vmtmmtm rre W W W FSy umwjSwj m meet lKSt MrfTrafa. "" arwár 37TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS SATURDAY. NOVRMRF 18 lQlrY RNTJJAH SFrtlOM.TWFJ.VF PAr.F.q trvrrvKrra TREYINO WITH HIS ARMY QUITS CHIHUAHUA FOR SOUTH Ve We Could John Bull the DEUTSU IN RAILWAYS TO ASK Make Take Back Blacklist. YOOnAY NOT RIAUZI IT aXT- T- TMlaV ajLD oto uaNT WHO t STATE CAPITAL LEFT WITH riNT TO TAKE. OROim FATAL COLLISION COMMITTEE FOR FffOtl MOST ANYONE. WHO HA T1M. TO IStUS THEM. MCANWHILE DOING HIS MST NEEDED TO SUPPLY MIS. Boll WITH WITH CONVOYING MANY NC.tt.DtLO SUtefWfultS.tWIV-- HANDFUL OF DEFENDERS TO kNIS OWN PtOPL. SUrfoN i ANO rAY THE INCIhWJED DEAD .WAR COSr4eJITMOOT m TUG; FIVE THE CO N 50 tTTOrt gv-- ñt INCREAEE in mtn r INOtVIOUAL COME. COPE WITH VfLLJSTA BANDS German Mm Freighter, Slip- At Hearing Monday a Federal IS THE ni ping Oat of Hartior Under Law for Interstate AHMtiCJtH MAN O '"aLe-- DarkneM, Rears w Railroadi and Enlargement of poooTurr V' Cover of Fleeing Steeuxter, Sinking It in AgHmoHi i Commander Announces He la Taking Field Agaimt WÍV Swift-Rnnni- Tide. Thing;, WID Be Stjsrweeted. ON TMf. Bandits, but HÚ. Move Is Generally TO BgmtN Considered CAPT. KOEN1G RETURNS ENTER FIGHT tt Evacuation of City. TO PORT WITHOUT HELP WITH TRUST IN PEOPLE im Half Million Peso Which Were Reported Taken South to Pay Submarige's Stern Smartly Twist- Country Thought to Understand IF HE ONLY HAD THE NCRVC . OR WHAT-- . K Object Managers in Contest; OR COMMON SENSE Urr lroopa educed by Later Keporta to $1,400, Pro- ed to Starboard, but General of TO ACT LIKE Rail-wa- EVER IT TAKES ceed of Recent Prize Fight in Structure Said to Be Intact; Given Sufficient Credit BRlNO THIS Juarez. May THIS - ME COULD Accident Subject of Federal Solve Problem of INTERNATIONAL BULLY TO Investigation. High Cost of Living. Oeneral Jacinto H. Trevhro, recently re I aaaEBaV awW, JaVaV HIS KNEES ANO PLACE MIM moved by 1,1 men uarransa rrom pie position 1 SL AT MCPfCY OF HIS nf military roinnuuuler or northern Mexico, By Associated Praia. By Associated Press. efaaTm f aaliaTa. THE FOE quitted r.lilhushns City yesterday with t.onu Mediators Adjourn New London, r.onn.. Nov. IT Th roll! Washington. Nov. 17. Some or Ihe sug- V WEEKS TIME. mat, leaving the sUte capiul rtiarded by a Inn tid h Uto merchant nobmarln gestions the railroads will make to the Joint handful or trooD under command or i'.olo- for the Week With iuurniana lo abandon Mr voyage v uer ronrresslonal Investigating committee nel Ormules mellar. Trevtnn carried with many, almost it It ouUet early today which begins hearings on transportation Mm all the available food supplies and mu Deadlock Unbroken when a convoying tu, tit T. A. scot. Jr., questions here Monday were outlined at a nluous. as well as field artillery and horses m sunk with a crew of rtv man, waa tlM special meeting or the national council of Before leaving the general announced that subject or a federal InvestltaUon tht after tf e United sutes chamber of Commerce by he waa taklnr the field against Villa In per By Aseocieted rrest. noon, the United Btete Inspectors of team A. P. Thorn, counsel fnr the railway execu- eon. but this snnouncement Is generally dlt Atlsntlc city. Nov. 17. Th Mexican velaria, headed by Captain W. E. Wlthey. tives advisory committee. credited, and American sod Mexicans In American Joint commission adjourned Iiard throurh vrftnesses nf the conditions What Meeds Wast. this city who have Interests tn chihuahua today until Monday, with the conference the submarine, slipping out of Mr. Thorn said the railroads would ask yesterday expressed considerable surprise in what Is retarded as a deadlock. in liar nor in in airmen o tnat an mignt for and not a little alarm at what they termed WTten the meetings are resumed next iibmri tit neutral water before day A redera! Incorporation law ror Interstate the evacuation nf the city by the man to week It Is expected th represen leUve break, nan down the tur which waa acting railroads. whnin IU safely had been entrusted It was Jf th two governmenu will be rully ax her protector off nace nor, just outalde A measure enlarging the Interstate com lined nut that the rorre left behind- - less a to we withe or their chlen. Oil port. The testimony came Catv mere commission and creating regional Kin SMI men was utterly Inadequate tn 1. uis CbreTs, or toe Mexican from even man the of city, chairman lalu Pant Knnulg or the DeuUchland, from bodies under tt with original Jurisdiction In defenses the much oommlislon. successfully Interfered to- K rate questions subject to by less to live hatle in the event of an attack day W. Kranohl hla chief officer, and from appeal carriers or with the adoption of a plan for bor- liana hi waa or snippers to uie enure commiaaion. by any of the numerous hands viuisus der control. Ignacio Bonilla A- Kleete. chief engineer. It be In tb vicinity IDs and then in aecret, but It became known Amendment or tne aoi to regulate com known to operating ol lberto J. Pan, to other member, went throurh tatémenla outalde the chamber meros so as to reduce to 60 davl the nrea- - state capital ready to agree to a plan proposed hy Uiat the collision waa an ent period or IU mouths during which the Trevto Met Look lea far rtaM Americans, hut the oh ectlons of accident aso Responsible interna commerce commission may now II Is generally believe m that r chairman were sufficient to result win Cúrrenla a riled railroad tariff In suspension: and. revino has no Intention or putting up t to farther delay and dahat. No agre Mirvlvora who would discuss the matter tx hopes ror la to a Authority the comndttlon to fix mini right, hut that the best he ment wat reached. were atraed that tt waa due to combina- a rnrres the command or hla Secretary the I. or the mum wall an mulrmxm rates. place his under of interior an, chair- tion twin cúrrenla, which carried BrolherTaeeds Net Able lo Altead. successor, Oeneral Pratirttoo Murria, and man or the American commission, - tut off it oourae and acroat the bow of The a to private lire, prererably In ror to be in Washington tne national council lias riven place retire to berore bmartne uM to ta serai orotner-hood- olgn night and to place w to letitui) nuuvrs or me railroad land. Scu before President which u to be the rteuuchatjaji't an IU nrorram for Ihe artemoon. Murria, according tn the laat authentic c all th facu lit the case, it or ssfely hut which prevented n but the secretary announced that telegrama munis, It a snort distance north or Tor understood that Mr Cabrera baa sect to servaUon of UM danger ahead or re. in. where a few dayt line he engaged In Oeneral Cerrante a paraphrase or de- enly aay to bad been received from W. 8. Carter the ih koenir would rruettloaersi firemen and 1.. E. Bbeppard, acting for battle with the bandit chief, Calexto Con bate to rer aa It hat proceeded. "111 a terrible thlot to loe thoae good (.bier In tb meantime Mr. Cabrera expect men. (trend Garreuon. or the conductors. t net It deeply. You roust excusa saying they could not arrange to be preaent. rnlA sMI ftaaolatlaa. to coarar with representatives or Ameri- me." No replies to Invitations had been received. Chihuahua City, deprived of even the scant ca mining Interesu or Mexico In flaw cáptala at rat Rasa- - he irotectlon of TTdvmO't hair muUnoni York with a view to th readjustment of said, from the other two brotherhood a city or deaolauou and famine a tebedula or taxation. Bnrnre the ttumeetor DxeaT blame ror the to dart. - of aao. Th paper money or ne soto rsrt- . ioe the acob ha oaau vn vui Esapltye Make Repast feaaaee. I President Charles It. via file. pteseteol menl In lite hand ol It UU! HWsrh. - taut v Snd feu not been repaired company, who waa only uf.ua Ul It would be inipotilble tnr the survivor country had no aesurauc that two year a. to atootoTof to mer o tfl tug. ctpattii Hiach wit thrown now, I since Th rsfrurees contend ttiat i from when confíete to a Moled, bar been exhausted tod lbs farm- ,n io.. from the deuk Mute of the tug. on Which or four years distant, wheu a president la etuhte the and ten Spaniards war killed By bandit or er no ion rer brink their producía te at Jl menea, lie waa landing, into the rnsMng water to be elected, the brotherhoods will not capital. together with one American. the race, where he waa acaiD come to congress with a demand for stricken tn The name or toe American could not be It waa learned yesterday that Trsvlno learned. hunted, by lite crew of the tut Cattle, fol rata sad hair ror overtime and threaten dined his troone to accompany him south i., nit brbiiid. captain Hiaach was s to strike tr the demands are not met. distributing among them some THIRTY onlv bv STATE DEPARTMENT CONPIRMfl artar the accident and lonlrht atui Mr. Thorn discussed the history of IS PERMANENT THOUSAND um In Mexican silver the proceeds of a may BLOCKADE it KILLING OR. PIS HER. waa exhausted that It be several American railroads and their regulation, ngni neiu in juare v day slurs 0' .lay.
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