Newsletter New Zealand Poetry Society PO Box 5283 September 2005 Lambton Quay WELLINGTON New Zealand Poetry Society Patrons Dame Fiona Kidman Te Hunga Tito Ruri o Aotearoa Vincent O’Sullivan President James Norcliffe With the Assistance of Creative NZ Arts Council of New Zealand Toi Aotearoa Email
[email protected] and Lion Foundation Website ISSN 1176-6409 NZPS Competition – an insider view at them over Queen’s Birthday Weekend. Then I went to the Post Office. I should have been suspicious when the Our International Poetry Competition has recently door opened too easily. The box was empty, except for concluded for another year. How did you do? Were you a small yellow card. The yellow card is what appears in amongst The Chosen Ones? I wasn’t and, as usual, I your box when there is too much mail. There was a flood. consoled myself with the thought that maybe I’d be in the I received from the Post Shop counter a sack containing 81 anthology again this year. envelopes, about half of them from schools and containing I’ve been entering the NZPS competition for a long multiple entries. For the rest of the week I worked until time, and this year I got to see how it works, after agreeing midnight every night, processing envelopes. Several took to take on the role of competition secretary. The first thing more than 1½ hours each. A few were requests for entry I discovered was that the work starts in November, when forms – too late.The slowest part was twinking out names the anthology is launched and the new competition opens.