Volume 4, Number 1, July 1936
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JULY FIFTEEN 1936 CENTS SHOULD YOU DRINK COFFEE AND TEA? SEXUAL WEAKNESS IN MEN . PAVLO'V - MAN AGAINST GREED by PAUL de KRUIF D,EATHFROM THE WATCH DIAL DOC HE~RSTIPRESCRIBES Also Vital Information on POISON IVY.STRAIGHTENING CROOKED TEETH EXERCISE • HAIRY, LEGS • SCIATICA C]Jurely Personal I N T HIS ISS U E BACK on the back cover you'll find all those books on health you've been asking , July, 1936 How Interested Are You? about. A good many of our doctors stayed up all night getting up a list which VOLUME 4- NUMBER 1 ON JUNE 4, because of the lack of seating space, 1,000 people they think is tops. They're not technical and have all the information you want. Workers' c<Tired Feeling" . 2 were turned away from a symposium on Marx and Freud \Vhat's more the price of the books in Editorial sponsored by HEALTH and HYGIENE. We feel that the at combination with HEALTH AND HYGIENE can meet most every lean pocketbook. Pavlov-Man Against Greed 3 tendance at this lecture wa.s indicative of the wide interest in the By Paul de Kruif MANY readers have been asking for an subject. In order to reach people outside New York City, those article on nervous breakdown. The psy Death from the Watch Dial 5 who could not be seated, and those who did attend but would like chiatrist who wrote those brilliant pieces Radium Poisoning on sex is covering the problem in the a printed record, we hope to publish the three speeches by Gran August issue. And unless you're an expert Exercises for Pep . 7 ville Hicks, Dr. Frankwood E. Williams, and Dr. Emanuel Glick in you won't want to miss it. Stretching and Bending for Health pamphlet form. The pamphlet should cost approximately twenty- THOUSANDS of people buy products be cause they have the approval of Willie Sexual Weakness in Men 9 . nve cents or less. To determine the exact demand, and to assist Hearst's Good Housekeeping Bureau. Next Rapid Ejaculation in month we're going to let you in on just us making up our print order, we would like to know how how much Good Housekeeping's seal of New Slants on Medicine 11 m~ny people want the pamphlet. Won't you send us a post card approval is worth. News from the Laboratories informing us whether you or y<>ur ~riends are interested? We THANK YOU Mr. L. B. of Chicago. We Beware of Poison Ivy . 12 appreciate the twenty-five subscriptions you Prevention and Treatment will appreciate your response. Send the cards to sent in last month. Whenever you're in HEALTH and HYGIENE, 41 Union Square, New York City New York come up to the office. There's Straightening Crooked Teeth . 14 a speech of gratitude waiting. What Can Be Done CARL MALMBERG, the author of Diet Doc Hearst Prescribes . 16 and Die, will next month do a little clean ing up on Bengamin Gaylord Hauser. Mr. A Reactionary Exposed Hauser has some fancy ideas on diet for Cosmetic ·Problems 20 which a lot of people have fallen. Malm berg will try .to set these people straight Removing Hait" from Legs just as he has Dr. Hay's fans. This is Coffee and Tea 21 A startling series of articles by James Rarty on the kind of luticle which makes our readers say kind things about us and brings us Drugs or Beverages? the enmity of all the quacks and faddists Consumers Page in America. 24 MEDICAL POLITICS Fake Foods and Drugs UNLESS you can answer this little exam begins in The Nation-special offer includes all articles in the series ination perfectly you had better get hold Our Doctors Advise 25 of the August HEALTH AND HYGIENE. Readers' Medical Questions Answered The bitter conflict between private medicine and cian, Morris Fishbein; and the future of group What is sterility? Why can't some men public health in the United States is described and medicine. become fathers. Is the childless marriage Health and Hygiene Index 30 analyzed in a series appearing in The N atio1t which Moreover, when you read this series you will be always the fault of the woman? Is there From Octobet") 1935, through Ma')', 1936 cannot fail to cause discomfort to some and arouse come acquainted with a progressive weekly Hwhose a difference between irnpotence, or sexual the interest of all concerned with medicine. acumen and courage afford a new ray of hope in weakness, and sterility, or lack of fertility? these bewildering days." Although the regular price In his first article, for example, Mr. Rorty presents of The N atiolt is $ 5 a year, to introduce it to logical Editors: ED\VARD ADAMS mtd JOHN STUART the details of the relentless campaign waged by teor_ YOU don't have to go to China to see llew readers, we offer you the next 17 issues for ganized medicine" against the Milbank Memorial people slowly dying from the lack of food only $1 (38 per cent reduction) including all the Fund and its Executive Secretary, Dr. Kingsbury. As or diseases which poverty brings on. Take articles in James Rorty's series. Order before our a result of this campaign, Mr. Rorty points out, the a reading trip in August with Elizabeth supply of the first articles is exhausted-order today! HEALTH Milbank Fund retreated from its liberal leadership Lawson to our own own South and see in medical economics and from its specific stand in _ _ _ _ _ _ ORDER BLANK ----- disease and starvation in the Land of and favor of t~group payment" plans for medical and I l'he Nation, 20 Vesey Street, New York City Dixie. hospital care and Dr. Kingsbury resigned his post HYGIENE Please send me 17 issues beginning with June because of ttdiiferences of opinion as to policy." I 24 which contains the first of your series on Medical THE editors and doctors are always try The In later articles, Mr. Rorty will discuss the Amer I Politics. I enclose payment in £ull-$1. ing to please. Beginning next month the Magazi1te of the Peoples' Health Ed'll,cation League ican Medical Association in its role of trade organ Consumers Page will be increased to two I Nallle .................................... HEALTH and HYGIENE is published monthly by the H. & H. Publishing Co., ization; the reasons why the. organization of health '0.,re hope it satisfies the many readers who Inc., 41 Union SquarCl, New York, N. Y. Subscription price ~1.00 a year, in services in America lags behind European develop I Address ... ......................... , ........ made the request. And before we return advnncej Canadian and Foreign, ~1.50. Single copies, 15 cents. Copyright, ments even though scientific progress equals that of 1936, bl' the H. & H. Publishing Co., Inc. Entered as second·class matter . ....................................... H7 to the editorial sanctum) what do you March 27, 1935, at the Post Office at New York, under the Act of March 3, Euro;e; the activities of our leading medical politi. 1879. Text may not be reprinted without permission. Subscribars are informed know about Sal Hepatica? We think that no change in address can be Ilffccted in less than three weeks. we've found Alka-Seltzer's twin brother. Telephone, ALgonquin 4·5107 EDITORIAL: PAVLOV By Workers' "Tired Feeling" MAN PAUL The Menace of ALTHOUGH ployers as a class suffer very little by such habits AGAINST Occupational Diseases the problem of of thought among their workers. de KRUIF industrial disease has With the enormous reserve of unemployed been a grave one for who can be drawn upon to replace the poisoned GREED many decades, it is only in the past year or two worker, employers have discovered that profits that public interest has been awakened to its can be increased by discharging the worker as Paul de Kmii, author of the stirri1tg bool? gravity. T~is interest has been aroused by the soon as evidence of poisoning is detected. For rrWhy Keep Them Alive". startling exposures in the working-class press of its detection, the finest medical tests are em OR years I've been getting ready to try to peasants you've ever seen pictures of, only he the miserable health conditions prevailing in ployed, tests worked out by scientific medicine write about Pavlov the liberator of man looked much older, and not so gaudy. At industry today. After the death and crippling which should be used for early detection and F kind and I'm still a long way from ready. this meeting in the Pasteur Institute his son, of hundreds of tunnel-diggers by silicosis at treatment of the poisoned worker, but instead What tempts me now to try this crude little who spoke English very well, was there, and if Gauley Bridge, West Virginia, these exposures are utilized to toss the worker onto the scrap sketch is the honest little piece about him that I'd had the brains or experience it would have were powerful enough to force a perfunctory heap or place him on' the blacklist warning recently appeared in HEALTH AND HYGIENE. been possible, through that interpreter, for me Congressional investigation. other employers not to employ him. Now that he is dead you can find plenty of to have found out that he was a man against The extent of industrial poisoning shows eulogies about him in scientific periodicals, tell greed. But in those days, cocky, ignorant, and itself very rarely through such dramatic tra-' Lives of Workers THE State and Federal ing how he discovered the nervous control of scientifically snooty as I then was, it would gedies as that of Gauley Bridge.