebekah lodge will ped. Horwltt got out and sqw day or today for Manchester people follow a banquet tonight in the smoke coming from the rear of the driving automobiles without toe Call 3733 Odd Fellows nail. AD memberq are RALPH F. KING vehicle. He telephoned for help and proper license plates for 1938. Ap­ urged to be present the garage sendee car responded. 84 Moore St, Sooth Maneboster parently eveiyone vdio drove a car Then It was discovered that a rear ALL KINDS OF Teachers and officers of the Sec­ wheel had been thrown out of line changed toe plates sometime Satur­ AUTOMOBRJE BEPAIRINO Potterton & Krah day or before using toe car yester­ ond Congregational church school and that the rear assembly lubrica­ ffiione 4768 will hold a business meeting and tion had leaked out The axle had day. Gnaranteed work done on any “On the Square” New Year’s party this evertng at become hot and set fire to the re­ The license plates for Connecticut o f car. this year are red with white num- the home of Hr., and Mrs. Frank V. maining grease., 'nie wheel Itself fo r Tuesday Williams of Tolland Turnpike. was nearly worn off and tbe entire srala. Lart year they were blue rear end was in bad shape. background ^ to wUte numerals. BeofBhaut The Grange Sewing club will “And I was thinking how lucky I The lart four years Connecticut has meet tomorrow afternoon at two was with just a bent fender!” re­ alternated bato and forth between Radio Service ta rg e Spaghetti, lb. pkg. 6ie o’clock at the home of Mrs. Robert marked Mr. Horwltt as he took-a these two < colon while otoer . mu’- N ew > Elbows and macMWil toblUil- rounding or nearby states have done MOTOR M. Thompson of 618 Center street Hartford bus to catch a train for ed. . ' , : New York. similarly with other pain of colon< The meeting of the Dor­ Atwater Kents Granto'^^tor’s cas society of the Emanuel Luther­ or an church win be held at the REPAIRS Cocoa^ 2 lb. box . .19c church on Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock^ The election of officers wUl We have brushes for all Crosley^ t«if» place and reports wfll be pre­ types of power meters in stock First Of The Year— Close-Out Stock up on Btim tomorrow Bale’s Selected sented by officers and committees. and can -make repairs without -^> f— at this low inloe.' ». Eggs, 2 dozen .. William Berdkos, day dief at the deday. ' Term s Larg^ vrtlite,'eelectod " Center Lunch, entertidned a num­ Jnley ber of his friends from Manchester, ECONOMEE RANGE BURNERS NORTON New Britain and New London yes- ELECTRICAL Liberal Trade ter^y on the occasion of his birth­ A llow ance. TangM riitea day. The party was held at his home FIVE Y E A R INSTRUMENT CO. 76 Cottage street and many took GUARANTEE HiDiard St, llfancheater Large, WUte the occasien to drop in and wish » 9 .S O him many happy returns of the day. Phone 4060

The monthly change of police THERE MUST BE A REASON. beats went into effect yeetnday. We have sold 146 of theoe buraera and never received a oom- Measure Your Policeman Joseph Prentlee returns Windows Now for as driver of the Ford sftsr two platnt. Our eustomen were pleaaed with-the porfennauoe of months on street duty. Michael Fltx- these bamera. This la not Just anotoer ohe^ burner BUT A TRAVH. Spedlal Tqme«veiw At gerald goes to the north end and r e a l V A L U E ! Policeman Murtin has the Center STORM SASH beat. John Cavagnaro haa -tlM mid­ INVESTIGATE—INVEST TODAY - It! A night and David Galligan the Spruce We cany a comidete line of HaleV street beat. Raymond Griffin h*.? BEFORE YOU ORDER storm sash and wd also have BUS IN 1933 lower Main. r a n g e OIL—PH OI^ 3866 storm doors. Outfit your And ssk our price on the best burning range oil on the house this and find out how ConyerteaUy EranmnlcaHy. L a t o i HOSPITAL NOTES market—ddfaered to yuor tanka. much umrmer it wfil be and no­ C tice the saving In fwd. LET US ROUTE YOUR TRIPS..

X demfctar was bom to MT. and t % l i Mrs. Jolm AspinwaU of 55 Summer SERVICE street Sftnrdey. The W .G . C8n n ^ Go. i V 1^1 Oleavpge of 118 North STATION CMd.fftoi.Oil. _____ etimt, lire. Herty Oom ^ FBONBIIN Ticiwte.nnd faformaiion on aB Lines. 3f 88 norenoe street, R^mam Quidi SIffirartfe- 4148. of 815 Mala atreat, Mra. Albert New Peat Office.. DialYiffilL: ito liMuheotfaallly Jaaaa aad lafaat aou eC Oiaahire, -a i VtUlium Q- WOpoo o f S I'A zd i atreat