CT -1(1881) The First Daily Chess Newspaper on the Net CT-1(1881) Sunday, 1 January 2006

Landa (2600) - Fercec (2512) Reggio Emilia (2), 30.12.2005 XIIIIIIIIY 8rtr-wq-+k+0 7+-+-+pzpp0 6p+p+-sn-+0 5+-+Pzp-vL-0 4-wQp+P+-+0 3+-zP-+P+P0 2P+-mK-zP-+0 1+R+-+-tR-0} xabcdefghy

On This Day... by GM Alex Baburin Test Yourself! Lionel Kieseritzky was born on 1st M. van Essen, Y. Afek & A. Wohl January 1806 in Derpt (now – , 1st prize, Amatzia Avni Jubilee Estonia). He learnt chess at the age of Tourney, 2005 3. He moved to Paris in 1839 and XIIIIIIIIY became a professional player. There in 8-+-+-+-tR0 1849-1851 he edited the magazine La 7+-+-+-+-0 Regence . In 1850 Kieseritzky played a 6-+rvl-+-+0 record-long match against American master John Schulten. Kieseritzky won 5+q+rzp-+p0 +107 –34 =10. In 1851 he took part in 4-+-+-+-mk0 the first international tournament in 3+-+-+-+p0 London, losing to the eventual winner 2-zpR+NzP-+0 ½-2½. One of those 1+Q+-+-+K0} three games was the famous xabcdefghy , which ended in the following amazing position: White to play and draw XIIIIIIIIY 8r+lmk-+-tr0 7zp-+pvLpsNp0 6n+-+-sn-+0 Schulten – Kieseritzky 5+p+NzP-+P0 Paris, 1844 4-+-+-+P+0 XIIIIIIIIY 3+-+P+-+-0 8N+lmk-+-tr0{ 2P+P+K+-+0 7zp-+-+-zpp0 1wq-+-+-vl-0 6-+-vl-zp-+0 xabcdefghy 5+-+L+-+-0 4-+-snP+nwq0 But Kieseritzky also knew how to 3+-+P+-+N0 – see our Quiz! 2PzPP+-+KzP0 1tR-vL-wQ-+R0 Yugoslav GM Dragisa Blagojevic was xabcdefghy born on 1st January 1966.

This issue is prepared by GM Alex Baburin; technical editor Graham Brown Subscription is 15 euro for 3 months. For further details please refer to http://www.chesstoday.net CT-1(1881) Page 1 of 4 World Chess Chess Today Team News on 2005 and 2006

A few days ago I asked my colleagues Reggio Emilia in Chess Today to share their thoughts on 2005 and their prognosis for 2006.

Here some of their views: Standing after 3 rounds:

1. Landa - 3; GM Mikhail Golubev: 2-4. Kotronias, Yevseev, Zimina - 2;

5-7. Vocaturo, Cebalo, Piscopo - I think 2005 was a rather 1½; 8. Fercec - 1; successful year for chess, 9. Ronchetti - ½; particularly when compared 10. Franchini - 0. with some previous years,

when FIDE managed to New FIDE Rating List create a complete mess.

The new FIDE rating list out at 2005 brought major changes to the www.fide.com lives of such great chess legends as Kasparov and Fischer. 2005 will be In the following top-20 list the first remembered as the year of Kasparov's figure is the year of birth, followed by retirement and Topalov's rise to the rating and the number of rated games top. Too sad if it will be also played in the last rated period: remembered as the year of Kramnik's decline – I hope he will yet return to 1. Kasparov 1963 RUS 2812 0 top form in the future. 2. Topalov 1975 BUL 2801 14 3. Anand 1969 IND 2792 14 The main tournaments were the FIDE 4. Svidler 1976 RUS 2765 21 World Championship, the World Team 5. Aronian 1982 ARM 2752 33 Championship, the European 6. Kramnik 1975 RUS 2741 4 Championships and Fide World Cup. 7. Leko 1979 HUN 2740 14 8. Ivanchuk 1969 UKR 2729 34 The anti-drawing experiment at the 9. Gelfand 1968 ISR 2723 33 super-tournament in Sofia was one of 10. Ponomariov 1983 UKR 2723 19 the key events of the year, I think. 11. Morozevich 1977 RUS 2721 21 Regrettably, other chess organisers are 12. Grischuk 1983 RUS 2717 28 not in a rush to follow the example set 13. Bacrot 1983 FRA 2717 20 in Bulgaria. The failure of ACP to 14. J. Polgar 1976 HUN 2711 14 organise its Masters tournaments was 15. Mamedyarov 1985 AZE 2709 34 perhaps the main disappointment of 16. Shirov 1972 ESP 2709 6 the year. The (financial) failure of the 17. Adams 1971 ENG 2707 14 Global CC project is another 18. Akopian 1971 ARM 2704 13 regrettable fiasco. 19. Radjabov 1987 AZE 2700 17 20. Bareev 1966 RUS 2698 29 My main chess hope for 2006 is that we will get a new FIDE President. But Without doubt, the continuing rise of I am afraid that the presence of as Aronian and Mamedyarov are the many as three challengers (Battesti, main features of this list. Aronian was Karpov and Kok) is a bit too much – it No. 10 on the previous list and now he improves Ilyumzinov's chances, as the has even passed Kramnik and got challengers will be competing against quite close to Svidler. As for each other. I also hope that in 2006 Mamedyarov, he broke the 2700 the ACP will grow in all meanings of barrier for the first time. Note that the word and that its influence in the Kasparov is the only player over 40 chess world will increase. I'll be very on this list! pleasantly surprised if the match between Kramnik and Topalov takes place in 2006.

This issue is prepared by GM Alex Baburin; technical editor Graham Brown Subscription is 15 euro for 3 months. For further details please refer to http://www.chesstoday.net CT-1(1881) Page 2 of 4 IM Vladimir Barsky: Graham Brown:

I am glad that the The highlight of 2005 tournament in San for me was winning 20 Luis took place – at pounds at an Under least we saw some 1900 elo Chess progress with the Tournament 15 miles World Championship from my house, Chess cycle. I was pleased is for everyone! that Levon Aronian won the World Cup in Russia – he is a very original My view on top chess is that it was player and a very pleasant young man, another year when there was an to whom I wish every success. It is amazing volume of chess played. And great to see Ruslan Ponomariov is the real top top players were playing regaining his former strength. The each other a lot. It has really made return of Gata Kamsky is another editing Chess Today very interesting. positive result of 2005. And of course, But I must say I am at a loss to this year we saw a new super-star – remember who the various World Magnus Carlsen! Champions are now, maybe it is the New Year's Eve beer, but I think not. I recently heard on Russian radio that the My other highlight President of the of 2005 is the slow Russian Chess Federation but steady rise in Alexander Zhukov sent a Internet chess letter to FIDE, suggesting to coverage. I would declare 2006 the year of single out the Mikhail Tal. On the 9 th of commentary of IM November we will Andrew Martin on celebrate the 70 th Playchess. This will anniversary of his birth. hopefully continue in The Russian Chess 2006. I know that Federation plans to Alex also got host a closed tournament loads of thankyou in Moscow at the end of messages for his October – with the world's coverage of games leading players. It will be on chessfm. It's a followed by a double-round blitz great way to follow a tournament and tournament, which will have the status we can be proud that our sport makes of world blitz championship – a use of the internet probably better splendid project! than any other.

According to Zhukov, FIDE must stage Hopefully in 2006 there will be just a match between the 14 th World one World Chess Champion but that's Champion Vladimir Kramnik and maybe a bit too ambitious. Veselin Topalov in 2006. I will finish with the following As for the FIDE President elections, I personal view (Well Alex has asked think Ilyumzhinov will be re-elected – for my opinion so now I'm on my he will probably invite Bessel Kok to soapbox I have a chance to say it!) his team, while Karpov will pull out of The person with the highest grade is the race – and we will never know the best player, especially if over 10 why! ☺ elos above the next player. Mr Kasparov is the World Champion! Well Summing up, I look to 2006 with ... I hope they keep grading him optimism and wish our readers to anyway, - so he can't enter under spend many enjoyable hours over the 1900 tournaments in 2006! ☺ chess board this year!

This issue is prepared by GM Alex Baburin; technical editor Graham Brown Subscription is 15 euro for 3 months. For further details please refer to http://www.chesstoday.net CT-1(1881) Page 3 of 4 Solutions to our quiz: Schulten – Kieseritzky Paris, 1844 M. van Essen, Y. Afek & A. Wohl XIIIIIIIIY 1st prize, Amatzia Avni Jubilee 8N+lmk-+-tr0{ Tourney, 2005 7zp-+-+-zpp0 XIIIIIIIIY 6-+-vl-zp-+0 8-+-+-+-tR0 5+-+L+-+-0 7+-+-+-+-0 4-+-snP+nwq0 6-+rvl-+-+0 3+-+P+-+N0 5+q+rzp-+p0 2PzPP+-+KzP0 4-+-+-+-mk0 1tR-vL-wQ-+R0 3+-+-+-+p0 xabcdefghy 2-zpR+NzP-+0 1+Q+-+-+K0} 15...£xh3+ 16.¢xh3 ¤e3+ xabcdefghy 17.¢h4 ¤f3+ (Some sources give the finish as 17...g5+ 18.¢h5 ¥g4+ 19.¢h6 White to play and draw ¥f8#) 18.¢h5 ¥g4# 0–1

1.¦xb2 ¦c1+! Or 1...£d3 2.¦b4+ ¥xb4 3.£xb4+ Landa (2600) - Fercec (2512) ¢g5 4.f4+ ¢g6 (4...¢g4 5.fxe5+ ¦c4 Reggio Emilia (2), 30.12.2005 6.¦g8+ ¢f3 7.£e1 £xe2 8.¦g3+ ¢f4 XIIIIIIIIY 9.£xe2 ¢xg3 10.£e1+ ¢f3 11.£f1+ 8rtr-wq-+k+0 ¢g3 12.£e1+=) 5.¦g8+ ¢h7 6.¦g3 7+-+-+pzpp0 ¦c1+ 7.¤xc1 £xg3 8.£e4+ ¢h6 6p+p+-sn-+0 9.£xd5=. 5+-+Pzp-vL-0 2.£xc1 ¦d1+! 3.¢h2 Not 3.£xd1 £c6+, winning. 4-wQp+P+-+0 3...£d5! 3+-zP-+P+P0 3...£d3 4.£xd1 £xd1 5.¤g3. 2P+-mK-zP-+0 4.¦xh5+! ¢xh5 5.¤f4+! 1+R+-+-tR-0} 5.¤g3+? ¢g6 6.£c2+ ¦d3!. xabcdefghy 5...exf4 6.¦b5! £xb5 7.£xd1+ £e2!! 8.£xe2+ f3+ 9.£e5+!! ¥xe5+ 22.£xb8! ¦xb8 23.¥xf6 £d6 10.¢xh3 ¢g5 (D) (23...¦xb1 24.¥xd8 ¦xg1 25.d6 XIIIIIIIIY (25.dxc6? ¦g6 26.c7 ¦c6) 25...¦g6 8-+-+-+-+0 26.¥e7+-) 7+-+-+-+-0 24.¦xg7+ ¢f8 25.¦xh7 £xf6 6-+-+-+-+0 26.¦xb8+ ¢e7 27.¢e2+- £f4 5+-+-vl-mk-0 28.¦b7+ ¢d6 29.¦hxf7 1–0

4-+-+-+-+0 Contact information . Have some comments 3+-+-+p+K0 about Chess Today? E-mail us - we appreciate your feedback! Chess Today is published by 2-+-+-zP-+0 Alexander Baburin, 3 Eagle Hill, Blackrock, Co. 1+-+-+-+-0} Dublin, Ireland. Tel: (353-1) 278-2276. Fax: (353- 1) 283-6839. E-mail: [email protected] Website: xabcdefghy http://www.chesstoday.net Editors: GMs Baburin, Scherbakov and Golubev; IMs Barsky, Notkin and Stalemate! ½–½ Vlassov. Technical editors: Graham Brown and Ralph Marconi.

Chess Today is copyright 2000-2005 by Alexander Baburin and protected intellectual property under the International Copyright convention. Subscribers are allowed to non-commercially distribute copies of Chess Today at their chess club, chess tournaments and via e-mail (on an occasional basis). Any other use and distribution (reproduction, via print, electronic format, or in any form whatsoever), as well as posting on the Web, is strictly prohibited without express written permission. This issue is prepared by GM Alex Baburin; technical editor Graham Brown Subscription is 15 euro for 3 months. For further details please refer to http://www.chesstoday.net CT-1(1881) Page 4 of 4