The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 13 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Local leaders welcome Jenkins ND airs for us to moot people in tho By MADDIE HANNA community in a relaxnd setting." ad during fusociare Nrws Editor Heception attnndt~es munched and mingled informally with University President Father Jenkins and staff membnrs in John Jenkins will be given an the name of eommunity rela­ Pitt gan1e elaborate inauguration steeped tions. And when .Jenkins made a in Notre Dame tradition in brief speech, one woman By KAITLYNN RIELY exaetly two weeks. · remarked that he stood next to a So upon first glance, the inlilr­ sil-,'11 reading "SCABS." News Writer mal Wednesday reception for Despite the laid-back atmos­ him and 70 prominent commu­ phero, there was a dear thmnn Numerous limns dur·ing tlw nity membors at South Bend's - maintaining and building upon Pittshurgh-Notn~ J>anw liHitball llealthWorks Kids' Museum - the existing relationship game Saturday, sludnnls gath­ featuring giant intestines, between Notn1 Dame and its ered on North Quad nruptnd dangling skeletons and a trans­ surrounding~. into chners as Notre DamP parnnt box filled with eigarette "What I've seen in the last sev­ opened the snason with a win. butts - might have seemed eral years is Notre Dame Onn of thost~ clwnrs, hownvnr, strange. become a larger part of the was neithnr for the strategy of "Someone described this a.•;; a community," Mishawaka mayor Charlie Weis or thn talent of the University President Father John Jenkins mingles with community neighborhood block party," Notre Dame playnrs. members at the HealthWorks Kids' Museum Wednesday. Jenkins said. "It's just a chance see JENKINS/page 4 Students also chnered in reaction to a nnw television advertisnmQnt promoting a Notre Dame education. In the commorcial, a girl is seen nntnring a ehurch multiplo CJ's Pub Local coffee shop honors Weis times to light a eandle. By tho end of the commercial. it appnars that hnr praynrs have By PETER DEVINE been answorNI, and she opens set to News Writer her. mailbox to find the much sought after "big envelope" Af'tnr the Irish victory last from the admissions oiTicn at weekend, head football Notre Dame. Dropping the rest coach Charlie Weis is more of hnr mail, she looks to tho reopen popular than ever. heavens as the university's Nowhere is this more evi­ name and the words "A Higher dent than at the Chocolate Education" appear. By MARY KATE MALONE Caf1\, where they are now Many studonts reported that News Writer serving a new mocha in the spot brought back nwmo­ honor of the Irish's new ries of thnir own quest for C.J's Pub. a 21-ynar-old coach, named the "Winning admittance to Notro Damn and restaurant and har that Weis Mocha." the rush of 11IJJOtions that. camo boasts a thick eollnetion of A popular hangout and with reeeiving thoir accnptance I r i s h rn n II) o r a b i I i a , w i II eatery for students, South letter al'tnr a long wait. reopen to the puhlie next Bend eiliznns and visiting Frnshman KiiiPn Lewis, who wonk aftnr a snvnrl month fans, the Chocolate Caf1\ watched thn game on tho North hiatus. inv1~ntnd this concoction Quad, said "I felt t~hills," after ThP famous Irish landmark "just about a month ago," sneing thn ad. on Michigan Stn11't has bonn said eaft\ managnr, Jessie Notre Damn's Ol'licP of News rlosPd sirll'«' .Jan. 19, 2004 Vancn, to ernate Notre and Information was involvPd whPn a six-story building Damn l'ootball atmosphere in creating Notro Damn's ad, or nt>xt door ldl on top of it dur­ in South Bend. what they call an "institutional ing a dt> nwli tion pro('(1SS gonn "During football snason, spot." Matt Storin, tlw assoriato wn 'II have dilTnrnnt promo­ vice prosident for News and tPr'l'ihly wrong. KELLY HIGGINSfThe Observer "It IHtppnnPd at ]: 15 in the tions, especially if Notre Chocolate Cafe advertises its newest beverage, The Winning al'lnrnoon," said Hieky Joe see COFFEE/page 4 Weis Mocha. The drink was invented during the preseason. see AD/page 6 M.-dick. wh·o co-owns the nstablishmnnt with his sistnrs .Judy and Cindy. "Tiwrn were four of us insidn. I had just walknd in tho hal'.k door and t.lrn wholn hack ol' thn build­ Meal plan includes more flex points ing just rollapsnd. If I had IHwn.fivn snronds latn walk­ ing in, my sistnr would bn By KATHY LEE tnlling tlw story." News Writer On Snpl. I :l, thP pub will rn­ opnn its doors in time l'or Studnnts with the "Flex Notn• l>anw's first homn fool­ 14" 11111al plan wore in for a • hall ganw. Th1• l'oo(l will bn pl11asant surprise this fall tlw same. hut a giant horsn­ wlwn they checked their shon har and 1J2-inch tnlevi­ balance at Notre Dame Food sion wi II givn tlw place a nnw Servkns thanks to the allot­ ment of 2RO flex points I o o k . M IHI i c k sa i d . T h r n n plasma TV's will also hn rather than tho 2(,() givnn in ad dod. ynars past. Mndiek said customers will Flex Points, dollars sPI l'ind tlw rnstaurant "opened aside in studonts' accounts up." lnstnad ol' two snparate to be spnnt only at food ven­ rooms tlwrn is now onn largo uos on campus, are often orw with thn horsnshon bar in prnferred by students who tlw middln. would rather eat at other 1\ quarlnr of a million dol­ food establishments than lars worth ol' damage forced North or South Dining Halls tlw puh to dose in ordnr to for meals. "Flex points are a lot more rnpair thn ar1~as that wnre convenient than using cash, KIRSTEN HOELMER!The Observer Freshman Joanna Emllian, right, pays with flex points at Reekers. Students with the Flex 14 see CJ's/page 6 see FLEX/page 4 meal plan receive an additional 20 flex points each semester for the 2005-06 school year. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, September 8, 2005


No, I don't know your name. No, I don't know where I am. No, I don't know what time it is. No, I don't even speak English all that well. Yes, I'm a fresh­ Tim Cummings Andrew Hoyt Beth Giudicessi Robert Scully ~ohn Park Tom Stiles man. freshman 'os alum junior freshman senior sophomore No one needs to help me in becom- Joe Piarulli Keenan off campus Cavanaugh Alumni Zahm Carroll ing "disoriented." I'm already disori- "Refuel for the "Fondue." "Fondon 't." '1 went around "Fire it in pal!" "/ made fun of ented. I'm the mas- wire editor ter of" being disori- excitement. " and wrote all the stupid ented. In fact, I'm victory commercials. " just striking random keys on my comput­ vandalism on er right now. You know, on a long enough timeline, everyone's any chimpanzee with a laptop could type message this article. I know, because I'm plagia­ board." rizing off that chimpanzee at this very moment. listen: when you're a freshman, you're supposed to be ignorant and at least marginally useless. So embrace it. As the wise Billy Madison once said, "You gotta cherish it." When the juniors down the hall want IN BRIEF me to be more ignorant and even less useful, I graciously accept. Students who participated in Why? Well, ignorance is bliss - I'm Mexico TIES, a volunteer pro­ having an awesome time and I barely gram with Universidad de know what's going on, considering that Guadalajara students, will give this place and these people are all presentations today in the entirely new to me. The best thing about Hesburgh Center in C-1 03 at 3 being a freshman from New Jersey is p.m. that I'm doing pretty much whatever I want. James Darsey, a professor of No one has a clue who I am. I can yell communication at Georgia at people, because no one will recognize State University, will give a lec­ me; I can ask ridiculous questions, ture titled "Cosmopolitansim because people will just assume I don't and the Location of Moral know better; and I can write absurd Argument in a Post-Prophetic columns for The Observer, because no World" today at 4 p.m. in the one here has made thP connection Hesburgh Center Auditorium. between my name and what I look like: It really has been a whirlwind meeting The film "Metropolis," about so many new people and learning where a de-humanized proletariat everything on campus is located. I'm try­ laboring in a busy city, will be ing to enjoy it now before I eventually shone as part of the Physics realize that these are the people and and Film Series today at 7 p.m. places I'll be seeing every day for four in the Browning Cinema years, and I'm eventually going to have Theatre in the DeBartolo to learn real names and stop calling Performing Arts Center. everyone 'dude'- especially the priests. People aren't in college because they FRANCESCA SETA!The Observer New Yorker columnist Ken know exactly what to do with their lives. Students engross themselves in their reading assignments and coursework Auletta will give a lecture titled They're in college because they're trying Wednesday in the Coleman-Morse Center. "Who do journalists work to figure that out. for?" today at 7:30 p.m. in C- Sometime between throwing water 100 of the Heshurgh Center. balloons, yelling at the television during The talk is sponsored by the the football game, playing 'apple fork' in OFFBEAT GaUvin Program in Journalism, the dining hall and trying to dodge the Ethics and Democracy. sprinklers, I realized that I was having Police officials find bus tiona! Indian medicine men. arrive and was told that fun with people even if I forgot their loaded with animals The wildlife was discov­ they had been dropped off HAND, Notre Dame's improv names six seconds after they told me. MEXICO CITY - The bus ered when officers heard at the wrong address. comedy group, will put on a Sometimes you know the most about from Catemaco turned out odd sounds coming from But this week, police told show today at 10 p.m. at someone when you don't know anything to be a wild ride indeed: the luggage compartment the man that his tickets Legends. Admission is free. about them. turtles and lizards, snakes of an ADO bus at a check­ were definitely at the This blank slate situation only come!) and tarantulas, parrots and point in Chalco on the east­ wrong address - they were Patrick Allit of Emory along once in a great while, so it's not even an eagle rode along ern outskirts of Mexico City. at the home of Ronnie J. University will give a lecture sensible to act timid. I go out of my way with the apparently unwit­ Allard, 38, the delivery titled "Catholics and the to talk to lots of people, and I hope peo­ ting passengers. Delivery man steals prized man. Intellectual Life in Late 20th ple here aren't afraid to come talk to me. Mexico's federal attorney Notre Dame tickets Elkhart County Patrolman Century America" Friday at 4 Just because I'm in the 'dog book' does­ general's office said ELKHART, Ind. - A man Jason Ray said Allard, who p.m. in the Eck Visitors Center. n't mean I bite. Wednesday that federal whose prized University of faces a felony charge of It is sponsored by the Cushwa That joke was exceptionally lame, but police had seized more than Notre Dame season football possession of stolen proper­ Center for the Study of I'm serious -people keep telling the 130 wild animals they dis­ tickets failed to arrive ty, said he asked his girl­ American Catholicism. freshman class that we'll settle in, that covered in the luggage found out from police friend to steal the tickets we'll fit in and that we'll find a place compartment of a bus where they ended up - at after he delivered them to To submit information to be somewhere. headed to Mexico City from the delivery man's house. the man's front porch. included in this section of The Don't listen to any of that junk. It isn't Catemaco, a region of east­ The Elkhart man called Observer, e-mail detailed infor­ fun to settle in or fit in, because if you ern famed for its diverse the delivery service Aug. 16 Information compiled mation about an event to don't limit yourself to certain places and wildlife as well as for tradi- after his tickets failed to from the Associated Press. obsnews@nd. edu. people, then everyone can be your friend, and everywhere can be your home. TODAY TONIGHT FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY Contact Joe Piarulli at a: jpiarull@nd. edu. LLI The views expressed in the Inside ::c Column are those of the author and ~ LLI not necessarily those of The Observer. 3: ..... c( CORRECTIONS (.) 0 HIGH 82 HIGH 82 HIGH 82 HIGH 85 HIGH HIGH The Observer regards itself as a professional publica­ -1 89 88 tion and strives for the highest standards of journal­ LOW 63 LOW 63 LOW 58 LOW 63 LOW 65 LOW 64 ism at all times. We do, however, recognize that we will make mistakes. If we have made a mistake, please contact us at 631-4541 so we can Atlanta 74 I 62 Boston 70 I 49 Chicago 64 I 48 Denver 65 I 42 Houston 83 I 67 Los Angeles 78 I 72 Minneapolis 80 1 62 correct our error. New York 70 I 49 Philadelphia 75 I 48 Phoenix 56 I 40 Seattle 61 I 48 St. Louis 71 I 58 Tampa 88 I 68 Washington 75 1 49 Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer + NEWS page 3

STUDENT SENATE GRADUATE STUDENT UNION Ticket distribution addressed Health care, parking

"so we can be better good thing." By MADDIE HANNA informed." Student government makes a discussed by 111e111bers A,sodate News Editor Senators approved a second presentation on a topic of its Iotter regarding "Majors ehoiee to the Board of Trustees Dntnrminml to avoid a repeat Night," an idea proposed by tho three times a year. insurance coverage and hotter of last spring's long, heatnd and Academic Affairs committee. Senior Class Council officers By MAGGIE HYDE family mndical earn. Wn are also ultimatnly ineondusivn basket­ "The committee hopes to ere­ took the podium at tho begin­ News Writer revising and hoping to receive ball ticknting dnhatn, Student ate an event that will be similar ning of the meeting to promote official approval for a nwdieal Snnatn quickly dneidnd to smul to 'Activities Night,' where stu­ the Walk for the Cure, a Sept. Bagpipe music came drifting leave policy." a lnltnr to director of ticket donts will have the ability to 18 benefit walk for people with through the window in the middle This initiative will also indudo a opnrations Josh Bnrlo at come and learn about all pro­ diabetes. of the Graduate Student Union's survey of married graduate stu­ Wndnnsday's meeting. grams that interest them," the Senior Class secretary Ben first meeting of the academic ynar dents to determine tho insurance Tlw Iotter, an updatnd ver­ letter said. Zerante, who has Type-1 dia­ Wndnesday. The unexpected sur­ coverage of grad uatn students sion of onn proposed last year, The proposal includes invit­ betes, asked senators to spread prise did not seem to rattle presi­ with spouses and families. foeusns on increasing both stu­ ing loeal high schools in order the message to their dorms. dent Misty Schieberle or any "I hope to regularly meet with dnnt altnndanee and student to "not only provide a service to "Every year Notre Dame stu­ other representatives who were Anne Kleva to discuss rnlevant ticket options. the local community, but [also] dents participate, but it's kind intent upon the agenda and issues issues, and what senms to me to "One of our top priorities is to demonstrate the importance of of disorganized," Zerante said. of the 2005-2006 year. be disturbing patterns of growing improvn t.he student ticket a post high school education in "This year w~ would like one· Scheiberle welcomed all attend­ costs and reduced bonel"its," exehangn," the letter read. today's world." unified group walking." ing the meeting and thanked Michael DeGruccio said in a "Although it was not very suc­ Academic Affairs committee Students can register online them for participating in such a report of the llealih Care cessful last year, we b111ieve the chair Chris llarris said details for the walk at "worthwhile endeavor." Com mitten. ticket exchange has great would probably change closer Union members unanimously The Union also plans to send promise, and with some modifi­ to the event's projected date In other Senate news approved the 2005-2006 budget members to the Legislation Action cation, it could become one of next spring. + Head of student activities and then outlined plans to tackle Day of NAGPS on . the key factors in boosting stu­ Senators also confirmed the Brian Coughlin urged senators various issues this year. Graduate Sept. 21. Heather Eisler of the dent attendance at home topic for this fall's presentation to volunteer to collect dona­ student health care/medical leave Publicity and Procedures commit­ games." to the Board of Trustees - tions for Hurricane Katrina vic­ policy, improved parking for tee plans to attend and represent Another key issue proposed community relations. tims at the home Michigan graduate students and support of the Notre Dame Graduate Student in the letter is "Midnight Student body president Dave State football game Sept. 1 7, the Higher Education Union in lobbying for the Higher Madness," an event open to the Baron said his experience this noting the success and impor­ Affordability and Equity Act Education Affordability and gen11ral public designed to summer talking to South Bend tance of the post-9/11· collection topped the list of agenda issues. Equity Aet (1-IEAEA). pump up fans right before the residents about problematic that raised close to $280,000. Scheiberle distributed a report "I have been monitoring plans season begins. student parties off campus "It was really the publie faee to meeting attendees which by The National Association for ·"Most schools do this," drove home a point. of the University," Coughlin addressed health care, parking, Graduate and Professional University Affairs committee "Whether or not people said. "It was all over broadcast social activities, graduate student · Students to lobby for a bill that chair Matt Walsh said. "And believe in the ordinance, it TV. It reflected well on the orientation and travel grants. would make stipends used for liv­ IBnrlo I actually seems prdty really brought issues [to light] University, and it was the right "Better health care remains a ing expenses tax-exempt, among excitnd about that." about how we're regarded in thing to do. And it's not some­ eore goal of the Graduate Student other positive edueation-relatnd Walsh said his committee South Bend," Baron said. thing that's just going to hap­ Union," Schierberle said in the reforms," Schieberle said in the would like to survey the stu­ "We're respected around the pen." President's Report. "We are con­ President's Rnport. doni. body to lind out how many world, but at our doorstep, if tinually in contact with Anne games the average student you say you're from Notre Contact Maddie Hanna at Kleva, Director of University Contact Maggie Hyde at tieknt-holder aetually attends, Dame it's not necessarily a mhannal Health Services to lobby for better [email protected] ·

the * AcoustiCaft presents

Thursday, Sept. 8th Lafortune Basement 1 0 pm - Midnight Performers 10:00--l 0:20: Ryan Martin l 0:20-l 0:40: Mark Baldwin & Matt Hogancamp l 0:40-l l :00: Peter Biava 1 l :00-l l :20: Patrick Noble & Juan Pablo Garcia l l :20-1 l :30: Dave Ladao l l :30-l l :40: Tim Schwartz 1 1 :40-1 2:00: Robbie Hazen

brought to you by the student union board. SUB.ND._J:DU page 4 The Observer + NEWS Thursday, September 8, 2005

students." Jenkins also referred to the Jenkins research park in his speech, call­ continued from page 1 ing it "a dimension of what we might do to connect with the local Jeff Rea said. "Both [University community." President Emeritus] Father Robinson Community Learning [Edward] Malloy and now Father Center director Jay Caponigro Jenkins have done great things to said he appreciated the interac­ reach out to us. And tion with Jenkins. there are tremen- "Father Jenkins dous economic ben- has been really efit<>." "We are two sides supportive of what Ted Foti, senior we're doing, so it's vice president at of the same coin." great for people to Memorial Health know that," System and co-chair Ted Foti Caponigro said. of the community senior vice president, "He came down [to relations advisory Robinson], met group that organ­ Memorial Health with our staff and ized the event, System reaffirmed the described the rela­ important role tionship as "one of a Robinson plays for kind." the University." "We are two sides of the same Many community members met coin," Foti said. "We will continue Jenkins for the first time at the to help each other." reception, which Foti said meant

While Jenkins did not go into the event was "overdue." Observer any specific goals, he emphasized "After Father Jenkins was Junior Dan Ward, right, hands his Notre Dame I.D. to Huddle employee junior Matthew Pavlov the need to further strengthen appointed by the Board, we didn't to pay using flex points. The Flex 14 meal plan allows students 280 flex points each semes- community rela- know him and we tions. couldn't find any­ services of the dining hall ments such as Reekers, and "What we have to "What we have to body who had do first is develop a familiarity with Flex might have to be cut to cover the Huddle were much more good, sound rela­ do first is develop him," Foti said. the extra cost. accepting. tionship with the a good, sound "We've had a great . continued from page 1 "A 10 meal plan was not Prentowski conceded that community," relationship with adopted for a number of rea­ more flex points might produce Jenkins said. "Like relationship with the University in and offer variety from the din­ sons ... [For one], The Office of more revenue but said it could with any neighbor, the community." past years, and we ing hall," sophomore Amanda Student Affairs interest in hurt service. we have to work to want to make sure Deckelman said. encouraging community dining "While the campus retail The "Flex 14" plan provides hall based meals as much as operations may generate more make this a won­ Father Jenkins that continues." derful community. Those who had students with 14 meals a week possible," Prentowski said. revenue from added flex dol­ That's the overarch­ University President their first conver­ and an allowance of flex "I didn't even know about it lars in the system the addition-· ing goal." sation with Jenkins points. As the default meal but it was a pleasant surprise. al traffic may, at times, over South Bend Wednesday, like plan for all residential students I feel like my schedule is busier tax the operation to the point mayor Stephen Luecke said he Rea, came away with positive approximately 96 percent of and I end up using more points of insufficient and slow serv­ was "just delighted that Notre impressions. students on campus choose the than in previous years," said ice," Prentowski said, citing Dame is a real partner member of "One thing I gathered from talk­ "Flex 14" plan over the 21- junior Ashley Kelly. the long lines as Subway as an the neighborhood." ing to him was how much he meal plan, according to Dave While it is true that the stu­ example. He mentioned discussions with enjoys his job," Rea said. "You Prentowski Director of Food dents have more nominal flex Along with the arrival of the University regarding spend your life searching for Services. points, the value of those more flex points, there are MetroNet, a fiber optic network something you love to do, so that's The extra 20 points were points decreased slightly, now more venues on campus running through the community great." added to the meal plan Prentowski said. accepting the points as a form to broadband capacity, and a pro­ because students complained "It should be noted that of payment. Starting this fall, posal for a new research park on that all of the allotted 260 Notre Dame increases the Flex the Bookstore Coffee Shop Edison, "something which could Contact Maddie Hanna at points were consumed before portion of the meal plan each began accepting flex points. provide opportunities for graduate Mhannal the end of the semester, year to assure that the stu­ Though the number of flex Prentowski said. dents do not lose purchasing points has increased, some stu­ In order to answer student power due to inflationary price dents still wish there were complaints, the Notre Dame increases," he said. "In fact, more. Vance reports that the mocha Student Senate discussed last the increase, most years, is "There are enough to make a "does well" at the downtown spring the possibility of creat­ higher than general retail student have to learn to make Coffee cafe and hopes to see more ing a new "Flex-10" plan that inflation and is related to the decisions about spending. continued from page 1 wins for Weis in the near would give students only 10 percentage of the increase of They could give me 500 points future. meals a week, but grant stu­ the cost of room and board." and I'd find a way to spend Dame gets a new coach, and The Chocolate Cafe is located dents a greater amount of flex He could not say if the pur­ them but with a more limited bring it back out when the sea­ ·in downtown South Bend on points. chasing power of student's Flex supply, you beGome more son begins," commented Jenny 122 South Michigan next to the The Senate was unable to points this year is greater than selective in your purchases," Landry, assistant manager of Hall of Fame. pass the movement for several or less than last. junior Ashley Kelly said. the cafe. reasons including objections While the dining halls were According to the cafe, a hint from the dining halls that said wary of the proposed new of Irish cream, rich chocolate Contact Peter Devine at the increased flex points would increased flex point meal plan, Contact Kathy Lee at and flavorful coffee are the [email protected] be too expensive and some other Food Service establish- [email protected] ingredients to making the per­ fect mocha and the perfect coach. · The invention was created by Christina Pier, who is in charge of marketing, advertising and other promotions for the South Bend Chocolate Cafe. In addi­ tion, Vance reports that the mocha goes well with a "piece of chocolate or Danish" from the cafe. "I think it's a cool idea to sell this mocha because it supports the team and Coach Weis," said sophomore Christina Marzo. "I hope that 'Winning Weis' actu­ ally holds true for the rest of the season." Sophomore Meghan Kelly said she appreciated the new con­ coction. "I think it's nice that they're integrating Weis into the Chocolate Cafe," Kelly said. "It's nice that he's been accepted as a part of the South Bend com­ When it:'s t:he munity." w~ Similar responses came from prestigious Luce scholarship, finding you an students who tasted the excltlng1-yr Job In the far east, strategically chosen to match "Winning Weis Mocha" at the Chocolate Cafe. your career goals. Apply by November 4, 2005. Freshman, Michael Huang, who tried the mocha, described ln1erasted? 29 or younger? Have you now (or will you have by the end of May, 2005) an ND degree? it enthusiastically. "The mocha isn't too sweet No east-Asia experience? For more information. contact Mrs. Nancy O'Connor([email protected]) and just right," Huang said. ORLD & NATION Thursday, September 8, 2005 CoMPILED FROM THE OBSERVER'S WlRE SERVJCES page 5


U.S. hostage freed after 10 months Rehnquist given final farewell BA<;III>A.I>- Tlw U.S. military, acting on a tip, raided an isolat11d farmhouse outside the eapital Wndrwsday and reseued an President, justices lead mourners in honoring life, service of Chief Justice A.nwrican businessman held hostage for I 0 months. The kidnappers, who had knptthnir Associated Press capt.ivt~ bound and gagged, eseapnd without a gunhal.lln. WA.SIIINGTON- Chin!' Tlw rescue <~anw on a day that saw two .Justien William II. deadly bombings around the soutlwrn dty of Hehnquist was buried Basra, ftwling fears llw bloody insurgeney Wedrwsday as President was taking dPPpPr root outside Sunni-domi­ Bush lnd the nation in bid­ natPd terTitory. A. roadsidn bomb killed four ding farewell to thn man A.nwriran sneurity agents. And an Interior who ordwstrated a dramat­ Ministry of!idal said I h people worn killed ic statns rights power shift and 21 W«W«~ injured in a ear bombing at a in a third of a century on n~staurant in a central marknl. the Suprnme Court and set­ Hoy Hallums, 57. was "in good condition tled the acrimonious 2000 and is receiving nwdieal earn," a military election in Bush's favor. slatmnnnt said aflnr U.S. forees freed him With more laughs than and an unidnntif'ind Iraqi from the farm­ tears, family and friends house I !i miles south of Baghdad. spoke poignantly of Hehnquist's final days - Iran offer of oil rejected by U.S. when he cracked jokes in TI·:IIHA.N - Iran olliwml to send the United the face of death - and Stutes 20 million barrnls of erudn oil in llw after­ proudly of the imprint of his math of llurrimnn Katrina if Washington waived :n years on the high court. trade sanctions, but a State Department ollidal "We remember the said Wndrwsday that olli~r was rnjected. integrity and the sense of In a gesturP that mirrors A.mnri<:an aid oilers duty that he brought to aft«~r a devastating 200:~ earthquake in Iran, evnry task before him," 'ldmm's envoy to the Organization of Pntrolourn Bush told tho funeral audi­ l·:xporling Countries said his govnrnrnnnt would nnce during a two-hour ship up to 20 million barn~ls of oil. state radio service at historic St. n~portml late Tuesday. . Matthew's Cathedral. "If U.S. sanctions arn lillml. lnu1 L<> prnparnd to Hehnquist was a steady, s«>nd that quantity of oil to A.rnnrica," the radio guiding presence on the quoted llossnin Kazmnpour as saying. eourt, Bush said of the But in Washington, the Stat«~ Department's nation's 16th chief justice nxPculivn secretary. I larry K. Thomas .Jr., said who died last Saturday at tlw ofli~r W1L'> n~ed.ed ht~ettUSO it W1L'i conditional. HO. The serviee drew Washington's pownr elite, NATIONAL NEWS including the eight Supreme Court justices and John Hoberts, a former California passes gay marrias;!e bill Hehnquist law derk whom AP SA.CHA.MENTO, Calif. - Tlw CaTifornia Bush has named to succeed Followed by family members, the casket containing the body of U.S. Supreme Court Chief l.ngislature on Tuesday bneame the first leg­ him. Justice William H. Rehnquist is taken out of Saint Matthew's Cathedral In Washington. islative body in tlw country to approve a bill Hchnquist, a veteran of allowing same-sex marriages, but the meas­ the Army Air Forens in repeat after me,"' Bush ehief. lie usually won," said part by the chief justice ure faens an uncertain future with Gov. World War II, was buried in said. Justice Sandra Day before his death. had a light Arnold Sehwarznnnggt1r. a private ceremony in The ehief justice, a solid O'Connor, who dated touch. A. granddaughter There wnrn loud ehenrs by gay-rights Arlington National conservative, was leader of Hehnquist when both worn talked about learning poker activists in the Assembly gallery as lawmak­ Cemetery in a grave not far the "Rehnquist five" who in law school together in the tips from him. llis son said nrs voted 41-:~!i to approve the bill and send from those of several other often favored states rights 1950s. "I think the chief bet his dad "eould forgive it to the governor. The Assembly had twiee justices. Ilis headstone was over federal government he could live out another almost anything in a person defnatml similar legislation. not yet engraved. From the power, and in a bitter 5-4 term despite his illness. lie exeept being humorless." A. spokeswoman for the Hepublican gover­ gravn site, where his wife vote handed Bush the 2000 lost that bet, as did all of us, "No one smelled morn nor said Schwarzenngger believes the issue was buried in 1991, the election. There was only but he won all the prizes for roses than my dad," .lames should be decided by the courts, not by his Capitol is visible. passing mention of that a life well lived." Rehnquist told the funeral signature on lngislation. A state appellate Despite battling thyroid during the service, as well · Comparing Rehnquist to audienee. court is considering appeals of a lower cancer, Rehnquist managed as his duties presiding over an expert horse rider, Cardinal Theodore eourt ruling that ovnrturned California laws to attend Bush's second President Clinton's O'Connor said, "He guided McCarrick, in a wekornn to banning rneognition of gay marriages." inauguration in January - impeachmnnt trial in 1999. us with loose reins and used those assembled in the lin will uphold whatever thn court a gesture the president Instead, friends and fami­ the spurs only randy." lie Homan Catholic chureh, decides," Sehwarzenegger spokeswoman recalled with appreciation. ly talked about his penchant was, she added. "eoura­ praised Hehnquist as a "lov­ Margita Thompson said. "Many will never forget the for wagers, jokes, sports, gnous at the end of his life ing father and husband, an sight of this man, weakened geography, history, tennis, just as he was throughout outstanding legal seholar, a Tropical storm heads to Florida by illness, rise to his fu'll and competition of any type. his life," even joking with tireless champion of life and .JACKSONVILLE BEA.CII. Fla. - Brisk wind height and say in a strong "If you valued your doctors in a Jinal visit to the a true lover of' the law: in and fim:nful rain from Tropical Storm Ophelia voiee, 'Haise your right money, you would be care­ hospital. every sense, a great rnovml through this beaehside community hand, Mr. President, and ful about betting with the The service, scripted in American." Wmlnnsday, sending tourists scurrying inland and driving surfi1rs out of the churning Atlantic. Thn tropical dnpression off the coast strengthened into a tropical storm early GAZA.STRIP Wndnt~sday and could bring strong winds and lwavy rain to central and northern Florida over the next few days. Palestinian security chief killed

LOCAL NEWS Adding to the tension, the Israeli A.rafat's oldest son, Manhal, a sen­ Associated Press military said the vital Hafah crossing ior security commander, was kid­ Tax amnesty to begin next week GA.ZA. CITY, Gaza Strip point between Gaza and Egypt would napped by the gunmen. Oflicials said INI>IA.NA.POLJS - Those dnlinquent on Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas be elosed Thursday until further np,gotiations, broknred by Egyptian Indiana taxes take note: The state will start vownd to hunt down the killers of a notiee as part of Israel's Gaza pull­ security ol'licials, wern under way to a 60-day graee period beginning m~xt wenk powerful former security chief out, which could be completed as sneure his release. that will allow you to pay up without penal­ whose gangland-style slaying early as Monday. The killing raised nnw qunstions tins, interest or collection fees. Wednesday laid bare Gaza's raging A. bout 100 masked militants about the Palestinian Authority's But Department of Hnvenue officials arn power struggles just days before stormed Moussa Ararat's heavily ability to take control of (;itza aftPr warning those who do not eome dean Israel hands over control of the guarded home in an upscale Gaza lsranl completes its pullout next hetwnen Sept. 15 and Nov. 15 that they will coastal tnrritory. City neighborhood early Wednesday, week. f;u:e doubln penalties and more aggressive In a brazen challenge to Abbas, a sparking a 30-minute gunbattle with It oeeurred a block from the !wad­ collnetion nfforts. And there are no plans shadowy militant group claimed dozens of his bodyguards. The quarters of the Palestinian for another amnesty period in tho future. responsibility for killing Moussa assailants burst into the home, Preventive Security Service, whieh "It was nnaeted as a one-timn event not A.rafat, cousin of the late Palestinian dragged out Arafat in his pajamas failed to respond, and 400 yards to be repeated," HtW!mue Commissioner leader Yasser Arafat, in a burst of and gunned him down in the dusty from Abbas' Gaza residnnee, whnrn .John Eckart said Wndnesday. gunJire . street. he was spending the night. page 6 The Observer + NEWS Thursday, September 8, 2005

The initial feedback to the Office of News and Information Ad about the spot has been limited continued from page 1 so far, Storin said. "Some people with a bad Information, has been involved experience with admissions for several years in creating found the video personally dis­ video images for Notre Dame. turbing," Storin said. "[The videos] show what Their interpretation is that Notre Dame is, what it strives to you must pray in order to get be and how it is different from into the University, he said. other universi- Jenny Ehright, a ties," Storin said. Notre Dame sopho­ Julie Flory, the more, says that the assistant direc­ commercial was tor at the Office "We were looking "maybe a little of News and overdone, but a lot Information, was for something to of people can relate involved in the resonate with to waiting for a production of the viewers. to create a response from col­ video. Her office lege." worked with an lasting impression Storin said he agency in and show that hopes people Chicago to Notre Dame is a understand the ad design a concept, serious place for shows the faith­ to cast the based aspect of actress and to learning and Notre Dame. edit the footage. faith." "We are a univer­ The actual film­ sity that attracts ~::; :· : ing of the spot young people of took place in Julie Flory faith," Storin said. JUSTIN RICE!The Observer New Jersey. Assistant director, Flory remarked After a demolition accident on Jan. 24, 2004, CJ's Pub was forced to close down. The pub will "We were look­ Office of News and on the difficulty of reopen Saturday, Sept. 13, in time for the first Notre Dame home football game. ing for some­ Information bottling a message thing to resonate about the specials for certain nights of "It's been a little rough," with viewers, to University in a 30 the week to help students get Ricky said. "But what hap­ create a lasting second ad. CJ's reacquainted with the pub. pened has happened and we impression and "It's hard to craft continued from page 1 "In the beginning we'll be just have to move forward show that Notre Dame is a seri­ a message so perfect that no running a lot of drink spe­ and do the best we can with ous place for learning and one can dislike it," Flory said. destroyed from the accident. cials," Ricky said. "Tuesday what we have available - faith," Flory said. Storin said he hopes viewers "A lot of people drove by night is student appreciation until business picks up." Past spots have stressed the will focus on the words "a high­ and it didn't look like a lot of night - with student IDs we'll Bringing back old regulars close-knit nature of the Notre er education," which appear at damage but we had very, take a dollar off any burgers shouldn't pose a problem. Dame family, the devotion of the end of the spot. very extensive damage," on the menu and Wednesday The pub has attracted students to the school, or "The kind of person attracted Judy Medick said. night is going to be margari­ famous Domers since its focused on the fame and suc­ to Notre Dame is a person who Throughout the repair and ta night." inception in 1984. It's a cess of alumni. Storin says that believes in prayer," said Storin. renovation project the own­ Senior Andrew Harkins, favorite of television person­ the typical Division I school will This spot will be played ers have also had to combat who went to CJ's when he ality Regis Philbin, athletic have an ad that shows "famous throughout the year during tel­ rumors circulating Notre was a sophomore, plans to director Kevin White and alums, lab beakers, people in evised Notre Dame sports. It Dame websites. visit once it reopens. office of student affairs pres­ white coats. They sound like can also be viewed in both the "There were lots of rumors "I liked CJ's a lot, the food ident Bill Kirk, Ricky said. Oxford when they do their normal 30 second version and on NDnation - the bad ones was really good," Harkins ''I'm delighted that it's spot." an extended 60 second version being that Ricky is selling, said. "It was kind of dirty but reopening," Kirk said. This year, the University at mms:l/­ the hospital is buying the that's part of its charm. I am "They've got great cheese­ wanted to address the unique­ dle60.wmv. property, they are retiring in excited that it's opening." burgers. I'm looking forward ness of Notre Dame and its Aruba," Ricky Medick said. Since the accident, Ricky to it." Catholic character in order to "But those aren't true. We're and his siblings have been be distinctive from other uni­ Contact Kaidynn Riely at here for the long haul." trying to cope without their Contact Mary Kate Malone at versities. [email protected] The owners are planning chief source of income. [email protected]

···············································~ ~ University Resources : • • • • • for Gay, Lesbian, & • • • • Bisexual Students • • • 4 • • l'-Aft.'\1 CAJ<'i:, t'l'oJ.l> : C OI>,U41TT I!:£ ON • ll'll'~·.sn"'~.: '\'JT.colol GAY 4HII;l '-l:illfdAN • • 5Tvr:n::Nt' N~re:o::s • Notre Dame and Saint Mary's students, • • and faculty and staff ride all TRANSPO buses • • fare-free upon showing a current, valid identification • • card issued by the school. • The Standing Committee on Gay and • Pick up at 6 Locations (including Library. Regina Hall and • • University Village) on campus & runs every 30 minutes. • • Lesbian Student Needs • • (Confidential information, education, and resources) • HURRICANE KATRINA • • g • Contact: Sr. M.L. Gude, CSC, 1-5550, or student • ASSISTANCE • members (see web site for student contact info.) • • • Come in and knit 9" X 9" squares for blankets. Then we'll • • assemble and ship to The American Red Cross. • Office of Campus Ministry • • • ~ o~· Every Thursday is THE O.C. night at Sit& Knit. • (Annual retreat for gay/lesbian/questioning students • ~he season premiere is Thursday, Sept. 8th at 7 pm CST. • • ~""""...IIEII'=• From 6- 8:30 p.m. enjoy free lattes. mochas and flavored coffees • and their friends; pertinent library resources in • Bring your knitting or let us start you on anew one. • 304 Co-Mo; confidential discussion and support) • • • • Contact: Fr. Dick Warner, C.S.C., at 1-9704 • • • • • • University Cotmseling Center • • • • (Individual counseling) • • Contact: Dr. Maureen Lafferty at [email protected] • • • • • • • infonnation, out our • • For more check web site: • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • TI··-IE OBSERVER

Thursday, September 8, 2005 USINESS page 7 MARKET RECAP Economic assessment looks bleak Dow 10,633.50 +44.26 Higher energy prices, slow growth, job losses to ensue, says Budget Office }ones.~. Upf Same: Down: Composite Volume 2,390 151 • 1,933,568,070 Associated Press

AMID( 1, 69o.stf ;::,:r:·utiiJII WASIIINGTON Hurricane Katrina will NASDAQ 2 172.03 +5.17 have a greater economic NYSE ··7:625:24"·rc~£IJII:~J impact than previous S&PSOO 1,236.36 +2.97 killer storms, though the NIKKEl(TokyO} .. ""'"l!:!iS~7&},...!1 energy price spikes, slow­ er growth and job losses FTSE IOO(London) 5,365.90 +6.70 will not be enough to push the eountry into a reces­ COMPANY %CHANGE I $CAIN I PRICE sion. CISCO SYS INC (CSCO) +1.10 +0.20 18.40 That's the view of the Congressional Budget +0.18 +0.07 39.41 NASDAQ 100 (QQQQ) Office • which on MICROSOFT CP (MSFT) -0.56 -0.15 26.85 Wednesday provided the INTEL CP (INTC) -0.16 -0.04 25.66 government's first assess­ ment of the economic APPLE COMPUTER (AAPL) -0.25 -0.12 48.68 impact from the country's Treasuries worst natural disaster. 30-YEAR BOND + 1.49 +0.65 44.19 The CBO predicted the aftermath of Katrina I 0-YEAR NOTE + 1.30 +0.53 41.38 would see job losses of 5-YEAR NOTE +1.21 +0.47 39.36 400,000 in coming months, a reduetion in 3-MONTH BILL -0.15 -0.05 34.05 growth of as much as a Commodities full percentage point in LIGHT CRUDE ($/bbl.) -1.59 64.37 the second half' of this year and that September GOLD ($!Troy oz.) +0.40 449.00 gas prices will average PORK BELLIES (cents/lb.) -0.63 79.95 about 40 percent higher Excha Rates than before the storm. YEN I I 0.2950 These impacts were described as "significant EURO 0.8061 but not overwhelming." POUND 0.5453 Still. the CBO cautioned CANADIAN$ that the economy could 1.1889 suffer a more serious blow if' energy supply dis­ BRIEF ruptions along the Gulf IN Coast last longer than expected. AP Evacuees to receive debit cards "Last week, it appeared An aerial view of the refinery near Cowden, Miss., Sept. 1, shows the holding tanks sur­ Wi\SIIINGTON - The federal government that larger economic dis­ rounded by water. The force of Hurricane Katrina is rippling through the nation's economy. plans to hand out debit cards worth $2,000 ruptions might occur, but nach to families displaced by Hurricane despite continued uncer­ Katrina. tainty, progress in open­ That peak could be near, spending in other areas Katrina levels. Homeland Security Department Secretary ing refineries and restart­ given that the average by around $38 billion at Before the hurricann, Michael Chertol'f', under lire for his agency's ing pipelines now makes retail price of regular an annualized rate, CBO private economists were response to the disaster, held a eonference call those larger impacts less unleaded gasoline climbed estimated. forecasting growth in the with governors of states with evacuees and likely," CBO Director by 46 cents last week to CBO said overall eco­ second half would come in deseribed the plan. While many details Douglas Holtz-Eakin $3.07 per gallon, 34 per­ nomic growth, as meas­ between 3 percent and 4 remained to bn worked out, the plan was to wrote in a letter to Senate cent above the July ured by the gross domes­ percent following growth quickly begin distributing the cards, starting Majority Leader Bill Frist, nationwide average. tic produet, eould be of 3.6 percent in the first with people in major evacuation centers such R-Tenn., and other con­ The spurt in the cost of reduced by between 0.5 half of this year. as the llouston Ac;;trodome. gressional leaders. gasoline will reduce over­ percentage point and a There have been some Michael Brown, the head of the Federal The CBO gave a ball­ all economic growth by full percentage point for promising signs on the Emergency Management Agency which is park estimate that gaso­ 0.4 percent in the current the second half of this energy front in recent administering the novel card program, said it line prices will peak in July-September quarter year but this downshift in days with crude oil prices is aimed at those with the most pressing September at about 40 and by 0.9 percent in the growth should be tempo­ dropping as more Gulf nends. percent higher than levels October-December period rary as long as gasoline Coast production "The eoneept is to get them some cash in in effect in midsummer. as consumers cut back on prices retreat to pre- resumes. hand whieh allows them, empowers them, to make their own dncisions about what do they need to have to start rebuilding," Brown said. Hepublican Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who participated in the conference call, said tho cards will be oll'ered "to people in shelters Ford, Toyota announce major recalls as well as people who are not in shelters but who have evacuated the area and need help." lie said the hope is the cards will encourage plaints that a rod linking the steering Ford said its inquiry found brake Associated Press people to leave shelters voluntarily. wheel and the wheels could fracture fluid could leak through the cruise WASHINGTON - Ford and Toyota, when the steering wheel is turned control's deactivation switch into the Harry Potter downloads available two of the world's largest automak­ while the vehicle is stopped. The system's electrical components, lead­ NI·:W YOHK - Break out your iPods: Harry ers, on Wednesday recalled nearly 5 affected vehicles include the 1990- ing to potential corrosion. That could Potter is going digital. million pickup trucks and sport utili­ 1995 4Runner SUV, 1989-1995 truck lead to a buildup of electrieal current .l.K. Howling, once publishing's greatest hold­ ty vehicles in separate moves to 4WD and 1993-1998 T-100 pickup. that could cause overheating and a out against the computer age, has made all six respond to concerns of engine fires In the Ford case, NHTSA said lire. Potter novels available fc1r audio downloads. In a and problems with the power-steer­ Wednesday it was reviewing 1,170 Owners will be notified by mail message posted Wednesday on her Web site, ing system. allegations of engine fires related to immediately. Dealers will install a Howling said she was coneerned about online The recall by Ford Motor Co., the the vehicles and would continue a fused wiring harness to act as a cir­ piracy, included bootleg editions for which the fifth-largest auto industry recall in probe launched earlier this year. cuit breaker in the system. The com­ original tnxt was altnrcd. U.S. history, involved 3.8 million. There have been allegations of three pany said the harness would cut off "Many !larry Potter fans have been keen for pickups and SUVs from the 1994- deaths in cases cited in news reports electrical current to the switch if the digital accnss for a while, but the deeiding factor 2002 model years, including the top­ or lawsuits in Iowa, Georgia and current increases. li1r nw in authorizing this new version is that it selling F -150 pickup. Arkansas. In January, Ford recallnd nearly will hnlp eombat the growing incidents of piracy The National Highway Traffic Ford's recall includes the 1994- 800,000 vehicles from the 2000 in this ama," Howling wrote: Safety Administration and Ford have 2002 F -150, 1997-2002 Ford model year because of concerns over "Thorn havn been a number of incidents been investigating complaints of Expedition, 1998-2002 Lincoln engine fires. wlwro f"ans havn stumblnd upon unauthorized engine fires linked to the cruise con­ Navigator and 1994-1996 Ford "We have a solution that fixes tho filns b1~1inving thorn to bn gnnuine and, quite trol switch system. Bronco equipped with factory­ problem and we're confident that apart f"rom thn l"aet that they are illegal, the Toyota Motor Co., meanwhile, installed speed control. It covers this is going to bo the right rmnedy," I larry Potter mntnnt of those can bear very little recalled 978,000 sport utility vehi­ most of the vehicles being evaluated said Ford spokeswoman Kristen rnsmnblaneo to anything I've ever written!" cles and pickup trucks over com- by NHTSA. Kinley. page 8 The Observer + INTERNATIONAL NEWS Thursday, September 8, 2005

MEXICO LONDON Ship delivers supplies Hurricane claims foreign lives to devastated regions Many European citizens remain missing in ravaged New Orleans

Associated Press of their people are missing. One message Welcomed gesture seen largely as symbolic Russia has confirmed contact tells his father: "There is a LONDON - Three weeks with 112 citizens through its plane ticket and a room ready have passed since Tom Noone consulate in Houston, and if you need it." Associated Press neers carrying water treatment plants, mobile kitchens, food last heard from his 51-year-old Germany says it tracked down There have been joyful NUEVO LAHEDO A and blankets. brother, Mike, who lived near 70 people known to be in the homecoming scenes in Europe Mexican ship laden with hurri­ "This is just an act of solidari­ New Orleans. region. Denmark's Foreign this week. cane relief supplies anchored ty between two peoples who are "As each day goes by, it's just Ministry said Wednesday it had Christine Sabadello lost off Mississippi Wednesday night, brothers," said Fox's harder and harder. I've got to located the lone Dane who had notes, an outline and books she while an aid-bearing Mexican spokesman, Huben Aguilar. make every effort I can to try not been accounted for. was using for her doctoral dis­ army convoy reached the U.S. Army press office employee and find him," Noone told The None of the governments has sertation at the University of border in a journey marking the Francisco Aguilar said he did Associated Press from his confirmed any deaths of citi­ New Orleans. But she told the first time its military has aided not have details of the convoy's home in Abingdon, central zens. AP she was "just happy to be the United States. precise location. It originally England. At least five Australians alive" after returning home to The Papaloapan, a navy ves­ was scheduled to arrive in Britain and other countries remain unaccounted for, Austria. sel, arrived in U.S. waters fol­ Houston to provide food for are working to account for including 30-year-old Ashley She said she rented a mini- lowing its voyage from the Gulf evacuees, but apparently had their citizens who are missing McDonald, van as the storm coast port of Tampico and been rerouted to Dallas. in the wake of Hurricane whose credit approached and began unloading rescue equip­ All of the convoy's partici­ Katrina. For some relatives, cards and dri­ "''ve got to make evacuated with ment by helicopter, the Mexican pants will be unarmed. In July the search has ended happily ver's license every effort I can to some friends. "We navy's press 2004, Mexican as those once stranded begin were found in a just thought we'd oflice said. troops interrupt­ returning home. hotel in Baton try and find him." spend a nice Meanwhile, a "This is just an act ed the funeral of Mike Noone, a mechanical Rouge. U.S. and weekend in convoy of 45 a Mexican-born engineer for Lockheed Martin Australian Tom Noone Texas," she said. of solidarity between Corp., has lived in Louisiana authorities are They got as far vehicles and 196 Marine killed in victim's brother soldiers arrived two people who are Iraq. They for 28 years. llis three children searching for as Alexandria, at the border city brothers." objected to the - Patrick, 24, Hyan 20, and him, Australia's La., and took shel­ of Nuevo Laredo nonworking, cer­ Marion, 16 - also have not Foreign Minister ter with the par­ been in touch, Tom Noone said. Alexander Downer said. ents of a fellow student. W e d n e s d a Y Ruben Aguilar emonial rifles evening. It was to carried by two The level of anxiety around South Africa says three of its "People showed up at the the world is measured on a­ citizens are not accounted for. house and brought food and c r 0 s s in t 0 u.s. Presidential spokesman Marines who territory early came from the Web site for the Geneva-based Like Noone, Andrew Mcinnes money," Sabadello said. "We Thursday, Gen. Francisco Ortiz United States for international Hed Cross - of Devizes, England, is relying were invited over for dinner - Valadez told reporters as his the ceremony. http://www.familylinks.icrc.or/k mainly on the Internet in hopes it was amazing." men refueled at a local gas sta­ Mexico later apologized but atrina - which lists more than of tracking his 68-year-old Ten Russian college students tion. said it has an obligation to 117,000 names of people who father David. returned to a tearful welcome He said the troops would help enforce a ban on foreign troops haven't been located. "We had a falling out, and in Moscow on Wednesday. refugee operations in San carrying weapons in its territo­ Several hundred names have haven't had contact for about They had been stranded in a Antonio, Texas. ry. been deleted as people have six years, but I really wanted to second-floor apartment in New "Our mission is to give aid to The convoy has "a very high been found, said spokesman get in touch to make sure he Orleans for three days before the civilian population affected symbolic content," said Javier Florian Westphal. was OK," Mcinnes told The being evacuated by helicopter by the disaster," Ortiz said. Oliva, a political scientist at Britain's list of 96 people is Associated Press. He believes and sent first to San Antonio, Federal police briefly blocked Mexico's National Autonomous the largest number confirmed his father was living in New then to Atlanta. the highway in both directions University. 'This is a very sensi­ by a European government. Orleans. "We swam on mattresses as the convoy arrived at the tive subject, for historic and Poland says it has yet to He said he posted a message across the street to a bridge gasoline station. political reasons." account for 22 citizens, but on the Web site of the four days later and there we Hadio talk shows and newspa­ Large Mexican flags were France, Germany, Hussia and American Red Cross and were rescued by a military hel­ pers in Mexico buzzed with taped to many of the 35 olive­ Italy are among the nations another on the New Orleans­ icopter," said Vitaly Nikiforov, excitement over news that this green Mexican Army trucks and which decline to say how many based Web site http://w- as his mother embraced him. country, long on the receiving tractor trailers as they rumbled end of U.S. disaster relief, was northward toward the border sending a hurricane aid convoy Wednesday. north. The convoy includes two The convoy represents the mobile kitchens that can feed first Mexican military unit to 7,000 people a day, three operate on U.S. soil since 1846, flatbed trucks carrying mobile when Mexican troops briefly water-treatment plants and 15 marched into Texas, which had trailers of bottled water, blan­ separated from Mexico and kets and applesauce. The 195 joined the United States. Mexicans taking part include It included military special­ military engineers, doctors and ists, doctors, nurses an{} engi- nurses.

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From your friends

• Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer + INTERNATIONAL NEWS page 9

FRANCE ENGLAND Chirac's health problems unclear Europe fearful of French President missed Cabinet meeting due to 'vascular accident' imminent attack Associated Press would be out of the hospital by With memories of those deaths week's end, a<> expected. Officials strong, the media has accused the PAHIS - President Jaeques have not specified which eye was government of guarding details of Continent not unified on terrorist dealings Chirac skipped a weekly Cabinet affncted. Chirac's condition like a state Associated Press but there arc important dis­ meeting Wednesday for the first lt was still unclear whether secret. However, many politicians tinctions, like the war in Iraq," Chirac would make his planned argue that France's law on med­ time sincn taking oflice in 1995, a'i LONDON - The moments said Enzo de Martino, a civil trip to New York on Sept. 13-15 ical secrecy justifies guarding such authorities kept France in sus­ are carved in collective memo­ servant in Horne. information. pnnse for a fifth full day about for a U.N. summit. Cope said ry: Smoke billowing from the Perhaps most keenly, terror­ what exactly ails the hospitalized scheduling details would be clari­ If authorities are telling the ism has brought urgency to an truth and Chirac has a minor Twin Towers. The charred 72-ynar-old lnadnr. fied when Chirac is released. husk of a London double­ internal debate in Europe problem - a retinal hemorrhage Officials have cryptically Senate President Christian decker bus. Bombed out com­ about how to handle the conti­ rnforrnd to Chirac's illness as "a Poncelet, the oflieial who would - the main question is why is he nent's Muslim immigrant com­ still hospitalized, said Dr. Stephan muter trains in Madrid. The small vascular acci- replace Chirac if he convicted Muslim assassin of a munities. A Mayer, associate professor of dent" that afl'eeted could not carry out Dutch filmmaker coldly telling The two main approaches neurology and neurosurgery at his vision in one ''VIPs, heads of his functions, said the victim's family in court: "I have been France's activist he had "not for one Columbia University Medical eye. With little to go state, sometimes don't feel your pain." secularism, which demands on, doctors not second" imagined Center in New York. But if the language and that newcomers assimilate to they get "One possibility is the VIP syn­ involved in Chirae's he might need to iconography of terror haunt the French way of life, and the step in. drome," Mayer said. "VIPs, heads trnatment suggest a over-treated, to us in our shared fears, it does liberal multiculturalism of Chirac is "going of state, sometimes they get over­ range of possible not necessarily follow that the Britain and the Netherlands, their detriment. treated, to their detriment. They problems from to get back on his carnage has forged a common which teaches that society is They don't get one horse, to use the don't get one doctor, they get 17." minor - a rup­ front. enriched when immigrants customary expres­ Other possibilities "are dieier," tun~d blood vessel doctor, they get If Europeans were separat­ preserve their traditions. Mayer said. For example, if Chirac in a retina - to sion, and then take ed from 9/11 by the Atlantic As the London attacks and 17." had a brain aneurism - a form of serious - a stroke. charge again," Ocean, Madrid (3/11 ), the slaying of Dutch filmmak­ stroke - he likely had coils insert­ OfTieials of·thn Poncelet told Amsterdam (11/2) and London er Then van Gogh suggested, ed to prevent further bleeding, presidential Elysee Dr. Stephan A. Mayer France-Info radio. (7/7) have awakened them to the multicultural approach The Freneh pres­ and oflicials are simply keeping Palace have associate professor, the reality of 21st century ter­ that can injnct vigor into a quiet about it. worked to portray Columbia University ident, like other rorism. The question most country's economic, soeial and Monday's update said Chirac the prnsidont, former chiefs of people are asking is not "will artistic life can also lead to a had a small-sized hematoma, or adrnittnd to Val de state, has often there be another one?" - but kind of self-imposed ghettoiza­ kept quiet about buildup of blood, with an "isolated c;racn military hos- "who's next?" tion: Communities scaling and limited vision problem." pital Friday night, as active and details of his health. Two years Yet the London attacks do themselves ofT from the tradi­ Authorities have never clarified deeply involved in the all'airs of ago, Chirac reportedly dressed not appear to have pushed tions and values of the host where exactly the bleeding statn. down a former minister who hint­ Europeans closer to the nation. occurred, although most French Chirac met for about an hour ed publicly that he wore a hearing United States or its govern­ Three of the four July 7 media have concluded it was in with Primo Minister Dominiqun de aid. ment's view of the world. bombers grew up in insular Villcpin ahead of tho Cabinet For years, Socialist President his brain. Many are, if anything, inclined Muslim communities in the "If he's had a hemorrhage in the mooting - held, unusually, at the Francois Mitterrand covered up to deride the Bush north of England. Mohammed brain, he's had a stroke," said Dr. premier's oflke and presided over the prostate cancer that eventual­ Administration's attitude as Bouyeri, the man convicted of ly killed him in 1996, the year Philip Steig, neurosurgeon in chief by Villepin. simplistic and belligerent, and stabbing Van Gogh in the Oflidals took a rea<;suring tone after he left office. Former conser­ at New York Presbyterian Hospital to argue that the U.S.-led war chest on an Amsterdam street and president of the Society of about the president's condition. vative President Georges in Iraq has provoked the for making a film of Pompidou died in oflice in 1974 University Neurosurgeons. The government spokesman, Muslim world against the Islamic practices, was born in without ever revealing he had ter­ Chirac has not said whether he .lnan-Francois Cope, said Chirae West. Holland to Moroccan parents will seek a third term in 2007. was in "very good form" and minal cancer. And among themselves, and was drawn into the Europeans are divided over Islamic radicalism that has how to pro- been allowed to ceed. flourish there. Unlike for "History separated "Multiculturalism Americans, has meaning only if who largely us a long time ago it results in a form rallied togeth­ and it is hard for of social harmony," er and behind even such a painful Gilles Keppel, a their govern­ professor at the ment in the case as terrorism Institute of Political months after to bring us back Studies in Paris Sept. 11, together." wrote in a com­ Castle~oiot 2001, the mentary in Le A.PARTI\JIENTS recent terror­ Monde. "In this ism in Europe Carlos Sosa sense, the trauma has under­ mechanical engineer of British society is 180 Il Cleveland R9ad • South Bend, Indiana 46637 scored differ­ greater than that of ences in polit- American society Carner or Cleveland and Ironwood Road ical outlook, culture and secu­ after Sept. 11. In the United Phone (574) 272-8110 • Toll Free (888) 642-6110 rity strategy. States, the 19 hijackers were "I have the feeling that foreigners. In the United www.cppj .com Europeans will never, ever Kingdom, the eight suspected manage to unite," said Carlos in the attacks arn children of' Sosa, a 51-year-old mechani­ multicultural soeiety." cal engineer in Madrid. Now, the British govnrnment • Ru.~iness Center "IIistory separated us a long is rethinking its policy of time ago and it is hard for accommodating radical • rrec Tanning Be

_.r .~:.. Washington, D.C. Few here conian measures past a trau­ ~ .-~~:..--·,...:..··.·,. ~· ' ..... ;:.... · .. ;:•. ~~··· .. ,.. _";· .. ~. ·:."!·:·" ~ •.•. · ·~.~~ }"· ... ~- -:.- .~ .. have forgotten the ash-caked, matized public. traumatized faces emerging "He is just pandering to :~:wet~ome.ToYo:u.'i·; castle•. ~ -. from the stricken Twin nationalism. We are all .;;.'····:··.cto~e•·t.»~£,;.e... ing· :·:·· :'.· Towers, just as few will forget humans," said Hobert Norden. the London woman clutching a 55-year-old teacher in · · ...· ··.-:·> J:ar· Fr~na Prclinaw:-Y.. ·- <- : a burn mask to her face in a London. ~. ·- .. ~·~.·.· ; . . ,."~: .· ; .... ·: ; chilling evocation of Edvard Some experts, hownver. • ' ..... , ·- -·-· ..... T~ ' Munch's painting, "The argue that until the July 7 bus Scream." and subway bombings, the • 1-Z BEDROOMS{2 BEDROOMS Wrni LOFT & PENS But rifts remain. British government had been "The public feels closer to playing a dangerous game of • MONTHLY EXECLITIVE SUITES the United States because of appeasement with Islamic what it suffered on Sept. 11, radicals. page 10 The Observer+ NATIONAL NEWS Thursday, September 8, 2005 Thousands evacuated Hurricane separates loved ones by tnilitary, police Pregnant women, terminally ill apart from families during storm

Associated Press north of Anchorage, Alaska, has After a week, Angie Holman New Orleans residents holding out in homes been searching the Web to find in Jacksonville, Fla., had given Hachal Watson is 19 years old her half brother, Hayward up hope. Four family members and nine months pregnant. Her Smith, who lives outside in the New Orleans area, Associated Press fire on almost a daily basis, so 1-year-old daughter is missing. Gulfport, Miss. They weren't including one who is blind and we needed to get in here and So is her boyfriend. She paces close, and she weeps admitting diabetic, hadn't been heard NEW ORLEANS - Using the clean this thing up," said Capt. the floor of a Houston motel, far that. from. Hamon had registered unmistakable threat of force, Jeff Winn, commander of the from her former home in New "He's old and he has prostate their names on every Web site police and soldiers went house police SWAT team. "We're put­ Orleans, rubbing her belly cancer and he's got dementia," she could find. She monitored to house Wednesday to try to ting a lot of people on the street while her worries run wild. she said. "He lives by himself in television news broadcasting, coax the last 10,000 or so stub­ right now and I think that we "I just can't take it no more," that trailer." She has called and searching the background for born holdouts to leave storm­ are bringing it under control. she says in a high-pitched wail. called, but the circuits are too faces she recognized. shattered New Orleans because Eight days ago this was a mess. "I really can't. I have no busy to get through. He has "I would just be looking to see of the risk of disease from the Every day is getting a little bit momma and no three grown if I could see someone who putrid, sewage-laden floodwa­ better." daddy. That's the daughters who belonged to me," she said. "It's ters. The police chief boasted that only family I live nearby, but just the not knowing and not "A large group of young men· 7,000 more military, police and have." "I just can't Bartholomew being able to do anything. We armed with M-16s just arrived other law officers on the streets Her posting, on take it no doesn't know were helpless. We all just want­ at my door and told me that I had made New Orleans "proba­ the Web's National their married ~Jd to get in the car and go, or have to leave," said Patrick bly the safest city in America Next of Kin more. names. She has get on a plane and fly down McCarty, who owns several right now." Hegistry: "I am another brother there. But where would we go? buildings and lives in one of Across miles of ravaged neigh­ safe in Houston Rachal Watson in Bay St. Louis What would we do? How would them in the city's Lower Garden borhoods of clapboard houses, hotel looking for hurricane victim on the destroyed we look for them?" District. "While not saying they grand estates and housing proj­ baby girl." Mississippi On Monday, just before mid­ would arrest you, the inference ects, workers struggled to find She is one of shoreline, but he night, the Hed Cross called is clear." and count corpses sniffed out by thousands upon can't get out of Holman's grandmother. A frail-looking 86-year-old cadaver dogs in the 90-degree thousands looking for the ones the area to check on Smith. "They're all accounted for. Anthony Charbonnet grumbled heat. The mayor has said New they love in any way they can. "It's horrifying," she sobbed. They're in some kind of shelter as he locked his front door and Orleans' death toll could reach In the wreckage of Katrina, "Just horrifying." in Lafayette, La. They're all walked slowly backward down 10,000. Already, a temporary not much works, especially the On Wednesday, she got word together," Holman said the steps of the house where he warehouse morgue in rural St. phones. So desperate families he was OK. "I found him," she Tuesday, her voice breaking in had lived since 1955. Gabriel that had been prepared try to reach the missing said. relief and exhaustion. "We "I haven't left my house in my to take 1,000 bodies was being through television or the On national television, rela­ haven't been able to speak with life," he said as soldiers took readied to handle 5,000. Internet. tives stand in front of the them, but they're OK. They lost him to a helicopter. "I don't The enormity of the disaster Most pleas on the Web begin Houston Astrodome and other everything, but they got out want to leave." came ever-clearer in neighbor­ the same: "Where are you?" evacu.ation sites, holding card­ with their lives." Mayor C. Ray Nagin ordered ing St. Bernard Parish, which The only difference is the num­ board signs bearing names of And then there is Rachal law officers and the military late was hit by a levee break that ber of question marks. the missing and phone numbers Watson, who thought things Tuesday to evacuate all holdouts brought a wall of water up to 20 Eleanor Sawyer of New for them to call. couldn't get much worse than - by force if necessary. He feet high. State Rep. Nita Hutter Orleans writes, "I am staying at Others look having to live warned that the combination of said 30 people died at a flooded the Hirsch Coliseum in directly into camera in the fetid water, fires and natural nursing home in Chalmette Shreveport, Louisiana and I lenses and beg for "We alljust Louisiana gas leaks after Hurricane when the staff left the elderly looking for my son Darrell information, or try Superdome Katrina made it too dangerous residents behind in their beds. Sawyer ... " to give it. wanted to get in without power to stay. And Rep. Charlie Melancon said On another site, Patty Hein "Your mother and the car and go ... or food or In fact, the first government more than 100 people died at a looks for her sister and brother­ daddy are headed But where would water. She dove tests confirmed Wednesday that dockside warehouse while they in-law, from Long Beach, Miss. for the convention under a the amount of sewage-related waited for rescuers to ferry "Any info about where they center," said Bettie we go? What would National Guard bacteria in the floodwaters is at them to safety. lived, if it's intact, any word, we Perrier of New we do?" truck when least 10 times higher than The floodwaters continued to are so worried," she wrote. Orleans, as she people in the acceptable safety levels. Dr. recede, though slowly, with only On the Web site of the headed for a bus, Angie Holman surging crowd Julie Gerberding, chief of the 23 of the city's normal contin­ National Center for Missing and trailing tears of outside shot at Centers for Disease Control and gent of 148 pumps in operation, Exploited Children, photo­ frustration. "We Jacksonville, FL rescue helicop­ Prevention, warned stragglers along with three portable graphs have been posted of 20 don't know what resident ters. "I was so not to even touch the water and pumps. The water in St. Louisiana children whose par­ we'll do there." scared I forgot pleaded: "If you haven't left the Bernard Parish had fallen 5 ents are missing. Trina Sutton, I was preg­ city yet, you must do so." feet. Some are toddlers. Others are looking angry and frantic, stood nant," she said. "I landed on my As of midday, there were no Because of the standing water, teenagers. Most are in between outside the Astrodome and stomach, like a baseball slide." reports of anyone being doctors were being urged to - 8, 9, 10 years old. The recited her phone number on Not long after, she started removed by force. And it was watch for diarrheal 'illnesses youngest grin at the camera. CNN. She was separated from having contractions. She was not clear how the order would caused by such things as E. coli The teenagers try hard not to her two children, Marice and taken by ambulance to New be carried out. bacteria, certain viruses, and a look scared. The kids in the Deverenisha, as they were Orleans' airport. "The wouldn't Active-military troops said type of cholera-like bacteria middle just look bewildered. being evacuated. She has no let my baby or my boyfriend on they had no plans to use force. common along the warm Gulf Liz Bartholomew, who lives in idea where they are. "No one the ambulance. They said I had National Guard officers said Coast. a small town about 50 miles can'ttell me nothing," she said. to get on by myself." they do not take orders from the mayor. And even the police said they were not ready to use force just yet. It appeared that the mere threat of force would be #16 MEN'S SOCCER the first option. "We have thousands of people MIKE BERTICELLI who want to voluntarily evacu7 ate at this time," Police Chief Eddie Compass said. "Once they MEMORIAL TOURNAMENT are all out, then we'll concen­ trate our forces on mandatory evacuation." Mindful of the bad publicity FRIDAY, SEPT. 9 @ 7:30PM that could result from images of weary residents dragged out of VS. BOSTON UNIVERSITY their homes at gunpvint, Compass said that when his offi­ FREE SCHEDULE GLASSES cers start using force, it will be the minimum amount necessary. "If you are somebody who is TO FIRST 250 FANS 350 pounds, it will obviously take more force to move you than if you are 150 pounds," the chief said. SUNDAY, SEPT. 11 @2:00PM The stepped-up evacuation came as workers trying to get VS. #25 SAINT LOUIS into the city to restart essential services came under sniper fire. FREE NO MEGAPHONES FILLED More than 100 off'icers and seven armored personnel carri­ ers captured a suspect in a WITH POPCORN TO FIRST 500 FAN housing project who had been firing on workers trying to South Bend llibune restore cell phone towers, Discover what's in it for you. authorities said. "These cell teams are getting WWW.NOTREDAMEPROMOTIONS.COM Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer+ INTERNATIONAL NEWS page 11

SOUTH AFRICA EGYPT U.N. says anti-poverty goals urunet Elections take step Rich-poor gap widens, one-fifth of humanity living on one dollar per day tow-ard detnocracy

Associa1cd Press the single greatest reversal in Such disparities present one of human development. the greatest barriers to progress, Associated Press to the citizens and ask for their .JOIIANNESBUHG- Time is Eighteen countries - 12 in Watkins said. At the current rate, support. Thi'i is a positivn thing." running out li1r world leaders to Africa and six in central-eastern 115 countries with a combined CAIRO - Amnah Mohammnd Osama Attawiya, spokesman keep their promises to roll back Europe - registered lower population of almost 2.1 billion walked out of the polls, proclaim­ for the country's election com­ poverty and millions of people scores on the UNDP's human are off track by more than a gen­ ing she had voted for President mission, said the panel had will die needlessly over the next development index than in 1990. eration on at least one millenni­ Hosni Mubarak "because I love received no major eomplainl<; or dncade without drastic changes, The index ranks 177 countries um goal. him." Then the 35-year-old reporl'i of problems. the U.N. warned in a major based on income, life expectancy Reducing the number of chil­ widow rushed away to get the Nine candidates ran against mport Wndnnsday. and education figures from 2003. dren who die before 5 is project­ bottle of eooking oil and packet of Mubarak thi'i time, but only two The stark findings were pre­ Norway tops the list, while Niger ed to take until 2045. That trans­ sugar a ruling party official had were considcrnd significant - smlted to the 191 U.N. member is last. The United States ranked lates into 41 million more child promised her in return for her Nour of the al-Ghad Party and nations a week bnfore they meet 10th. deaths over the next decade than vote. Noaman Gomaa of in Nnw York for a summit to South Africa, which has more if the target were met. It was one of a the Wafd -and the rnview progress toward the people living with the HIV virus Missing the target on reducing number of "/ think it's safe to president was Millennium Development Goals. that causes AIDS than any other poverty would mean 380 million instances of say that Egyptians expected to win The targnts sot in 2000 include country, has dropped 35 places more people surviving on less pressure, intimi­ have not seen a handily. Final halving extrmne poverty, reduc­ on the development index since than $1 a day, the report said. dation or incen­ results were not ing child dnaths by two-thirds 1990. Governments of developing tives to vote presidential due until Saturday. and achieving universal primary Life expectancy in Botswana countries must take responsibili­ reported by both election like the El-Badawy and education by 2015. has fallen by 20 years since the ty for reversing these trends by citizens and one they have just several independ­ The goals were promised by 1970s to just 36. A Zambian has tackling inequalities, respecting opposition par­ ent monitoring I X9 governmnnts to the world's less chance of reaching 30 than a human rights, encouraging ties across Egypt seen in their groups said they poor pnople, and the countries person born in England at the investment and rooting out cor­ on Wednesday lifetimes. " thought turnout havn lnss 10 years to make good dawn of the Industrial Revolution ruption, the report said. But as the country was low, contrary on them, said Kevin Watkins, in 1840. their success will depend on held its first Sean McCormack to government pre­ chinf author of the 2005 I Iuman Despite growing global pros­ wealthy nations making major presidential elec­ dictions of high l>nvelopment Hnport. One land­ perity, more than 1 billion people changes in aid, trade and securi­ tion in which U.S. State turnout. The num­ mark will be next week's meet­ still survive on less than $1 a ty policies. voters had a Department ber of voters might ing. day, 10.7 million children die This year saw the eight richest choice of candi­ spokesman indicatn whether lie said that "without the before their fifth birthday and nations devote unprecedented dates. recent calls for requimd investment and political 115 million are not in school. attention to poverty at their sum­ The United reform have shak­ will," the promises will not be In many instances the gap mit in Gleneagles, Scotland, States hopes the vote will be a en Egyptians out of an apathy nwt. between rieh and poor is widen­ including a pledge to double aid key step toward democracy gfmerated by years of stah'Ilation. Progress is being madn overall, ing, the report said. One-fifth of to $50 billion by 2015. across the Middle East. But the In Washington, State the document shows. Life humanity live in countries where But aid levels are still far from ballot wa'i marred by charges of Department spokesman Sean c~xpectanc~y has increasml by two many think nothing of spending keeping pace with growing fraud and the near-certainty that McCormaek said the U.S. govern­ years in developing countries, $2 on a cappuccino. Another fifth incomes in the wealthiest coun­ Mubarak will win another six ment wa'i f(>llowing the ele!:tion and mom than 130 million peo­ survive on less than $1 a day. tries, the report said. Much of years in office. closely and called the votn "a ple have bncm lifted out of pover­ In many countries that are the help is poorly coordinated The leading opposition candi­ beginning." ty since~ the U.N. Development making progress, it is only the and comes with too many strings date, Ayman Nour, charged the "These elections really mark a Fund's first report in 1990. wealthiest who are benefiting. attached - including the pur­ elections "arc not fair at all," and historic departure for Egypt, in Thnrn am 2 million fewer child The gap between child mortality chase of goods and services from vowed to r~ject rigged resull'i. the fact that you have multiean­ dnaths annually and 30 million rates among rieh and poor is donor countries, which reduce~ II owever, a top official in didate prnsidential elections. I mom childnm in sehool. increasing in eountries like the value of aid by almost $2 bil­ another major opposition party, think it's safe to say that But many eountries are falling Ghana, Zambia and Uganda. lion in sub-Saharan Africa alone. El-Sayed el-Badawy, said that Egyptians have not seen a prnsi­ bnhind, espedally in sub­ In India, the death rate in chil­ Improving aid will be meaning­ while fraud and intimidation dential elnction like thn onn thny Saharan Afric~a. where the dren under 5 is 50 percent high­ less without giving poor coun­ were apparcmt, "This is the first have just seen in thdr lil(ltimns," IIIVIAII>S pandemic has inflicted er li>r girls than boys. tries a fairer share time for a president to reach out he said.

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page 12 IEWPOINT Thursday, September 8, 2005 THE OBSERVER Madonna and child P.O. BoK 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Some years ago, I came by a fact a foible deserving of ridicule, rather divided on the issue. Some still believe EDITOR IN CHIEF about Madonna. I don't know how it than a vice deserving censure. It's a that pornography contributes to Claire Heininger happened; I do everything I can to avoid familiar stance off screen as well as on; women's oppression but are reluctant to learning about celebrities' lives, but porn (notice how the abbreviation denounce it for being seen as making MANAGING EDITOR BUSINESS MANAGER somehow the information keeps seeping "porn" already makes pornography common cause with the Religious Right. Pat Leonard Paula Garcia in. seem less serious, more familiar) is just Others are keen to avoid the issue AssT. MANAGING EDITOR: Maureen Reynolds Madonna had let it one of those dumb things guys like, a bit because they wish to avoid encouraging AssT. MANAGING EDITOR: Sarah Vabulas be known that her embarrassing really, but hardly a moral the stereotype that feminists are anti­ AssT. MANAGING EDITOR: Heather Van Hoegarden daughter, Lourdes, issue. sex. And then there are those have dis­ was not allowed to Further signs that pornography has covered that they actually rather enjoy SPORTS EDITOR: Mike Gilloon watch television lost some of its stigma can be seen in pornography themselves and so declare ScENE EDITOR: Rama Gottumukkala because Madonna higher education. Linda Williams, who that it can be empowering, a means SAINT MARY's EDITOR: Megan O'Neil believed it was a bad teaches film studies at the University of through which women can take control PHOTO EDITOR: Claire Kelley influence. California, Berkeley was described not of their own sexuality, and so on. Perhaps, I so long ago in the Boston Globe as "a It is sometimes argued that we should­ GRAPHICS EDITOR: Graham Ebetsch Peter ADVERTISING MANAGER: Nick Guerrieri remarked to a friend leading porn theorist," which is one of n't get worked up about pornography Wicks those phrases that should set off alarm because it's really nothing new, indeed AD DESIGN MANAGER: Jennifer Kenning of mine, what Madonna was really bells in the reader's head. it's as old as civilization; the Greeks and CoNTROll.ER: Jim Kirihara worried about was Englishman Okay, so that's Berkeley, which prides the Romans were both fond of sexually WEB ADMINISTRATOR: Damian Althoff that Lourdes might Abroad itself on being out of step with main­ explicit paintings and some of their turn on MTV and stream culture, but other universities poetry is pretty saucy. OFFICE MANAGER & GENERAL INFO happen across her mother's "Erotica" are teaching pornography too. At Well, it's notoriously difficult to define (574) 631-7471 Wesleyan University (Wesleyan!) Hope pornography, but wherever and howev­ fAX video. That scream, I said, would be (574) 631-6927 audible from space. Weissman taught a course which er we draw the line there, it surely must ADVERTISING ' My friend demurred. He's a physicist, required students to create their own be admitted that there is a major differ­ (574) 631-6900 [email protected] so I initially assumed his complaint was pornographic works for their fmal proj­ ence between the graphic frescoes found EDITOR IN CHIEF that a scream cannot travel through the ect ("I don't put any constraints on it," in Pompeii and the videos of real - (574) 631-4542 vacuum of space, but it turned out that she explained, "It's supposed to be: 'Just albeit cartoonishly proportioned - peo­ MANAGING EDITOR (574) 631-4541 [email protected] what he objected to was my slur on create your own work -of pornogra­ ple having sex that form the backbone of ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR Madonna's parenting. phy."'). The University of Southern America's pornography industry. And (574) 631-4324 If Madonna's raunchy videos would be California invited Grace Quek, an "adult the fact that that industry has an annual BUSINESS OFFICE disturbing to her daughter, my friend film actress" (all three words are accu­ turnover of somewhere in the region of (574) 631-5313 countered, it was not her fault, but the rate, but somehow none of them really $14 billion suggests that modern News DESK fault of our society for teaching her gets to the heart of the matter), to create pornography is without precedent not (574) 631-5323 [email protected] VIEWPOINT DESK daughter that sex is something to be a "sex studies" major. Apparently, dur­ just in its nature, but also in the scale of (574) 631-5303 [email protected] ashamed of. If only we could get over ing one class Quek (who performs under its consumption. SPORTS DESK the puritanical idea that sex is dirty, if a different name) had sex with two of La Rochefoucauld said that hypocrisy (574) 631-4543 [email protected] only we could get past our prissy her female friends in front of the stu­ is the tribute that vice pays to virtue. So SCENE DESK Victorian taboos, then we would live in a dents. one easy way to do away with hypocrisy (574) 631-4540 [email protected] SAINT MARY'S DESK less hypocritical and healthier culture. In Britain, the television networks are is to do away with the distinction [email protected] This argument is made (or just as fre­ not permitted to show pornography, but between virtue and vice, but that would PHOTO DESK quently assumed) in all kinds of debates, they do everything they can to provide a be a Pyrrhic victory, and a culture in (574) 631-8767 [email protected] I· but these days it is most commonly close approximation of it, often in the which Lourdes could watch her mother SYSTEMS & WEB ADMUfiSTRATORS encountered in discussions of pornogra­ form of late night "documentaries" cavorting around as a dominatrix might (574) 631-883? phy. I don't think it's a good argument, about the adult film industry- as if well be less hypocritical, but it certainly but it does seem to be an effective one what makes the films themselves dirty is won't be healthier. THE (who wants to be a prissy Victorian?), the presence of a fictional narrative. OBSERVER ONLINE and it has no doubt contributed to the Apparently we're supposed to imagine Peter Wicks is a graduate student iri www. ndsmcobserver. com increasing acceptance of pornography in that while a film showing people having the philosophy department who had an POLICIES our culture. sex counts as pornography, a iilm of English accent long before Madonna did. The Observer is the independent, daily newspaper In the show "Friends" (a sitcom none those same people being filmed while He can be contacted at pwicks@nd. edu published in print and online by the students of the more mainstream than which can be having sex is cultural journalism. The views expressed in this column University of Notre Dame duLac and Saint Mary's imagined), Chandler's wife treats his These days even the feminists, tradi­ are those of the author and not neces­ C..ollege. Editorial coment, including advertisements, is predilection for internet pornography as tionally opponents of pornography, are sarily those of The Observer. not governed by policies of the administration of either institution. The Observer reserves rhe right to refuse advertisemems based on conrem. The news is reported as accurately and objectively as possible. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of EDITORIAL CARTOON the majority of the Editor in Chid; Managing Editor, Assistant Managing Editors and department editors. Commemaries, lerrets and columns present the views of the authors and not necessarily those ofThe Observer. Viewpoim space is available ro all readers. The free expression of all opinions through letters is encouraged. !.etters to the Editor must he signed and must include contact information.

Questions regt~rding Observer policies should be directed to Editor in ChiefC!ttire Heininget:


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Thursday, September 8, 2005 IEWPOINT page 13 Open letter to Father Jenkins: Burnishing the public image

Tho first installment of this lettnr traend responses f'rom specific audiences, like that meeting such a commitment cannot be makers. tho eonrwdion between tho tendeney of of' a successful candidate in recent national measured by numerical rankings among Another 'eonsnquenee is that thn top ant­ sonw administrators to run Notrn Dame nloetions'? Or is the University better served like-minded universities. demic oflieers must bneome thoroughly like a business and certain problems fhcnd by presenting itself' to the world as it really Nor ean it be measured by statistics inter­ acquaintod with what is adually going on in by tho univorsity at tho bnginning of your is, like an old-style presidential eandidate nal to a particular university. Notre Dame the dassrooms, the laboratories, tho dormi­ prosidnncy. Of partir.u­ on the back of' a campaign train'? takes pride in ilio increasing SAT scores of tories and tho various social vonut1s whnre lar eonenrn an~ prob­ Kenneth Put otherwise, the qunstion is whothnr il'i entering students (up an average of intelleetual and eharaetor f(Jrmation of indi­ lmns of image-making, Sayre tho Univnrsity's publicity managers should about .01 a year). It also tracks the gradua­ vidual studnnl'i is taking plaen. A siznable of grade inflation and of concentrate on f'abricating an imago that tion rates of these students oneo they number of veto ran profossors sharn the rnislnading TCI<:s. This Guest will attraet donors and potential students, matriculate (currently about 93%), their impression that tho intellectual filfmation of sneond installrnnnt Columnist or whether their n!forts should bn direeted averagn cumulative GPA<> at hrraduation Notre Dame studenl'i has detnrioratod sig- fiJt:usns on problmns of primarily toward making known the gen­ (currently over 3.4 and rising), and the per­ . nifkantly over tho past twonty years. The imagn-making spndfkally. uine worth of' a Notre Dame education. centage of Bachelor Degrees received with sharnd view is that thorn has bnen a distind l.ikn all institutions of higher lnarning. While tho implicit goal in both cases is to Honors (more than doublnd in the pcL'it 20 diminution in intelleetual euriosity, in ability Notre Damn has a stake in maintaining a advance the intnrests of tho University, the years). But there is no attempt to evaluate to think critieally, and in skills of spnaking fitvorabln publie imago. The pownr of a two approaches diller on how that goal is to these figures in light of the well-known facts and writing eohernntly. Morn student.<; aro Notrn Damn degrnn to optm doors and to bn aceomplished. The difference is analo­ that high schools are increasingly intnnt on getting higher grades fiJr less nfl'ort exptmd­ influnnen poopln depnnds upon the gous to that bntweon trying to boost sales of coaching their college-bound studenl'i to do ed on their studies, and too many am llnivnrsity's reputation. as does it.'i sueep,ss a brand of cereal by gimmicks like faney well on the SATs, that institutions can adjust receiving credit lilr ela'ises they seldom in recruiting studnnl'i and in raising funds. packaging and deceptive pricing, and trying their graduation requirements to lot attnnd. The new administration should Tho dt~grnn is in suflicitmt demand to to improve sales by enhancing the actual through almost any percentage they please, make a sustained emJrt to find out whother prompt the thought among administrators quality of the product. Although profession­ and that grade inflation is rampant among impressions sueh as these havn an objnetive that Notro Damn is in tl1n business of mar­ al image-managers would bn quiek to ()Ven the best colleges and universities. basis, and if so what eorroetivn adions knting an attradive eommodity. To tho ombraen the latter as their "ofTieial'' posi­ A<> informed observers have stressed time would be ef1C1etive. nxtont that Notrn Dame is run like a busi­ tion (e.g., in mission statement.<>), there are and again, the genuine quality of edueation A<> far as character and personal valuns noss. iL'i fiJrtune is dntorminod by the kind signs that the former may be emerging in cannot be measured in quantitative terms. are eoneernnd, eurrnnt student mores seem of image it prnsonL'i to tho public at largo, practice as Notre Dame's dominant publici­ This Limitation would bn beside the point if to support binge drinking, fiJUr-day week­ nspod and ty strategy. the purpose of an educational institution ends and chnating on exams if you can w~t donors. Consider, for example, a recent web-post­ were conceived mainly as a eommereial by with it. In a typical daily routine, too Somn manifi~stations of Notre Dame's ing (http://und.eollogesport.<>.com), which venture. In point of fact, the success of a much time seems to bn spnnt knnping up image arn relatively constant and not likely observed that "Notre Dame's commitment commercial enterprise is gauged by the with pop eultum and too little in developing to dmnge. Others are morn fluid. Durable to academie exeellenee, values, service and number of potential customers it attracts habiL'i of discernment and recreation (oftnn eomporwnl'i indudn thn Golden Dome, the eharaeter development" places it among and the percentage that end up buying the called "good taste") that will provide nour­ l.eprm:haun and the Notrn Dame logo. To tl10 nation's top 25 institutions of higher product. But if NO's primary purpose is to ishment and staying-power in later lif(J. these might bo addnd episodes from it.'i sto­ learning. Evidence o!fered to that ellect provide a high quality education, and not Among religiously aetive studenb, in turn, rind past that can be encapsulated in the induded Notre Dame's being one of only merely to market a product, it<> success can­ there appears to be more emphasis on filfm of a pieturn (the Four llorsemen) or nine schools in ilie nation iliat admit less not be measured by a set of statistics. judging the desert of other people than on sound bit11 ("win one !or the Gipper"). A<> that half their freshman applicants, its In the months to come, Notre Dame's new charitable practices that would inspire oth­ long as tlwy rnmain unsullind, symbols like ranking consistently among the top 25 in administration will be examining its priori­ ers to share their faith. If misgivings of this thnsn arn elleetive in generating good pub­ the survey conducted annually by "U.S. ties regarding the academic mission of the sort turn out to be well founded, the licity. News and World Report," and its repeated University. It is not unreasonable to hope University might want to reiliink the man­ Morn fluid arn impressions of the high ranking among the nation's "Most iliat top priority will be given to providing ner and extent of il<> involve mont in student .. Univnrsity gonnrated by iL'i involvement in Wired College." ilie best education possible, as distinct from culture. nowsworthy current ovonl<>. A recent exam­ Not mentioned in ilie web-posting was ilie most efficient marketing of a Notre These are only a lew suggestions of possi­ pin is the un!itvorabln publicity caused by the fact that a dozen or so ofilie nation's Dame degree. If a eommitment is made to ble shortcomings your new administration tlw firing of Coach Willingham, which was best institutions (including Harvard, ilie goal of a top quality education, however, might want to look into as it takes charge of eounternd by a PH e!liJrt fiJcusod on ilie sue­ Princeton, Yale, and Stanford) refused to a number of practical ramifications will fol­ the University's public image. If correction cess of roplacmnont Coach Weis in tho last participate in ilio "Most Wired" competition low in its train. These need to be considered is needed, it should be undertaken with the Supnr Bowl. Spndal bailiwicks like the because it inducted no evaluation of how as part of ilie self-examination process. goal of making ilie education Notre Dame Athlntie Dnpartmnnt have their own publici­ well technology meets ilieir educational One ramification is iliat primary responsi­ provides so attractive that it needs no fur­ ty olliens. Imagn-managmnent for ilie nneds. Also relevant is ilie fact iliat the bility for maintaining Notre Dame's public thor embellishment. 'Phe public image that University at largo, however, is handlnd "U.S. News" rankings have come under image .will no longer rest wiili the News and result<> would attract both studenL<> and mostly by the Nnws and lnfiwmation Ollicn. extensive criticism among educators for Information Office and similar PH opera­ donors with a genuine interest in education. Some publicity work is also fitrmed out to allowing institutions to fudge in reporting tions. Their services will still be needed in This is quitp, different from an imagn calcu­ dodicatl~d organizations like Golden Dome data and for mea.'iuring factors extraneous overseeing news releases, and in providing lated to attract potential consumers and to l'rodudions, whieh have assisted in numer­ to genuine education. A<> far enhanee the commerdal value of a Notre ous eapital eampaigns and other PH ven­ rates arn eoneerned, ilie faet that Notre il'i business will be perceived by the general Dame degree. tums. Dame can be selective indicates iliat many public. The persons primarily in charge of Them is no doubt that the task of main­ student.<; want to come here, but says noth­ the UnivHrsity's image, noneilieless, will b11 Kenneth Sayre is a professor of philoso­ taining a positivo public image should be ing about whether they come for academi­ its top academic officers. Their main task in phy. This column is the second in a four­ nuumgod in a profi1ssionalmanner. The eally sound rea.<>ons. this regard will be to make sure that what part series addressed to new l fniuersity question of pn~snnt mncern is what kind of' Commitment to values like acadomic really happnns at Notre Dame is worthy of President Father John Jenkins. 1/e can be imago Notm Dame should be trying to proj­ exeelloneo and character development being made known to the public at large. contacted at [email protected] ect, and to what purpose. Is it in the unquestionably is a good thing. Indeed, few The upshot will be that Notre Dame will The views expressed in this column are University's bost intnmst to eonstruet an solf-respeeting institutions of higher learn­ have tho reputation it deserves, rather than those of the author and not necessarily image tailomd expressly to elidt desirnd ing would want to gainsay it. But success in one constructed by professional image- those of The Observer. Expanding our communities

This p they say in Cross, Deacon Nate was ready to be his final vows liturgy the p

page 14 CENE Thursday, September 8, 2005

CD REVIEWS British dance band broadens U.S. horizons It wasn't until 1996's "Traveling By VINCE LABRIOLA Without Moving" that (Jay Scene Critic Kay and his consistently-changing band mates) reached a wide American audi­ Famous in the late 1990's for their ence. Backed by the eye-catching video VMA-winning single "," for "Insanity" and a dance hit with the British-born dance group "Cosmic Girl," the band could be seen Jamiroquai has since been largely on MTV for quite some time. ignored by American audiences, Jamiroquai's next few albums, howev­ despite attaining superstar status er, never became popular in the U.S., across the pond some years ago. It may and as a result the band faded into rel­ come as a surprise then that ative obscurity until very recently. "Dynamite," the group's latest, is actu­ Enter Napoleon Dynamite. That song ally their sixth album and will be in Napoleon dances to? That's "Canned stores on Sept. 20. It's a perfect start­ Heat," off of Jamiroquai's excellent ing point for anyone who would like to 1999 release "." discover, or re-discover, one of the pre­ Riding on the heels of their cameo mier dance groups out there. appearance in one of the biggest suc­ Jamiroquai revolves around its cess stories in independent film comes tabloid-friendly front man, . "Dynamite," an album that is edgier Discovered in near poverty, a single and less musically complex than some of demo disc he created bought him an of its predecessors, but thrilling Jay Kay, the lead singer and song writer for Jamiroquai, a British dance/ unprecedented eight-CO deal from nonetheless. band, performs on stage. The band will release their sixth album on Sept. 20. SonyiBMG. The group's initial offering, "Dynamite" is a synthesizer-based "Emergency on Planet Earth," was album, and Jay Kay's signature bass lighter pop fare that characterized guy looking for love in all the wrong released in the UK with considerable machine riffs are featured on nearly J amiroquai's earlier albums, replaced places. Tracks like "Feels Just Like It European success thereafter. every track, swirling furiously 'beneath with a relentless, darker sound that Should" and "Black Devil Car" deal the melodies. explores new avenues in the band's with the sexual aspects of the lifestyle, The album musical possibilities. while "Seven Days In Sunny June" begins with the The next track, given the same name deals with the emotional aspect, as Jay Dynamite excellent open­ as the album, is a traditional dance Kay croons, " I've wanted you so long I ing number club number filled with repetitious cho­ Why'd you have to drop that bomb on "Feels Just Like ruses begging to be shouted out loud. me I You said we've been friends too Jamiroquai It Should." A Again, the darker, more explicit lyrics long." slick, dirty, dis­ make appeara'nces in highlights like There is something blatantly honest torted disco­ "Black Devil Car" and "Electric about the lyrics in "Dynamite," even influenced track Mistress," which again call attention to when they seem to move from one end that has Jay Kay the hyperactive musical arrangements of the spectrum to the other. The shouting, "Slips Jamiroquai prefers. album exudes the feeling of a group in, feels good I I However, the highlight of the album that really wants to make good music, love it when you is the fantastic "Seven Days In Sunny and the result is an exciting new album tell me I It feels June," a dynamic ballad that is master­ that doesn't disappoint. Recommended tracks: 'Seven Days in Sunny June,' just like it fully crafted and filled with sad, 'Black Devil Car' and 'Electric Mistress' should." intriguing lyrics that reveal what the Contact Vince Labriola at Gone is the entire album really is about: a single [email protected] Hold Steady's creativity shines in latest effort

it out. Though, the man can write good By JOE LATTAL poetry. His he-said-she-said lyrics Scene Critic dress up an album driven by ·an over­ used narrative - traveling around the After the release of "Separation country and watching stuff happen. Sunday" last spring, The Hold Steady Here's the good news. "Separation became the kings of low and medium Sunday" has some of the most fun gui­ market media. tar riffs from the last year. The music The band received a "best new r~calls themes from nearly every era of music" tag from the influential rock, with distortion, Hammond organ Pitchfork Media, as well as an inter­ and piano. Each song appeals to large view. They performed on "Last Call audiences - upbeat, but not heavy with Carson Daly." In Targees latest ad enough to offend anyone. None of the campaign, a series of online videos songs drag, and there is enough variety called "Odds Against Seven," college between each song to keep the story freshmen drive across state lines to see interesting. (Which is good because The Hold Steady play live. Finn's voice never changes.) However, none of the hype matters if An a cappella opening of "Hornets! you can't get used to frontman Craig Hornets!" starts off the album before Finn's hard-hitting yet rangeless voice. exploding into a guitar-driven verse His half speaking, half singing delivery about bitter post-breakup thoughts: is a "love-it-or-hate-it" stain on the "She said I won't be much for conver­ New York by-way-of Minneapolis sation ... I kinda dig these awkward band's debut. It takes time to get used silences." to Finn's voice, or at least time to tune The· track, "Cattle and Creeping Photo courtesy of Things," makes The Hold Steady, an indie rock band out of New York City, released its second it apparent that full-length album, "Separation Sunday," in May of 2005. this is really how Separation Sunday Finn sings. It album and also the choice for the Steady comes off more sincere and wasn't just one band's performance on Carson Daly's Finn's storytelling delivery makes each song. Finn refus­ show. It is the best song because of the track more interesting. The Hold Steady es to be distract­ likeable, brief, palm-muted measures Not many bands sound like The Hold ...... ,, - • __ ., II ed by the tri­ in the chorus immediately after the Steady, and it's probably because they j. ~7,- ',', umphant and simple chord progressions. It is the don't really want to sound like them. French Kiss hectic chord strongest because it's the closest Finn The description of the band is simple - ~-~ _· -·-- . -1 changes of the comes to actually singing a tune. a singer who tells stories over rock chorus, always "Stevie Nix" and "Chicago Seemed music. maintaining his Tired Last Night" are other highlights But their creative geniuses were aim­ storytelling tone. on the album. Both bank on the latest ing in that direction. They remain the "Your Little trend in indie rock - songs about one band people can be certain aren't Recommended tracks: 'Hornets! Homets!,''Cattle and Hoodrat Friend" songs. Each works better than the lip-synching on stage. Creeping Things' and 'Stevie Nix' is the strongest Statistics' "Final Broadcast" or Trail of song on the Dead's "Worlds Apart." The Hold Contact Joe Lattal at [email protected] THE OBSERVER

Thursday, September 8, 2005 CENE page 15

CD REVIEW Bigger label gives Death Cab room to grow

emotional scenns on the show. By BRIAN DOXTADER and MOLLY Bnn Gibbard's role as part of the GRIFFIN emo/tnchno blend Thn Postal Service and A,sistant Scene Fdium the succnss of thnir album, "Givo Up," also crnated a grnatPr awarPnPss of lh·ian: llmust bn tough to bn Death Cab Death Cab for Cutin in thn musical wm­ for Cutin. Appnarancns on "Tim O.C." and munity. Thn group's song "Suc:h Gn•at thl\ runaway succnss of' bandlnadnr Bnn llnights," was eovnrnd by Iron and Winn c;ibhard's sid1\-projnrt Thn Postal Snrvkn for the to thn lilm "Gardnn havn madP Dnath Cab's latest, "Plans," State." llw ollwr holly-awaitml pop/rock mlmts11 While thn band's image and direction ol' tlw ynar tllw first bning Coldplay's lat­ an~ changing, the songs on "Plans" arn Pstl. still up to the c:alibnr or the bands prior Ill•ath Cab rwvnr soundnd likn a band albums. Thn band continuos to stay tnw intnndml for supnrstanlom, so llw band's to its nnw roots with 1:ontnmplativn lyrks lwsitanry is irndnrstandabln, but a littln about love, d11ath and tlw aftnrlifn. Thn disappointing nonellwlnss. "Plans" is evi­ tone of thn album is morn upbnat than dntH~P ol' a band in transition, making tho some or tlw band's othnr nll'orts, and the jump almost, nearly seamlessly to the songs sound much morn polislwd and put. major lalwl hut tripping just slightly on tognthnr, whieh spnaks to the nxpPrimu:p tho landing. In nlli\ct, it is thn sound ol' a of the band. hand that, li11· thn first limn, sounds a lit­ The stand-out on "Plans" is "I Will lin unsw·n ol' its dirnetion. Follow You into the Dark," a simpln but Ac1:ord ingly, Death Cab's latest isn't potent ballad about love that transc:nnds · "Transatlantidsm," ltlwir last album and the boundaries of life. Them are imagns llwir lwst thus far) nor is it Tho Postal or hnavnn, lwll, nuns and lyries like, "If Snrvil:n's "(;ivn Up." lnstPad, the band thorn's no one beside you whnn you wlwn trins l.o progrnss forward within thn eon­ Photo courtesy of your soul nmbarks I I will follow you into lines of' its sound, which works in some Death Cab for Cutie's latest album, "Plans," was released on Aug. 30 under the dark." Tlw pownrrul e11'nct of' singnr rasns hut not in otlwrs. It donsn't have Atlantic Records, a different from their previous COs. Bnn Gibbard's boyish voke c:oupled with thn immmliacy ol' nithPr ol' thn two afilre­ the lone guitar on the track makes it sim­ nwnlionnd albums, but it does have a spnaks bnfore I know what it will say," he when you succeed, you fail. Small bands ple but immensely pownrful. warm and inviting sound that suits sings on "Crooked Tenth," the most usually accumulate fans on their way up, Other great songs on the album ineludn c;ihhard's starry-eyPd romanticism. straight-ahead song on the entire album. and some of the luckier groups must "Marching Bands or Manhattan," a warm, II' anything, Death Cab sounds morn Additionally, several tracks take cues decide if they want to stay true to their soaring song about trying to live in the undnrstatnd than evnr, which is apparnnt from the title track on "Transatlanticism," roots and remain independent or sell out moment and not bning entirely SUI:enss­ from tlw outs11t. "Marching Bands of in whieh a single lyrical phrase gets the and sign with a bigger record label. ful. "Different Namns for the Sanw Manhattan," the opnning salvo, is as qui­ Philip Glass treatment, to great effect: The album "Plans" marks this cross­ Thing," a piano-driven song that is about nlly agrnnabln as "The Nnw Year" was "Your love is gonna drown," Gibbard road for the band Death Cab for Cutie. traveling in a li1reign country and being bombastic on "Transallantidsm." intones ropnat1~dly on "Marching Bands of They stand on the brink of commercial frustrated by the language barrier is Thankfully, the pt:oduction donsn't mute Manhattan," while the droning repetitive­ success with their new album, but they another song that sticks in your hnad. IWI\rything into obscurity, as the songs ness on "Different Names For the Same are also leaving the small label and the "Brothers on a llotnl Bed" is notable dPiirwatn themselves quito dearly. This Thing" is more agreeably melodic than small underground scene where they bncause it originated from Chris Walla, clarity is wnkome and oven necnssary, as merely ingratiating. were first embraced. The album is the which is the first song the band has ever thnre are cnrtainly some fantastic songs "Plans" is ultimately an album of mod­ group's first departure from the Seattle­ had thn came from someone othnr than on "Plans." Among the best arn the pseu­ est pleasures. There's nothing as bradng­ based label Barsuk Hecords and their lead singer Gibbard, and it deals with tlw do-epk "I>iiTerent Names for the Same ly catchy as "The Sound of Settling," nor first album for the much larger Atlantic .themes of love and growing older. Thing," thn lovely and understated "I Will is there a lighter-waving Hecords. Death Cab is known for its dark and Follow You Into the Dark" and espneially anthem like "Transant- Death Cab, sometimes depressing lyrics as well as tlw staggnring "What Sarah Said," lanticism," but the Plans from a small col­ arrangements. Their latnst album still has undoubtndly the album's mastnrpiece. album holds together as lege town in lyrics that will bring tears to your eY,es, l.ikn most Dnath Cab albums (and also, well as anything Death Washington but the arrangements are filled out and inddnnta!ly, symptomatic of U2 albums), Cab has ever cut. It is State, gained a givP the album a greater snnse of warmth "Plans" runs a littln too long, and the the sound of a band in loyal following and of hope and rnvealing thn band's nnw ovnrall quality starts to dip towards the transition, and while the Artist: Death Cab for Cutie over the course maturity. nnd. transition sounds inter­ Record label: Atlantic/Wea of five albums "Plans" is ultimatnly a meditation on Gibbard's lyrics are better, though they esting and pleasant, it's Release date: Aug. 30 and little com­ dealing with aging and about thn poten­ still tnnd toward mawkishness at times not quite the bold leap Recommended tracks: 'I Will Follow mercial success. tial that love can die at any time. Thn and incomprnhensibility at others. forward that might've You into the Dark,"Marching Bands This all changed band's audiencn is growing and nxpand­ c;ibhard's drnamy idealism - a heady been hoped for. Death of Manhattan' and 'What Sarah Said' . with the release ing to include a more divnrsn fan basn. If mixturn of universality and oft-bizarre Cab For Cutie has of 2003's "Trans- they continue to ac:hievn thn samn musi­ sp1H:ilkity - could bo considered mnbar­ always been a good band and atlantieism," which found a more main­ cal and emotional quality that "Plans" rassing, but his honest delivery and ovnr­ "Transatlanticism" indicated that they stream audience. manages to reach, they will not only lind all narrwstnnss knnp "Plans" afloat. Like might bo a great band. "Plans" isn't quite The fact that the television show "The success with tlwir loyal fans, hut with l'avnnwnt's Stl\phen Malkmus, c;ibbard is the fulfillment of that promise, but it's a O.C." embraend the band and mentioned pnople who apprndatn good musie every­ h11st in sound hytns, as he's capable of a solid set of songs that will appeal to long­ them constantly introduced the group to a where. killer linn or two, evnn when spinning time fans and new listeners alike. new, wider audience. The band per­ dangerously dosn to didH1: ''I'm a war of formed on "The O.C." during the second Contact Brian Doxtader at lwad versos lwart and it's always this way Molly: Thn independent music scone is season and songs like "Laek of Color" [email protected] and Molly Griffin at I My lrnad is wnak and my hnart always a dillicult place f(Jr bands, and sometimes were featured during prominent and [email protected]

Photo courtesy of The band members of the lndle-rock band Death Cab for Cutle Include, from left Death Cab began as a solo project for lead singer Ben Gibbard, left center, In to right, Chris Walla, Jason McGerr, Ben Gibbard and Nick Harmer. 1997. Since then, they have enjoyed both critical and commercial success. page 16 The Observer + CLASSIFIEDS Thursday, September 8, 2005

MLB- AMERICAN LEAGUE Giambi slugs homer in eighth to beat D-Rays

Playing from behind and Yankees keep lead in pressing at the plate, the AL wild card after Yankees wasted a couple of scoring opportunities and win over Tampa Bay appeared headed to another puzzling loss. Associated Press Down by one, they loaded the bases with one out in the sev­ NEW YORK - Jason Giambi enth, and an angry Lou Piniella and the New York Yankees cer­ dispatched Devil Rays pitching tainly never figured it would be coach Chuck Hernandez to pull such a relief to beat Tampa Bay. reliever Trever Miller. Giambi hit a go-ahead, two­ run homer with two outs in the Boston 6, Los Angeles 3 eighth inning, and New York ral­ BOSTON - The Boston Red lied past the Devil Rays 5-4 Sox are getting what they need Wednesday night for a much­ from their starting pitchers: long needed victory against a surpris­ outings and strong performanc­ ing nemesis. es. "I love being in that spot, and Bronson Arroyo became the it's great to come through," fourth Boston pitcher in five Giambi said. "Hopefully, this will games to pitch at least eight get us going and get us on a little innings, and the Red Sox over­ bit of a tear." came a three-run deficit with Hideki Matsui hit his 400th the help of David Ortiz's two-run professional homer and drove in single to beat the Los Angeles three runs for the Yankees, who Angels Wednesday night. fell behind 4-0 in the first inning "You go eight innings, you are and lost slugger Gary Sheffield doing something really well," to a tight hamstring. manager Terry Francona said. But New York fought back and During Boston's last five improved to 5-10 against last­ games, Arroyo and Matt AP place Tampa Bay this year after Clement each went eight Alex Rodriguez congratulates Jason Giambi after his eighth inning home run Wednesday. The two beginning the season 80-31 innings, and David Wells and run shot put the Yankees up 5-4, after New York had fallen behind 4-0 in the first inning. against the low-budget Devil Tim Wakefield pitched complete Rays, who began play in 1998. games. Ervin Santana (8-7) gave up all Chicago White Sox 5-4, accord­ Rodriguez drove in two runs Knocked out of his previous Curt Schilling was the only six of Boston's runs. ing to the Elias Sports Bureau. each for the Twins, who trailed outing when he was hit in the member of the current rotation "That shows you right there 5-0 in the second inning for the collarbone by a line drive, Jaret to fall short of eight innings in Oakland 8, Seattle 7 how big a win this was," A's second game in a row. On Wright settled down after a his last start, but showed OAKLAND, Calif. - Nick closer Huston Street said. "In Tuesday, they took a one-run shaky start. improvement in working 6 1-3 Swisher planned on having an order to score five runs you have lead into the ninth before losing "That's the most important innings in Monday's 5-3 loss to easy afternoon Wednesday after to do a lot of things and get a lit­ to the Rangers 10-7. thing. He didn't lose his compo­ the Chicago White Sox. Oakland manager Ken Macha tle lucky. It was unbelievable. Brad Radke became the sec­ sure," manager Joe Torre said. "You kind of feed off each told him he had the day off. You saw everybody coming ond straight Twins starter to last Tanyon Sturtze (5-3) worked 1 other," said Arroyo (12-9). "I was going to use it to get my through." just two innings, following Kyle 1-3 scoreless innings for the "You're thinking about head right, and the next thing Seattle led 5-0 after three Lohse. Radke allowed five runs win, and Mariano Rivera pitched Wakefield going nine last night. you know I'm up there hitting," innings and was on the verge of and eight hits. a perfect ninth for his 36th save ... I'm sitting down on the bench he said. sweeping its first series at Joe Mays, J.C. Romero, Juan in 40 tries. The Yankees thinking the same thing, trying Swisher walked with the bases Oakland since April 2001 before Rincon and Joe Nathan com­ remained four games behind to get deep in the game." loaded to force in the final run the comeback against Eddie bined for seven innings of one­ first-place Boston in the AL East Mike Timlin got three outs for as the Athletics overcame a four­ Guardado (1-2), who blew a save run, five-hit relief. Mays pitched and a half-game ahead of his seventh save, but a rotation run ninth-inning deficit in a win for the third time in 34 chances, 3 2-3 scoreless innings, his Cleveland in the wild-card race. battered by injuries to Schilling for the first time in 48 years, and Jeff Nelson, who walked longest stint since he was With Tampa Bay ahead 4-3, and Wade Miller and inconsis­ beating the Seattle Mariners. Swisher on a 3-2 pitch. removed from the starting rota­ Joe Borowski (1-3) retired his tency earlier in the season is just "The way things have been tion late last month. first two batters in the eighth where Francona wants it with going, to pull off a win like this Minnesota 8, Texas 6 Romero (4-3) got three outs, before Alex Rodriguez reached 24 games left. Boston main­ gives us momentum and confi­ MINNEAPOLIS The and Nathan pitched the ninth for out and punched a single to cen­ tained its four-game lead over dence," Swisher said. "The way Minnesota Twins came back his 36th save in 41 chances. ter. Giambi then drove an 0-1 the New York Yankees in the AL it happened was cool." from a five-run deficit for the Nathan allowed Hank Blalock's pitch down the right-field line East. Mark Kotsay and Eric Chavez second straight day. This time two~out single and Alfonso for his 27th homer. "Obviously, early in April we hit two-run doubles before they won. Soriano's double before striking "It was a slider that didn't didn't let pitchers go as deep Swisher's walk. The last time Minnesota took advantage of a out Kevin Mench. slide. It stayed right there on the into games, Francona said. "We the Athletics came back from throwing error by pitcher Doug Minnesota, which avoided get­ inner half. It was a nice pitch to don't want them to get into the four runs down in the ninth to Brocail on a bunt to score two ting swept in the three-game hit," Borowski said. "I tried to dog days of September and have win was in a doubleheader runs in the sixth inning, beating series, began the day 5 1/2 blow it foul, but it stayed true them dragging. So we really try opener on July 4, 1957, when the Rangers Wednesday. games back in the AL wild-card right down the line." to monitor them closely." the Kansas City A's beat the Mike Redmond . and Luis race.

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NFL City agrees to Colts' Moss poses challenge to Pats nevv stadium in '08 Associated Press FOXBOHOUGH, Mass.- The Assm:iatcd Press ber ol' the state stadium New England Patriots marvel at board, said he believed that the talent of Handy Moss. They'll INDIANAPOLIS - The the stadium would be fin­ see it up close Thursday night Indianapolis Colts and the ished on time even though when the receiver who grabs state board overSIH~ing eon­ eontinued negotiations pre­ attention as well as passes st.rud.ion of a new downtown vented the planned Aug. 1 makes his debut with the stadium havn reaehnd an ground breaking. Oakland Haiders. agroement doaring the way The team and the city Yet if anyone should know that for work to start on the $500 announced an agreement last one star can't win a game by million project, a state sona­ week on a new stadium lease · himself it's the Super Bowl t.or said Wed nosday. that will keep the team in champions, who built their suc­ The doal is expeetod to be Indian a polis for at least the cess on the team concept. formally announced next 30 ynars. The state is "We played a team similar to Thursday by t lw Indian a overseeing construction ol' that before in Philadelphia and Stadium and Convention the new stadium. but it will Terrell Owens is one of those Contor Building Authority, be operated by the eity. players, dynamic players that said Senate Tax Committee Demolition work already can change the game," line­ Chairman Luke Kenley, H­ has started IHHtr the HCA backer Willie McGinest said, Noblesville. Dome to make room for the "and I don't think one guy can AP Kenlo·y said the biggest new stadium. control everybody else." Randy Moss celebrates during an Aug. 26 preseason game hurdle in negotiations was a The state Legislature had Owens caught nine passes for against Arizona. Moss' Raiders take .on the Patriots today. proposed $3 per ticket tax authorized the ticket tax, but 122 yards in the Super Bowl 6 for Colts games, which is not the Colts argued against the 1/2 weeks after ankle surgery, around on a reverse on me. My "LaMont's impact could be the included in the deal. The it, saying that tieket 'holders but the Patriots beat the Eagles job is to contain him and it was a key for us," Collins said, "could tieket tax . would have already pay a 5 percent 24-21 for their third title in four little frightening." give us that balance that we brought in about $2.5 mil­ admissions tax, which is years. The Patriots have managed the lacked to make def(msns play us lion, and Kenley said ollieials going up to 6 perecnt. Thursday night's NFL opener past two seasons to handle a little more honestly." wanted to make sure they The team will pay $100 begins the Patriots' quest to teams with exceptionally talent­ That would make the eombina­ would have enough money million toward the stadium, become the first team to win ed individuals. They're 34-4 in tion of Collins, who has thrown without it to cover expenses. with the other- 80 pereent of three consecutive champi- that stretch, including 6-0 in the for more than 3,000 yards the "The revenue sources have the cost coming from restau­ onships. · playoff.<>. past five seasons, and Moss even enough of a cushion that they rant taxes in central Indiana. In March, the Raiders obtained "The type of character we have more dangerous - as long as will probably be all right," as well as on hotels and Moss from Minnesota, where he around here, guys don't quit," Moss' tendency to draw attention Kenley said. rental cars in Marion County. averaged 82 catches for 1 ,3p6 McGinest said. "Guys play hard to himself and his controversial Colts spokesman Craig Several counties surround­ yards and 13 touchdowns in and they look forward to chal­ comments and actions don't get Kelley said he did not imme­ ing Indianapolis have seven seasons, although he was lenges like that." in the way. diately know about any plans approved a new 1 percent slowed by a hamstring injury last The Raiders were 5-11 last He said last month he had used to announce a stadium deal food and beverage tax, and year. year and 4-12 in 2003, but made marijuana but "it's in the past." with the state. Marion County raised its His rare combination of speed, it to the Super Bowl the previous lie was fined $10,000 last season An agnwnwnt between the restaurant tax from 1 per­ jumping ability and excellent season and lost to Tampa Bay. for pretending to pull down his Colts and the state was the cent to 2 percent to help hands drew raves from the Moss is just part of the chal­ pants and moon the crowd in last significant step prevent­ finance the project, which Patriots. lenge posed by the Oakland Green Bay during a playoff win ing major work from starting also ineludes expansion of "lie doesn't really have any offense. There's also quarterback by Minnesota. And he was criti­ on the 63,000-seat the downtown convention real weakness," coach Bill Kerry Collins' strong arm and cized for leaving the lield with 2 rotraetabln-roof stadium, center. The suburban coun­ Belichiek said. running back LaMont Jordan's seconds left in a regular-season which is slated to be eom­ ties will keep half the money "lie's a special player," line­ chance to show he can be a pro­ loss to Washington. pletnd lwl'ore the ZOOS NFL raised by the tax with the backer Chad Brown said. "He ductive starter after four years Collins thinks coming to a now soason. rest going toward the stadi­ can do things no other player as Curtis Martin's backup with team can be "a rebirth" for Konley, a nonvoting mom- um project. can. I've actually had him come the New York Jets. Moss.

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NCAA FOOTBALL Texas' Young is early season Reisman hopeful

erect a lack of leadership in Brown has watched Young throwing motion isn't pretty. you've almost got to make Longhorns' standout the Sooners' loss to Southern mature as a player and a He throws a soft deep ball, but them one-dimensional and begins year Saturday California in the national title leader, which makes him more sometimes gets lazy on the make them throw the ball on game this past January. comfortable as a coach to let shorter passes, dropping to a every down." visiting Ohio State "As a leader and as a quar­ him loose. sidearm delivery. Even when Young drops terback, you've got to keep "He flipped the switch and Even so, he completed near­ back to pass, defenses soon Associated Press everybody in the game," he took over our team," Brown ly 60 percent of his passes last -realize that forcing him into said. "Jason White should said. "It's fun to have a season and was 13-of-15 in the pocket and keeping him AUSTIN, Texas - Vince have done more." mature guy who's not (just) the first half of the season there can be two different Young calls it the Texas Two­ He's taken his charge to the surviving at quarterback. He's opener. Young bristles at challenges. Even Young's Step. coaching staff as well. getting better every play." questions about whether he's teammates sometimes don't A quick fake followed by a Young was part of a group of Young rushed for 1,079 a "complete" quarterback. know where he's going. burst of speed and the Texas players who went to coach yards last season, with 14 "If you're completing the "There's been a couple of quarterback is past a defend­ Mack Brown and urged him to touchdowns, to go with 1,849 ball downfield to your times we got caught standing er and dancing all the way to listen to some hip-hop music yards and 12 TDs through the receivers, you're a quarter­ around and he's still back the end zone. the players like. Brown says air. In a 60-3 season-opening back," Young said. there running," said tackle At 6-foot-5, 233 pounds with he downloaded the music him­ win over Louisiana-Lafayette, But defenses fear his legs . "It gives us a 4.4 speed, he's the most dan­ self into his iPod digital music he passed for 173 yards and most. lot of confidence to know gerous running quarterback player. three TDs and scored another "Vince Young is definitely there's a playmaker back in the country. In Texas' 38-37 "I was telling him sometimes on the ground. the heartbeat of that team," there. Rose Bowl win last season, he what 50 Cent be saying, it's If there's a knock on Young, said Ohio State defensive line­ "When the chips are down," ripped off dazzling TD runs of similar to some of our guys' it's his passing. He threw 11 man Mike Kudla. "You've defi­ Blalock said, "he can pull 20, 60, 10 and 23 yards, leav­ said. last year and his nitely got to contain him and something from nowhere." ing Michigan defenders punching the air in frustration or bent over gasping for breath. Now a top contender for the Heisman Trophy, Young leads No. 2 Texas back into Big 10 country for Saturday night's matchup with No. 4 Ohio State. The glamour non-con­ ference game of the season is the first meeting of the elite programs and has national title implications just two weeks into the schedule. "It's going to be a game you'll always remember," Young said. "I sense a great opportunity for our team." And for himself. Stoking the flames of this blockbuster matchup, Ohio State players have said they want to knock Young out of the Heisman chase. "Our goal is when Vince Young leaves here, he won't be a candidate for the Heisman," said Ohio State linebacker Bobby Carpenter. ''I'm not too much getting into the Heisman right now," Young said. "It's all about my teammates right now. Whatever they want to say, let them talk, man." Young has been talking to his teammates about this game for months. When the players trickled back to cam­ pus ·for summer conditioning, he left them a written mes­ sage in the locker room: "If you want to beat Ohio State, meet me here every night at 7 p.m." He is now the undisputed leader of a Texas team searching for its first outright national title since 1969. The Longhorns shared the title in 1970. . "This is Vince's team," said defensive end Tim Crowder. That's partly because tail­ back Cedric Benson, the fifth­ leading rushing in major col­ lege history, is now in the NFL, leaving Young to shoul­ der the national title hopes. Young, who was nearly benched after two poor games midway through last season, has embraced his role as leader. He took charge of sum­ mer passing drills. This week, he's made the rounds urging teammates to practice hard, pushing them to be perfect. ''I'm the guy, and I'm going to be the leader," Young said. "That's my role." He's even talked about quar­ terbacks he thinks weren't up to the job. At the Big 12 media days, he criticized former Oklahoma QB Jason White - the 2003 Heisman Trophy winner - for what he consid- r------~

Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer + SPORTS page 19

NFL Browns look to Crennel for leadership, success

Associated Press after former owner Art Modell moved thorn to Baltimore and CLEVElAND-- With a whistle six years since their expansion hanging from his sweat-soaked minearnation, the Browns, once rwck, Browns lirst-year coach one of the league's giants, are Homno Crnnnel hogan his post­ only a few months removed praetien rwws confnmnen during from bottoming out. training camp with a quick Since liJIJIJ, they've lost a weatlwr report. league-high (J6 regular-season "Nien, warm sunny day," he games, changed coaches three said, smiling. ")low's nveryone timns, nndurnd innumerable doing'!" personnel moves and gutted Finn, thanks. In July and their front ofTiee. There have August, Clevelanders usually been eostly injuries, blown draft fnnl pn~tty good about life in picks and assorted ol'l'-the-field nortlwast Ohio -- and the disruptions, the latest being Browns. But in Septmnber the Kellnn Winslow Jr.'s season-end­ dimate changes, football season ing motorcyde crash. arrives and the wind ofT Lake To some fans, Cleveland's l·:rie oll'ers a chilling reminder of three years without the Browns colder. harsher days alwad. wore better than the past six Cnnmnl sm1sns them coming. watching them. Just days beforn making his "It has made me siek," otl'en­ NFL !wad coaching debut aftnr sive tackln Hyan Tucker said. 24 years as an assistant, New "Losing stinks worse than any­ AP 1\ngland's l'ormnr defensive thing, man. I'm tired of it." Romeo Crennel looks on as the Browns stretch during practice Aug. 22. The ex-New England coordinator insists he's still As was owner Handy Lerner, defensive coordinator will coach his first game Sunday as head coach in Cleveland. enjoying being the man in who along with team president charge of reviving tho Browns. John Collins, hired general man­ generation of Browns fans out on the field. lie and Savage have Crennel isn't expiH:ting die-hard "Sure, so far," Crnnnel said. ager Phil Savage away from the there," Savage said. "They overhauled the roster, getting Cleveland fans to be very patient "Tlw honeymoon is still going Havens, stripped Crennel from haven't enjoyed the feel-good rid of 22 players who made at with him. right now. Ask rnn in a couple the Patriots and changed almost atmosphere of having a quality, least one start last season. The "They want to win," the 5H­ wonks, and tlw answer may be everything about the Browns winning product. That is really club will opnn 2005 with 26 new year-old said. "Everyone in the d ill'n n m l. " but their orange helmets. our objective." faces-- 10 rookies. NFL wants to win. Like I told the No doubt. Because 10 years "In my opinion, there's a lost Crennel's job is to !ix the mess The coach is new, too. But team, this is a nnw beginning. If

NFL Indianapolis' defensive schemes challenge Simon Ex-Philadelphia star his first full praetiee with the rest He skipped all of Philadelphia's it and not have to worry about Tripplett, a second-round piek of the team Wednesday after­ minicamps and its training camp anything." in 2002, started ew~ry game two running out of time noon. and agreed to a five-year deal Coach Tony Dungy listed years ago, but was a reserve last He still doesn't know how with the Colts with- Simon behind season. He said he wasn't wor­ before start of season much playing time he'll see dur­ in days after the starter Larry ried about losing his starting ing the opener Sunday night at Eagles released "I feel like Tripplett at left spot again to Simon. Associated Press Baltimore. him. Superman. I feel tackle and said "Just having a player or his "We're going to roll and see Since then, he's Simon would capability, I'm excited to be INDIANAPOLIS The what happens," Simon said. "I been scrambling to like I could go all probably be on the around him," Tripplett said. ''I'm Indianapolis Coil'> playbook is as feel like Superman. I feel like I familiarize himself day. But that's not field for 20 to 30 taking this as a learning expnri­ important to Corey Simon as his could go all day. But that's not with the my deal [to plays on Sunday. ence. I know he's a good football helmet or pads. my deal Ito decide I." Indianapolis defen­ "lie did fine," player and ready to go, so I The lbrrner Pro Bowl defensive Simon was the Eagles' first­ sive schemes. decide]." Dungy said after wouldn't be surprised if we saw tackle, signed last week after he round pick and the sixth overall "I think I'm doing Wednesday's prac­ a lot of Corey on Sunday." was rnleased by Philadelphia in selection in the 2000 draft. In really well," he Corey Simon tice. "lie's really Quarterback Peyton Manning a eontraet dispute, is hurriedly live seasons with Philadelphia, said. "It's different Colts' defensive end learning what we said Simon's presence on trying to learn the CoiL<;' system, he had 270 tackles and 32 sacks, than I played in do very quickly. defense will likely help the as well as get back into football but he would not sign a one-year Philadelphia, not He's a big power­ offense, too. shape. lie went through a couple franchise tender the Eagles as much blitzing and things of ful guy, something we had not "Coach Dungy's philosophy is brief walkthroughs Monday and oll'nrnd him because he wanted a that sort, so you're able to really had inside. I think it's going to to get the best players out Wednesday mornings and had long-tnrm contract. pin your ears back and get after help us." there," Manning said. "Thn more good players we ean get on this team. the better we'll be as a team. Corey's a veteran, he's a player who has made big plays in his earner, he's used to win­ Summer Internships in Mexico ning." The Colts, 0-5 in their first winless preseason sinee 1990, Notre Dame- Universidad de Guadalajara used few starters in those games. Several players, indud­ II ing centnr Jell' Saturday, missml USAID Program for Small Agricultural Producers the entire preseason with injuries. ''I'm ready to get back," said Saturday, who was sidnlilwd by a hamstring injury. "I probably What: Team Presentations of Summer 2005 could have eonw back a whiln ago, but it just wasn't quite ready." projects (with reception to follow) Another player expected to return is receiver Brandon Why: Opportunity for NO students to work with Stokley, who missed the presea­ son with a shoulder injury. Stokley, one of three Colts Mexican students in agribusiness projects receivers with at least 1.000 yards and 10 TD eatelws last snason, returned to practien When: Thursday, September 8th, Monday and expncts t.o play against the Havm1s. 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. "Hight now it looks that way," he said. ''I'm just waiting for a coach's deeision .... But it's as Where: C-1 03 Hesburgh Center good a time as ever to try it out. It feels good. It's eitlwr going to be healthy or it's not, so it's timn to play football." OUND THE NATION Thursday, September 8, 2005 CoMPILED FROM THE OBsERVER'S WIRE SERVKES page 20

NFL Preseason Standings MLB AFC East team record perc. PF PA NY Jets 3·1 .750 89 53 Buflalo 2·2 .500 63 54 New England 2·2 .500 80 80 Miami 1·4 .250 78 105 AFC North team record perc. PF PA Cleveland 3·1 .750 74 56 Pittsburgh 3·1 .750 86 68 Balli more 2·2 .500 64 62 Cincinnati 2·2 .500 92 67 AFC South team record perc. PF PA Jacksonville 2·2 .500 74 84 Houston 1-3 .250 56 96 Tennessee 1·3 .250 71 78 Indianapolis 0-5 .000 72 143 AFC West team record perc. PF PA Denver 4·0 .764 113 80 San Diego 2·2 .654 87 74 Oakland 1·3 .543 59 63 Kansas City 0·4 .432 73 101 NFC East team record perc. PF PA Dallas 3·1 .750 77 52 NY Giants 3·1 -.750 83 55 Philadelphia 2·2 .500 92 106 Washington 1·3 .250 64 88

NFC North AP team record perc. PF PA Mariners' rookie shortstop Mike Morse dives for a ground ball in an Aug. 24 game against the Rangers. Morse Minnesota 3·1 .750 90 81 was suspended for ten games on Wednesday for violating the leagues' steroid policy. Chicago 3·2 .600 86 86 Green Bay 2·2 .500 41 78 Detroit 1-3 .250 50 75 Mariners' rookie suspended for steroids NFC South team record perc. PF PA Associated Press was denied by arbitrator in the trade that sent the Athletics, Morse apolo­ Shyam Das. pitcher Freddy Garcia to gized to "the fans, my Atlanta 4·1 .800 107 72 OAKLAND, Calif. - "This result is unfair and the Chicago White Sox. teammates, the Mariners Carolina 2-2 .500 89 78 unfortunate. It punishes "We think you cannot organization, baseball and Tampa Bay 2·2 .500 89 68 Seattle Mariners rookie New Orleans 1-3 .250 64 95 Mike Morse was suspend­ Michael Morse again for evaluate a program based to my family," and he ed 10 days Wednesday for conduct for which he has on the results of a single offered an explanation. NFCWest violating baseball's already been punished," case, that overall, the rules "Back in November 2003 steroids policy, and said he said Michael Weiner, the that we negotiated are when I was 21 years old, I record perc. PF PA team was still being punished union's general counsel. designed to be strict but made an enormous mis­ Arizona 3·1 .750 75 74 for an "enormous mistake" "The PA does not believe fair with the overall goal take in my life: I took St. Louis 3·1 .750 102 85 he made in 2003 . the parties ever intended being to deter use," said steroids while in the minor San Francisco 2·2 .500 82 80 Morse became the ninth for the Basic Agreement to Rob Manfred, executive leagues," he said. "My Seattle 2·2 .500 88 73 major league player penal­ compel such a harsh vice president of labor thigh muscle, which I had ized under the sport's result." relations in the commis­ previously torn, had never tougher drug rules. Morse, 23, was batting sioner's office. "To the healed and I was scared He hit a go-ahead single .287 with three home runs extent that anyone dis­ that my career was over. I MIAA Women's Soccer in the seventh inning for a and 23 RBis in 209 at-bats agrees with the result in a was desperate and made a 3-2 win over Oakland on since being called up from particular case, it might be terrible mistake which I Tuesday, and on Triple-A earlier this sea­ the result of our desire to deeply regret. Overall Standings Wednesday the grievance son. deter use." "In May 2004, I was pun­ team record points GF GA by the players' association The infielder-outfielder In a statement before ished and suspended, Calvin 2·1·0 6 9 3 to overturn the suspension was acquired last season Wednesday's game against which I deserved." Hope 2·1·0 6 3 1 Tri-State 2·1·0 6 8 6 Alma 1·0·1 4 1 0 ST. MARYS 1·2·0 3 4 8 BRIEF Kalamazoo 0·1·1 1 2 4 IN Adrian 0·2·0 0 2 10 Albion 0·2·0 0 1 7 Big 12 coaches satisfied good after initially ruled an inc om­ NBA stars to play charity Olivet 0-3·0 0 3 12 with instant replay plete pass. game for Katrina victims DALLAS - Nebraska coach Bill Tressel undecided on HOUSTON- LeBron James, Kobe Callahan was one of the staunchest starting quarterback Bryant, Dwyane Wade, Kevin Garnett proponents for instant replay in the COLUMBUS- Sometime before No. and other NBA stars will play in a Big 12. He still is, even after five 4 Ohio State meets No. 2 Texas on game Sunday in Houston to benefit plays were reviewed in the Saturday night, Buckeyes coach Jim Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Cornhuskers' season opener. Tressel must decide who will be his TNT basketball analyst Kenny "They were possession calls and starting quarterback. A lot of people Smith organized the game at the around the dial boundary calls and things of that will be watching closely, reading a lot Toyota Center. It will start at 5 p.m. nature. I think it was well done," - maybe too much - into what is EDT and will air on TNT at 11 p.m. Callahan said. "The calls were well­ behind his decision. EDT. represented and logically thought out On one hand is Justin Zwick, the Organizers said Wednesday that NFL before they pulled the trigger and steady starter from last week's 34-14 participating players will donate Oakland at New England 9 p.m., ABC asked for a replay. What occurred beating of Miami (Ohio), a bright kid money and supplies valued at more was valid, was logistical." who quietly lends direction to the than $1 million to aid Katrina vic­ MLB There were eight Big 12 home offense. tims. He's got a good but not great arm Florida at Washington 7:05p.m., ESPN games in which instant replay was Players are scheduled to hand out used for the first time last weekend. and at 6-foot-4 and 225 pounds will truckloads of supplies to shelters There were seven plays reviewed, never be mistaken for an Olympic across the city before the game. TENNIS the five at Nebraska and one each in sprinter. He is dependable, not spec­ Other players set to play include: US Open Day 11 Coverage 11 a.m., 7 p.m. the Texas and Oklahoma games. tacular. Steve Francis, Sam Cassell. Jermaine USA Network Two calls were overturned in the On the other is Troy Smith, the star O'Neal, Ron Artest, Stephon Cornhuskers' 25-7 victory over of last year's upset of No. 7 Michigan Marbury, Chauncey Billups, Paul Maine on Saturday. An whose name has been linked to Pierce, Lindsey Hunter, Alonzo by Maine's Daren Stone was called NCAA investigations ever since. Mourning and Charles Oakley. Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer + SPORTS page 21

NFL Robinson receives second chance with Vikings Ex-Seahawks wideout currently in alcohol treatment after being released by Seattle

Associated Press from the charge, but the Vikings arc confident his troubles with EDEN PHAIHIE, Minn. - alcohol are behind him. Stuck in an aleohol treatment I Je was cut by the Seahawks, center in South Carolina, Koren three seasons after showing so Hohinson wasn't sun~ where his much promise when he caught life was headed. 7H passes for 1,240 yards and OvPrconw with anxiety, guilt five touchdowns. and mnbarrassment, Hobinson "I definitely got caught up in triml to figure out how he went the NFL lil"estyle," Robinson from ninth overall draft pick in said. "That didn't get me where 200 I to sitting on the brink of I wanted to go, where I wanted 1:arecr ruin. to be. I had to do something Then tlw phone rang. else, man." Vikings eoaeh Mike Tice was Hobinson cheeked into the on the otlwr end and. aftnr a treatment facility and spiraled fow mnversations, Tiee told the into a pit of self-doubt. Lroubl1~d young receiver that he "It was tough," Hobinson said, may have a second chance swallowing hard, his eyes waiting for him in Minnesota welling up with tears. "I was when he cheeked out of rehab. afraid, I was scared. The fear of SuddPnly, Hobinson had hope. the uncertainty, not knowing if I "To have someone like Coach was ever going to get the oppor­ 'lko call you and say they'll give tunity to play ball again. me an opportunity once you get Knowing that I had to do some out of tlwm, it's that much bet­ things to get myself right, per­ tN to go in and do what you sonally, as far as being a better havo to do and get out of there," father, a better son, a better Hobinson, his voice quivering a brother. I felt like I had to get bit. "It gives you motivation to that right first and foremost got evorything handled, because before any of the football you havn sorneonn waiting on . things. you when you get out. In any "I felt like I was embarrassing situation, any aspect of your my family. My parents didn't AP lifo, to be wanted fenls good." raise me like that, for the things Koren Robinson stretches during an April workout with Seattle. The troubled receiver was picked Hobinson signed with the I was doing. They didn't raise up by Minnesota after being released earlier this year by the Seahawks. Vikings on Tuesday. Now the me like that. It was time for a former North Carolina State change." back Daunte Culpepper said. close friend of Robinson's from think this young man has done star is looking to resurrect a A player with Hobinson's "His off-the-field things, every­ their days at North Carolina that. I think he deserves a sec­ earner - and a life - that was speed and talent will always get body goes through something to State. Williams encouraged Tice ond chance." overwhelmed by the tempta­ a second chance. That it came get where they want. We have to pursue Hobinson and Hearing that, Hobinson eould tions of pro football during his with the Vikings, who dumped to welcome him and embrace vouched for him on a personal only express appreciation and four years in Seattle. Handy Moss in the offseason him and hope that he under­ level. gratitude toward Tice for giving Hobinson pleaded guilty in because they were tired of the stands the importance of him Now it's up to Robinson to him that chance. .July to drunken driving and had distractions he created, came as being successful and doing the prove his friend right. Wearing "Being down there in that all but one day of his yearlong a mild surprise. right thing." No. 18, Robinson is currently treatment facility, man, it just sentence suspended. He has a "Koren Hobinson is a guy who · Easing the transition will be listed as sixth on the depth made me renect on everything Sept. 14 court date stemming has such great ability," quarter- Brian Williams, a chart at receiver and Tice said as far as growing up as a little he did not expect him to suit up kid to that point," Hobinson for at least the first two games. said. "''d been taking a lot of "We're not going to rush him things for granted. I see that. because I have some pretty I'm just ready to move forward good receivers ahead of him with my life and my career." right now who are really com­ But he knows it will be a long ing on quite strong," Tice said. time before anyone lets him for­ What ultimately convinced the get about his troubles, and DRAFTING DIVERSITY coach to give Hobinson another before he gets a complete han­ shot was his humble demeanor dle on them himself. and willingness to admit he For now, he's just happy that ENHANCING OUR CULTURAL COMMUNITY needed help. some sense of normalcy has "He voluntarily went into returnnd to a life marked by too rehab and knows that he many highs and lows for too messed up," Tice said. "You long. A Leadership Training Retreat deal with these spoiled athletes "Very chaotic," Hobinson said,. and a lot of times even though describing these last fnw Friday-Saturday they've made mistakes and months, bnfore pausing to eom­ they're caught, they still don't posl~ himself. "It's benn sad, it's September 30-0ctober 1 want to admit they need to get had its ups and downs. But J'v1~ some things squared away. I learned a lot from it.

Want to develop retreat leadership skills in a culturally diverse setting? Need to develop the language and confidence when speaking of cultural diversity ATHLETIC TRAINING in the classroom or in private conversations? Need a change from homogeneity? & SPORTS MEDICINE If you answered yes to any of these questions, sign up for the There will be a meeting for any DDECC Leadership Retreat today! It's new and one of a kind! Notre Dame freshman students To register, e-mail Chandra Johnson at [email protected]. interested in the student athletic Registration deadline is Friday, September 16. For further information contact Covington Doan ([email protected]) or Melanie Berge ([email protected]). training program. The meeting will be held on Monday, September Sponsored by Campus Ministry and Multicultural Student Programs and Services. 12th, at 4:15p.m. in the Joyce Center Athletic Training Room. page 22 The Observer+ PAID ADVERTISEMENT Thursday, September 8, 2005

Nine Days of Prayer and solidarity with our sisters and brothers who have struggled through the trauma of Hurricane·


A profound word of thanks to the entire Notre Dame comnzunity­ students, faculty, and staff- who helped to contribute for relief efforts over the weekend.

The nine day period of pr'!yer and solidarity "\{ BEGINS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 and continues through WEDNESDAy;tsEPTEMBER 14


Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, Thursday, Septen1ber 15 at 5:15PM, will conclude the nine days of prayer.

Campus Ministry -- '

Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer + SPORTS page 23

USA HocKEY Four goalies try out for spot vacated by Richter

Young netminders filling out Olympic rosters in for the Turin Games in is 27 and has the most NIIL manager Don Waddell said. "If 1998. February. experience. He has played 128 you watch what we have going vie to replace 1996 It was a simple choice. lie A young crew of four goalies regular-season NHL games and on right now with the four guys grew up in the USA Hockey was invited to this week's helped the Flyers reach Game 7 we have lwre, three are experi­ World Cup MVP program, played in the Olympic hockey orientation of the Eastern Conference enced NIIL players and one is Olympics as an amateur in camp and all like their chances. finals in 2004. on his way to what will be a Associated Press 1988 and then won a Stanley "These are young kids. This is The other three are 23-year­ very bright NIIL career. Not sincn 1994 has a mystery Cup with the New York the foundation," three-time old Hick DiPietro of the New "The goaltending end of it, surrounded who would be the Hangers. lie sealed his position Olympic forward Keith York Islanders, 29-year-old Ty whore it might have been a United States' top Olympic as "the guy" with an MVP per­ Tkachuk said Wednesday. "You Conklin of Edmonton, and question a few years ago, I goalin. formance in the 1996 World need great goaltending, and Buffalo's Hyan Miller, who is think is starting· to answer Mike Hiehtor was a given, a Cup. that's what we've had over the only 25. itself. I think it will be a trun constant for the American But he couldn't play forever. years with Mike Richter." "There are going to be some s,trength, for us come tnam once NIIL players starting Now there isn't a clear choice Hobert Esche of Philadelphia tough choices," U.S. general hbruary. AITHPbiNT Thursday, September 8, 2005 ... TOniGIIT 9/8 -LIVE IT!! Irons Sharpens Iron Ministry (lSI) 329 Co-Mo 10PM

Next time you are at mass on campus and hear beautiful organ or piano playing, it would be worthwhile to look at the face behind the piano because it may very well be Eleanore Strong. Eleanore is a senior, Howard Hall SUnDAY9/II resident and organ major who has been very generous with her time and talents since arriving here on Campus. Students at the MBA and Keenan Hall masses have enjoyed Eleanore's expert organ and piano playing since her arrival on campus. Visitors to campus have likewise been treated to Eleanore's musical prowess at the 10:00 am RCIA Information Sessions Sunday Basilica Mass where she sings as a member of the Notre Dame Liturgical Choir. Eleanore balances her for Candidates, Catechumens, participation in these multiple liturgies with her commitment to the psychology experiments she runs as a and Sponsors: psychology major. In addition to sharing her talents with the wider Notre Dame community, Eleanore takes time out 330 Co-Mo l-2PM of her everyday life to be an inspiring example of faith to her friends who have found her to be a wonderful person with whom to share their faith journey. ••••••••••••• Eucharistic Ministry Training Let us know who out there is making a differen~e! (mandatory if interested) Send nominations to Brian Vassel at bvassel(q} Basilica 3:15PM ••••••••••••• Catholi~ 1}&-A What are Indulgences? Lector VVorkshops Basilica 8:15PM One of the major complaints of the reformers at the time of the Protestant Reformation was the buying and selling of indulgences by some people within the Catholic Church. So what is the deal with indulgences? Are they still around? Indulgences are indeed still a part of Catholic Church teaching and relate closely to the Sacrament of monday 9/lt Reconciliation and Catholic theology on the nature of sin and forgiveness. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines an indulgence as "a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven (#1471 )." Indulgences are described as either "partial" or "plenary," depending on whether they take Altar Servers Training away a part or all of this temporal punishment. Basilica 9:00PM In gaining a full understanding of indulgences, one must examine our Christian understanding of sin and its "double consequence." We all know that sin separates us from God. When we receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, the priest (representing God and the Church} forgives us of the guilt of our sins. This forgiveness breaks down the barrier between God and humankind, and takes away our "just reward" for sin: eternal Tue1day 9/1 S punishment. However, as the Catechism clarifies, sin also "entails an unhealthy attachment to creatures which must be purified .... This purification frees one from what is called the 'temporal punishment of sin (#1472}." Temporal punishment can be eliminated through "offering up" the trials and tribulations of earthly life to Christ. Likewise, an indulgence also eliminates some or all of this temporal punishment due for sins. 1111:1 One receives an indulgence through prayer and works of charity. Indulgences can be received for Catholic. Fellowship. Here. everything from making religious pilgrimages, to serving the poor, to praying a rosary, if these are done with the intention of receiving an indulgence. Normally, receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation, as well as Cavanaugh Hall Chapel offering prayers for the intentions of the pope, complete the process of obtaining an indulgence. 8:30PM Of primary importance here is to remember that our God is rich in mercy, and He is not a heavenly accountant. The forgiveness an indulgence obtains still comes from the font of God'"s endless love and mercy. Topic: While some members of the Church tried to profit from the sale of God's mercy, a clearer understanding of sin, The Eucharist indulgences, and God's mercy will hopefully put some of these misunderstandings to rest. with Father Kevin RusS(laU, esc Sen~ your questions to Brett Perkins at [email protected]!

Phone 1-7800 Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Web 1st 2nd Gospel Main Office Sirach Romans 319CoMo Matthew Retreats Office 27:30-28:9 14:7-9 18:21-35 ampus Ministry 114 CoMo page 24 The Observer + SPORTS Thursday, September 8, 2005

minute of play, on an unassisted the ball more. Brewster welcomes the shot from Caroline Leighton (1 "I think when it's [the challenge. She sees it as an Titans goal, 1 assist). Brewster match] on the line, she wants The Belles had trouble dealing opportunity, and she has no continued from page 28 continued from page 28 the ball," Brown said. "And fear of other American with a quick Titans offense - a she just does smart things. It's team much faster than Saint Volleyball Coaches Association week. her experience, her leader­ Top 25 teams -just respect. with a lot of intensity. We made Mary's customary competition. the needed adjustments in the "They made it very difficult for On Sunday night, Brewster ship, the way she's leading by "It is such an opportunity to collected a career-high 28 example. play a team in the top 25," second half. us in terms of trying to figure out "In terms of the outcome from kills, also the second-highest "She was outstanding [last she said. a way to slow them down a bit," a coaching perspective, we had total ever by a Notre Dame weekend]." Now, the Irish themselves Mackenzie said. "They were a players positionally not in com­ middle blocker. There's not much of a break are in the top 25. They very technical team, they just fortable places." The senior middle blocker for Notre Dame -just this entered at No. 19 this week played a better brand of soccer The Titans put away their third has been "unbelievably valu­ week in practice to prepare after their successful week­ than we did tonight." goal to go up 3-0 in the 36th able to the team for another end. The Belles beld the Titans minute. Midfieldcr Lyndsay scoreless for the remaining 30 right now, tough tourna­ The ranking is their highest O'Brien pocketed a pass from Brown said. since Nov. 2003 when they minutes of regulation, making ment. forward Amy Slott past Belles' While she had a "I think when [the The Irish will were No. 17. They are 3-0 for the necessary changes to handle goaltender Laura llclinc. few lapses in her match is! on the travel to San the first time since the 2002 the explosive Titans Mackenzie credited llcline attackers.This was the last tunc­ usually excep­ line, she wants the Antonio this season. weekend for the with playing a strong game. up before the Belles begin MIAA tional serving ball." Notre Dame hopes to have "She made a great effort, han­ over the week­ University of sophomore starting outside conference play on Saturday end, the 6-foot-3 dled a lot of shots," Mackenzie against strong rival Hope Texas San hitter Ellen Heintzman back said. Brewster gained Debbie Brown Antonio Dome by this weekend. She injured College. Mackenzie feels her confidence as Rally in the her medial collateral ligament Also coming up with strong team will come ready to play and Irish head coach- the matches Alamodome, the in the Michigan match and sat performances for the Belles were start of their season strong. went along. site of this year's out the Shamrock Invitational. seniors Carrie Orr. Shannon "We have to take two steps Already equipped with out­ volleyball Final Four. As a team with momentum, Culbertson and Maura Schoen. back before we take a step for­ On ofTense, Carolyn Logan and standing talent and work Continuing its already gruel­ with a national player of the ward," she said. "We will sort it Lauren Hinton pressured the ethic, she is nearly unstop­ ing schedule, Notre Dame week and a returning starter, out. We have the ability to be a Wesleyan defense but could not pable on offense and impassa­ takes on No. 8 ranked the Irish might be the ones to really good team." lind the back of the net. ble on defense as matches Southern California Friday at be feared in San Antonio. The last goal for Wesleyan progress. 7 p.m., Oklahoma Saturday at came near the start of the sec­ Contact Kyle Cassity at Some athletes might tire 1:30 p.m. and No. 6 ranked Contact Tom Dorwart at ond half, just past the 50th [email protected] and fade, but Brewster wants Florida Sunday at 11 a.m. [email protected]

MLB Matsui slams. 400th career home run in win

of Japan's Central League doesn't think Matsui had been cutting New York's deficit to Japan for his power, Matsui Yankees slugger hit from 1993-02. pressing to reach the mile­ 4-3. He finished 2-for-4 with was a three-time Central 332 homers in Japan "The .feeling itself, it is the stone. three RBis, and the Yankees League home run champion same," Matsui said through a "Knowing him as we do, I rallied to win 5-4 on Jason and hit 40 or more three Associated Press translator. "I don't really add doubt that. he was goal-orient­ Giambi's two-run shot in the times. Hideki Matsui's milestone the statistics that I had in ed there _ especially getting eighth. But after hitting a career­ made news on two continents. Japan and the home runs ·up in situations where base "The home run was one high 50 in 2002, he had only The New York Yankees out­ here." hits were so important to us," thing, but to come back with 16 homers in his first season fielder hit his 400th profes­ But he did keep the ball as a Torre said. "He's too profes­ the double the next time, that in the major leagues. sional home run Wednesday souvenir. sional, just too good at what was the one that got us back He has 104 RBis this year, night, connecting in the fourth "To me, it's not that impor­ he does." to where we felt we could win his sixth straight season with inning against the Tampa Bay tant," he said. "Perhaps my Matsui also hit a two-run the game," Torre said. at least 100 going back to his Devil Rays. father will be pretty happy if I double in the sixth inning, Nicknamed "Godzilla" in career in Japan. Matsui's drive to right-cen­ give it to him." ter off Doug Waechter gave Waechter retired his first 10 him 21 home runs this season batters before Matsui's homer, and 68 since joining the his first since Aug. 23 against Yankees in 2003. He hit 332 Toronto's Miguel Batista. But homers for the Yomiuri Giants Yankees manager Joe Torre Unplanned Pregnancy? Don't go it alone.

Ifyou or someone you love needs help or information, please call.

For Confidential Support & Assistance Hurricane Katrina Available at Notre Dame: Victims • Sr. Jean Lenz, O.S.F., Student Affairs, 1-7407 • Sr. Mary Louise Gude, C.S.C., Student Affairs, 1-7819 • Sylvia Di lion, Campus Ministry, 1-7163 • John Dillon, Campus Ministry, 1-7163 Sponsored By: • Dr. Susan Steibe-Pasa1ich, Counseling Center, 1-7336 CHEERS and MUDTOY • Ann E. Kleva, Health Services, 1-8286 Thursday 100% South Bend Community Resources: September 8th of all donations will go to 9pm­ Tbe American Midnight • Women's Care Center: 234-0363 Red Cross • Catholic Charities: 234-3111 $5 donation at the door. .------;------~ ------

Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer + SPORTS page 25

PGA TouR Canadian Open struggles to attract big names

player in the world is huge. when Tiger doesn't come, but schedule puts it right in the man tour playnr who seored a Woods, Mickelson, Singh injured his back a cou­ the field is as good as it's ever middle of a pair of tournaments rare win at the Dnutsche Bank, ple of weeks ago playing ping been," said Stephen Hoss, exec­ on the East Coast - the pulled out. others pull out for a pong with his son and withdrew utive director of the Hoyal Deutsche Bank Championship Stephen Ames, a native of variety of reasons from last week's Deutsche Bank Canadian Golf Association, in Boston and next week's H4 Trinidad who now is a Canadian Championship. Singh's decision which runs thn tournament. Lumber event in Pennsylvania. citizen, said Wndnesday the Associated Press to defend his title in the Maybe so, but Mickelson, It· also didn't help that the PC;\ Tour schedule favors tour­ Bt~gard loss of what. happens Canadian Open was great news Kt-mny Perry and Davis Love III Deutsche Bank's l"inal round naments on U.S. soil. llw n~st of tlw week, Vijay Singh for a tournament short on are among the tour's household wasn't played until Monday. "It feels like wn'ro bning has alroady given tho Canadian headliners. names who played the Some players apparently kicked back into a secondary Opnn a hugo lifl -just by "Tlw back is line," Singh said Canadian Open last year at Glen weren't willing to make the long category," ;\mns said. "I wish showing up. Wednesday. "I could have a Abbey and aren't here this trip west after the oxtendnd (PG;\ Tour commissiorwrl Tim With Tiger Woods, Phil slight horniated disc, but at my week. With a few extra spots to stay in Boston, then have to (Finchern) would look at that. Mkkelson and ollwr top players age, the guy says everybody has work with, 16 Canadian play­ travel baek across the U.S. to Wn have so many foreign play­ passing up the world's third that." ers, including three amateurs, play jn Pennsylvania. ers now that we should sharn oldest pro tournanwnt, tho Tournament o!Ticials insist are in the field. "It definitely hurt us," Hoss the wealth rathnr than just prnsnncn of the defending this year's field is just fine, too. Part of the Canadian Open's said of the PGA's scheduling. thinking Americans all tho champion and second-ranked "I'm always disappointed problem is that the PGA Tour Even Olin Browne, a journoy- time."

TENNIS Ginepri continues Cinderella U.S. Open run vvith victory

points after a double-fault to but during the match, the said he was worn out by his body was hurting. It was hard Unseeded American love-40 in the 1Oth game of more I serve, the more it gets live-set victory over Massu two to keep up the same speed I reaches semifinal the final set as the two play­ tight- the forearm, the shoul­ days earlier - at 4 hours, 32 had. But I gave it all - ran, ers, each wearing white caps der. I knew it could happen. minutes the longest match of tried hard and gave it all I with win over Coria backward, engaged in long That's just the way it is." the tournament. could. He won because he rallies. Coria, who missed last year's "It was a tough break that deserved it. He's been waiting Associated Press Coria was involved in a tern­ Open because of a shoulder the match with Massu was so for a moment like this for a NEW YOHK Robby pest with Chilean Nicolas injury that needed surgery, long," Coria said, "My whole long time." Ginnpri, an unsung, unseeded Massu in his previous match, Arneriean toiling hard through but against .Ginepri there was tlw U.S. Open, gutted his way nothing but respect. On one out of trouble and got the gift point earlier in the fifth set, of Guillermo Coria's 13th and the players gave each other a 14th double-faults on the last high-live at the net when they two points to reach a Grand combined for a particularly Slam semifinal for the first thrilling point - a beautifully limn. angled drop shot by Coria, a Ginnpri, a 22-year-old who full-eourt running scoop by had never gonn beyond the Ginepri feathered barely over third round of tho Open, won the net, and a putaway back­ his third straight five-setter hand half-volley winner by against a seeded player, 4-6, Coria. h-1, 7-5, 3-·(,, 7-5, Wednesday Now trailing 4-5, Coria saved and guarantnnd that an the second match point with a ;\nwriean will play in tho final. backhand, and the third with a Cirwpri's opponent in the brazen overhead from the somis Saturday will be the baseline that skipped ofT the winner of tho Andre ;\gassi­ top of the net cord . .lamns Blake night match. lie held to 5-5 after one "The last three matches took more long rally. so much out of After serving mn, I'm just his ninth ace dead right at 124 mph to now," (;innpri ''The last three hold for a 6-5 told the erowd matches took so much lead in the as his family, fifth set, suf'f'nring and out of me. I'm just dead Ginepri celebrating on right now." jumped out to altornatn his fourth points, watched Robby Glnepri mateh point at from the play­ 30-40 on Tennis player ers' box. llis Coria's serve sistl~r . .lenni, when the took photos as wearying he spokn. "I don't know "how I Argentine slapped a forehand got through that mateh. just wide. Nervous, Ginepri "I don't know what's going pulled the front of his yellow on right now. I'm a little foggy, shirt up to chomp on it with a littln dizzy. It's crazy. Crazy!" his teeth, then tried to close Mary Pinrce, the 2000 out the match. Frnneh Open and 1995 Instead, he saw Coria save­ Australian winner, advanced to the point with a forehand that her first U.S. Opnn semifinals, Ginepri stretched to reach but boating fellow Frenchwoman netted. ;\ rn e I in Mau r n s rn o (,- 4, 6-1 . Three points later, Coria l'inrcn, snndnd 12th, will play mishit a backhand wide to give Friday against the winner of Ginepri a firth match point. thn Lindsay Davnnport-Einna Coria saved that with a sur­ l>enwntieva match. prising serve and volley. That "It's amazing," said Pierce, was all Coria had left. lie dou­ who roached tho Frnneh Open ble-faulted to set up the sixth final in .Juno. "I'm 30, 17th match point and double-fault­ year on tho tour, and thore's ed again to lose. still firsts for me. That's pretty Coria said he had been hav­ exdting." ing problems with the nerve in (;inepri's victory ovnr the No. his right hand and wasn't able H Coria, the Argentine who to grip the racket hard. was a French Open finalist last "I was losing fneling on the year, took just over throe hand," Coria said in Spanish hours and nndnd with a dra­ while motioning with his right matit: series of six match pinkie. "It has been happening points. for four days. Coria overcame three match "I had a lot of treatment ... page 26 The Observer + SPORTS Thursday, September 8, 2005

there," the coach said. "They showed some heart, but we need­ Hope ed to do that throughout the Rushing continued from page 28 match. We had too much of that continued from page 28 in spurts." ence match of the 2005 season. The Belles could not carry this "One head would go down and momentum into the final game, Irish head coach Charlie Weis then another head would go however. An early Saint Mary's 3- said his defense will be prepared down," Schroeder-Biek said. 2 lead was quickly washed away not only for a strong running "That was contagious unfortu­ by ten consecutive Hope points. game, but a diverse one, as well. nately." Schroeder-Biek eventually called "[Grady] holds about every The Belles looked strong at the a timeout with her team down 28- Michigan rushing record there is outset, jumping to an ~arly 4-1 14. known to mankind," Weis said. lead in the first game of the The Belles came out of the time­ "So you can't just be concerned match. The Flying Dutch quickly out digging their heels in once with just one guy. They could run responded, though, with a 9-1 again, going on a 5-1 run to bring the ball inside. They could run run, forcing Schroeder-Biek to the score to 29-19. It was too little the ball outside. They could run call the first timeout of the to late, ho~ever, as a kill by with speed." evening. Hope's Lindsey Schaap brought Weis is not far off in his Saint Mary's battled back and the match to a dose. description of Grady, who holds cut the Hope lead to 19-16 on a The Flying Dutch attack was the Michigan high school state kill-block from freshman orchestrated by junior setter records for carries (1,154), rush­ Catherine Kurczak. Hope Stephanie Poll, who logged an ing yards (8,431), touchdowns regained control from there, how­ ·astounding 42 assists and a (151), scoring (924) and consecu­ ever, and closed out the game match-high 24 digs. Outside hit­ tive 100-yard rushing games with a fimil score of 30-18. ters Julie Vanderslice and Kim (24). The second game held more of Brandes caused problems for the When he and Hart are both the same with Hope posting an Belles all night, recording 22 and clicking, that means more oppor­ early 11-5 lead that it would 11 kills, respectively. tunity for second-year quarter­ never surrender. Flying Dutch For the Belles, junior Kristen back Chad Henne to throw the outside attacker Kim Brandes Playko led the way with a team­ deep ball - something Notre dominated the Belles front line, high 8 kills and 5 digs. Junior Dame struggled against last sea­ Amanda David, who is a setter for and Hope easily took the game, son and still appears prone to, as I I 30-21. the first time in her career, had 21 Pittsburgh exposed on its first Irish linebacker Corey Mays intercepts a pass in practice Aug. Saint Mary's came to life in the assists and 16 digs for the Belles. series last Saturday. 19. Mays will be key in stopping Michigan's running game. third game. Hope again estab­ Saint Mary's next competes in "If we're running the ball well, lished an early 11-5 lead, but the the Wooster College Invitational the safeties have to come up, Belles refused to give up on the this Friday and Saturday. which open up things for Chad," Against Northern Illinois last mistakes this week against Notre match and battled back to tie the Schroeder-Biek hopes that her Hart said. Saturday, though the Wolverines Dame. They're going to definitely game at 14-14. The two teams team can learn from· its failures Minter aims to make Michigan rolled, their fifth-year senior left capitalize more on them." stayed neck and neck until the against Hope and enter the tour­ one dimensional in the passing tackle Adam Stenavich felt his All aspects of football including Belles fmally pulled away in the nament with greater confidence game because he knows when group turned in a sub-par per­ preparation, adjustments, coach­ closing points. Freshman middle and focus. Notre Dame did so last season, formance. ing, special teams and others will blocker Kaela Hellman delivered "Maybe this is a good lesson for the result was an extra stroke in "I felt we were just kicking come into play in the heated the final blow for Saint Mary's, us to see that most sports are the win column. ourselves in the foot a lot," rivalry Saturday. But the truth, ending the game in a 30-27 Belle more mental. than physical. We As opposed to 2003 in Ann Stenavich said. "When we'd get evidenced by recent and all-time victory. beat ourselves before we walked Arbor, when Michigan ran 54 down there, and then that history, is simple. The resiliency shown by Saint onto the court," Schroeder-Biek times to its 24 pass attempts, the fourth-and-one we didn't get, When Michigan runs well, Mary's in the third game stood out said. Irish forced the Wolverines into that stopped the drive. Michigan wins. to Schroeder-Biek as the night's the air last September - they "Then we had a fumble on the one bright spot. Contact Kevin Brennan at threw 40 passes and ran the ball goal line that stopped another Contact Pat Leonard at "They showed some spirit [email protected] 30 times. drive. We just can't make those [email protected]

Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

University of Notre Dame Contaminants that might be expected to be in source water (untreated water) Regulated at Point of Entry (Well) include: Substance ! Highest EPA's EPA's Range Source of ~ l Microbial contaminants, such as viruses and bacteria, which may come I I Level MCL MCLG I Contamination Annual Drinking Water Quality Report from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural livestock i Detected operations and wildlife. · Barium 0.12 2.0 2.0 0.057-0.12 Erosion of natural de .,. 2004 Consumer Confidence Report Arsenic (ppm) 0.0025 0.01 0 <0.0020 I Erosion of natural deposits ! Inorganic contaminants, such as salts and metals, which can be naturally· 0.0025 occurring or result from urban stormwater runoff, industrial or domestic Gross alpha 3.8 15 0 1.9-3.8 Naturally occumng wastewater discharges, oil, pesticides and herbicides. loCI/1. i Gross beta (pCill.) 21.2 50 0 3.2-21.2 Decay of natural and Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and volatile organic I manmadecle"ooslts The amendments to the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act require each public water chemicals, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum Nitrate (ppm) 0.72 10 10 <0.1-0.72 ! Ru=:r~~~~~:~~~~llc ! supply to produce a water quality report titled the Consumer Confidence Report production or can come from gas stations, urban stormwater runoff, and (CCR). Following is the University's annual report for the 2004 calendar year. septic systems. Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally-occurring or are the The University's water system is a privately owned public water supply operated result of oil and gas production and mining activities. R·ange Source ot by the Utilities Department The University's system provides water to the Contamination University community and the nearby C.S.C. properties. Questions regarding the Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the system or sampling resuns can be directed to Paul Kempf, Director of Utilities, general population. Persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons 102 Facilities Building, Notre Dame, IN 46556, phone 574.631.6594 or Mike who have undergone organ transplants, persons with HIVIAIDS or other immune McCauslin, Assistant Director, Risk Management and Safety, 636 Grace Hall, system disorders, some elderly and infants can be particularly susceptible. Regulated at User Tap These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care 1 Notre Dame, IN 46556, phone 574.631.5037. Substance . Highest ! EPA's EPA's Range Sourceof providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of i Level I MCL MCLG Contamination There are currently six wells serving the water system, all located on the campus infection from Cryptosporidium and microbial contaminants are available from the Detected 1 proper. The water is drawn from deep aquifers surrounded by substantial clay Safe Drinking Water Hotline (1.800.426.479t) or at the EPA's website at Copper (ppb) 90 350 i 1300 1300 · oercen111e ~ll.i!Jlov/silfewater. barriers that serve to protect the groundwater supply. We do not believe that our l2ad (ppb) 90 <1.0 • 12 I Conosion of plumbing source is vulnerable to contamination. We are also taking steps to ensure that ...... ~!~~~-~---- 1~ ...... 1 ..... ~~...... 1...... 0 ...... ! ...... ~~·...... our water source does not become contaminated and are in the final stages of a Infants and young children are typically more vulnerable to lead in drinking water Wellhead Protection Program. This program assists in defining where the water than the general population. In general, if you flush your could tap until the water supply comes from and methods to protect the aquifers from potential gets as cold as it is going to get, you will have eliminated the potential metal Definitions contamination. contamination. Additional information is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (1.800.426.4791) or at the EPA's website at MCL: Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). The highest level of a contaminant The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled) include rivers, lakes, allowed in drinking water. streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs and wells. As water travels over the surface We have tested for over 150 parameters regulated by the EPA and the State of of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally-occurring minerals and, in Indiana. Included in these tests were metals, volatile organics, pesticides, MCLG: Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG). The level of a contaminant some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up substances resulting from herbicides. synthetic organic chemicals and cyanide. at which there is no known or expected health risk. animal and human activity. Water Quality Data Ql1!]); parts per million. Drinking water, including bottled water, may reason·ably be expected to contain at !1ll!l; parts per billion. least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does The table below lists the EPA's regulated and unregulated contaminants not necessarily indicate the water poses a health risk. More information about detected in the University's drinking water. All of the contaminants are below llQill Percentile: 90% of the samples were below the number listed. contaminants and potential health affects can be obtained by calling the allowable levels. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Safe Drinking Water Hotline pCi/L: picocuries per liter. (1.B00.426.479t) or at the EPA's website at Not included in the table are the more than 150 other contaminants including pesticides, herbicides, metals, synthetic organic chemicals, volatile organic Since 1993, the University has been granted a Standardized Monitoring chemicals and others which were tested and not detected. Framework (SMF t ), monitoring waiver. Due to the high quality of the water, the monitoring frequencies are significantly reduced. .------

Thursday, September 8, 2005 The Observer+ TODAY page 27


Should we tell him that's THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by Henri Arnold and Mike Arglrlon Just step back and Jl!J3WID1ffi pray he has good aim. Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, I to form four ordinary words. TAP AD

1 r J @2005 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All R1ghts Reserved. RUYLB j I r I CROSSIANTWORLD ADAM FAIRHOLM tVOXCEN WHAT KIND OF OUTFIT DID SHE J I I BUY WHEN SHE L-OST WEIGHT? WEL(OMf,MEN, F-IRST T\4\N<:t 01'\ T\-\E HA'5> AN'jON E ... To ANOTH~-1'-, ,ll.<.:tENt>A: ALl 5\'.I.Pit:>, OLt:> C:lo\ AN'j OTHEK EDGERD 'e>OA 1'-. b Of. YENl>INl1 MACI-\I~~S AV,~ COOL lt>E A!!:. TO t Now arrange 'the circled letters 0\~toCTOV-..S SLOV'IL~ BE.tNLI "Ef'L,II.lE.{) IMI'~O"E NOtRE to form the surprise answer, as J (] I I suggested by the above cartoon. MEE fi'Nl!. '1/'oJ rn-\ Tl-10<£: BAt>A<:.S ONE!) ~ME 7 1'10? ALF>-t\.:ol.ft '1/'oJ\412: ~E.. rr (JOE_') AND, Ll \o:.E. .l-EtS 60 0\AI":>I DE. ' (TEn> -n-lf: DR.II'IK SO IT Pr:int answer here: "(IIIIIIJ" toESriT FALL P.LL !14t::- (Answers tomorrow) '-N"'i PO'W N Yesterday's I Jumbles: AWOKE DRYLY QUENCH LIZARD Answer: The outlaws respected the artist because he was- QUICK ON THE "DRAW"


CELEBRITIES HORN ON THIS BAY: Kdly Clarkson. 23; J.:an-Paul Gaulti.:r. ACROSS 27 In a major way 56 Something a 53; Barbra Streisand, 63; Shirley Macl:aine. 71 1 Org. 29 How some meat student gets back 6 Things to pick dishes are Happy Birthday: If you truly hclieve in yourself and your ideas, take the first served step to making them happen. A chance to do something big is present. so think 10 Slew 59 Liable to be 33 Bruin teammate called about what's really important to you. Make a conc.:rt.:d cflort to change that part 14 1998's of Orr of your life. It could be the start of a whole n.:w p.:rsonal and prof.:ssionallif.:. Report 60 Sonoma Your numbers are 6. 18. 23. 29, 33. 37 36 Go all-out neighbor 15 Brothers' name in 1960's-70's 37 Ste. Jeanne 61 Spanish ARIES (March 21-April 19): A sudd.:n change in your financial situation is baseball 38 Common girlfriend appar.:nt. An older relative may pos.: a problem for you. Doth.: best you can to help, but don't let anyone make you feel guilty I(Jr something you have no control element of 20- 62 Scope 16 Prefix with over.*** and 56-Across distant 63 End TAl/RUS (Apri120-May 20): Today is all about love, romance and spending and 10- and 17 The Reagans' time with someone you really adore. You can rely on fri.:nds. relatives or even 27-Down 64 Purplish daughter neighbors to help you out. *** 40 "_Baby" 65 Last Stuart 18 Thunderbolt GEMINI (May 21-.June 20): You can gel a lot don.: today. Reconsider your (''Hair" song) monarch lifestyle and make changes to help you look and feel your hcst. You will h.: torn thrower 41 Kid carriers 66 Puts in its place hetween making a change and keeping things exactly th.: same. *** 19 Degree CANCER (.June 21-.July 22): It's time to take a chance and hook up with some 67 Antique guns competitor 43 1971 rock different people or take a short trip. Visit someone or allend som.:thing that will album with the 20 Where you get you excited and optimistic ahout making a change. ***** hit "Won't Get might get a DOWN LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You will have to try exceptionally hard if you want to Fooled Again" avoid problems with a loved one or friend. Watch what you say and how you promotion 1 Puppy love 45 Temptress act. Someone may have a change of heart. Prepare to defend yourself. ***** 22 Big name in providers: Abbr. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): This can turn out to he a very exciting day for 46 Glimpse news beginning 2 "60 Minutes" relationships and partnerships. Open your heart and your mind to the ideas that 1925 47 "O.K." regular others have to offer. **** 23 Franken and 49 Cause of LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Your mind will be on gelling ahead. A change of 3 Fills Gore hearing loss direction or taking a unique approach to what you would normally do while at 4 Dog bowl bits work will be what leads you in a new direction. Discipline will be the key to 24 Something 50 Prefix with 5 Early American your success. *** good to shoot center 27 It will sometimes 35 Grand finale? 51 Proselytizer's patriot_ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Update your looks or take a fresh new look at 25 "Hey!" 53 Insult, comically have icing target something you are trying to create. Walking away from something you believe Attucks 36 Chicago suburb 28 "Gigi" composer 52 Apple products in will not help matters. *** 6 Home of the 39 Some are sharp SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A sudden change of luck is heading your ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 30 Agree (with) 53 Author Latin Church of 42 Compass way. Do something to fix up your residence or make it more comfortable. 3 stars Neale Hurston the Annunciation 31 Alternative to heading CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. I9): Friendship will be important today. A trip that 7 "Before _ you Windows 54 Knowing, as a takes you back to your roots will be eye-opening. You shouldn't have to spend 44 Beachwear too much money on entertainment. **** go ... " 32 Editor's note secret AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. IS): Keep your thoughts to yourself, especially about 46 Express 55 Superbright a Sensitive 33 1999 satire of your home and personal life. The fewer decisions you have to make, the better. 48" Dei" 57 Sullen, after "in" 9 Rolled food reality shows - A creative idea may be your answer to financial freedom.** 34 Eastern attire 50 Banned one 58 Send out PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Children and elders may play a role in your life 1 o Place where today. You will be a little unpredictable, but that will only draw more interest in people take you. This is the perfect day to spend time with someone you love or want to get orders For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.20 a minute; or, with a to know better. ***** 11 Somewhat blue credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Birthday Baby: You are sensitive, careful and very intuitive. 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Thursday, September 8, 2005 PORTS page 28

FOOTBALL SMC VOLLEYBALL Wolverine rush Dutchmen Notre Dame defense aims to keep Michigan offense one-dimensional, preferably off-ground get best of

By PAT LEONARD the Belles Sporrs Writer

The last time Notre Dame played Michigan in Ann Arbor, Schroeder-Biek says the Wolverines ran the ball 54 times. Michigan won the game, team mental approach 38-0. was "disappointing" It's no secret Michigan coach Lloyd Carr is most comfortable By KEVIN BRENNAN when his team is running the ball Sporrs Writer efficiently. Even last Saturday, with Michigan up 27-10 at half­ Sometimes your head just isn't time of an eventual 33-17 win in it. over Northern Illinois, sopho­ Belles coach Julie Schroeder­ more running back Mike Hart Hick said that was exactly the had 27 carries liJr 117 yards and case for the Saint Mary's volley­ one touchdown. Freshman back ball team last night at the Angela Kevin Grady also had nine car­ Athletic Center. Hope College ries, 42 yards and a touchdown. downed the Belles in four quick "They always had a great games: 30-18, 30-21, 27-30, 30- otl'ensive line, so in the last 15, 19. 20 years they started recruiting "It's disappointing," Schroeder­ nationwide and the skill has Biek said. "We are capable of so come on board to give them as much stronger play. We didn't go much speed as most of the mar­ into this mentally as strong as we quee teams in the country," Irish needed to." defensive coordinator Rick The coach was upset with the Minter said. "I think it's all about low level of confidence displayed stopping the run." by Saint Mary's in its first confer- Irish defensive end Victor Abiamiri fights off a block against Pitt Saturday. Abiamiri and fellow see RUSHING/page 26 linemen Trevor Laws, Derek Landri and Chris Frome will be key against Michigan's running game. see HOPE/page 26

SMC SOCCER ND VOLLEYBALL Shorthanded Belles Brewster honored by CVU fall to Tilinois Wesleyan Preseason Big East player of the year "Our kids played hard, but Wfl St. Mary's falls 4-0 were missing bodies in the first continues to shine to defending national half that would have really innu­ enced the game," Belles coach By TOM DORWART Caryn Mackenzie said. "It was champion Wesleyan Sporrs Writer just one of those games that we took on the chin, and we will By KYLE CASSILY continue to grow and get better." It's coaching instinct. Sports Writer Three of the Titans' goals When preseason All- came in the first half. a sign that American Lauren Brewster Normally, dealing with a the Belles made on-the-fly slips up - which is rarely - defending national champion is adjustments to fight back and Debbie Brown almost wants more work than most teams can take control of the game. to scold her star player. Wesleyan's Katie Kelly opened handle, but the Belles' soccer But the 15-year Irish head I MEN NELLA/The Observer team had other factors at play in up the scoring quickly, netting coach thinks twice. Irish players Lauren Kelbley, No. 9, and Carolyn Cooper block their 4-0 loss the Titans' first barely into the "I think it's interesting a spike against Arizona Sunday. at Illinois third minute of the game. Kelly because there are so many Wesleyan on was assisted by Carissa aspects of the game, and I weekend against then No. 11 ritory for a Notre Dame vol­ Wednesday Nemmers on the goal. wouldn't get down on Lauren ranked Texas (1-1) and leyball player. night. Tina Rodriguez followed that for anything," Brown said. Arizona State (1-4). But she On Tuflsday, Brewster Due to per­ up live minutes later with the "But she struggled with her also had 46 kills, a .310 became the first Irish player sonnel issues, Titans' second goal, notching the serving. Usually we get a lot attack percentage, 10 digs ever to be named the Saint Mary's tally on a pass from Caroline of points on her serving. and 11 blocks on the week­ National Player of was forced to Leighton. The Belles would hold "Both last !Saturday] night end, earning tournament MVP the Week by Collegiate put players in back the powerful Wesleyan and tonight [Sunday, in the honors. Volleyball Update and the sec­ unfamiliar Mackenzie attack for nearly the rest of the Shain rock Invitational], she She has led the Irish to a 3- ond ever to be named nation­ positions, a half. started off not serving as well 0 start this season including al player of the week by any recipe that created some distress "We played a tremendous sec­ as she could have, but then last weekend's sweep of their organization. She was also on the field. The Belles never got ond half, had really good ener­ she finished so strong." own invite .and a victory over named the Big East a feel for the game and despite gy," Mackenzie said. "We played Brewster, the preseason Big archrival Michigan in the sea­ Conference's player of the strong play all around, fell to the East player of the year, had a son opener. Her performance highly-touted Titans. see TITANS/page 24 total of six service errors last landed her in unmatched ter- see BREWSTER/page 24

PGA lOUR Tennis Olympic Hockey NFL MlB MLB LLI Co) Oakland at Yankees 5 z Tiger Woods and Phil Unseeded American Three young players New England Yankees slugger Hideki Devil Rays 4 Mickelson both will miss Robby Ginepri advances vie to replace former Matsui hits 400th career :3 the Canadian Open this to the semifinal round of goalie Mike Richter on 9 p.m., ABC home run, counting his Jason Giambi's eighth =cc weekend. the U.S. Open. the U.S. Roster for the Patriots prepare for totals in Japan and the inning homer lifts New Turin games. Raiders, Randy Moss as U.S. York over Tampa Bay. .opener nears. =: page 25 page 25 page 23 page 23 page 23 page 16