Hamilton College Hamilton Digital Commons Books Works by Type 6-2017 Second Nature: Hamilton College and the Natural Environment Peter Simons Hamilton College,
[email protected] Sabrina Boutselis '19 Hamilton College Jack Hay '19 Hamilton College Noelle Connors '19 Hamilton College Emma Raynor '18 Hamilton College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hamilton.edu/books Part of the Environmental Studies Commons CONTENTS A Naturally Unnatural Landscape / Sabrina Boutselis Stubbins's Brutalism and Burke Library / Jack Hay Artificial Wilderness / Noelle Connors Admission to Siuda House / Emma Raynor Along the Shale Paths / Leigh Preston This is an Intervention / Emma Morgan Hamilton's Antiquated Museum / Elise LePage Aesthetic Discernment: The eS asons of the Root Glen / Chloe Keating Rogers Glen / Laura Kwasnoski Citation Information Simons, Peter; Boutselis, Sabrina '19; Hay, Jack '19; Connors, Noelle '19; Raynor, Emma '18; Preston, Leigh '18; Morgan, Emma '18; LePage, Elise '18; Keating, Chloe '18; and Kwasnoski, Laura '18, "Second Nature: Hamilton College and the Natural Environment" Authors Peter Simons, Sabrina Boutselis '19, Jack Hay '19, Noelle Connors '19, Emma Raynor '18, Leigh Preston '18, Emma Morgan '18, Elise LePage '18, Chloe Keating '18, and Laura Kwasnoski '18 This book is available at Hamilton Digital Commons: https://digitalcommons.hamilton.edu/books/13 SECOND NATURE Hamilton College and the Natural Environment SECOND NATURE SECOND NATURE Hamilton College and