Yol. Xxxm No. 10 SEPTEMBER, 1967 25C Per Vear Price I•
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. C1tTHOLIC WORKER 8ubecr1ption1 Yol. xxxm No. 10 SEPTEMBER, 1967 25c Per Vear Price I• I / THE CATHOLIC WORKER September~ 1967 VoL XXXIll Ne. 10 leptember, 1967 Men of the Fields on the .CmiOl.ICrttb.~ Pwbllshed Monthly September to June, Bl-monthly JuJy-Aur... Pavements of New York OltGAN ~I' THE CATHOLIC WORIEB MOVEMENT PETER MAURIN, t'ounder . By JACK COOK on these issues because agriculture proach makes fi tore -owners uncom . DOROTHY DAY, Editor and Publisher "I think when you come out of enjoys a special exemption from fortabJe, accustomed as they are MARTIN J. CORBIN, Managing Editor a house and step on the bare earth federal labor laws." to the hall-there-good-fellow smile. AHociate Editor•: among the fields you're the same On July 23 an all-day general the knowing wink. and the moist. CHAUES BUTTERWORTH , JACK COOK, RITA CORBIN !Artl, NICOLE man you were when you were in- meeting and picnic of Giumarra uncalloused band. tl'ENTREMONT, EDGAR FORAND, ROBERT GILLIAM, JUDITH GREGORY, side the house. But when you step workers wu held. Over 1,000 at PahJo AquiJar, the youngest of THOMAS S. HOEY, WILLIAM HORVATH, MARJORIE C. HUGHES, out on pavements, you're someone tended. They voted unanimously the group at 26, is m11rried and CHRISTOPHER S. KEARNS, WALTER KERELL, PHIL MALONEY, KARL MEYEk, else. You can feel your face to strike. No r esponse being forth has three children. He was a crew DEANE MOWRER, HELEN C. RILEY, PAT RUSK, ARTHUR SHEEHAN, ANNE change." coming from the company, the leader for Giumarra before the TAILLEFER, EDWARD TURNER, STANLEY VISHNEWSKI , JAMES E. WILSON. So wrote Henry Roth (Call It workers went out on August 3. strike began; in that capacity he New subscription• and change of addreu: Sleep, Cooper Squar e Publishers, Within four days, the company was earned $40 a day. Now he earns 175 Chryatie St., New York, .N. Y. 10002 Inc., 1934) !n praise of peasants. down from 1,200 workers to about $5 a week and his food. He is a Telephone OR 4-9812 Editorial communications to: Box 33 Tivoli, N. Y. 12583 Such praise is due, also, to the six 50. Then, the scabs. And the same very large man and he frequently farm workers from Delano, Calif., old story. eats , both at their apartment and Subscription United States. 2Sc Yearly. Canada and Foreign 30c Yurly who, here, pn the pavements of With • New Twist later at the Worker. His ense of Bubscrlptlon rate of one cent per copy plus postage applies to bundles of one humor is as large as he is: wi th tiundred or more copies each month for one year to be directed to on. addrea. New York are organizing a con- The twist beini that six Jru!n sumer boycott against Giumarra of the fields are sent by Cesar his cupped hand held out and his 10. 1939, Post Oftiee pr<>ducts. Chavez to persuade six m illion high-pitched nasal voice, he mim Reentered as second class matter August at the 0 o1 New York, N. Y., Under the Act of Marcb ll, 1871 Their faces have not changed. men of the pavements to an un· ics, "Just a nick.Je to start me off.' But the faces to which they ad- selfish acl "Don't buy Giumarra Either his size or the tone of his ...... ,. dress themselves-fruit store· own- grapes. They are scab grapes." voice ofiended one broker at the ers, brokers, buyers of all sorts That was all that need be said. Hunts Point Ter minal Market, -have changed. The consternation The changed and the un!!hanged where we were picketing one day, apparent in their expressions at faces.- or better, the chained and and a brief scuffle occurred. They the sight of these men and their the unchained, confr ont each wanted him to leave the platform· ON PILGR.IMAG~ humble plea betrays them. - other. instead, all our pickets, some tw~ The story of six farm workers On August 31: three Philip- dozen in number, converged there. B7 DOROTHY DAY in New York is not a sensational pinos, three Mexicans in Delano. The broker ~d after a little one. Nd fireworks' here. No report- Th d d th · ht 1 te while not to pur chase any more If I don't wake up ear ly enough of Lee Harvey Oswald, the torture ree ays an ree mg s a r, ers with TV equipment followed h · 1 t i th f onl scab grapes in the future. to have a spiritual reading before. of prisoners in Vietnam, the death avmg 5 ep n e car or Y them around. Unlike the Mont- short periods, they arrived in New Bernardo Garcia,_ also, w11s one rising to face the day, I feel cheated of our own soldiers--horror up1m gomery boycott, no busloads of of over a thousand Giumarra la of a sustenance I badly need, con- horror, until the mind and soul college enthusiasts, no cadres oI York, where none had been be borers, who came out of the fi elds sidering the crowded days of con- are blunted, sated with blood, fore. Their contact. Jim Drake (an radical organizers converged here East Coast assistant to Chavez:) on August 3 to join La Baeu. He ferences and ·visitors all summer in blood which cries out to heaven. in Manhattan. The work rests in could not be reached. They knew does most of the cooking for the both country and city. This morning Indeed Jesus is in agony until the the hands of six men and ii car- no one else. Two more nights spent group; it was amusing to see him my reading was again from Father end of the world. ried out in almost utter silence. in the car. Drake, who had not roll tortillas with an empty ale Ernesto Balducci's book, "John- Juliana of Norwich said, and it Giumarra n. the Union expected them so soon, put them bottle, a remnant of their first the Transitional Pope" published is for our comfort, "the worst baa They left Delano on August 31st, up in the YMCA and they went to night ln the apartment with three by McGraw-Hill in 1964 ana. a real already happened and been reme- less than a month after the strike work. Then he sought out Dorothy of our Catholic Worker staJf treasure. I have quoted from him died." The worst being the Fall, by the United Farm Worker.s Or- Day, for the men needed an apart guests. before, and I bave special esteem and the remedy ls still with us, ganiZing Committee against Giu- ment. Under Dorothy's direction. The Work for Father Balducci because he is "the same yesterday and today and one of the Kenmare bug-infested The strategy of the boycott was a conscientious objector to war, forever." Even today, there are apar tments was thoroughly cleaned deceptively simple. The six men and has suffered for it as the late ,samplings of heaven, in love ex- by a group of young volunteers, wer e to reach by direct confron · Father Lorenzo Milani did. The pressed, in peace maintained. "All including Kevin and Sheila Mur- tation 700-800 individual retail quotation from Pope John he cites the way to heaven is heaven, be- phy from the Detroit catholic fruit and grocery stores, large or on page 127 is this: cause He said, 'I am the .Way.'" Worker, who were here for their small, in Manhattan. If a majority "The love of truth. On the day of (All the way to hell can be hell first experience of Chrystie Street. of these buyers cooperated, then my episcopal consecration the too.) . Our Lady of Guadalupe and pos- they would have not only pread Church gave 'me a particular man- Work is the great healer, tbe ters depictini the farm worker the wor d, but made the brokers in date concerning it: 'Let him [the great remedy for many tlls. Right painted by Tina de Aragon now the large mar kets and auctions bishop] choose humility and truth now as I write, in the midst of the hang on the walls, and the ar oma aware, before they were approacil and never forsake them for any Friday hubbub of trucks with of tortillas and beans invades the ed, that these men wer e :i t work flattery or threats. Let him not horns blaring, 2ears shiftini at hallways. and they meant business. The first considel' light to be darkness, or each light, the grindipg up of the In our heavily Italian neighbor- five days were spent, then, in walk darkness light; let him not call evil refuse of the city In sanitation hood, these aromas are distinctive; ing the pavements of Ma nhattan, good, or good evil. Let him learn trucks, the shriek of sirens, there and on the streets of Manhatt:m from 180th Street south to South from wise men and fools so that is a labor of love going on. Two six fa rm workers are distinctive Ferry and the tip of the island, on he may profit from all';, young men and two young women also. They move differently. Per- all the avenues; then east and west These powerful words are used are engaged in thoroughly clean- haps I am simply conscious of on all the streets. Imagine the ill the consecration of bishops, and ing and "de-bug~ing " one of the their- moving for a purpose, for number of grocery stores these I think of them now as I rejoice in ap~rtments of this house of hospi- an end other than themselvo?s.