You and Your Baby Save Time! Please Visit the Forms Sections of Our Website to Print and Complete the New Patient Forms Needed for Your Baby’S fi Rst Visit
John John M. M. Tedeschi, Tedeschi, MD, MD, FAAP FAAP JulieJason C. S.Ayres, Weber, MD, MD, FAAP FAAP ReyRey Velasco, Velasco, MD, MD, FAAP FAAP JasonCarolyn S. Weber,H. Weber, MD, MD, FAAP FAAP JohnJohn B. B. Tedeschi, Tedeschi, MD, MD, FAAP FAAP CarolynCyriac George,H. Weber, DO, MD, FAAP FAAP ParisaParisa Razi, Razi, MD, MD, FAAP FAAP PetePete Georgelos, Georgelos, MD, MD, FAAP FAAP MelissaMelissa S. S. Chase, Chase, DO, DO, FAAP FAAP CarolinePuneet Tung,Kabel-Kotler, DO, FAAP DO, FAAP Julie C. Ayres, MD, FAAP You and Your Baby Save Time! Please visit the Forms sections of our website to print and complete the New Patient Forms needed for your baby’s fi rst visit. INDEX Bathing your baby ....................... 5 Fever: Cleaning the eyes & ears .... 5 Care of the child ......................8 Shampooing the head ......... 5 Taking a temperature ..............8 Bowels ........................................ 9 Medications - Do’s and Don’ts .......6 Breasts ....................................... 6 How to give tablets ................6 Burping ....................................... 12 eye drops ..........6 Car Seats .................................... 7 ear drops .............6 Circumcision Care ...................... 5 When to give ...........................6 Clothing ...................................... 6 Navel Care .....................................5 Colic ............................................ 11 Nail Clipping ..................................5 Constipation ................................ 10 Over-The-Counter
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