Ve We Could John Bull the DEUTSU IN RAILWAYS TO ASK Make Take Back Blacklist. YOOnAY NOT RIAUZI IT aXT- T- TMlaV ajLD oto uaNT WHO t STATE CAPITAL LEFT WITH riNT TO TAKE. OROim FATAL COLLISION COMMITTEE FOR FffOtl MOST ANYONE. WHO HA T1M. TO IStUS THEM. MCANWHILE DOING HIS MST NEEDED TO SUPPLY MIS. Boll WITH WITH CONVOYING MANY NC.tt.DtLO SUtefWfultS.tWIV-- HANDFUL OF DEFENDERS TO kNIS OWN PtOPL. SUrfoN i ANO rAY THE INCIhWJED DEAD .WAR COSr4eJITMOOT m TUG; FIVE THE CO N 50 tTTOrt gv-- ñt INCREAEE in mtn r INOtVIOUAL COME. COPE WITH VfLLJSTA BANDS German Mm Freighter, Slip- At Hearing Monday a Federal IS THE ni ping Oat of Hartior Under Law for Interstate AHMtiCJtH MAN O '"aLe-- DarkneM, Rears w Railroadi and Enlargement of poooTurr V' Cover of Fleeing Steeuxter, Sinking It in AgHmoHi i Commander Announces He la Taking Field Agaimt WÍV Swift-Rnnni- Tide. Thing;, WID Be Stjsrweeted. ON TMf. Bandits, but HÚ. Move Is Generally TO BgmtN Considered CAPT. KOEN1G RETURNS ENTER FIGHT tt Evacuation of City. TO PORT WITHOUT HELP WITH TRUST IN PEOPLE im Half Million Peso Which Were Reported Taken South to Pay Submarige's Stern Smartly Twist- Country Thought to Understand IF HE ONLY HAD THE NCRVC . OR WHAT-- . K Object Managers in Contest; OR COMMON SENSE Urr lroopa educed by Later Keporta to $1,400, Pro- ed to Starboard, but General of TO ACT LIKE Rail-wa- EVER IT TAKES ceed of Recent Prize Fight in Structure Said to Be Intact; Given Sufficient Credit BRlNO THIS Juarez. May THIS - ME COULD Accident Subject of Federal Solve Problem of INTERNATIONAL BULLY TO Investigation. High Cost of Living. Oeneral Jacinto H. Trevhro, recently re I aaaEBaV awW, JaVaV HIS KNEES ANO PLACE MIM moved by 1,1 men uarransa rrom pie position 1 SL AT MCPfCY OF HIS nf military roinnuuuler or northern Mexico, By Associated Praia. By Associated Press. efaaTm f aaliaTa. THE FOE quitted r.lilhushns City yesterday with t.onu Mediators Adjourn New London, r.onn.. Nov. IT Th roll! Washington. Nov. 17. Some or Ihe sug- V WEEKS TIME. mat, leaving the sUte capiul rtiarded by a Inn tid h Uto merchant nobmarln gestions the railroads will make to the Joint handful or trooD under command or i'.olo- for the Week With iuurniana lo abandon Mr voyage v uer ronrresslonal Investigating committee nel Ormules mellar. Trevtnn carried with many, almost it It ouUet early today which begins hearings on transportation Mm all the available food supplies and mu Deadlock Unbroken when a convoying tu, tit T. A. scot. Jr., questions here Monday were outlined at a nluous. as well as field artillery and horses m sunk with a crew of rtv man, waa tlM special meeting or the national council of Before leaving the general announced that subject or a federal InvestltaUon tht after tf e United sutes chamber of Commerce by he waa taklnr the field against Villa In per By Aseocieted rrest. noon, the United Btete Inspectors of team A. P. Thorn, counsel fnr the railway execu- eon. but this snnouncement Is generally dlt Atlsntlc city. Nov. 17. Th Mexican velaria, headed by Captain W. E. Wlthey. tives advisory committee. credited, and American sod Mexicans In American Joint commission adjourned Iiard throurh vrftnesses nf the conditions What Meeds Wast. this city who have Interests tn chihuahua today until Monday, with the conference the submarine, slipping out of Mr. Thorn said the railroads would ask yesterday expressed considerable surprise in what Is retarded as a deadlock. in liar nor in in airmen o tnat an mignt for and not a little alarm at what they termed WTten the meetings are resumed next iibmri tit neutral water before day A redera! Incorporation law ror Interstate the evacuation nf the city by the man to week It Is expected th represen leUve break, nan down the tur which waa acting railroads. whnin IU safely had been entrusted It was Jf th two governmenu will be rully ax her protector off nace nor, just outalde A measure enlarging the Interstate com lined nut that the rorre left behind- - less a to we withe or their chlen. Oil port. The testimony came Catv mere commission and creating regional Kin SMI men was utterly Inadequate tn 1. uis CbreTs, or toe Mexican from even man the of city, chairman lalu Pant Knnulg or the DeuUchland, from bodies under tt with original Jurisdiction In defenses the much oommlislon. successfully Interfered to- K rate questions subject to by less to live hatle in the event of an attack day W. Kranohl hla chief officer, and from appeal carriers or with the adoption of a plan for bor- liana hi waa or snippers to uie enure commiaaion. by any of the numerous hands viuisus der control. Ignacio Bonilla A- Kleete. chief engineer. It be In tb vicinity IDs and then in aecret, but It became known Amendment or tne aoi to regulate com known to operating ol lberto J. Pan, to other member, went throurh tatémenla outalde the chamber meros so as to reduce to 60 davl the nrea- - state capital ready to agree to a plan proposed hy Uiat the collision waa an ent period or IU mouths during which the Trevto Met Look lea far rtaM Americans, hut the oh ectlons of accident aso Responsible interna commerce commission may now II Is generally believe m that r chairman were sufficient to result win Cúrrenla a riled railroad tariff In suspension: and. revino has no Intention or putting up t to farther delay and dahat. No agre Mirvlvora who would discuss the matter tx hopes ror la to a Authority the comndttlon to fix mini right, hut that the best he ment wat reached. were atraed that tt waa due to combina- a rnrres the command or hla Secretary the I. or the mum wall an mulrmxm rates. place his under of interior an, chair- tion twin cúrrenla, which carried BrolherTaeeds Net Able lo Altead. successor, Oeneral Pratirttoo Murria, and man or the American commission, - tut off it oourae and acroat the bow of The a to private lire, prererably In ror to be in Washington tne national council lias riven place retire to berore bmartne uM to ta serai orotner-hood- olgn night and to place w to letitui) nuuvrs or me railroad land. Scu before President which u to be the rteuuchatjaji't an IU nrorram for Ihe artemoon. Murria, according tn the laat authentic c all th facu lit the case, it or ssfely hut which prevented n but the secretary announced that telegrama munis, It a snort distance north or Tor understood that Mr Cabrera baa sect to servaUon of UM danger ahead or re. in. where a few dayt line he engaged In Oeneral Cerrante a paraphrase or de- enly aay to bad been received from W. 8. Carter the ih koenir would rruettloaersi firemen and 1.. E. Bbeppard, acting for battle with the bandit chief, Calexto Con bate to rer aa It hat proceeded. "111 a terrible thlot to loe thoae good (.bier In tb meantime Mr. Cabrera expect men. (trend Garreuon. or the conductors. t net It deeply. You roust excusa saying they could not arrange to be preaent. rnlA sMI ftaaolatlaa. to coarar with representatives or Ameri- me." No replies to Invitations had been received. Chihuahua City, deprived of even the scant ca mining Interesu or Mexico In flaw cáptala at rat Rasa- - he irotectlon of TTdvmO't hair muUnoni York with a view to th readjustment of said, from the other two brotherhood a city or deaolauou and famine a tebedula or taxation. Bnrnre the ttumeetor DxeaT blame ror the to dart. - of aao. Th paper money or ne soto rsrt- . ioe the acob ha oaau vn vui Esapltye Make Repast feaaaee. I President Charles It. via file. pteseteol menl In lite hand ol It UU! HWsrh. - taut v Snd feu not been repaired company, who waa only uf.ua Ul It would be inipotilble tnr the survivor country had no aesurauc that two year a. to atootoTof to mer o tfl tug. ctpattii Hiach wit thrown now, I since Th rsfrurees contend ttiat i from when confíete to a Moled, bar been exhausted tod lbs farm- ,n io.. from the deuk Mute of the tug. on Which or four years distant, wheu a president la etuhte the and ten Spaniards war killed By bandit or er no ion rer brink their producía te at Jl menea, lie waa landing, into the rnsMng water to be elected, the brotherhoods will not capital. together with one American. the race, where he waa acaiD come to congress with a demand for stricken tn The name or toe American could not be It waa learned yesterday that Trsvlno learned. hunted, by lite crew of the tut Cattle, fol rata sad hair ror overtime and threaten dined his troone to accompany him south i., nit brbiiid. captain Hiaach was s to strike tr the demands are not met. distributing among them some THIRTY onlv bv STATE DEPARTMENT CONPIRMfl artar the accident and lonlrht atui Mr. Thorn discussed the history of IS PERMANENT THOUSAND um In Mexican silver the proceeds of a may BLOCKADE it KILLING OR. PIS HER. waa exhausted that It be several American railroads and their regulation, ngni neiu in juare v day slurs 0' .lay. be ror bn will be able to teittry. adding: rie by Oen- - By Associated Press. This sum. which wtt token south St. Louis, Captain Harry aaatr ef the Caseto and Maaater KnttUed to Truel. ral Fruiclico oontalei, commander oT the Mo.. Nov. atete aome or hla rrew aiat wall fea ealktd to tell the meo time of In telegram sent to Congrsss-tna- "The Impression today It that J Uares garrison, was reported at the Dysr or their obaerviflnaa. who faenare the railroads can only be kept BELGIANS SENT oeneral oontaiet a aeperwire today ronnrmed Ihe kUlint or In the In step or Dr. H. C. Either, a former Loulaan. rrlgtiter Laid tip far Befeatra. rank and by the prick OF DOWNTOWN CROSSINGS million pesot. . k"100- bl at The Drutachlanda' return will he delayed the bayonet Has the time come ror a con- Hcfore leaving Chihuahua (toners! Tnrvlno ftu bandín - 1,Hnber only a rnw dart, eatlmtled vartoualy from ception of the American people on that sub- advised hu cloaeii rrtendt to seek aifrty In ' ject? ir It has not come, tr there Is no stul netrly every one with tufflclent two day to a week, by the damage which nitht. already abe u ruined and net at all by the ract that possibility or the manager or the railroadi INTO GERMAN funds te resch border U either being entitled to the trust Imposed upon or en rouw north; .'"CJJo3?.0" " Prtv ate aatttoee inquiry is betof made. bare by WlUtem "T Ktainl nation of her bow today showed them by the people, then there is an end MERELY riiher. a lirother. is tost toe MATTER OF TIME? aay bandits demanded and received as n . three place had been Move In to de- of government regulation and then there TtutviNO TAJOM rnuA; aAYt im that be promise lo apare Dr. Fisher's life, - gree by aome as and moat toverttment ownership. rJCTXMMfjvXU TO OCT BANDITS. - aad sftsr- described a "hole" U warue KiiiBo mm olhera as "dent" Her stern waa iwlated "We stand now berore the people declar TERRITORY oeceuse he waa an t tag our heller that the work or correction, By Aatoolatod Prats. American to starboard, but the general structure of City. Hex.. Nov. IT Prior to Hie submarine waa astd to be firmly Intact, repression and punishment has tone far Chihuahua enough and that the people must paat de- Alarming Increase in Number and Length of Trains Causes Chihuahua City to take th field SONORA CMlat AJILA PASSES notwithstanding the farce of the impact' VlUa, Oeneral Jacinto Trsvlno mad GUARDED BY CARRANCUTAg. which the ta aha within liberately on the question." taint' sent tur Bottom I Mr. Thorn Fear That North and South Sections of Town Reporta Official a ttstemsnlfo the Aatoxtetyd Prat In whloh By Aaaoclated preta few minuta. said that the railroad would Froto ror nteatures enter Ihe coming Investigation tn the belief ha said the Unte Douglas. Arii., Nov. 17. The Twextty-nrt- t Tu Crew Ott at reato. May Be Separated Fixes Number of Deportations bandits bad paaaed and s Sonora mat they would be rairly treated by the Forever. traintt tb neeeaeary- battalion, numbering too, under The men on the Scott had so chano for ooaatry, knowing that they could not ex at TUB Number and Declares offentlve waa command or Oeneral Arrmlfo Homes, will Uieir Uvea. hey weut down Imprisoned special ravors and tnat they would The tute capital or Chihuahua na peen reach Agua Prieta rrom Naco Baturday, ac In the pilot house, eatttt room or rkllery nowhere If they attempted to ask How tons wiu tt b berore the Ide are favoralilv 1L Kaiser Plan, to Take 300,400 efflcleoUv fnruned and with lb tarrlaoo cordint to Ives 0. Lelevler, Hulean consul uodoubledly were ret trade trnnreesed with or and drowned at their them, and realising that If what they aak crossings in the business section I Paso The busiest crossings In toe city are ele- More Under New Deere as. rhv lah under toe mmand nenerai hers, en route eastward tn the mountain Cat. It la doubtful If their bodies will doe not come up tn the public's yard sUrk re continuously ano permanently oior.seu vated above the railroad yard. Tins eleve Ooniales Cuellar. It la hle repuisa even pasas between Honors and Chihuahua to although the T. A. Scott request wnl be rejected and tn two aide or town divorced com- Uon la so that toe Southern ttroat enemy rare," oeneral Trovtoo prevent enemy forcee enuring after (ten company, treat Pacirtc M Wrecking which owned the tog. Could Reduce Cast at Lnrtoe. pletely T" company double-bead- aU of their wait- - TOURNAI COUNCIL PAYS eral urgía begins hit campaign waa conalderlat toolgbt an afTort to rat (in of the most serious problems bound freight trains throurh to city, some ""Decisive could not bo obtained by Th consul said Dolores paaa. entrance the craft to obtain the bodlea. -- halan That Question, absurd aa tt mar teem. MY FINE OF 200,000 MARKS sending smallruludetachUisnt atalnsl the to Ih Sahaurtpa lb rallroada, be declared. Is th qussuon batog by who umes tnree locomotives are necessary to district of Sonora from the The DeuUchlaiid bad moved quietly oat of or credit. He said there la so little deal re asked number of El Paeoene get the trains out or the yards. The great' : haBdlts,'' be conunued, "and It It for that Querré ro district of ChihuahuA was being her protected pier early thla morning and re usiiy loainr precious minutes wuni rocomouves to Invest to capita) stock ol carriers that they purr and roar, making thi sir Refuses to Accede to Demands of Í?0L (OonUnuad on Par Two.) lipped down the Thames river to the they have been forced to borrow their patiently watch seemingly endless víbrete and rattling all toe windows and 7. my personalTÜÜiíl try division ta com sound, under double rontroy-o- toga, the money gtnngt of freight and passenger cara roll um Teuton Military of ,Uwui rn of th tor in the tail raw year on mortgagee city. Every bsktogui building Hundred or Authontiea noted svrai carried a cargo estimated kt about UJXOfiOO. or Jowly through the day th people, to . 1 1. r .1 ,. anna, cavalry. aitlÜery and Infantry, with other transactions that make rued anxious avoid loot del ays at the ; Composed principally or rubber and metala trains appear to trow longer, and wiu ana ie rrompiiy r. ipnnca nlenty of ammunition, and I am taking tne charges, and that the danger point tn thla country crostmr. start to running ins it reaoluUoa delivering which uermany neeoa in tne of mu 01 nas neon reacneo. expandinr prosperity of Ms I o Daily the firm of on iinuicmg and buelneea HIS Pay 20.000 Marks toe that have MUCH CASH SPENT Jttoas of war. Hemarktnr that both treat DSJltlcel ner the Increased of the man Tall scene It repeated tn the center or this region from element Deutoehlaad rettowe Tag. Ilea the lutervtl between trains grows Shorter. Until List Is Furnished. defied divine and human law," bad offered but railed to solve the so rate, umees Paso dosaas of Umes every day. On To starboard waa the T. A. beott Jr., problem high of living. tnat at toe preaent reuer u rriday the of the cost Mr. 11 ne a downtown crosaints were lightly advanced sad acting as pilot. The Thorn suggested ir round. win merely matter or tun M By Aaabclaled Press. that the railroadi were on one or Of blocked timet during buttoeet hours. of He will mors aouth submarine, roovlag sa the turfas at giro capital to until train other to three are six or 17. Bel bit bass oneraUont. t develop the van territory the Kl mere mete principal trade London. Nov. Thirty thousand border, whsrs VlU FOR OHIO CAMPAIGN peed or about Ian knots, wis about 00 Of fas eattotrv vet untouched, the auantl- - railroads using tracks btatcttag Psso eroding, and each of tbnm was gians have toward the Durante ne passing every nour ana blocked at already been deported to I known to be. Oeneral Munla, who yards behind aad baa a mUe aatern. the Uee of wheat and meat and other product win timet during toe day either by or to Information - Caaele rollo protec- minute of toe day, and the Chinese wall freirhl accordlnr received now moving on Jlments north from Isea- tut wlnr at additional wouu so mema utai pnce would aaoss-asrll-y passenger trama or by awttoh engines. nere inrourn orrn lai cnenneu. neporta Ion. wlU co operate tion. Beaching the race the several veaaels fall. will have become fixed and net nasaiiil Something ICOOO people wiia nenerai irvono tosUtutloo and the northern hair or AT paso like wars forced u rrom the tame sources tar that lb Chihuahua (.iiy la again In ttsts of slowed down to croa the eddy lot currants Charles Nsswl. formar aecretarv or eotn- - watt until toe trains paaaed. plan to take some SOO.OOO. ludred from or the petotga at peed. will be rut ofr rrom the southern half. It Is nervousness because of the departure of th Rcpublicani Expend $373,351.98 tlowar meroe sad labor, told the council toolrht an oy any means. Ute order issued in number of clues for; troops toe revival or me scare The fide through the race not anaura conclusion aad eats Her-rick- rant swiftly mat when the railroad employee learned Bui Oeneral Trevtno'a ttoteraeut MI expacted trad Demócrata $57,555; 's one or the rips apparently caught the eight-ho- and lbs real meaning of the Adamaos The answer It: Eltmlntte the trad crow- President Cetmcil tlaea. to restore confidence. Oeneral Cuel aito tog unaware. This appeared to be so to uiy wouin not accept ii, oecauae t ings. Bl Is bound up lu Will Not Take Taral to last. Share $7,982.70, Captain Koenlg. iw Paso's future this The or ha Myi ha would defend the city the who. with Chief Officer took no coral sanee or the distance of i important matter, citizens almost munlclnal council Toarnal In toe nald, deck-I- rormaUy to taklnr oeneral kranohl. waa an the tieuuchland'a ll run in ruing th ware. He said war fix toualy arree that It It to bl rrest Vacation Before Congress declined accede to the Oerman giving up minion or big By Aatoclated Press. ihe darkness the Scott wat toread tato inr by th grrvernrnwit represented a dan totog tne city today. The grade demand, toe report syt, protesting that foreign country, been offered Columbua, Ohio, Nov. Republl gerous berore It had to Oerman a which ihe submarine's oourae. and the collision movement and urged thai to plan crossing nuisance Is now almost Intolerable Convenes Is His Decision hitherto acquiesced all can campaign in Ohio cost gyrs.Hl.vi. ac- anyone tfior- - Oeneral Un resqltod without discovery by of of arbitration be maintained unlets aad csnnot bo permitted to grow worse, ss order. floppier thereupon cording to a atalement of expanse to- It and at ougn posed fine of onwo starts, it u said, nied imminence, the tug sank almost tnat enowea it waa necessary to n certainty win, oniee me railroad o ni- y VttLUTAS OPS. SATINO day by Chairman Charlea 3. Hatfteld, Of ottos. aoaaoon it, incorporation or rail Associated Presa for lbs refusal or lbs eosSaU to furnish a reoerai eláis immediately take hold of lbs problem Washington. Nov. IT. PAlt BRANCtt. toe execuUve committee, with toe sacre ataras la fates Ha roed, he urged, was slant! ei to the na aad solve President Wilson Hat of male inhaM tente, with runner tery of atete. The ill It i it ha decided not to take a vacation béTor fine of to.ooo dairy as a mo Pranelsco VlU operaunr about thirty beuuehtond was able to return to her As asa only marks tons Myron T. Her rick, defeated for dock untainted .to fact, could have John H. Pabey, former prealdent of engineers it, two oasrtet are coat ran convene, but may go on oaa or council refused to rtv toe tun. trains to tos vicinity or Juneest. and baa candidato and. the open to the railroad One It to lower atora week-en- trips down or toe United steles senate, reportad g7,tst.TS continued bar voyage without great chamber urged the training of young men tb to Potomac Batir Mate Pepulatu rive tralnloads soldiers ready to atari foreign cummeroa track and construct bridges for street river, on the naval yacht Mayflower. He latsnil. north at any roomeat Thla is the report apenL easenUag to an official who saw her for seme. A report Pram Mona ar- The today, the did not extend below toSlTlc St street crossings. Tb other It to wss urged to to to s Virginia retort for clrauinsunttal the which wss made yesterday by panana Democratic ateto organisation Thurs- at damas a and all traína stay, to- district lays that lbs entire popula riving day riled e showing ex- we water line. UXJJD IN BTttBT CAM JAM. establish bait lln tike briar but reached the eoncMialoo male from tb Parral district ateteiuent ar7,ut Her repairs aad bar slay to port are throurh th outskirts of the city, it u das that ft would be liiipuaattili. tion over 17 waa tumraooea 10 repon 10 Traína are operating between Parrel and pended on to Democratic campaign. Boulder. Colo., Nov. IT Mrs. Anna itoyie known mat tosa of th railroad ometala Ute prealdent hat almost completed the Oerman beadqutrtert at' t o'clock on tos J Imanes, sad Timen ei and Bant Rosalia rounded by the asme secrecy that marked or toa toadla of bar aereo Iron, uemanv hav already lakes ooanliear or to atetóos attectlon or mamktrt of the trame commit morning October St. The prleiu. The track aouth of Escalón to Torreón, wat AS lead er 111 - killed bar tonight when colorado a sltustton to El Pato, and on or to Bl Paa non ana snippint oosra crested Bar tear. here, local officials, member torn up by to fleeing Car ran cut under VOTER IN MINNSaOTA. and to loading- of the carro which she is of Murgta me Hants to aeea. waa - soiitttem railroad traína hacked mto a street mas U now actively eoaeldortng to m test Melon sod probably will make to rood committee and toe physically oeneral rouowinr nossut fey Aaaoclated Press. teas if teamed auworttauve- 11 vary toe dlamJieed. It added. roroaer was la car. a. L. lloyle. Elmer Hoyie. ared Also. Is probable that line announcement of the personnel cf both defeeuve were but. la BL Paul. Minn.. Nov 17 A mistake lu tast ta valued together 1 ore congress meete. IJK) oornpoelng to per of r the 10,090 Aut set bv úaniato Mr. Bessie Banka aad th motorman of tos cerned finally wiu rat a he ass osarte but mea. cent th toe tabulation of toe Minnesota volea to - A. asm tracks. If a double subway uva prog en nowever. m eligible mala, both employed and unem- SbT- Thla amount, l waa said, would ear. W. Mctmiey, war aiigntiy injured. tracked in aeleeuoa of Americans presidential election count, by which rer the vataa or aaaSagtta All the tajurea wiu recover, 11 was aaia. is construe too mroutn in center 01 msmbert of the board to admtolstar tb ployed, were selected and Immediately Who Fled utent Wilson waa Disced wraths laat the coinpenaation f piscad on caiUe and Uer- oarrtotL city the una Involved probably will wonttnginen act. for trucks alerted for toan t hundred votss of Mr. Hughes, was to reaorts. the Deutsnhlud that track: If the belt line be established tup toyes. many. feeing Ignorant of th purpose of Parral Arrice Safe measvarad rumana The is will Ms tracks val he asad by su of tos roads the summons, the men had sssernbled with iris aad laae no goio so tsennany. say changed again to Mr. Mush, favor by all Captain tonight watch op ersto tram ansa to city. out clothing for trsvslmg end without rood, in Sinaloa goanlg adrnittod havtog Attorney General and relatives who hurried to the nation Capital voles. learned that Captain Hinech, rrom hi po th sbaano of dannlte mrormanos oa the toe with food Bad clothing war refused access ilttoo deckhoua of Scott, had the railroad. II believed toey WIU Cigarettes, Jam and men. report asid. o CALirORNIA COUNT DIVULfittfe been glvtot order to the Deutochland by May Bring Action ' en- - to to rive Amaricen employes of the to alnktnr'or the track. Local Mining company of Parral, who NO IMPORTANT (.RANGE. rlneert who have auperfinally toveattgatod Stick Candy, Wanted ned rrom thai city on November 4, the Ry assoclilod Presa. Against Milkmen VHMII LY AGAINST OKIIM AMY'S day before VlUa and hla bendita occu- - nan Francisco, not. 17. Thirty tore car by Pershing's Boys BTttttl 01 lbs place, reached cuitaran. Iforni oounites eel or kt have rued touir Three Passengers Special to th Morning Time. Associated Press Kl vesierday. A m Mattes from tetetton returns today with Secretary or Austin. Tata. Nov. 17 The uorney Provisión Dealer Allows ittoaatt. Nov. 17. in s Ststotaaat T. O. Hawkins. Jr.. to W. J frwautefl Stele Prank C. Jordan ror nal and official by Trjcas reaeral's department today llegan a fey Aaeodatod Pre th literlilad Press today, Lord su'ed tost they had reached that place, canvas. A staff of t experto sre at work Killed statewide toveallgaUon Into the eonttD-ae- 69 Cars Potatoes to Rot Maw York, Nov. IT.- - oeneral Pershsag, caeu, awnuier or war ireoo, u and asked IneWoxtoh as to lbs next oa th return rise to the price of milk. Report nnmmasd or tb American axLadlhaa vitorou protest sgsinsi Oerman yi step Is pursu- count or six of the .m'ile'r ettssT The Roads in 3 Months received by the dipeilaaml from most Awaiting Higher Prices Uon of Belrlans. aad declared Wtth Mr Hawkins are Leslie wabfe. work, acoerdtor to law. must be mushed Of the large cities of too atole are to peopte of France and knrlsad. no tost tosa A. W. Morris. Bernard McDonald and by Mondar. November 0. Ptins announced pectal to to ttoratog Tltott. toe effect that toar has bato con- Croat hare. In rantr to tos people or Belgium, "hope that American uowura ursv. They made th dlfnoult liter today lor cotiunuUur the count night stant increase In the unce and no By Associated what th troops would public opinion will snow ileaIT, not only In trip of mors ttton too miles ht II daga, were abandoned MroporarUy to Austin, Texas, (tov. 17 evpl - Pre. nd da The raj art at anillan ha been rorth- few days or weeks of protects and cHtl- - Whether toey wlli go 10 Msssttsn nuTtu, 11 wa the Texas railroed entasatsaloit, atad tttteral lav "Umv lleinlf irinH w I tot whom found Inmoasmlt to hottestSHril&L.Hr-of " price of roodatum fnr rfu cuuna. 001 steeay preure upon to in- - tek s teamr for Han Pranelsco, or secure enough akuie. handle public today, dlsclosM thai three pa The - tribute Xntt to troop a r, workers tortoturaUea should dlsrloae in rrdgtajlt tad WyoaxLj- was ordered 1st tin of ttMs come 10 og ties over us BOUBtern Pa- Un- returns. stagirs wars killed on Teas railroad tbsl llriraea ovar the atete, or In any imanand. Man now wall supplied cific wbJeh during Ms quarter ending n.pMaah" ty Iowa, today by Harry B. Ted row. United States with railroad. toeeaws Cullsoan, No Important discrepancies have been te- or have eesttmiad together dhitnet attorney for Colorado. The Den- neceetartei. but think ptoes. tobacco. it iH.t knows.. Mr. manían wired tor ft During ttm tame period tat paaeew-sjar- s purpose cigarette eovnrrd to sano tie thus far eaav r.he of hooeung toe price of ver Housewives league ha anouncod they oitarene. matt-- t whom they have tn their power the, mines or tlv m war injured, including tesina their products, proatcailoa win fea pocket knives, small can or to "tbe-A- pteud. scop si will aid In Ute Inquiry bl Denver. The tn hois, jam. Robert reviewed measures u to stern If say lay, tesepaaiere tad others, one matitulrd under lbs anu trust vesugattoa sttak candles, wriuur mau ríala, SUM to to tournev. Mr. Crs. war killed wss foJlowIng report aerat by to entente vid relief for Parral ateas the Haw rordscAjrr. and fttttt war towaof las aula sad VlaatwaStr pushed Denver wholesaleoSr ntweutea al and aaadktewhjaft would be the Belgians, sad charicierteed aa He" fats' father, to HUtlb. noOfTed wsMTattta to of daeiar "a Was Tetes, New Mexico 11 lajurad railroad aneádsete dark tas lowing ( oars of potatoes lo fratás as able." laat night of. hi soo'i wajrse end latas I rvt white walling for higher price. jto"faay jtodbaaaag late, aak matah asesare EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1916

TREVTNO WITH HIS ARMY hará rrom Hermonlln. the átate rapital. and Mia fire at U company' mill Mar tha prim Rilnlater of Kntland DivHI l.toyd other pnlnta In the altrte, lo mu IK,rt Villa bandit occupied Parral. ierf. SrIUah mlnlalar of war. and nier LAUGHED AT QUITS CHIHUAHUA leen rara f carrania troop with n.inplet Tie t hin., reported Mil in noaaaaalofi MIMIC INVADERS r preeentallvea of tha entente allied WORLD equipment and accompanied lv woman and of niimtv or Ainerlran-nuari- ma hltie EiTopem Wir Swraary today held a eonfarenre Later FOR SOUTH children, now utralned at i anana. H- (run wblrh looked ta If they ware naw and ara war the hrltlah orrirlala nd Piolo Ckrrino. the onor, ready lo mota lo the border bar. On anil I v of naw rifle. HI forra Italian Rtlnuter or tha treaiary. were the reported I of whlrh 4mr, wera General Violar... Ella' ,e. fi MHMMadto y. TIM af tbe Anatra Rnagarlana roe ata or Preaid am pobicare. m ha In Harrnoallln anil la aald o Da prat rail airnod ROUTE DEFENDERS 4rnre OSLER THEORY "nfly garrisoned hy General I Ilea raaUaoea ataaiaVly. Caaaawluaf, M At the cioae the cowTerenc Mr. firland DR. paring o lead this fon croas thr moon aollra of calla, ta ban of the ww hi liltttia-hi- northwaat BRrtRIRat. tSa Ru and Mr Aeqiilth aeat tha fnUowmt Joint Me ay tele- Ulna from Asm Prtet m western rmarr rnrr.r .mi anta emw manían fim :itmpa tndy lar pari of - rapllal, t ihiirt within the teleTm to Borlt V. Stunner, the u" gram wa Manuel In pursuit of villa nun i iim unir tak-- there in ni at :i'.Trn.A. araap af the Invatfera. Rail lea are alan prima minuter this army hs baan recruited oulhrrn jr Aaaoi laled Pre. Rlaea within a Cajanpu 4ea. commandant of Ihr l(i ri't from o 17 lew aillaa of I Ronor atad northern malo, according coatltlari. Mexico. Nov (Icneral t:r Enemy We hav learned with MM livalieat Mt Aboajt People WW lencral QiU, Mvlr.a lixl rehshle "Brown." Make Entry low, lha Rerlln atalailat aya. aait lha v.. Other Ideas that pro prepared Mexican officers here fanf, who la on Ida way to (juerelern, and forrea of CaaeraJ to ralkeahaya have larirttnn of tb deriantion pubutbad Villiu .lav a her H Into San Benito, Throwing SO Effect of to enter Rom.iilnthmiirh l " nasa, and d Ida flrat rtda tonlcht. takaa Uraaht, ihool Mae aallea narU vembar u Ir the Roaalan pro by whlrh Retell la Journay at from the Imperial (rovernnteni, note of urging lha sonorans m arm themselves lo HIM-M- PIAS uklnr inr rtlon "White." Into weal af CaaaRtriRRt taklnr t MV Ovammaotal affair. Ilia natt atop prob Disorder. the violation tha law of VrtaJW Uta invasion lie ara a frnib of oationa rfla NSW ACHIN til Kfl ably will ba at Tula. In Ui aUle of Ml ta atlaek aalaat the Romania oona i ported to be ai mina By Aatnrlitad Mar and of international aajwon. cooamiite Two Chinear from Parral report-- Praa. at Albeehll waa rrpnlaea. by Oorrnany and Anatrl HuDtrary. rafurara Roy. lha 2,o wa by the ptaajlta Tha OrIop theory that a man of IP In 'HMnlty Bmwniyllla, Tai.. ayrnta prlraaara Ukea prawnrhMt new ohlnro-forme- JJSe r.ARRAM IRTA aa.ii lo fira Uf In Uta Iate at I their of ereajlnr la no and nugrht to b d AME n WAV hlng ladmiglng lo tha Al MCI.KAOT3I O mm h Auatrlna ear relieve lint or fnod SAI. of Ilia Film milla altr lad attention today in tha I rapUired aute out territory motnaniaruy orru upon Ry t an r RUM ARC J tVallarhii. leo alone belaa or Ku baan commented Asaoclaled Press varado Minina rompan', American rorprj All. II all nd nny In pled by them and retain an army Najan, sen., m company la ra ra VMIIiajiav Um Mormon who daa "brown" "while" manrtivrra in rngaurmrnla aouth af tie RaUea Joked about by tha pre" around Mctien, ir Three thou rallón itffiriala ..f the J'.'wph trimn Raaa Rhwklk Weal emonr th pofaalaMon of tt roRtoR. aad Send t of Um- j on of thia dlatrlrt. Tíia wa tlH' aperlariilir aad toward -- axlentlat of Hand Carranza b'imp tmw nn the way tnakinir an rfforl ronflrm the morl baan in Joarai rtlarrr liv flrt f Pre ileal Rerlln Wa to thot. the ma the world. Another In atolri In KiMraal.n. a r 'nti into San Benll in nillaa north or Ihr ay. raloloa aat rotilna In oome-- atavlament that rUla hit Brake liora.RodUoaa. of our ajtemlea and throw in forth with laaad yaatai lay (ftar numlM-- of hla Rrownanllr. In tha "brown" or Innilin tha Rumania Rnaful hlaatlont SO In It hla mountain I Moldavia. af Kedilva arar nam n in ueury awaeaaaaaar at a man of la hla prim. irlanda liu poairii bond or Mti pro for iruinir int qerendin hite bu fcs how- hla hi to hafi.ra Ibarn aarwelv Ra beea raplnrrilet by bavarian Ibalr pr.imlar. Muíala hsvloR alnre tb health la normal It eonreded ripairnra tt t trttl of ra- ba aada Tha aarond wa an SO In perfect nam fraordlnary ID kraafa heinninir of the war, (Ivan lha people in ever, thot few attain iwt mile Torrad marrh by people are I.. H Bta and J Mrl'crland. two oihar brlrxla of artillery and pmvlalon! u'l Th ewa of Rarakll. aa the rlM bank hatdtin an poiuii lana auranoei ron health, van 4 forty mmt Aiia)riiu who were In I uaxal mani of cavalry rmm l lano of the atriam rlyar. aad aa lha eaaUra formabl' to their aeeular hopea, now aol victim of one of thr qlaaaea of . iirande lo emnly renewa nnebanpaahMi Thuradiy nlirht, war raleaaad ln the I end af tia kjaeaaealaa frowt, haa baa tha Saciaron uaually abortan Hrllnan. rainfon "while" hrlirid two alimenta that thlr Tha rlnat Uiam ware minor In iilidei Colonel H. I.. Milliard, I oernpled by SrIUah fla tha announced mor Ibaa year aro li flrat, etotruvch whlrh da ir9t ttw emperor, u live. Thstw ar: eharartar. faiuiin III nll' d iltMea rrom foralim Maredaalaa front, la the Man the name of hit majeity, atejeond. liver or kidney 111, Invasion of thr "hrowna 1 aatlr regies. Rarthl reporta all allaeka reaJU Ihelr antonorny. third, nervou troublaa. INVKjrrH.4T1Nt. HKROIJI CASK. l f lb rnleat tarrea wara rapulaad. Wa ara deeply by the ranrr in. inf.ir. waa rompleb' aur rturid A naw In prolonging human Aincriran Conanl 1 hoin n. F.dward yaa rrra-RrWa- mu taken by tha cowrrnmant of feotnr prla lo Ui' "lirown." forrea and tend to Th afleaatva n the inltlatlv In prod-i- tardav rwralyad a lattar from antain mora af hla in eaapror or nuaaia. w ra lit haa bean found the earth ' make diffinilt drlyinv bark of the reflon lha 0ra river. Pifia átate. majty. li- NATIONS ball. HrtUah ronaul n Chlhiiahu CUy. idvanrr.i "whit" biirad. eaaUaue with aiireeee Roiaaal poal- vor of a peona lo whom we ara bound by t. Vitelline Thl remarkable ba u wno, ir wa invaillrrtlnaT Ilia rbarir aalnai Tonla-l- lha "Invadlnir" dlvlalmi ramped Uaa were aeewpled by eateaU an. ni a. mpamiai, nu reuaiunir. quid la an ra hurgad with more health ibart II' rold of who laI urlaonn ra will ronatltuie primordial element In ibe any 220 MESA AVE. J no in or Man Benito and tha "defend and Rnlfar Orraaaa Uaeka arar arlvltiR forcea than other natural PHONE 2576 fadaral panlUantlaty llaroid wa pofaad- The rraaaa-Rartla- future itabillty of Europe. Wa are hippy world- krrWAIad Inr" hriradr. iu relnforremant of aitll lajbar product known. Nona of tha on of taallm (Uta nd WO aw November Parla to with Hi vlewa po rhra - lery and ravulry thort diaunn- pilaoarre It. nioclate ourielvei whlrh fam oua mineral water hava the ndaad Maforr laavln- chihuahua, ha wa the Imperial fovernment lateoda tn realize but Uia him la hilled onr and hlf mile aouth or add. tency, corrective and tonto properties rharf aaalnit I for the benefit of tha noble Pollih paopw. not known It la taS prim ipal on Arroyo Colorado. Util ariiviiv raartd aa IS of natural Vltalltaa. Tt quickly help ufiuod fraat Tha twa at of Ariel OUR raaaon for holrilnir Harold la hacuao Artlvlllra tonlrht niialaled u( nutpotl mil Rotuna lata srxr- - lo brlnsj freedom from dhronlc ilk (Hira aarvad aa n offl-a- r undar Villa. rivalry pairóla. The Orowbi riaawnnalaiKi frowi Parla report aa la cEvrRAi. rowaas liver. ryirv ta try aellvlty. Lanoa iIbjtri iiOVEatNMSNT TO JEWStiIN etich aa Indlgeatlon. rheumatlatn. which waa nrai lo enter Man Manilo today Aa kidney blond Ilia Naw rcngiano IHMII'H si. TO run I a iweepinir Rain Hra, teaalan at the RrtUdk front Rlaat tfee NEW RTATR or POLAND. and iimi n fared man h and at By people now finding new xrlgor and TRAIN I mum RANIMT p mpted i aft rlank moy.- on tb "while' Anere raat of Reaueaurt. Rarlla reeorle Aaaoclawd Praia. nre TRa offlcara In and Chi Thr In the rrnulae of BrtUah altacka an the Berlin, Nov. 17 (By Wlreleg lo aayvtllr.. atrerufth In thl remarkable product carranit Rtui liittilion. iniliaiat Pittallon retlnd In huahua city rafuiad to orne to lha raarua Kood however, noeuiera part t la rrwai raaneral von Baaeler, governor renertl oi of Malura Ra the durolay thin order, Iheorellrillv deatr an in Kelly MEATS of thi Maairfi ontral trim halo up at Tar Int brlfada over wide ran) behind f.trept for the rptor by lha Ru Poland, haa liiuad order at Wiraaw city and aampla VltaJttavB free at aid to nrginlutlon Of a Jewtah re- rata Wadnaadty mornlnt by bandit il. em tuna deltylng the crotalnr by atn or arveral helfhta aar Jarebeay. I th Pollard a Urug atore. Ateo aoia ny rrtvnt rncpiadi for aaalatabr: wara mada "tbemy." waal or Klmpolua. Rukoarhta, Rerlla ligion body In Poland, by which aalf- - atore, Crucea; I Tnlbet'R Drug Im . whllr tha train robbary waa In profreaa. report- - no great activity aleaf lha eaV govertupent given to the I'ollib Jew atora, Columbus; Pong :i7T Y .1 wnen iiaridiu, m or . . Drug tiir wtio ara aald tnei r ,1 ern front There have be few rhaaaee lag Drag atore, Douglaa. and HW ñnx in a nina that have baan operation m the liOmraClS TOT V tSaltlC-- i Rerlln Ulea that the Riiaatan arlllfery Blbc ujuj nuil of Kldama. northaait of chihuahua. ' tire I the rag law of RU latría, aa the rallglous organisation," say Use Oversea Drug atora, Blaheo. Adv. BY THEMSELVES atartod to rob th Danube below Tehernovada. haa la News Agenry. In dsarrtblng lha new order. In i harira of to UUtroyen "The buaUUly or the Russian authorities . away. KnM,;:í; In A wa nollflad Mid takad to maka an to Be agilnsi She Jew round eipresslon well right, and thai the possibility now exilia ana attark. He raplld that, hn did not have Awarded Next Week known lawa and In uninterrupted peraecu to wnrk In the different departments nr ) ....lender, Juicy aoldlara and to roma. Than THIRTY THOUSAND BEL com- P mr, anonrh rafuaad Hon and oppression of the Jewish through the means or well ron TrayUHj Jewish lire ... wa nnttrtrd and Irnorod tha pii. My Aaaoi iited Pre. GIANS SENT INTO GER- munity, at wall as in tbe raet that a ra- dnricd aeir governing bodies. The war B4a táe uaw nnnntiiina Four Cirraiua ufflrar who warn on tic Waal'liuttoh, .Nov. 17. onirarl. for Ilia il (Ious body to which 14 per cant of the brought unspeakable mlsry to the easkani rtprCUtlll train wara takan off by tha bandit and MAN TERRITORY population or Poland prions deprived on the hand. It brought 10 acrqmpeny Tha men wi Jews but other ha lorrnii inm and will be awarded lo prívala build of all uniform organlxatlon. Only the for this new constitution which li or tne min- tKiya wara robbad of thalr rlnlbinir. aven ra ny neat weaa. serreiary Daniel an Of Isolated par- - nation of organisations est imnoriaiu iu 11.1. tha unUorwar balnr Ukan Woman wara oiinerd today it the roni hialon of a three (Contlniind From Pago one.t ishes waa allowed and tha union or not moiaatad. ' day of eonferem ea navy SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY larlea batwean da jn.llfy IU action by aay In a tht F.nglind Into larte organisation wsa ror offtclili nd repreaentaiin of the wa ror unemployment In hidden," tha new agency. Have vour ayes tratad nd rtaaaea filled t IfIN MA V reaponalble siyi 11 to Ml AMI HtNIHTN By the present order or tbe governor by the Terlr IHtllrl Co.. Mills Bid ON FANCY HTAV IN Mill TIIKBN i II IIM Mil I Tnn two low Iditdera for battleihlpa. the ixperlence. satisfaction guaranteed By company New "Three lime during the paal year," Lord general, the marnberi of the Jewtab church vri. Aix.' lated Pre. .law Shipbuilding and the Robert continued, have to aa AST. UUMahUa, PI, M Nov. 17 I ran aro port Nrwa Shipbuilding and Hry Hoi k com "wa proposed the ara a raiisttana Ram. Villi Hermana a definite 1000111 wtiereby tb ex cordlna- - to public rtghH nd hla oandlla may remain In aoiitliern r.hl-- I paiiy. .mi mil at flrat at Uta navv'a Loral Jewish of Belgian manufacturers and even communities In tha count!, according to iilhui inr the winter. M'llran r.fnen fur lrlilr propulalon, but nnilly Girt or raw Torn Axienalon wlm have the wlahaa. material mirnt be made rree the new ordir. are to ha undar the heads Prime Beef. Veal Mutton arrived her ay. aurrendared tn daparunaiit'i id Belgian Ttiea to Ihelr Inforuat-llor- i will build battleahlnj under the rnntrol tbe relief of ro organisations. reniireea rlilm luive Lull rofnpeny two tbe rommlsajnn ICE CREAMS Prime Beef Tenderloin (reg. 50c kind, tt 40c reyai illtir llla'a plan from the wlvea reaching its own undnratanding with the and thai might "Tha beads of these ro DELICIOUS VIII Villa com aqulpnaant conapanlea control all the funds arising out of the are up of lh tiuullt when the electrical funilahlng none administrative councils whlrh nude said CANDIES Prime Beef Sirloin and Short CuU, lb 25c inand waa in wralnrn Jill Imali ua reinnlly. the prnpuMnn machinery. The guvernmeni trade. Tn of these proposals have we from tb board of smaller cummuniiies SHERBETS Thoie rerurera aay Villi It wilrhini; Die will deal only with tile hulld.i. who will had a reply.. The flnrmans have eontlatently and selected according to the principias of Prime Round Steak, lb 20c movainenta of Hie punitive eipedlllnn rloae-- ruaraiitec the operation of tin ahina. refused to do anything to aasist the rotter proportional representation Phonee 347 and 348 and dei Inn' VIII will move north ind Queationa Involved In tlw dcsirt.yer con ominiaaion and Belgian industry, J..ü. "The admlnlstraUva council will be rom- Prime Rib Roasts, standing or rolled, lb 20c le norupi Uie territory now palrnllad by tra. ta were lesa troublesome, dealing with to'Y It members, of whom three If an tnmp the Ajnertran the make to rrom every wi2 S mu! Wa delirar "RIOHT MOW" the tm lie ihould etceptlnns bulkier wished lo ..... raw an r1reOOls At tbe hied of the Jewish re- say a ?"rlíAJltnS Prime Roast, lb 15c iriHip lie withdrawn. tne navy iorm 01 contract. hluarv mauetal aaluul Ilglou council, wanted or PROMPTVr at German Oven tha bank body will be a Jewish pro While i rinil decision hii not been funds of national and restricted vlslonally composed according lo propor- given Urna between 7 a. m. and . . MM II MV NIIM.I.N to oruli-'ra- . e porta. Prime Boiling or Stewing Beef, lb. 12VjC MINI reached is the four scout i tiooil The supreme coun- ill ini. MK NT Hi PKRHIIIKU. proposita for unly one of which were "They have drained Belgium dry and 11 p. Army Prom Colum Daniels atnpped her barn, and we all know una cil, according to the order, hi SI members, a PRIME MILK FED VEAL officer arriving bare received, Secretary liidlnraled thai of U be liymen and lina repon the ahlpment of larra quantltlea congress would ba aaked lo raise the limit policy wa deliberately calculated to create whom must leven Phone Us Your Orders Prime Veal Boneless lb or irtllhTV aliella to the pilnltlv atpedllloll or cost on these vetarla a maximum amount of unemployment in rabbis. Roasts, 20c in Mailro. TIM ortliMnce department hi Bid ror the construction or twenty nine order that when the proper moment arrived "Jewish circles In Poland receive thr Veal Breast lb alio ont more than t.uon.ono round or small submarines, two of Which will be of tha Ihelr llave raids might begin. new older nthuslaailcally. Alt piruas Co. Prime or Stewing, 15c rm iiiuuunltlon aouth tn the Amerlrin seagoing type, no ware being con- "Further, the Hermans Juitiry their action cmoog the Jaw consider ll voay important The Elite Coif ectionery Veal Loaf, lb field headiiuartrra diirlnr the put motitb. sidered by the board cd review. on the ground that the unemployment thy and that the J swish commute nova. Is rec- Prime and Pork for 20c tlx' nny ofllceri aay, themselves create had become so bad to ognised as religious body, according tn Prime Chops, Rib Loin, lb overstrain the resources of the poor Teller. or 25c I A Rll Of THANH. Master Bakers Will Poll Thlt la the most impudent thing even Oar Prime Mutton Legs or Chops, lb To the rrlendi of our beloved aon and miny has said since the wr begun. 20c bruUiar. ThetMlnre 0, Moieley, w wlh to Public on Question of "Lastly. It mud be remembered that the Prime Mutton Shoulder Roast, lb 15c tender our hearUelt thank for the many allies can and will liberate Belgian terri- iiiiirleajea and lovlnr aymiMlhy he received Embargo on Foodstuffs tory. Meanwhile, they can and will boar Prime Mutton and Lamb Stew, lb 10c dnriuir hla lllnxaa and for uie aaaiauun the burden or keeping the Belgian rrom rendered at III. dentil and burial starvation But they cannot protect the Prime Lamb Legs and Chops, lb un- iiuny .. nun rui noral offatinv. too. By Aso. luted Pre. Belgians from slavery: they cannot inaure National Bank 25c v Nov. 17. of tha State aineeretv Hwrweeaei Columbus. .. Member that when Belgium Is liberated It win ba a A. MiiAK.I Waco, Tex. etecullve ominlttrc or the Mallonil Assol Fstsiblissisil April, 1881. Prime Pork, Fresh Ham Rosst, lb. 22c Mill.. tY, merp. nitlon and not desert it la only naulraia MflA C c KWI. Waco. Tel. ctillirn or Mister Bikers decided it a who ran do this by the exercise 6r to a poll or public their Capital. Surplu and ProfiU $200,000.00 Prime Pork Shoulder or Spare Ribs, lb 17' MUS. T. W. lll.ASH. Waco, Tel. ing here today lake public opinion." MHH. 0. C. LAY, Han Antonlu, Tai. si minimi on ibe qtietuon of in Ainern in Lord with an expression or embargo. Burns, runner presi- Robert said Inter eat Paid on Savings Account. lb MHil. K. MILLLH. Ktroud.'ukJa. food Jay hope that the pressure of American public Prime Pork Loin Roasts and Chops, 25c dent of the sasiii lalloii ft for Chicago mus T. I.AMPK. chlckaiha. okla. opinion wuuiii nnnr Vloa-Pra- a w. late today lo in auge with the secretiry annul mi result. C n UORtHBAD. Praaldent. J08BPH IfAOOFFIN, Prime Pork Country Style Sausage, lb 25c nr.- local or i . "BROMO Ol'ININfT' In aei petitions through RL'SRIA C N. BA8SBTT, GEOROK D. TLORT, Caahler. on One ur tig rONttnATt'LATES FOR To get II. e genuine, for KinUillons aoctlinii asking the Prime Del Norte and Tomato Flavor Sau- rail inn nuin government to an embargo. TUMI si tm; AGAINST NEW I J. OILCHRIST. Asst. Caahler. I AXAT1VK BrtiiMo yi i mini;. cool rslabllah POLAND. - of K. W- OAoVK. Curea a Cold Members of th committee slate that By sage, lb 25c matine the of tbe latum have noth- Associated Pro Boaton OorreapoodonU National hawtxttrt Bank. In una Day. tac. members ( -- ing lo gain personally hy the embirao, but Parts, Nov. IT Delayed) ArlsUde Brland. Prime Hamburger and Pan Sausage, lb 15c to eecure the or con- the French premiar; Herbert at. AaqulUi. CAT A r ..tvut no S. Stanton Adi xpcrt expression the rus sumers In lha interest of service mil In Prime Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, lb 25c use the poll Mullíales public desire ror City Forms in rmbirgo. the aasuclatlon will campaign Prime California Hams, 7 to 8 pounds, lb 18c Windy Man lo r. nre it If the eipresslon opposes he enduran, the hikers say they will ad Fancy Roasting Chickens and Hens, lb 22' 2c Diet Squads to Live on just thslr prices In meet the Increasing Fancy Broilers and Fryers, lb price In wheat. 30c Forty Cents a Day Another advinre In Ihr price of bread will be necessary. II was predicted by DUCKS TURKEYS GEESE members of the committee, liefor: By Aaioclaled Presa. I. Country Produce FISH AND OYSTERS RECEIVED DAILY Chlrago. Nov. 17. John Pill llnlicrWun. Fresh health ciHTiinlasloner, who ha ataHed high colt or living investigation, with a Leaves Hanly to Solve view lo showing chlcini how 10 live on FISB, OYSTERS, BUTTER, EGGS, TENDER WE MAKE WHOLESALE PRICES ON U cents a day, l planning "diet " a. Drink Problem and Cuts lo prove hla thai rent a day STEAKS AND ROASTS Is sufficient fur good and wholaome food. Throat Lincoln Tomb JUICY MEATS AND GROCERIES It la pei ted the iilan will be ailnptad at a at meeting of ofrirlajs tomorrow. and in fact every article aseded for tbe well appointed table. Don't fail to come to the Big iu noberison purpose selaciing twelve By associated Press hla department who shall be 11. xi Lin- House today tike tempting array of good tilings to oat. One visit will Full Fine Fancy Krsons from Springfield. III.. Nov. "Dear Market aad see here I two weeka on a diet recount dd coln freed the black Uve and llanly win make you steady cuavtomer. Following is a list of attractive bargain for Saturday Shoppers: TEA GARDEN hv him. Weight and general rnndlllons or free the wblte slave and the black slav. too, PRESERVES the subjects are to be taken heron the diet in. in drink. Then tbe dream or Abraham Itur lieglus and ItTer It la ended Kit inn Lincoln will come true." and in woman will comprise Uia "diet H. J Dunn, of Springfield, aged Ml year, Phono quid. A room at the haallh department wrote Ihli senium m in letter addressed will tie uttllird and food and a rook Will to newspapera when at lha tomb or Lincoln, Gulf Fish & Oyster Company 2776 be provided by the department at tiakrldge cemetery thii morning, and "flier Is no reason why people should ended Ids lire by cutting hla thmaL risa. POULTRY not live on to rent a day. and purpose The following statement was to arraruSa. Ik !7Hc demonatrallng the the dorbir Slid. Kldrd Halibut, lb He Sarta a. sraaaas. lb flit," his brother:: reatstiaa, lb "I once red my family ur eight for live "I Jiave ine.i ii atop the thirst of liquor alaa.in. Ib lia llena. aWssed Ik days .hi a.Bt.- by drinking uhler ror these last Tew dayi; tu. ni lb Due ka. drriias, lb. siring Reaa. lb NATIONS when T the glass or liquor tea Haaa, lb lieeae. lb Vattaw Wax Reaa a, lb for drink nrsi than have no mora control of iuyelf." shrimp, lb Turkeys, lb Young Houchin Pleads kippered (talnum, Ik. Onion, large, lb VEGETABLES Mali Petatee. 4 lb. in Grape Frull (Vlorldal t far Self Defense Trial w Vrk Caaiata. plat..... Me Lettuce, large heads Me lapaaeee Frralaamoos, h Ojetera, lal Ha I far is Houalafca Park Apple. I Ibe Las PoHomat Murder reta Hraad. ladlildual pt Una Ba Celery, for No Gas fbte large buarhea. each tar Ranaaae. per sot

A. Hnurhln. en years ..Id t Merged Willi murdering & mm. H. Hanullou. or Roawell. tastirird m City Fish Oyster Company his trial. Houchin aald he killed laapraeaieaa uvaea iliv it la Ike a Saturday Specials ilainiiii.il hi acir derense. aasertlnr that be W mernlea arts riie.i arter Hamilton had (hot at hint. The People With the Finest Dressed Hnui in Mid of taking more than It talo frota Christmas Holiday was At the Veriou. Stalk Pish Rates lite body of Hamilton. He blackmailed Poultry, and Oysters. ror ll.nXai In k'anaes city, lie said. The killing came to light when the bodies RTAIXi NO. Swajas Potatoes. Iba SSc TO or Swaysee, a NO MORE 0 UD OF THE DENIAL CHAIR t It SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Hamilton and Daliy fortune ST I.li NO. S Dry Chili Pesaper, a Iba SaVc teller, were found near l a Palomea nearly Hv lb Nw ayatein or peutlstry we ran v igu nil or crown your taetli abauluwly ST Ml. rfO, 4 Black Twig Apptea, a Ikas SSe Geese, Ducks, Hens, Springs, Fish, without tn least particle of pain Su cn HTAl.l. NO. S atwaet Oiwagwa, per rloa ago TEXAS POINTS STAUi NO. 7 Krratvh Head Laettuor, per Itaad So Oysters and Sea Foods for Saturday ST A 1.1. NO. 1 1 IYeah aptoacSj, per lb So Hens, por pound 22Us Will HTAI.li NO. 14 Rape ToaWaSOSa, pear lb SO Springs, per pound go on sale via the SUNSET ROUTE Dec ISth to Milt. He are ael eaauaaUa with HTAI.I. NO. 1 Tvarwtpa, par oteara kaxaohaa. . SSe ffa 26th, Dec. 31st and Jan. 1st, with Limit MTAISi NO. IS Matt Pastatoea, Iba SSe all ITe NewTexas Steamer a athlral ataa at RT Al.lt NO. 17 --Wwret rottttt, IT Iba lac for return Jan. 4th, 1917. 4 ihelr prtere. Wr.UA, NO. IR 'oath Ing I'uratphlna, Ike; targe 25c FwM Sata Teeth, ST. up Ttaritayys, DON'T FORGET THE aaeh HTAtali NO. SO rtatlag Applea. per boa SI M nor pound 30c bald tit NT.VLJ. NO. It Creen Prava, Braarl Hproata. Gulf Fish, per pound .... 18c niter Work In Propurtitui kfTAItL NO. SS. .CaMforwta kauwwbeniea. ArU- - Calif ornia Fish, per pound 1 16c Frog Lags, doaam 30c frnk All Hark tauarleaatad la Wrllkafl M Vaare TAIali NO. SS taaUUIowfW, fcjrg Plant. Horar Sunset Limited S Lai Shall Oysters, 4J0SJSB S4 CeSnry, -- HUSKY R. New System Dental ririors MTA1J. NO laUforata LOCATED IN CENTER (daily at 8:45 A. M.) Str. MAIXOHY" NO 16 laUfornia Gravpea. S OF MARKET 0 Paaa aad Raw Aalaal Mill lbs Largest in the coaatwise aervice. all rvsatutated Ol.u Fir 8TAIX1 NO S rtaali Waa Drat rat, a lbs CITY TICKET OFFICE-N- Now Rink Rid Fhdtte eat ttTAlT. NO. at Mwatard Qreeoa, S R. O. 208 NO. OREGON in scrTice between Sf) W. CONROY S MEAT MARKET Hour- - t J to k Sunday to to II. HTM. I. NO. as Young Ihnloaax, S NO. a a Stall No. 10, Galveston & New York NTJUalt (rttaagr.ü lb Center Aisle. HTALJ. NO. as rearan Toxta4oea, par Cmm HAVANA-MIAM- I FREE DENTISTRY Hwlft'a Prvawliiai Otar QaaJtiy. aattor. Absolutely no chara whgSaoiir fair tboee tIAN 11 Y rJTORK Pvatottt aWSMIe, pe II Rgga, Cfaeeae and ltjtbblta. All outside ni I una Basaáaaa uñante to pay tor 0011 worm, taoooay MAHtltvTT ItJCMTAl'KANT Hot Ukltt, Levy Grocery Company ZL with priyata balk. Laxan promaaiale axuroay evaninga onty a to . "Evhody Knows Butch." olacaa, Pacistior til cutaicta. XHar.k:sglvir.g Suggeattiorass CIRCLE TOURS WATCH FOR OUR ADS in the TIMES EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY New isro Pudding, New Dates, Nam Figs, New RaisaVfcs, Obm vasa b watat. tatacalag kr .rail wa Wumi ala aa at xarraiagaa aa teaata. Pall btti rat ai ta at . Ctarrant, Citron, Orange and Lemon Peal. New Nuts of all ear raaWttr aakal aStea r wrka Wind. Stvailed Pecana, Almond, and Walnut. MALLORY UNE, ST Prevéala tsaaallnaUaas aad altar TRADE US AND year BMSMy ka bank CITY WITH SAVE MONEY Oaf oall THE NEW MARKET 204-20- I PHONES 505406 6 E. OVERLAND ST. Local ontoa, TSa Ftm Nat aVnatk CORNER OF FLORENCE AND SAN ANTONIO STREETS. Mail Orders Prompt Attention i EL PASO MORNING TIMES. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1916

EL PASO TO HAVE Tbe Best OVERLAND ST.. CORNER STANTON 28 Years Your Attention, NEW ORNAMENTAL ii, Place Of Master To Stop LIGHTS BY MARCH Gentlemen After All TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 6800 Buying clothing is a burinew City Coencü Plana Installation of proposition. Yet it' safe to New Lighting System in ay that not one. man in a Thanksgiving Preparation Day hundred knows within $5 (or eren $10 on orne March It la ainerted Rl Paso will -- make aw bow to the public In s brand sew Outfit The Family Here Today Substantial Savings Prevail 1 suits) of the real value of ornamental lirbtinr nrb. This la the an nounceinem of Mayor Tom l.ce. who, with a suit or overcoat then as tbe city ranf.ll, ha been worktnr tnr a safety first proposition sometime on proposition that will result to Ms otty not only Viaattnr well ItiiMed SPECIAL FOR place your self in the hands Streets, but ornamental u wall. Tha nlsn of old reliable firm for the present Includes the Installation of an the new lirbtinr aystem In the busttieu A Rousing Saturday Special where quality counts and section. With Its Inaiururauon tbe ere Hjrht. watch hano susfiended In tits center one price to all. of the streets, mil Ik- - abolished, Tbe new SATURDAY light will be placed on tbe sldewtiki. Tbe city council, according to the mayor, l consldertnr. nrst, the quantity ana Choice Of Our $29.50 Suits quality or tlrht snd secondly, Uto ornsmen Adler- - Rochester SeU, $3.49 "All dUseni hare to do." declared Mayor Wide th 1 Sizes Pluth 5ff ww; ana not roca w now. r n El Paso is to a r big shipment just received of new roinr bar llrbunr tystom A and Society that wiii be a credit to any city. Thli city scarf to match. is in tbe process of belnr made a more Selection 16 To 44 plush sets of cap and beautiful city than It ha erer besa. In tiger, plain and combination designe Brand Clothes "The telee-rao- leleohon and tbe El Paso Electric Railway companies are alnkln Perfectly tailored models in fashionable styles dressy, a very favored set for wear these umir wires in Uae business section or UM cold days. Special for Saturday, on Are the A com city undanround. It la needleai an aav that simple or severe effects. Choice today of any suit in stock up thli will rreelly enhance tbe appearance the Second Floor. $3:49 the set. tin., of the down town district Tbe electric to and including our $29. SO suits, at $19.75. Velours, whip- rerrecoonr..r company has not rertrsed a sinrie demand made by the city council. The officials aro cords, broadcloths, wool poplins, gabardines and serges; Sweaters, entitled to considerable credit and praise Women's $2.98 Tor black, the! pmrresslvenes. The company. In many All sizes 16 to 44. Colors: navy, be bought now Full Line of Military addition to nnttlnr 11. llrtitln. wim hi the plum, green and brown. Any of these smartly designed mod Your sweater should business section under pound, are rolnr when you actually need it I Enjoy a to do the same with those an the way front els will be a welcome relief from the bulkiness of a coat during Goods. K'Tiim sumí in inn car name, raw per-so- full winter's wear out of it. For today Sweater Coats, realise what changes are belnr mart the long Winter months. They are all interlined for entire w - great lot of new knitted issauiny me arty.-- 'asWaSaaaal comfort. And for today only, choice of we feature a áaaaaaaw sweaters all color all sizes at a with or without collars, our $29.50 suits $19.75 quality. IRON MUSHROOMS very special price for the $2.50 to $10 $2.98. On the Second Floor. Continuing The Sale Of Hats Black Petticoats, $1.25 REIT WILL AID TRAFFIC BV sur- Made of Burton's Fifth Avenue Taf- Stetson Hats-a- ll Never have we so pleasantly Mall Orden i i feta the, famous Heatherbloom Giren tksta ni tbe sew prised women as we hare by the and In black only with sdjust-sbl- e Prompt Pan Shapes wonder value trimmd hats that we Taffeta. to" Objects WD Be Fastened to this fitted waistbands. A high finish Attention and Onion have presented in sale. Many j$495 Pavement at Street new hats go into the sale today at . . silk lustre that you can't match the city CLOTHINGS 'Es Intersections. over for under $1.50. Special today HI Sale Floor. on the Second iw i. soma in lor musnrooms. inry at $1.25. mrm irou in una iniuncn ana earn one welrbs to pounds. Tbe name rasarla rrom the shape or the obstacle, which la belnr Women's Union Suits, 69c from lewis, tt away and then toujrht threw ' wnir. iomuiuwiix on um streets, it Wonder upon wonders! Here comes Bartender Is Found to keep hlin rrom enteiinc lb house. Tbe maras on tne safety tones, run could not be found hy the police. Lewis "sarety lone" Dresses, Coats timely Saturday special In iiiM-- Girls' and Hats s and extra at- ft ni nig, wwin icncrs on uw With Beaten; denies he had a run with him. He wat surface.iiii. His Head tended by Dr. J. L. nilbert, ssslttnt police ' the form of women's knit union suits. sunreon. when be wsa taken to lha'etner JUNIOR AND INTERMEDIATE DRESSE Sixes 13. 15 and 17 for the growing Regularly they sell $ .00. Made of May Be Fractured rency hospital, ills Inn jaw ti believed to treet pavement by meant or a spike pro for n girl that is hard to fit. Dresses of serge and serge and silk combinations, styles all new. police answered a telephone lie broken. Both or the men are belnr held nuiii Mir iniwniL I liny mrv cor- fine ribbed Jersey. A limited number investigation or affray, mm avrsos aitp- yesterday afternoon rol nrndlnr in the I fivTwn irom For today we feature our entire line of $1 5.00 junior and bet- or were shot, nelrh-bor- of these fine values go on sale so ÍJaw that two nhoUt had been neither them although r Inches had killed at declare two thou wen fired. hlrh and for this reason are intermediate dresses at $9.75 been His t. ter be early today. 69c. Main Floor. avenue, found hen Lewis, a , V in wiiii siij iiiiiis pesainr Myrtle they - uwu, un appa-- bartender, at the Richelieu bar on Kan An KEEP YfM'R BOWKUI BICOt L A.B luiour stmei ciaantnr 8 TO 14 SERGE DRESSES Navy and black serges, styles that Unnlo street, lying on the porch with his ir your bowels become constipated, toko Hose, 48c Thompson, who just afinr were just received. Novelty plain trimmings Fibre Bead badly bruised. Harry a doss or Chamberlain's Tablets treet intersecuons and will snd lives at the apartment .house, was discove- supper sad they will correct tbe disorder. invent when In a shed rear of plane. sjenUe in action. rlreet semaphores are not work! nr. on collars and cuff a Price at $4.95 Black, white and all colon. Our red at the the They an mild and their Durlnr the times the "Stop" and "fjo" si rimanpson declares he took s run away Obtainable everywhere. Adv. not mi regular 65c and 75c fibre hose for wo- ire belnr operated autolsta and otbert GIRLS' PLAID SCHOOL DRESSES good range of plaids .r " wjiimuii mi we inusn A men st 46c the pair. This special is room." and checks in cotton plaid school dresses for girls 8 iiiimiiiitiiiunniiiininniiiiiMiniiHHii An ordinance now u belnr drsrted to OA for today only op the Main Floor. If COVer IK. Imlitlall.. .r .1 V21Tl to 14 years. Extra special values .0 you knew how hosiery prices ad- bANIUNC BY HAIL rrruUtors and to make it a penalty for were ..i "'-- un'" kj'mb mu oi one. woen GIRLS' WARM COATS Made of zibelines, corduroys and vancing you would lay in a supply of Tlianldwd" ered"rnlWrtor;,a' "T Wfll oM other warm materials; sizes 2 to 14 years. All good 1 these hose today at 48c the pair. Compound TJs of the police show go par ftQ AC iPrt J oar Use of uncalled 4for colors and combinations JeJ.7J 49b JjUbns arrf by the establishment and Washable Gloves, $.69 Interest believed, SKATING SETS of silk plush, tbe numbers of accidents will be PLUSH TAMS AND Tan made Fownes' famous washable kid gloves rreelly decreased. corduroy and velveteen. Skating sets in new patterns iteyunaTT tar ear new Suits & in connection with tbe plan to Install the AO for these wintry days all sizes. In of scarf set, choice .... a good knit cap and 70C contrasting stitching fell made with Mall." aarrtsa with It ae ..wniamiip lumwr Hinr sones in tne GIRLS' HATS Velvet and plush hits in all the new children's the perfect Fownes finish as to fit and ebugauwa to open aa eooount Overcoats c,: - ' "mm ywiumi lines. sag we Is aa agaortnalty These will be so srranmd an u i hat styles. We gathered a special lot for an extra 1 "TQ details and an extra inducement to all ask tbe Phsrasl In Paso. insnlete nroturtlon tn .i,w..rc.i te n inr from street ears, no velaria of anv Lm special feature today at P 1 I 7 Saturday shoppers at $1.69 the pair. should earn a par seat, Wd Cm wMh,n PPoblblt- - toca aad MARVELOOS BARGAINS ed spare Main Floor. why your Baseeg will be ahas lutery sals aT saast by mail te As apeofcU Thanksglrtag oftor VITAL RECORD Hila Insill atase Vea stag ban we era stowing man's FINB socaste to tassel es tor tasa Articles TROTJaVnaaW..tbe 91 aad ill oeetortnttSficn ... Toilet i ittaeüsst. kind tor A Complete Boys' Department New Booklet $5.00 rsNn BBTAis a a Bmm mé aT. 6 To 8:30 P. M. $7.00 SSLIS OASMOffa a Sans sad oanaas cae- Alteration have just been completed whereby we are pleased to an- a GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM BANK nounce a larger and better department tor boy is ready to supply your boy EL PASO BISTHS. Limit I bottle, no phone - QQ Visit department today. AN! TRUST CO. or mail orders FOv every want. the S. Marcus SKATNS. L1STER1NE 5 BOYS' DRESS AND SCHOOL SUITS A most complete and varied assortment of A Guarataty Fend Bank -- WtaffT? DtM"' ' U 11 LAMBERTS 0c Tailor and Clothier I 1 the best styles and newest patterns in boys' suits. Suits from W4 iTau' 11 size, limit ; 6 to 8 30 only, OA Af Cl C ""'' The-City" BP-aT- na, 6 to 16 years. At the "Lowest-I- n prices sPaasessJTO HON. Stanton rajfjMto"Bñs. 1L B Psaa. Mwx la Barua at. the bottle att7C at j)lD WARM AND COMFORTABLE new If i n OVERCOATS A r shipment just in and with our great stock on hand makes ' OiySaraaeaa. t, line kss set BhSk. Net. it. ALL DAY: our one of the most S1 f" comí lete at sB TO 9i9 eiffi'lTraaek, Williams' Shaving Cream 20c Ctt tot ftr tie Girl Yw Lert Bekiii,By Nee. It. WORSTED AND CORDUROY PANTS For every kind i riiieVr'""' Oakley's Cucumber Cream lSe of boy. Good quality serges, mixtures, corduroy and took a .vnonaoa-- ADvroc. khaki and a price range "Last winter my son Claude had a severe La Blache Face Powder 30c at to tfg Q Every girl who has a soldier sweetheart wants sttack of croup. 1 took a nelrbbor-- s advice suit your purse TO ad prociired a bottle of Chamberlain's Euthymol Tooth Paste 10c Pl PJ one of these dainty rings, in memory of the Courn Remedy. It reilered him promptly." A FULL UNE OF HATS Felt and cloth hats in new wrnes Mrs. Ball. VaiKlerrraft, Pa. Pond's New Cold Cream 30c days of HER SWEETHEARTS service on the border. The talnable everywhere.TJf. (AdvT) shapes and patterns; a new shipment of plush AA lady's ring is exactly like cut, beautifully enameled in the Jerg en's Toilet Soap, box 16c and velvet hatsJust in. Priced at 49c to sPeJeUU National colors a shield in the center, 1916 on one side IN THE COURTS Colgate's All Round Soap Oc SWEATERS Fine knit quality in all colors and combina- and an eagle on the ether. Williams' Talcum Powder 12c tions. A great stock to select from and mod- - AA 14-- ALL FINGER SIZES Gold $6.50 Aillo s rum n. aoa. eZZTW Cutex Nail White 25c eiatciy pncea at si.jv to. . . tgrveW I O K. Gold '. . . . $5.00 Suitable for any member of FURNISHINGS Shirts, blouses, suspenders, neckwear. v any Lamb's Wool Puffs, large size. . .20c Sterling Silver. $2.50 army organization. Mara on drfauUat'i aaottes for a atoiise of underwear and other little furnishings are to be found here Hudnut's Toilet Waters 50c at Lowest-ln- - Ihe-Ot- y pnoas as usual. SILBERBERG BROS. Pese mm WnT Vendue's Vantinette Sets 25c and Mesa, EI Paso. 'sita Tern . asav. anemi Riad.

I - -- Is police aurreon. Tbe pick la restad by Motorcycle Officer at. T. Sheer Hon transferred the soldiers to tbe anasSi Employe of Cafe bsva penetrated left lunr er ano rsiroiman cosper a raw mtntitoi jail to be tried on c narres of assault to Prtvato C. K, Bledsoe. 11 years old, and after th slaliMnr afrray. The Ice pick a - , t2?!frr- Seriously Stabbed Private I. M. Beaney, S3 years old. com which had been lylnr on top of the iw I Hen SímwSmrH pany o. fifth Oeorrto infantry, were ar wsa round on the floor Ir IIIIKr. .,M ,.i.i ,k. ... . man mÍLÍ erar SM; roes. scuffle bad token place. Both oldtors wwnaa ceiuver. a - k sW With an Ice Pick lar they awe no knowledge of Ike affray. --I éáxr r BAB Ban wnesfto raejgsL assistant County Attorney w. n. rrysr 01 u ?jSaf WrsuñloñlHbj w s Motbers Wlm Wmim THIS AND riVE CXNTSt at. acton groceries ire k.V. asad C. Thompson, an employe or the Turr and Judr J. Denver after a prellmlnacy mHMf SIM Mary C rsoespaon lives si uu i ar wouiu Día oa vi.Mío ii l 11 Mrs. ton DON'T MISS TRIS. esaiMnallon or lite osas at c u Wleblto Palis. Texaa. m wrius: at til Bast Overland street, was rlMJI riva rant. 10 Pn Famous for' Quality' aiiuwai nan wnoopuif roun wnen i at 10 S o'clock yesterday field Ave., Cblearo, III., wrlltnr your name inr. when be was laafcfaed lu the lefl snd address clearly You will receive In Home Made Nut Bread (Pecans) 25c ot We back with as les rack follow return a trial parkas containing Foley's Inr a disputo with two iiltlars in the Maces Hooey ana isr i.ompouna. inr oroacniai Hoeee Raisin Breed intnr to have in th house In case o pool ball, at 110 San lantoaa street. The course, colds and croup. Pole Kidney Made 15c wboopinr conga, aroep, ceurbi. cold. Tbj Injured man rail to Be sidewalk altor B Pills, tor pain in tides nrst doses haga, toasen pblagae, beaTkulam had nut several yards In aa iltoinpl to tisni. backache, kldnev Homo Mads Grabam Bread Me mattan, clear sir paasares. stop rncklni runner mjury mania: and gala ' rfatnsrtlc coegbs. a K. Ryan Owl Drug Store Ad was numen wo ana siasi shut wholesome and thorourbly c FRESH OYSTERS lbs sollos station, where be tasruc, esse daily cornonto to Extra selects in seeded esas New Mexico Tax Commis- by Dr. I. L OHbert. BrMsSaSt ees. a. p.. Ryan Owl Drvf Store. New York and Return Large cans 40c sion Special Session SnsaUcans 26c in JUST RECEIVED A new aUpment of na nr. an S103.85 Wks m. ! Limit -- Pecans, huge sel sotad nans, this year's crop commission met imIn special session todav to ChUly Is Here nine months Stop ovar take up waxatloo to Weather raeoettsandaUons be naso" sea asyiaauura in tbe ncaWSI salon's 50c annual report. We can help you keep comfortable. Get one of our JS. 50c sttous uawapi toety and tonwrrow, and oajandaJks NIFTY PORTABLE REZNOR GAS HEATERS. Watson's Grocery Made in all sisee For all size rooms USE Telephone 5151-6152-- m.t El Paso Mantel & Tile Co. ijt iSSmmuU ttaHalw 311 Mill. Street SUNSHINE SPECIAL EL PASO MO RNWG TIMF3. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1916

board of dty development or the Amarillo emlrelr on a mMeiaa tnd that employe to iba client of at Matt aereraj tloni il.oi it batl. and would eeri-- ciean ny DOOM 'ituon invtnnt nw r.i i well 1 the ii perrortnaaeef plalnlirr Tha bill of complaint of it It Impoatlble to piara It upon any other humlred thoutand dollart iY main 'onalitt In fremiti!- contracto with si;iiirrs hikf I tan ommniM in tana rerrccmMe tomorrov be wall recatye.1 Al printed patn. it titea at that th-- com- (ban a ml leer baala; that no one li able mitly hamper tt to In meetm next A II employe! In train terrire. It la further that thy to ptrtl unite t mus erne v Humbert aMna to people and pany amptorn about 7Jef Ir tinmen whote to elate tba meaning and Intent of tba lo loa needa or wit mo- nts would Uir allied thtt tha act It nficonttttutlnna! and railed m de by the manaramani iboitt araraa wfu lie art; Adaniton act; that II Inaretae dltriitt Hi-- (Adrertiaaiiiant.) koull are affertad by tha Adinumn tor rtrm nena with reference in I well prlnelptli, hn ire that the pratent ached ule of tha men l waraa paid bj( the company to many of Hi rcld. daralopmrni Tha meetinr will k le ted from Uta front rank of dad b rcpreaeniatlrc. fnmi vtrlont rmv town n Watt Tut. 'WAR BRIDES' AT Tba plot oi lory It laid to be tnutrettln ma nr... in ibiindmce of OBDortunltlea i,rint or intiticu noidbari COUNTY FILES SUIT whtrh will bi itlly pleatlnr loeall; on: SdMdMU of ÜMlkg for Confav arcnunt or II Wwk Aw Arnomod by THE ALHANBRA mundlnt Kl Pit MOVI Pii uta. - AT AGAINST WATSON TO Bonn- TIIK (HUIAN. ONLY TWO ARE LEFT An of Boy Thote bu Mimy Kayttnne thrilla maaerd hike tb 8rc,tit - rati of ra will b held todijr. CREATES SENSATION tlHiuM ni i mk- - ni- new aavaioae abowtnr at the tida for fna TI WUI t- i- Y M C. A ' lti . km leiv. ti fioiiaia i - picture ii loaded with the .. and wiu mire h fin! to the RECOVER tort or the ihriilinr tunta that brlnf joy TODAY AND TOMORROW wire nation tt Wtshlnriir. From $14,345.50 to the Key alone fin heart Aiitomol.llei JU te Mirara will pmrM to Port Mili Mm. Nazimora'i Wonderful on top or irr'ea. oyer ileal) rnhankmrntt. vn ni 11 uupa, orr or ttoap cliff, en w irniiiruThe noiae md r,ilcr dlrlnff Md Umm three mllei out onto gnu. Emotion Acting the Subject l ilr rtlalnir in Una on rklddy itrerta. Hare a halt win he tll"1 tivt mi will rcfew of the ha prepared, triar which :ha ecanu will It Sought of Much Favorable Comment. Tnat'i ml t darlnr ttrinn In THE DAYS EN WHICH YOU MAY SEE THE WONDERFUL lo Judgment From Former thla raat Kevalnne. And Al Hi Jobti palla iv a atiint on bicycle will Nmh Bay Tax Collector ami Sevan if little thll tickle will b equipped with t rom Wbarevar and whenever the aublert the rialbic. or eren Iba moxt bardie ad PLAY THAT ALL EL PASO IS RAVING OVER MU HUW ouUlt. inrhi.lm duraMe hlk Bondwiidi ph lurei it mentioned In H I'tto ttila week, KaytVirdte. Ttkinir it all In all thii ii one hktehoet and Urrlnin. Each will ctrry ron ire aura to heir rrom noma one who amurran roen xwq mean. nan work for been to tee the wonderful that uvlnr- lomeuunr Rront Exactitlre Charlee D Fiarla tita n A judrment bir IU.ti5.40 ll taked In k Muíame doe In Herbert llrenoti ult riled in the I'nrtv rirtt roun nailmovi t aMará tba rollowinr meetlnn for tha dmrtri maiter prodm llon of "War llrldei " Tba --TUR IRI. moil FaiSCIV TOUAY. THE WORLD'S GREATEST TRAGEDIENNE fawk Mondar, 7 n. m tha Hunvt jrtiterday iralnit Win I. Wltaon. formar win county U i:oecor. Tha county tnd Judva .Iidaííya'r0?,! ruüíre" " - - remember It the mni u inr doj ftcoui pi.nl. u? d v twrail- ran In tha Chamber Adritn enunty Judge, appear nlnn 2TI?;.íi Í .7 Tillm7ñT rveryone of the. movie try to irel In ir i.nrawic it teen in nrk. nava an u (. tfw. . for tcout work; Tueiday. I p HIT In the lull in addition to Wtlvm. to approach- - nn i,M V Miinlilaon. H. P. Jaekaon. It. M tlniort unattainable aiiudtrd rn VlM Mat Will mart tt Vtlta action! Hud that aaiabl.tlici hy tba MuaaTin trate- - fí, liXTrnuSíd-- So? Tacada. 7 n. m tha lunlor hJrh rhonl lay, H. D. Camp. Cyrui H. Jone, Lea M. rreal . "r taoc.p omdorTT md Hanry coniton.1 rj rP wilt maat tt tha na hith arhuol Sararmin tra mined WtíirU'lh'of reoiinr t.wl bwlldlnr: Wednrtdtjr. I o p. m, l.tratr M drrandtnti, thene beint tha inirletlei rm - appeal Pi Ine emotloni IhH marvaloui mat- , t troop will maat Ltmar te boo! Wedntg- - Wttaon'i bond when ha wai tat roilerior BJOIIW&:?A'&i!W&feature, "A Puablo NAZIMOVA it ilom- Kvrry one and ape rttr, 7 p. m. the troutmtttar chool will Tha tun It hrnurht rm tha bond. tarpiaca ilandi i.emd n wat produced by O. W onr dally every woman, thniild tee tMi pity ntfi. and Runt" will fie ka habí at thx tiunner or Corameree head In the petition It li tlleted the money rtrht on the DNf manera: I p. tn., tha AlU m ne ny they will Mv with the limiten pnrtrtyr.l J(l, uuivirrow Uto. In a CttUMtF tranter HER MOST SUCCESSFUL PLAY Thuradir. norm rerorerad tin- ult wtl and every heart throb and thrill -- Twia VI a u trooji will maat tt toa Alta Vlata alvl tu tha colación ofriea batwetn o eiperlence Flat." TbJi one It a "riot aetanol. 7 p reflalnred HO Thuiflav. m. tanlor pttrnl I14 and inly II, 1M. - leader will maat tha he adrni artera The inry deal with tha war bride Ini ttii.vt M (X.I Tí ti tt Wktaon't July. Mked the w otirnr of Commerce: 7 n. bondiman. latl dent ldrh UKik place In certain K.nropetn The wiawim today la ibowina ta chamber frlday, ni., Ui - 'oomnds tu- rnuntr rnmnilitlonari to oarmlt them romane Uv- f Iba preaent oon- a a Hoeciti patnu irtdam' irh'XM ni held In tita wnnoraw il uutael traveiorue tnd dramabr picture. troop room In tha or the rrom rat bond. The requail wat flirt, imt the iiiiv detla leu with wir than attention ailed to tha comedy at it i huemrnl Chimbar mi urn r or commerce. "u" I'limwint in iiinn with the affecti of war upon the hornet and ,rM'lod'",rU', r0rtUit,on tre Al the maalimr next Friday nlrht Dr. R. nmri and tha kudllori report. the loved onni left nehlml. alw-t- ninioy win ilr ivrr lecture on tha trait IM'I who wta noinintled for the i of flea In Uie July prlmArte TfTIC IKIWroÜM TONIOHT. BRIDES" or nitt. tirulaci. acalrti and burnt. rollerufi mil AT htoaiaeb Trouble "WAR inju nr- ti un lei eni (rtnerti eia lion, wti "Wlnr ilota my iwetineart fall lo wrtta Porrom who hive loraach trouble are apt ier r ptai-- Ih rharir of tba nlTlcn by tli com to nieT" .ii., ...nae--u iney win lee by PORTRAYAL WHICH IS THE MOST MARVELOUS mnd lire aavinr miiiionan inoriiy triar tna auditor r "When will my national vuard rermient the rnllnwliif that their chancea of recovery GIVES A port wti milMiiltlad and Wttaon narlerU'd yo homaf" ire eicellenf K. K. William!. Imtenenrt.m, é to nía new doiio mv fmy he nr In Va., tellt or a remarkable cure thai AND WONDERFUL ACHIEVEMENT of the PICTURE WORLD. i "Will cured tubereuluila rscteri Meeting in Amarillo Wltaon wti litar trrented under in tali climate or iliould I take him to another in that vicinity. One or hie cmtom dlctment i'hifiitnr einbmilemant or county placa en wan to badly arrilried with tlomtch i v - trouble he waa to Discuss Farm Loans lunna. ne uamaaiauiiy in minen Dono. Thi- -a are tome of the hundred! nr per- that tent to a hoipttil, but ' i nam no catre; no me pi iiie IN THE LAND SEE THIS CLASSIC We ret you tliere and awerert fnr the crown which attended hi! .YY Mllmi "aTBftad that he try Chltn EVERY WOMAN SHOULD A IrlHrrtm wit received br tha Chimber Auto Service I'honet iieranlitl mitinee t the rtwTuril theater " and bally of Cmunierc FrliUy mornlny rrom tha per hour. he la i well niin and welrtia ITU noumu in,' ao. rrinty irtenionn. lalnable every where. (Adv.) Iiehinil t iein which hid heen let up III ti- lohby nr tha inciter Kay received THAT, THE BEARING OF CHILDREN IS A WORK OF LIFE lortir line nf men mil women who wtin-- Railway imllently ror mora than an hour after tna A.T.&S.F. Asks AND NOT A DUTY YOU OWÉ THE WAR GODS matinee rimed to have an opportunity to AND LOVE Injunction ur rTHE FASHION BOOK FOR WINTER receive anawera to the iiuemiona rlntett to Against OF THE COUNTRY, IS THE THEME OF THIS MASTERPIECE. their heart!. --parlal to the Murmur Timet Many of thine who Hid MunUIMd Mieir Manta fa, If, M Nor. 17. The A.. T. k of the Celebrated fiueitioui durmi- the matinee and had tnatn S. I railway riled a petition in Ute federal iniwered by lay perioually at tha cloie uf court here todiy nraylnr an Inluiutlon the trtemoon perronnance were wnnien. trillial tile oiu-.- ñute dlltrlrt attorney hut there were many men and aevaral or frnni pniaecuUuir tha railway fur ruinre t,, uicae were uie uiiirorui in i.ucie nu . roinpiy wim ine elytit hour Adtm- PICTORIAL REVIEW olrtlen. Thane ruardtmeu'i quentlnni ton liw. nendtnr a tail of the eonatllutlnn- - wra ai panunal u Uuiie or the women, hut iliiy or thla act, ami the brutlirr THE ALHAMBRA they were alt eaar tu know when they hoodt from iitentntinv lo collect the in- - mr hume rrom ine norner, inn retaeo wiire until audi adjudication trier fcrh--o-- loi-zf-- ioc--5Tf- PATTERNS when riven their antweri by Mr. Kay, Tne pi tit on filed with 1 complaint. -( Sllt r5r went away from the Iheiter amllmr at If 5(o the aniweri were titliftrlory tnd Indlcited Hint they would be home In tune lo eat ofTen a wide variety of the newest Chrlitmat dinner ray ippean for bit laat performance tonlrhl al the Crawford. Ha and moat approved ttylaa in win alio appear at tha matinee tint after- There's really something new in the screen world, after all noon. BÉrtal wjaK- -. 11 nXajBP"wkv nflg ' u ,n, J!, ntAKUS RL'aHMAN TODAY. Evening and Dance Gowns "In the lilnlomatlc Herviré." with Kraneli jj Jpjaa X. Huihmen and Haverly Rayne, the crowned klnr ami queen or mollou picturct. THE CYCLONIC FILM CRELATION In I- t- ilellar rnlea, will be the lilt ridlurn We' urgently recommend to you attraction at the Unique theater today and tomorrow. before deciding on your Winter Thli Ii a Metro wonderplay.' m riva D parla, and II waa produced under the reate, to procure a copy of ami hi oi mi Hon or Mr Buihman. At a THE LITTLE Pi Mr. Hiiihtnan are GIRL reeull, admiren of thn rare opportunity or teelnr thll The Winter tar In a production that rcpreienti hit own Idnit and lilaila. LAVISH Mr. Ilmhiiuui alto made the arreen adtplt-1- IN FASHION BOOK hi from a abort atory, an It cm really be tiled t Butliman fuatura In every partlcu-kar- , SIX NEXT DOORsEcnoiis The iipnortinirT at it one of the bett only ever aaaembted. to aipaar with tbete two It cottt ten cent when pur- well known atari, ami ll InclUdea Helen chased with one cent liuubir, Hoiiry Ilergniin, one of. the beat 15 pattern. Irimitlc iclori of the ttaaa or arreen; not on im4oituan out on startling William liavldauu, a national favorUe; terr Klpiu, Harry D. Illaketnore, the Mi DECEMBER PATTERNS old inUutrei; Ball Bruea, Mra, La 01 Mocha, Ik Miller mil Chirle Panr. Kmv Vou on malm. Ii a Ctilneee cumniiim, and wu recently atyled by New York critica "the lihlnean Dharley Chaplin." Panr, Blakemnra and .111 Millar furnlah the comedy in tha ttory, which ronni eirullml reller for Uie tlrunr Urmia lie iltualluni. iomurrow "Lrm.E uirtL nkxt poor." Kreih frnn lunr runa In Chlcayo, Button, 8m Krmcltcu and l.oi Anrelei -- the run In Chlcirn eitendlnr over III contecutlye weeki In the l.i filie theater-whic- have altuipeii It 11 on or the mutt reiutrkibli' rraturn rilmi or the yur, "The title illrl Next Door" cornea to the Wbrwim thmitei tnnkirrow. uwuut to the luteriMt In the picture, pitroni am tirved to cuuie 10 tna matinee. So parked Willi leallam, an tlirtl Inr In lla aubject matter, to niinirrstiy attmped with verity li "The I Ittle un Next Poor' Unit the vardlr.i or the lure ultlet It certain lo be confirmed here. It ion- Mini tha damreri ki wlilrh rlrla In our cltlei ire einoted, laya lure amtilnf erui- niuona or wniru tne raneni puhiic 14 u inon wholly Irnorant. While tbeae ttartl-In- r revelatloni iit pin in cnnnccled itnry form lliry ire devoid ol Hume ImitlnHive md lurui romiKinenti that rbirirtrine in usual drainillc output on thlt theme rrom WITHSTAND wtiteri. Vhat gives '"The l.lttfe á1lB un Next Door" reatar power nan mv rival ll lla nhaulnte to rrt It i U ciuiiiii'd rrom lertniilnr lo end of rhap-ler- t from hidden Ufa In Chicago and other I TEMPTATION? 1 great cltlei. "THE I. IRI. TOON THK I', a. A." AT THE Would you be wflltiur to aubmll to a eructa I teal? The advance tale for "llie Ulrl Krom the U. H. A," which open I 1 two day enrme Don't ment at the Texaa tlrand theater tint Answer Yet 111. 1 liM matinee. Indlcitea thll Uie I eiirtremenl will be a anccaaorul one. Mutl-- ML Wait!WAIT 111.1. YOU USE m tí comedv of the bntlec claai la alwiv welcome visitor lo Kl Pato, and the In "The Garden of Knowledge" A Picture tor Thinkers SPECIAL ATTRACTION WIGWAM-TOMORRO- W AT TODAY COME TO THE MATINEE THE UNIQUE TOMORROW QUALITY PICTURE CORPORATION Préñente the Sovereign ol the Screen I gg Texas Grand 11 111 9 PAY Francis X. Bushman WIGWAN Appaanno MOTK Owtns to road ehow & Lovely Beverly Bayne Today end Toniant and uniorrow Ute Auilra In tba Stirring Metro Wonderplay Aldea Playera do not Today Only TODAY TODAY I appear until "IN THE DSPLONATIC SERVICE" CrawfordTheater MONDAY NIGHT 'THE GIRL ft MUI'KRB A.OT8 PKKSKNTINO A VIVID STTORY O" UOVK T:M-ete- a AND I.NTTlKN.ATIOJaAl, NOVEMBER 20TH rOUmit. Laugh Day 10c 20c 10c 25c 35c FROM HHOWS MTART 1:4 a. m., ta n, 1 10 p. an., 1:M, :4A, a, a:n, I FRISCO' f:M, :45 I0:M p. ra. J Acta in All 49 EARLY IN A TIlRnXER VOGUE COMEDY jO 'N MARRIED' Tomorrow THE K E Y 8 TO M E ADULTS 10c KIDS m "PICTURE IS to 80 canta MARY LAST DAY! THRILLER f Grand But a $2 Show A THRILL AUTO THRILLS I PICKFORD HORSE THRILLS PIRATES' A SECOND! --a one produoad by D. W. uB0MBS" OTHER THRILLS GHffMlt In two parta. Faattain. tna Acrob-t-ic UFMOMTHt U.S. A "A Pueblo Legend" SEE AL ST. ,ow JOHN and his educated II New York'. Lata- -t llndeal Pe eat iuKai'i rruan BICYCJUE A SCREAM ON WHEELS! THE WANT ADS "ry aatto, Admiaaioa 10 Canta AND CHARLlY MURRAY AND LOUISE FAZtNDA BEN TURPIN IWTr.::::::::::::l:iii Tkaraaajr Cra-f- aré B antea anaaaaa- -a EL PASO MORNING TIMEgjATURPAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1916

Hosner. Mías I ena Phnilna. Mtu Plora started by an incendiary, accoramf to Fire El Paso Pallor Preside Mm. Tom wsumy w. 0 Bryan. 0. Tiler John Wray. who armed at Mia mum n. -- na, w. r.. stone, m. Atnra Hewm. ma it II M o'clock lam nipht. a few minute PENN. INFANTRYMAN Waples after the blase bad been eittnrnisned by at Pad Funeral mkm ran. too. an orflra dark. The fire wan puom with tu, pall of water. p, while much la said about Ured ornen two J lie n Knlrkernorker. reatar ot Trtnl-- f WOUNDED MelhortMt rlrurrh. bu beefl callen to Arrested on FATALLY POPULAR naya are weak, Inactiva r slarttsii, when Mexican THE ll orle wtorui to conduct mm funeral or Paul Iweple. one feel tired out and miserable, lark átate nn rttr roaanftles rhmr mero and ambition. Folv Kidney Pills Drunkenness Charge sWfweMa linen who was killed Thursday wttm an In are tonic and trentthnlut Wm. H. Clark. Iterarban oaf strtrk IBs automobile Mprlaifleld, Ohio, wrltea: "I rounfj no re- Injures in FOLLOWING DISPUTE I Self v Mr. Waste's rasher roonaea IW Weples lief rrom kidney trouble until dlacorared fail Memorial ehBTch, of which Rev. Mr. Foley kidney Ifllt. .'tow I am in At shape." A. Ryan years re- Man psseir for a Unta. v. They an milrklv and surely B. Roman flmterra, about H aid. Owl Dru Store. AdT. ceived a poMlble fracture of the skull as nwr. Mr. InJeierborker eiperu to ba Regi- - Announcing Our Thanksgiving Linen bark In Kl Paao In Ume to conduct the ha ptaarrared and fell backwards to the WUKam Cerr, of Eighties! evenlnr MTflMt at 7 SO Sunday HI sub Moor while briny booked at the city jail Reseat at will Incendiary Starts Fire Diss ss of led tMt servir be "l.oalara." TV olTlea few minute after ba wan si lasted CI a L II-- - WW9MmmJ rhurrh announcement states that all of than Quickly last nlrtit at in o'clock Seventh and Rl a3DOuZ an Event Monday una loaran) ara invited That Is Put Out Paso streets on a chary of drunkenness Tha foliowlnf arara Into Dr. O. B. tslnsn, poiire stirfson. had him ' received tba Private R. J. Sanderson, of Filth hiirrh laat Sunday H. H. It. A una) I on second ot the Wlndla. Frad fir tea floor ' this event does not start before Monday, Mllmrourt. Alalia 0. I.urburrnw. Zena A. Stevens' Mill. lina, at Wk Masa avenue. was leyelned ensrlniine esrlvthls mnrnlns" Field Artillery, Arrested WHILE After Affray. 20th, we announce it now so that housekeepers will have ample time to look through ska William carr. af cotnesnr H. EIrhtamith Pennsylvania tnTantry, died a the linen closet to study its deficiencies and make up raw minutes attar ha had been shot In tha GET IT AT need roiinainr a disputa Iwj tasan raro lists of linens needed to complete sets. This event McMICKLE'S lar and several national ruardamen. nsnsti strati t. batween Santa Fa sac Chihua will present great opportunities to make all neces- aa straat. at S no n'rlork last nlslH Prtasta H. I. Sanderson of Battary A sary linen purchases at savings of the utmost im LESS THAN I AT firth 8. riaM artillen-- was arras ted by appear s DAPrDICQ rciuiien jimsi waussr ana portance, r ull price details will in today P tltony aaw VJeKUC.ilKl PRICES asy. koroaac. who tha tbootlnr Herald and Sunday's Times. ImmadJatalv alter the s We are the leading grocery house of the Southwest end with our enormous stock of w. L. rtrkinsnn. assistant provost marshal. arUnr t snUIn T. C. Armstronr. with Don't delay-- Get la larra squad uf police and provost ftuajds Eatables we can save you 40 to 50 per cent every day in the week. man, rlearexl the district of soldiers within list visit El busiest Grocery House. See us before you I a taw minutes to pravant fiotuur. Broken Lines of Underwear at your together and Paso's ( Privata carr was shot undar tba Ian ays with a W oaliber ravotvar. Tba bulle buy. irariurea ras ssiiii and aotared Ms arara. acoonunr to Judra J. M. Daavar, coronar and nr. a. B. Calnan, police sura aoa. About Half Regular Prices Juara Paaver held an Inaueat In tha amarrenrv bocpltsl, where tha body was of closing Specials taken rollowlnr the shnnUnr. Ha aava a JESIRIOUS Grocery the aoldler as Saturday verdict had met death tba result or a bullet wound. Private Aander Lines son was transferred lo the county lall on out the Broken Is charra or murder. Six Private Carr was to years and about old of Underwear before we r v vr .tVTwBBBBBsa LaV With every $8.00 .Order oven m fa He never rásame o consciousness eivr ne nan oann snot. of Groceries, not incitadme private Sanderson declares tha shootlnr move this section to its per- SUGAR 15 lbs. $1.00 occurred In selr drrenae and believed he Sugar, will give - - waa romsr lo De sltacked. nirrerant stories I ara told by some or Hie witneaask. manent location, we offer TOOK TUR HI BT OUT 01' BACK. - Physicians rrnort moic caaaa or kldnev two items below, which rep- CORN, Best Main Quality, Regular 20c seller, Can 10c; Dpzen ,. . $1.20 shk'iik women man man. ara Anna nvr,i. ruscumbis, Ala., writes resents all the odds and & waa down with my bark so I could not BROOMS, they going fast. You had better get yours. Good qual., IS 20c stand up more loan luir or Hie time ro ire ley kidney nils look all of ilia hurt out ends. A few garments of They are the best kidney pills I ever took." itneumatic sains, swollen anifs, naraat ne. each size kind, in stirr Joints, son' muscles and siren dis and which ftlU lbs. turbing bladdi r allmenu Indicate dlsor Wisconsin beet 500 demd kidneys holey kidney Pills act no way affects their worth CHEESE The Largest cheeee ever El Pound 30c latsautiy. a. t. Hyan owl unit Store. Adv to you, but makes them un Jitne Driocr Held-U- p desirable for us. Green Velva, balf gallon 30c ; gaHon 60c and Robbed on Montana; MOLASSES Aunt Dinah, for , No. 2 can 2 for 18c; gallon 40c CHILDREN'S UNION SUITS Part wool. WOrVIENUON SUITS Part wool. Bandits Borrow Auto finished; "Merode" malee. Hand flat Mostly "Merode" make, in a variety of Maceyra, or locked aeama; high neck, long aleevea, green, 18c; gallon gallon 60c Mariano owner and driver ankle Valva, red and guaranteed, at. half 30; a Montana street Jitney but. No. (6, was length. Aleo high neck, short sleeves and weights. All are perfectly made, snug fit- Country Sorghum, guaranteed, qt. 15c; half Rallón 30c; gallon 60c held up at. the point or a run, robbed of a.7t, the in flit's proceeds, and ankle length. A medium light weight that's ting and finished. Not Karo, red and blue, small 2 for 15c; medium 20c; gaUon WC ordered to out of bis rar by two hand all aires in any paaaanrers onri Montana street, near toa ideal for any climate. Broken sizes and SYRUP Log Cabin, amall tins. Be; pint 15c; quart 30o; heat 60c FJ Peso one kind, but you are sure to find your size Bouthwnstarn croaiinr. at some slightly soiled from display. Regular Ask about Baking Powder and Extracta at half price. 11:30 this mornlnr. lew second alter two army truck drivers had len the $ .00 and $1.25 valuee, at a in the lot. Values up to $2.00, machine to walk to their camp. Tha bandits told him to noma to Missouri at g suit. Mf-f- U $I.IQ a a Small Pail ...... BOe and Kansas streets In half an hour and he would find hps car. - Maceyra stopped a pasting, machine a?j- and came directly to the policy, station, anortening be frusto ""5 where rave a description of the Leather Hand Bags at Reduced Prices Peanut Butter, fresh stock, lb. . . ISo , regalar SSo bottle, only . SSe holdups. He returned to Missouri street In a friend's car. When pssalnr r.amp-bel- l A CLEAN of I Own, 8 cana 16c; dos. only ...... SBc Pickles In cana, resalar 10c sise, only So and Missouri streets they discov UP Leather Goods that offers LOT NO. Real Leather Bags, silk lined: Peas, Van ('amp's, can ISo; S14S Ootanaaaa, modium atae SSe; large can . .Sl.SS ered his machine. Tha bandits had pur either German Silver or self covered frames, loa...... nsru uirrn khiiho. ui rasouue. unmatchable valuee in Women's High Ketafaap. mil, 9 far 15tv, tarca cans . loo (Viseo, aman can SSot aaodbua oaa SSo Maceyra told serreant lark Miller at fitted with coin purse and mirror. Values n t Begs. All finest quality Seal ' A aisa &Oc sise . SOo FVutta In taet a thmk Grade of and range up to $7.50. Special. One Haoce, Sao Bc; quart eana lac teach; doa. St iwavuu'ii would rat very rar on & I batear, SOe alae IBc; SSe atan, only . SSe OhUt ton carne, S cana ISo; . . . 7Sd the half rallón or rasofine left In the Morocco Leathers, made by expert work- each, at do: He tney SOo; marnine. nectarea mat are 3'45 KalmofK red flat can, retriilar SOo else . loo Otlre Oil, putt quart SOc; half callón, only SI. SO reneroiis compared to most bandits. men, in novel ah apea. Our only reason for LOT NO. 2 Representa the fineet type of Salmon, can, Soukeye. SOo alaa. . . ISo Maaon Jara, pint So; SSo; . . TSo ' red flat aaart half callón. wiATMia susiau airosT. offering these bag at these prices is the fact bags. Novel shapes: beet leathers; expert Salmon, red tall can, t ag star SSo alae . 14o Thread, million spooks, only spool le that they are either slightly shop worn or else workmanship. Valuee to Salmon, red flat, targe nan, reajntar Sao alae. . SSO Jama, recalar SSo aeDer SSoi dea SSJS OaMlltSaw Oat pmlM u odds and ends $12.50. Special, at Salmon, pink, tall ran. S cane - . ISo Rice, beat head, 4 lbs. SSe; 17 lbs S1.00 v.00 Sardines la OH re Oil, S eaaa ...... , . . . ISO H taroh, Kddlca. Bo ala So; tOo alae Bo Sardines lit Mustard, S cans ...... v . ISo Toilet Hoapa, 10c alan Bet c atae afto (lams. S cana 16o; gaS ijmox Snap, 7 bars SSo; oaae. . . . m ...... After Supper Gloves, Ribbons, Veils lama, SSe can ISo; aoa. ... . v...... fl.SO Tea, green and black (balk), lb SSo STATION AMP STATE OP WJUTBKS. . . . (1 Bo SB 6 Matonea, 0 pega. SSo; do , SSe traps, all alae to oaa TSo !IM Sale to 8:30 Neckwear . Tobacco, Roraeahoe, & Colgate Tooth Fame, resalar SSo alae...... ISo Star and lb SSo RICE FACE POWDER 'Kerchiefs OaSgete Powder, SSo . . . ISo IInana, two lOe ISo;, dos JAVA MEYER'S CAPE In Hhavlns retrolar ata. Pork and cans SSe Supper Sale; (limit GLOVES Shown black, tan and SOo . . After ' TTnderwood's Deailed Ham, retratar alae. lSe (tacar Sauce, recular SSo aellcr. only 16c Akiiaaa Ah !. W it gray. "Popular Special." two boxes to a cub-- I'nderwood'a Deviled Haas, S5o alae. . SSe Malted Milk. BOo alae SSo; 1.00 alae SSo Anisrlllo I S S S4 ..I at J) Of) f lar..v.v.::v.-.-.v.v.-- . Pr. if 9 a & :: tOmer), at each, Zyl I. MEYER'S MOCHA GLOVES In brown and grey. FIVERS' TOILET WATER good quality, Sup- Extra r Hsiiasasii aa m t si In assorted odors. After at a pair. OLIVES to-tJ-E- Quart "Sole, PIm2 Pint 15c, 25c 1 1 ;;; per (limit one bottle to ;; s , NOVELTY RIBBON For hmr bows, saahea and fancy shipped El Paao. Con- Ktflfifi a customer) at Á S to íí sí 5 7 rule SK SS work. to inches wide. Pompadour and Brocade GREEN gallons. each. Vyl tains 180 Gallon 90c goad effects, light or dark color combination. NAIL BRUSHES Extra Extra special, yard, eizea and a at 2 "C 3 is 1 ui quality, in assorted &LIM .., shapes. After Supper Sale, WOMEN'S NECKWEAR Slightly soiled and mueeed. 3K-:::- -:Í :: I I (limit two brushes to s cus-- Flat aad Roll Collate. Vaateee, and Collar and Cuff Sets. Apples 81b. 25c,Bx. $1.45 " Fashioned of Lace, Net, Organdie and Crepe. We have Frit ww ss c tliSíi i Err. s 2 H S"-25- divided this neckwear into two O asm r aas it S special linee, ft ; (First Floot) at IOC QL IQC COFFEE, McMickle's Morning Joy, to introduce 1 WOMEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS Hemstitched, (2 pounds initial 'kerchiefs. Extra apecial, three-poun- Drugs and Parts of Goods at each. C Sugar FREE with every d purchase QOp Toilet r!yBicycles Are Found Day WOMEN'S PURE JJNEN HANDKERCHIEFS Hern- - on Hale All atitched a variety of new, hand embroidered Coffee), pound .OCA, by Police in a Raid Woodbury's racial Beap. eaae ISo designs. Special value, at each. C Veníanme Cream i 2 Followtnr the arrest of Pond'a four á 4711 Ulyoerlne Boap. a calta... VEILS Broken linee of Chiffon and Novelty Drape charra of arcane y in a raid on plei Mo saa no on yes Williams' Hhavlns Cream ..... Veils. Black, white colors. Dfora itoutn virrlnia street t or Extra tarday by deteUves. MOD worth or mor Will la ma' Talcum Powder, apecial value, at each phlne and several wheels and Darts or M asaorted odera ....lao 4 rycles wars con1 seated The morplilne and our satire Una of """V 5 Saturday Bargains bicycles wars brourM to the police station Chotee of (First Floor) Meat . . Itol prspereUone. St. .. Monm! ne. marihuana and other (lrurs Syaol Uqtttd Soap (aroall).. . .'JISo were discovered rollowlns; a raid mails Bvanlnc Jaaainlna Face Powder BTo SHOULDER OF BEEF (For Roasting) C. Quality,. . Lb. 10c a house on ninth street near Santa Fe 1 treat x . mornlnr at t it o'clock. W. t. Newest of the New in was arrested by actio y cáptala t omcers, lb mis .uio oilier is beliif Beef Slew, lb 10c Shoulder Steak, 15c Rump Roast, lb 17c inucitu HIHUOWI. Specials in Men's Men s Footwear . . . Veal Stew, lb Its Round Steak, lb. 20c Rolled Roast, lb 20c - BREVITIES Furnishings iBBRBaáaas Gunmetal Bal Gray Motion Slew, lb 12V,e Lots Steak, lb Freeh Brains, 2 seta . . 28c 22c BVA N D MEN'S Kb. -- WOrADSr O O A T Top. Twin Sis Hamburg Steak, lb. . 12V.C Short Cat Steak, . 20c Sliced Liver, lb 15c M.aa ot haavy cottat Or. Kbert. licnUsl. m-fl- i MHIt SHIRT Model. The Twin Six is a Mutton Chops, lb 20c Home Made lb. 10c Wetnerwurst, lb 15c BuUdlOf naroale r medras; cea style, . uffs. with one pair mighty attractive ahoe. It's ea Leg, lb Pork Sausage, lb . Bologna, lb. 12 laundered Mutton 20c Pure 30c ,c cuffa rwly to be aawad on to English last, extremely neat In caaa tha attax had pair and trim, but leaving plenty or rUr raw aai .hirta Sat- - wears out. Ooiaala room for five toes. Try it sat OYSTERS, urday only, at each. V"fwc t 4 4.1 .ss 5w Fresh and Fine, Pt. 25c; Ot. only . . . 45c J 11 lino you nave a pair anoee wntcn win mVSR. a. rsussa. nt kuur, Baasas MEN'S VIOCHAV OlVaSS SOWB ..you oi not eseellent only fit your eye, but your feet as well. Psar- s- aaaaaar. us Dwsa, In tan or (rey. Aa mm s Lb. 3Wara a n RIB ROAST, Standing C. quality, only . 15c TSIO bml Priced at pair. i? UU . . ariiaskt, tWt Baa. Oeaas n 32T $1.25 I 1 Rana, Is n mi u ant saa. nas, iai BLAtat OR aWUT COLORD IN OUR SHOE STYLES ever praeeat, the eonarrtto-tio- DRESSED BENS, Lb. . 23c YOUNG CHICKENS, Lb. . 28c MOCHA OlyOVBSJ A heavy avada, that spells enduring ahaplinesa sad continued com- with a P. X. at. seem. Basáis or fort Excellent valuee in shoes for A - A YOU HAD BETTER COME AND AVOID THE RUSH. Try Osa aaw os wf. roa sat ne cadet fincara A & I 7 C men and young men. at a pair, (O y) Q EARLY aan. T. P. Kelab. pair, at 4 J AUTO OJOVXS la Used or fJ (Second Floor) Bbbbbbs sod UaSS OaMvary. Call VISIT OUR STORE! NOTICE HOW BUSY WE ARE! CLERKS AT YOUR SERVICE list atytea. Plicas etart St IIS a 40 pair, and ranee down- - . ward by eaay atatrea. to f VISIT OUR CAKE AND CANDY DEPARTMENT. IT WILL PAY YOU. af.Ct Men's Winter Suits 16.50 new f itsisa's eat aad smartest modi is bnttrntn brasas Dr. Anna Rauaa. ev TB98 tripas, Uuolln treeus. riuntasaT WSmSHm Bucktar ata., gsaatTp sliver splped blurt, clsm'le rrava, apggTccsaTJal - Display stads, blue, srray brov.11 aim M innata, See Ota- Window EAST OF COURT HOUSE Oun SM "J. AUSn aiern aWanaBsaVaaal repainna. Oraron St. Uillteu. iieni il and pin stripes, nvrrpisiili. cnealu, (waaBSBBH Piivas. McMickle's BOO-2-4- E. San Antonio St. Arma k Cycle 00 AS. and browns, lain cassiuieres. ilk mistuies and waseSi. (a, waned Kluor.) Auto EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER IS, 1916 The College and Their Graduates Tha sessions of the college and university prof Songs of Sunskiie now being held at the university of Pennsylvania for Daily Skit Story purpose tL By a Imu coaraBV. the of looking Into the uueatlon of how better Ao.A nuw rown a, Mmmm. j r kuxum results may be obtained, has brought forward onoe more irrtftifflirrtr St TBS gsrrtTot74 I"bjii. 1 m mam (KOLOKB McKIMSKY.) I IMM.iV the fact that a college or a university cannot make a i n nt BOX t ay I BTCWABT. great man embryo youth Into p d an uvrrtskt.W11. OsM a temperate climate. The natives or torrM jAStr s cannot mould real Record Breaking Love. .limites, eaperufty Africa, are seen never iMrur.wrfEitr. not, m. muen tis! timber or make the final sheepskin the commission araría Arm v ' tm rot lad lo have freckles snd they probably wouldn't 0BOOH to assume charge A Somewhere gammer still. a of big business Interest. Recently, AI.ATTKNOn.EFI. I if they did the u singlar eo, met a imple country Isd, be bothering ua ror rectpea ' TxA when complaints business firms In this country ex- - n.l. r Ihe shelf of ths shining hill. ADVXBTIS1 ,u Bg that 'ark Trtry fishing, resting a a "Now toll son." I mm. Where did voir catch your freckles- we . IIIUIUM pect - . .,, ,.-.-u for hi at, Down in the water that garete by. the schools and universities to turn out finished Ha ,ki. tUMi hla "Does thu road gc to Notunghem?" don't know a cure for freckle and we'd favorita sport. Paring wa p In fi blue or the bending aky. a - business men were under consideration, the president of oft nirtinv with He raised hi early head. probably print It tinder Snake Bite if 'Ml c - .., bl A..nr rulot ROM m,nw,T ladiM it was MBS HI Over the tneadow and through tha - in ndtSssx, the University in afternoon did. WWW Httedt r Bssrlai asseer. I of North tiskota declared: "The busi- of an early .ring day tbat had been aftjws. Somewhere ih aummer It am ring sweet UMamirTHi BATIK rA TABU IN AIiVAMi ness houses "Oh, sir," thai Imple lad replied. today expect the schools and universities to eg by s rioudis.A .y. At tba evening rams m.i.im orrim. His inaes were sltnpto too; i i srrlArl turn out finished business men for them, snd this Is emi- on the Veen an-- was Milled, tus muy that derkad In fray B MM " and th com say goes Tom- - ni n.ii, nently of "Some It to NotUngbam How did you tear year clothes to, Autumn his taken the green highway; unjust. During the four years or so that th fr- rortabi' best noonday was tempered to a But I Mr see Bn4a. Hi Antl es pleasant, a... .thing don't think It true mist" This la' alt nonsense thtt rail I Pali, am! mtot. arm mmUm itura business man Is under our care. It takes all our watWHMae. Many bass "Trying keep s boy from getting flr fAU !.! had lo hi teaxjitlaff vi little Somewhere tbe aummer It singing Sun.r. M. Mnl ...... time to Instill Into him the fundamentals of a business or risen green frog M I war. I Br mm hsd been tnirk by a "for hive stood," the simple lad licked." Somewhere th freshness of lllillBBtl s BiindA Tlsm. on, os) BUM professional " skilful Jerk of hi drew sjmpler all or you! And who rsr education wrui TboAe that showed the while. Wasn't that kind wat not tomón All of eminently true. flrbt war "Along its Hds full half a " ltttl boy?" B? MA11 which Is pHyd and all finally landed. Som day It warbling up from btr glad soga throat. He miiad a simple smile Ms." DM see Bawlw. M m However, the) speaker might have added what every of yon may doubt tbat basa Ml aim) atrita?. win in Mb .,,wIat. UANA one well knows, unless the Is by na- the erenlnt. isliy in Somewhere tbe summer It chanting today path An that stulent fitted when th water "Fun hair a day THE I.AAEM ! IAll. se4 ture for tbe business he la being prepared to follow, he still. You sre i.mlttsken. just trv it bv and watched It weir The rythm and rune r her April lay. oam The lad went on, i " say your (at Mill will not come peddlin your boat along the shore, raat "and though Yos'd hardly paw likes work, Somewhere that absdbwi of mist snd aun ' ' UaT be a success ss he world has to define They say It roes to Nomnatiam He's laxy as can "t"fm?M5SBB is aia su sues.' Hunt. rare.uuy arm as netmsSMJi PASSIM and bel" Hare not yet rotldwed she's haying run. rsHrjl success. The fact thnt a voung man has been under the you rv never seen it go." "Oh. paw likes he like "rnlllng ratiry eyes ,,r gleam I II W ' " " ato. will rind that they tenerally rise tpien work but then with tutelary care of earnest educators for four or more years, dldly to the ball. It done by maw and me:" somewhere she walks In a world or dream. during which tima the fundamentals of the RE Hi.HTIM. IN Pm AM. pit THIS. various When the velvety aler-It- t darkness suiaw raran or si ftfxegg. Necessity may or Somewhere or branches of learning have been Instilled Into bis sys- eded the rsiidy twilight Treey awav oit be the mother Imvenlton the summer in robs light nut Three hundred business men of this and a look Is dancing along In flight: tem, will not bring the ieslrsd results unless ths stu- lacxis. m a other clues raya but at the patent oTflce report show her faery "ninr agtr and started to banquet tonight to la lunacy. ana seating o'er dlngla and BnriAU Ard dent has tha stuff In him to compel awecesa The mas- peddle iio iy horneward. The night was of Oeorre It, OrsJhsm, the that It often fathered by somewhare DACA. former sporttnr dell AtfAATUAtnA And CI ml tering of l he pres. t.ed courses Is of gl bene- the superb kind that haa a tendency to maka editor or the "forth American snd FAK Ml I MAIUS ABU I the Battel former Tba grotesque element In lire it to be To cstrh In her vision Ihe ros tamer ipU ABM AnVl AhflAr a person etrosperuvs. dresmtnr and amor sporting or tld Ml lAW Mivt Mlllllf fit, but It will not prove to be an open sesame to tha enitor probably the reason why bartenders are ao or and moonlight and sunshine and BMIm bbBsTsBÍÍII II IMHIIM Ml ous. The mellow, musical tinkling of cow- (Spot ring Hew. matin AjtT Kit general manager'a deak. The ability to parse every word highbrow aong fi rATlorilixi lb. AiAtiddni. ar setos mianii sf Mf bells floated In from the nearby pssbires: Iraminiat nnmlln ai.Mi In Bva Aohaaa 4 IB IBM In Caesar's Oalltc War may be an accomplishment which tbe melodious Era abe swings lo her tlumber lhat last MM as a, inWamJmt ess haying of. hounds was heard baaa ta 'maamllmmlí slower-movin- ao long. Bl Hila will be locked on with wonder by the g In- at times and tea rroaklar of frog la th tellects, snd yet, In the course all must marshes broke tha quiet continually. aa Msralas TTaMA OurOwn a so good to know, csstlar at Tn. tha college days are a blissful memory, H may Presently a rteollti Pun's mend oaaaral Manas take after woman's volea waa heard And a friend to. good to keep; bs found to be of little. If any, value. inxlns on the other side of the lab. It was Makes the path we have to go The student who Is In earnest will turn every bit of ensured and subdued by the distance wBx?oülyHinhr Just a little bit to Into a charming quality aa on ato; Oossntryl In iBaaauoniBS n acquired knowledge to good use In after life. The stu- it vibrated tha Just a little bit more bright. Ow bar wtth sort, tranquil air. Th voice a nations, insty aba svHray be right, but dent who does not. look upon the serious side of his ex- range, power poed BALDNESS Baldnati cannot ba cured. So Juat a little bit more gleaming. carrying MM sweetness that Through tha day and through the our omintry. right or wrong."- - istence, but who yearns for the college experience that caused Tnry to stop It doesn't make much difference wiist ws pight rowing and to Hiten Bill Landing lo noiy h may wear a Greek-lette- r fraternity pin and ruminate Intently to ths magical you to tlo for It Try pouring the bett litre dreaming. outpouring, for or on the capers of himself and his Jolly companion will he listened, spellbound, to grade maple syrup through the holet th In old hardly good In surge witching music; but It stopped as suddenly to boot Tbli, at least, hat nevar Yonder the lanbeama decking the strina. President't Thanksgiving Proclamation. make the of life's real battle. The seen tried. most1 desultory Inquiry will disclose the fast that oollege aa It had started. Tracy waited patiently for Yonder the splendor or dawn in the toad, PeoHuwrly appropriate Is President Wilson's surges some urns, expecting last the songstress "NCE7.IN0 In th VERY YOUNO The dlt Yonder the hills with their beauty or blue. graduates may be found In practically every Walk of Ufa politlón to ineete Immoderately should be Yonder valley the tion In his Thanksgiving day ySa- would again sing, but ah did not at soon the that swim lo dew, proclamation, issued driving automobiles for hire, mixing drinks for a sal- overeóme In small children. They only do turday, that tha people of BJ he desired. onder the hop that shall bid ua arlte. this country, In tha midst of ary, polishing ahoss for a pittance. Some are engaged is to annoy necaute tne y Know It testes Yonder tha glory or Infinita skis peace and proaparlty, remember tha atrtokan nation, of "I wonder who ths iti" Tracy asked It Indicates a wiin.l nature. Try aa for sub rose, games of shanes, others endure l steeping 8o, let ut follow the glow and the gleam; Europe and Iva of thalr to didn't think that thlt little dot upon we imams netu in not vinegar. sof abundance rallara tha victims the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune at th dish- the map harbored an Thlt So, let ua walk in the light of lb dresra. of tba curse and such exceptionally tens the nassl cartilage and makes only So, us on tsrror of war. in no batter way, saya vege- good singer. a- lei fashion our live the truil washing rack in hotels and restaurants, while many Possibly, aha la Jnat visitor the mildest, one syllable tneexea poaalble. ha president, can our paopla show thalr raal attitude to- Ilk me That lifts in undaunted from danger and tate from one letter of remittance to another, good and won't stay here long. It's wants -- How many have yon? want up It hot true ward tha world war than by too I shall to leave tr harJf5v"": dual. contributing toward tha enough fellows to meet, but lacking tbe mainsBring of hid that have for tbe to th number or tli may be removed by OK TilofWlDhirA fWkc-s- . of rlty In the I pos- ell tha suffering, which th greet struggle haa brought early morning, or could, covering them with a lanrepan and action. sibly, contrive to letting l4riy orai pfcrlrltr bvk Love'a had his harvest, too, In Ita train. Following Is the text of tha proclamation, to meet her and find nut who tbe in set over night In a cool place. Thla p Wpi On the other hand. It unnecessary to point to ths the The owner of And reaped hla rielda or tun. addressed to the paopla of the United States: it. such a voice must be doesn't work often though and It'a hard to nlul Thev do MKrlr numberless men and women who have stepped from the very rharmlng." urg And mightily out or tba banding blu has do. What do you want to get rid of them vniKXftA fonTrnnasi Hla great won. "It loar bean the custom of our people to turn portal of their alma matar magnificently equipped for Tracy ven waa Trrt inurements In wasn't ture whether she for anyway? ortb stab, But high hit bin are hieped the fruitful autumn of the year In praise and thanks- work they have chosen as their lot In llf men and out In a or not. i .KI.ES- - noAaurjj. is the boat But he decided lo take in It Is hard to rure rrerklet in With tbe stored grain or hla toll. giving to Almighty Ood for his .many blessings and mer-cla- a women have Ufa meant chances on It soon who understood what and what and started rowinr He scatters it In gladneaa ateaped to ua and tha nation. an advantage to them was the solving of theoretical acroaa the lake in the direction from which song Ovar lire' barren toil. "The year that haa elapsed stnca we last problems under the guidance of earn eat, sympathising the had coma. Not until ba had nearly observed our reached tbe opposite shore did he stop row- day of thanksgiving has been rich In bleed n to us as Inst motors. ing. more, country alt What It he saw not boat and he THE DI D LAND a people but the whole face of the world haa been dark-ane- The college and the university of this are heard no more of the songstress. He had by do part, they cannot JEOT The old smllea along war. In the midst of our peace and happlneas. right These institutions their but shout decided that ha had come en a wild UBffiYS land her way, r our thought dwell with painful dlsqulst upon at rug do th Impossible. goote chat when hla attentive ear raurht MM heart beats freah and young end. raj t the aTlaa sufferings the rattle of in oarlock torn distance twty. Her sung ml! floeu above our beads. and of the nations at war and of the The peoples upon whom brought The at. IaouIb suggests that Colonel "Ho ah It out. In a boat and. I believe, TALK5QK world ttill warbles where the tretda. war haa disaster without Tbe old land anillas and on bar lac choice or possibility of escape on part. We Roosevelt might now writ a book on "Th Losing of atone, since there It no conversation " their cannot Tracy unconsciously straightened hit tie Tb Ugbl or faith still agarktea tweet, think of our happiness thinking pitiful the West." . Tbe without of thalr and smoothed hit hair, complimenting hit TOPICS old land of lova'a detthtoti grate distress luek. he wa soma That sialics in victory or defeat to you collected rood While punning ''"Now, I, Now that th agony over and hav way to get acquainted, she (roprrisht. therefore, Wood row Wilson, president of the started singing mi. b, the MaChsn NaswsBW penses wnuld be better thin I could. Your your election beta, why not use some of th money to again. Tracy forgot everything In listening The old land smile and turna again United States of America, do appoint Thursday, the 10th writing it far above the average. To toll pay your poll tax 7 to the wonderful, appealing charm or that MOHi.N WHO HHOI I.D DA THFJB OWN and build and breed great men. day of November, as a day of national thanksgiving and To pat her daughter on the hack, voice. He thought that It wat the most WORK. Are All Women as praysr and urge and advise the people to resort to their he the Marry? And keep right on her detuned trick. While ths war In Burop ha made It impossible to entrancing voral music had ever heard: J. D. B. wrltea: "I am you call several places of worship on that day to In he There Is or women who find what Ths old land smiles, and to bar eyea render thanks get many things we need In various Unas, th market abort, had fallen deeply, in love with rltti can bachelor, fit tnd rorty and wen to .to to Almighty Ood for the bleaalngs of peace th vole and longed So meet It owner. ao few subjects to talk about even when ir Burnt atlll that danntle light or truth. and unbroken shows to no scarcity of oriental rugs. l pay the least attention to any 'women H.i heart grown young 'neath prosperity which lie has bestowed upon our beloved that there When the song was finished, Tracy blessed visiting at other household, that they young or tunny fall upon on my tecond rill iklet. country In such unstinted measure. hit star for auch a glorious opportunity bark discussing their trials snd. Indeed, often on my am report from Interior tends to increase decided, he and tribulations with rirtt, vltlt, Her soul ihe deathlaea aoul or youth. ' Each freah the and positively, that would meet their servant. The told thai I ought lo marry. They aeem "And I slsn urge and suggest our duty In thlB, day Mexico to aa greet I women don't our the conviction that th only part of that and th supreme aonffitreit that vary wonder that such can rind u. want to give me a chance to of peace and abundance, to In af expedi- girls willing and patient enough to put up judge at to The old land smiles whato'er think deep aympathy of patrolled by th troop of General Pershing's evening. that. Are all women from rirteen tn fifty brlU. peoples TO row up and accost on lake waa. wtth (hem It Is usually woman who tier rallying huiu around shar calla. the stricken of the world upon whom the curse tion. her the the hat keen on marrying It would look like it. agid of course, entrtoly out of the question, so ha climbed the torta ladder from poverty'i And bids thm up and bid thaan on terror of war haa so pitilessly falten and to contri- think l would be tempted, to propose if 1 I depths who is hard-- To take new sun in lire's new dawn. bute out of our to In began racking his brain for another method. the meal eiac.llng ami came across one woman who abundant means the relief of their If th Democrats must have another vote th bouse It cam Ilk an he upon those She nu Indifferent The old land nuiles, and in her heart Inspiration. Immediately the employ. It all ttvle on and to- cor- Buffeting. of aoma nice young Democratic congress arid rormality. She or the subject did net attempt The gladneaa or her spirit atngi; ranrseentetlves. set out for the boalhouae landing near the etscM every moment ner me to rind my "Our people In marry Congreaswomnn Rankin,, of Montana. the girl s time the out intentions." Each lay ror her a world's new could no better wgy show their real man might hotel, which wat marked by a green light from hour she rises in What a pity nice a start Republicans. on was u the morning to bachelor should ten areata to lordlier tiujimiu wtngi. attitude toward the present struggle of the nations than who waa elected by the the small lake he was Joined in until her bed hour at night. If have inch a wrong notion and poor appro, other lake by means of a channel about six the kitchen door belt tinkle ind subdued by contributing nut of thli abundanoe to the relief of elation or women In general. Every year Is welcomed In all grade of feet wide and twenty-fiv- feet long. The voices are ltsard below stairs th It sur Love makes us strong the suffering which war has brought In Its train. Although the new dime to woman are getting more Independent, and noathnut was on tha other tide of the aak the girt, whet she pasta her door To from ; witness, whereof, I soclsty American cordiality, the old coin has It ihe man It mighty lucky who galnt a good turn the wrong "In 'have hereunto est my hand and with tru a boat through the Chan to her room, who I most select channel and taking her vltltor wra. If woman'! consent to wed him. The Love the apuit caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. undisputed entree Into th dry of th and nel mlshhap delay required some girl from the neighborhood ven majority without and ha or bachelor are credited with having had That helps ua to tax at CUy of Washington, No- Is as oordlally skill. was beat done by alerting the tured In. she makes It plain doea "lone the this 17th day of gretd. toma It that the mor than their share or heart arrairs tnd Th right road rorever. Inde-pe- initial not the help to mix or mingle vember, In the year of our Lord, KM, and of the boat straight and with aurflclant with with pleasure loving, to For happiness take. v carry It along. those in adjoining hornet, intimating with the desire court but lend- of the United States, the Mist, velocity well that not lo wed. Who can blame a wo- We come lo the turning Commission Getting Ready to Quit. not go channel, they are hap- sensible Tracy did through the but ir th caller man tor not being Inclined to any And some tun ss w rear It, woonnow on the beach, of sight pened to bv bean a young man, a plum- waste I wiiüon. (PYom the Philadelphia Inquirer.) landed hla boat out lime, in dallying, no matter bow fascinating Until the bright burning My took whom destiny had In Ir the President. Robert lanslng, Secretary of State." No one will be aurprlsed to learn that the Mexican from tbe entrance, in going ashore he ber tent bar home, a bachelor may ba. or love's .lamp glows near strung silk and the It highly Indignant, it Joint High Commission Is getting ready to quit. The with him a very fish line, mistress declaring And then it's ao easy was to hold the Mexican walked carefully though' quickly to where a he had been sent tome time ago by hla With wisdom and light chief purpose of lis creation channel. employer to work in lb house and not lo Some Precedents Broken. suspense course of the presi- footbridge crossed the Fortunate Prohibition Marching On. To take the glad turning situation In during the ly for Tracy, there were no people about make his opportunity or courting later. Tbe Tlutt to If Presid.ni Wilson serves out to Mr. Wilson from the By i. L. Campbell. lead! Iba right the term for which he dential campaign and relieve to disturb him while he waa stringing tbe gkrl II scolded tn thai the It in rear about The was elected on 7th any In premise asking young man gripping Interest of two candidates the of thla mouth he will be the first necessity of taking decisive action th fish Une arrota the channel so that it would the to call again, ir they noting out in been have been the recent presidential race Autumnal noun of peace and rest, president since General Oram to serve two full consecu- until after the election. That obJcf having intercept a boat In going through. When mutually attracted, the poor girl diverted ror the time being un- la obliged to give attention from O welcome lo our roaring Ufa, tive terms In the White House. Ifeyes. who followed served, principal excuse for the existence of the this was done he went over to a bench cither him up or continue on or the the - results other ittuea campaign. Tbat in the chambers or tut one-ter- la easy to be- der a near by willow, lit a r!gar and lis to meet hhn it the home of friends or rels- breast. Orant. was a president, (birfleld hsd been commission haa been eliminated, and It The one or these involving and making the May cool th leaping or In tened, to the enchanting singing which had tlvei. If the mlstresi's bachelor uncle, who rirea suirei the White House but a few months when he waa lieve the statement attributed to one of the American strongest appeal lo th pocket book on on There could not be thy smile again started, lie rcit riaucren at nis sag visits the house often, remarks upon the aid amid truck down by the bullet of the aaaaaaln and waa mem beta, that within th nxt two Ita sterile and girl any spe and to the pocket book and th be tru On haired or on bluer thing. wka aclty which had so quickly evolved the homeliness of the or takes or men, women and on by the vice president, Chester A Arthur. Grover will hav been brought to a song cial notice or the girl soon her children tbe other, Por wrapt. to dream of afterwhlto psrfunctory scheme to capture the captivating her. rind was the question or should be done Cleveland, while he served two terms, was by' They will apparently be abandoned upon the self out or piare and abe doea know what Tb Hps or tweeter mutlc sing. beatsn .lose stress whose voloa had Indeed captivated not with th liquor in nine and Benjamin at end of years, uncompromising atti- waa simple why. traffic tutea And templed grovel and fallen leaf Harrison the hla first four ground that the recalcitrant and him. The method enough; but one territory and whether or not backward In any reason- be 1U Declare a still and turn defeated Harrison far In tude of Ita Mexican membership preclude how glorious might not remits not one woman In steps should be taken In rive dry lilt. tne to There' rive hundred sutes Tbat charms wltb all IU glory brief The martyred McKlnley had served but alx months of able expectation that a continuance of Its seealoni Tracy pondered deeply neat wornt capsule nr the kind of The results or the voting on Issues even went far miking right home other Tbe valley and the tutumo hill. hla second term when the 'bullet of an anarchist de- would result In any aooompltohmant of practical Im- use in addressing her and to for a good girl Who la employed to work, were generally a remarkably aven division. aa lo practice in whispers the words and prived the nation of his guidance. Theodore Roosevelt, th. v put every ttone In the path or a good The only land slide waa lbs aweep toward portance. sentences he Inteded to use. His near, waa Strength la beta ready, who succeeded President McKlnley, hla aaaocl-ste- s girl who it attractive kind would marry. national prohibition held office for Prom th way In whloh Mr. Cabrera and light a tba atora were diamonds Joy Is being suady. Car-ren- at rrather. When a maid of all work ha Michigan. Montana, something over seven years and was succeeded by Mr. hav been talking anyone might suppose that him braved Nbrka, South Da Lova la being and the air seemed lo carets with tllky II years and Alaaka tru; Ta ft who surrendered tbe of power to In consolidating his regime and storms and remained with tuch a kou voted dry and Florida and vsry reins President has succeeded smoothness. hard task she Utah governor And thcaa. In waatber, Wilson March 4, 1111 or having mistress, comet back from elected and legislatures all ao well And President Wilson has that the pacification of the country had been effected Tracy did not feel at all guilty her vacation day to pledged tn or Work together, broken precedent, means or gaining inme find another In th enactment sute wide our another so old that It had almost Thla however, la far enough from being the oaas. As retorted lo a fat etched place. sututory prohibition. Twenty or haaru muat make tbiiu du. he mum to her. her rive the been forgotten. He is the first Democratic prealdent a matter of fact during the several weeks over which her attention to lhat talk forty eight totes have now declared ror since Andrew Jackson, eleoted It waa not very uncommon for practical "You're too old to work, Kate," she Is she coseas to succeed himself. th sessions of th commission have extended. Instead coldly Informed. "We have concluded lo prohibition. Maryland voted' by county with the blossoms. grown Jokers lo ttrtng wire and suing arrow uniu, loatng nothing for prohibition, or Improving, th conditions In Mexico hav to annoy taking a boat dispense with your lervlcei." but Hbe comes with a bundle or tnd the channel those adding several dry counties. Missouri nd blottom. The Investigation Into the soaring prices of food, coal steadily worse There haa been no cessation of Vllla'i through Whoie fault li tl tlutt the girl la old. linnet aa in pity california alone returned majorities agilnst Infinite and othsr necessities of life Is on In full swing In pernicious activity In ths territory where his Insur- within fifteen minutes or tbe time he bad worn-ou- t and unwedded? Her romance waa With tha vittaa and vlnopi or tha song prohibition, but outside of St Loula, morning and May. United States. Hearings are being tiejd In New York, rectionary and Incendiar)' enterprises have all along been landed he heard tha boat hearing the not allowed to take in nttural course dry by a majority. landing. She was not voted lubsuuUal She comea with the sign of November Ohicago, Plttaburgh and San Krsnolsco. conducted, and, although the reportot of hi successor stress coming toward the Thtt are the women who should be In Arkansas, Arltuna, Colorado, Oregon If any viola- creaking or tn get They obliged and But her heart in nine tions anti-tru- have proved In som Instance to havef been exaggerated. silent now, but tbe splash and able girls. should be Washington, of the laws are uncovered. It Is declared It prohibition wat on trial hv Wltb asasyiartos at iwsei at vigorous Carrapaa generala to whom th task of suppressing the oars were turrieleni wss to do their own work, to realise the hard- propoaato for backward steps tb clover l prosecution, will Immediately follow, without the to aae boat distinctly; It ship, monotony and or tL Work iruing down,. Thai ripens la June, Insurgency too dark her dreariness osa, a. uus never a oerawaru was fear or favor. It Is time something waa done be- his depredations and eliminating hi has gray ahadoow upon girls la ror " step In thla seemed Ilk th tag have their right. It not taken anywhere, reaction being i half, to becoming to live even been entrusted have shown a marked and highly slg At the entrance It waa to they turned down abe oten when lbs tununir haa faded it hard In this prosperous waters. at naared mistress curtail them while ire empnaac illy Arcana and Arixona ne oentry, unleea we find ourselves in claas nlfrcant Indlapoaltlon to force th fighting and com lined up wltb splendid precision, and with gibe best they can. and bar flowers fluttered down. that of notable, rlalvely iirengthened their prohibition tow. And yet aba U covered known to world plutoorata to grips. two or three strong pull was sent correctly In with bloaaons. the as The salaried people the last three year, levente eu tut though bar cheek era have long been reduced Th- have persistently and perhaps prudently re- Into th channel. ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENTS. have declared tor wide to the neosaalty of curtailing In un- tut prohibition. Tb lady whoie name Is November. frained from pursuing him In his retreats and when h Tracy waited breathless excitement (Correct name and mutt be given And Canada hat been their purohaaea, and It has been Quite noticeable that the shadowy skirt and sddraaa tweeplng toward But Whose bean It gtrl't. luis gone In one direction they have preferred to move til be aaw the hesitate to insure aUcnUon. not to print Ha Ink. national prohibition with equil salaries have been about the only things In America there ss a scraping or rapidity. And whose bosom is sweet w,th medals In another. It will evidently be a long while before rebound. Arter.thls Write thort letters, only on one aid or With one eiceptlon. the western provinces which have refused to Jolp In the grand ascension. The oars and splaaMnw of water aa the boat paper re Llbbey, of tha lion. Investigations "Pancho" shall b taken, either dead or alive. If they banks. Than, Add it Mill President British empire in America are dry. And whoa teeth are fi can be made to produce resulta one way floundered against tbe with BJ, Y.) like pearl. alone are to be hla captors and that to a point on which trembling street. Brooklyn, ne province or untarlo Is dry as a War or the other, but we hope the members of hit heart In hit throat and with measure. The prohibition tight the various Mr. Cferraiiaa tenaoloualy and even defiantly Insists anticipation. Tracy rose and walked over in Canada In the gnei of our dreamt and our I boards will not become so luxuriantly A Vallnlul Aaat la now cenured around the provine or obsessed with What hla msn told hi American colleague on to hla adored son was cip with infinite sweet aa to prolong Cabrera where I Quebec In the Uoltod more They their duties the hearings Indefinitely and wag live. Tim boat was In the shadow of the J. M. writes "A S constant reader. aak sutei, than are swaying, tba wonderful blnsaiism Saturday that "Mexico would rather die drenched I seventy rive per cent or terri- thus sdd materially to ths burden of the lnnu-cen- t conaaquanUy be could not sea aid. Parents lert me with grandma when the national tbat follow iba wheat. anxious In the life blood of her own people than allow bridge, and She tory la legally dry and more eighty bystanders. hi her. but a glint or white nerved htm to say. wat seven, tnd thry moved to Canada. than She comet wtth tbe blossoms, November wound to be stanched by alian banda," and so to tht I waa parent never per cent of the population lives "I noticed that you are ta trouble, ao I kept me until rourteen. -- therein. Tbe lady whose heart It at play ' suggestion tJnlted be my Tm time. Th handwriting that th States permitted to send came down here to orfer my ir lent a dollar for support orandina. on th Wiih the dream or the tnriniu beauty Assistant Secretary Rooaevelt, of the navy attlttcnc. I wall," or tb palace or Baccus department, Its force to Chihuahua, to run Villa down and to re- give me your hand, madam. I'll help aunt, unrle and I ram to Canada wai left It plumy Aud tbe vistas and visions or Mag. speke before lbs closing session of you'll written In the II the American mining store 'order tn th sections where lawleaanasa prevalía you out of the boat " with parent. Orandma dlad. Kin and did vamacular. Interpret! on the oil 11 get weji. aided me. Say I Hon doe not require a Denial. King Alrabnl MTSM California lands. declared that he turned a atone-dee- f ear To such a humiliating con "Aw, gwan, there's no leddy In here, but not along Never You I "Thou art weighed In the Vend need no coal. tbe control of these petroleum reserves by the govern- cession Mexico, as represented by would If you want lo work you can take a heave am an ungraterul daughter. am now nine- balance Carraña, teen me up aim found wanting!" It the furnace I lovsti ment was of paramount Importance, In that nvi at 'thla here ruunygrart." riled an urchin, Aunt helped brim; to the life of me. 8be la In New York. It lit by tb Bern tha United States navy was at stake. wtth a wide straw bat hi head married and Aa vessels Rut It to not only from the north that Carraña U Says the haa a home lor ma. Wants me to Mexico's it riutltra abure. ars now a necessity, he pointed out, and It Is to Frightful War Bill. it win whan tbe taken that threatened and It not there alone lhat trouble of a go to her We love each other dearly. Par- (Tboma wirm wiaUist Ptsnarks of the assistant secretary of navy F. Logan to Lethe's ) I bluer with sleet, the before serious sort exists. According to what looks Ilk vera- ent try lo stop my going. Can ihy do to? Orest Britain haa this body A.f mining men presages I Maoaouxvi invested it will keep lir together the renewed attack cious reports from southern Mexico the revolutionary They tend me dlaeouraaing letters. Ara south of tba Rio Oree to (he coming congress with re- da and West in the bouse or the sireat, SJSJBbo on the Phelan amendment to the movement which the o called Legalistas ars carrying of the to sBswer or have nothing to do Indies. Rer Inveetiutqj In Mexico Glinpses Put They help, only make me alone II will lift nk s leather general bill, whleb proposes to protect on tbe leadership or Kellx Diss to plying? don't I over tbe m.mjmjm Tba the claims there under making miserable. Domestic' service is good for mark. United Th bean with lu heat; of California operators Stat ba tovesxtnsnu ra Master, 11 considerable headway In a part of ths country when a approxi- will make all the world girl to stern to keep house One baa tot mating the aam figura. Many or Carrañas Is least able to maintain the authority he as- Tvnam-T- years ago today to put up with. I would lev up to tab a the mine With it Joy and it Barest and oil wells or American InUresU have A haven rrom That Germany has not entirely abandoned prac- sert They are said to hav occupied two important course hi urography What It surest way rifa the bean clo d down as a remit of the watch- - And a valley or tice of aluklng enemy and neutral merchant ahlps points on Tehuaritepec railway, wltb the result that tht: to coot Will fifty Miara clear one' a ei ., 7" gleam with- Cllaagew ror Ror c..a..., Where fropi Ufa out warning Is Indicated by ths British vital line of communication bba passed under their con Miller Pretoria, from ! propeiirMi unto Uto admiralty report I r ' ?Wf baen UrwláT rn.. . 235? Ws move a to to ftrst-ola- burned and sank near Brest with SASfiogreprnarr luanas in advance. IZ.1 .7 shall lu dream. which daerar mi that, from May II to November thirty-t- trol. It tru that Dlaa neither a aoldlai dux. entity iho..un. of smaller bills against the.J II nor forceful captain and five teamen on board. think your plan a very worthy If anean suoh véasela wore torpedoed without warning at a leader and that the oausa with whloh aa. rovernrosai ror destruction of Thought tba rato would never slop. to - aunt la daslroua of having you wltb tore, bexut tbe coat of 140 Uvea ha la Identified not on that makes a- strong appeb' 87 and otter property and the Iba wtod again,! The highest temperature was and the Kr I would advtos you to aor pi her orrsr unuwful taking or a pas. to the popular linaainatoln. Yet that hla success em- as life. Tb wboU bib Whole world teemed a great big droiT towett nraia. or sharing her home. Whan settled wtth against Mexico finally I Ukaly to StAjgAS bodies menace to position total eteg. Of wantterhv, makers In Wheeling - serious the of th "flrsi you, you have snore Urns and op- a aiininm rabx. threaten strike for an In- enough. would T to billion tban hair a billion dollar. T bought the norm would never aaw waejea. now t.r chief la plain TniarxKN vanas ago today portunity to look about yob ror the employ Tbe foreign chums end. in u tne reel ths population will already lliuvt reach the Tbe darkness never' leave the land' oti against stogie Aa no intelligent and disinterested ma supposed th menl moat coageulal to be nbutned IT your Bxurxaiu total or Tb strike the smoker the atmosobara California woman sseooto tmjmjm. claims r You toll your heart and had no Wlbeellug win the 14. loan problem would be aolved by the Joint com- The suffrage unci would coma the greaur part of Ih 0real BrtUln alone will reach lluoaasjon rrtend clear. lion opened ita convention at See yon AM bad tas blues to beat the band mission. Its failure to solve It would cauaa no disappoint- annual way to meet the most pert af your white the claims or the I'nitad And like, rami mo. elim- sutes amount then, magi, woven to song ment. But tbe national guard cannot be kept on r worries regarding the trip would b lo ltitt.Akn.uui npata probably win be MNÜtf ti will to) to tin You make aba arrange nril Tb last drop 111. the blue sky slmna be order appoint another cvm-B4- border indefinitely and tbe country will inated. ahoukl all In line, with a bill or m.WW. while (ier Asm once again your to luedlale be Interest! Th high ssl temperaiur waa aud tb menu with your by tetter. aaany, heart grew with beuur UUs Cebra,, la Warning what Mr. Wilson Is intending to aunt beforehand Franca and other counuisu will as. And thar lbs do nekt. lowest I aegreea. Sba will be ante to Ond out what your ax tato tts bato- s- airrerroa when uV


0 p'ClaX to hla irmer home at St. Prob- onto. Mo. Th body will be r acortad to I starvation rampuen agalot gnaiin.l The Servant WILSON GAINING IN ne uaaau bv use anaght Templar order which could not riu to tnverrt MMPbHHI lem evar heard of Mr. Smith had lived In Kl Po lor aerenl State. vara gad wag connected in an official ct SeereMry anaína today, service com howasegr, g it in the home where the pacity with a local automobile lborlad in átateme., t that aa vet le innv at on time Me wia a widower ami absolutely no truth in the repon, that housewife Shredded NEW i and niece, of let' knows MEXICO COUNT survived by hla ler thlt daparment haa mromtipn that a rietlnitc five you city. decision haa been reicned to launch a rntii Wheat? In minutes les Herman submarine riropilan.'' can prepare a wholesome, U. ft. blearphf. M. T. Murphy. yr old. formerly GCatMAN Kin out I arnara a.t i oMto In Official Rettarn Five t I satisfying meal with Shred- Fran mining man at Fiorina. N. M.. died RF.PteRT t n. HAS vYARMF.f a nospiwu tXRMANY. Counties Preaidenl Make Thursday nignt mm By ded Wheat Biscuit without The deceased I turvrved by brother it Associated Press. a Gain ol 234. Florin, and a brother la South Dakota Wwhlngton. Nayv. diplomat, MIm Pathan Kalertala at Woeaea's Clak Alicia swan is to ,ve a party for Mis kitchen worry or work. For I'unerai arrangement will be mde upon here do not credit tbe London report mat About one hundred puesta enjoyed the l 'alter ton On Wednesday. November Ry Aaaorlited Presa of hi brother rrom norme Germany has been warned verbally that iio.piulltymmor Miss r. breakfast heat the Biscuit in hoeeniary whoii Clyde Htrle win rive a ror President Wilson's patience i. ;,n the aha Mr. parly aau n. M., Nov. i; sthiie charle ' entertained them with an Inrnrmai Mies Ptttrrson. Mrs. F P. Rankin and Mr. the oven to restore crispneas f, verge ol exhaustion. one of theae. arkal. dancing Patty la t evening m the auditorium Van Long are Hughes was raining si vote today, on Mhaater. In aeeordanre with the usual ruatnm, or new W. to entertain on Friday. Mr. Ethel C de tha rlub hulldtnr on the Mesa. TMt December I. In honor of Mils Patterson and serve with milk. For orrtriii returns from five counties In New dined to permit the une or his name, said hot Mr! Flhel C. Shuter. M year old, died tonight. On Saturday. Oeciniher Mr. D. V. Pen Mexico. Prealdent wilaoo w.. rvMvm n Pndav morning at a local hospital follow neay will prealde at a l o'clock lunch serve with sliced bana Increaae of "I know poaltlvely no agch Miss luncheon rtt, brtnglna; tne lead bark to ing a long nines Sba It aurvtvad by a that warning Peiiwm with har mother. Mr. C. T. ror Mlaa Patterson, and In the hfternoon point well above mark Wednesday has been given. There Is no ror I'elham. and Mr. H. nas or fruits. t its huahand. Ouy Shuter, who to connected reison and Mr. 3. Sutherland. Mr. J. Band win ntertain tt bridge other wwm he lost I gft votea Ha gained any auch warning. Germany hi- - aholute Mr. and Mr. A. W. Foeter, and Dr. t ttt.ye with th Tta Bttulithle Pavlnf eampiny rail rcanplimntary In Mías Paras raon. at the gemente not been made. ly no Intention or violating my of the Hyde received the guest. FnncriJ trran have I home of Mlaa kate stoker. Arlxsna itreel. No precinct bad pre The body will be shipped to Corpus patdsea riven the nlted AaalaUnr Oe which not reported either tt.'' thii pleasant boato during tha Mra Waller srntt and Mr. Jeaae were to- or to Sidney. Ohm. ome The Teutonic diplomats sty they re evening ware; Miss Emily Mlaa ttouly represented tn the report Chrlill. Texaa, a, komi. Clara Blanc have not set the data tor the party day-, u atm remaining to be retard rrom. tPday. Mr. hla moihjr able to aa how a rupture of relitiona Fink. Mlaa Isabel .prlnger, and Mlaa Mar ror Mlaa time Shuter and POWDER they are to give Ptttsraon. vuaeii stana win accompany tbe body. The place or could occur over the present raiet Bryan. At the punch bowl were three Toe wedding will be a une. and quiet Hughes, tP.OM: burial will be decided thl morning inr younger anna, Alice Jones, Harel the young couple will he unattended II Wilson. It.nTT. i.apron, ami Reko Klpp r TM gresteat was bv a Absolutely M. Pitteraon will dtua-hte- In mar dirrrence earned lawgwaat Pure' le his porrection in ouy county, which gave tha ha esrerui at tour naggira Mlaa Moody' orrheaua played for Uie tiage. checks Leave at Lonrwali'i. Tel. Adv. dancing. Invited were Missea Grace prealdent us loaay a returni aaoea Government Officials ad from Cream two prerlnrl to ihnsa which tf Tiriai Kin II. McNeil. Melliaa smith Mary Wade Hampton Chapter Holds hid reoorted Evana. Evelyn Payne. Oladya Meetlaf OH senatorial cnngreailonai and gtinerna Present Strickland. R. K. Anxious Over Fstelln Oood-ii- . Mr. Bryan prealded at the meeunir torlal rtiidhlitev The vole on these atanda Lincoln County, N. M., lOALOI-RQNOSPII- ATI Berrien, Ruelih Hrin hoar an Birdie Hawktna. Mabel O'Connor, hi of the Waile Hampton chapter. L p. C, For lenator lluhbell iR.i. .ís Jone Situation bel Valentino. Alberta Heen. Frances Fot yealerday artentoon at tbe Trinity Methodist ' ' , iiri ana oi aa prvcincie re- - Submarine Company Incorporates er. Orete raimar. Sarah Small, laabel Church. Miss Velma Caaey read (he mlnutei ponina Sprinter, Clara Fink. Margaret Bryan. of the prerloui meeting. Ml Margaret ror rongraaanwn. Mtf precincu give Her- - Ry AMoclttod Prat. Bryan iü In the Niágara FaDa, N. tpeclal to the Morning Time. Emily Kemp, Mamie Rohertaon. F.itelle reported treainry. Mr. (R.). te.nt: waiton ID.), tarn. WMhmgton. Nov. it. Th reported viatl Steps Taltn to Induce Wilpp. Mary Weeka. Flalnor Shelton. Mir- Charle ft. Hryao read tha report of the governor. MR oreclneU alve Hiirsum anta Pp. N. M., Nov it. Uie J Mm In of baron hurlan, tha i ooenng, Mary Lewis. 'Were Fleet, golden wedding celebration honor of Mr. tia.i. av.ie... lie naca (U., 31,001. lag, smeipnr and Development company or Sugar Beet Farmers to Kerite vtrglnl Akard, F.dlth Ma and Mr. W. R. Mccown. airan b the tin) Slxtean counuea. reoreaentlna MB ore mlnlitor. to Chanrellor von Rethmann-Hnttwe- A Corona, Lincoln county, today riled artlclee. kmey, I. mil. Malonny. Joaaphlne March. tar. (landing vote of thank waa extended elncta. now have made orrtriii returni. t Berlin ror a full of to the different firma that donated things PLAN TO RELIEVE dlculon CaplUI ptoo.000. M.nno paid In. Inrorpo Come to This Section A aubmartne arerrare atad IM effect npon the rttors. I.on Jenkins. W. P. CraMree and L. for tbe occasion. program then followed. KKCRETVRY OP RKIXIVatg To rim step looking- to tne bringing or ) ruaran of tbe historian. Mrs. W. M. RTATB nlted stales aroused Interest here, but a Jenklna. all of corona. sugar grower VOTM FROM FOI R ITEM f tJLNTDX could not be confirmed from official dis- The LouU cattle Loan company, a bwl to tbii actlon wat tal larshmtn. Special to the Momlng St or n t rneetlng or the or gana name S Atklna Bowden Mat sane a olo. A paper of Timet. patches. Mlasouri corporation with a capital i directors thr Brvan. rotten Mlii Harria re, m i htmbw of Commerce yesterday afternoon, Jamea Devla. Robert Hoover, Warren Small, Oenartl Hampton' cavalry waa read by Mr. anta v Nov. n. Tag total vote Government órnetela do not conceal their 0100,000, waa admitted to do buslnesa today, BIG CAR SHORTAGE In the tltua-tto- u when committee composed worth-mirto- .. I tt counties from which returns hve disquiet ovar tm peasant iihnvln it principal orrira la at Nara VIM. and 0 i of W. 0. Bo, inman Sharp. Charle Brown, ward nryan. he Teaaa iteroer Monument or "tls :olra and H. M. Andrea Wat appoint Kngene Smith. Lloyd Shangle. Pea rund was turned over to the chapter. A and soma them rear mat the Ten 0. oragg la named th resident agent d to oritur with Phil Frlrkaon, a lonr Kernp. A. W. Itorcop, Louis Heep. William mannirrlpt wa sent to the chapter by a heel expert, to ma out a proa-ra- nt Alrred MCCnimmen. waa Ana, Uuailalupe. Nora, otero. Quay. Rooae work. Curtí. Blrk. Jdhn confederate veteran and the chapter san Miguel. II li propeed to aend a representative Baylor Foater. M. M. Mortis. RlcJurd Red aaked to endorse and promote It. Tha vii Juan, San Santa Fe, Taoa, rrom the chamber or Commfrrf Into Utah. mond. Jkmea Todd. Mai Berry. Jeaae Taj appointed Mrs. J. M. Special Committee Torrance and I nlnn, and the majorities president t committee. Shown, follow :olordb and other section to Indura rrm iur, nrevuiove nrmin, iioennr. aacainney, Daavai. Mr. E. B. McCHntock and Mr. C. of Railway Rep- era ripertenrsd In the growing or sugar Penroae. dark. Uran.ee ciriham R. M E. Bryan. Commuiion Pella narria, hlrhest Wilton elector. MRU to come Into the valleys under tm Powell, Ha- illlbert. Colonel Moune Sprlnira. resentative at WashBigion 19.704, C. L. Hill, highest Hushes elector. Read My Free Alo Urinate Major IA.IM; (larrla's majority. I.B7D. Offer! project. Talbot Barry. Major E. T. Marchan!. Reception Mrs. PMt Th or far Hub- - Sister: arttvltl the chamber or Com Major E. H. Jerdev. Malor l.elvh. Cantain By Asoclsted United Statee aenitoi Jones. to.tJM: marra coma aa reanlt or the Amato. Capuin I. Captain Mra. T. A. Pitt, who has been stationed Prest. liell. 11.004: Jones- malorily, 1.004 assurance thai iron. Lee. Captain Louisville. Ky Nov n - Plans ror re- - the Holly Beat Sugar company will MarahaTI. M. T. In Denver, Colo., with Ihe Salvation Army, Congretanisn lO.tSA: build Joe captain Brown. cp Having the present abort-ag- Wilton. Hemandea. tl.oflo.oofl plant at or near La D. arrived yesterday, and during har tay she country. wide car 1S.7M; Onice. tain r.arrett. Captain E. through the Walton'a inajorltv. Ol. jm l&wt,Jr..t.Vpaa.i eJ Lleuaknant W. W. pTarce. Lieutenant win be entertained by th board or tne igenrv of committee of iJovernor. De Baca, lO.OW; Rursum, 17.701; REALTY TRANSFERS John Merkmald. Lieutenant Oentley Younr. Rasrue Home. Mr. Pitt ha displayed reiiroaa repreicniallvei entina in Waahina De Baci'l majority, .W. Lieutenant Phil Clayton. Lieutenant WlT mugji interest in the building or the Rescue ton. were presented to Commissioner G. C. Lieutenant governor- Mrnonl1. leJWl J D. Home, greauy one to nrr in Mccoord, or tne inténtate romnrtrce com Jamaa J. Murptir lacuowan. Lieutenant Hamaoti. ina it wis Lindsay. 1.04; l.lndaay' majority. IM. a a. It Aauams h. Oeorae Weela. Henrv Voore at mUslon. bare tonight by a special com- iu.mhj, lou u btork B. tVsamiamt Hill: Lieutenant tere the home wis built. ocreury or state, ucero Miraoal. rarlarlnas What wa woman know from aajKrlanca, we l. T. A. Alexander, recepuon which will given mittee appointed by the American Railway 11.111; i,.i04 Lieutenant Lieutenant Wil The bs by Lucero' ntajority. know better than any man. I went to taMI ytva how to laaua Biaota a ui t v. Balate! lata ana at liam Walker. Lieutenant Franrli Beatty, MM board of the home next Thursday after Monition to confer with hint. AudlUir Otero. IB.046: Sargent, IRJttt; otare yourself r. at home at a eoet of aboutlJ oente a week. Lieutenant Frederick Dnawi l.lnntnnant noon I tito to celebrate the second anni Commluloner Mrchord give tentative Otero' majority TS4 Oeorre Dallay. Lieutenant Maleom Crump. veratry of It existence. Th board or to the plan, which will be put hs Treasurer: nan. ib.om rige, ibjpi: itaii Lieutenant R. n. Mrl.eod. Lieutenant Suth- director are Mr. C. P. Elliott. Mr. B. B. ore the Intérnate commerce commission majority, 1,411, erland. Lleuthnant Hale. Lieutenant Morrl. Wldda. W. L. Crockett. Mr. Huo at once. Attorney general ration, u.seo. Lieutenant and Olla Mr. canias. l..ae t Mr. Slbert. and othert. Jackson, Ml Kale Pink and Ml Ruth The heirlngi, which hive been la prog-rei- 11,875, Patlon'a mijortty. PN. 1. tl and la kiork..ti. Manhattan Haatktí: aa here, probably will be to Ig.tM: Mañltei Party Monro Augur. brought I ScJaool superintendent Swtnnev. rr During the eany part or tne waaa ara. rloi next Tuesday night. Commissioners Wagn r. It.nat. Wagner' majority. 106, L'nuaual rrom other partía was the one F. Elliott capéela to give an Informal MoChord then will meet with the commit Land commlaaioner naviiion. tatrt: F.r- klven yeterdy by Mr, c. H. Brown at tea ror Mr. Pitt. Mr. B. B. Wldda la tea of railroad npreicnlaUves. which his vlen, 10,1; Lrvien's majority MO. her home. Nevada street. In honor or Mlaa alto planntnt- - for an Informal afternoon Dean appointed to lit in Washington. This supreme court justice Field. S.1S; nob SUFFERED WITH Theo Patter ion. a . party for Mr. Pitt. committee, which has been given pram is. i.ovi; Roberta' majority, tat. The guetti arrived at home or rally plenary power by the American Rail corporation onanisamner Monto.vs. I IvWItT YOU TO SEND TODAY FOB MY FKE TDI DAYS' HtCATIRMT the Mr. way I0.&S6: IH.Snv. Montoyi'a msjorl Carl Spinner, two doon from the home of Art Depártate t to Meat. association to enforce or to modify Martlne. beeaaJJy toe car ty. toakimthMI awMa)taea and aurwoooquerad at home without tha dangen and Mrs. Bl own, and upon toa front door "Silhouette Powers" will form the tonte existing service rules, win remain Jm axpenaeof an alan read Rocky Road to Matrimony In Washington at long the interstne II. i. rial. Democrat, or Santa Fe. has otaaWoj jSTJTXThatíC ant'kír CTr,1 ia?!3aaloi!uak-a- "tkt for the program tl Wednesday afternoon elected t'ff 0 UFAD, LEGS A email Booklet waa attached to tha me commerce commlidon fel there Is any been district ittmney in the rirst wlilaxptaJn bow to oaraarouoe green slcamaaaTchlarroaU end laaal. BACK, aim ror meetinr or tne art department or ror presence. judicial district, composed or Santa Rio Jrrwnlarttlaa, beadachw. tod on It waa written. "Schedule or Trip," the Woman'a rlub, at S o'clock. In tbe audi- occasion their F. nda In young woman and ra.ior thacn to plumpaaaa and hoahh. T.U ma If rou an veorriad about Uraed, "For AccommodaUon " The guett or The committee li made up or five mem Arnb inn Nan Juan counties, by 14 nit Kaaaaaahiar M aaaaaaj aitalag to aiv my home traetm ant a ten day trial, and torium the new club building. The tory Jority. CrlM J07 staned their nanean on tha enjoyed leaves, by bera representing the railroads of New received a majority of of the silhouette will be presented Mn. votea over Alexander in santo Fe and answered tha question!, luch aa "when A. Crltehatt. Mlii Julia Pool will play a England, tbe south, tbe aaat, the west and need TaTtkaS re you golnr to win you th Parirle, roast county, and a majority or M In San Juan Iwitl aend all In pialo wrarapera peetnalC To aava thna. yoo oaa oot mat thle otTar. mark your leele Morphine Gar Only Temporary marry' "whom loio, snaaow uanre. oy ateuowaii county. Read Rio Arriba b 41 asgo may D ee ie marry?" and ao on. The rape through Sano Robert L. Hollldav wUl alnar a olo. One of tbe Inténtate commerce commls carried to oner again. Aüüreaa, slon. It Mid, will act commit Red may contest Crist's election on tbe - - BOX PI, MOUTH IND. Relief But Cardui Brought .the room were roped ofT to form a road, social hour will follow, during which time li with mil or BEND, the many by gueat tee long it It (Ittlng and will psst ground that former resident Colorado. and girt brought the trae oiiirer or tne aepsrtutant wtu serve si si wno nan not wen in New Mexico long Back Good Health. were wrapped in brown paper to repre tea There win ln be an exhibit of old upon all tpe meaiuret that may be pro irath-er- poted ror providing relief for any pir tnt (lonei, and aa the and modern proluirán ble illnouettea. vole in some or Uie Rio I tloulsr section where an acute boruge of northern theie ihe read the ilgna on either Mr. P. W. Seward chairman ror the Arriba precinct. Demncrala make counter- aide or toe road, a Long. Long Way department, and other omrer are: Mr. F any cita or equipment develop. Stephenvklle. Tan. Mo-e- "rt'i claim or Irregularities. Mrs. Jay to Matrimony." 'sAbandon Hope All Ye A. Hughes, vice chairman: Mrs W. A. Baa of thla town, gives out th fol- Who Entsr Rare." "Don't 01 ve up the on. lecretary: Mr. R. B. B lev en, tren- CHINA Mr. T lowing atatemant: "For a year, I Hhlp," and leveral similar ylng. At th urer. and Mr. I. V. Fenuessy, chairman of Thurston, Idle Wt Missouri. Phone 9761. OBITUARY RDACCQI CasiiGrocery or the I music ana arrangements. Adv. ATT'C suffered untold agonte my . end road there a chair. The sign with T. C. each month. I attached read, "Your Journay'i Done, Your Porter. I aJ and Market almost had apaama. I Ooal I won. May Your Next Iload B Dance at Motet Paao del Norte. ig ROOMS OP S0l.ni COMI ORT T. 0. Porter. 0 year old. died Friday UUUOOULni wa gavoy, th bad oft and on for a week at Paved With Fun.'7 Hare Ml Patterson The MM anniversary of tbe Pint City Hotel new and itrlctly modem morning it tne reaidenre of tu niugl PHONRa 1MI-IM- 7 Ml N. STANTON I a took bar aaat. while gueata Troop r Overland Stanton Ad Mr. H ladeo Butler. Ml Idalla street, th tiro. iff arad with my head, and the (lib- raiktdekjMa. ("ennaytvanaa, te rale reaaotiahle and VOD CAN AlaWAYH DltPKND ON bao and lags. I erad about, aha opened the paokagea aad noned in El Paao. was relehrand Ian eve had an Invalid Tor Mveral years GxVtriHIUTTR XR gfJAIJTV. auffrd terribly round many yirti rrom nlng Hotel Paao del .Norte an Mr. Porter haa lived In El Paso ror the with pain In my head, my beautiful tha (uet. at the with back; hipa Thlt arrorded much amneement for the informal dance, only orneen of tbe real Largest Loan in History past lit years He Is lurvlved by i wid- and lega ached all the tima I had party, and there waa a ripple or pleas- main and thalr lady friend! were Included ow, a daughter, Mrs. Hlnden Butler, and to keep morphine tableta In the houae urable eieiteinent during the entina trip. In the" party. One of the Penniylvani bands orld Is two ions. Dr. R. Porter, of El Paso, and 14 LBS. SUGAR . . The guests to home piayea tne runcn ana rerreen of W Planned for T. I. Porter, or Drumwirit, okli. Funeral $1.00 to ease my aufferlng. Nothing later repaired the lor nenring. aavoh B&.00 -- elae or Mrs. Brown, where a lunch- ments were served CapL J. Franklin Mr srrsngements will be made when Mn. Por- With order, not ugar. would do me any in War-To- m Europe food. eon wa served A bowl or chryaniha-mum- i Fadden hid the affair in charg. Jews ter and hr son, T. J. Porter, erriv rrom Nothing, nothing I erar took did centered the table, and a number or oktohmn. where she waa visiting-i- t tha W. T. U. Haa Meeting or For Thaitkai virtii Wa Will Have Thoa Good Turkey, and me any good until I took . . Cardui. candlei In crystal itlcki aurroundad the C "1 time her hubnd't death. Tt haa been tha meana of my good center piece. On until cards the hostesi At tbe renilar meeting or the W. C. T Evearythint to Go With had irnnged or crepe papar miniature V.. held yeiterday at tbe Y. W. C. A. central gigantic loan described u "one fuserai of WUl la Decker. It health today.- Cardui curad me . . . pumpkins and riower. She alio mida bar rooms, toe women present enjoyed an Inter eit In the history of the world, without In Th funeral or Will L. Darker, ti yean 12 POUNDS FANCY SWEET POTATOES 25c for t never aaw a well day until I had own until bon lion baakeli ror each, which ettlnr talk bv Mn. 1. A. Potter on "Krhos tar est. to olsrn the Jews or Rurone atari old, an employe or tbt J. H. Nations' ranch, hitely beyond tne near camp was held 4 taken Cardui. 1 Buffered thla way for were rilled with aweetr The decorations From Her Summer Vacation, Pertaining to reach of tuffering after Stewart, at o'clock 8 POUNDS GOOD POTATOES 28c wept luggeitive or Thankgiving and the w. t. u. won. Ihe war. were announced here tonrbi by yealerday ifternoon rrom the MrBean, Un- t year, . . . each month. It grew color scheme displayed were colon of Mr. Ldwtrd C. Hitchcock, president, nr. juoan L. aagnei, wno returned re- man 4 liartrord Undertaking company worae all the time until I found that green tud orangw. avaweawaaa aa uae meeting. cently from i tour or Inveitigitlon ag tha chapel. The buriel waa at K ver green cem- FANCY APPLES, 50 lb. box, SPECIAL $1.50 great remedy, Cover were laid for Mita Patterson. official representative of the Joint distri etery. Cardui. bution committee or Mlaa Sue Latuiar, Ml Alicia Swan, Miss Bridge fundi for Jewish wr f y Before taking Cardui, I had six btortala dob. offerers. 'OI 8Pi0OlAI..-Tr- a pound of this OA Sophia Ollchriet, Miss kale Fink. MU Mr. J. Peldman waa the tJurtee H. Smith different doctora with me. None of Fred hoiteas for The proposal baa the endorsement of The body H. year drilctrms t'offoo. round JUC Madge Steele, Mr. W. H. Schut. Mr. H. her bridge club yeiterday afternoon. Only of charlee Smith, tl them did ma any good.. They aald M. Pattaraon, Mr. A. L. Cox, Mr. Ueorge prominent jews in New York city, ur old, wbo died al II o'clock Thursday night, Dry Parches, lruna aatd Ktsra, B poatnda She members were present. The nrtae winner Mames stated. . . . Soott at th resldenre of hi slater. Mrs. Nellln Cktn bar-tai- nothing elae would do but an ope- Beaudette. Mn Walter and Mr. ware Mr. Harty 8. Potter and Mn. Walter it was explained the Tomatoavs, Corn, lVe, No. 1 cana, extra quality.. A Harry vaugnan. D. Howe Next that proposed loin Joyce, will be shipped this afternoon at ration, but they did not reach my Friday the club will meet l distinct from the fund of llo,oou,ouo now Raoh , Bo The pleasant hoitea wa aaatcted during aarain wiui san. jonn I., tiyer. caaa. I took bottle of Cardui and by R. W. being railed for immediate tuoeor of the artsmoon her mother, Mr. starving Jew In kurope. Further detalla KRKSH MEAT DEPA RTJdENT It cured me . . Cardui did me Heed and Mrs. Carl Spinner ( for rochet Club F.ntertained of the plan will be revealed by Dr. Magna Hoaae Dreaaerl Heua, pound fJJJo I Home Ortaauand isprliujra. lb. BOn what mother, father, frtenda, or doc-- Avi Mayneld man meeung on December aa I Y Country D Mr. entertained her crochet it here ti thlt MmrindCit Braation. elkvxl, pound BOo Ptcanlc Mania. Iba; av. lb IBtsjC tore could not do. I never Waat ateta Club astee. club yealerday or will be itlended by representative can prala afternoon, the guait the Rolled pound Be Dried Woof, atuccd. lb 4a enough, I owe ray life Members and friend of th Wait Yaleta club being Mn Elder. Mn Thunlpa and from all parta of the country. Ban. Cardui for to country club enjoyed Ita weekly dance on Mn. Anderson Next Friday Dr. Migues explained that only by tha . . in club Yiiata. the club will or Of OCR BAKKHV DKPABfTMUENT. It Thursday the room at db enteruunea Dy un. . A.. Tulloch. Jew in th United Statu I am- - now able to do my work, and Through the courtesy or Colonel o. c. Hick and by the letting aside or vut mm for Our Hperdai taperflne Bwvaavd --Ottr Hprctad ( of fra- - Oak. look after my habiea. t beg you arts, ueotenant r.olot.el Oamble. and Adj. let Meet With MUM O'Connor parpo of rehsLllitailon can tha desired THE HIGH Etf QUAUTY OrVX US A TRIAL YOU WDUj BR PIiRABRD. J. C. Shaw, the Sixteenth Infantry band results be accomplished. Flotation of th women and gtrle who are afflicted blared for the dancing Chief Musician J Member of the Alumni chanter zeu Tan Oar Hpasedy XUcycU DeMvary b at Your rsaatteat. Alpha, held a bualneas meeting loan will be along the Una of the policy with woman'a troublee, ta give Car- L HOBtttta lead the hand. During yesterday known at "genuifulh ftiasodlra." meaning We are THE Grracasr, ttte Butoher, the BaJkrar, lite Vom Prtce Maker. that Intermltaloiu, John B. W. Surra. ftemnon with Mlaa Mabel O'Connor The SPAGHETTI dui a fair trial." dance sorority will meet In two aow or loving ainaneti" originated b th Infantry tang. "Sunshine weeks lis In with the or Rum and Agr Rtdpt iotk McQee'a I -- Jewa la Poland and whirl H ft Follow Mr. advice. It'a Your 8 ana sotnewnere a votea mulled In this country In the organist i celling It waa well received bv SKINNER Grossblatt's Cash Grocery and Market worth a trial. Adv. Jolly tlon of Jewlth free loan aoc.letle, which MFG. CO. OMAHA. U SA the crowd dre sent Luncheon Club Meets. or rrom to asuo Amour the erueata lena iudii without in were: Mr. tnd Mrs Tbe Friday Luncheon club met yeiterday and no security than an Kl L. tereit other eti Paao Otaca, J. H, McMahon, tala i C. Siemens, Mr. tnd Mr. Kveret J. Long. wttn un. Frank Murcblapo. Mn. Claries doner. Matuuw Mr and Mr. C V. Knoblauch. Mr. and Loomli wn Mr, n. F. Knoblauch. tbe gueit of the club. Next Mr. and Mrs Vriday it will be entertained by Mn. Tom Home made chill run carne, enchiladla Stafford. Mr. and Mn. Maurice Ooldoft. ror Mr. and Mr. WTO. JoUy, Mr. tnd Mr. Lou tamales. Ordera lakn family canica Ludwig ttoatberg. Mr. and Mr. S. W. Pant. Free delivery. Mr. A. c Jordun, MO N Mr. H. L. aspire Cluk Meets. llorrnce. Phone IMS J -- Adv. nd Mr. Fletcher, Mr. and Mr The B. L. Clements, Mr. and Mr W. R. Empire club mat yesterday with Mrs Candy Mr. and Mrs. o. Mrs at. n. Aive, in Hawthorne Place. Sewing WMT NOT 0. Woodward, ' J. R. Hunter. T M Mrs occupied the time, ind liter rarreahmente Children1! silk einhioldered kimonos 14.00 Mn Waller ig.W. eacn Buchanan. Mn. Oertrude Led better. Mlaa arere awrvea. inere were fourteen preaenL to Art Shup, city National "fa" ojuaou, "its vara Mitt Mirle Bins uuiming Auv Special X"'.!!1 5ro kltiliilL Mlaa wilma El- - taev Work Club to MeeL Saturday sur, Mls velma Caaey, Mr. Mallndt smith win be botas to National Mta gat Tttunx Milia Madge Steele. MlM me moer of the Fancy Work club Pra- W. T.C. U.Opent Peyton's nan Market Ann Weak. Ml gueI Merkin. M1 Exa day at the home of her daughter. Mr. J. Buchanan. Mlaa Mllrie cnnimiiv uu. nt, I. McCrady Annual Session in Indian MEXICAN Phone 114 N. "THE BEST OF MEATS" SOCIETY apolis; Reports Are Heard 6400, Stanton KISSES, BrowdaT. Hope Btalth. Pred HewltL W. h! PERSONALS wmer. a w Haavkina, c. p. Henry. John Surra. Lee Crew. Trivi Billey Or (Irant I. Stnlarorf li expected home shortly from 25c Lb, uuianapolla, Nov. IT. The umal custom or iivcntioiis of Having aOdreaae ur wal Our F1XWKR8 are always saaior i. at. anaeraoo, captain shaw, and rrana tioiarorr. or nouvUa art. i. i une an I ickiHinaes at the rirst sesiona freak and rcisubl. and a other. vliiuny with friendi m the city for ihort was nal abaprved by Ihe National Women wide ra But j to acataos from. in ion iciiii.t-- jik union in annual sea Mlaa Palleraoa. a newer lou today. The waa TODAY'S SPECIALS: Cueat here opening Mition OUR 8PECIAITY Mar OoM at Many Oeora Oraot etpecU to lesve on or WmUwt-H- Partir. Monday neta inn morning, nut laareiiei wcl OT DftlNU, Ml Titeo Patterson, whose marriage to for New York CRy. where he will remain Come, one on behalf or tha state by Oov CHOICE TURKEYS, per lb. 30c SANDWICH. i rank L. WadtJnglon lake place on Wi d ur aeverai weesa ernor Rolston. toother ror lb city and gay Oar Leuaelteaaatas age a neaday. Deeambrr a, at S o'clock. It the eral ror virlout commercial and Mvic or ate Pretbyierlau l Leo Pateahman. of Uatag and tato KBMkau all taax Pint church, enjoying many Fan Worth gtoiialioni were heard tootobt. CHOICE HENS, per lb. 23c courtealea from bar frtenda ejpecta to return to hi home thl evening!t... Tbe afternoon aeaaion wa taken up with roe could auk. Tato gaartol during the remaining girlhood ftar (Bending the week In Ihe city on a reporta. In (umtning up Meal day of har routine tha work better da y irternnon Mr. C. H. Brown en - iiibiib ana pleasure trip of the people' branch during the last year CHOICE DUCKS, per lb. - 25c tertaintd ror her. and this arterooca Mr. an. sairy r. w. Aiueraon or camcriaga P.. D. A saasa., secretary of W. Schut is giving a party in her of ?v ÍJ?". Wr'fM- " of Wnghl. uie the branch, laid PflttiJLMgL JHO honor. On Monday Mr. A. L. Cot will en ,L.Vy.,.'1 '"v baa returned from rnere nave oeen Bxeiiamiuip gains by CHOICE SPRINGS, Large, per lb. ruin al bridge ror Mlaa Pattaraon. Mlaa ,,'whlJ' tfMrTl nnuel rnnvanuon of the tetes in tbe past year. On hundred 28c 1 UllVI CONFECTIONERY Ci MUda (onnnlly win gire a bridge party oa fk'tod Daughter! of the Confederacy, held and seventy-on- branches have aaaisted in paao or Wednesday fori her, and on Thursday Mr. ET 7 """'"oer to Jtoveinher li cmpalgn. and rio.too UBrratura PORK ROAST SHOULDER, per lb. Milla Bldg. A J. Mom l to entertain at bridge aleo " raprasentoUve ol barebaen dKtrl bulad." ... ai.J, ? 17c complimentary to Mia Patterson Satur- Jackiou bapter, al San Diego Tbe report of Mlaa Mary B. Ervtn or day trternoon Miss Sue Latinar and MIm uhio. aecretarv of the Loral Tan. PIG - - pe ranea Legion bran eh. showed M new FRESH HAMS, Whole, per lb. ... 20c nttt caaamo. legions organld during the year and tune r. W. C. A Cafeteria lllti Txa St. Adv Matee being awarded konorabl Bjaaotlon ror MILK FED VEAL, Shoulder per lb. - 15c ttAMB nice line Roast vw iarw esse will take orden for J. W MILK FED VEAL, Breast Roast, per lb. - 12Hc Dullll Overland Grocery WHY NOT Tulart Msdcrla nankins naorulag and wlU SHOULDER, - dollies. eveniua. be bald Blindar BEST Pot Roast per lb. 15c&12V9c Frad Beach's Art Shop, at tha Cbure of Ctuist, oprnar Monlang Wii flee. Fhat 4233, 4234. city National Bank building Adv BOe E. Ovarlaitd 9t FRESH OX TAILS, Each 5c GROCERIES, FRUITS and VEGETABLES. FRESH BEEF BRAINS, per - GEO. H. HIGGINS, M. MEXICAN DISHES set 15c Kvary tlaing wo carry to aYtrtctly (PreaJt D. aatd oar aervMse to Sm hat Ilratacajpathsr Ptt,,..u, BEEF ail Caíala ttidag. OR1G WAJL "lvlixlc AN FRESH TONGUES, per lb. 20c Fre Auto DaMvary So ail Parta of City. PBONK SO. BM. IMaeatate Ittfautts and Chlldawaa RESTAURANT JM Attgwi ... 4T i BJh- - EL PASO MORNftfC TIMES, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1916

tween m and pounds, in averare. Tber I tt HEAVY PRACTICE FITS MOR NING TIMES ORTS : RA B not the same marked dirfsyre. in tie SP CING : OXING : FO 0 TBA LL bsckfislda. the averatfea belar lets thsn CAROLINA GRAPPLERS Jas pounds apart, but her atrain Tal Is STUFFED GOAT CAUSE m h. PRINCETON-YAL- E SET Tbt probable lineup aUI(atlra. leadlo Third Penrurylvanln Ganners in OF MIXUP Mfnes-H- sua asta season s acores follow I COLORADO i Game at New Stadium This FOR BIG CLASH TODAY for Tough Scrap With Afternoon Southerners. Rivalry Between University and lít Tim. Forty-secon- Mix Staged fcah Aggie Camps at Whitr Heat; Annual anus an ii Some machine run fir airnai pi artice for Tiger Field Blue Faat I II J yesterday art moon put the First North Gam May Br Off. S 5 Carolina mranlrv ridlron ran on dr rnr on Improve of Late. tie hattl this afternoon, when the carntl ifaMDCMMt I1H nana will attempt to wrest honors from th I'reas By press. III Boutdr. Cob... No i: Tin goal." Associated amei. Wt halfback l.ta TWed Pennsylvania arttllerf And wrrtl the nvf ! nam which hoatmura broke mil today York. Nov. 17. Chief Internal nneeia. ' i If heavy south rn era dr1Hd hard wider the rai Ihroua-hrm- t isrlasa. fullbaek ii .indent" i.f ni. niunii of c.ohi- - astern roofbell circlet trill i dlrrrtlon of Captain Bud Flmt. th ahsi colorad,, n center n lb ouleotn of Ih isle-t'ii- Pennsylvania Dutchmen" probably worked rdn tb ..i Mnw. ami equally aa to of which bods, ,,f i too rame uanorrow. there are in hard be ready for ahsir end tb atadem ih diversity "f alrhourh MS the frscss Marano late todav leiu.tanilv srreed to many other ronlfeta scheduled whioh prom- f - ise tu eloa- - and Thla afternoon-- session at th Bio orsnd "It Ih ratnpii" slid, ii tnnllilit dvlop hlrh elaaa rrldlmn I I commence Mi an route i., ih, .l.- dgsimatnd fur play. Harvard will meet Brown Syracuse park, whtch. at tJ0 o'clock Osoral. ha III will S pair of rw years Ui i shsrp. be hattl between ih htuiNre. The "mm fion far colrste: Cornell tackle tb Maasa límala aquads. both of can boast or players ft ( f,R '.TU Arrte-- up whlrh WlPm fit contention .'tucen ir tm, nni aS I'LL i I W' fiCX KaWÉÉñai hiiaetta Array llnei aralnat BalUII. red t. with cohere reputations on th rrldlmn after Hutu aaa mounted' on Hprinrrield. littliurrn playi Carnero' hat. aad Ml . The t all a lively piaelr pefleirtal Technical Navy Villa a P siaee set for and clsshea wltB I 1 ween two ana 11 IM I tne comnintyinns. remain. intinna were i.i,, by lb student Nova a. i to be seen whlrh or the combinations 111 body tonight ,id ni that the, hi drop Many of these ramea ar tin eperJal a t prov the belter II animosity it immnm rooihali gam alriirslea tor which th eleveni have been The Pennsylvania outfit will have both between the in licinri Hm pointed Ihrourhout the season and as tfjt Pennsylvania But and nlvecaity of Penn tn con con- lo agreed thai the .indents who ram la uanteatlnr tesms ste nsttirsl rtvsla, Talsa. Mil and aylvanla former plfaMn hrrnee tn the day went ii. Men in automobiles tad llnulnr a seriea which bran many yesra Tan. Ian lartM ... IH S test. Th artl11rymen probably oan boaat paihted tin- hoiMiins i.r tin School nf Inri sro. lb balilra will be particularly keen Wart ICaaM I. laft sari m I of one or Ih rasteat light teams In th Army with red and l.l.i. k (lamí should lie "pun This Is especially trut of ibe Vavrs. uasass IM I. I league Thla romhinaiioii will .b pitted i.lie.t The faiultv exacted In.-- Ir.iin tarn, one of to old yr Id Iron Oan, raakt aviar ar 1.11 against thai offered by the .NortB Carolina RaMrVata, rtaM tat M s t llir students hum inn wrftrtd hold no parade classics of th country. Both tesms will lit Ml Bttttver prXxUaf she IMW. irlnlli from i, ,,i,i nnthlnr in reserve when they meet In B Ivmllh. ajuartarkae certain "Bud" Feimet'a ntrskln follower esreasi.e yells and hum the toat Members Uve Palmer AteniorlaJ stadium al Princeton Braden Ufl air ark is. M will depend largely on tb unusual strength of UV fai nines of the nan in. til nth n I.. Id and he ttrurrl should prove both close rlakt aaWaaa in Ms of lb Carolina llnrnvan to msk aubsCuiUtl a pear.- meeting" in iii today. and spertarular. its a. is rains this afternoon Th harv line, tn- - lteni geüiei hacks, ar lsk-In- r in- nl tin i, run of pea", it was ssid, wsa No rhamplonshlp la Involved, aa both with speedy who not lhat nlnrad., BSBaafeaSSBBBHM 9"LrB jaiaSaaMJIIaaWa Ma In pnundst. the southern enrohlna éttr Indent, honl.l go IIT'aaBBw Princeton and at have been defeated Uils tl s iHildii lonioriovt ami tin-- IS! I Won. Just what aouUsprn roller stars ran remote paini from aeason l'rlnrton enirrs the ram with llulrhtnan. fcarft men re- lh buildings . ISA IS do aralnat the northern university a rieran omblnaUon whlrh has not had teUtotks. bar .... MS mains 10 be eeett. M MM ton today ibanri or Hi Its Iln lo date with only NavUla, beak 1ST Ml nut roaJ rrossd ind IT Carolina and Pennsylvania rollowers will annual gsm. 1 0 swart, heat Ml email appear.il Imminent lb tn defeat by Harvsrd lo mar Us Vaa Noalraoa. Urk ui I. t be al the park thla afternoon to root for fodai trouble arose mor1 a record. Yale lost lo Brown a week aro, auart. a their teams. The officials tor the jrara rncm iit Walts. ui nr detachment .,r Mm. r to Hnolder III thla beinr the only corneal which th Bin kaaa IM til are HasletL Molonson and nallarher OKK F mXati rillKIMÉI I KVt ll haa not woo. Ih arm - of the New Tkssaaa, kaat Us I. I raniinf ih "g.,at hilly ugly belonged hut wins- IM Haven combination haa been aa Im TkalOi. MS to the. nnlvrily H wag paradd 1aft to riaTht (tandlna): vtiaril. not 3' a taster 171 while yearshr. . ltbrts, Kiiaril. Walke halfback; (khaffer. end; Madden, prwsslve as that of Callahan, ratrttr allv foiir at Uie annual 81. k ntr; (Ji end half; the TTrrs uS fooUiall gsm between inth elevens, pla nfled. Princeton haa notrd all taann rnr lilsawrlial. Malar .. U "Thl" ,h Left to right (sltllnifi: Ballly, end; Walker, fulli,, k. Harrlx Ih atronr defriislvbn play of hoih the line Asar, etaaw 1ST I. ita'T'li ""'' Wt ihn.on. runrd; Tipton, tackle; Roban, or re mi aasS quartr: Cotllnson. half. and backfleld. Not one these teama Maula, an :::::::::::;:. SI! Th I'nlverslty nf i.olorailo loal Hi gam which hav oppoa-- the Tisera has been Ijnrli r.,,1 11 a. ami ihr iroat a rw days was aid will laat onnee year, able to rush ine Dan across tne oranr a. 11 later. He rl vrv thla h lntndd to nul on ii.- Minera, takinr the addiUoa or in in killed ami atuftod and (.fared In th Mines EACH Ita Mrriirth tiniav in the tn-- and a Orel in, Him, and Blark goal linea. is: tn caoTU I. in, that tahool eirht handed in by Coach Dwye.r. la is 1.11 AiLtrs. atldellr ml. r whr h remains! until plrakln hattl lo h lxlwen Minera have been Irenartheneid late exactly pnunda, ao slnlci, iiy i the aUri n tb Minr'a nav its an ' ulveraily of Colorado students. nirh ami tin- n a srnooi by rimtliiill rea, laásnlTT.!!!!! a 1 TáS" TMmtíí TtUM1 I ollie iriiull" from the the ...tv In weirhi aa wall aa tn tat ran II ft IIHI.-n- of mimed., nni of Mln at I o loek in tm- man aenoot II it in or Mpald ar Rush's Substitute. Take larat Inveatlratl.Hi a lots and pan eierlenee on the Hlrh . hool a a Vaa Dusaa IM 1U IB T itnard that ladiiiin Tm- limn hooi lana sr inv 1. nidi- that the re lada. nadftaM. laaat .... W. a Hstaataaa 111 4M drnpnaal ii nnla houiltla wr hi.. (lardnr Regulars on fot WorkoAit Heaardua. tacfcW Ill lit would mart a to then knowledge 1,1 l C. A. Bughag IM IM rampalari itn the (am, oarh ..rtu. haa men Bsssasr. etsaet laa a. Ill draw from Uie 11001 ail and a on tMHSIoprd developed iwo lntrrollirlat rliane their niy for eseh poalllou on t. am N. Nov. 17 Orahaav. guseS m tl "ai Mhlnira l I k mu oyer the Hlrh I'rlnceuin, J., Princeton's en "tu S3 wh Mald in that th llrr rirhllnir pirit. mil ion enter ulio ullh the Arrlea that and the tnUTH TttAM WW luiin ridfint In th tney year, ilaed keen rivalry between thsae preparation for th Vale rame, which wll or nin Arrie rime bald the or th othrra. I.omai, a very fail plsyrra will b mplifled for be th Memorial patNCBTOK. n a Bsattk nt it :r Arffl ror ron r 011 one today, mid In Palmer stadium J. F ROTS IMiu IT! IM- Ml lon then bars, formerly of Hoawell Military In the on that ahowa up in or the tomorrow waa completed to UU. - yard Urns, and kept then, run-Id- better afternoon, kt. W. Haag M IS M mn Times hemic froai eroaMM lit lite, and in, the two at earn pn.iti.in will make B Baat. St Roll croas a Ill Coin.. 17 Ih m.ai ,.m ii blr th trip day with a Ityhl airnai drill that uulfjd s No. Hitter rivalry rovrtad iiftna aUIa pound end, an- reputed lo he th menI' to Auatin lo play for tb late rrleratsa I Oat. f Korlh Careltna lie 11 M- S- IMt th I thai If In. hoy v. up champion little ovsr on hour. In order to berrect PrlneMen Oel. 14 !,. iiiver.lly of Colorado and th pul that rymr who III th Hlrh a mat.' ahlp title I Tuta Pegata won Van riuaatc Smith. lllati s. oloradn mad rt-thr- rt a defense Vi meet the attack nr th. Yale ITInratmi U OoL It LafaratU a awaool of Mlna. whlrh liran four apiril In) niiaied m Altimurh hav ITS. tush total tW Ml. lb half of las rame, Coses Loftas, nrn ipieationed about there bean rumora ot backs Coarh Bush had the prim en.11 sub If Incalo., Oat. M Dartasaeth I iat Miie mil rourh j.lay likely u. tak It rvtoeaaan U Ka, a in Ui of t the Miner, nor any the. turn la. nlrht, ald he would placa. la stliules tiae th Yal offensive form SW cms Mus I IIAKKWRIJ, TV AM. inaarot th of folorarlo nllhr other team that ararvaM 417 nlvrlty in not mem bllevd lost neither roach Will toleral on varsity In a duuiiny serUntnaee. U I I. R. OaiasOTftl Ill IM 117 iii.il oroa out carlv to lllrh' elaaa ran atop thm. protest aad did not want lo th J w lag - HI day arrati ha quoted a alMiut thla. and Wat all the football rana will As of leniency or Ui Adaaa tat IM whn atodnta rrom Hmild. i moinrrd The Mina hav nam. khkinr them, thai aaa a ram s result the maches TMalB lU O. F. Ttaiikair I IT IM itt Ml to r,oidn and i,n, wnrkinr ,ir the Minea had lo ua thea men to rpla with faat nd runa, and In out work. Uila wWk the pajnt,l llir Hrh.Hil of Mlna heaiiiifnl deaJlar ÜB I, auerllinr lhir ram with tn tJnlvar- win na n all and if forward nae and not want playera all appear lo be In tba ITS IMS hnlldlnn with and Ink paint urn Hlrh. rlrhl. lhat In the old atyle inn- varsity T,.hf ir r1 ally or New Mrklao to whip Uiry mi 1. would be Ail tii mor rlory. Inf piunrior- Ail of the ronlc-.t-. COOK TRAM. mitin from bnth inalltntlona ai lb lllrh refMirta Indicate a beat condition for Allhoiirb W A. Mafaedlaas IM 17 4M In thia tiitniK Srhool, and Cosrt li yei anappy. hard fourht ii,.-- la not any ovrr amona Tala II Best M .... Careaste Tare. Its ItVrnoon and th annual autnd lat llir airiax.' wekrhl or the lieavleat ronteal, wll worth lb iinfldiiri tats OetVi Víratela a II coot IM III list MS footballlnrrum- llir - nirtn. after lieina aame lineup la IM pound-- , trouble sad siuih'iila. coach and playera, there U a li C. B. MaStaaaar IM li- ITI defeall iry Hlrh while tnal of pi 01 aoouaaion. Tala II Sat I Ltklan " tu - hduld m b play ml br tomorrow may mil hup of sll that Princeton a de Tala II Oct. M ....VaaTtaU Paly b reals suffered at the hands of Yal will be tasa M on at Waak. a Jaff U as tu jS íñt rirllrd. Tat MoT. Colgáis I Paala woe llaowll. I: Cask. I. Math ism' broken up In the Princeton amphitheater MMawdlaaa. IM. Hist hXAj Adaaas. Ill tomorrow afternoon. Tata Mat. it Brasta II ANCIENT FEUD vs. GAMES mala iaa al wiawaa allí TO FORE IN WESTERN Home-Tow-n Folks Confidant LOUISVILLE CHOSEN E. MrXaona IM Orange-Blac- k Victory 157 SPORT for jooot im in JUST FOR ?. Norte Dame Michi- JUST 'Taaeaaanii 174 CUhM With SPORT 1917 BASEBALL CITY IU IM By Associated Frees. kt Baas IM lit gan Aggiett Badgers Tie B. Barahaiaar IU IM Princeton. N. J., Nov. 17. The first of the By Associated Press. Into Gopher , 1MB Band. astern foolbsll c lasan s will be played NaSr Orleans. Nov. Ky., here tomorrow arienioon when the veteran La, !. UMlivllle. VAB dvki TgAat BIO. fly raoea In was selected today for the next annual con J. Wild IM IM Aaotialt1 Preai. Princeton eleven Yal the forty B Raena 111 ACROSS THE - IM z Nov. BOARD AND an or or Fro- Cblraro. Purdu a kaj BACK second annual contest between these varUon the National Association only an outnld rlianr to upatU th alaiullnir clent rrldlron rlvala. Team from the two feaalonal baseball learuea meeting bere., or wratcrn -- i It Tutu IM IM BOttfarwCS footliall tcaiua by a By HY M h universities rirst mt in tsn wnen Amer iusicis no ui will, era uu. 1 fratinic oiHiv.t.i n tomorruw. at4iiu'on or can football was hi the making and each Much imiKirtant Vialness was disposed of gas Ml Ml, mn, It I A mi Sir wis rollonra of th aport In thla arUon will WHO by a lisvy wave or ahow season unce trm nas teen renewal or tn al today's losilor. Includlnr the controvrray MB assas Tllllli aad Balrd US ... , T11M inn-- , rners,tlnf tar loflll dates. The miases arc all t .n uinru irir.-l.- Willi III aiirli-n- t itrn.r of in hi. own prlie batauac fur ra.ta or Tontrhi tb sen. Hands ki retardlnr a position for minor learue Tutu, jtl. Mate waa eg No I T rlld rni- ., admirers the ihnrourhbred race sirurrie. romtnia-alon- . -- 4 am ami Intel tmnal rontenta In iiaine bei,ie tralmiir Uie wadr I,, 111,11. Miner, bora 10 ysss a ravor, wttrs con In the National Baseball martin IU ptns Patela Be. I Vaa Otks, whlrh Mil.einor al ih what rut were autoed to th to in nine isa. a, a. tnmlHni lha alabl. yeaterdiv recelvd - Juarei course Sames After eitended dlsruaalon a plan was othr of "Blr Mn." .loir track boya would term tur H. E. Van Burdsm. woo showed a Ue sod the total point acore: Tats, ham and Hlrhiran Airm will Tb the HeLaaaors iirredlnr rarin In min But the adopted proyldlnr tor rroath n or a board apiir thla aiale rour liead, now .not coach l.oftua al th psrty about the lac rest and mon bran nr.. Princeton, 17. of rive incThbers to CHAMPIONS MIGHT FALL TOOAV lruiirla iMtworn Wlarotialn and Mlmia.iU whlrh rlv III pllol wbr nt Illa boya lulo rio. Has ardlesa ot the overwhehnlnr be entirely separate at i Tom lrht to look artrr ror Vm mter plant In ths world. martin rrom naUonal ommlaslon to decid all By Mituii'atKÜU; lili aan ami lllinnla at I r lb inr i'haptera of tit equipped past plied up by the Blue, the Associated Pratt. bana. Rtat Juarei wlntr meetlnr which OflSSSJ of victories the matters lr. controversy between th major Allanta, la., All or nhlu and caao at and with all the tack or tin- III 11 as en jK, tí. three the invrland Ihaiikairtviiir day. Alnnr Ml enure a. iTinrrton town and roam juat anil Au- Iowa and Aun. at Aim, ar all . wild Iks amp and the aaa minor learuea. souUi's iuka)aIáaB football elevens l,iii,,n- aliipmeiil Un- K k younr fellow tbuslssUc and confident tn the ability of or ml tlw rsaarrta of lair. .aim iilin ii,' outiiinci LEONARD, OF The membership U.a new board would burn. TenassMH iind 'Jeorgla Tocbnirat. tar aawral tam Indl drby tañer. Old Boaebud. which had Miner. Coarh liwyer may aM may HABRA tne Tirer to overthrow tn nuiidor as or tho president and secretary or ai.- that lb ttnc nrmbsta III lark llttl or not a point to who coana to n faun akout ronsiat have hard tastMB loosorrtSk . and the the i" turnd mil at Ih Mrl.emorr farm atrdcii jrei ohd nun season to ihourh the series had efways resulted In the minor association, one member each expeetea to org liitnfty that haa markd amular mrt-iim- - into hla line toda'. I.briua saya raeh take In the a squad rumtsn important in th past. for in, mi moniha. old Itoaebud th races, is hem lo learn all about ibis defeat for Yal. With of veterana rrom the National and American learuea and in the rirkt for th Bteath V, belter sien Ihryar aenda to the rield, nas a memoor, ' Mitral went II arahi III the barn 0 U. VA.'lr ami buslhrii of the mittuel machlnea. He st nil disposal coacn "speedy isnati nrin "woo anaii in no way be Auburn Mill stage IU annual rame with football will hav Ita final Ih belter same will De. and Uial lila up a eleven, which been at tb aat tMa will b thrown Into trainlnr at ortcc will return ho roe before ins openlnr, built powerful has roonertrd uith basebair lo be .in led by Vandnrhllt al lilrinliiglusro; Trnnea.ee meets for aaaon whn Old la on, boya will alwaya lie round lr mr and specially and pointed for U1I5 par the tour The nrtrt I'rnnaylvann and Mi, hi nan at Boaebud only of th arat but pena to be on hand for a visit rroomed other members. or itewanee at cnausnoora. and oenrgta l rlaali Ann old devrlopinenlii of that la ill chaniplon can do. Ttits will Uculsr conical, the cloalnr one oT th "neutral" member would act as chairman at Arbor. Thin far lha Mat. ha th the Juari Ik- with the ponlra berore Hie holiday playi leorgia Athens. Washington rlarcr track, hla rirm Iks nr. lam ram on th local t'rlnccton season. This plan waa adorned after brief discus and Lee, to tlw South Yoafa mn. lllinnla. Indiana and wlnnlnr rac here in season. slon the claimant Atlantic la. He haa not been raced Mn berhrr tli champlonahli Kimr a' An. Tba rirbtlnr aptnt of the JHue ti not, and chairman upon authority rrom chainplnnshlp Is to play and otr 'aim' havintr failed In nrrviona at tll. .line pla.-- Waahinrton to ao. lint, win tie broke down while Iln. which lake fater In lbs however, underestimated by lb: Oranr and the convention will appoint a committee to Jefferson st lllrhronnd In what promises to tmpt npat loaiiia from th raimar, l The Kant a take up the manor th atatra with th II" in llie Wither! atake Tsaa levena Sic kep- Black, for, ven the present undrrrad-uste- t with national and he another feature contest The t inri. irrption of xirhl .Inup cji Hi boya HO REASON THAT JULIUS American learuei at their annual meeting m from Hyraruas. ai i'i i.i park that yen. It i the loial lor PHMAM to bla In remember lhat within their time Yale are expected hi match a strong no' the that a victory over Ih Mln rails lead team d lo December, with power to carry out the orrena Ui The rneral beller that the rrvtra way of raiaon ih- - has victory from the Tlavr when aerial against smashing line othr lntrrtlotiat rontat will b today ror th l.oftua ahnuld bowlinr at TAtrwaoi la that he plan. or Ui1 at Blnoiiiinirtoii. th muí ma racea at th rourar provd tba mn apll who does sll the talking the five the rame seemed won. In some respects upon peuuon methodi th jayy LilnrtQB lven whr rlvn or troubt ror tb to the title. for I from Uie Parirte Coast riom Ihr Ualvcrtlty nr florida will try ron-- umtnliir the reldlnr- Trainer aapiraula men of hla ptn team. Jullua iTnceton holds th sdvsntare over Yale, American Association hopea to rfal Aaklnr the Mm. it to.-- can say the tumbllnr the Hush system now learue. and inter luaiona with :..arti Indiana tak Old Boaebud hack is a former Jockey and on OM Van lor coarhlnr is firmly league or (ílaM A stirhm mn for late mcrufti, I national members th.- WatliT may prova nf a fgrtor bi kentiicky in the aprlnr In aound lima their Coach nf Dyke qiilot rolla Jockey Jlmmle Balrd. established In Nassau land, while th New vosea New York Bankers Loan aomthlnr am a lha a convention lo request the National in tin. ronlift a it U tlmn.ht that any The hora ry IVtdStMS of he lui fnllowlnr bona rid Jinunle was neat lieai laat tilaTht when Haven Institution la aim Drlmntlnr with and American learuea to eliminan, ihai aluden!, rrrulaily In the d a lliln looking hk. a bllirard will bandirap mi alilr to iro alonr In hla wnrka In enrolled Hlrh the Van bykea ninun-- ths K. Mr the latest method Introduced by Tad part or lha draining rules In Ibe national $20,000,000 Each to 3 Ma Florida mn. iinari'iiatomrd aa Rood .hap,- achnnl and paaalnr in three or mors sub- kennss. The rider rolled ISrt lo m, by Jones. art eminent arrectlnr the drafting by major probably lliy jects: A. H. M, J. l.awla, H the or am lo llppry fmitlnit and an Irt Turtle. Jludyed in llrht preccdlnr ramea inerur mué i rom i less warns. French Municipalities It. R. Hchwani, B. Mitts, n Aay. wt ball MeCALg, m thi-- ABJIOrtA m Itaitimar. II Ii difficult to compare with J. Morris. Fort Worth, nresident nr OMo SUI probably Hnrirth, L. Wrtrlit. C. Byara, U. accuracy the power of the two systems. the will u tu full rmdliall .quad advlaea It. aaa leías learue, was elected s member By w ti. Caaey. K. k. - Associated atraanh at th alan of th ram at i lev Jr. an Ir., che., Jen LOBLEIN, OF THE SIXTEENTH Princeton this yesr hss shown s dlsposl- or the imird of arbltrauon to lucceed F. ft. Pre. surdam, annual "builder" It. I'omepny, roi1.11. c. N.w York. Not. IT Kuhn. l.oeb A com JafMt l.ik th t battl. tbla win or th All star kins. fax, TONY Inrantry. champion ..arson, eouui mini. ind. b ror atat Smithwral r.xiUiall taiu II. Bryant. D. Mroilcrlrk. 1. Vowell, P. down upon the line The board pauy. who recently mad a loan or ftto. rontoat auprrtnarv barknt for th m ma h distance walker of the United opponent's after of arbitration expects to con OTO h li Tlina. that tak lha Broylea, A. II. a Upu Am to lb city or Paris to reluv th of principal. Husiiey alstea army, orear sessions until iri leirend. "V" rasnipkioa and III it at Uial. stale alarla tomorrow niornlnr in the play had riven ths Titer bete early next girt or irth.T k" over alsiiatura that the above HI boya, at in ao at Camii Stewart in a mile the openius he aourbt. Eicapt order Pi render drrlalnn on shorn VS auffrrinrs Uiat rommunltv as a result of tniea for th rntral Coach liwyer. nr the Il aralnat purpose-toda- wa Inrlndr: Mine.. iln fnat named to play Hie Minea today, a five man or ptrat-- weak teams early In the aeason. diaputed cases. the war and tor other municipal lo com forward with a man for aralnat rnnd aralnat lam Princeton the closing At Kaat Lanmna Jtotr Dam v are all O. k. as to aeholaallc requlrr-aienti- . pedestrlaai of th army. Th rive haa not displayed an Inclination to out announesd of a similar Michi atrenrUienlnr Ih "Hream" learn. H to loan for ligl.nongyi each to the attinlclpali tin A(rtl. mm lo the champion walk in and Torce the score by steady attack. TIA JUANA RÉSULTS At namri othar than Cben. the crack a RACE Uea or nnrdeaui. Lyons and Marseilles. Lttvotn kanaaa va. . relaya aralnat Lotlein. Fumbllnr at critical inotn-nt- baa alao .'lira.ka and nf th Muck.-ra- Th miiu-- team The negotiations In Instance are In At Columbia. Mo. Irak Mlaaotirl HAkULTMN ANU In HUH A been noted, but the defense of the team each l v. boaa the ror Praa 1ST : Aad th rorm nr three year o per At ailniraon. ky .Mlatltalppl A. M. rlva "V eredll juat what BUD larlit ih lite, nas been usual Its cent bonds and ft. va. II la collectlviily, but think. Chesa would hate been aaa bettrr thsn this autumn. ft tg understood that no part of the pro krnturky. mr a biml at 15 rounds LsBELLE, OF COMPANT L, There hav been certain flaihea in Uie ahow any of til Arlanna up like i i or acrapper, ceedi will be employed In th purchase or ttornun: kanaaa Afnrl v. oklthonuv lidra In the audltnriiiin at m mina N. M 011 JIM uníanla Mlcblrin Turen' play that lead to the belief thai the ordinary playera aralnat a mal .cham- s or wins and a half BU B war ittpplips. A TTiankariylnr nlrht- Anderaon earned a has number rood laven nas more at command than it furias: pion to his credit, lha to make a lu bd Swaaut. TM; rmn a, The principal and mtereit of the bonds "nacg BAmorr jeauiie decision ovsr Hamilton on Ibe 7th of Ii latest hss revealed to data and lis ardent ad Baaaauaa are Clmrfh Iraam ball bid ror oonstdf ration ()r aoutliweat boi w Balls IM payable at the option of th holder (' baxkrt tiall rant ahould thla month, but Bud put up a acrap are counUnr upon the tram to close OslMerta, Tu. either In I led coin tn Mew It A uir show imimonra. Oane at 10 Third aa fi arloBOT: lea, id States told oitii wbll lo wrnd lhlr way to- UN I.IVKLV FOOTBAI.I. thai waa rood enourh to warrant a re boia Hi year with a surprtslnt revelation Ui Haa. York or tn at rate or ..(lr) V, M. A LOOKB pound!. He fourht Jlmmle Braily, of IM; Bad rTiiassia. francs the Hied ward tlw C. tbia rvrnlnr. The li 00 ai th New Hlrh Had turn iiu.m. in in f. I. porter Is the way of a icerlnr artark. per dollar. la poaslbill M(ii-a- MrtlMKllati and thla an Detroit, to a to round draw in Septem- There therefore th fiaptlata play arirnonn. Snma ihourh the ahow. A to The Yal eleven did not move aa smooth- d half raaiiBOT Oanaral tv of substantial prom In lb nponimr o rlo.-k- . It la to prov Mill, ber few daya prior mobilisation exchante. ram at and th bualeat .nap or ly early In the fall as the Oranr and Black, raí. zas rallar, as the normal rate of be- phnuld be a rjoa thrr ever pulled in the line of a the Mlrhlrsn ruardamen, be all but UT: I eirhatr matrh bar. run m BKlt 8IKTIHS AND ksyoed 'uuibertaon, another Mlchlrsn-der- . but lb Blue haa been ralheiing momentum fore the war was about S.IS francs per vniun, il Momma and the Mam on t here In many, many ieasnna. n bit I Mlu Irene Hoiiman.ta or the Mrdpatn rapidly In the paal few weeks and Is a dollar. " a on onij- a lew st Uraylinr, lhat alai. LaJSelle im hv thinr th eond matrh at .m ben wenka ilm-- the .1,111 bureau, were In I Paso )il broke Culhbertsun'a Jaw In lb mill, foe at the present moment. The Hurte. iar data. The government of the French republic bftwini In Flrat Mrthodlala and Fltal choolri irlmmed the Murker, ihere- terdsy SB route to New Mrilco iNilnts aleo nrarUirlof his qAvn band. Lila have dtmoroarated that they have both taw star It to undertake to furoUb. If neosstiry, to artatlana. Both l ama have worked a Walbank, loo. the rlUeg gasta to arnount hard atronr orfenae and detona and are cap unsta. three the needed Anil week and tb Ian mliuUj ,,f pUiy able of rnrilnr with eiUier in around oV Ill to enable the peyasktnl or the principal and Ktmiild rind them irolnr aa alronr aa at the aerial system of advancing the ball. The interest of the seata. hMaaaag. NEBRASKA IN FOR BIG piaj nas oeen mantea at llmea by uncer TIA JUANA ENTRIES Aff ...... ARBITRATION BOARD Al Uu nriiki. a ..... lalnty and a lack or consistency, but each IWBIT lAXMXB St'rm ALLIES. 00 IM floor. Tb foriurr liavat the baavlMl CLASH WITH KANSAS rune has ahown impruvrmi.nl The atartr By Aaaoclated Freaa. VAN SURD AM'S ALLOWS FEW CLAIMS Prince TsslnkU, aauaad. sNri JfjJJ KA I. am in thi learue rteveraJ of the playera ton combination appears to tie a better fJM,, l.ondon. Mov. 17. A Beuter dlapatch from Pat I haw bad mal football machine, U ts I ns, Sal on fx sava th orovtaloxial arovarnmant eipcrlene. calvary will kansas city, Mo.. Nov. 17 The bmthall New orlean., Nov. 17 After a de- but doubtful If It tHST seaaon In FOOTBALL COLUMN day haa polenUai or Y uéd'lUa53' baa kaasred a ProMatj with the entente pow mn iua oi aiimuirll lh lb Mlaaourl Vallry and to the strenrUi aln and Tktsata rasa, Baaklas erg voted hearlfur and mnaiderinr evldanre should the play enable the Blue to rind sauon. Oh CtSMl g agalnai the allaand violation by the has Its rhlf Intereat cantered at rosjrto aaaa wei ATiisns lr floe enodjllou and tiard pracllaia Llociiln, In diaputed rasaa Invnlvlnr players and early Tu U will prove a try rtuajOBt P rotáis to ot. inaan wh're the triumphant warrlora uf The 8ewanee Unlvei'lLv of s lteir the ram alia: Usakls Ptasl toat, VseáT0SaMe "aaVsid.'T? Mm w . Trnnraaee minor of noiii.-- um muiuai Doya are Nrbraska will try to atop Hie new tUtfS Of rame at chatlanuora. Tnn.. asaiunes th th board arbitration of hard team tn defeat. to the Th aeorm newer nr Yal mina siv tirat Preabyteriana a the JayhawkPi-- hosls or kan.as. II will position of the moat Important contest In the National Association of lRsfwaalonal is Setter rila vartTBMiit Tbeasaly, to tnurh batOA In lb v m or be than of rusa I Aaa A I continue advance in eloainr run th last rhaoc In tie for a conferme lb 8. I. A. A. today. Baseball Leaniea lonlrht announesd lha trihiited that Princeton, to far as gab Bes toHaaas: issCTu'aiia, iKiorl open al 7:10. i.u-- jt ruuuiorii atireaajng terror. team lo wring n. Ik, in im- cuuliuak In view of the fart tonchdown mafctnt Is concerned, but fh laiolt traJits Utrd rnenactnr lives and prop' era and unless ibe ksnasna can huiubi hai l( Tennrs.ee wins tosl and rirld goal kicking the Tlrera hold Salí 1 taastiuli. Baa BOAT A DRAW. their opHmrnU, Nebraaka'a claim lo the she will in all 'Fnllowlnr claims allowed: Btoui city. th adventare. LB forward páselas; Vale By Aa.irliedTraa. championship will be a cloud. o BJM rrom South Bend, In re. Oak- - haa ahown a better orfenae sod defense to Crtppl without iiirourii Henallnri Crrrk. 1.0I0.. Nov IT Bnnnv nr. Mlaaourl will play Drake al Columbia and Uie season unbeaten laud (Cal.) va. Ureal Falla date and It would appear aa Ihourh tb of AlUuuu.Mgiir 1 (Mont), in re. ia ami ir Hnrrera of the Tirara sliould am from Uie Iowa play- and be aide tn put In k aillo urh .11.. a am. UNM V verrated sttsak will be used mor a a ! The a claim ror threat than a reality tomorrow. Bueb ad- liere 'r" nitrrii round draw ers. lows State (Ameaj and Iowa etrnnr ens rcanld release from Oklahoma City toanrht fh mn ar University will play Amea a thjit aie bsipaplonahari. veníate aa Yale may patean, bowevar, ap- Search Deep For Uie willll v. la ram m.liii. Sam hulley of Cllptil always buna- - Hie ienn Jeit pear to have made llttl tinpreaaion upon i.mek and Paul .r out best la the two A number of lha to raavea-ii- , i;oloradn Sprtnri ' meana last Baturday. delátales tb the Princeton supporters, who. with s faith lirliiweirhla. rniirbl a ten leama and uai.ali.v the crownlur of ,n of the minor whlrh adjourned mund draw. tli champion of the aisle. Both teama are rlvlnr Uw' old dope In the Ides tbst this la Uie year to tlie worat unset In last nlrht, remained over to appear berore YaksTtra' sirena, are members 01 dirfereut confer-e- lb board. win, are covering every wager ami Cause of Rheumatism oes and are old rivals. Irvciai laaanni, Bui wajtmt tn eotnint or ton morrow wtlu the aaus Fallow-i- tba action of the minor IraaAet? confidence. The kanaas Antra will journey to Ner- - day beat University convention In to parentt Issrb mati for a same with the much beaten uk decidlos In weitbt and amount of maasiial Tat of ClstUanoora M leama to fix tu earn aaierv anal niave appears to have a decided over Autftoritie. ST, Trtsftt It Through The Blood. laluima team that it month am defeated win, team Tennessee had In de-l Umita, representan a vera aAunr advantate You Gui't dirfliully va of rtnreton, out 11 urraal, tn aom a lamiera, feating: 1. 7. So It's laat about trnoosalbta bibs, who declined In be quoted, nave aisl- mia M Henry Unudall.but, llila aeaaon. ed 1. nt. by Vie fact thai the Tiger eleven la Kub Uut! undefeated to fttum thn iwin tonanniw Those hn errorta will be mail al lb annual meet a or will play 11. at Tills tomorrow. Tb eav seen say Inr of their In veteran combination In which aaute imth teams in action Tenues learura both Hi asl the players hav been working t..g.ih-- laal uayloi n am. hlcli din", ab-- Tekaa. .ee has th In lb net on the ary and player limita. Uiea la ndse llir Amour Uw tor er years. Tlie I ale rajtasyt) plsS the Oklahoma at Sllilwalei Mida, while bark field Souihprn Aasoriatlon, of two three im, a. Whether your trouble la Sciatic. orttrtnatod, will you n. Asr'ea Seassnrr' itrhtninr several menibera It baa Oat of Al m Loula the I or city vena un. T ends, vuwen Whlcli have admitted Uial a move tone kite more Itnpartatn gamrs kV nlveralty that ininaa m entiesase privately uva atoe Issimbaaro er th dreaded Articular TaK a & today. The win piay the warrrusbiirr Normal., waih and Hop her look to be ma mem la on fool tu Indure tas learue, si its ni isasoa, svrssw to an poutvia, complete rsoovary t wnu lerial and will be moat lanDorteal farbirs In annual meeunr nam month In NMhivUle, whHe tb ITaaceton feewarda ranto be- HhBMMiBtlam, ttie ansrtrer is the aama. of thousands of uirfm nlveralty, IU run with ihr Pi Mfferera try taaa H H the result However, these ruardl.iua or Ih raise the aalarv Iludí from is ara i an Efana You tt through blond. the of 8 t poal-m- Z Soulh.m lllinnla Nocinal will lie must trasvi the 1 bile, aa will also Texas lalvrrally, which win have a busy llttl arternoon hbr l.i..vi, and lu Increase the player luull TOU can be relieved, r That i th only tray to rid the as play southwestern at Auatin Tueailay. laklnr care rf Wortlunn. Bwmie'a atuliit-Jn- n arn team from fuurtaen to ririeen men. fc a Mood tonic a purifier ludl bark wi ll llis Tsnneaaee line of urlo avoid, purify blood that t?reeOirsk , the and th blood, revitalises It. .. p.,nriiia. must Mp en i,it, piunnnr Dill nsek, hi elsMJUMai aaavke Aralnat powerlulaaa However, the Any way you ARIZONA AUTO re rltalla the nérvea. K th blood ta It it pure aa It was have not an order tu rap the rame. take UNIVERSITY HONE SERVICE before It ma Users shown impressive of It Usa Is a trip from here to Impurities, bant Dotaonad with la.. trnse. Ths Harvard-Brow- rama worth freed from Ithiiinatlaati BUrtUce, ennlret many a SOUTHWEST tt ti- - the it' and bark and national suarda CHAMPIONS a ran men, n(r art In strength uneeiuuiity. In own has an leven of san would rladjy lake ti trip. are. Thla short Is th asxtvea Arlv out thee lmpurttlee the ..4 a. SSSSVM. unusual almartb. Ths aKara is both puw. By Assotilssed rreaa, kninslaslM tBUned by th and oisjranle poleon Pits U, ar ssAUaa erful and d f It Tennessee wine and Tech aueeeeda nt ald and with It tin. Harvard wm tn Auburn ano Tucaon .Arta,, flo 17. linlveralty of Phone 1800 Uboratorte of th Bwtft Speatine On. a, ml her peal team seauim aaorflt, fhs - oat yoBr arsiual Brown, lha T laavaT an aaaual els Aflaooa Ywiibaü ekrvsn won There tests have been made fot- fifty ttjjBtij aaa .t M: ONCaTSNATt. O. Cruuaon probably would b a ü snaj tb adrht lavnr wanee wlna Slid Taca kisea eltáasr asniplonshlp h aouuiweaf wtten they yssavra, Ttvavy gnaw tsvavt vieat, avwwt He. Aa th second tdsyara, ipimmI as defeated law New Msatoq HAS, the wrtta áa(ijfto Company. alnnr above or If Vamtrrhllt bats Aubura AlWtvei rerrtavrkatda blood tonic, whtoti Ost.- - Hie lvwn la. ran huid iirown - (quad, 71 pi s rtf they Allanta, rambrlds wan nsum 11 out lor T'liirssir, last's a lore on imivacsitr ftald basa ,Ar vea or dsfwel h Invajlas, M will be a pilvller and a plesaure thai every football remsikalils Irtbusa la the noaebms ability ran sjoya. us sans sua JMiam iwiineaai t( irately IH its " Ta Army and Navy team wilt ponente ism 9P MXM 'MUtijñaBlsaii of only laviiueral ssreurth Ml the to pro to pewwrful tor We.i Vlrtluls fin) at in si. prior to the merlins of live and larnsrl Technical i .apt .lively, but Miaaouri Bobead of two service elaveaa, The Cadets Will op Wirt base tn work hard fur every point Mlaaa at a aas Imiim- Wei the loam asaaTt. THE TUTTLE PAINT St iu npiihalnld V. M. C, A, tralnius scored oilier whlrh Wt.l beta to boa to a AIT AltrTOlCTO, TRXAS.Motel ruin, rhe Mlaaourl team uia.1 only Drat Gunter aTTUKOPKAN at Wesl mini Th. Middle, will teama the and lhrs GLASS COMPANY . aether where rivalry ene vluwaa due last Us ram. iind viua Nina alum u.ivrly pul ara of loar itanOms include i hiah s A Hotel Built for Üte OunatU nonio ouuuai.ii uial irata m alia, k MB IMMattAlb sad l ittsburrb ar UJly Miau bubuqua k, M, rFTItCT niWUk If ifli. Otrtaalaa t. f. A A A IfflUHIIIHIMUiniMHIIItUMUIUIIUHMIIIIMUUniUll Ill millHHIIIIimMllllllinmitillMimimilltHM

COMPLETE YOUR MEAL WITH ONE OF THE 13 The Nan OSAPLE CIGAR STORE NATIONS Who Will POPULAR BRANDS Incoa Phone 267A 220 MESA Nile a Moaor Hand Made I Prtfi if SWISS PHONE 7422 Cuenta Roy Put Hanchea a Haya Free Delivery "THANKS" You will find our store We don't try to sell all the milk in El Paso, the ideal place to get your n But we do try to sell the BEST. Thanksgiving Supplies. THANKSGIVING For Your Milk From Now On This Year is Quality Service Satisfaction c5rpíW McNICKLE NATIONS AMERICAN DAIRY CO. Because V$al Verde He i$ oelling Groceries at THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING leM wholesale PRICES PRICES than price$, a savins of Can You Beat These? 40 per cent to From Now Till Thanksgiving ! 100 MORE 50 per cent mlI WE KCGCBHT which is quite an item WHIHKlEg (FMD Quart ) Our own bottUac, "ed In AM, CALIFORNIA WINKS s wood: K $I.M PKR ; I,MN In bond EVERYTHING IS GUAR Each brand bottled Qta. Pnv.Pt. PORT MUSCATEL V. 8. (Kmrbrook - - $1.00 BOo SBo ANTEED wider Government OIiARBT Foot ynn old and Monogram 1.0$ BOo BBo el Arcade - - - - 1.00 BOo Mc SIOCRRY ANGEUCA No cost to a turkey dinner this JoyandLaughter ovar H Hunny Brook IJI Mo Mo $1.00 PER QUART. year when you buy gro Qu. Pta.Pt. Ja. K. Popper - l.M OBo Mo PURE CALIFORNIA FRC1T can BOo such prices. Clinton $1.00 too OCR BEAT BRANDS. BRANDIES ceries at Get your PEACH Bum and Groan 1.00 BOc Ma M list together and shop as early To Go With Your . GRAPE BliACKBKRRY Brock port . - i.oo BOo SBo Quv Pta. . i you . I.BO AÍ1HOOT as can. as these bargains 1 Mendow Brook 1.00 BOo Mo Groaubrlar TBo Me Cape May - - 1.60 TBo Oo PRUNE APPIiE are selling very fast and won't Vlrglneue - - - BOo per quart last long. Thanksgiving Turkey Notice Our Window Di.pl.y-Pro- mpt Delivery Freo Phone 2424 and 2405 Everybody is saying "Thanks" The Lion Grocery Co. Oldest Hooae In W Paao. $1 Yenra In Baatneaa, McNICKLE WHOLESALERS AND RETAILERS In a 109-11- 1 S. Stanton St. THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING PRICES PRICES s$a Biukv: Bottle of We do not Molldt nor ahip irdera from dry territories In violation of Texas law. Peerless ft For Breakfast i CRISP, BROWN TOAST, piping hot from an Electric Toaster. Made juat a you like U. Every allor, juat right. BO TOU KNOW you ran hare It every nornla and use lea than TWO CENTS worth of current per day? "PREMIUM" the Toasters tmt Our Office Meats and Turkeys OR We carry nothing but the EL PASO ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. best of Kansas City Choice Meats. "Southern Bud" Our saving on your meats will Stalls 21. 22 and 23 actually surprise you. It has the SPARKLE, Sanitary Laundry, inc. New City Market Turkeys and chickens galore at the lowest prices. ZEST, RICHNESS and A. W. CLEAVER. Manasw. Fresh fruits and vegetables ro ALL that goes to add uUEsWrt CSX ceived daily. There is nothing You want vour Thankoaivinar Table in this department that you want PERFECTION to your Linen extra well done. but what we have. Thanksgiving Dinner. W. P. BONDS A visit to oar Cake and Candy u 'assjato Department will be worth while. The Acme of Success Do It! Come early and avoid the rush. Well, We FANCY FRUITS & VEGETABLES Bottled .by hi State it is for Thanksaivinsr when sending. McMickle's Us PASO BREWING ASSOCIATION Cranberries, Artichoke$, Grapefruit, 600-2-4-- 6 East San Anteado St. Aguacotes, Strawberries. All 4800 Today "Slow Phone aaaaaBJ and Careful" Home-Grow- n Vegetables. For a Case for Your Tabla' TSmm 703 705 Temas St. . r ""'I5'M PHONE 667. BaatoauaakiB This is the PRIDE of the MARKET

HnW$MHMwMNNalW I IIIIHHIHtlllllllrllllllllU 10 and 16 Cents PERADENA BON SANTE CIGARS I At All Dealers! The Big Five Cent Smoke wiiinihih WMUHiinwiHiinwimiotntiitiHWmiBm$Miiliii IIIIIIUIMIIBNtT MCWftNG TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1916

B I II mi OpportrjnMr-- Antn and A aTajaaa ADvnmnto ratk card f miMlmlw. . KiirnlaiaM Hr RaaaV and Ottr PrrMwapty. 4S Rratl tCtxatti and Crty fToprjri y. 4M WltL IVI YOU A 0000 DIKSuaf iMugh "rara", We wman Investment CO. SEAL tSTATt. IPJaUKAMOS. LOAStJ. y , Hawkins Broa. Ph. 2800 i M.. Business Property 1t'SJJTmTZ1,Z21mZ V aa tat, tat bit Maauaa I . MaT ta tala rMhlrmtbtp St aaa antoafo st. BBK tad p itatf barate bM tttlMMd Mid buinfaa. "Wtrtr raj "nwArnranTio rft.h OMa aariUdat that alraat raatrtlrr HÉ9M Mal Maktbly a orara Ktoiá t all M tat at PJ.tat par fatal Fart tad Plaln.trf tata fa fa 'lS prw. I nawa t iandv paaa ta rtrr at raa, Inrrrar-- r" l.Mt aar will II aaap tap Sa m bp aar tarar hlaaátf rori. Tta mata ara rha. mar fbwt CAMIOT A BEEL III a lit, m. I rirm, .dome a? u jSim tSSS sr lira.... F.ll bar laSílÉfir uue aw pjaa Wa-- IM a aaaX Da flrrt ion kaM i.i.wii fniwr ai aid paa Mrtrf i ramakad taw, aaaaaa aaajam writ wttb pdar rraafa tkaraa Muabtt boar baa III kXaajrSBl iiifjt SM Pira N.i Hank Bid. Promt til P Mtr Máx J. A aacAJBDA. D CUrk nf UN lnatrb--t CWWrt If Bl PPAP ClBI tl . TwtaA Twuf winmm. run aaií. laanri, meal and Mala, riaaa nattapja.1 BV'rneT a mni mm Orara anda- - mj band tad Oat a m lUa rnrrL Paao, -t aannnltr Fa man ami alfa, w taisr, an Bungalow thp CMP at at Taiaa.. thk tba tftb dar of lank MOW iaan 5T A. D. IRI. pa M nwatb. lit tlfl aa,-- A BSTAJBDA. raf WArfTBD-Part- artaaai BÍA1 iW .RnaJ) J. Qiii fa irm M ilk nw i. uba fa firilT na. Court of 1 Paap Count Taaaa. pahMrt MV i amaraan work garata ttt w. at. ajja. '!.Clark of iba Dtatrtrt HMIEm: raiwM. mpa rular Qaak UimKii' Nimm Fnr partlrolar. addraa I. C lb UllBBBBBM tÁrWJÍ ir.ni raaa. aiaa PatnlNll; tM aaaaa). rMaád' ártfjl ' wS Una? ball Ba forth dar of Ortnhar. A. D. Ilia. raMi rata, aw Faaartlaa pa DM. llinna tS p o Brar 1 A. BaV'AJEDA. Ml aira lttl. Clark of tba IHatrlrl Court of Ba PtM Or atr , Trata. paaau eenk Krmia. It. llnnmtiax Horrara far nii i.i fiiniahai raaa far aatdaaaa, artrata laaaa. bm MS. HAORATt. Mtaaaar III. IS! IN raadat ( pata. ata. trada fa Iraa. Br E M Mow Ma. Datwrtr. MM par atda I ay"Ta.Tlaraai' am. tan in Sat Clhtv band on Iba ,. . . nm HLvf raiaiaaa raaa far tana, flap rapar trada for aMp Hall. W. H. Catp M fay If W. Good Rooming Houses ITrrtia ION. laa. Austin Agency ... m. Bal laMMBM tba wIFAda - W. Orapaa rootm, IN Bl aaa, STU fDm BRANCH OFFICE Making IS LJfi''. r.V" iw WK Mt fMntevr Newman Investment Co. f nabll.' "or thr ice Profits ' raptrapapar ta Iba . raaal EL rtwTnrji COMTAK Wantcd-T- o flpK ataVtVt Nr 'aajbaaaa, rtaaa Ma. ASMJI ta raiBiliil f-- Buy i aat.aT n a tbwraof rvsom W4 ar aadlar walakt datfrar; or i irarda. fflT'M.T fiimaati rataji laak tba ... paap .; rr ATS KB AH P. O.. AN a,. I MM at Por Sale Pat A PAT paral l wlirda aratUa. u dar r .. BM ... aw a MB and lb. dar af RWELL. MONTA XA ATTaA rla naaa. natr T al f" A Phnar laooM IHHVU It ttt tM jnaAvam tad a fartatad onpr tbaraaf It rataraaa bwaalik Tat It '. alaaa. aitt. dlata.tr. ardaaUr Iraraaad ta Bat aPMMaa m aaak II MKT MflrT IN Orna IN ttt tiwWt. lar U anil Mt Plrat KM. Htnk Bid. Plant Ml Alamwta Mart ral. Batjia.ard hnlM kn awn". Dnt kMwa irH ri MO NT BANT IINL. OOOD OOtUTEX. .i II III flr.1 rUra P.ailb part of "111 trrwpt.1 BEX Till BAlUl.tl.N NIITI r ajan and rMttni TUt MBTT Utai ar aai ui kraaak Hml4a " "1" ur1na aM tarn utirn Scenic Drive Building RAILROÁD TOáVTAlUJr II O0U UIXI; TKKM 4. FN ÜÍMN4 UTO IN ORaiNT) V oat iaaMÍr,T JafOJPB Site EFFaatla MM 7.. IlM a. a. aliaial'aaaJiai.r art far Call lilt. a aaaaatw. la tiaalt m. aaaM On. of tba wht taat an ta. arta pf rat aaaa. Matatuda BTtadtrl Ttaa I TAr?jrrV.0L .... m rmtit nair iwir. laa rw a ArTmixvrr n II Paaa A kaatttwalara i furs rrraa liar Nrwtb aad Aaav Arrtra I nQTIaSVTl M. ITS Nettie Van Epps I aUfontU AM a PL K..II M.K II. .f mar aorrAaa: ataalaa lalnal Ml Mat Ata. Plrat. Mlt OoattM aula LtalMd M 11 II M taat aaak. arrrtr. II Kh f Tarutnarl bl Paao Loral llrtlltUf TI l. artam Wrarthu e III taa Irar Mt I.M .ar la Partiana and Patau, rtaana IttT riRE INPIHA.tCS. KfrTABT PTTIBJC TaW Proa pat Waa- t- ArrpFt IX ail) rWaaj tmj far aM," k Our a promt Hill MM pair. IM LUatUd AlTCaA ArtJt Mara. t I Otldaa SUM N MODERN PBlY. RATH l.Mt t.ta) ii... (ñlaRaWr II ntr aoktb. M A m ira ir.it runiiaarUitaa. W. afra. av ama, Ifar- Am I Caaaar CKr Bpiltll Tm Urania NprviBl a f. H. ét macrati. Naaaaar K Kortii and Kaav lFt Notice J. Smith Sons Iba antral N RltNT II M HI'M IAL rnarK f rurarl UN KaahrllU t Pitan MM it UUUABr. I. PHO.Y ML I CtlVumU ..... 4 Bm! Cao BM IL PAM TRANIfl 00 1 haiillnt WILIY IANaTOKIUH iOft CONVALKCIMT In W. H. Oaddaa SUM Utallad a motto. I. IN DOWJT na TH illrtrluaj ptralMt, ragna. 'Austin Agency I C Wt ron it rrtitaat, prtrala Mtl V Tarkttrarl El l'aao Local t IK Tilla, tm a. otaaMk at, iawp I C. PW rV H r.aat .t oar Maitit 1II. in. tm tba Wat- t- m rTNnrr booms we at or OolrVai NKW TOBK Hawkins Bros. Ph. 2800 I Hula Utnlttd H. JU I. I t ltf koa.1...... HOW UMDEB COnrrai;i,TIWT-- Daaarlaa at Five Lots $1,000 toiaaa j. IAW. H T B. for tana It Paataa. Mrrtra. aaa. tat I t waalb front. I mm latapaarra iu Oaa la. aartk Tau an flMiiiaia tAia Far rrora lb. North and Baal bardwond fuan apJwaABMB, laid aa ptat aab rvaora M bfalcan Kapraa It N Val See ill Mil I. Wit llMlllll In. full ala. pit s MAKX LA Rut. ht uiAirua adult dear ta baatraaa: baraa aaaaad-k- aba. tabu Nettie M. Van Epps " 'for liw'ltorta. ti'aav--'' TA HI at IN Pj0XB AMI Al T 1U. l.AlaV parrrt: aallwwaU haUt In faUuraa, mrln.lln. klKtant t.ttr aruw hlrttpo kaap ; Mt Mat Ara Pboaa MM. II Eaaa t.i a. H UN. I ri. lit. ml aA 10...... I. a i. " aAiil nhttil aad I Hi). ItUM IM raab. tzs ' I IN, w 11. Ills onlr IIM oaab.il and InlaraaL 6suili' la Vila IN "Baa? fliB n ttlfa Aataat 0 lapi ái 'siálaa. ITT. W. a. IT I BOOM BtrrTOAIaOWOa BM Bb I fall Mt irarkapa Taaaa BL : akwamilin Tba II Mtl áitair far M latn. apa. b; ta ba V raaa tlrat la. aair irstto. raan Ml at aaa. par wfOi oaaaraAa ditrrwtr la aa afa.1 raaa. Ula lion In II Pato Indar Tba prtra la 111. Ml II. Y It . Why Worry About bath; Una rjaaplrit paaak. A brana worth whlla. JMp a U rant. f.-i- noli htm. WUI rtnlan lo olt iittrbaaat Prkrw ll.tst; Mt JAMI L. M A A B V raneJa aatar. II. IM tana 00.. Antra Male llrlp antra. Braoaa. in v. II AjiUftlo By Phana AIM . aa. pir .h la.lto riai aaal TD lfi)WÁuTW--l- a IM Bank I Ma tak aaaa alr Future Ontad Tbta. RRENTStrOOD HII0HT I Calif on l:Ms m. What pf the bao fiotat. raaaOTal piara, wlllfoialta lajanlbajr a Prtra , Matara ralnlnt m. M Lota BÜMB frna tawAoffloa parad road, barb it Ma a, will n... ' óñ FANAind. la Iiatt Wit ihtlHV I lIT'to fjTr Vl?, .Uww'lraar rat. waur. fbt. dairy alia aad trrradupa t lauatln tad raiuitnu rail May Iraa ra nur otra. Caar Urwav llana IIM lot BM Idmlud . pnr ii Bring Forth? fraa ratono, Utt mm WE HATE OME CMtOO TKrfDOR MEN NOTEH aa KAvrta Mk tinArlara. Tirana IM Tm P. tba Wat III. uní ww win irada far Pautan atttt. aiu viata Mraralaa Zrwnvr. JSar.Tw. ñauan Mana Matan. 7. P. Turner A Co. Opportunities for the inveuting public dalrtrt ptrfatwd BARGAIN ON RIO BBANoTaT. Mei bmni n mod Two laaat Uta Fa Iba 1M Lkrck; paad. Pnuii. Annwira. than at the MO UTmm li a. never have been grrater barrain al 11. A Prat lla 732; Ph. 1439 320 Texas St. Hawkins Bros. Ph. 2800 JAMES L. MASS A 00.. El Paao ia commanding Baa FN. preaent time. Mt Antonio Pborv Kun.ldnt Bat 111 more and more attention with each PORT WORTH LOT TO TRA0E I Clarion Ball .... Must Sell at Once lar Bl Paao proawtr. Lott altar af data, win aa- - For tba FAWt- tea year and offer a greater future aaaa map uniattwapta. Ctnnrtn It. I H a aaa abo ran par nal ata pan traja JAY r. KNOX 00MPANY 1 Sun. Hpartal i tn Ml lapta tuda I,l. .IMP TWO II VI NWaTVCM .Mt: II l and more real attraction to an investor J CTUTThAU.T Uk'ATTI rtn rumltura. Lb. AIU Tlau aohool: onlr hlor fmn 110 DOWN. M PEA MONTH AUTO STAGE LINES la oar Una: aaar lima; bal It of tanaatrf hrlr Oood. lata oa Mununa In Iba Met aaaartMat nr.1 rlar randlllia ,mi JB than any other place in the Southwest. nam Bt IM Uaa. A Mi. II IT.Mt; II. M aaa. ...I i anrrtti a! trr.lt rnur Ml I MMaaTji IBP PI aaal Panab. wtut brat ..funirir J AMIS L. MAR rlNA UatUlÍT aiajuiil, aa. Your will profit by buying real estate aaBBaVtad S 00.. raatlna j.art roonar Wall aorth D IM ri qirlrt That runa will tn Ml Aaa Ardanla t tata. waata. tad raa bar aaa aaa ata ara Ptorua Plata. Front of Udtal SFatldoa itlatvnn. uataa A: aaakaaaaaaa pmsj NOW. Bat cadart for bh. walk and arondwork. Msll Mft. and RUBdAJ At I A BL PSI0I ONLY I MM. aouUi rmal Iran oa TrowbrbUt BL l.r,-- . Paa M uiutllu. rati Ahtlmnr 11 M and M M, aaok II aa"í. aja j Mlltat Numerous bargains are advertí aed daily IIM aah. mraiUtlj. tBdasM laraAlnD rail at offlot for partl.ailara. Uarlna. II U; Maaalla. LM: Maallla ii Tl; aar. li Ill u LOTS at laVSM. iai. t ' Rooming House in the Times' Real Estate Section and MtKEC BROS.. ZJttsE-TtlF- IM MUM BJfAf. aiTcmi. ta) áaa ITiriaaa m. KttATia) Qassified. IN HEART OF CITY 1110 PÍ FOOT II P.rt AM) II On Ska Jtototo BL. fiat uff Oraland. no ottatr MI IIIRI KA' l.iiD.M l'MI Times' claaaified ada bring results. The II Itknan TP. HATHA AND VKHV Vil p IU ttaa rkMaatr at doubu Uaa prtoa lUOWIHIl li t a A k hum JabTITl. MARR 00.. AVMWaUaV I IBBIBOBO MAIL LINA n iiMaiirn ni umuiu in cost is small. BM HF.HT HIHTMlrT. Al Pl.AI I I.A. TOI" Bat Ail tordo Phra la latina Baaall. a. ra. tad Cap- ll.l ut Baadar. For IIP. or. H at PAM wiu. wi.no it. May Building A OI BAUB Ckaap, by owna. I atpa. aaal krla aa dalir and Puuka field M BM Or anda I black Tl rianlr. Bando. UaroM. Port BUaaMa, Catataa tad WÁMtUi Pa'tral AaayáaiT IE. Ml nil Nurai Tba abora -K la paid Far. Addrta Bop NT. trb1artnrL laktibüi tfw a IBiiajB dailr See Improvement Co. war Drtwatn Hoawau ton rata, ai- - WaMam I'l.lm Tlarr,ph Ir. Btrruu at rtartoal drnnmiil KOOM1NO HOI ME imAIJCM H0M POB AALB or Wtda lot El Putt aruparty. N ml.ni lor lan.-i- ia Ctrrkmaa. a P. A á?" BUILDCA. p, yji-b- wámm Itaaali rarharuii .bu III MAIM tlV rnosp Wa Ik af kka on Pialo flaw, Tri . n; I N k AaM ar fé in atn tattld tar pari otu. roar A k laam a pnaTUbt prafaaalaa autralr Wrlu or puta, ttrp A alatdp porok. Pablar E P A W trata f a, Wartii ITIAMHIATIO H0UIC. Mt roa ata tara aad paarantM noma K)SB.p FJair Laalra Mala z Port 3 Wa dprou nur an j. a. a Mw uto Mala itlat. Ill All aianii and t nam. BJaTJ prlrftU ball.. aallafarlloe. tira tumi; u M Oaatr. b sap oí tanrt PJM tu aarlitbL Tbroaali far. war. BawtU M ASTM. Trrjnt tata, it to M aa. rtiait rati: loa laaaa. pood rurtilturr; Iraa lu I ta tOad tutnll pit RTbaTS 1 full IrtU. IMS rr. arlranra l Noflitea. I loan and Room off err. I. baTldWj On .mm am. aatralU. la.lt. InlanaatUato uotnU Ir pa rniU. Bal- arluralira. ufTira wart; rraptirtanllr for It AM. ii M aaak tad abana a roar fiaa Call 111 Milla Hid! up to 111 panada M Aai Mr. Up rart'aiaa raa Mr aam .arriad papad fraa, mora Pnaaa Uta. far rVaa. pialtt go., HI I PIP. HOOK T0(. E if tar ap'Mtt bar at ,n M la pa pound aaal Mart mni f Ill pour mm tbta IB link Ik tba dir. WAVrV.li Fir.. ..I. lJln. m a a wnrraal IN Phatir lorr. rtaaa tad ipi.lapj. Maaaa hMI, Real Batavte, Faáraaa, Hsiyalies 4 airaw litad tpalr. W In cardial I1M.M. untrui. nata raaat ta ral rúa; nana .aha POR lALt owoar II raraa apL bauar Pplra.lldll EL PAID TPANirt CO. -- Itaajva. and ' liaullnt FOR RINT Jhi. or Iw.t aUxanur furulaloMl tarapt. V6m trwat . MM par. MaIMBH bat taaatMaaa at Tta Trapa tVaaa lartlad Kanala far raab .all al ami. Art. oa r. Oaalan.l I'haaa Mil Aaa pfarata llalli taatuatlnt. ttaam ruaran ra. Oram Mat laravmarkaU bawaan I nt and p at Wrat b lltl oouarj Paur of Matkaal a.OtlTartl TLMBFI DJJaVtjTlT HlVIH tttarlrtal fW Tf-- " Wfwt. rWrr un.lan t l.r. CHIAOPAACfS. raaa board for ladr rra.ralaa.aa 1 aaily anaaaalMa dtmuad MBallarT 11 aaoumt It arararrad. i'Mna taran an p fa tad Mt atottalxai a oar ugra Ptoaaa Plata, front af aa-- I Mata ratidrad. aipalaaari tañan mail Mil. tbit alaoa af IM torta. If taut alad and baa tba i and Tlrapa offlra. rjraroa. ra. 10 IIIKIM ri.anltuj ruara boalal. madam koojraa AL Ill dailr Paliat .. IV alak, raS una aWtttt. Cart tata am tti. ttaup. a. . a. a. Da.. ur- aalarj r n Pi Utan JlS't Mtrtla Mar torra k Lots a auriui .rata am A fli.t lla. Iau1 uaranua.1 PI. rata ir.js Government Hill CJjroairTA faraaa For aala Wrtu Far ratb aaa ttt. aaaa' raaa M PWr aimin la r III ... btt: uaa rlthi par' Kaar w.at Poll PAI.K lil n.au n.atilnp braaa. Applr tltW; Two lata at Oiftad BL. Oaaatiiaail IIIIL A bar Walkk, BhAtmra, Okla. baraa- Para; Bl Paao latata. wa: llat, Tla iTTraatltt, HANICUAIN0 IIP N Kartau lraat aim IM aaak. M rtaaa adtt a monta will Tarawa, paa LiaBi a tl biaba Jitni átatal wttfc rrVaala Apta l "lar Mr WVl Plaj.lrat KtBBi latíala. r,i Faunataal taa T Mai-- ' as iObiU mt itPMt BMA mm. ttaa apar CtnulAUon Daaai wipar AarW Mi' r.tiii.i Mr Urli Ba MACBAT. mtOájjta for Tura I WaVtKÍi wt.rraab.aju and" POPI, aa batía, tt.ij par wm. tttwT WW ai. in Ml vn a trh , . r.tiXA IMS: Vvtlla RAI1HKM ililJ.Mir. mvm r.ll laaralna i. and Pound lot. I r .tM oa Bait Hrra lan.l auto WnrA. Bbaul and 'laupbtar, Marttaarlla aUlaiparuat.i Ad I . - II flra aarurria tallar W. n. Pray. mallal fraa III E IHn. Pial 1. 7Trrrr. W. H. Austin Agency ana toad raaldaoaa kaa ka Baa Dbao. buu. riulraia IOMT On a Part Tinta IawwAaaaa. for Bate Bound trip d.U, awtday) au wM, fS. II aA NT. rpatalul .a' daMaaar al ...ai Hraaaa puta .. i plain MM aaddlnt IP M. Oraron at. Pttwaa if 'auy DP Ulnbtl I'HITt TI AHI tiia .íaa'.lnr" IN CArBtatT'n. uT"Órwri, tváaAlraT Til I'HOLJFIX. 11 -a .! lart til l'aaa Tala. I nnaa Mian mullidlo Manlrrur IHEEP PON PALI mu atr Ill.tlllb It tail anllutr. "."I Ulaaal ruwanl 111 N KaJtaaa Pbtala Itfor oar OMka palil hp A. Un li.aal datan tr taot IT bark.. IN M L Ma MaBanTL i. T. c .iQMajoffki Pb. Illa, aaio. saaartar uta ra Aail. Al at .aril Addraaa D Tlntak Hamiaalra aMfl.t a la 1 laa ANT1I ...ra rir.trUa.raal parra H. l.Mt roana mmm. aad to n Tira bou a. Mat. itaa.alloaa at katai. PTr.1 Han Bl.lt Una IP Fiat ..ni menacing .a r..ilaia.larrla tOTt abara baraa: oíttoN ai Y VéáofL Val., tl'lblil Applr Til N.l UaT ltln.ll atr Ulltn off Ú brad lu puaibalal and Moran baraa; l.Mt Globo. Olla t Auto Barda Bum liru N. npttl rar iMpia.1 Tall m Will MAKIR A II Mfa 11. an aaa. Lllllll M ratktral Taaa naar kaa Aaaaan. BU WANTTl llraal la I Aav Inf.aii.alli.i m All prrtoad In rutll I.MILE Btrf raanrti In MM Ara will la I'h trata traru ra tana or m larttyair II Aaaj PA tWIra i.,.,,,i rawar.axl Mlt JAY F. KNOX COMPANY. AIHI 1.1NF. ifl md Otttosa, pg i'.an'niartal BuUrjin a tad WB wantVi rutrt tiiiaib. Ira Apiilr l atom ant Natliaial Hank a a Mi aUdd Tltaaa PAM. pa. r'or Salr MlMltaneiaa. II aV Otta Imparl. Oaraar i Miia míTMaTTt1T a oa M jfia. WANTED l qTaMTBS ÁQoa. ñru Widlni aila. MIÍMI IN H..r,lar lltilAOTta will pat U ua.uua aUUaja. MOUITOH Bra oo abaraa. of mlnhm.'' llUrSb nr.1 Ira raflnb H.nl... Pitta Prao man roll ajaa. Ml' platU rauta, Tail laa wbat roa HAVE tad what roo WANT; M iBdllaiiia lantl aar In wdupaa far milk raa. WaNTi.O In wajtu Map; A MS CO.. law) at paUp: Pttata Ptawhaa PumHUT. arrtlia a.arr arañan at ooma waata 1AAAFaA T0AA01 orVttaalaaa and raarartbu rafa Muta aad WB wUfpa TOD an lataaaabaa offar. If. Mt, ram Tuna. VARY. tart II ;.. II M at w Kao U.a low .aal of a.nltta U raaa Mlaalart. La Crarai lTC. PAUL MaOOMBA. paaaua aarba lu and All aátaai taraurlna & i., latí t niaa A., H mi m Dailr Fraa IIAJLM alo ot Jama. Allan I n harlltm. . T ti I arpad raaiMarad boar. M Pbapa Nl. Baal BataU. IM MUM BM. Iwwat lira Cllr aad Atate! baa Anaala tSfb-- u au.-a- aa. rata taat. Iaecal Notioas. oa of FlanU Tr pirti piWT rHHI "AW PUAHITUH. .nu.u Poitad Otttni 14 oara Tltaaa. antral r Al ar, b., far ' iacfi at; AL Otra to all puanli ira. araat.l .anil m 11 larbaa. oaarnaiiaal and wui our ri roa it nano tarta, tara irfa tal aoaavd aad au rHlVan or a wppjaP. ajtt Pft. laalad al Tba laiaaat FTpaaa lUt mm aaaaa MOM PU aHT-- Oaa. New Bungalow. Clifton prtra 0nnauu.1l aim ru. aaiT.a. aiua.tl.a artrra .lark la tba (Lv tad I IU. lU.at llmrarr Motor Co., tlppoalta t w t Taaaa Mupplt Haauairmt. Taaaa. H. At. PAAO trata ttt iraaalt BaoU Wanted h.w jti trailh t. 00.. Ill Altttll Lvapot Pbaaa baf ami (tal II l.l MI'I II affur.1 r pru :.t U TKTTX Tta am baaabr uaaiii III Mtaaia a A, bt BaUh, VaIJ u.rtar tu iai! lo l. aalraordlaarr lUaual run PM ttattX. Street O. Cowan, by prloaa f ral raaa. Itaniliar oaab. A OOUSLAt 0. OSOWALL ftntdkad: hot air baat- - Jrr tad latatl uukln pabUraaoa a! la. Mt p ta fa ratrrhaaaa. At tOwQai IwauUTal I raaa braaa. MM rdlatloai. For laaaa lAimbar Dai'arUnail Ptaaia I'll Mill. Did Ultto Up BoMM urrlar mm. ftMt law taat plant: lot IFVbtlM. PYtot 4a.NI; tBM raab. tka taw tank aaak ftaar radii lit PAIT Wa ara tba ltpapt int IkawaoF. it rlÑ, for' atnrA thai mmm Ma urna. dar U StllWlaNI ttnill.il. irMPUTTC Untar, IrtllUn til atTaTtaa Mal Pl'AMKIIED Jtlr. rani Aiatl wraal.ra .f all kUa of flAft tPlllliBI la Uta aoutn. Good Porch Climber U alora far oaab ar on ranltl niMMl alta. Taaaa Mint lll.lt puaranbaal aa ptiblMbari Iharaan. bul if far Artanaa Swrtttlrat rtfriPMttd and naataanlad. pad. taat, ta l.TY Haiauaaa rtlt. nupi.l) .'.. liaatuttta.l. Taaaa Wrtu winu ratal ba raarjaaat Bapmlaad M. Van Epps pamatM in tat airtr nrut JtidVdai Ml ttttat aaaPtatai. for ia lour Nettie tar tatwiB' Wants Chance lo Be a roil MU lora AMP wBk a APtm ara, UAUAt. raaaa. Ml Maaa Ara rrtptu MM. a. 31' mPVSa tit aaid fartb JarUatai dlatrtoL Ban WanttMl. 112 t banda. It.. In. HIRE' A (000 ONI. aiao VVaiJale H. VlASl0 AAj'o 4JI pana publitlud tbp rrjarut l. OOANIA ASli' PSAA, I'ttulrry and Kip. alory rat lip lappa da BL t I at marta in Marine Service Itl. I aldana Bta fudlatAl dUtrtrA. M atwaar DOOfO AUIR. WtaTtgDP riaaMptlIon Blaarr aad pan! labia. mmm and tal ; una. MaaMaa wiatih. por ni Ta tTTfli iOBoV w pato, a aaaa tl t apaaA baatittfial latwara. abrabbarr WtñB UttM anotl aa naw tn.ia lata J IS aad Uaa tVAalaUn iowi -- pwp to Bldt Pitaña Mil IIM. PAaao. maat AM Alatli HtvrkHEAr un 1l ar- . "S aoaatr. tau, ba Now York City, Hot. n. --Bfw tM It ttl lit Iwa Btaablua IIKMIN. tTt urpparl -i ittl BMappf La Paao. aii ta in LAV PI ALTY AND TIUIST oo. atonas; lusajai.' rt? X Wat MB At tan WANTED t.ntllali rpaatttt draannata ti Utam la arltaa To tM Mta riaiStt - ta Mondar la January, HIT. tba aaaa bata tba third B rood And up raan.aaiutjint and par.al.it aaaaftlna; raa- Htda rtraua Ml JAMIB L. M ABB 1.1 aai riRtiiNT) af. lira, tm. DLAMONIta laavakl atd aobí Walo 0Skf.M-- tar of Jaaaam, T, that tad litara. u atlwa a hat oUvtP iriAPaXBd kcrompll(l)mnu. Amtn-dii- i a. an ant ualu.ai ta rUbt parv llaata Pf al tana. hand rol SH mwul A a filad aaio! mart oa 3a raahtb of q a L PUmoaejak. Mt Maaa liBII la dar wui to to out of Jail WANTED lat.l) lauiajratbar fia flrt. biauranra taaAaa panab. taraata Hartara, rlihaari aaaaa ia alwlp). 117 la a attlL auafiaat oa ttu Kalr rat it NEW .Mill lit L HI' M. IiM- - M Ottfua Of aar tatatUt Ill Pira Hal aaaa a IB, KaiUxo. Pa., And ttnoouio a for Unela Otva laTartrnra aaa aatarlaara. Addraaa Haal alilfft. Sacrifice or pauaa aya Tata asaassaousH dy, Will fdalatltr mim. Mai liMpjaatirt. i. ttsSSTJr 8km to tn ranki tha Unfied ItAlna US aSM rtaaaa SSL I MMll i Ttall BL O. Oraran ara A aaM prUUm oOrpa, l aa old KtuUiarti Hp ta at un di lililí. rucordiiur to An utptaJIn ltttnr WANT Huy Mla rtlLnJMNurV 13 -maxsar. jUaattlaaUua Ma ail Irá Will atiboUrwraaa. ptaWwaoual: ailwta bddra.MKl to taV marina pacrulUnc BtalloB TbaA aau m pa!" Daa l. Bar bitPNIf. Aaalha aaa Caanilaalnn Brotar MMk mar ID FJaUA oily. tad Siaikd. -t an .aa--) 11 aiaad. 6ala FMaatalf Ctar A on parertJ p In - AfTn Yauaa ladf for rtaar ntiai aaaak I aaarrlklii at aauairat artrota mm. Bt i. l aad s tiitli wrote rut pk- Npaitlah Applr II la I. rtanlaaa H aal Paaaa L Clothing at a Ma I aad I larra for il.toe w and to MB prtra rttBM MTL (MTta Pbont Ml. rualrbatw Huff raaaa tad trlotlc outbiirtt, pnuiilasd usa Hllaau aaak paid far tm off rlrrthlnt and taaa, papaba M Bt OtnAaiuio lawaaMt a Land Ok. swakon a OTtAPT apaUllat on flratf aV I Jawatn llOOtÍA Ualua M A inriuranc to alt M ..l.l ITauanian Pttoaa TM lit JAM IS L. MARR OO.. btarin utaraat at tba rata of I pa aaal mt ana art. hV.ai II u l II .aacaaaar lib.. Paatv to lappa raraa. TII DalUa llt.M to the call or Ui riA, ir Um marinas would WANTED Tiaint lair aUaoartaaaW. tra.1 rvarabra BAU uuuuLAa d. uauaiki Atatvr.uHf oDlf coraa And rat nun out .. ti.Urau.al upawftur AiaMjr 111 TmaH lll.li Ia'UI IM MIU la akrnad Maaiad tha num Wa par ItlthtwlA:tab am 7 faaft riiaai. tad kr lafattariM tad AlUioufh rouiur clAlnu to bo WANTED ah Amaniato la.tr lo .In llpi laapaar.at hand tata. houi llouaea tor Sale. rada 'a nan ta ra. a aera or uad M At flood "UPklOiy rallar," unfoKunktelY bJA p AMD TM M Ala.. Mt; pa Lúa I Bl Paao Taaaa amor aa rBlQiai Call MM iur t a TI XAS SA nasi CO.. Naaataa. Taaaa. POB BALE ll. .na Mudara eatuaa. bxa When You Build a Home Irani. ooaatr. lad moral ire not In the iafim noutlAblar aw front, alaarabu bank WANTaT) Olrl for at art and araaint WANTED CLEAN, WHITE AAIMl WILL m MalM. attuUl pora, alt raid a competent pibm of aM rxBidlUon. to Ajutndus and pain oassiov in ana 4 Moaaa ear a a triaarwltr Maw around aad latina hit mutt wapaa loot mm ara Pll r K.N TP. TU. I. .IM. DEUIEHK AT titii. aad arattl lawn, bal iiadbkirramil. ftaa to do your wore, of tka lAurulall Id DTI while tha mar rnpna II VOS nana. 5 rt.air biarh alwaja tka allana natural cana ton Inn WAJfTED Oood .wot Aafararaa. .ii ITMka alNkrlit OF I Ml T HP CUCA lAaS Br tirata ta na aottonl. paad atrat aad Mrkad. da tnc matfiild builoins ano waJtla aTttMiiat 11 reraoa; arranfad In tad BO company reuiAliit boATtlaAt but miconttminAMd. IIM Artaauv w ANTED Tn tilalnnn.l wltlu i blua rtturopua improvement atnkkl la Ptraona Ttl taailBtt. aarlj 1114. bM built baadratia of Sat BaMM M M Paao, VU WA.NTiat . al ...ra Uar Pttoaa II It irlfí JW. altar tall llolrl1 NEW BUNBAL0W. OWNEA win all. ohaap. alaaaat la "urn? STit Puavt M I a WA.NTE1 Staall oaab r relatar 00 rouut. altatilll ptavb, rtaaa to porok. oprua. Uoúla MaT"t7buW la" TO IILVia boundary Bap IM W Han Mil. ail. Braatfaal atnal tan a.au Fat aoulhwoa by tba tail if aba Banla Two Men Indicted wtiatAjV aatipd tall KILUUflM HAH BIALT 00. Vbana owna. II TO A HOME." Oraat. a iba awl by aaid oaaal. nhiob PMt AUwaada..vi.avr.b,t fr.Mdir .l.ajilut Ptnaia lit Tara Otil ftaiTaauauaBa. lt i llta.AU Inaaa. Una im orla uaa- - rl a aaa aaa a aaaa tu.t torn imrt. tad tba BaOi-U- fw ,a,a.l Uaii Hlda Paaat nm. in.., Tinta. of a tratt af Mad dalmakad u da w H on Burglary Charge. id .ra 1N.M brant on add of A. J. To tCmcha ngn MitPillanpouB. b tit a IM llouaa'. IlLW IM BMralU. Ruaban tara imp OaaL II far aaa RaMkl LkaTtAItanCta. (TE. af IXarob T. 111. u wtttok tuap rttanpaa all at 111 taUB Hilt tattalS aaal laTS dau CPUI AJOfantarS CAFiOl IP r rtaaa paasoanajk Ilia pat ara tirad af Bp a aktAM w aid a wa tnara aaorxptuo nd MUI mr wnra will pira roa raab fir laaat. or will Mabanta wMb A. BILLABB. Pkaaa BB. And aumtaff aaaa Fur a foraloaura of baa Uaa, bt Indicted by tba and Jury yrtaterdty on WiiaTKl'Mbb1l.aaa.t . aa llourapa aV.wL0W IM M tibaaad) aanafarm af it. i...... lor Real. BR0AU0U A II ARO "UT baa iba aad tratar 'Oar re or burslpj-y- The ludlctment I ifl ii T.MVAwliPrX ",C'" Maw tart. urna, and atrool; 4 roraawrl the T " T . - "Kt! '.i. W COMPlllllY FURNIIHI0 H0UCEA DoOflad to produa IbMr daatl wiráW) with Incident of October ti Morid a. a. A a a. when the ahow or TI H Maarltant ' . Iai .a la,, aittt ELI. that kll C0. Uta prtoa IM rata, bal' . Uutauf will ba affatNl last window Jo Vosba'b lit lt ttanitil. HI I7M bluuk rota TI M W fa FiAVtva wan not you bafora aaid aislóos wa and Mat artlrla artl H Utroatpp Uaa TIM 1W.M taaa raarir. Aa fa fall but htm aawt. w broken t number or botitea W ANTED Man tb- iai Pnavan raw UUaatTMijjtA wart Hrat day of tba Jaanary. IpiT. una Uat or Wtrssai Jara aa .bar utarrSanu aail tatlnrnt FAME L. MARR A UU aid T. I. NA0, Ibarra. win nd liquor takeo. PA aar. pun. brt.Ua IM At ct 1M BAMlV la wuit raw rautm tkiiiuii. ilutrlu bow rou Ml aa aaatb. flaw al Taaaa Han AnUatlu AV Mtrabawi Blaak Pbwt aiOla. Mrnrer was releated by Dsn M aar aaa. Vtaaa Mil Mt MP MM- Bank felda Pbnru OA Judsa I PM Jackaon oo bis MIwOoaI oend- - taap - Nkw -r CHraa atda nut land and tba ami of aaid aaal. TijaTaa)araa and walur atuai uak Kuril urt- for Nalrv Id lutltua- raffloa kn El Paao. ouuaw JA t u la tka af Paaa. it ít'ñro taPOUf rrt Aaa aaa Iaaoan atrai i a. air a. ata .i', Milla Bt. mu. af But iblrtaailh dap af the Judge ibe man Baaa .TuFref 'itiiaT laa MB Taa. oraba. ld ba wa HHoaUtp FaaatBa M aaka lancadl at Oadd art buit .v. , .Ml I BOOM Furatahad ttdaaaa. - riMti hiiiiii. oouja not apc .:. w ltt.au Wanted waur, 117 bullilA. C CR0, Moving Theater ln aad ruñaba Picture Clark Itatrtot oowrt. aUPra avar. Ne ouád apsak EorllAb Ina AT 0B0I. Mas raaka upp w. CraalMa. ktcAJedk. dlAtrtol (lark MtttaUon U antral MtV. I AO bfada ofFba Fumilura par tnMmreied ttt wad aaaa tad will all lumbtbad aaa FJaMtai Bkk- - HEAL IM ATE AND TEA IN OA U) tdgHnttVirrtd by Jtlllga BBrgrnfTtT" ' i ill aiiap fait ptbw for aajAbUt nuda. Bm pkaat w al T. JukaXktL akataiBP tp if af Lata a krw a raapBBBBBP Mr. Inaaitnra nal trad 0M IMruat dw Mata apata. taabra iba uut.tataal a Bad- M M. Opaata Bt troica. rtoaf at A a plant PIIRCI f URNITURI OS.. IP YOU HAVE A HOOM THAT YOU ana M aaUarr Blaaru ladkt Puwa ICHAAO'l H. THORNE. AM Mllk PL Bl Paao Taaa. WANT Ill Taaua BL Maaau .or Bldt. Cant, TO HKNT IT CAN BE RKriTKD .. Wan Lrxl to iteiiL Lkalda baaat M. Van Epps Br M A haVneb, FXIICKLT BY A.vtraa II... N. tn. NEW FUAMlTURl IXCNANtlB. II Nettle "AAr OOt.. MS MAAA ATS. PHo.nl BtAltofavlatuia aadirivn.Laaaraara. " Tins pajpul idli!--li- TfliWNIIS ANO INDÍI TRIAL PBOPIRT.tB. Cama V Fund tap aar M Ortoba. al Mi ti Bk OS.. iiloAI. MMM BL aaka a wiMallp al a Ja eUM Ot IIM HO Pita a., tad I in in 0 upada na al Al I URNITURI aail uTantuTí? Braaatww. aataa in. t . bt Paao aarabiy. tkaaa, nZTtUaV Uiarrara faial.trT Pataa tltt til A Tl 00 will Utu a aaoaauaa P Ftualaaw a 1. a Ptm tat n ,. uaa FaULura la tabl TIE A FURN1TUBI iOfl.. Si at I aU aataMBtd kaaaataabu rtaaa. oa Bat. by vabakktatj Mm ara ta tba J It. bl Pa Ktal Kstatr and CU) PraiaeFPLy. 41 I aaiam pubilabad la lb. oounlp af St Paaa. W I It-- nÁlAI mT. rapta. Bm. auu of Tmaa iraa auk aaM ta fow maaaain HlUiailt.ua aitu .l Vina Bo Puntuar I Fuantaban ra. iB.: ara Ptma o. waata aaid pub Custom A.SSAY fur MjmtPrra nwmw b tba mará dw ibaanf. Office kaanakaatuni n.an rail Utk Arttatu. Owner Leaving City itraibau baria bam atada nwi Hair on uaa ZaaS Fatauy'! 'wTll POM CIUTOUauTT at (data "akS a ALaa Mtauaaat rtlala CaaJTBupkhtMl Ajiiiiaiiaia far RanL BM BM AatMAt BE ta.! tMtya at . lau. rKMVBOti BaU ItMaT i BaSTM. ti Ba rara uiaa aaa HOST ATTBACT1V BC FUadwaL fbiori ' ONE OP TNI SUNALW TZatttf Immtod la tka aaaratun of inki - PPkT a lalfl"? uiml KanaTaBeaitatlTaxt Opo TSmT- tarara M aua for SfSTA art: ssz INI ROOM IB Fa Beva Pl UN i I 'tSK TklVrluTíld bio rraaissij ... . Til kj. I rara aTajpad Mr raaw; Fail AmT' akAM0MMN.TaAa aa lu j rtkpt. PBBM ISpTt ta Law l.M "baoaaminto at. K Paso, Texaa. taetjyT V LTV rpaaa BAMBA BEALTY CO., T0WNLI BE A 00- - Pajaay. aa aa NT. Pbaaa ItM Iff Hal rwrt aaak aakii J2XmL"Z "aaa MPtS Mra a r ra.., Caul UITf. Mbai-a- n áraa aadaofjoaL Ma. Itala. CABAJBY saaBtTiiTm OtTATtOS BY publication. BaaaVasaai OaajBataBSaiaa. f Waiiitxl MlinnUaarnas IS Close-i- n on Texas St, TMl VICTORIA APATA u mu aaal a laatrfa ilit waSm' BBJM n. ims per fbont raer. taawal bra i.... ratal M fart, m wtib irarAatya. tba M arar, la Tm STATS OP TXXjkA NB r BlraT UT pf tat Wui ra aartk MM Md or 11. M lAMEk L. MABA A 0O, aa. CokMabto af Must Sell This Week I tia. nUrtai mttJm' rraia rra. aaa taaa It tatrt. taa m Mt .a. Mab. N Ta Uu Jakarta w tap at Pa taTrpaln IB TNI CIT1 paw at I tab (pirjM). will aa turaktrp a, tba aaral wa baa aw PtaW Va baa at Tn a. laaaaiaUa Pburu lit) Mat jawalaa IBIap .tn M lAU oaa pa aoatb. Ow (Mat ikataa apiaalla irtrraaaa (".."J-- aaak tar a jp t a ' MP .aar', ara at AikaFaaorirpj B aaak Bar ataba prtrtaa to aJV aad lTaYILL A HSSESOBOUSH A BYES, tba jaunt Ay baraof B aras riaapan prwaMbw IIIH 99" BHCBVAa, MMM f BBaaTrW ttU-Af- m Bakag M rti lit sy Pbaaa usa MS Bata Pttoaa MA la Ea Pra Caaanur Taaa. to luralr at Uat Ml m K BraariiaajruaBTja k ja J Taa j úixBirisBeAli: - ZrrrraTMOTaT.. tflftf VbSl " ora (An aar 1 atata aaa will na fw "u'ÜZourAVsAlATsaTui- 5 S ubi Ura l tram aaaa K" aWaiua Your ChoiJc of Five Laaai AA7 ( UNIVIRBALttk APECIALTY OB. ' 1 D NEW BUN ALO Bra. A XJET. p iprtia lili Pill 111! V$ Jaaatry. D. Bra tad Uam lo amarar uta tl.a.l.Tciifc n. ran rCiffs ia la WiMb Mat i ft lad I aa, I ft) I laSriia ffaad aid wat m tat Mik dw fM nat-a- apa pura a aaak J traba agrasga a f tan ra frti(ara mp'ÍBrmrw Phone KrT m u M AM. ra STSrrtaaTS Tta LTarTMÁtr; Wüt raa aT oa VIAVBLL A AMI AM AM. fPAtJrBBiM M- - , ftÁAM ith JAMI ra ill MSMflaTtrluí pat akia ataba rtaaa afta dala, aitb Burra ai I Maataa BM. aaM Mt trara Jbraa aua aaitl paid win, rMtaaa 1YíT Tal aaiartay atara Ba Mkwa to prMajptl a up mTmrnVtil la til Jill al I bbAAT bawl warn dan taaaad by a rtadaPa Va a ba 5050 m EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER IS, 1916 11

Hawaiian Pirn "r. rtwritton wu rormerl llrrrd mlttt apples Appeal on or nirtntendtrnt Market at 65c; NEW HIGH RECORDS THREE WILL the ttite iiyl.ini for lb Inline at Manning & WOMEN i rtoenli. Squash, , AN, Tarnt .lábil, infan.r, Fumpkhv, Peas, String Beans Offered Heptibllsan tvaragrtft of the boute of rap lauta tarar that tlaa ' - " nuil mill be r H Cttretna, or Hawtiun pinmppi. i, append on uw William, rapretantattve from Coconino rRtmiti.i Iruitaat tltirlnt trte . New "ItTtke ON COPPER MARKET enunty. and foneerly principal of the wii put They Offices DE IN ARIZONA'S Hantt t npTF ,r at Sft achooli; Harald Baiter. roiinr oprat llv. f. Mm each. Htihrutril squash mm m SHELDON torney, of PnaaaUi 0. C. Orean, s rancher, we tellltur 4 tm. HOTEL aariaRMSprkat stae, epáaiTaae si cec per pound; yilow Plrerrt prlTata or Hiéndala, and A. B. Buehman, a photo wire to lioaaa rap her, Of Tacata. Itryan merpibnrp of all Odno. r l lederialp Starts. NKW Locailoa. KapneroH, NEXT LEGISLATURE tat far n.min.H.m for daall niaon llialMA Chita, Ray Altboutrti it It eren wseki until the Iatl.i WAI.TRB R III NrtTTÍR. nftama hv Curtía,h.i.M I A Co. Conaolidatad and finirr. ,wt tiled rarjreaate rarpa. Tw tpaata ipenint of la latltlalure. caiitlitle for TllllMAN P MtXtTtBaAN Other. Make Ad prenden! of the isnite and tpeaker of Csatcrn WILLIAM R NICItnt.R. mart tin- arttlton. cm rent k hotitte at rail la other office tre al pur.', quoim by 1. H. rlsllons El inantalMd ap M .'in, my tnTAiiaaaataf 'tltWti - Tax. Canija. arriar 4 op., a rm Tat 5ouhrn Corioe Naa rdy tprlnrlnt up Mulfoni Wlnmr. 'th.' l.lnttaritai RRttdt little rtar of Yuma county.' I candi- . nun FRUIT IS bee and Nogale Suffrag-- date or lb ... mmm Ur in. raaapn f Nat atrat for preilriancy lentt. cliiminc ranhttta. ui lor u' ta raaj kap p. rapara arara for Lower Hooae. U.at by of dltrnverv. Hit ' npania ran iiition rtrht eabtntT rapt, clilmi. howevar. will lie by li. Mr. ad na ppttrda ralif pt contened Por burros phone l.omt Ttvi Ranch, Tit 1 '""" "BU. bat atr Mat at Plbrpnu. H ' from county. Arit.. Ner. li -- Thret women laridce. tanaanr Oraham Speak guick they are roliHT a III tm aetini in n. r.. H, Btitnerrord. one of the two new faiLAd. arada Oaa atdldaaM. ( oapar Kanaa. Vlak aad tllr nMl iut 1t COPPER A lilatmo when tint botlv IIA.n, to entori rron vavapti, both of wrairn mijitir FEATURE Tat prtor at w. araul ana ataja apraaail rilled order iv .'..'...ti aa Jarttiat 1 nail. All ihre woinen mem would like hi be itreitdlni- offteer or Ihe i.!" "f Par par paaad rnr IPII daliai. in of me i.fiiitiur. are msaailtri of thn tale annate, wtnior. ciarldc and Ruth aa ::: houte pf repretenttllvm. end II are erfnrd are all avowed cudldtlet for the xtanjasa,,. BMllll of ltd aaul nial fTl ÍMMl frrarti aanuuiem Ar liona eotm piare. The conservative DemorrtU. It ON STOCK EXCHANGE -- . Mei. They tre Mn. Ptnllne O'Melll, of eipeeted, will not ran. u. but will iipiu.it I Britton Davie C Smith I Nwra, tari VíñSTiik'. ZTSi & vfiw-m- on of either CUrldce or I red Butter, H W Phonl. th. tu reprvinnwiivei tenttnr a Vrernod tbatta. TTtrra Marlropi i of Iti.PM.ett poanda eonnty. Mr, tto la MrKsy. from m iliar county, in thti more they BEARISH SENTIMENT 3. bad beta arad. He of BUbee, one win have or BfeI 222í"P CnT'" V" - fmmm na ib ra of the reven aenlitlvei the lunpon the Htwubllrahi I & I from Corttlte and Mn. Theodora In cate Sutter ihould he their choice for Davis Smith Many tMrjaa ErtablUh'New Mirth of NortJet, the ioe and naly rep prniident of the senate, it probable that Lead. v from county. either Thome P. Walton, r Mailpopa, u-- Mientan Rant crui or STOCK BROKERS Unr calor Steel, W. B. and Related Metal rtrT Time In wtltbank. of Apache, will be chosen Mb.i ...I Wntar FORCES WHEAT DOWN lftsrettire peakar of the house, iitherwlte the 230 Mesa a Join Upward Swing. r- Thl. it inn the rirtt time women htYe At. bañe, vm txxrt? - b III anil to a man from mmi tu It the Arllt.n Iralalatn r hot II la to cochite pnui.,1. r A Phones 7941 r th time many county, probably lo T, Htihe. ,.r 7940 and annual Pnaa tint thtt there htre tieen io oee. In Not. IT Tha 1. mli. woman nit'inhert, and the time that who It belna nienUoned for the pbtt. 1. they (tuve flrit SPECIALTY Leading W&z 1 til been elected to on hotitte Maay After LeftaUlare lektt. I Trader flipliiu,. That In the Ule which Aráocva Copper Stocks I n arrrt brforr aiuunrd i an af ad leitltti)M, met Candidate! for arcreury or the tenate U Made n.woriai adranrat In mtTnod ..nar in tifit, inere wt a wnntan nii.ir and a of Ihe lower urkiniad Effort it ata II md clerk limite ire not lick ir proriuna Snffl'V.V.V.'.V.'.V.'.'-.-V- la. womin riprenentatlve, the tenadir bln lilt Kop the rormer pmnion to Break Markat. md for trcttrltlaa 1 Mrt. Franrei Mnndi. or cochite coiih awatatlMH wrpr Hull t apar Prearott, md the ty will put forward titetr Zipt, or SaaaaaTsaaaaTraaBaV auutdal br I tab A ai f repreaenuuve beinp Mr l ttiner, "Vf, Hitar Raain.l M rUch.-- Iterrjf, of while Mariropi will an TTfitJ'mtTUaZ. naeU. Raj. Nrrada. rm .!!..!!! tt Apache county Mr runiiih tipirant "ppara at aruanvt ralna Mnndi not a can in Ira of :: at Hurrrtl, of Phoenli. Hoih mn have OS. BtP, wnll. th, f p cant kaaiU af th. Krrd"''" ::::ü ij.il Vi tlldite the recent election and Mm. Berry been active in and navr 1 Blalip-- ad m Hi Itemncratlr poliiir.t TV" on wu derailed primary rlection by many rrlendi In the r UM 1 Duneta J a m ,""haarr lumarar .tiiiini lor clerk T u traa.a. Mlflat lápaáar'?' Aaaartoa Ti lanrc majority, the voter of Apache county of the A. Tli niton C. M. Orioaar "TOíll AND WICS ta ifvtdenlly home Prank PinkVev. of I'lnti raNut preferrlnt to be rpreennd by ty,' It mentioned as a paarwit id man. belnc llkeh culdl nrarnnriaaa aanuaral a fraalto liT part date Plnkls served In the Ian lefllli CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS S5SÍ'::::::::::: aa la nx War h rteeialera reom and Mar Irrlall. rite Repabllaai. ture at MDresenUlive I'lnil count), al flY of the n t.HIH) rtülTU. "ffi. H nmate. mcmhert nr the .!, l.ul wsi defested In the ortmarlei lt.t Ben City National Rank Balldlag. , irv'pi-- t. tenate of the third late leaUlature are II" lernber. Another potilble tspirsnt htr the 2Una, rila la a ctonlr a aTI. ptlMlcani The lleuublicalia alo elertetl four pltce It Oictr Cole, now leeieury ..r the Phone MM I I i wwi. pona m lhat Urpa ftoax af n.itlah and faAd representative ..f the J5 of the prison tt Klorenre. Cole was secretary ha.1 ktta praaldad tat Aiarrjagii. .?ni,Wat. lower or U am ha0" heiikr. mtktnt the Isrtstt repreien ll.e lentle durlnr the Itit n or mart aifarlual af Ik lina hlrk J0toS.ú",m.'d.,O .IVatotSn; TltoLpT they utinn hate aver had in thi ttate the lejrialtlure and may aaiiu he i candi-titl- tí Two of the M. publican nenatori fur that pott ir there are tint t..o SttáYal dato. ! tranrrontlnarit.bi and rrarurm aoiToa WOOL. re Mian tl.a.lt rat from Mirtrop county, one it from many applicant. friend of J. R. lent IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIItlllHIIIIIIIHrU Pirn a. one Man- Hiuff.l .i.ÜMtd Of tha total rpr. atiMi Uta Ta fnun Yavapai md one from tali, of Ptrker, who wit t member or the no. bot . - Mt.PM abarra. I'nlUit Rtataa Kiaal ta Crin. Wdllc rive out of It not ntniir ..r representatives two Mala, ralaua. ph petad piss, tirísi rtr: oHa- '"Tto. baa nlndcn ytn aft., aprirola par pound r-t bato ronMaanbl laa wast art lirt proportion, th Republirani tr urrinr him t likely candidate for preña. :t-- pn pound they have a iy fase .la tl.PT9.ppp alian. I'nltad Blair boat win food worklnr minority aerretary of tlie aenaU Ihli vatr Plait- 'l pruna. M M MM. per p.t,nd ,., V. anrlklna. laaa Ml atr.ir TB. In the will to fleer o nrr ra' htpplnt 'IWaHml Urlilalur that terve tcl at ttaa tieretMO tor renominttluii to tlie pruna. M par puun.t I'lnalnt aknk reetp ). I ouoUllita tarl torf a check on tiaaly and Itrtely iklat fis. t paase llrwlr that PM.PM I MP III of oau bad kaan Brat rnipar a. U ritan parad kt bata lritli srisliture thrtniali the sctlvlUai par potted laaari Cumpa wllMn Uw rrarr - Itlh r s frT tlon on th part or more radical mentaar. or Mulford 'a.""""'1íi 'benlt. 'ad. lM Uranli kaan m ran roparr pond to Wlnsor, who brotirhl out Rlttffad par .77777. fallad la luatpln Uuu rasrkat. KaiMI .. H . markat ran. ttmna aa aiaa. 0. P. Bes ran Are. HIDES Mr .. Whs Kddy. Kim fie, MW rleidllT forrad to htot.ar I.. 0 ri and the represeiiiatitres elct tr,b ratuvd Pram taauar bp hrdoapa raara wtpad An, Inron.HIra M bartn bran J. The Hepuhllcan rnembert or the ien(t rrom county, I'lruapola.r. pat uuui oat ratM MatWn PatllPaa iff. nan.al durtn tka aork '' Yiiini taalnst Into Maiiaanni! .hita, pota a aartra af aartr rala la anrlalau Tha Ian An. Caaalt aad B lll'a Miami Cottpar .... ttV Baatrad baaala Traa are H. R. Wllclnton. prildent of the Phoe-nl- will have the Cluua. par norar.t pluma wara aa kupar rin. twain of the ctunervsiivd Laman lamí bawd PdtfMr raluaa ol bora. Am BnnhiUt M. h and T. pfd 1TI rlrbt raontha. rule and Trtul company and prom iut.rt We Rellrlt Venr CaeslfasteaU af parla, par patata...., Am Tal and Tal Mlaaourl ,., latHr, fieri Tanturr Pie Demiiersls and the Hepiibllran ir lie wanti paila, par ! Ulr. quaUUona: III' rarlflr It( tt, ,K bient attorney nr th Hides. Pelt, tlesl Bklas, rurs, KU. 'ran, parad...... At Clnr. 1. aad II Montana I'oaar ... oX repttal city. Krneit lo ne aecreisry or tne senate Jipan na par raoaaiar. MU. II. MH If aetMnt. Me Mo itaon and brail. i market prtrr paid all partaaiat. pemil ll.n: Anaronda Crmrar lotk, Natbnal laaoT .... M Hill, an orehtrdlit md owner of whtl Hlshe.t st lltnea. It. fine known at the Blue Blbbnn ranch. Write. Hire nr paoat- el uur ripéate Pal. lain LoBMBOtlTa ttajb a, rtat nr ARMY ORDERS for etiolttlont. Hhrllal Parana, par poaed. irr 13 afar lltnenii r. fl. Ooodell, or Tucton. chler Wi Map tnll B. aad 0 ' N. T . M. H and II HUerU puwiil Iff It fU li T k dark to I'r.iiiletn tp.t itandolph. of the El Paao Hide & Co. HI.HIaU 111.11; liar W O era In Uta Uather lardan lnaon,l. klid llutt Bus. Cop the bait line of s patientar ear Sparta! Marabú Time. i iiatlad paean, ud til n UM BttMi parmnd ajyjju Kaaaaa city california Cili i liar rlly. Montan Auto Service Phone Oetfhell. a minina operator, from Vivarte! " Mi Srwa. l ; t as 7171 OatltOBY. Twaolr tarai.b l.ifanlrr. alalallal Br Aaurlawd lYaa. ranavdlan if II Car tl.to ner hour Adv county, and Dr Hay terruaon. .iiitrin v of Nosal. asaa pars. Wa jtittN i. iirwrfT .. Kanaaa iHr. Nor If WW, x j h, i up cauinj IUHr larl.anla StS cttin IIIIMIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIIHIIIII 'par r and &. fI Ota. tira lia SSLff 'laáru. r u aad at l ... M uttaf III and N W pp Rotated puiwuTM r rea ano ata, Ana cop ' ' Ú. gJ apaa rJ!aau a pár oata uncnanpaTlo Iowa No 1 Wla. STH W roSar. r.. in.. ia Mr; Ko. I mitad. Ola ru.1 and tmn ruuaap RV. Produna Rafln II 'ni.lt I. kua Il.tlllr ....fli PRODUCE MARKET Ct , MS I'ton Parfflr .. Hllud oraaat OlTíortWT. !?í fi api... (Carrratad b Waal Tatar rara rompan r pfd. 11 India Al Prtrra akalraaip daalara ara paraw far rallar prap. aap: Tltlnrla ran. ral Do pfd ..... In tor Poriaol rarp tB "fe;; ., llQ rub Coapar ... Alfalfa, uno aHol. arr ira u pi.pirMlla Copear., li Walaaab pfd R. WHY Alfalfa, ftuirr. .Hall, par lo U.M ni S WILSON llarraatar. J.lllVa Waatara WON oto:;.:::::..:. Airajra. o 1. ., tl.ai Su bn látala, Ira .. lot MM Pfd rtftlllH WaUaaaitM CSP if.ln. No I. ratall. par lia Total tala, tor lb. dat. I 001 pVt abarra rom. wbojaaala. par rat -I- QrrS, fptall. N- Par rat LIVttTOCK HARKCTS. Íaua ral cltppad rali. ab.Hr.ai. aí5? Sí red rilraad ato. raudl At GAIaan ' waauaaia par rat mi BP laa.allli I Praaa ! roopa. par ÍSS así- .t. ratall. rart u Cluoaau Mar. IT opa- - Itaorlrda r.POP. California Braji. Mattan Kansas Ohio wboirrala, ppp I Utah rían rib roarl ral rkra. lie abura radrn ilap't artrtta. Bulk, Washington huaap raaaa gran. mail, par sat tu I; llabt. M MtM II. hat. lint rhlrar faad. abolaaal. par awt i.M tarraaa unan " Kr. ÜpT- b faad. par THE p- Puid tai rrUll. rat 10 riiii. kpaaBjli, i.ttt. M trial Nana LITERARY DIGEST has received many telegrams Which are reprinted in the issue of irOTToa. laaf OMUa. ICjaUll; aatUarri alaart. aTtteiS.Hl M: November 8th. Typical eitaiLM '" mm "w examples are these two from Kansas: mioa'otra ..JITS. Barralpla It, Ml Manatnu'Balk WU mm Ttatt taraba. I Mat 11. II. CbaM WTÁTUU. raaat papar. INaralahad br Cardrti Orara i l 'Idealistic Kansas Voted for the Idealism 'reas:' bitur. latí adrara an. par mmtá Mr Tna apra. par darán, itr: prr para .: tll.M IT - Hop Baralpa. I. pa aUtaaiV. Market bichar Bulb. tt. It Found in Woodrow .1x1 Wilson' rppi eaai par JO, WW VOPK COTTOW. fffUluTEm. 6:31 Mr Aatorlalad lraaa. re. (tp.. tr.ieai.it t till Baoalpu. Markat SSraShTldara Naa York. Mar. IT --apa ration aulaL Mlddlliip alaa.tr "It wm idealism Hala, non. irtea. 'Kansas that gave Woodrow Wilson the Electoral vote. Idealistic It; araatam itoara, II 1.0 e an. Kansas ílVjí' ' .'.v.v.".' Vturea rlata lrramUr ti.Mer.rr for polnu. Uatraabai l Mr (MMaarlbi3Jmmit. M.Ma: Mana. fardan. 14140: voted the idealism it found in Woodrow Wilson, and which, with the friendliest in to ta. til lar. July. will the HI,B r,: world, it failed to find in Mr. Hughes. It rejoicei in ekHÍT'lii a prosperity it has never before known, but above and beyond all else, Kansas voted for Woodrow Wilson Al Daarar. because it recognizes in him one Bp Aaaoraatad Pratt who, all R N,.a in spite of vacillation and many mistakes, yet does Dan nr. Coba. ir tul llaralpu. last. appreciate the fact that the Ameri- Uatkat alra.tr Barf atoan. MI. MéI. raar. and baV can people look to something rra. 4MT alartun and tm M Btl telar. beyond mere dollars." CLASSIFIB ri aaajpa - balk, te lle Business, Telephone and Professional abará Raralpi.. I too Markat ttaadi "We Went Democratic by lir.trtpti is. arar. m.mt. Default, Because We Were At Pprt WrrSa, (Itr IVm ll,,l Neither Hungry , Indignant, Nor Scared" MMbM m--j m knúMl ait In-- Bacal pto I.M0. Inrtadlnp l.Ttt rahrap. fat, DIRECTORY BaaT "Firat. there was a rich cushion of prosperity, and .laara. tT li, tout 11 the farmer lulled re- Hang Up In lap Mar otar. It Mat was upon it; he Thla Your Homo or office tor Quick Reference It Will Cave hallan. 11V)T. lltof! IT. Mel Tl fused to think. Second, You Time. If You Want Your Bualneaa Btoikan Piran. U Btl H; arat, RIM; let. the women voters were attracted very largely by the quavering slogan Usted Hera Call 5050 an, tei M. aalraa, M otet. and Ask for the Advertising; Department. krt- - Roar toll l.M. Markat rtoadr Wnnart He kept us out of war; they refused to think. Third, the IT. U. paau ti.rt. Republican state managers could not - believe there was any real danger; they refused to think or worry. So ACOUHTANI MANICURIBS aONCV R It f TP. we went Democratic by CO.. Milla default, because we were neither hungry, vie-tor- waioariaft. 4 a Al arar Ver. indignant, nor scared. In Kansas, it was not a y ln. hi i.u ti., ma, i 'tit. it. mu uw?SSp Ii Aaaaadatail I'raaa. It t, .No Vark. Nat. IT MrnaaUl rapar. tVa par but a symptom. does not mean the rejuvenation of Kansas AGOOUN AKT CtSTIPIKD. mcxican rioaicr". bbbibi ronL Democracy, but the fatty Ill Hr. Til M UHlDEk fbon. I?M ""-te- oo., Startlnf autr-d- billa, ti THA. raauaarat degeneration of the Kansas spirit." r ,t,5H! 4 M1U Tl) at foam Hft, dar bank. It .ninrrrlal "m MUa. It TOM, dato aad. raMaa. pi Ti Kir The issue BIW ABO CCCOPD litis. of THE UTERARY DIGEST for November 18th AODIMO BACH NABO COOOt nar itar. Tiac. is a particularly striking and ista ClriLAífoC raw aid MatVotn do liara, Mr. Kriol pudding -a- aidp. Clurartiraant such in fíliá rataav m mm WrirlH, a'a7 attef Jaadp. number containing other informing features as: OALTON addliul marhloai. 311 Kaa Pfanrtaro C? Stan. liU - rwlar7 Tina luana r.larnjtlt tad nlPUp dm ad ail toaanltti. 3 H par oatL ' ei ' ' " t ill mutter aua.lt 1111. 1 nrr rant; loa. 1U Did h i,. tTUai.' naBtar rata. lit. laat loan It rttaatna III 3 the Hand That Rocks the Cradle Swing stAiels ngT. farad at Irk u the Election? at ik opticaltca cea aTToaaira. STuaie. a. Or.., at Showing the Part ÜM4 the Woman in W. C. BaUTB, pAMrtva;. it ara aartlaj M IM Traat Took the Preaideatial Contest IU lp Haonr liar BAR SCOW - rat a araT Tppl." Germany'. Real Food IS eiATS- rtrw ."ITMaaieael Bank Bid Cut, tsaod) Situation How Poland Is Helped tu papo BAsaccOc. Mm. a Uni.lrw Unhappy Greece Cent reireuip m par oiil caeiniw. 12 VSí5í kMpajt Co. fiMsj prarabaaí tai Papan' Constitution Jarred TODD COHSULTiaa CNélHICR. blu.ua tIM. n. pL ntnr i. Saving brdrauUr and nr MundT til j7 the Children's Teeth aanltarr loll mi HttaVi. miileas rhñ. ímT a Spun-pap- er Nil, raata pata. I saALca rcpaibibu 3 atTAL MARK i IP. Products Testing Airmen in France mHjB mm,' Al Hatr York. CLOTH IB 6 ItCHAHSC ltjKgt SCÁLCS. The Year's Poetry Are You a Thackerayan? 111 ajeara . . bate ltf ua arjat ' " luai.n m .i 1U Tarar. WbRM jt ,,XJ-mim7X- ntT' Wt SXLrmTmm The Militiamen's Morals The British Idea of Our Newspapers CLCAHCRS ANO PRISStRt. ' tovc RfrAiRiaa l?TLiriZmm. Unptf m i a TA1UIRI.ÑÓ .i) Hau .laanad and PtllVK tu, riiui su, mi Tí How Germany Regards the Somme abtratd. tlf a. ItarAaa. Waraa aM. Naa parto atada and ,., i.ai irer.i Catholic Germany's Submission JaK CtaArffKu woKai 111 run Jaaaata IT. tfll Itmla daHrerp, Splendid niitatrationt Many of TWem omimncv swecea. UlaW TtaKAaT ttdarae TOILCr PRIPARATIDNt and tat a Pbao ifT M. 4 tí. In prBtytion up n UnU.ai Ño. IT. "Digist" Get 111. .latin! ni r IIU Readers an Accurate focus on the News uratiBlk TRUNK RIPAIRIN Its Spil. tIM lia: fattan. IIM ta te. 111 TBI (M When you faraway object oar- - b II k.it. Han I'tuai HM NH LOCKS raanirad and ran. aad. It. look at a your DIGEST and at once all becomes clear and co- C BBtlW.M. dantlat. Tata MP Milla Bid caption of ita details is blurred and defective. But herent and you perceive the thing really ia. rant toa aína Hiato rtoa iter. TAXIOIRMISTt. II a it fu.ll.i la take a telescope or a pair of field gleaeo bring; DfTCCTIVf AQINCIIA WJUXAN aatje Pkaaa lirtV and "Tha Digest." like the telescope, enormously in- '11C5BE CupjtHnr them in- TTPcwaitca: to bear upon the object, and the details creases the field of vision and lets in a flood stantly of rira aaiaiii a aid ck. tto TTPtWRITIR ABO Of IICC UP1L 00 become clear to you and you know it for light upon the subject, giving you a correct focus exactly it is. In ORttSMAKIB PROOUCt aARKITA what tha world of ncwa your con- that reveals the truth. If you want authoritative MRS. CALLANAS, w.jt ruatanlaaa. ltrfa?TTnC ception of facts k frequently view-point- Al Cktoea warped and distorted and impartial testimony from all s on all DRuu ITOSCk by the multiplicity of publications widely SUN OBI tl CO. " and their tha burning questions of the day, read this fore- ill Taa. Car. aprAtav ttm III divergent statements. But turn to THE LITERARY most of weekly ' ' '''MfMk &nX-mM-. Tmml-mix- V. THfiBITURt PACINI. AND REPAIRING

RCPAIRINB P ACRIBO. IIURINUv AM SHIPPINfi November 18th Number on Sale y All News dealers 1Ü Cents at llar, mint aad luraltam. TRANiflR. r.i.. ko inf rSjaa-TrA-

MA ij-- a VARO. stvitw. mjjjfajH prpai asta far pup ant' JptrSBlÜ ea fmam- Wl im latiré el tratto to- - anrrar ana aap IUNR OlAURt wtLana;. Tta pi IHM Bat Matara priats kL PAU tlajT AND METAL CO. Ittt Baa CatiMirajiiMd raTlrrTrTekielá Antéala. Itala la acra Ira, raptar. tp , al Is toatu Una . teTear.vrp BBBsat ess It or mi ' braaa bpaa, ta Wba 4jC. ! JfeiSry Digest eaaai - --? avia Jf . motíbui laWIMBi tai, t5Wi TaTaaBar ta -- Skat iiBtti trail ae bLow an M ATT l btl NtNuvA UmlT2-i itnatp aui FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY ( Publishers f i -- letr tora ipnbiii aara of the Famous NEW 8tandsrd Dictionary). NEW YORK raaar taaXasaaa pa us epW-- 'llaatrara twuir.rm Zm?Úá all my 12 EL PASO MORNING TIMES, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1916

In the tal and whoae atam waa the Twin of aetJvity One wga MM nrotner. Ami toucblnr at flrraeuaa, we trtaae two jaggs, M asaai EVIDENCE IS HEARD tarried there hree day. And Trotn tlMOro Oar wo made a rlrrull and arrived at Hh. alum, eni'Si an h.,r are an and after one day a aouUi wind "prang up. energy in me world loo ay. nod on the eeofid day we ram to IIMrtoll a sort of lectureship. nveUng whnre we found brrtawwn. and wwraj rroan various Places. He woo Wonder ON VENUE CHANGE treated to tarry with I hem aeren daya; and Christ, among them the aol diets who Hamt Stale o ram to Raw. And rrom tberv e the aa mm and meimu. Tradition aajn bietiirwn. when they brarnt of ua, ram to released and afterward wenSai Tl pfoeil meet it a far a the market or Anptua and First Tlmothv. then waa asaaal aiut tne Three Tarema; whom when Paul aaw, bsheaded. writing aeennd Timothy Jnat IN SON he thanked ftod. and took courtage. And lore in ormu Store CASE when wr entered Into Home. Paul was auf rnoay will na JjjggMggajgaja;- - Lssssa. Friday vxbe to abide by hlnvelf with lite ggf skjaaaBKZr-3fcJas- T fered aoldler what Tan MAirrniH hay. CXiaiasasasssu.tl..... ! arjajkatssw agattW 'saaxsaai that guarded htm." He wa able to recognise that Ood was of Service t. Vana nt everaJ thlngn about ltd anawerlng hla prayer that he might preach tot tqr today to the aWrfropolsa Lxcxmed yovage Horn Menu to famou syrtaeuaa'on world 0odctrljl. 9efcl Venire I When the routheaat roaat of Slrlly, on to Rbeginm. Even the most Irksoana elrcumatsnc of Action Is FOed as in the trnii of Mi'lna, Uienee to PiikaMI In this lot waa aumed to good aeootrnt Ttag the bay or ,iaplr, where the paaaMor t watt the aoldler by whoa bs wga watcher) TrWOpow. irot orr and went overland to Home, while To a man of Pauls eager temper anient and the veei biok it carga of wheat up the rsstleaanaaa of mood Uu muat often base was heard hv Jmlge Pan M roaat to olla. on or the eaportt of Home been an Intolerable annoyance, and. Indeed. MMw one the delay of three months on In the letters written during this Imprison or i rotirl, thiur thr riisiriri tte iiki where Paul retrained hi Im mem he la ronatanilj referring to hla chain, yesterday on ih in.iti"ti for a liann "f pat lenn t.v iontant christian wort with aa ir it were never out of hla mind. Hut SATURDAY'S ECONOMY vrnti fllrn in rwhalf of II. nnberann, the native Another I that tlter now be ilid not auffer UU Irritation to blind him chirnd wllh muriW in ronnrriimi v il niend 'Mdi d tl in with rood Udng for to the opportunity or doing good presented the rtriih ..I H i rti.ykin. familiarly kimwii the journey. And aNolher that other veasala by the situation, or course hi attendant ni Fool" Boikin rtii' moli'in ws pro wi ie w ml' nng there and waiung for good waa changed every few houra and ho apoke aentd wti'n ih.- av wu railed for trill weaUier and at the opening or navigation In to these añidiera about thetf Immortal aoull Thii!Hi1.v. Tli' vrtilrr II n aa Man ii l., ng or St. Iha veuael they took and the ralth or Christ To man aomistomed nraiiil until Mn1y.rilmrntng at o iork waa another boat from Krypt taking; wtMM to the horror of Roman warfare and the wititasse HilriMliircil yxlrrilsv avrrr In Home, havina ii riruie iieail the twin manner or Roman barrack nothing could JIM by iliT'iiv!. niin-- thing. on or Jupiter, i.aipir ami Pollni. he more sinking titan a lire and character inr nvmi Mm; Judging from asked wit proapsr-m- i tike and the result of these conversa SPECIALS ll" Mid that the voyage was a by defense, an being Uona waa that many of them became chang ties i he criori direet to Syracuse, where they waited ed men, mad to ahnxv that prejurtiu' u n the and a revival spread through the i'it three day In readiness for delred barrack and Into Imperial Today to penetrated the Offering's against rann"i neferrnrc wa martr wind, In a wide to Some then tacking circuit Worth While for houaehatld lueff qiaJkar. thr rioting "n lat Labor Pay and the ar uUMie the Wind, hut aom at Pnteoll, the of ii rangers, unrrsr Hi irailrialup Iv il or It day ttii jn rmiiwKsii ot'ittirnne of former sheriff l''.vton t l.dwarri, 1. Bre threw: AVhat a delight to inset 1. Are there any circumstance In which quelling Ihe itl.ltirham r wa brought out. month with heathen you una also there ali can't thank fiodf $3.95 m eonnrtu.n it tata mid Pi allowed bv Uie gT'iitleiiianly jullua I. Are any In which art" limn matt there circumstance Special Special thai probably union or Extra Extra tbrrr Pi tarry everal daya with brethren, all you can't serve ttod In a way? Dm 1.1,1 ror special In it and quallfiil jury whom Imd heard t him and loved him. a. What la the cbter "Challenge of the service. aopv or w hom had eeu Mm. yat julln hart City" to Uie chrisuan worker T Serge IWwnr also wan ma'lr i.. tin traardv rrnwn fond of Paul and relt mnli r deep on labor Pay wherein Rergeeel Owes nhliratlon to him and he delayed the RIero Inst hi IIP W li "anda, a rangT, Good Velour Journey of all on Paul account. Tlie sianri iheigrii with munier a nult wa taken to Rome that the rnut Paul YOU CANT LOSE Dresses or death. tfnr tlr1eu-- wae nailing and a group of i.hrlattan ha A of wa hrnurht out as mlina i fm thai P Bed out over in- Aptiian way P meet kiln large assortment Hi racima aniriirr and randera at the Atiplan market, forty mile rroni Bath Robes Sport Coats a not tlie binnrriimlllen. and there ere a nrnne. while ten mile rurther op at toe serge and whipcord number or soldiers in the rlty wlm tradrd Three Tavern another group met them. WITH PUZZLE For today only we are offering dresses trimmed with In light and dark colored plaids lOi n n hanlr and oilier. They miil have been tirptlei to ee Paul THIS Ht. Ldatard- who wa sheriff rnun o a primmer. They could not maun- tlie Joy Beacon Blanket Robes at $1.79. colored silk pipings, and stripes. Belted effects and tnher, i''i'. until fTitjrsday, mini at they gave him - lie aw In them the people present not a state rangr-- .latkitiiii he had written that great letter to, ome of Several designs including Plaids, and with colored silk pockets. Fancy metal and cel- in tba rnunu on hi alvi". ahí :an whom he had won lo .hril. all of whom -- layat Money by um í. M. In had removed them heiiir Mirreated that lie had at aboill reached Only Paid Out Flowered, Navajo and Figures. taffeta collars and luloid buttons.' Several colors Kdwariis derlared that Ik had always round n mi", the goal or Id pnrpone and the Participant la Am Regular rangers to b the best aiaitii orrieera challen to hi rath and enterprUe. A rreat Deep pockets and cords. The col- cuffs. Fancy buttons; white ground with plaid or stripe and tr'ie to their nalh- - and dutlr wan or love and rnerjn wept over him Jtspacripnon1iJi. .i.illn.i rIT.iirace. thera was a peejudlrs imam i tlwal that brok it in tovlrtg thank to iod ami lars are round with a colored collars either round or in blue, tan, brown, gray, maize In re courage Tor Ida work. J. Privilege Julln- - the centurion mint t'orty rash prtssa with a total máximum commission showing that rinlieraou wai value or at HQ, make this an attractive prop cord piping. In rose, pink, blue, square, with deep and combinations. Convertible a ranger intrndiiisil. the date or n have Interrnded fur Mm and perhap l"eln w rote a letter. Tor he wga given osltion for puialr aohera. The nam. ni Nay S, tilla rear 'favorable A Copenhagen, navy, red, gray, collars. the thing for golf i'ii' II in hi own (.resented, readily become raaetaaung cuffs. Several colors Just Mr. Edwards, V. X Halt Tom I. ova, the liberty permlIMe llv.i hy a aoldler ami tudy that makes tba young and old think '.baríes Wrwman, J. M rot, plata of rented hoiie. ruard'l game brown and combinations. To black, blue, green, or tennis. An exceptional value ni have vlrllora. , quickly. Just a human Interest that i an re ra; W. D. I.nwrv. II i kramp and II teal the brain and patience. Waller were witnesses day brown, Beee. Inn 'Mliir.il tear- - Hntnr. , The pussle composed or a num red and others, yvatcrday. Two In chart The definite will prnhahlv have "And H came Id ps'. that alter' three bar of figure, running frnm two to nine. only several addiilunal m Ihi nomina' ile-- Xhi:..:....:$3.95 the $1.79 lav he railed iog that were sch figure ta separate and distinct. There the late mil intmduee thoe hn evidenei. i.ier of Hie Jews I anil when lliey wie BOUM are not parts of rigure or aham or de- lOgWttMr, he ald unto tliein, I, l.nthriii ception or any suit tn the puggje. The. $3.95 II. ugh had done nothing agaUiit Uie pao problem la simply lo ADD the riOURES. pie, or the cu atonía of our raUier yet w a The only requirement to enter the com SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ilelivereil prlnner fnim Jeriialeiu 1np the peutlon la to make a payment or not lea EVENING hand of the Homan. who, wlien they liad than II .tn or more than ag.00 on subarrlp vainlned me, dealml P t me at nncriyy, tinii u the Tines. Women's and Misses' lieeguae a no of in inc. hY III V. J. I, KIHTI.F.V. P. IV Ibera rauae death you ara not now a subscriber, you DRESSES I ir SUITS Hut nh. o the Jew pakc II. waa may game hy one to appeal raeaar; not enter this becoming WOOL SUITS These suits chif- i'iiht rained unto that II von are already a you may A dainty dancing frock; roñ fi raY, invr.yBrn ioi. I had aught win I lo arciiae my nailon. ubrrilicr i. did yon enter bv eatendlng your auhecrlptton In are of black broadcloth, with tin thcrefon' entreat you lose, every fon over silk mull, with lace Pi ee andinelo with me; for because of either esse cannot because ieak rent paid by participants applies on aub high collars Hie hot r itui IhhiiiiI with thi military trimmed COATS trimmed bodice. lri'l m RhaHi. And they ahí miiP hltu. We neither rlptlon. WOOL COATS Black Thibets. chiffon received letter from Judea eoncorntng All payments muat be made with aolu in fur, with cuffs to match. Girdles, Corsage Bouquets, nwn rioN tn IH Tin- - i Ail-- . thee, nor did uiiy of Uu brethren cothQ lion the puiala and must reach Fancy Mixtures, Long and Sport ' lore our iudv m ih Paul any or manager not December Fancy bone buttons. Belted ef- anl hi aunmv whom M now hither and report or peak haiin thee puttie later than Spanish lace insertion on rrlrud. e A may many Styles. Different trimmings and rounU'd Jullii the enmnon and Ilia Put vvi- to hear of thee what thou participant rrglater as solu- Hila II H fect and full Low neck and allor. tarried on the Inland of thlnlMati for aa ciiu'cmliig aert. tions on tne rtgurea as he deitrea. but not tí OjC skirt. and short known to ii Uial everywhere It apoken mom be paid any one VellU, or Mall, till lh' winter and than W.00 ran with flare . . .o in, mi when they appointed him solution. All amounts, 00a or a rnodelt. Wr. sleeves. In pink, light blue, tlv to ih whether P ptal fnitt tlie airririenl lodging preiuttHtlon au made Tor the btlttV ' of Um a day. they came to him Into hi number of solutions, will apply on a con- $4.95 to whom he expounded maize and journey. Paul wa palleni. nn he waa anil-o- In great number, tinuous siibscriptlnn to the 11 Paso Morn- WOOL SUITS In Serge. SPORT COATS Of xarhite chin- tí Pi he . .o ror the or takiur the thi' matter, tcatlfylng the kingdom of Dod. ing Times. mi u comcrtnng both effects, green ftnmau empire for t.hrtat ya the aiiprtriM persuading Jeu, THK TIM. TO ADD THK HHIlltlin 14- -N Whipcord, Honey Comb chilla, belted large square .J7.VÍ pa-- the law of Moea and rrom the proph - i ui of hi tool, II reaalnrly ardent from 'i W while Hie ksiiic ruling. Kvery collars, deep cuff a and pockets; trim- and imjwrioiii. eta, rrom morning Ull evening. And noma body take advantage or ihti wonder Weave and Fancy Novelties. Net and Chiffon bodices Moved the which were okcn. and should thlnra ful opportunity of participating In this In- THK IJWMIIN MMM ilKbelleved. And he abode two whole They have that distinctive med in silver lace, with wide years In hla own dwelling, and re- teresting puasle giimr. ?."od. I. hired If you do not understand the proposition I all in unto him. preach tailored appearance. Some shirred satin girdles. Skirts l l.aat Home. ceived that went It la to your to $4.95 thoroughly Interest find we M Ing the kingdom of Hod, and teaching the "And arter thrre iiHiuth all In Lord out by addressing Pilule Manager, 111 Paso are plain; others have fur and WOOL COATS Fancy Mixturea. accordion pleated and em- ft hlp of Aleaaiulrla wlili-- had wintend thing concerning the Jeau Chtiat are with all holline, none forbidding him." Morning Times. Thibets, and Soft Zibelinee. Sev- I. I.uulercncea. VV note that took velvet trimmed collars and broidered with silver lace edge only three das; lo ret up after that Tie eral colors. Variety of trunmingga winter, an aniloiia waa lie Pi gel at Wtll Known Silver cuffs. Some with fur on bottom. In Nile, pink, light Krate t i That :hrlUan nlerprtae. We around gf"a blue and aC io tuite that he itaually chone to lart hi City Couple to Wed tí g modela . tí fi. T propaganda with Jew Inalead or OnnUle f ' $6.95 maize. At We know hi "heart' dealt and prayer-- bottom PV.TeO FOR for them. He bad hops, becauae they lived .renal to the Mi.iuiii Times. WOOL COATS Fancy Light and Dark Mixtures. ..! SALE M A I tlie tujtalde world could reach Uiem Mllver City, N. Nov. 17. -- imniage where WOOL SUITS Very fine BrovTO, Black, Navy, and other colors. Chiffon, taffeta and messaline I and tl.cv were not a narrow and prejudiced of statewide lntret i tn be solemnlxed Tan. Gray. or Sil- a Hum. in Jeriiaalrtn. this week when Mia l.eona Walton quality materials, in Black, Round and square sxat over silk mull. Bodice of chif- He nun wllh their chirr men. He ap ver i.ny la to become the bride of William tí tfTl pealed hi their own doctrine atad to Uielr II. Nablett, a young lawyer of (irant county. Navy, Green, Brown and collars myZy ; lace, silver I 20 Shares aunar or Justloe m telling that he wa i tie ceremony win ue perrurnwa at ..si P fon and trimmed in laiiillng ror Uielr mini nollnnal n lock Monday evening,- Movambar so. at Fancy Novelty Checks. All WOOL COATS Large variety of Zibelines, Cow atan ivt aii n nhoe. that or the ivauri. Hon. and lliat he the church or the flood Mhrpberd. Eplsro lace. Corded bottoms, ac- H t ha H T. pro-- I lined Hair. Astrachan. Chinchilla Wool, Velours, and a. a ii.i.i N'en ImprUonrd mi that account and pal, the Rev T. Vlnceut. rector with satin, fancy bone jAnu una iu. xxoulil have Ih'OII released by ilentlle JiihUco nounclng the marriage service of tola Broadcloth. Several cordion pleated flounces with if II hail hot been for jewlali hate t church. Following the wedding, Mr. and and cloth buttons. Several anneal alunild liave stirred the inhe, - of mi Nablett will leave by automobile Tor models, including colors lace ruffles. Overskirts with Uie oofiference, for Paul a ho wad that he liad a honeymoon trip and will be at boma In belted, $9.95 wa live no malice and really maintaining silver Uty after liecetnher 1. semi-belte- d PLUSH COATS Black Plueh and Velvet. Some edge ratle-ra- . I and full flare. silver lace on bottom. rallh or the The r.hlefa were can The wedding la to bu one or the ruoat with Beaver collars with corre- ii - lu may not have received any ac 'brilliant in rerent years In Silver t:ity. The Same color as count of hi care rrom Jerualem. nut the bride will have aa bar maid of honor, her í sponding banda around bottom . knew mom than Uiey ronfeaaed. Their slater. Mlas Kda toll Walton. There will be $14.95 the others. . . . Write or wire ailUoli wat tildled. All Uiey aeerm-- lo three hrlramald. Mlaa Ava Maria Wllaoii, $12.95 $9.95 Knox wtM Hint 'If hrintiau rrt waa op Mlas li miii carter and Mlaa Mary Florence P. O. BOX 175 i everywhere and they set a date for a Mai rlntl. i he Ki... in lie i uaan will be ennui confereure, likely In hi hired house, Hani Houghton of Santa lilts. The ushers came he SilK hen Huong and prmeil at the chui ch will be Hoy or l asonó of Santa and Wool Dresses Coats for the Little Ones SAFFORD, or an believed, ARIZ. ChrHt forcibly ome ItiU, charlea S. Morrill. lUchard Walsh and 811k pockets colorad collars, and be told the reat Juat how (tod'a law 100 New Prensas In many colors. Children's Coats with and lloberl Jai Kaon The bride will he given In 4 to reara them. marriage by her rather. Different styles of trimming and cut and light and dark mixtures. Blsea II $1.95 HpeelaJUe. Ha developed two aperlal Excellent value New coats with convertible collars Michigan Guardsman for $4-9- 5 and dorp pockets and cuffs. Many designa and Ex-Soldi- Silk In large Who Killed er Silk and Taffeta Dresses cuts Sev-fa- $2.95 and small stripes. Chinchilla. Cow Hair. Ztbellne xind h Found Not Guilty different styles $7.95 light and dark mixtures. Several THE Blssa 4 to colora colors. An Instructed verdict of not guilty was All sisea, styles and an 14 years rammed In the case or Leo F. Branden, a tremely large atotik of these d $3.95 aoldler, who was tried before s Jury of A wide assortment Coala with convertible collars and the district court on a charge velvet trimmings. Wide cuffs with of murder In connection wllh the death of $9.95 bands of fur attache Jaaaa Tappa, an ex soldier, on November Saratoga Meat Sisase 6 14 years. Market a to last. The tsatlmony of wltneaaaa at the Wool dresses lis Brown, Black. Nary. lamming trial tended to show that Tappa $495 Red and other colors. A very larga stock of chlldren'r was accidentally abot plush, velvet, corduroy The voluntary statement of Hrandell was Deep ouffs $4.95 rusts In that when Tapps, whom be bad seen Klhaltae. broadcloth and cow hsir. away, he 14 years. tUrted running and fired unusually large drassaaa In Herges and Whlpoorda Slaea to at tba sidewalk, believing this would An stock of wool v would frighten Tapps and make nun atop. Different colora and w n Specials for Saturday It It thought that oue of these bulleu after modela To $15 a3 O striking irte remaní waia reoounued and $6.95 To $9.95 $5.95 On Extra Fancy Home Killed Meats Always The Jury returned the verdloa of "sol We Are leaving the box. guilty" without asssasm. waw a. aSt SB as We tare printing Ct list of only ft small pert of Lesa Than' Our Competitors 4 1 Cm Cm 1 4f our complete stock of Toys. One of the most New County Surveyor Or the IUUUIWvJ elaborate toy departments in Southwest Extra Quality Prune r Fancy Veal Chops and OF Qualifies for Office the Rib Roaat, pear lb. . . IDC Steaks, per lb LOC Chairs Enamel Furniture in Albro. elerled county aurveyor bv White every article. Swing, Extra Quality Rump Lean Pork Roast, 1 1 an overwhelming majority, baa qualified jp 7 and moved into his ofTtce In the court Rockers . Beds Roast, per lb 15c per lb -. Dressers Hat Racks IflC nauaa. Yesterday was devoted by the T- I Gamitar" Extra Quality Shoulder Pork, Lean Roast or OO 1 comity aurveyor to putting hU office tn Irishes Bookcases Tables Stoves Coasters Chuck Roaat, ship shape order. Mr. Atoro intends to Ui Chops, oar lb tall a ciamplcte and up to dale Index ays Pianos per, lb. 12ic Pork Sausage, Coon- - LL."1 1 tern so inai it a map or a record la called It rao be imindlateiy located after Blocks Teddy Bears with Extra Quality Stew try Style, per lb 1 I JfC raferanca to ihe index Some of tba r White House Prices on or Boiling, per lb. 10c ords In the office dale back to las, are electric Leg of Mutton, fat and 1 (" written in ink and iiiiud in lagtaarad oov Autos i eyes, all Extra Fancy Loin or Short fancy, per lb ItjC errd books with bark almost worn ofr Cut Steak, i.ounty Surveyor Albro will Have the Rocking Hones kinds of dishes, lo- Shoulder and Ribs of Mutton, books rebound so that tbey can be pre- ToiletArticles per lb. . 20c served. Drums Laxrse Bise Ueterine . SSc comotives 1 , i ....7 fire en T-- lis. Extra Fancy or Of per lb. Medium Stae Uatertne . . . . SSc 1UL Exposition Committee Tigers Small Sise Uatertne . P. H. Steaks, per lb . DC Mutton Chop or lac gines, dreadnoughts, Barking Dogs Java Rice Face Powder . . . SSc Extra Fancy Round or Rib . . to Lax Steaks, per lb . 20c Meet Next Monday Blanche Face Powder . . SSe trains and a thou- Nice Fat Home OO 1 If lie Im at advisory cunuulllei the i. Blackboards Sanltol Preparations . ISe tent Infniatlonal Soil Product exooalUoti Oriental Face Cream . . . . S10S per lb 17c Killed Hens, per lb. meet Monday ailernoon al I o'clock sand other thinss. LLC Bath Tub. Mennen'a Talcum Powder . ISe Extra Fancy ar or Nice Fat Home KUI- - 1 at the Chamber of Conuuero. This prob fably will be the final meeting of the board Wood bury a Facial Soap . : . iSo Every kind of doll Chuck Steaks, ed SprmtTs, 07 and matt ara partaaung to the late ox post Cannons Pebeco Tooth Paste . SSe oer lb. áal iC finally 15c Kansas Lgga, will be oonslderad. Camels Horses 4711 Glycerins Soap ..16c and doll accessory. Clb. Veal Shoulder eajONCMlTi) Dr. layon'a Dental Creatm . . ISo 40c WBaa a aaeare rold tattlaa lungs it Roaat, par lb 15c Sugar Cured Hams and la callad bronchllta. Thare danger of It Fancy Veal Breast, leadtnr lo lironcho DaxeuxsMi . and for uu reason it la always best to to bed am AaeTaew awsssarvsrw wb par lb. 15c par lb. lake chaiixbertaltVa Cough dt Betty, 25c reeled until well along toward recovery Have the The Marinello art. Cuartea T Woodant saudy Creek. It Buy v.. writes ''Chanibertaln'e OougC Hemed Shopper, Your iiiayiiiaaTs.rBiraa DOMT FORGET THE cured me of brourlUtla last fan. When 1 Hair Goods Shop. NUMBER began using tl I waa so hoarse at limes that Th n gs. Satisfac- n was difficult for me to apeak above 1 303 E. Orerland srtataaaer. I iwaortad to the ua of tbla val Guaranteed e Paso's Best. St Phone 740 or 741 uabla tnadtwlns and found It very annlltatf tion a week's time l waa well Little Plaza Phone 45BP uln'íablc'evelr'i . tsar.)