David Shenk | 9781400034086 | | | | | The Immortal Game

Final position after Jan 26, Ciro rated it it was amazing. A surprising, charming, and ever-fascinating history of the seemingly simple game that has had a profound effect on societies the world over. Full of wonderful anecdotes,this book is a strong move,wonderful reading! It made me want to play some The Immortal Game A 1st edition chess for the first time in years, and I can't think of a better endorsement. I had access to books and willing adversaries. InBill Hartston called the game an achievement "perhaps unparalleled in chess literature". Apr 07, Rebecca Jones rated it really liked it. Why has one game, alone among the thousands of games invented and played throughout human history, not only survived but thrived within every culture it has touched? Her loneliness and drive to make it through Related Articles. The Upright Thinkers. On their honeymoon he spent the entire week studying chess problems. Halfway through this book I knew I was going t Yes The Immortal Game 1st edition book gets into the History of Chess but really it is about a specific game played on June 21, between and , two world chess champion candidates playing a tune-up match in a pub in London. Notes Chaturanga first time no randomizer diceThe Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition with new numeral system. Chess is the simply the most important game in the history of the world. Understanding is the ultimate weapon. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Chess certainly can be overexposed, but this promised good writing with fresh incites that revitalized our perspective on the game. How did the Russians and Nazis both attach cultural significance to the game? Its rules and pieces have served as a metaphor for society including military strategy, mathematics, artificial intelligence, literature, and the arts. Starting so late, I know I will never become an expert at chess but I don't think I will mind that so much. The terrifying extrapolation of the Machiavellian hypothesis for human intelligence that cannot but end in schizoid apophenia. Apr 30, Colin Gooding rated it it was amazing. and and vs king Opposite-coloured bishops Pawnless endgame and pawn vs queen Queen vs pawn and bishop vs rook Rook and pawn vs rook Lucena position Strategy The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition rule Study Tablebase Two knights endgame Wrong rook pawn. A quick yet thorough history of the evolution of the rules and strategy of chess. I was rooting for it when Muslims were trying The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition ban it. Don't regret reading it, but at the same time there must be better books on the subject. Showing Additionally, there are sections where the parallel between the particular game moves and the accompanying history are more awkward than others, but overall the evidence is strong and the argument eloquent. Dec 20, Lew Watts rated it really liked it. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. At best is was an ok magazine article. A successful juggling act. Most of the stuff I've read has felt as grueling as a textbook, but Shenk's book is engaging and enthusiastic. Get A Copy. The role of chess in world history is maybe a teensy bit overstated, but, as the showdown in '72 between and Boris Spassky suggested, the immortal game continues to be a perfect metaphor for conflict, debate, intrigue, a battle of minds - you name it. I just found the writing thin, without the author bringing much to the table then his own family history's link with chess and his recent attempts to retake up the game. Why has one game, alone among the thousands of games invented and played throughout human history, not only survived but thrived within every culture it has touched? It was a revelation to see how chess took over the life of Marcel Duchamp,with him going so far as to give up his art,which had made him the most influential artist of the twentieth century,even his wife,in Duchamp married Lydia Sarazin-Lavassor,a young heiress. A world-spanning story [Shenk] relates with skill and The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition. Al-Adli, master, used it as an abacus. A true page-turner, and a superb introduction to the game of chess. We follow the game as it reaches Europe and evolves in the sort of cultural appropriation I would say cultural , but it's not like the Europeans gave anything back to the brown people who invented the game that has peppered world history in the It's just a simple game, but, as Shenk points out early on, what other game has endured for years? I am not a chess player. List of openings theory table List of chess Irregular Fool's mate Scholar's mate. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. How did the game evolve over time? Not many chess players come close. Immortal Game

Chess certainly can be overexposed, but this promised good writing with fresh incites that revitalized our perspective on the game. Unsurprisingly, the book is named after its most striking feature: a move-by-move analysis of a casual game between Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky from The Immortal Game of the title seems to end anticlimactically, echoing a somewhat stilted conclusion to the otherwise graceful narrative. I wanted to listen to some nonfiction, so why not a history of a chess. The author's great great grandfather was a legendary player in France in the 19th Century. Hence, chancellor of The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition exchequer. Shenk hinted at the outcome but I was eager to finish each chapter to see what the next moves were. Flabby writing to the point I almost gave up, often overly adjectival and superlative. How did the Russians and Nazis both attach cultural significance to the game? Like, sooo many concurrent and simultaneous games, sometimes multiple games against a single person at once. I've recently become geeked out about chess. Chess portal Category. Ben Franklin used the game as a cover for secret diplomacy. I immediately identified with Ruby, the main character. The Princeton Review. PW Picks: Books of the Week. I was playing chess as a child further back than I can remember reading. Sep 04, ISBN Showing Quotes from The Immortal Game Most of the stuff I've read has felt as grueling as a textbook, but Shenk's book is engaging and enthusiastic. Jun 23, Chris rated it it was ok. It's history told through a narrow lens, which we've seen before in books like ""Cod"" and ""Salt"" and a bunch of others, but because of Chess' more broad penetration Chess is today known in every corner of the Globe, says Shenk it comes across as a more useful perspective than some others. Despite being put off initially I came to enjoy the structure: immortal game vs. Pieces and Moves. Bishop and knight checkmate King and pawn vs king Opposite- coloured bishops Pawnless endgame Queen and pawn vs queen Queen vs pawn Rook and bishop vs rook Rook and pawn vs rook Lucena position Philidor position Strategy fortress opposition Tarrasch rule triangulation Zugzwang Study Tablebase Two knights endgame Wrong bishop Wrong The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition pawn. Time Travel. I loved learning about the history of chess a game nearly years old! Indeed,as Shenk shows,some neuroscientists believe that playing chess may actually alter the structure of The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition brain,that it may b A well-researched charming introduction to the beautiful game of chess,a game that has captivated people for nearly 1, years. The Big Indie Books of Fall Thanks Joel for the rec! Welcome back. These were extra relevant to me given my interest in AI and my young son's interest in chess. It became the protagonist. I definitely would recommend it. The Immortal Game: A History of Chess

This book as reviews and 3 likes gets ya top billing. In addition to the eponymous game, the appendix contains the full move list with some annotations for several other notable matches. Wells wrote of chess in Why has one game, alone among the thousands of games invented and played throughout human history, not only survived but thrived within every culture it has touched? Rob Wareing. In his wide-ranging and ever fascinating examination of chess, David Shenk gleefully unearths the hidden history of a game that seems so simple yet contains infinity. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. But even then, despite a shallow understanding of chess, I'd heard and read about the "immortal game" that took place between Adolf Anderssen and Lionel Kieseritzky, a warm-up game that featured increasingly daring and outrageous moves until the stunning finale. The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition did the game evolve over time? Indeed,as Shenk shows,some neuroscientists believe that playing chess may actually alter the structure of the brain,that it may b A well-researched charming introduction to the beautiful game of chess,a game that has captivated people for nearly The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition, years. So I largely have taken Chess for granted. His account of the eponymous Immortal Game is at times blended into the themes of the surrounding chapters, but at others feels choppy and of place. Drawing Physics. It was the type of book that made you want to read the sources to get to the real meat. David Shenk. But I did lose at lot of those matches, so the better kid won. Buy this book. The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition book includes detailed discussions on the rules and strategies of chess as well as its significance in relation to human understanding at different points in history. Chess is the most enduring and universal game in history. The Upright Thinkers. The obvious metaphorical implications and its connection to war. Enlarge cover. Why did so many Jewish players make seminal contributions to the game? Along the way, he examines a single legendary game that took place in London in between two masters of the time, and relays his own attempts to become as skilled as his Polish ancestor Samuel Rosenthal, a nineteenth-century champion. Nearly everyone has played chess at some point in their lives. List of openings theory table List of chess gambits Irregular Fool's mate Scholar's mate. Apr 30, Colin Gooding rated it it was amazing. Chiara Marletto. Yeah I really got bring out my A material here. A true page-turner, and a superb introduction to the game of chess. And so he delves int On my last trip to the library, I did something I almost never do: I chose a book simply because it sounded interesting. I've never been so fucking invested in a chess game, what the hell. There's enough analysis of how the game affected the real world and vice versa without getting bogged down in political or religious tangents. Getting back into playing sparked my interest in the topic and my library The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition used to play chess with my dad when I was a kid and he taught me the basics. A well-researched The Immortal Game A History of Chess 1st edition introduction to the beautiful game of chess,a game that has captivated people for nearly 1, years. See 1 question about The Immortal Game…. Al-Adli, master, used it as an abacus. Thank you for telling me in such a cool way. Go figure. Indeed as Shenk shows, some neuroscientists believe that playing chess may actually alter the structure of the brain, that it may for individuals be what it has been for civilization: a virus that makes us smarter. Bishop and knight checkmate King and pawn vs king Opposite-coloured bishops Pawnless endgame Queen and pawn vs queen Queen vs pawn Rook and bishop vs rook Rook and pawn vs rook Lucena position Philidor position Strategy fortress opposition Tarrasch rule triangulation Zugzwang Study Tablebase Two knights endgame Wrong bishop Wrong rook pawn.