TISHREI, 5736 I SEPT., 1975 VOLUME XI, NUMBER 2 fHE EWISH SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS BSERVER :"tl~ J'1:l:tN> • ..,,,"S '"!'11 /"fN.,., : =>:17 I How Kosher are your Mezuzos? U:rtl 3'\V 1 "')::1.'.1', ';, l1 t::,page27 1'1"'t::l 1.1'1 :i....,.:t? How violence-prone is your home? 6page14 Should the Orthodox community get involved in 1V & Radio? t::,page 17 ® 27- Do inter-faith dialogues foster better relationships? t::,page38 Are yeshiva students respectful of authority? t::,page 9 THE JEWISH QBSERVER this issue• A Challenge to our Generation I Eliyahu KiTov 3 "Why Not Wednesday?" I Uri Sondheim 9 The Honey and the Sting I Reuben E. Gross 12 Television and the Jewish Home I Nissan Wolpin 14 A Jewish Observer Symposium Radio & T.V. and the Jewish Community I THE JE\.'VfSH OBSERVER is published Bernard Fryshman 17 monthly, except July and August, by the Agudath Israel of America, Radio & T.V. Without the Jewish Community I S Beekman St., New York, N.Y. Martin Waxman 17 10038. Second dass postage paid at New York, N.Y. Subscription: SEED-ing the American Countryside With Torah 20 $6.50 per year; Two years, $11.00: Three years, $15.00; outside of thf' Simchas Yom Tov I a poem United States $7.50 per year. 22 Single copy seventy··five cents. Printed in the U.S.A. Kutzo Shel Yud I The Point I Aryeh Kaplan 26 A Second Generation of Halacha Publications 31 RABBf NrssoNWOLPIJ\ Yesodei Smochos Editor Guard Your Tongue Aids to Talmud Study Editorial Board DR ERNST L.
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