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__ WINTERSNILL CT IZEN VOL. 1, NO. 39 THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1963-TEN PAGES $5.00 per year 10< per copy SO, IT'S ..... .. .. .. .. BACK TO By EVE SEITER Suddenly it's September! So, 5-TIME AT THE MIRROR.. it's back to school again. Delv- No member of this institution ing into some old books this shall tarry before the mirror writer discovered a copy of en- more than three consecutive trance requirements for South minutes. Hadley Seminary, which later 6 - READING .. No member became known at Mt. Holyoke of this school shall devote more College. 'Here are a few of the than one hour each week to rules: miscellaneous reading. The AT- "1- ADMISSION . No young LANTIC MONTHLY, Shake- lady shall become a member of speare, Scott's novels, ROBIN- this school who cannot kindle a SON CRUSOE, and immoral fire, wash potatoes, and repeat works are strictly forbidden. the multiplication table. T H E BOSTON RECORDER, 2 - OUTFIT .. No cosmetics, MISSIONARY HERALD, and perfumery, or fancy soap will Washiington's Farewell. Address be allowed on the premises. are earnestly recommended for 3-EXERCISE .. Every mem- light reading." ber of this school shall walk at Home Ec', Math, the natural least a mile every- day. look, physical fitness, suitable 4 - COMPANY. No member company, modesty, a sense of of this school is expected to discrimination -- a rare yard- have any male acquaintances stick of behavior! We offer it unless they are retired mission- to those who find it's back to The new shelters which are mission was given by Village aries or agents of some benevo- school for them again! being installed at the bus stops officials. The shelters are also lent society.; - I '---- ' --- L~L~ in. Wintersville for the protec- maintained by Shelterall. Their ^*" F ? vv'T /^ 1l*v a~tnri I source of revennle i,.frnrm the The new flasher lights at the High School on route 22 will be in operation for the first time when school opens in Septem- ber. Mayor Thomas. Albaugh and Police Chief Stanley Kilos felt that these lights were nec- essary and requested them from the State of Ohio. The State do- nated the signs, with the condi- America's progress is the skill tion: that, Wintersville would install them. Installation was of the American worker. Basic to directed by Harry Hendricks, Wnitersville street commission- America's strength and securi,ty is er. Employees of Ohio Bell Telephone aided in installation his steadfast loyalty to the of poles. Cross Creek schools, under direction of Supt. 0. W. finest ideals of freedom and Buchanan financed the wiring of the lights. Safety of stu- dents going to and from school will be greater with the use of these lights. PAGE 2 Tell Them.You Saw It In "The Wintersville\Vintersville Citizen" PAGE 2 __ Tell Them You Saw It In "The Rev.Peter S. Drazich KINGS CREEK UNION CHAPEL Ahp Cor. Willow & N. 12th St. Weirton, W.Va. B3RENTWOOD METHODIST WINTERSVILLE METHODIST "Zacchaeus gets rid of his CHURCH CHURCH guilty feelings-so can you" (?16 Frostview Drive) (Main Street) SERMON OF THE WEEK Rev. Donald W. Walton Rev. Richard Swogger Morning WNorship 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 10:30 A.M. Morning Worship 10:15 a.m. God in the beginning made commendable. Certainly Zac- Sernmon Topic: "W:ork and JBe 1,eople to be good. The fact chaeus was willing to have a Worthy". that you are a free moral agent changed life, willing to live a TWVO RIDGES UNITED Sunday School 9:00 A.M. and have a will, you can either better life. It seemed that he PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH be good or wicked. had his mind made up that he (Canton Road) choose to Rev. Lewis Fraser W h e n people live wickedly wvouldn't settle for anything BLESSED SACRAMENT Sunday School 10:00 A.M. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH there comes a sense of guilt less. Thanks be u n t o God. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. (Main 'Street) that can make them utterly "whosoever will" may also in iserab)le and wretched. They make such a decision. If you Rev. Charles J. Sargus ill at want to meet Jesus you really CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Confession - Saturday 1:30 to 2:30 become restless, nervous, P.M. and 7:00 to 8:00 P.M. OF LATTER DAY SAINTS ease. Their lives are without can, if you really want to. Masses 7:30 - 9:00 - 10:30 and 12:00. joy because of their a ccusing We will also have to com- (Wintersville Grange Hall) consciences. They wish heartily mend Zacchaeus for his deter- President, Owen S. Bunker they could get rid of their mination, for the third and ST. PIUS X ROMAN CATHOLIC Sunday School 9:30 a. inm. ChURCH guilt, but do not know how to fourth verses describe some of Superintendant Lee K. Eshbaugh (Lovers Lane) do so. It is no wonder then that the obstacles he faced and how 10:30 a. m. Morning Worship Rev. Alfred L. McMullan our nation's mental institutions he overcame them. As we anal- Sacrament are filled to overflowing? That yze the words of the scripture, Confession Saturday 7:00 to 8:00 there are between 20000 and "He sought to see Jesus who he P.M. and before Masses on Sunda'Y. was; and could not for the VALLEY VIEW BAPTIST CHURCH Masses 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 A.M. and 30,000 suicides in the United 5:30 P.M. States each (Belvedere Firehouse) year? press (crowd), because he w as Weekdays 8:30 A.M. In the nineteenth chapter of little of stature," we see that Rev. R. M. Getschman t h e Gospel according to Luke, two things kept him from his Sunday School 9:30 A.M. we find the stirring account of goal: the crowd, or the people, BLOOMINGDALE a man who met Jesus, and was and himself, for he was little. I MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH never again satisfied with t h e dare say those two things will (Bloomingdale) (Bloomingdale) way he lived or with the way stand in the way of every soul Rev. R. M. Getschman Rev. Robert Thompson he had made his living. Zac- who seeks Jesus: people and Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Sunday School 10:00 A. M. chaeus was his name, and he self. But Zacchaeus had the de- Worship Service 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. was a publican. Publicans were terriination to succeed and the at that time hated by Jews be- resourcefulness to accomplish STARKDALE UNITED cause although they were of his purpose. He overcame these PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. ANDREW'S ORTHODOX CATHOLIC CHURCH Jewiish birth, they had made obstacles by climbing. You can (Sunset Boulevard) money by dealing with the overcome t h e s e very same Rev. C. Sheldon Hastings (319 Lincoln Terrace) enemies of the Jews. Those things that hinder you if you 10:00 A.M Church School and Mingo Junction enemies, in turn, -hated them have the sort of determination Morning worship combined. Rev. Fr. John F. Psinka because they were Jews. There- Zacchaeus had. At this very* Sfermon Topic: "Looking Back". Summer Schedule: fore, the publicans had fe w if point, let me ask you: What has Sundays, Divine Liturgy 9:00 A.M. any friends and had no inhibi- been your determination for at- GRACE EVANGELICAL Saturdays, Vespers, 7:00 P.M. tions that would restrain them tending church regularly? LUTHERAN CHURCH Holy Days, Vespers at 7:00 P.M. from getting all they could, What has been your determina- (Sunset Boulevard) and Divine Liturgy 9:00 A.M. fairly or otherwise. Zacchaeius tion to read the Bible faith+ Rev. William C. Haggis CONFESSIONS will be heard Morning Worship 8:30 and 10:45 prior to each service. was such a man until he met fully? What has been your de- A.M. Jesus. and that meeting with termination to spend more time Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Jesus changed him. You may in prayer? To meet Jesus face ZION TEMPLE CHURCH WINTERSVILLE have such attitudes, or even to face? (328 S. Sixth St., Steubenville) worse. You may have hidden We should also commend CHURCH OF CHRIST Johnson, Pastor sin in your life. You may right Zacchaeus for his spirit of pen- (Bantam Ridge School) Elder Floyd now have a stinging conscience itence and humility,, for doubt- Rev. William Worcester Sunday School 10:00 A.M. of wrong-doing. Friend, permit less Jesus,. could not have /Morning Worship 10:00 A.M. Morning Worship 11:30 A.M. me to tell you that a meeting helped him and changed him Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Wednesday Nite 7:30 Prayer had he not possessed these qual- Meeting and Bible Class. with the Master who is the WEST PARK METHODIST "same yesterday today and for- ities. Lister, as he speaks, Thursday Nite 8:00 P.M. Young Rev. Thomas Saltsman ever" will most assuredly "Lord, the half of my goods I Peoples Meeting. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. I Last Friday in Month 7:30 PM. change you too. "Therefore if give to the poor; and if have Morning Worship 10:45 A.M. any man be in Christ. he is a taken anything from any man Sunday Evening 6:00 P.M., M.Y.F. Missionary Meeting. new creature (creattion): old by false accusation (gain), I re- things are passed away; behold.