UUUUUUKKKKKK BBBBBBeeeeeelllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkUK BelleekCCCCCCoooooo Collectors’lllllllllllleeeeee Groupcccccctttttt Newsletteroooooorrrrrrssssss 24/3,’’’’’’ SepteGGGGGGmberrrrrrr 2003oooooo uuuuuupppppp NNNNNNeeeeeewwwwwwsssssslllllleeeeeetttttttttttteeeeeerrrrrr NNNNNNuuuuuummmmmmbbbbbbeeeeeerrrrrr 222222444444//////333333 SSSSSSeeeeeepppppptttttteeeeeemmmmmmbbbbbbeeeeeerrrrrr 222222000000000000333333 Autumn is already creeping up on us but hopefully this latest Belleek Collectors’ Newsletter will keep some warmth in our lives, especially with its reminders of our sunny July weekend in Buckinghamshire. Contributions to the Newsletter will always be welcomed ––– anything about Belleek, of course, and any other news from the ceramic world in the past oorr present. It’s the way we can share information with everybodyeverybody in the Group and keep widening our knowledge. --- Gina Kelland Page 111 UK Belleek Collectors’ Group Newsletter 24/3, September 2003 Contacts: Gina Kelland compiles the Newsletter, so please let her have your contributions, comments, suggestions, letters for publication, criticisms etc. If you are sending published articles please either get Copyright clearance or enclose the details of the publisher so Gina can ask for permission. Gina’s email
[email protected] Chris Marvell publishes the Newsletter, and he and Bev Marvell distribute it. He is also setting up a database which will form the Group’s archive, keeping a record of relevant publications and photographs (including photos etc. not published in the Newsletter). Chris’s email
[email protected] Jan Golaszewski’s email
[email protected] Our Treasurer, Simon Whitlock can be contacted by email at
[email protected] and the Group’s Administrator, Bev Marvell at
[email protected] . Our website is administered by Simon and can be found at Your Editor, Gina (right) and the Group http://www.belleek.org.uk/ .