T ,t r r t OMBNo,1545-0047 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Form 990 Under section 501(c), 527, or 4947(a)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code (except black lung 2003 benefit trust or private foundation) Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service " The organization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements . ~~G~:9~! :.....::. :. A For the 2003 calendar year, or tax year beginning OCT 1 2003 and ending SEP 30 , 2004 B Check If C Name of organization D Employer identification number applicable : Please use IRS Addrws label o change prin,or' ATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC . 59-1437014 Name type. = change See Number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite E Telephone number ~ ;eh;R, Specific~]82 N .W . LE JEUNE ROAD 1450 ( 305 ) 465-5989 Final ~retum tons. City or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 F nccounnrgmen,od: = Cash ~X Accrual 0 =Amended IAMI FL 33176 ~ st~i 1 ,~pendi9tio" ~ Section 501(c)(3) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts H and I are not applicable to section 527 organizations. must attach a completed Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ). H(a) Is this a group return for affiliates? 0 Yes ~X No G Website: "N/A H(b) If "Yes," enter number of affiliates 10, J Organization type (checkonlyone)1 M 501(c) (06 )1 (insert no.) 04947(a)(t)or0527 H(c)Areallaffiliates included? N/A Yes = No (If "No ; attach a list .) K Check here " ~ if the organization's gross receipts are normally not more than $25,000. The H(d) Is this a separate return filed by an or- organization need not file a return with the IRS; but if the organization received a Form 990 Package anization covered b a group ruling? 0 Yes [XI No in the mail, it should file a return without financial data. Some states require a complete return . I Grou p Exemption Number 110, M Check " X if the organization is not required to attach L Gross receipts: Add lines 6b, 8b, 9b, and 10b to line 12 . 2 , 231 , 195 . Sch. B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) . p~i`j . Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received: a Direct public support ...... 1 a '` b Indirect public support ...... 1 b c Government contributions (grants) ...... 1c ?`'< d Total (add lines 1a through 1c) (cash $ noncash $ ) . .. 1d 0 . 2 Program service revenue including government fees and contracts (from Part VII, line 93) ...... 2 3 Membership dues and assessments ...... 3 5 3 7 0 0 0 . 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments ...... , ...... 4 8,982 . 5 Dividends and interest from securities ...... -- ...-...... 5 6 a Gross rents ...... 6a b Less : rental expenses ...... 6b c Net rental income or (loss) (subtract line 6b from line 6a) ...... ,...... , ...... 6c d 7 Other investment income (describe " 7 un 'c 8 a Gross amount from sales of assets other A Securities B Other than inventory ...... 8a b Less : cost or other basis and sales expenses ...... 8b c Gain or (toss) (attach schedule) ...... 8c d Net gain or (loss) (combine line 8c, columns (A) and (B)) ...... _ .,.,..,...... , ...... 8d -` ' 9 Special events and activities (attach schedule) . If any amount is from gaming, check here No- E:1 a Gross revenue (not including $ 0 of contributions reported on line 1 a) ...... ga 203,223 . ... b Less : direct expenses other than fundraising expenses ...... 9b 865 , 511 . >'...... M,..v c Net income or (loss) from special events (subtract line 9b from line 9a) ...... SEE. .. STATEMENT 1 337 , 712 . 10 a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances . . ..,...... ,...... 10a ~-' b LLess :~ cost of goodsgo sold ...... 10b c Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) (subtract line 10b .from line 10a) ...... 10c 11 other revenue (from Part VII, pine 103) ...... ~t 481 , 990 . 12 Total revenue add lines 1d, 2 3 4 5 6c 7 8d 9c 10c and 11 ...... 12 1 365 , 684 . 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) ...... '...... ::..~ ...... 13 14 Management and general (from line 44, column (C)) ...... _ ...... , ...... 14 J 15 Fundraising (from line 44, column (D)) ...... M. . ..._h ...... j.: 15 16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) ..,. .. . , . ,::::~.~-.~.. .. 16 17 Total expenses add lines 16 and 44 column A ...... ~.. .. 17 1 r 150,304 . line 17 from line 12) . 215 , 380 . 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract f ...... 18 19 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73, column (A)) ...... 19 618 , 956 . 14 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach explanation) ...... 20 0 . 21 Nat assets or fund balances at end of year (combine lines 18, 19, and 20) ...... 21 834 - 336 . V 30 oa LHA for Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions . Form 990 (2003)

PO/721 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 81210_1 w ` ' LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC . 59-1437014 : Statement of All organizations must complete column (A). Columns (B), (C), and (D) are required for section 501(c)(3) Page 2 Functional Expenses and (4) organizations and section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts but optional for others . Do not include amounts reported on line p (B) Program (C) Management Rh_ Rh_ Ah_ l Oh_ nr 1 B of Part l. .... ( ~) Total SANICPS And nanaral D Fundraisin 22 Grants and allocations (attach schedule) ...... cash $ 1, 26 0- noncash $ 22 1 , 26 0 . 23 Specific assistance to individuals (attach schedule) 23 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule) 24 25 Compensation of officers, directors, etc...... 25 115,653 . 26 Other salaries and wages ...... 26 262,365 . 27 Pension plan contributions ...... 27 28 Other employee benefits ...... 28 9 , 703 . 29 Payroll taxes ...... 29 30 Professional fundraising fees ...... 30 21 , 596 . . .. 31 Accounting fees ...... 31 10, 000 . 32 Legal fees ...... 32 33 Supplies ...... 33 17 025 . 34 Telephone ...... 34 16 913 . 35 Postage and shipping ...... 35 16 , 780 . 36 Occupancy ...... 36 5 6 852 . 37 Equipment rental and maintenance ...... 37 41, 588 . 38 Printing and publications ...... 38 293 , 628 . 39 Travel ...... 39 9, 888 . 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings ...... 40 41 Interest ...... 41 42 Depreciation, depletion, etc. (attach schedule) .. . 42 6 , 183 . 43 Other expenses not covered above (itemize): a 43a b 43b c 43c d 43d e SEE STATEMENT 2 43e 270 , 870 . ota n ona expenses a d mes hroug 43 ., 44 Organizations completing columns (B}(D), arty these totals to lines l31s 44 1 , 150,304 . 1 Joint Costs. Check PI E] if you are following SOP 98-2 . Are any joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fundraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services? ...... " E7 Yes []X No If *Yes," enter (i) the aggregate amount of these joint costs $ ; (ii) the amount allocated to Program services $

Statement of Program Service Accomplishments What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? t SEE STATEMENT 3 Program Service ~Xp enses All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achievements in a clear and concise manner. State the number of clients served, publications Issued, etc. Discuss (Required for501(c)(3) z achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501(c)(3) and (4) organizations and 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and (4) orgs ., and 4947(aN allocations to others .) trusts; but options! !or oU a PROVIDED A SOCIAL FORUM FOR THE EXCHANGE OF ENTREPRENEURIAL IDEAS AND THE PROMOTION OF THE ASSOCIATION'S OBJECTIVES IN THE COMMUNITY



a d

e Other program services (attach schedule) (Grants and allocations $ f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) ...... 3230~103 Form 990 (2003) 2 09070721 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 812101 Form 990(2003) LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC . 59-1437014 Page 3 ~Y Balance Sheets

Note : Where required, attached schedules and amounts within the description column (A) (B) should be for end-of-year amounts only. Beginning of year End of year

45 Cash - non-interest-bearing .. . . .,. .. ., ...... ,. ._ ._ ._...... _ ...,. .. . 121,628 . 45 118,079 . 46 Savings and temporary cash investments ...... _...... 437,245 . 46 558 , 792 .

47 a Accounts receivable ...... 47aa7a 242,464 . b less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...... 47b 30,000 . 95,415 . 47c 212 , 464 .

48 a Pledges receivable ,__...... ,.. . .. .,.,_.,._. ...,. .. 48a ;' b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts ...... 48b 48c 49 Grants receivable ...... 49 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees ...... 50 N d 51 a Other notes and loans receivable ...... 51 a ...... b Less : allowance for doubtful accounts ...... 51b 51C 52 Inventories for sale or use . .,_ _...... ,...... _ .. ...___. ...,. ., .. ..,......  .,__, ...... , 52 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges ...... 70,583 . 53 63 , 297 . 54 Investments-securities .. ...,...... ,...... " 0 Cost D FMV. . 54 55 a Investments - land, buildings, and equipment : basis ...... 55a ...... b less : accumulated depreciation ...... 55b 55c 56 Investments - other ...... 56 57 a Land, buildings, and equipment: basis ...... 57a 48,539 . b less: accumulated depreciation ...... 57b 29,551 . 21 , 773 . 57c 18 , 988 . 58 Other assets (describe " ) 58

59 Total assets add lines 45 throw h 58 must equal line 74 ...... 746,644 . 59 971 , 620 . 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ...... _ ...... 118 , 288 . 60 87,881 . 61 Grants payable ...... 61 62 Deferred revenue ...... 9,400 . 62 49,403 . 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees ...... 63 64 a Tax-exempt bond liabilities _ ... ., ...... _ ...... _ ...... __ 64a b mortgages and other notes payable ...... , ...... 64b 65 Other liabilities (describe " ) 65

66 Total liabilities add lines 60 through 65 ...... 127 , 688 . 66 137 , 284 . Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here 1 EXI and complete lines 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. 67 Unrestricted ...... 618 , 956 . 67 834 , 336 . 68 Temporarily restricted ...... 68 m 69 Permanently restricted ...... 69 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here ~ D and complete lines 70 through 74. 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds ...... 70 y 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund ...... 71 a 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds ...... 72 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through 72 ; _.  column (A) must equal pine 19; column (B) must equal pine 21) ...... 618 , 9569 5 6 . 73 834 , 336 . 74 Total liabilities and net assets / fund balances (add lines 66 and 73) . . . 746 , 644 . 74 971 , 620 . Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization . How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return . Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments.

323021 12-17-03 3 09070721 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 812101 Form 990 2003 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION INC . 59-1437014 Page 4 ~.V.-.-` . ` Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per ~~ Financial Statements with Expenses per Return Return a Total revenue, gains, an d othe r support a TotalI exPpee nses and losses per p er audited financial statements ...... " .~a 2 , 231 , 19 5 ~audited. financial statements ...... " ~a.~ .~~ ~2~~, 015.~~~~, 815 . b Amounts included on line a but not on b Amounts included on line a but not on lin e 17 Form 990: lin e 12 Fo rm 990: (1) Donated se rvices ...... ()1 Ne t unr ea lized ga ins and use offacilities ... $ oni nvestments :: (2) Prior Y ear adjustments 112 Donated services repoo rted 0n line 20, and use o f facilities .. $ Form 99 0 ...... $ : : :: : : : 3 Re co ve ri es of prior 3 Losses reported on () : : : :: : 1 Yea r grants ...... $ : :: ::: line 20 Fo rm 990 . .. a (4) Ot her (specispec .)fy) :. (4) Other (speci fy): STMT 5 8 65 511 . . `">~~~>~`~~~>`~~~~~MTST 6 865 , 511 . '~'?'?`' Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ...... " b 865,511 . Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ... . " b 8 6 5 , 511 . c pine a minus line b ...... " c 1, 365,684 . c Line a minus line b ...... " c 1 , 150,304 . d Amounts included onn Iiline 12, Form d Amounts included on line 17 Fo rm 9 90 but not on line a: 990 but not on line a (1) Investment exp enses 1 ) Investment expenses not me'nc luded ludi on no t included on line 6b, Form 990 . .. $ line 6b Form 990 .. . $ 2 Other (specify): '~(2 ) Othe r (specify): a ...... :.:>: ::o.>~ $ Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) ...... , ., " d Add amounts on lines (1) and (2)1 ...... " ::d.:: : 0 . e Total revenue per line 12, Form 990 e Total expenses per line 17, form 990 (line c plus line d ...... lo- , e . 1 365 6 84 . (line c plus line d) ...... " e 1 , 150 , 304 . ;' List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even if not compensated.)

(A) Name and address per week devoted to I (If not piid, enter position - WILLIAM DELGADO XECUTIVE VIC PRESIDF 782 NW 42 AVENUE SUITE 450 , FL 33126 0 PLUS 1 115,653 .1 0 .1 0 .



75 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receive aggregate compensation of more than $100,000 from your organization and all related organizations, of which more than $10,000 was provided by the related organizations? If "Yes; attach schedule . " =Yes ~X No 323 oa1 12-17-03 Form 990 (2003) 4 09070721 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 81210 1 Form 990(2003) LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION INC . 59-1437014 Pages p~l~` Other Information Yes No 76 Did the organization engage in any activity not previously reported to the IRS? If'Yes ; attach a detailed description of each activity ...... 76 X 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? ...... 77 X If "Yes,' attach a conformed copy of the chan 9 es. mmm 78 a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more during the year covered by this return? ...... 78a X b If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? ._. .. . .. , ., ... ..,. ...  .,... ., ..,._.. . ...... _. ...,._. ., ., ... .. N/A ...... 7gb 79 Was there a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? ...... 79 X If "Yes" attach a statement 8 0 a I s the organization related (other thn a bY association with a statewide o r nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? , ...... .,.. ..,........ . ...... 80a X b I f "Yes," enter the name of the organization 00, SEE STATEMENT 7 and check whether it i s a o r D noexempt nexemptnex emP . 81 a Enter direct or indirect political expenditures . See line 81 instructions ...... 81a b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? ...... ,...... _...... 87b X 82 a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge or at substantially less than fair rental value? ...... 82a X b If "Yes." Y o u ma Y indicate the value of these items heree . Do not include this amount as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II. (See instructions in Part III). . 82b N/A 83 a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? ...... 83a X b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions? ...... 83b X 84 a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? ., . ...... , ...... ,. ., ._...... ,......  _,.,. ._ .., ., 84a X b If *Yes," did the organization incIude wwith everye solicitationt t an express statement that such contributions or gifts were no t ...... tax deductible? ...... --.-- ...... NBA ...... 84h 85 501(c)(4), (5), or (6) organizations. a Were substantially ail dues nondeductible by mernbers? ...... .  ,...... 85a X b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of $2,000 or less? ...... ,...... .,_ 85b X "Yes* was answered o either 85a 0 r 85b do nott completeIete 85c through9 85h below unless the organization receivedr .. a waiver for proxy tax owed for t he prior year . c Dues assessments, and similar amounts from members ...... 85c N A ::.:: :.:. :.:::.:.:. :.::.::.:::.::.: d Section 162(e) and political expenditures 85d N/A : : : : : : : e AggregateA9 e re 9 t nondeductible amount of section 6033(e)( 1 )( A) dues noticesi 85e N/A : :::::::::::: : :::::::::::: f TaxableT axab amount of lobbying aPnd political expenditures l line 85d less 85e 1 ...... 85f NI P ::: : : : : g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f? ...... N/A . ..,. ., ., 85 h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on line 85f to its reasonable estimate of dues allocable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? ...... N/A ..., ...., 85h 86 501 (c)(~) organizations. Enter: a Initiation fees and caPpital contributions included on line 12 ...... 86a N/A :::: :: : : :;: ::: b Gross receipts, included on line 12 for public use of club facilities ...... 86b N 87 501(c)(12) organ0 ~ant i"z aations~ 'o . Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders 87a N/A b Gross incomeco from other sources. ((Do D not net amounts due or paid to other sources . a 9 aagainst amounts due or received from them. ) ...... 87b N/A :: ::::: ::: ::: 88 At anytime during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301 .7701-2 and 301 .7701-3? If "Yes." complete Part IX ...... 88 X 8 9 a 501(c)(3) organizations. Enter: Amount of tax imposedo on the organization during the year under: section 4911 " N/A ' section 491 ' section 955 10, N A b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) organizations. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach a statement explaining each transaction ...... ,...... _ ...... ,. ..,...... .. N/A ...... 896 c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912. 4955. and 4958 ...... " NBA d Enter: Amount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization  ._ .. ._,. ,.  . . ,_. , ., ....,_ . .__._._, " N/A 90 a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed lo- NONE b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12, 2003 ...... I 90b ~ 8 91 The books are in care of 0 - JULIE MORIYON Telephone no. " (305)465-5989

Locatedat " 782 N .W . LE JEUNE ROAD, MIAMI, FL zIP+4 . 33176

92 Section 4947(a)(i) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041- Check here ...... 111l. E-1 and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year ...... " I 92 ~ N/A 323041 12-17-03 Form 990 (2003) 5 09070721 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 81210 1 Form 990(2003) LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION INC . 59-1437014 Page 6 Analysis of Income-Producing Activities (see page 33 of the instructions.) Note : Enter gross amounts unless otherwise Unrelated business income Excluded n section siz, sia, ors1a (C) indicated. (A) (B) (D) Related or exempt Business Amount Exclu-~ae Amount 98 Program service revenue: code function income a b c d e f Medicare/Medicaid payments ...... g Fees and contracts from government agencies ...... 94 Membership dues and assessments ...... 537,000 . 95 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments ... 14 8,982 . 96 Dividends and interest from securities ...... 9 7 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate' a debt-financed property ...... b not debt-financed property ...... 98 Net rental income or (loss) from personal property ...... 99 Other investment income ...... 100 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets other than inventory ...... ---101 Net income or (joss) from special events ...... 337,712 . 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory ...... 103 Other revenue : a ADVERTISING INCOME 475,660 . p MISCELLANEOUS 01 6 , 330 . c d e 104 Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), and (E)) ...... , .. ., t~:~T< .~...... I 0 . _...:...,..:.:.:... 15 ,312 . 1,350,372 . 105 Total (add line 104, columns (B). (D), and (E)) ...... " 1,365,684 . Note : tine 105 plus line 1 d, Part l, should equal the amount on line 12, Part l. Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (see page 34 of the instructions.) Line No. Explain how each activity for which income is reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) . SEE STATEMENT 8

intormation rcegai and eS (See page 34 of the instructions.) A) D Name, address, andEIN of corporation, of I Nature of activities Total income End

N/A °/a

p <~ Information Re ar in Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts (see page 34 of the instructions.) (a) Did the organization, during t , eceive ny funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums on a personal benefit contract? .. ...,...... ~ Yes ~ No (b) Did the organization, during t year, pre iums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? ...... D Yes ~X No Note : If "Yes" to (b), file Form 8 0 a 4720 see instructions). Under penalties of perjury, I d re tF~ t I have amined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, It is true, Please correct, and complete. DeGa p5rer (o er than offices is based on all info atio of which prep has any knowledge. Sign lR~Gro~2 tLF ~7p,EQ~4TloNS Here ' Sfgrtafnre-s~ ~ ' IVpe or print nom..and title. r Date / Check I Prepare~'s ssN o. Prw raid Preparer's -4d self- signature ' ~ ., em toyed Q P00120352 Preparer's F,r~S eme(o, yours ORRISON, BROWN, ARGIZ & FARRA, P EIN " 01-0720052 Use Only '1001 BRICKELL BAY DRIVE, 9TH FLOOR 323161 dress, and 12-17-03 ZIP +4 MIAMI, FL 33131 Phone no. 1111- 305 373-5500 Form 990 (2003) 6 09070721 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 812101 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC . 59-1437014



MONTHLY LUNCHON 229,615 . 229,615 . 145,067 . 84,548 . AWARDS BANQUET 168,710 . 168,710 . 117,408 . 51,302 . FISHING TOURNAMENT 140,337 . 140,337 . 97,427 . 42,910 . GOLF TOURNAMENT 137,910 . 137,910 . 73,285 . 64,625 . INSTALLATION BANQUET 141,630 . 141,630 . 114,506 . 27,124 . VISCAYA 259,074 . 259,074 . 167,284 . 91,790 . ANNIVERSARY BANQUET 61,400 . 61,400 . 54,616 . 6,784 . TOY DRIVE 34,881 . 34,881 . 47,537 . -12,656 . DIRECTORS RETREAT 22,166 . 22,166 . 41,476 . -19,310 . CASA DE CAMPO TICKETS 7,500 . 7,500 . 6,905 . 595 .

TO FM 990, PART I, LINE 9 1,203,223 . 1,203,223 . 865,511 . 337,712 .




TOTAL TO FM 990, IN 43 270,870 .

7 STATEMENT S) 1, 2 090 7D-7 21 T OCIATION, 812101 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC . 59-1437014















TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART IV-A 865,511 .

8 STATEMENT S) 3, 4, 5 08550801 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 812101 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, INC . s 59-1437014




TOTAL TO FORM 990, PART IV-B 865,511 .







9 STATEMENT S) 6, 7, 8 09070721 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 81210 1 c t Officers, Directc Trustees And Key Employees Latin Builders Associatioi Part V - List of EIN 59-1437014 Form 990 L BA Directors List

Executive Committee

President: Charlie Martinez Immediate Past President: Willy Bermello Date of Birth: July 13, 7962 Date of Birth: November 28, 1950 Business: Caribe Homes Corp. Business: Bermello, Ajamif & Partners President President 14260 SW 119 Avenue 2601 S. Bayshore Drive Miami, 33186 Tenth Floor (3Q5) 233-6776 office Miami, Florida 33133 (305 378-6260 fax (305) 860-3745 office (305) 216-4806 cell (305) 860-3700 fax kkdadl.waoi.cam (305) 546-9586 cell Spouse: Mayte Martinet millv bennellar!b amianu.cam Date of Birth: May 2, 1965 Spouse: Daysi Bermello Residence : 5754 SW 100 Street Date of Birth: July 19, 1950 Miami, Florida 33156 Residence : 2601 Granada Blvd, (305) 668-3049 home Coal Gables, Florida 33134 (305) 446-1700 home President Elect: Angel Medina Organizations/Boards: Date of Birth: September 7, 1957 CANF, fGwanis Club, QB Committee, Business: Union Planters Bank City of Miami UDRB Board, Colonial President Miami-Dade County Bank 2800 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Fifteenth Floor President Emeritus : Pedro Adrian Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Date of Birth: April 27,1936 (305) 7745278 office Business: Adrian Homes (305) 529-0332 fax Owner (305) 796-6210 cell 2460 SW 137 Avenue an eel.medinair,'a-)upbiia.com Suite 238 Spouse: Dynis M. Medina Miami, Florida 33175 Date of Birth: August 14, 1956 (305) 221-1515 office Residence : 1164-0 SW 128 Court (305) 553-7264 fax Miami, Florida 33186 (305) 336-G172 car (305) 382-2904 home (305) 308-9828 cell Spouse: Adria Adrian Date of Birth: March 20, 1943 Residence: 145 Palm Avenue Palm Island, Florida 33139 (305) 534-8020 home vice president: Lorenzo Luaces Vice-President: Anthony Davide Date of Birth: October 15 Date of Birth: June 22, 1971 Business: Don Tallet Business: Home Equity Mortgage & Owner Davide Realty 4361 SW 8 Street 7333 Coral Way Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Miami, Florida 33155 (305) 446-6435 office (305) 264-7805 office (305) 441-8614 fax (305) 264-2115 fax (305) 829-5357 main (305) 389-1493 cell Spouse: Noris Boscan Luaces adavide407ialamericaoidine Date of Birth: December 31 Spouse: lleana Menendez Residence: 1915 Brickell Avenue Date of Birth: September 29, 1971 Apartment C-911 Residence: 8841 SW 105 Street Miami, Florida 33129 Miami, Florida 33176 (305) 858-2598 home (305) 271-7830 home

Vice President: Eloy Cepero Vice President: Jami Reyes Date of Birth: September 9, 1945 Date of Birth: April 1e Business: Peninsula Mortgage Business: GDB + Partners Executive Vice-President Partner 9415 Sunset Drive 2601 S. Bayshore Drive Suite 300-B Miami, Florida 33173 Coconut Groove, Florida 33133 (305) 448-3297 office (305) 285-2227 office (305) 447-3985 fax (305) 285-1424 fax (305) 542-8946 cell (305) 281-2588 cell ecepero(dlyeni nsulabankers. com (305) 901-1080 beeper Spouse: Alina Cepero 'r1 eves(ai~dbpartners .com Date of Birth: November 2, 1957 Residence: 11015 SW 88 Street Unit H-105 Residence: 6805 SW 82 Court Miami, Florida 33176 Miami, Florida 33143 (305) 275-1214 (305) 279-9272 home Organizations/Boards: Organizations/Boards: CAMACOL & GMCC CANF, AREA, ALFAL(T, AIHE Vice President: Mikki Canton Vice President: Juan Beltran Date of Birth: May 22, 1952 Date of Birth: May 23, 1943 Business: Holland & Knight LLP Business: AON Risk Service Partner Executive Vice-President 701 Brickell Avenue 1001 Brickell Bay Drive STE 1100 Miami, Florida 33131 Miami, Florida 33131-4937 (305) 789-7783 office (305) 961108 office (305) 789-7799 fax (305) 372-1455 fax mcantonla'!hl:.law.com (305) 439-0837 cell Spouse: Pablo Canton (305) 366-2214 beeper Date of Birth: November 25, 1945 iohnbeltran(&ars. aon. com Residence: 5414 Riviera Dive Spouse: Lourdes Arias Beltran Coral Gabels, Florida 33146 Date of Birth: February 11, 1959 (305) 665-1985 home Residence: 12431 SW 94 Court Organizations/Boards: Miami, Florida 33176 Child Care Executive Partnership Board, (305) 235-7432 home Miami-Dade Empowerment Trust Inc., Organizations/Boards: Fellows of American Bar Foundation, The Florida Association of Insurance Agents, American Bar Association, The Florida Bar, Society of CPCU Dade County Bar Association, Cuban American Bar Association, American Inn of Court Alumni, and Florida Network of Youth and Family Services Vice President: Osvaldo Vento, Jr. Treasurer: Mariazell Arias Date of Birth: February 6, 1963 Date of Birth: April 25, 1950 Business: Everglades Lumber Business: Arias & Associates, Inc. President President 6991 SW 8 Street 7270 NW 12 Street Miami, Florida 33144 Suite 205 (305) 261-1155 office Miami, Florida 33126 (305) 261-8972 fax (305) 594-5774 office (305) 796-9109 cell (305) 594-5878 fax rnri(dsahdo~~ . net (305) 796-5368 cell Spouse: Nancy Vento mharias(a~ariasandassociates . com Date of Birth: September 7, 1964 Spouse: Armando Arias 6800 SW 73 Court Date of Birth: October 11, 1951 Miami, Florida 33145 Residence: 1108 NW 180 Avenue (305) 227-3430 home Pembroke Pines, Florida 33029 Organizations/Boards: (954) 435-0954 Kiwanis Club OrganizationslBoards: Treasurer NAWBO Miami Chapter Vice President: Gus Gil Date of Birth: April 12`h Secretary : Benny Garmona Business: Gil Development November 9"' President Business: BA Carmona & Associates 9360 Sunset Drive President Suite 291 7400 SW 5t" Terrace Miami, Florida 33173 Miami, Florida 33155 (305) 598-4002 (305) 264-3508 office (305598-0160 (305) 669-1051 fax (305) 733-1938 (305) 546245 cell -gUsQil@Aol .com bacarmonaQbellsouth. net Spouse: Elizabeth Casas-Gil Spouse: Maruchi Carmona Date of Birth: May 3`a January 9'n Residence: 630 SW 92 Passage Residence: 4400SW 57 Avenue Miami, Florida 33174 Miami, Florida 33155 (305) 223-7195 home (305) 667-0917 home Organizations/Boards: Vice President: Ramon Ozambela FES & NSPE Date of Birth: November 18, 1937 Business: Super Construction Assistant Secretary : Diego R. del Pino Vice-President Date of Birth: September 22, 1970 3990 SW 5 Terrace Business: Active Protective Services Miami, Florida 33134 President l ` (305) 220-8695 office 8252 NW 70 Street (305) 220-9043 fax Miami, Florida 33166 (305) 345-0662 cell (305) 591-8282 office (305) 268-5610 beeper (305) 591-3127 fax Spouse: Elsa Ozambela (305) 785-8282 cell Date of Birth: April 25, 1941 d1mCd alarrnsupply . coin Residence: 3900 SW 5th Terrace Spouse: Virginia del Pino Miami, Florida 33134 Date of Birth: June 19, 1970 (305) 442-1169 home Residence: 4407 Anderson Road Miami, Florida 33146 (305) 667-2578 Organizations/Boards: Coalition for Freedom and Democracy & Young Americans for Freedom Legal Consultant: Orlando J. Cabrera F Date of Birth: January 25, 1962 Business: Ruden, McClosky Partner 701 Brickell Avenue Suite 1900 Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 789-2790 office (305) 537-3990 fax (305) 812-5927 cell oic(dtruden.com Spouse: Rose Beatriz Cabrera Date of Birth: November 12, 1963 Residence: 10225 SW 58 Court Miami, Florida 33156 (305) 663-4226 home

Executive Vice President: William J. Delgado Date of Birth: September 25, 1944 Business: Latin Builders Association Executive Vice-President 782 NW 42 Avenue Suite 450 Miami, Florida 33126 (305) 446-5989 office (305) 446-0901 fax (305) 542-7406 cell lbair~~belisouth.net Spouse: Alina Delgado Date of Birth : September 29, 1955 Residence: 3214 SW 175 Avenue Miramar, Florida 33029 (954) 435-2695 home Director: Jorge L. Fernandez Directors Date of Birth: April 12, 1964 Business: Lucky Start Inc. Director: Rafael Reyes Vice-President Date of Birth: November 19 12515 North Kendal! Drive Business: Southern Wine & Spirits Suite # 328 Vice-President General Sales Manager Miami, Florida 33186 1600 NW 163 Street (305) 598-0053 office Miami, Florida 33169 (305) 596-4454 fax (305) 625171 office luck-~,stari(a!vi,orldnet .att. iiet (305) 6249795 fax Spouse: Maritza Femandez (305) 316-4097 cell Date of Birth: November 3, 1967 (305) 678-5801 beeper Residence: 1001 Coral Way ralphreves@southernR7ne .cam Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Spouse: Riama Reyes (305) 443-3388 home Date of Birth: September 5 Residence : 6925 Sunrise Court Director: Gene Lopez Coral Gables, Florida 33133 Date of Birth: June 1gh, 1962 (305) 669-0558 home Business: SBC Telecom 6205 Blue Lagoon Drive Director: Alvaro Adrian Sixth Floor Date of Birth: January 4, 1964 Miami, Florida 33126 Business: Adrian Builders (786) 388-1110 office President (305) 261-3930 fax 2460 SW 137 Avenue (305) 342-4341 Suite 238 e11968~a?sbc .com Miami, Florida 33175 Spouse : Olga Lopez (305) 221-1514 office Date of Birth: September 18th, 1963 (305) 553-7264 fax Residence: 11304 SW 92 Street (305) 796-6089 cell Miami, Florida 33176 alvadr;a:;aol.com (305) 598-2299 home Spouse : Vvian Adrian Organizations/Boards: Date of Birth: June 26, 1964 Junior Achievement - Dade Residence: 190 Palm Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Director: Antonio Caula Jr. 531-8070 home Date of Birth: March 3, 1980 Business: 8anco Popular Director: Luis Garcia Senior Vice-President Date of Birth: August 191n 7500 SW 8 Street Business: Adonel Concrete Ready Mix Suite 207 President Miami, Florida 33144 2101 NW 110 Avenue (305) 265-2345 office Miami, Florida 33172 (305) 267-2345 fax (305) 392-5416 office (305) 724-8620 calf (305) 599-2827 fax tonycaulaia?yahoo .corn (305) 975-3411 cell Spouse: Anayancy M. Caula (305) 998-7900 beeper Date of Birth: July 7, 1971 Spouse: Ana P. Garcia Residence: 19139 NW 23 Court Date of Birth: March 27'n Pembroke Pines, Florida 33029 Residence: 2940 Luckie Road (954) 447-9640 home Weston, Florida 33331 Organizations/Boards: (954) 385946 home Association Interamerican de Hombres de Empress, South Florida Banking Institute, & Miembro de todas las Camaras ; .:

E^. Director. Miriam C. Rodriguez-Alvarez Director. Manny Huerta, Asst Treasurer Date of Birth: September 5, 1963 Date of Birth: November 5, 1960 Business: Bonded Builders Home Warranty Business: The Royal Bay Group, Inc. Association Vice-President & Partner S. Fl . Director of Sales and Marketing 1110 Brickell Avenue 2201 Camponete Blvd. Suite # 504 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Miami, Florida 33131 (800) 647-1883 #6666 office (786) 777-0771 ext. 206 office (954) 433-2349 fax (786) 777-0774 fax (954) 333-5683 cell (305) 970-9972 cell miriamalvarezta~mm .com inahuerta(d!bellsouth.net Spouse: Armando Alvarez Spouse: Nelcy Huerta Date of Birth: October 23, 1962 Date of Birth: January 22, 1962 Residence : 15170 SW 49 Court Residence : 3531 SW 136 Court Miramar, Florida 33027 Miami, Florida 33175 (954) 433-9403 home (305) 223-8427 home Organizations/Boards: Organizations/Boards: BASF Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce & South Florida Gang Outreach Director: Abel lglesias Date of Birth: December 14, 1962 Director: Ernesto Portuondo, Jr. Business: Colonial Bank Date of Birth: September 5, 1970 Executive Vice-President Business: Certified Home Loans 1200 Brickell Avenue 7333 Coral Way Miami, Florida 33131 Suite D (305) 523-3416 office Miami, Florida 33155 (305) 523-1657 fax (305) 461-000 office abel ip-lesiasiu:colonialbaiilt.com (305) 264-1119 fax Residence: 828 Mariana Avenue ernien(k~certifiedhomeloans. com Coral Gables, Florida 33134 Spouse : Laurie A. Portuondo (305) 442-9843 home Date of Birth : January 29, 1971 Residence: 10845 SW 106 Avenue Director: Ruben Pedron Miami, Florida 33176 Date of Birth: December 11, 1962 (305) 275-1257 home Business: SunTrust Bank, Miami First Vice-President-Real Estate Finance Director: Eddy Gonzalez, Jr, 777 Brickell Avenue Date of Birth: May 13, 1962 Miami, Florida 33131 Business: Zurqui Construction Services, Inc. (305) 579-7323 office President (305) 579-7311 fax 10421 NW 28 Street nlben.pedron(a!suntnist.com Suite # 102-D Spouse: Annette Feurtado-Pedron Miami, Florida 33172 Date of Birth: May 8`h, 1965 (305) 597-8869 office Residence : 1100 NW 161 Avenue (305) 597-8877 fax Pembroke Pines, Florida 33028 (305) 796-2295 cell (954) 435-9613 gcontraclor(a),zurquis . com Organizations/Boards: Spouse: Ana Gonzalez Industrial Association of Dade County & Date of Birth: November 4, 1961 BASF Residence: 8401 SW 92 Street Miami, Florida 33156 (305) 275-9115 home Director: Tony Rodriguez-Tellaheche Director: Henry Pino Date of Birth: December 20"' Business: BAP Development Business: Tellaheche Associates 2610 South Bayshore Dive Owner-Architect Suite # 1000 1114 NW 209 Terrace Miami, Florida 33133 Miami, Florida 33179 (305) 860-3708 office (305) 968-7382 office (305) 860-3700 fax (305) 770-4616 fax henn-yinoralbamiami .com rodtell(aiaol .com Spouse: Viviana Rodriguez-Tetlahech Director: Zuliy Ruiz Date of Birth: February 27th Date of Birth: February 3`d Residence : 436 NE 94 Street Business: International Homes Miami Shores, Florida President (305) 770-4616 home 3232 Coral Way Miami, Florida 33145 Director: Robert Chisholm (305) 444-5638 office Date of Birth: January 17, 1950 (305) 7742911 office Business: RE Chisholm Architects (305) 7747116 fax President (305) 216-2909 cell 7254 SW 48 Street zruiz(a-;aol.cont Miami, Florida 33155 Residence: 3232 Coal Way (305) 661-2070 office Miami, Florida 33145 (305) 661-6090 fax (305) 274-0308 home (305) 776-5501 cell bobcii?chisholmarchitects .com Director: Anthony Seijas Spouse: Lili Chisholm Date of Birth: September 23, 1968 Date of Birth: August 24, 1953 Business: Lennar Homes, Inc. Dade Division Residence : 737 Jeronimo Drive President Coral Gables, Florida 33146 760 NW 107 Avenue (305) 661-8645 Suite # 201 Organizations/Boards: Miami, Florida 33172 American Institute of Architects, Community (305) 559-1951 office partnership for homeless, (305) 559-4543 fax Chamber of Commerce (786) 412-4525 cell aseiias(a~lemiar.coin Director: Luis R Lasa Spouse: Jennifer Seijas Date of Birth: March 18, 1949 Date of Birth: May 15, 1968 Business: TotaIBank Residence: 1257 La Mancha Avenue Senior Vice-President Coral Gables, Florida 33134 7208 NW 72 Avenue (305) 587-0164 home Miami, Florida 33166 (305) 885-7159 office (305) 884-1893 fax (305) 724-8412 cell llasar?totalbank .com Spouse: Elena Lasa Residence : 10845 SW 85 Avenue Miami, Florida 33156 (305) 279-4684 home OrganizationsBoards: Director Catholic Chartities Director: Cesar Llano Director. Ruben Bertran Date of Birth: June 1, 1963 Date of Birth: December 13, 1954 Business: Century HomeBuilders, Inc. Business: Vitran Homes Corp. Vice-President land Development President 7270 NW 12 Street 13052 SW 133 Court Suite # 410 Miami, Florida 33186 Miami, Florida 33126 (305) 971-0284 office (305) 599-100 office (305) 971-0317 fax (305) 470-190 fax (305) 788-8857 cell (786) 412-5040 cell neburfa'tatt.net cl lanoia?ceniunroartners. cam Spouse: Lily Bertran Spouse: Vivilu Llano Date of Birth: November 29, 1957 Date of Birth: September 26, 1964 Residence : 8195 SW 142 Terrace Residence : 535 Jeronimo Drive Miami, Florida 33156 Coral Gables, Florida 33146 (305) 251-1391 home (305) 663-0403 home Organizations/Boards: Organizations/Boards: BASF BASF - Dade Legislative Committee Director: Tibar Hallo Director: Ana Ciiment-Balseiro Business: Florida East Coast Realty Date of Birth: October 28`h, 1954 President Business: Color Wheel Paints 8 Coating 100 South Biscayne Boulevard Architectural Representative Suite # 1180 3247 North Shore Road Seven Miami, Florida 33131 Margate, Florida 33063 (305) 358-7310 office (954) 970-1770 office (305) 358-1619 cell (954) 970-1767 fax wrhfa!epmsinc.com (954) 868-5914 cell Residence : 4622 Noah Bay Road Spouse: Jesus Baiseiro Miami Beach, Florida 33140 Date of Birth: May 10", 1958 - (305) 5340054 home Residence: 12028 Quilting Lane Boca Raton, Florida 33428 Director: Sonia Olarte (561) 482-4501 home Date of Birth: November 2"d, 1946 Organizations/Boards: Business: CommerceBank Lions Clubs international, Constructional Senior Vice-President Specifications Institute, and National 220 Alhambra Circle Association of Women in Construction Coral Gables, Florida 33134 (305) 460-4020 office Director: Michelle Ponce (305) 460-8746 fax Business: Be1lSouth Mobility (305) 793-6535 cell 9700 South Dixie Highway solarte(a~lcommercebanU .com Suite # 100 Spouse: Valentin Olarte Miami, Florida 33156 Date of Birth: February 14th, 1936 Residence: 12205 SW 97 Court Miami, Florida 33176 (305) 238-9106 home Organizations/Boards: The Risk Management Association Director: Cartas Sabater Honorary Director Date of Birth: January 13 Business: Deloitte & Rey Martinet Touche LLP Director: 200 S. Biscayne Suite # : Puig Martinet Blvd. 400 Business & Miami, Florida 33131 Principal (305) 372-3143 office SW 97 Avenue 7000 (305) 372-3164 fax Suite # 104 (305) 972-8565 cell 33173 Miami, Florida csabaterla:!dttus .com 270-3701 office (305) Spouse: Carmen Sabater (305) 270-3703 fax Date of Birth : October 20 (305) 216-4624 cell Residence: 5762 SW 100 . com Street marti700Gjaaol Miami, Florida 33156 Marilan Spouse: (305) 668-8861 home Manny Rodriguez Director: Director: Manny Echezarreta Birth: June 19th, 1943 Date of Date of Birth: October 16t'' Business: FPL Business: Ford Engineers, Inc. Dade Regional Manager President West Fiagfer Street 9250 1950 NW 94 Avenue Suite # 5202 Second Floor 33174 Miami, Florida Miami, Florida 33172 (305) 552-344.3 office (305) 477-6472 office (305) 552-2772 fax (305) 477-8054 fax (305) 794-7638 (305) 970-4251 cell rodriQUezia,fpl.cQni mamiv i maiYUele1a,,fordco .com Spouse: lrene Rodriguez Spouse: avian Echezarreta Date of Birth: March 20th, 1951 Date of Birth: February Stn Residence : 5955 SW 88 Court Residence: 12361 SW 97 Street Miami,' Florida 33174 Miami, Florida 33186 (305) 271-4297 home (305) 598-3456 home Organizations/Boards: Organizations/Boards: Zoological Society, GMCC, The Fair, Florida Engineering Society, National Hialeah Latin Chamber, South Beach Latin Association of Professional Engineers, Chamber, and YMCA of Hialeah American Society of Civil Engineers, American Waterworks Association, 8 BASF Director: Claudia Pulp Date of Birth: June 12' Director: Garlos Nodal Hispanic Business: Broadcasting Business: Nodatco Engineering General Manager President 800 Douglas Road 4582 N. Hiatus Road Suite # 111 Sunrise, Florida 33351 Gables, Florida 33134 Coral (954) 741-2572 office (305) 442-7501 office (954 741-8635 fax (305) 442-9399 fax nodalco(a)Uellsouth.net (305) 519-1004 cell Spouse: Karri Nodal puigctum" mr.com Spouse: Richard Amundson Director: Jorge A. Pemas Birth 27t' Date of : July Business: Persant Construction Residence : 430 Grand Bay Drive Apt. 5010 11865 SW 26 Street Key Biseayne, Florida 33149 Suite # 8-14 (305) 365-1849 Miami, Florida 33175 Organizations/Boards: (305) 221-2282 office United Way, Red Cross, and Liga Contra el (305) 220-0908 fax Cancer Director: Jim Perez Business: The Development Group President 13200 SW 128 Street F-1 Miami, Florida 33188 (305) 971-3060 ext. 10 office (305) 971-3028 fax Legal Counsel

Director. Orlando J. Cabrera Date of Birth: January 25, 1962 Business: Ruden, McClosky Partner 741 BrickeA Avenue Suite 1900 Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 789-2790 office (305) 537-3990 fax (345) 812-5927 cell o;qnruden.coni Spouse: Rosa Beatriz Cabrera Date of Birth: November 12, 1963 Residence: 10225 SW 58 Court Miami, Florida 33156 (305) 663-4226 home

Director: Jorge Vigil Date of Birth: March 3, 1969 Business: Rasco, Reininger & Perez Associate 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive Suite 700 Miami, Florida 33126 (305) 261-0500 office (305) 267-1787 fax (305) 975-6343 cell imvCgo-reiiunger .com Spouse : Cecilia M. Ruiz-Vigil Date of Birth: February 25, 1976 Residence: 11512 NW 43 Terrace Miami, Florida 33178 (305) 418-1758 home Organizations/Boards: South Beach Chamber of Commerce & Cuban American Bar Association Form 88678 Application for Extension of Time To File an (December 2000) Exempt Organization Return OMB No. 1545-1709 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service 0- File a for each return .

" If you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part 1 and check this box 1 50 " If you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part II (on page 2 of this form). Note: Do not complete Part II unless you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868. Part 1 Automatic 3-Month Extension of Time - only submit original (no copies needed

Note : Form 990-T corporations requesting an automatic 6-month extension - check this box and complete Part I only ...... 10 other corporations (including Form 990-C filers) must use Form 7004 to request an extension of time to file income tax .Alt returns. Partnerships, REMICs and trusts must use Form 8 736 to request an extension of time to file Form 1065, 1066, or 1047 . Type or Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number print LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION INC . 59-1437014 Fiie by An a due date for Number, street, and room or suite no. If a P.O. box, see instructions . your return . See 782 N . W . LE JEUNE ROAD NO . 450 instructions. City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code . For a foreign address, see instructions. MIAMI FL 33176

Check type of return to be filed (file a separate application for each return) :

Form 990 [~ Form 990-T (corporation) 0 Form 4720 Form 990-BL ~ Form 990-T (sec . 401(a) or 408(a) trust) ~ Form 5227 Form 990-EZ 0 Form 990-T (trust other than above) 0 Form 6069 0 Form 990-PF 0 Form 1041-A ~ Form 8870

0 If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box ...... 1 0 If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEN . If this is for the whole group, check this box 1 0 . If it is for part of the group, check this box jlll~ 0 and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension will cover.

1 1 request an automatic 3-month (6-month, for 990-T corporation) extension of time until MAY 16, 2005 to file the exempt organization return for the organization named above. The extension is for the organization's return for. 0o- F-1 calendar year or 0- [E tax year beginning OCT 1, 2003 , and ending SEP 30, 2004

2 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: [-] Initial return 0 Final return E:1 Change in accounting period

3a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits . See instructions $

b If this application is for Form 990-PF or 990-T, enter any refundable credits and estimated tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit ......

c Balance Due. Subtract line 3b from line 3a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System). See instructions , ., ...,.,. $ N/A Signature and Verification

Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, ft is true, correct, and complete, and that I am authored to prepare this form.

LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instruction Form 8868 (12-2000)

323831 OS-01-03

11180215 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 81210,1 Form '8868 (12-2000) Page 2 0 if you are filing for an Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension, complete only Part 1l and check this box , ., ., ... ., .... .., ......  1 Note: Only complete Part II if you have already been granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Farm 8868. 0 if you are filing for an Automatic 3-Month Extension, complete only Part I (on page 1). Part II Additional (not automatic) 3-Month Extension of Time - Must file Original and One Copy. Name of Exempt Organization Employer identification number Type or print LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION INC . 59-1437014 File by the extended Number, street, and room or suite no. If a P.O. box, see instructions. For IRS use only due date for ] filing the 82 N . W . LE JELTNE ROAD NO . 450 return. See City, town or post office, state, and ZIP code . For a foreign address, see instructions . instructions ICI FL 33176 Check type of return to be filed (File a separate application for each return) : Form 990 E:]Form 990-Q =1 Form 990-T (sec . 401(a) or 408(a) trust) 0 Form 1041-A 0 Form 5227 =1 Form 8870 Form 990-BL = Form 990-PF = Form 990-T (trust other than above) ~ Form 4720 0 Form 6069

STOP: Do not complete Part II if you were not already granted an automatic 3-month extension on a previously filed Form 8868.

0 If the organization does not have an office or place of business in the United States, check this box  ,. ..  0 If this is for a Group Return, enter the organization's four digit Group Exemption Number (GEIV) . If this is for the whole group, check this box 1 F-1 . If it is for part of the group, check this box 1 0 and attach a list with the names and EINs of all members the extension is for.

I request an additional 3-month extension of time until AUGUST 15, 2005 5 For calendar year _ , or other tax year beginning OCT 1, 2003 , and ending S E P 30, 2004 6 If this tax year is for less than 12 months, check reason: EJ Initial return 0 Final return 0 Change in accounting period 7 State in detail why you need the extension INFORMATION NECESSARY TO PREPARE A COMPLETE AND ACCURATE RETURN IS NOT AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME . AN EXTENSION OF TIME IS HEREBY REQUESTED . 8a If this application is for Form 990-BL, 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter the tentative tax, less any nonrefundable credits . See instructions ...... $

b If this application is for Form 990-PF, 990-T, 4720, or 6069, enter any refundable credits and estimated LU C3 tax payments made. Include any prior year overpayment allowed as a credit and any amount paid previously with Form 8868 $ c Balance Due. Subtract line 8b from line 8a. Include your payment with this form, or, if required, deposit with FTD coupon or, if required, by using EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System) . See instructions ...... $ N/A v.,tl~ Q°- Signature and Verification Under penaltie of perjury, I declare fat I have examined this form, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, cor ct, and complete, and that I am authorized to prepare this form.

Si natu Title 110- ~h-- Date A!e7 &-v Notice to Applicant - To Be Completed by the IRS dwe have approved th s application . Please attach this form to the organization's return . 0 We have ,~ ' . ver, we have granted a t 0-day grace period from the later of the date shown below or the due date of th orga Ding a y prior extensions) . This grace period is considered to be a valid extension of time for elections otherwise i o e ma3e on ~ati um. Please attach this form to the organization's return. 0 We have ppr~~thjs ~pljp~considering the reasons stated in item 7, we cannot grant your r sFtfB~~?~' s oh°bf ~i~ 0 file . We ar ~~ gran~iiig t~e 10-dayg~ac qdR 'od. We canno cop~Sid~[.ttlis it was filed after the due date of the return for which an extension was i0*t0. 9"005 . Other 0 iDEIN UT FIELD DIRECTOR, SUMBSfON PROCESSlN,3, OGDEN' Director Date Alternate Mailing Address - Enter the address if you want the copy of this application for an additional 3-month extension returned to an address different than the one entered above. Name

Type Number and street (nclude suite, room, or apt. no.) Or a P.O. box number or print I 1 (1(11 RRT('KFT.T. RAY DR2VE . 9TH FLOOR City or town, province or state, and country (including postal or ZIP code) os3oei os ( MIAMI , FL 33131 Form 8868 (12-2000)

13260512 795691 81210 2003 .09000 LATIN BUILDERS ASSOCIATION, 81210-1