THURSDAY, MAY 23, 2019 SERVING TILTON, NORTHFIELD, BELMONT & SANBORNTON, N.H. FREE Library staff unveil restored Burleigh family portrait BY DONNA RHODES who not only travelled DONNA RHODES
[email protected] the world in search of Last Saturday morning, Sanbornton Public SANBORNTON – Res- subjects to paint, but Library Trustee David Adams began lift- idents, local historians called Sanbornton home ing the drape to give residents their first and library trustees for much of his life. Be- peek at the restored 157-year-old Burleigh gathered in the Adult sides creating portraits Family portrait by artist Walter Ingalls. Library, a.k.a. the “Big that still hang to this Room,” at the Sanborn- day in museums, as well ton Public library on Sat- as the New Hampshire urday morning for the state Capitol building, unveiling of a restored Ingalls also took time portrait done by re- to serve his communi- nowned artist Walter In- ty and state. From 1840 galls, a former resident until 1847 was Sanborn- and community leader. ton’s Town Moderator, Ingalls (1805-1878) and was then elected was a portrait painter to the New Hampshire Early House of Representa- from 1847-1849. His fa- was also the founder of Academy, better known deadlines for tives where he served ther, research shows, Woodman-Sanbornton SEE PORTRAIT, PAGE A11 Memorial Day Dozens turn out for Rotary The offices of the Winnisquam Echo, located at 5 Water St. in Meredith, will be closed Monday, Children’s Fishing Derby May 27 in observance of Memorial Day. To ensure that our May 30 edition arrives in BY DONNA RHODES subscribers’ mail boxes on schedule despite the
[email protected] holiday, the submission deadline for any press TILTON – Til- releases, letters to the editor, and obituaries in- ton-Northfield Rotary tended for publication that week has been moved hosted their annual up one business day, from the usual Monday to Children’s Fishing Der- Friday, May 24 at 4 p.m.