Space Transportation Atlas V / Auxiliary Payload Overview Space
SpaceSpace TransportationTransportation AtlasAtlas VV // AuxiliaryAuxiliary PayloadPayload OverviewOverview LockheedLockheed MartinMartin SpaceSpace SystemsSystems CompanyCompany JimJim EnglandEngland (303)(303) 977-0861977-0861 ProgramProgram Manager,Manager, AtlasAtlas GovernmentGovernment ProgramsPrograms BusinessBusiness DevelDevelopmentopment andand AdvancedAdvanced ProgramsPrograms 33 AugustAugust 20062006 1 Video – Take a Ride 2 ReliableReliable && VersatileVersatile LaunchLaunch VehicleVehicle FamilyFamily RReettiirreedd RReettiirreedd Atlas I AC-69 RReettiirreedd Jul 1990 Atlas II AC-102 RReettiirreedd 8/11 Dec 1991 Atlas IIA 10/10 AC-105 RReettiirreedd Jun 1992 • Consecutive Successful Atlas CentaurAtlas Flights: IIAS 79 Retired • First Flight Successes: 823/23 of 8 AC-108 Retired • Mission Success: 100% Atlas II, IIA, IIAS,Dec 1993 IIIA, IIIB, and V Families Atlas IIIA First Flight • Retired Variants: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,30/30 I, II, IIA, IIAS,AC-201 IIIA, IIIB May 2000 Atlas IIIB X/Y AC-204 2/2 X Successes / Y FlightsFeb 2002 Atlas V-400 AV-001 4/4 Mission Success: One Launch at a Time 4/4 Aug 2002 Atlas V-500 AV-003 4/4 Jul 2003 3/3 3 RecentRecent AtlasAtlas // CentaurCentaur EvolutionEvolution Atlas I / II Family Atlas III Family Atlas V Family dd dd iirree iirree eett eett RR RR 5-m PLF 30 GSO Kit 26 Single Avionics Engine Common Upgrade 22 Centaur Centaur 3.8-m 18 Common LO2 Core Tank Booster Stretch 14 10 Liquid SRBs Strap-ons RD-180 SRBs 6 Engine Atlas I Atlas IIAS Atlas IIIA Atlas IIIB Atlas V Atlas V Atlas V 407
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