KDD 2017 Applied Data Science Paper KDD’17, August 13–17, 2017, Halifax, NS, Canada

No Longer Sleeping with a Bomb: A Duet System for Protecting Urban Safety from Dangerous Goods

Jingyuan Wang†, Chao Chen†, Junjie Wu‡∗, Zhang Xiong† † School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing ‡ School of Economics and Management, Beihang University, Beijing China. {jywang, sxyccc, wujj, xiongz}@buaa.edu.cn, ∗corresponding author ABSTRACT Recent years have witnessed the continuous growth of megalopolises worldwide, which makes urban safety a top priority in modern city life. Among various threats, dangerous goods such as gas and hazardous chemicals transported through and around cities have increasingly become the deadly “bomb” we sleep with every day. In both academia and government, tremendous e‚orts have been dedicated to dealing with dangerous goods transportation (DGT) issues, but further study is still in great need to quantify the prob- lem and explore its intrinsic dynamics in a big data perspective. In this paper, we present a novel system called DGeye, which features Figure 1: port on Aug. 12, 2015. a “duet” between DGT trajectory data and human mobility data 173 people killed and hundreds injured in the blast 1. In total 304 for risky zones identi€cation. Moreover, DGeye innovatively takes buildings, 12,428 cars and 7,533 intermodal containers were seri- risky paŠerns as the keystones in DGT management, and builds ously damaged, and still more surrounding buildings were declared causality networks among them for pain points identi€cation, at- as “structurally unsafe”. Local environments and air were also tribution and prediction. Experiments on both Beijing and Tianjin seriously polluted by exploded dangerous goods, which incurs im- cities demonstrate the e‚ectiveness of DGeye. In particular, the measurable loss (see Fig. 1). Œis painful lesson brings urban safety report generated by DGeye driven the Beijing government to lay back to sight as top priority, and indicates the latent but deadly down gas pipelines for the famous Guijie food street. “bomb” we sleep with every day: dangerous goods like gas and haz- ardous chemicals tanks transported frequently through and around CCS CONCEPTS cities. •Information systems → Data mining; Geographic information In the literature, the problem of dangerous goods transportation systems; •Applied computing → Computers in other domains; (DGT) has aŠracts great aŠention, with the focuses on transporta- tion route planning [20] and risk analysis [34], both from an op- KEYWORDS erations and optimization view. Œese studies, though providing Urban Safety, Intelligent Transportation, PaŠern Mining, Causal constructive managerial insights, usually lack of a micro view of Analysis DGT threatens from a big data perspective. Speci€cally, for a prac- tical application purpose, we €rst need to determine how to de€ne a dangerous-goods-aware risky zone in a quantitative manner so as to facilitate real-time general monitoring. Also, we should identify 1 INTRODUCTION the spatio-temporal paŠerns of DGT and €gure out the intrinsic Nowadays countries and regions all over the world face the chal- mechanisms behind them for key monitoring and sustainable urban lenge of urbanization. Œe rapid agglomeration of population and in- planning. Œese practical needs indeed motivate our study in this dustries not only creates monster megalopolises like Beijing, Tokyo paper, which aims to leverage heterogeneous big data for dealing and Seoul, but also exposes them to potentially catastrophic risks with DGT issues. Our study can also fall into the research category of various types. For instance, on August 12, 2015, a warehouse of urban computing [37], and enrich the dangerous-goods-related storing dangerous goods at the port area of Tianjin exploded, with studies in this area based on obtained rich DGT trajectory data. Our main research contributions are summarized as follows. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or Firstly, we present and deploy a novel system called “City Eyes classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed on Dangerous Goods” (DGeye) for real-world DGT risks man- for pro€t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation agement (DGTRM). DGeye features a “duet” between DGT trajec- on the €rst page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permiŠed. To copy otherwise, or republish, tory data and human mobile-phone signaling data, and employs a to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior speci€c permission and/or a Mahalanobis-distance based measure for risky zones identi€cation. fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. Secondly, DGeye innovatively takes risky paŠerns as the keystones KDD’ 17, August 13–17, 2017, Halifax, NS, Canada © 2017 ACM. 978-1-4503-4887-4/17/08...$15.00 DOI: hŠp://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3097983.3097985 1hŠps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015 Tianjin

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Sect. 5.1 for details). Œe causal network building function gener- DGT DGT Patterns Data Weights Ranking ates a causal network using risky paŠerns as vertexes and DGT

Casual Analysis trajectories passed these paŠerns as directed edges (see Sect. 5.2 for Networks Reports Urban details). If the destination of DGT trajectories that have passed the Planners paŠern p is the paŠern p , we can say the dangerous goods threats City Map MapM Risky x y Partition Zones Data in px is caused by dangerous goods transportation requirement Patterns from py . Œerefore, we call the network as a causal network. Prediction Based on the causal networks, in the user application layer, we Patterns A Real Time CrowdCrowd Cell Phone Mining Application Emergency Data Weights develop two applications for di‚erent types of users. For urban Monitoring planners, the system generates paŠern importance rankings for *GZG6XUIKYYOTM 1TU]RKJMK3UJKROTM *GZG9U[XIKY ;YKX'VVROIGZOUTY @UTK2K\KR 6GZZKXT2K\KR risk causal analysis (see Sect. 6.1 for details). Œe ranking gives high Figure 2: Framework of DGeye. priority to the paŠerns that lead to many other paŠerns of high importance. According to the ranking list, urban planners can €x the pain points gradually from high priority paŠerns to low priority in DGTRM, and is equipped with an ecient algorithm for max- ones. For the emergency monitoring application, the system gives imal paŠerns mining. A novel trajectory-driven causal network accurate state predictions for every paŠerns, which is of great help is then built upon these paŠerns for paŠern importance ranking to ocial emergency agencies in allocating emergency resources and risks aŠribution analysis. Širdly, DGeye is capable of risks appropriately and proactively (see Sect. 6.2 for details). prediction by adopting an EM-enabled Bayesian network model upon the causal network of risky paŠerns. Comparative experi- 3 DATA SOURCES mental studies with various baselines demonstrate the excellent Œe data used in DGeye include: mobile phone signaling data, DGT predictive power of DGeye. Finally, DGeye has established itself as trajectories, and city maps. In what follows, we provide detailed a successful deployment in various real-world applications. For in- descriptions to the former two types. stance, as a look back to the Tianjin port explosion disaster, DGeye Mobile operators build base accurately captures the blast site as one zone inside the €rst-rank Mobile Phone Signaling Data: stations all over a city to o‚er a “full coverage” signaling service to risky paŠern. More interestingly, DGeye discloses that the €rst mobile phone users, and the service records between mobile phones ranking risky source, which causes 5% downtown areas of Beijing and base stations are called “mobile phone signaling data”. A record under risk, is the transportation of lique€ed gas cylinders to an old contains famous food street: Guijie. Œe report generated by DGeye has €elds. Œe user ID and base station ID are unique identi€cations for driven the Beijing government to lay down gas pipelines for Guijie cell phones and base stations. Œe user behavior code €eld records in 2016 [1]. communication types between a cell phone and a base station. Œe time stamp records the occurrence time of a communication. Œe 2 THE SYSTEM OVERVIEW DGeye system uses the location of the base station that provides Figure 2 shows the framework of DGeye with four layers. Œe data signaling services to a mobile phone to approximate the position source of the system consists of DGT trajectory data, mobile phone of the phone user. Given the preŠy high penetration rate of mobile signaling data and city map data, which respectively represent phones in metropolises, we can use the amount of mobile phone the information about dangerous goods, human populations and users to approximate the population in an urban zone. city geography (see Sect. 3 for details). In the data processing Dangerous Goods Transporter (DGT) Trajectory: Any DGT2 layer, the system partitions a city map into multiple squared zones, in China is mandatorily equipped with a GPS terminal and reports and then uses mobile phone and DGT data to calculate the crowd real-time locations to the local government, which are then aggre- and DGT weights for each zone, respectively. Based on the two gated into DGT trajectory data. A DGT trajectory record contains kinds of weights, the system detects the urban zones with potential < vehicle ID, location, speed, timestamp > €elds, where the Vehicle dangerous goods risks in a given time slice of a day as time-sensitive ID €eld is an unique identi€cation of a DGT, the location and speed risky zones (see Sect. 4 for details). €elds record the real-time location and speed of a transporter, and Œe knowledge modeling layer is concerned with the pain points the timestamp €eld records the report time of the record. According of DGT risks within a city. While risky zones are important for to the industry standard, the positions of a transporter are reported real-time monitoring, they are just the “irregular symptoms” of the every 10 seconds. underlying DGT risks, changing across di‚erent time slices and in di‚erent days. For an urban management perspective, we would 4 DATA PROCESSING like to unveil the relatively stable paŠerns, i.e., the pain points, behind the time-variable symptoms, and dig deeply into the causal 4.1 Crowd and DGT Weights relations for risk aŠribution. For this reason, the knowledge model- Suppose the DGeye system divides a city map into an I × J urban ing layer mainly launches two functions: risky paŠerns mining and zone checkerboard, and the zone in the i-th row and the j-th column causal network building. Œe paŠern mining function compresses is denoted as zij . Assume the data set contains data of M days, and a group of risky zones that are spatially collocated and temporally the system divides one day into N time slices. For the n-th time slice concurrent into a risky paŠern, with the assumption that risky 2We use DGT to denote both dangerous goods transportation and transporter inter- zones in the same paŠern might be caused by a same reason (see changeably, which can be distinguished with reference to the context.

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mn Slices 1 Slices 2 Slices 3 Slices n on the m-th day, we de€ne a DGT weight dij and a crowd weight mn c to measure the number of DGTs and the human population at 11 1n ij Day 1 R … … R zone zij , respectively. We also denote the two weights as dij and A pattern cij or dx and cy for concision when there is no ambiguity. of the time 21 2n slice set n DGT Weight: Œe DGeye system extracts DGT weight dij from Day 2 R … … R the DGT trajectories. For a DGT, when its location lt is reported … … … …… … … … at time t, we denote z(lt ) as the zone lt falls in, and process lt as M 1 Mn follows: If z(lt ) and z(lt−1) are spatially adjacent or the same, we Day M R … … R count a transporter for z(lt ); otherwise, we count a transporter for the time slice set n every zones on the shortest path from z(lt−1) to z(lt ). In this way, we re-sample a transporter if it stays at a zone for a long time. Œis Figure 3: An illustration of risky patterns mining. is reasonable because this kind of places are very likely to be the storage places of dangerous goods. At the end of a time slice, the Algorithm 1 Risky PaŠerns Mining from Rn number of passed DGTs of an urban zone is set as the DGT weight of that zone. 1: Let the paŠern candidate set L1 = {p˜|p˜ = {zij } ∧ supp(p˜,n) ≥ Crowd Weight: For each time slice, the system maintains a a threshold, ∀zij }. n binary user-zone matrix U, where a row vector corresponds to a 2: Let the paŠern set as P = L1. cell phone user and a column corresponds to a urban zone. Œe 3: Let the paŠern candidate size counter cnt = 2. element uxy = 1 indicates user x appears in zone y during the time 4: repeat slice, and 0 otherwise. At the end of a time slice, the crowd weight 5: Lcnt = ∅ of any zone y is calculated as 6: for paŠern candidates p˜cnt−1 ∈ Lcnt−1 do 7: ∈ { | ˜ } ∩ { | ∈ X uxy for zb zij zij is adjacent with pcnt−1 zij zij cy = . (1) 0 ∧ 0 ∈ ˜0} P p˜cnt−1 p˜cnt−1 P do x y uxy 8: if supp(p˜cnt−1 ∪ zx ,n) ≥ a threshold then In this way, if a user visits K zones in a time slice, we only count 9: p˜cnt = {p˜cnt−1 ∪ zx }, Lcnt = Lcnt ∪ p˜cnt n n n n the user 1/K times for each zone. 10: P = P ∪ p˜cnt , P = P − p˜cnt−1 11: end if 4.2 Risky Zones Detection 12: end for In the risky zones detection function, the system calculates a risk 13: end for score for each urban zone in a time slice. We say an urban zone is 14: cnt = cnt + 1 { | } ∩ { | ∈ 0 ∧ at risk because the zone contains a large population and too much 15: until zij zij is adjacent with p˜cnt−1 zij zij p˜cnt−1 0 ∈ ˜0} ∅ dangerous goods. Accordingly, using the product of the crowd p˜cnt−1 P = n weight and the DGT weight as the risk score is appropriate, since 16: return P we could get a high score only when both the two weights are large enough. Œere is still an obstacle here — the two weights are not in the same order of magnitudes. For example, the population in We further de€ne a time slice set Rn = {R1n, R2n,..., RMn }, which Beijing is more than 20 millions, but the DGTs in our Beijing data set contains the n-th time slices of all M days. When in W matrices of is only 3,790. To deal with this, we adopt the Mahalanobis distance Rn, a set of adjacent zones X are all at risky state, we de€ne the for weight scaling. Œe Mahalanobis distance of two vectors a and daily support of X w.r.t. Rn as b in a vector set is de€ned as q supp(X,n) = W /M. (4) −1 > DM (a, b) = (a − b)Σ (a − b) , (2) Based on the concept of daily support supp(X,n), we give the n where Σ is the covariance matrix of the vectors set. Œe risk score formal de€nition of the paŠerns of the time slice set R as follows. Rn of zij is then de€ned as De€nition 1 (Risky PaŠerns of ) A risky paˆern of the time slice set Rn is a set of zones that satis€es: 1) the zones are spatially  >   >  RSij = DM (dij , 0) , 0 × DM (0,cij ) , 0 . (3) adjacent; 2) the daily support of the set for Rn is larger than a given If RS is greater than a threshold, we say zone z is at a risky state, threshold; 3) the set is not a proper subset of any other risky paˆerns ij ij n otherwise at a low-risk state. In practice, the threshold is set to the of R . 90% upper quantile of all the risk scores. Figure 3 gives an illustration of risky paŠerns. Œe DGeye system mines risky paŠerns of Rn using an Apriori-like algorithm [4], with 5 KNOWLEDGE MODELING the pseudo-codes given in Algorithm 1. Œe algorithm maintains a group of paŠern candidate sets {L1, L2,..., Lcnt−1, Lcnt ,...}, 5.1 Risky Patterns Mining where Lcnt contains all cnt-size zone sets that satisfy the conditions A risky paˆern refers to a set of adjacent urban zones that are at the 1) and 2) of De€nition 1. Œe algorithm also maintains a risky risky state together frequently in a same time slice of a day. For the paŠern set Pn that is used as a return value of the algorithm. In lines mn I ×J n-th time slice on daym, we de€ne a risk matrix R ∈ R , where 1-2, the algorithm initializes L1 using all one-size paŠern candidates, mn n the element rij = 1 indicates the risky state of zij and 0 otherwise. and uses L1 to initialize the risky paŠern set P . In the 6-13 lines,

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2 The Time p Pattern 1 Pattern 2 Pattern 3 1 p5 6 USER APPLICATIONS Slice n-1 1 1 1 6.1 Pattern Importance Ranking p 1 p 2 4 1 Œe application of the paŠern importance ranking is to o‚er a rank- 1 The Time Pattern 4 1 1 ing list of risky paŠerns based on the causal network for urban Slice n p p 3 1 6 safety management. Œe DGeye system ranks risky paŠerns fol- The causal network lowing the rule as: a paŠern that i) causes many paŠerns and/or p p p p p p 1 2 3 4 5 6 ii) causes important paŠerns should have a high importance pri- The Time Pattern 5 Pattern 6 p1 0 0 0 1 2 0 Slice n+1 p2 1 0 0 1 0 0 ority in the ranking list. To this end, we apply a Random Walk p 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 with Restart (RWR) model [32] to the causal network to generate p4 0 0 0 0 1 1 p5 0 0 0 0 0 0 ranking scores for risky paŠerns. Trajectory Pattern p 6 0 0 0 0 1 0 Assume there are K paŠerns in the causal network. We de€ne The adjacent matrix > a ranking score vector s = (s1,s2,...,sk ,... sK ) , where sk is the Figure 4: An illustration of causal networks building. score of paŠern pk . Given the weight wxy for the edge from px to py , we de€ne a causal transition probability from px to py as an out-degree normalized wxy , i.e., for every paŠern candidate p˜cnt−1 in Lcnt−1, we enumerate zx in w a zone set, in which all zones are adjacent to p˜ − to generate a xy cnt 1 gxy = . (5) ∪ { } PK new paŠern candidate via p˜cnt = p˜cnt−1 zx . In lines 8-11, if the k=1 wxk daily support of p˜cnt is larger than the preset threshold, say 0.8 in n Œe system iteratively updates the ranking score vector s using our DGeye system, we add p˜cnt to Lcnt and P . Because p˜cnt−1 is a transition matrix G composed of gxy . In the (t+1)-th iteration a proper subset of p˜cnt , according to the condition 3) of De€nition n round, s is updated by 1, we remove p˜cnt−1 from P in line 10. In order to avoid redundant daily support computation, we in- s(t + 1) = α G · s(t) + (1 − α) q, (6) troduce a “F × F ” method [31] to €lter z in line 7. By > k−1 k−1 x where q = (q1,q2,...,qk ,...,qK ) is a paŠern-size ratio vector. ˜0 − de€ning Pcnt−1 as a set of cnt 1-size paŠern candidates in which Œat is, the k-th element of q is the normalized size of the risky 0 − ˜0 all candidates p˜cnt−1 share cnt 2 zones with p˜cnt−1, i.e., P = paŠern px , i.e., { 0 | 0 ∈ ∧ | 0 ∩ | − } p˜cnt−1 p˜cnt−1 Lcnt−1 p˜cnt−1 p˜cnt−1 = cnt 2 , the algo- size(px ) 0 qx = P . (7) rithm is required to select zx from a paŠern candidate in P˜ . K ( ) k=1 size pk When there is no z could be used to increase size of the paŠern x Note that we also q to initialize s, i.e., let s(0) = q. candidates, the algorithm returns Pn as the risky paŠern set of It is easy to show that the above iterations will converge to the Rn in line 16. Œe DGeye system uses Algorithm 1 to mine risky following steady state when t → ∞ [40], paŠerns for all time slice sets Rn,n = 1, 2,..., N , and uses their SN n s∗ = (1 − α)q(I − αG)−1, (8) union P = n−1 P as the €nal risky paŠern set of a city. which is €nally adopted to rank the importance of risky paŠerns. 5.2 Causal Network Building Œe paŠern with a greater score has a higher importance priority. A Causal network building is another function in the knowledge list of ranked paŠerns is valuable to urban planners and dangerous modeling layer of the DGeye system. In this function, the system goods management department of a city. Based on the list, urban uses risky paŠerns as vertexes and DGT tracs among the paŠerns planners could undertake an operable plan to clear these risky as edges to build a weighted directed network. Assuming there paŠerns progressively from the high priority ones to the low ones. are K paŠerns in the risky paŠern set P, the system maintains an K×K adjacent matrix W ∈ R where the element wxy is the weight 6.2 Risk State Prediction for the edge directed from paŠerns px to py . When a DGT orderly Another application o‚ered by the DGeye system is the risk state passes px and py , we add one to wxy . Note that passing a paŠern prediction. Urban emergency departments need to monitor the here means a DGT passes at least one zone in the paŠern. If a DGT states of risky paŠerns before all clearance. An accurate prediction passes many paŠerns in sequence, we add an directed edge to any of risky paŠerns’ states could also give a proactive guidance to pair of the paŠerns and count that DGT to all the edge weights. deploy limited urban emergency resources. To further illustrate the process of causal network building, we We use Bayesian inference for predictive modeling, which adopts go through a toy example in Figure 4. As shown in the €gure, a the causal network built in Sect. 5.2 as the Bayesian network. As DGT orderly passes the paŠerns p1, p4, p5, the weights of the edges shown in Fig. 5, the paŠerns that have causal relations with the p1 → p4, p1 → p5 and p4 → p5 all should be increased by one. paŠern to be predicted can be categorized into two types, i.e., pat- In the causal network, an edge px → py with a weight greater terns with observable states in historical times slices, and paŠerns than one means that some DGTs passes px for py . In the other with unobservable states in the future. For example, suppose we words, the reason for px being risky is that there are some dan- want to predict the paŠern states at the time slice n. Œe states ≤n−1 gerous goods requirements in py . Œerefore, we can regard the of risky paŠerns mined from R are observable but the ones n dangerous goods risk in py as a cause of the dangerous goods risk mined from R are unobservable. For convenience, we denote the in px . Œat is why we call the network as a causal network. states of observable paŠerns as H = {h1,h2,...,hx ,...,hK1}, and

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The pattern to States are unobservable be predicted 7 EXPERIMENTS AND APPLICATIONS

pe pf1 pf2 7.1 Experimental Setup Future We apply the DGeye system to two big cities of China: Beijing 3 4 History and Tianjin . Beijing is the capital of China with a 20 million p p p h1 h2 h3 population, and Tianjin is a municipality directed by the central States are observable government with a 15 million population. Œe urban safety of the Figure 5: An illustration of the predictive model. two cities is of the utmost importance undoubtedly. Œe data sets used in the experiments were collected from January 1 to March the states of unobservable paŠerns as F = {f , f ,..., f ,..., f }. 1 2 y K2 31 in 2015 for Beijing, and from January 1 to February 31 in 2015 Œe state of the paŠern to be predicted is denoted as e, e < F. for Tianjin. In the experiments, the system divides one day into 24 According to the Bayes’ theorem, the posterior probability of e time slices, i.e., one hour per slice, and divide the maps of the two conditioned on H and F is cities into 500m × 500m urban zones. Œe covered area of the two Pr(e)Pr(H, F |e) Pr(e |H, F ) = , (9) cities contain 80 × 160 zones, respectively. Pr(H, F ) which could be approximated using a na¨ıve Bayesian method as 7.2 Risky Zones Detection K1 K2 Y Y We here verify the risky zones detection function of the system. Pr(e |H, F ) ∝ Pr(e) Pr(hk |e) Pr(fk |e) k=1 k=1 Figures 6(a) and 6(b) show the spatial distributions of crowd weights (10) XK1 XK2 and DGT weights in Beijing at the 10:00 time slice on one day in ∝ ln(1 + Pr(e)) + ln(1 + Pr(hk |e)) + ln(1 + Pr(fk |e)). Jan. 2015, and Fig. 6(c) depicts the distribution of the risky zones in k=1 k=1 Beijing at the same time slice for comparison. Œe colors indicate However, since the paŠern states in F are unobservable, we cannot the weights and risky score of each zone — the redder, the higher. directly use (10) to calculate the posterior probability of e. Moreover, As shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), the population of Beijing are the impact of edge weights of the causal network are not considered mostly distributed in the downtown area, but high DGT weight by the posterior probability in (10). To address these, we propose zones are mainly distributed on an outer beltway surrounding an Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to estimate F and Beijing, i.e., the 5th ring road 5. As a result, it is interesting to see predict e through an iterative way. from €g. 6(c) that many of high-score risky zones detected by the Using the causal network as a Bayesian network, the EM al- system are not overlapped with the high DGT weight zones, e.g., gorithm initializes fx and e using an edge-weighted na¨ıve Bayes the red areas inside the 2nd ring covering an entertainment district model as follows: of Beijing: Dongzhimen and Dongsi. Œis indeed illustrates why XK1 DGeye considers both human population and DGTs in a “duet” way. f (0) = argmax w ln(1 + Pr(f )) + w ln (1 + Pr(h |f )) , x fx x (hk ,fx ) k x Figures 7(a) to 7(c) exhibit the case of Tianjin at the same time fx ∈{0,1} k=1 (11) XK1 slice as Beijing. As shown in the €gures, the population of Tianjin e ( ) = w ( + (e)) + w ( + (h |e)) , 0 argmax e ln 1 Pr (hk ,e ) ln 1 Pr k concentrates in two areas, the main urban area and the port area. e∈{0,1} k=1 Œe DGTs, however, are mainly distributed on beltways and ex- where w(x,y) is the weight of the edge from px to py in the causal pressways that connect the port area with the main urban area. As w w network, e and fx are the DGT trac inner the paŠerns corre- to risky zones in Fig. 7(c), again we can €nd the inconsistency with sponding to e and fx . In the t-th round of the E-step, we use e(t −1) high DGT weight zones — the high score risky zones are mainly and F (t − 1) estimated in the last round as well as H to update fx (t) distributed over urban-rural fringe of the main urban area and the as follows: downtown of the port area. Œis is also the result of taking human fx (t ) = argmax wfx ln(1 + Pr(fx )) + w(e,fx ) ln(1 + Pr(e (t − 1) |fx )) fx ∈{0,1} population into consideration in DGeye. XK1 XK2 (12) Figure 8 shows the proportions of risky zones to all urban areas + w ( + (h |f )) + w ( + (f (t − ) |f )). (hk ,fx ) ln 1 Pr k x (fk ,fx ) ln 1 Pr k 1 x of Beijing and Tianjin for the 24 time slices. Note that all these k=1 k=1 values are averaged on all days in the data set. It is interesting In the M-step, we predict e using H and estimated F as to see that the temporal distributions of risky zone proportions XK1 for the two cities are similar to each other, which indeed coincide e (t ) = argmax w ln(1 + Pr(e)) + w ln(1 + Pr(h |e)) e (hk ,e ) k more with the rhythms of human activities rather than that of e∈{0,1} k=1 (13) DGTs. Nevertheless, the di‚erence does exist: the emergence of XK2 + + | . risky zones in the morning peak seems more severe for Beijing. w(fk ,e ) ln(1 Pr(fk (t ) e)) k=1 When the algorithm reaches a stable state, we use the €nal e(t) as 7.3 Risky Pattern Mining the state prediction result. We let a paŠern state equal to 1 for the Œis subsection demonstrates the risky paŠern mining function of risky state, and 0 for the non-risky state. Œe prior probability and the DGeye system. Figure 9 gives temporal distributions of paŠern likelihoods are counted from the data set. Compared with tradi- amounts in Beijing and Tianjin, where di‚erent colors indicate tional Bayesian methods, our predictive model has two advantages: 3hŠps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beijing i) it exploits the causal dependency among paŠerns; ii) it makes 4hŠps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tianjin use of causal information in unobservable paŠerns. 5hŠps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/5th Ring Road (Beijing)

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Dongzhimen and Dongsi

(a) Crowd Weights in Beijing (b) DGT Weights in Beijing (c) Risky Zones in Beijing

The main urban areas

The port areas

(d) Crowd Weights in Tianjin (e) DGT Weight in Tianjin (f) Risky Zones in Tianjin Figure 6: Spatial distributions of crowd weights, DGT weights, and risky zones in Beijing and Tianjin.

120 20 Beijing Pattern Size: 1 2 3 4-5 6-11 >11 Tianjin 100

15 80

60 10 40 Pattern Number Pattern 5 20 Proportion of Risky Zones (%) 0 0 0:00 5:00 10:00 15:00 20:00 Time 0:00 5:00 10:00 15:00 20:00 Time Figure 7: Temporal distributions of risky-zone proportions. (a) Beijing paŠerns of di‚erent sizes. As can be seen, the temporal distributions Pattern Size: 1 2 3 4-5 6-11 >11 of paŠerns in Beijing and Tianjin are very di‚erent, which is in 60 sharp contrast to that of risky zones in Fig. 8. Œis well illustrates why we need risky paŠerns given risky zones already; that is, 40 paŠerns indicate relatively stable rules and zones depict instant phenomenon. Two another observations are worth noting. First, the temporal distribution of paŠerns has an obvious tide in Beijing, Number Pattern 20 but ƒuctuates much more smoothly in Tianjin. Second, compared with Tianjin, Beijing has obviously more big-size paŠerns. 0 Œe reason for the above di‚erences lies in the diverse require- 0:00 5:00 10:00 15:00 20:00 Time ments of dangerous goods of the two cities. Dangerous goods in Beijing are consumed by citizens in daily life, such as gasoline (b) Tianjin requirements of gas stations and lique€ed gas of restaurants. Œere- Figure 8: Temporal distributions of risky patterns. fore, the temporal distribution of risky paŠerns has a similar rhythm with people’s daily life. Moreover, since dangerous goods must be delivered to gas stations and restaurants in downtown area of Bei- jing every day, DGTs have to drive through many high-population in Tianjin main urban area as well as the port area for the 10:00 zones in adjacent, which results in many big-size risky paŠerns in time slice. As shown in the €gures, most of big-size paŠerns are in Beijing. Figure 10(a) is a risky paŠerns’ map of Beijing at the 10:00 the port area, and the main urban area is relatively safe. time slice. As can be seen, many big-size risky paŠerns are located Œe above di‚erences in paŠern distributions suggest di‚erent in the downtown area. DGT monitoring strategies for Beijing and Tianjin. Œe Beijing Unlike Beijing, dangerous goods requirement in Tianjin is driven government should pay more aŠention to DGTs in many areas by chemical materials import and export in the Tianjin port. Œere- of the downtown in the middle of a day. Oppositely, the Tianjin fore, the correlation between paŠern amount and city life rhythm is government could only monitor some particular areas in the port very weak. Figures 10(b) and 10(c) show the maps of risky paŠerns area but for a whole day.

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(a) Downtown Area of Beijing (b) Main Urban Area of Tianjin (c) Port Area of Tianjin Figure 9: Distributions of risky patterns in Beijing and Tianjin.

o‚ered by restaurants in Guijie is “hot pot” 8, which is a kind of interesting cuisine that cooks raw foods in a simmering metal pot 10:00 at the center of dining tables. A hot pot table usually equips with a mini gas stove that connects to a liquid gas cylinder, which forms an 10:00 enormous demand of gas cylinders transported by DGTs to Guijie every day. As shown in Fig. 11(a), the blue and green paŠerns cover 9:00 three main roads heading to the red paŠern from the north, east and west, respectively. Œis implies that DGTs transport liquid gas Jan. 17, 2016 cylinders from suburbs to the red paŠern through these three roads, and thus expose the zones in the blue and green paŠerns to the (a) Œe Beijing Showcase threaten of explosion. On January 17, 2016, a truck fully loaded with liquid gas cylinders was on €re at the road covered by the August 12, 2015 green paŠern [2]. According to the causality modeled by the causal network, there are 150 risky zones that are directly caused by the red paŠern, which cover about 5% downtown areas of Beijing. 7:00 As shown in Fig. 11(b), the €rst ranking paŠern in Tianjin is 8:00 located in the port area, covering a north-south road aside a wharf. Œe €rst and second ranking paŠerns caused by the red paŠern cover an east-west road across residential areas of the port. Ob- viously, the purpose of DGTs driving through the green and blue 8:00 paŠerns is going to the wharf aside the red paŠern to load or un- load dangerous goods. Based on above analysis, we can discover an urban planning defect in the port area of Tianjin: the depots of Explosion site dangerous goods in the wharf are too close to residential areas, and the government should not let DGTs drive across residential areas. (b) Œe Tianjin Showcase Œis fatal defect actually has triggered an irreparable tragedy: the Figure 10: Applications of pattern importance ranking. Tianjin port blast of dangerous goods on August 12, 2015, which was happened right at the intersection of the roads covered by the 7.4 Importance Ranking red paŠern and the green/blue paŠerns! We here give two showcases of the paŠern importance ranking application of DGeye. Figure 11 shows the €rst ranking paŠerns 7.5 Patten State Prediction (the red blocks in the maps) in Beijing and Tianjin, and the green and In this subsection, we evaluate the performance of the paŠen state blue blocks are the €rst and second ranking paŠerns, respectively, prediction function in the DGeye system. Œe benchmarks include: that are caused by the red paŠerns. i) the Prior model (Pr), which only uses prior probability Pr(e) to As shown in Figure 11(a), the €rst ranking paŠern in Beijing is predict paŠern states. Because the daily support threshold of risky located at the Dongzhimen and Dongsi district, which is a famous paŠerns is set to 0.8, the Prior model always predicts paŠerns at the entertainment district of Beijing 6. Especially, the Dongzhimen area risky state. ii) Œe Likelihood model (LL), which uses the likelihood 7 PK1 w Pr(h |e) to predict paŠern states. Œe likelihood model has an extremely well known food street, Guijie . A major cuisine k=1 (hj,e) j is used to evaluate the predictive eciency of observable paŠerns. 6hŠps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dongzhimen 7hŠps://www.travelchinaguide.com/aŠraction/beijing/guijie-street.htm 8hŠps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hot pot

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Table 1: Prediction performance comparison. 8 RELATED WORKS Beijing Dangerous goods transportation becomes a very hot topic in haz- ardous materials management and intelligent transportation system EM NB Pr LL LR SVM ANN (ITS) areas. In order to control societal risks caused by dangerous Pr-risky 0.89 0.83 0.80 0.84 0.80 0.80 0.79 goods, some DGT monitoring systems, such as MITRA [26] and Re-risky 0.93 0.94 1.00 0.66 0.90 0.92 0.88 GOOD ROUTE [5], are deployed. Most of them focus on monitoring F1-risky 0.88 0.89 0.74 0.85 0.85 0.83 0.91 and collecting locations of DGTs only but omit the important hu- Pr-all 0.79 0.74 0.65 0.72 0.70 0.71 0.70 man activities for “duet playing”. In academia, ITS researchers focus Re-all 0.82 0.79 0.80 0.62 0.75 0.75 0.74 F1-all 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.67 0.73 0.73 0.72 on DGT route planning [20] and transportation systems designing such as rail way DGT [33]. In hazardous materials management, re- Tianjin searchers focus on DGT risk de€nition [9, 28] and analysis [12, 34]. EM NB Pr LL LR SVM ANN Most of these works study DGT from an operations and optimiza- Pr-risky 0.93 0.85 0.76 0.92 0.77 0.76 0.76 tion view, and have a basic assumption: if a plan is well designed Re-risky 0.82 0.87 1.00 0.43 1.00 1.00 1.00 and executed, DGT risks will be under control. In practice, however, F1-risky 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.59 0.87 0.86 0.86 many uncertainties could disturb the deployment of plans. Data Pr-all 0.89 0.78 0.58 0.78 0.59 0.58 0.58 driven approaches are becoming more desired to detect and analyze Re-all 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.54 0.77 0.76 0.76 risks of dangerous goods in real-world applications. F1-all 0.85 0.79 0.66 0.64 0.67 0.66 0.66 Spatial paŠern mining is a key function of DGeye. Traditional frequent paŠern mining algorithms, such as Apriori [4] and FP- iii) Œe Na¨ıve Bayes model (NB), which uses the initialization model growth [14], discover frequent paŠerns from a transaction set. of the EM algorithm in (11) to predict paŠern states. iv) Œe Logistic Many spatial clustering algorithms, such as CLARANS [23], DB- Regression model (LR), Support Vector Machine (SVM) model, and SCAN [11], and ST-DBSCAN [7], generate spatial paŠerns from a Arti€cial Neural Networks (ANN) model. Œe three models use the spatial distance view [13]. Œe collocation [17] and spatio-temporal states of observable paŠerns as inputs, which are used to evaluate sequential paŠerns mining [18] algorithms detect frequent collo- the performance of classical models in our prediction scenarios. Œe cations and/or concurrences from spatio-temporal data sets. Œe data set of Beijing contains trajectories and mobile phone records of risky paŠern mining method in DGeye is a union of the above algo- 90 days, and that of Tianjin contains trajectories and mobile phone rithms, which mines frequent concurrences of spatial paŠerns for records of 60 days. We use data of the €rst 2/3 days as training sets collocated dangerous goods and populations. Œerefore, we adopt and the remaining 1/3 days as test sets. a zone-paŠern two step mining scheme based on Mahalanobis Œe prediction results are listed in Table 1, where precision (Pre), distance and an Apriori-like algorithm. recall (Re) and F1 scores (F1) for the risky state and all states are used Another key function of DGeye is transportation causal analysis. as evaluation measures. As can be seen, in both Beijing and Tianjin In this area, most studies focus on analyzing causality between data sets, the proposed model (EM) achieves the best performances transportation and economic indicators from a macro view, such as compared with all baselines in terms of all measures except for using the Granger test to analyze causality between transportation the recall of the risky state — the prior model always predicts and GDP [6] or regional economic growth [19, 22] in di‚erent coun- paŠerns as risky and therefore its risky state recall is 100%. Another tries and regions [3, 8, 27] . In the micro level, Ref. [21] proposes an observation is the relatively poor performances of LR, SVM and outlier tree based causality discovery algorithm for spatio-temporal ANN. Œis might be ascribed to the scarcity of training samples; interactions in urban trac data, and Ref. [10] proposes a two-step that is, we can only sample the state of a paŠern one time in one framework for inferring the root cause of anomalies in urban trac day, and hence only have 60 and 40 training samples for every data. Few works have analyzed causality among paŠerns/events of paŠerns in Beijing and Tianjin, respectively. In this kind of scenario, dangerous goods transportation. Bayesian methods seem more e‚ective than completely supervised Our study can also fall into the research category of urban com- classi€cation models. puting [37]. In this area, research works related to our study in- To sum up, we have: i) the causality relations in the causal net- clude: data-driven urban analysis [16, 38], urban anomaly detec- work is very e‚ective for paŠern state prediction; ii) the information tion [24, 25, 39], urban public security [29, 30], citizens behaviors of unobservable states exploited by the proposed EM algorithm prediction [15, 35, 36], and still many. To our best knowledge, our could improve the prediction performance; iii) the Bayesian method work is among the earliest studies in urban computing area that adopted by our model is very suitable to the prediction scenario try to snu‚ out the threats from dangerous goods. with small training sets.

7.6 Policy Applications 9 CONCLUSIONS Œe Beijing showcase introduced in Sect. 7.4 has been reported In this paper, we present a novel system call DGeye for urban dan- to the Beijing government as a report of the system. Œe Beijing gerous goods management. DGeye features in leveraging both DGT government started a gas pipeline laying project in the Guijie food trajectory data and human activity data for timely risk monitor- street of the Dongzhimen and Dongsi district in September 2016. ing as well as proactive risk mitigation. Speci€cally, DGeye €rst As reported by the news [1], Beijing “Guijie” is about to bid farewell adopts Mahalalnobis distance for scaling and de€nes risky zones in to the gas-cylinder era in 2017. a quantitative manner for real-time monitoring. Œe keystone of

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