THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 40: ISSUE 13 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Local leaders welcome Jenkins ND airs for us to moot people in tho By MADDIE HANNA community in a relaxnd setting." ad during fusociare Nrws Editor Heception attnndt~es munched and mingled informally with University President Father Jenkins and staff membnrs in John Jenkins will be given an the name of eommunity rela­ Pitt gan1e elaborate inauguration steeped tions. And when .Jenkins made a in Notre Dame tradition in brief speech, one woman By KAITLYNN RIELY exaetly two weeks. · remarked that he stood next to a So upon first glance, the inlilr­ sil-,'11 reading "SCABS." News Writer mal Wednesday reception for Despite the laid-back atmos­ him and 70 prominent commu­ phero, there was a dear thmnn Numerous limns dur·ing tlw nity membors at South Bend's - maintaining and building upon Pittshurgh-Notn~ J>anw liHitball llealthWorks Kids' Museum - the existing relationship game Saturday, sludnnls gath­ featuring giant plast.ie intestines, between Notn1 Dame and its ered on North Quad nruptnd dangling skeletons and a trans­ surrounding~. into chners as Notre DamP parnnt box filled with eigarette "What I've seen in the last sev­ opened the snason with a win. butts - might have seemed eral years is Notre Dame Onn of thost~ clwnrs, hownvnr, strange. become a larger part of the was neithnr for the strategy of "Someone described this a.•;; a community," Mishawaka mayor Charlie Weis or thn talent of the University President Father John Jenkins mingles with community neighborhood block party," Notre Dame playnrs. members at the HealthWorks Kids' Museum Wednesday. Jenkins said. "It's just a chance see JENKINS/page 4 Students also chnered in reaction to a nnw television advertisnmQnt promoting a Notre Dame education. In the commorcial, a girl is seen nntnring a ehurch multiplo CJ's Pub Local coffee shop honors Weis times to light a eandle. By tho end of the commercial. it appnars that hnr praynrs have By PETER DEVINE been answorNI, and she opens set to News Writer her. mailbox to find the much sought after "big envelope" Af'tnr the Irish victory last from the admissions oiTicn at weekend, head football Notre Dame. Dropping the rest coach Charlie Weis is more of hnr mail, she looks to tho reopen popular than ever. heavens as the university's Nowhere is this more evi­ name and the words "A Higher dent than at the Chocolate Education" appear. By MARY KATE MALONE Caf1\, where they are now Many studonts reported that News Writer serving a new mocha in the spot brought back nwmo­ honor of the Irish's new ries of thnir own quest for C.J's Pub. a 21-ynar-old coach, named the "Winning admittance to Notro Damn and restaurant and har that Weis Mocha." the rush of 11IJJOtions that. camo boasts a thick eollnetion of A popular hangout and with reeeiving thoir accnptance I r i s h rn n II) o r a b i I i a , w i II eatery for students, South letter al'tnr a long wait. reopen to the puhlie next Bend eiliznns and visiting Frnshman KiiiPn Lewis, who wonk aftnr a snvnrl month fans, the Chocolate Caf1\ watched thn game on tho North hiatus. inv1~ntnd this concoction Quad, said "I felt t~hills," after ThP famous Irish landmark "just about a month ago," sneing thn ad. on Michigan Stn11't has bonn said eaft\ managnr, Jessie Notre Damn's Ol'licP of News rlosPd sirll'«' .Jan. 19, 2004 Vancn, to ernate Notre and Information was involvPd whPn a six-story building Damn l'ootball atmosphere in creating Notro Damn's ad, or nt>xt door ldl on top of it dur­ in South Bend. what they call an "institutional ing a dt> nwli tion pro('(1SS gonn "During football snason, spot." Matt Storin, tlw assoriato wn 'II have dilTnrnnt promo­ vice prosident for News and tPr'l'ihly wrong. KELLY HIGGINSfThe Observer "It IHtppnnPd at ]: 15 in the tions, especially if Notre Chocolate Cafe advertises its newest beverage, The Winning al'lnrnoon," said Hieky Joe see COFFEE/page 4 Weis Mocha. The drink was invented during the preseason. see AD/page 6 M.-dick. wh·o co-owns the nstablishmnnt with his sistnrs .Judy and Cindy. "Tiwrn were four of us insidn. I had just walknd in tho hal'.k door and t.lrn wholn hack ol' thn build­ Meal plan includes more flex points ing just rollapsnd. If I had IHwn.fivn snronds latn walk­ ing in, my sistnr would bn By KATHY LEE tnlling tlw story." News Writer On Snpl. I :l, thP pub will rn­ opnn its doors in time l'or Studnnts with the "Flex Notn• l>anw's first homn fool­ 14" 11111al plan wore in for a • hall ganw. Th1• l'oo(l will bn pl11asant surprise this fall tlw same. hut a giant horsn­ wlwn they checked their shon har and 1J2-inch tnlevi­ balance at Notre Dame Food sion wi II givn tlw place a nnw Servkns thanks to the allot­ ment of 2RO flex points I o o k . M IHI i c k sa i d . T h r n n plasma TV's will also hn rather than tho 2(,() givnn in ad dod. ynars past. Mndiek said customers will Flex Points, dollars sPI l'ind tlw rnstaurant "opened aside in studonts' accounts up." lnstnad ol' two snparate to be spnnt only at food ven­ rooms tlwrn is now onn largo uos on campus, are often orw with thn horsnshon bar in prnferred by students who tlw middln. would rather eat at other 1\ quarlnr of a million dol­ food establishments than lars worth ol' damage forced North or South Dining Halls tlw puh to dose in ordnr to for meals. "Flex points are a lot more rnpair thn ar1~as that wnre convenient than using cash, KIRSTEN HOELMER!The Observer Freshman Joanna Emllian, right, pays with flex points at Reekers. Students with the Flex 14 see CJ's/page 6 see FLEX/page 4 meal plan receive an additional 20 flex points each semester for the 2005-06 school year. page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Thursday, September 8, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT DID YOU DO DURING FOOTBALL COMMERCIAL BREAKS? Happily disoriented No, I don't know your name. No, I don't know where I am. No, I don't know what time it is. No, I don't even speak English all that well. Yes, I'm a fresh­ Tim Cummings Andrew Hoyt Beth Giudicessi Robert Scully ~ohn Park Tom Stiles man. freshman 'os alum junior freshman senior sophomore No one needs to help me in becom- Joe Piarulli Keenan off campus Cavanaugh Alumni Zahm Carroll ing "disoriented." I'm already disori- "Refuel for the "Fondue." "Fondon 't." '1 went around "Fire it in pal!" "/ made fun of ented. I'm the mas- wire editor ter of" being disori- excitement. " and wrote all the stupid ented. In fact, I'm victory commercials. " just striking random keys on my comput­ vandalism on er right now. You know, on a long enough timeline, everyone's any chimpanzee with a laptop could type message this article. I know, because I'm plagia­ board." rizing off that chimpanzee at this very moment. listen: when you're a freshman, you're supposed to be ignorant and at least marginally useless. So embrace it. As the wise Billy Madison once said, "You gotta cherish it." When the juniors down the hall want IN BRIEF me to be more ignorant and even less useful, I graciously accept. Students who participated in Why? Well, ignorance is bliss - I'm Mexico TIES, a volunteer pro­ having an awesome time and I barely gram with Universidad de know what's going on, considering that Guadalajara students, will give this place and these people are all presentations today in the entirely new to me. The best thing about Hesburgh Center in C-1 03 at 3 being a freshman from New Jersey is p.m. that I'm doing pretty much whatever I want. James Darsey, a professor of No one has a clue who I am. I can yell communication at Georgia at people, because no one will recognize State University, will give a lec­ me; I can ask ridiculous questions, ture titled "Cosmopolitansim because people will just assume I don't and the Location of Moral know better; and I can write absurd Argument in a Post-Prophetic columns for The Observer, because no World" today at 4 p.m. in the one here has made thP connection Hesburgh Center Auditorium. between my name and what I look like: It really has been a whirlwind meeting The film "Metropolis," about so many new people and learning where a de-humanized proletariat everything on campus is located. I'm try­ laboring in a busy city, will be ing to enjoy it now before I eventually shone as part of the Physics realize that these are the people and and Film Series today at 7 p.m. places I'll be seeing every day for four in the Browning Cinema years, and I'm eventually going to have Theatre in the DeBartolo to learn real names and stop calling Performing Arts Center. everyone 'dude'- especially the priests. People aren't in college because they FRANCESCA SETA!The Observer New Yorker columnist Ken know exactly what to do with their lives.
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