
Volume 3, No. 10, November - December 2012, ISSN 2226-1095

Did you know...

• Petrobras CEO on the strategic importance of International Standards

th • 35 ISO General Assembly a

Contents Comment

Comment Did you know… ? ...... 1 Did you know… ? World Scene ISO Focus+ is published 10 times a year International events and international standardization ...... 2 … that ISO has standards for pasta, lawn mowers and even toothbrushes ? Most peo- (single issues : July-August, ple recognize the “ ISO brand ” due to the success of ISO 9001 or even ISO 14001, November-December). Guest Interview It is available in English and French. and would be surprised to discover that’s not all we do. But since its founding 65 Maria das Graças Silva Foster, Petrobras CEO ...... 3 www.iso.org/isofocus+ years ago, ISO’s goal has been to put together international experience and wisdom ISO Update : www.iso.org/isoupdate Special Report to develop solutions based on state-of-the-art technology and good practice. The electronic edition (PDF file) of ISO From spaghetti to symphonies ...... 8 Focus+ is accessible free of charge on the The standardized dimensions of freight containers, and beyond, we must stop and ask : Are we doing Pasta-stic ! How to cook the perfect pasta ...... 10 ISO Website www.iso.org/isofocus+ for example, make trade and transport cheaper and enough ? How can we improve standards knowledge An annual subscription to the paper edition Drink up ! How to make the perfect cuppa, and other thirst-quenching drinks ...... 13 faster. Standardized format and security protocols even further ? ISO Focus+ highlights important issues, costs 38 Swiss francs. Cheers ! Wine lovers could soon be toasting a new standard glass ...... 16 of bank cards make financial transactions more events and achievements, featuring contributions convenient and secure. Road vehicles are continu- from high-level guests and key actors amongst our Publisher The ISO toothbrush – Keeping the tooth fairy at bay ...... 18 ally made safer and more environmentally friendly stakeholders. We delve into technical matters and try ISO Central Secretariat Pump up the volume – Assessing loudness and hearing sensitivity ...... 20 by standards. Our health is protected by guidelines to present them in an accessible way. We spend hours (International Organization for for food safety and the quality of medical devices. looking for the right words, and for the best images, Standardization) Heard that ? Improving acoustics from the concert hall to the office ...... 22 IT standards have facilitated the development of the 1, chemin de la Voie-Creuse sometimes drawing our own, to ensure we get the Tune in to ISO 16 ! The long and oscillating history of standard tuning frequency ..... 25 CH – 1211 Genève 20 Internet, the exchange of information and images via message across right. And these are just a few exam- Switzerland Durable cards – Giving the ID industry a new lease on card service life ...... 30 e-mail, as well as the arrival of e-business. And these ples of what we do in ISO’s Communication Team. Tel. : +41 22 749 01 11 examples are only scratching the surface. It is incredibly rewarding because every time we learn Fax : +41 22 733 34 30 Centre-fold something new. Even after years of working at ISO, E-mail : [email protected] Having fun with ISO standards ...... 28-29 we can still be surprised and amazed by the wealth of We can still be surprised International Standards out there – like the ones featured Manager : Roger Frost Planet ISO and amazed by the wealth of in this issue. The more we know, the more we realize Editor in Chief : Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis International Standards out there. the value of what ISO does. And this is something we Assistant Editor : Maria Lazarte News of the ISO system ...... 34 are excited to share with you, our readers. Communication Officer : Sandrine Tranchard We hope that whether you have been with us for CDC Artwork : Xela Damond, Pierre Granier Overall International Standards, be they for cars, many years, or that this is the first time you delve into and Alexane Rosa Good standardization practices – Putting best practice to work ...... 35 dentistry or ergonomics, spread best practice and our pages, whether you are looking at these words on Copy editor/Proofreader : Mary Ritchie avoid reinventing the wheel, but this requires that Translation : Translation Services, ISO/COPOLCO launches its Facebook page ...... 35 paper or on a screen, you will enjoy reading us as much ISO Central Secretariat people know that they exist in the first place ! With as we enjoyed working on ISO Focus+. But we are ISO/CASCO holds open day in Colombia ...... 36 over 19 400 standards developed by some 200 tech- not stopping here, like our well-known management Subscription enquiries : Sonia Rosas Friot ISO 50001 training in Tunisia ...... 37 nical committees, this is no easy feat – a challenge standards, the Communication Team is also aiming ISO Central Secretariat faced by ISO’s network of members and also by us, for continual improvement ! So as we go ahead, we Tel. : +41 22 749 03 36 Management Solutions the Communication Team at ISO. welcome your ideas on how we can improve. We Fax : +41 22 749 09 47 Getting the best out of people – ISO 10018 aids ISO 9001 implementation ...... 38 Every idea is considered in our efforts to spread the hope to take advantage of all the different platforms E-mail : [email protected] word about standards : from brochures to cartoons, offered by technology to continue to inform our read- 360° from newsletters to Facebook, from press releases to ers about the valuable work ISO is doing. © ISO, 2012. All rights reserved. apps, from videos to the magazine you are reading, To conclude, we would like to highlight one of the ISO 35th General Assembly : Innovation is name of the game ...... 42 ISO Focus+. ISO’s Website has been reinvented over most important elements that in our view, is key to The contents of ISO Focus+ are copyrighted ISO Open Session : time to cater to evolving technology and changing and may not, whether in whole or in part, successful communications (and everything else) : be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or Sustainability and innovation – Leveraging International Standards ...... 51 digital habits. The number of visits on the ISO Website teamwork ! Behind the scenes of ISO there are people, transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- has doubled in the last five years and our Website and the ability to work together across any barrier tronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, New Releases is, by far, the most visited for a standards develop- (language, cultural, etc.) is what we treasure most. A ment organization worldwide. Today we are seeing without written permission of the Editor. ISO road safety standard – Helping save thousands of lives worldwide ...... 56 special thanks goes to our graphic artists : Xela Damond, results of all these efforts ; references to ISO and its Pierre Granier and Alexane Rosa ; the copy editor/proof The articles in ISO Focus+ express the views standards on Internet media sites increased by 38 % of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect Coming Up 57 reader, Mary Ritchie; the translation team of Denys the views of ISO or of any of its members. in 2011. ISO’s Facebook page has over 10 500 fans, Crapon de Caprona, Cécile Jeannet, Anita Rochedy, and Twitter is not far behind. Our Youtube channel and Catherine Vincent, supported by Leila Esteban, plus has scored over 200 000 video views. Clearly, there ISSN 2226-1095 our colleagues from sales, distribution and information. Printed in Switzerland is a growing realization of the benefits of standards, And of course, to you, for reading us !  and a desire to talk and learn on social platforms. The demand for information about ISO standards Cover photo : ISO, 2012 Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis, Maria Lazarte, is therefore growing. But as we turn the page to 2013 Sandrine Tranchard and Roger Frost.

© ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 1 a World Scene Guest Interview

The companies targeted involve those • Make information on ISO and IEC stand- with an energy consumption between 1 000 ards more easily available through various MWh and 27 000 MWh based in Ghent. means, to enable more people to get the Maria das Graças Silva Foster This is a pilot project in the framework of answers they need the European project Answers to the Carbon • Recognize and respond to the experts who Economy (ACE). contribute their time to developing standards Petrobras CEO with processes and procedures that reflect IEC and ISO look ahead best practice • Use our structures in more proactive ways The International Electrotechnical Com- and identify customer needs much faster mission (IEC) held its 2012 General Meeting in Oslo, Norway in October 2012. The event brought together participants from around the world to discuss the latest developments at the IEC. It was also an opportunity to honour the winners of the global IEC-IEEE (Institute for Electronics and Electrical Engineers) Singapore’s energy management Challenge. The contest attracted high-level From 2013, the Government of Singapore submissions from a number of universities will be introducing mandatory energy man- around the world. agement requirements for large energy users Ken Krechmer, of the University of which consume more than 15 GWh in the Colorado, USA, received the first prize of industry sector under an Energy Conservation USD 20 000 for his paper, “ Cloud comput- Act (ECA). These include the appointment ing standardization ”, which looked at how of energy managers, reporting of energy use cloud computing can dramatically simplify and submission of energy efficiency improve- the development and deployment of new eco- ment plans. nomic, social and environmental applications. Green companies equal more The Energy Efficiency National Partnership Second and third prizes were also awarded. productive employees (EENP) is a voluntary partnership programme At the IEC Council Meeting, ISO Vice- for companies that wish to be more energy President (technical management), Elisabeth Find it hard to get motivated at the office ? efficient. Its core elements include the adop- Stampfl-Blaha, spoke on behalf of ISO Presi- A new study by researchers in the University tion of ISO 50001:2011, Energy management dent Boris Aleshin, saying, “ Today the world of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) suggests systems – Requirements with guidance for use ; is going through rapid change. Assessment that companies which adopt green practices a learning network on energy efficiency ideas, of global risks highlights areas that reflect such as those based on ISO 14001 on envi- technologies, practices, standards and case a new reality and a need for new solutions. ronmental management enjoy a higher level studies, including ISO 50001 ; and a national “ For IEC and ISO, I think this presents of worker productivity. recognition scheme with awards. the challenge to even further increase the The study looked at the environmental In addition to companies, the public sector positive, open and constructive collaboration standards and employee productivity of over in Singapore is also taking a lead in environ- we have developed together during the last 5 000 French companies. Employees of green mental sustainability and resource efficiency years at various levels – to the benefit of our companies were found to be 16 % more pro- with the help of standards. stakeholders, especially business.” ductive than those of companies not aiming to Public sector agencies have put in place The ISO Vice-President highlighted four implement sustainability-related objectives or Maria das Graças Silva Foster is the CEO of dinator for the national programme for biodiesel environmental sustainability measures that areas where both organizations should deliver produce eco-friendly products. The research Petrobras. In a career that has spanned 31 years, production and use. encompass energy efficiency (including energy tangible results : team concluded that the results undermine the Ms. Foster has served in numerous roles includ- Ms. Graças Foster sits on numerous boards and audits, indoor air temperature regulations, • On the broad subject of electric mobility, common complaint that sustainable standards energy management trainings, procurement of IEC and ISO have a huge responsibility to stifle business. ing Gas and Energy Director, CEO and Financial has received many prestigious awards, notably the energy efficient equipment), water efficiency ensure cooperation in their standardization The study was the first international effort Director of Petrobras Distribuidora. In February Medalha da Inconfidência, awarded to persons who and recycling. programme to examine how a company’s environmental commitment affects its productivity. Working 2012, she was elected member of the Petrobras have made an outstanding contribution to social, City offers EUR 5 000 for energy together with Sanja Pekovic, from France’s Board of Directors and was chosen to take over cultural and economic development. She has been University Paris-Dauphine, Professor Magali the helm of the company. made a Knight Commander of both the Admiralty To reduce energy consumption and CO2 Delmas, an environmental economist at emissions, the city of Ghent in Belgium is UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sus- She also sits on the boards of Petrobras Dis- Order of Merit and the Rio Branco Order of the offering local companies professional support tainability, randomly selected two employees to the value of EUR 5 000 for the establishment from each company, from a total of around tribuidora, Petrobras Biocombustível, and is the Brazilian External Affairs Ministry. In April 2009, of an energy management system. 10 000 participants. “ Green ” companies were President of the Board of Directors of Petrobras she received the Tiradentes Medal, the highest The city hopes that this initiative will help it those that voluntarily adopted International Transporte, Petrobras Gas and IBP (Brazilian Oil, decoration of the Legislative Assembly of the State become climate neutral. It will also help save Standards such as ISO 14001, and eco-labels hundreds of thousands of Euros, as companies such as “ fair trade ” and “ organic ”. Natural Gas and Biofuels Institute). of Rio de Janeiro. In 2008, she was named Execu- reduce costs linked to energy. The support The study also found that employees at green From 2003 to 2005, Ms. Graças Foster was Sec- tive of the Year by the Institute of Brazilian Fi- involves an energy audit to help companies companies got more training and had better establish an energy management system that interactions with co-workers. “ It’s a counter- retary for Oil, Natural Gas and Renewable Fuels nance Executives. saves energy and reduces costs. This will make point to people thinking that environmental at the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy. Ms. Graças Foster graduated in chemical engi- it easier for companies to obtain certification practices are detrimental to the firm, ” said to ISO 50001:2011, Energy management sys- Delmas. “ Green practices make a company During this period, by presidential decree, she be- neering from Fluminense Federal University, then tems – Requirements with guidance for use. more attractive because so many employees came National Executive Secretary of the federal completed her Master’s at Rio de Janeiro Federal The certificate is considered an added-value Elisabeth Stampfl-Blaha, ISO Vice-President want to work for a company that is green, but we government programme for mobilizing Brazil’s University. She also has an MBA in economics “ good for business ”, as it shows customers and (technical management), at the IEC Council also argue in this paper that it’s more than just suppliers that the company is energy efficient. Meeting, held in October 2012, Oslo, Norway. wanting to work there – it’s working more.”  oil and gas industry and Interministerial Coor- from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

2 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 3 a

Guest Interview

ISO Focus+ : How does Petrobras apply ISO 9001 in quality management ? How does this standard contribute to making

Photo : Petrobras company operations more efficient ? Maria das Graças Silva Foster : In an oil products market that is growing at an annual rate of 4 %, the Petrobras 2012-2016 Business and Management Plan earmarks a significant part of its investments to satisfying product quality requirements, especially gasoline and diesel. The ISO 9001 model is a benchmark in quality management and allowed us to identify the interfaces of the company’s vertical processes, enhancing the integra- tion of corporate areas and helping improve Petrobras CEO, Maria das Graças Silva Foster (right), visits a platform in the Campos Basin. the quality of inputs that pass through the company’s value chain up to delivery of the final product, with better and more ISO Focus+ : Petrobras recently came and compliance with health, safety and sustainable results. top in a ranking of the 50 most valuable environmental requirements. th brands in Latin America and is the 4 In day-to-day operations, Petrobras Photo : Petrobras largest energy company in the world. applies International Standards in the Petrobras (with BW Pioneer) operates in the Cascade and Chinook fields in the US Gulf of Mexico. From the project stage to construction, various development phases for projects Applying International relating to oil and gas production facili- commissioning and acquisition of equip- Standards is of strategic on the domestic and international markets, the basis of the entire HSE management At present, in pursuit of continual ties, transport and refining, such as drill- ment and oil refineries, how important importance. providing products and services that satisfy system developed for Petrobras Units, which improvement in HSE management, Petro- ing and production platforms, terrestrial are International Standards to a company the needs of our customers and contribute to are certified to Brazilian Standards NBR bras is working on a new challenge aimed and undersea pipelines, storage ships and of this scale ? What part do they play in the development of Brazil and the countries ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. at obtaining a single certification to NBR terminals, refineries, thermal power plants, day-to-day operations ? in which we operate.” ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 for the entire petrochemical plants, fertilizer plants and The adoption of ISO 9001 was a strategic To do this, the company links productive company. This will lead to greater dyna- Maria das Graças Silva Foster : Apply- biodiesel production plants. They are also decision aimed at improving our operations, processes to health, safety and environment mism and homogeneity in our productive ing International Standards is of strategic applied in the operation, maintenance, cutting costs and boosting customer satisfac- The ISO 9001 model (HSE) corporate guidelines approved by the processes, making them safer, healthier importance to ensure competitiveness inspection and assessment of facilities. tion. Applying ISO 9001 helped increase Executive Board and embodying modern is a benchmark and more sustainable. in our business, since this means that These standards cover project requirements, asset efficiency, improve processes, enhance HSE management practices focused on the in quality management. projects, equipment manufacture and equipment manufacture, construction and flexibility and strengthen our commitment company’s activities. The guidelines form ISO Focus+ : Why did Petrobras participate construction, assembly and commissioning assembly, commissioning, quality man- to safety and the environment. Furthermore, in drafting social responsibility standard of new onshore and offshore facilities are agement, operational security, health, the factors such as the predictability of the Petrobras gas station in Paraguay. ISO 26000 ? How is the company applying in line with international practices, aimed environment, social responsibility and risk characteristics of products and services, this standard ? at ensuring quality, operational efficiency analysis, as well as other aspects. workforce awareness of quality aspects and increased standardization are helping Maria das Graças Silva Foster : Acting Petrobras’ diesel hydrotreating unit. the company achieve results and satisfy with social and environmental responsibility market requirements. Photo : Petrobras is one of the strategic corporate pillars at Petrobras, together with growth and profit- ISO Focus+ :  Petrobras emphasizes its ability. This commitment is expressed in commitment to environmental, economic our mission statement and corporate vision, Photo : Petrobras and social sustainability and is listed on and determines how the company exercises the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Could its activities. We saw the opportunity to you give us more information on the com- participate in drafting the International pany’s environmental commitments and, Standard on social responsibility as strategic. in particular, describe how International We worked alongside the international Standards such as ISO 14001 (environ- working group for ISO 26000 from the mental management) help in this ? initial meeting in 2005 and were invited Maria das Graças Silva Foster : Petrobras’ by Associação Brasileira de Normas Téc- performance is closely linked to its deep nicas (ABNT), ISO member for Brazil, to commitment to the environment, the safety of represent Brazilian industry in 2006. The its operations and facilities and the health of company consolidated a successful part- its workforce. This commitment is expressed nership with the ABNT and the Brazilian in the company’s mission statement : “ To delegation for disseminating the content of act in a safe and profitable manner, with the standard by holding 15 seminars in all social and environmental responsibility, regions of the country. After ISO 26000

© ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 5 a

Guest Interview

in the International Maritime Organiza- tion (IMO), the international technical regulations body for maritime issues, with 23 representatives. And we have 14 representatives on the International Asso- ciation of Oil & Gas Producers/Standards Committee (OGP/SC), responsible for assisting ISO/TC 67 by drafting basic texts for international technical standards in the petroleum industry. Our participation in these organizations involves preparing International Standards and regulations jointly with representa- tives from other countries and companies. These standards and regulations are used extensively on the international market, where Petrobras works with technical requirements that satisfy quality, safety,

health, environmental, deadline, cost and Photo : Petrobras local content standards. About Petrobras

Petrobras is a Brazilian integrated energy company with over a million shareholders, operating in the oil, natural gas, and biofuels sectors in 27 countries.

Photo : Petrobras As the largest deep water operator in the world (22 % share of worldwide operations), Petrobras’ Comperj development : one of the biggest water reuse projects in the world. Petrobras’ pre-salt oil and gas discoveries opened up a new exploration frontier with the potential to put Brazil among the world’s leaders in terms of oil and gas reserves. was released, in December 2010, a further Maria das Graças Silva Foster : Petro- Petrobras currently has proven reserves of some 16 billion barrels of oil (SPE criteria), seven seminars were held to present the In a highly competitive bras participates in ISO, the leading and this figure could double over the next few years as new discoveries are made. standard to industry federations in the main global market there is organization for international technical Petrobras is one of the few companies with output of over 2.6 million barrels of oil capital cities of Brazil. The principles and no room for gender bias. standardization, with 249 representatives equivalent per day (boed). Its strategic plan forecasts a rise in domestic and foreign themes discussed internationally in relation on technical committees, subcommittees output to 5.7 million boed by 2020, an increase of 115 %. to ISO 26000 contributed to the formula- and working groups. This is done through tion of the company’s policies and guide- committees, such as ISO/TC 67, Materials, ABNT, in which Petrobras employees act The global public offering launched in September 2010 raised the company’s capital lines on social responsibility. In addition, equipment and offshore structures for as representatives of Brazil. to BRL 205 billion, funding earmarked for projects covered by the 2012-2016 Business Petrobras has been promoting a series of petroleum, petrochemical and natural The company also participates in the and Management Plan and amounting to USD 236.5 billion. In 2011, the company’s net training courses, talks and workshops on gas industries, and ISO/TC 28, Petroleum International Electrotechnical Commission profit reached USD 20 billion. the standard for its workforce. products and lubricants. Tell us a little (IEC), another international organization more about Petrobras’ participation in for technical standardization, with 15 Today, Petrobras’ system has around 84 000 employees. According to projections, Photo : Petrobras ISO Focus+ :  Petrobras specialists are international standardization. How impor- representatives, along similar lines to its by 2014, around a million direct and indirect jobs will be created in Brazil in the members of a number of ISO technical tant is this participation to the company ? participation in ISO. We also participate Petrobras receives the Top Energy Award domestic oil and gas sector. 2011 for excellence in its plants and operations. Petrobras’ tanks with ethanol in Antarctica. ISO Focus+ : You are one of the few women Maria das Graças Silva Foster : With a One of Petrobras’ 10 values, defined who are at the helm of one of the largest great deal of determination, women have been in the Strategic Plan for 2020, is respect companies in the world. At the Women making conquests in the world of work. In for human and cultural diversity based on

Photo : Petrobras Leaders’ Forum held during Rio+20, Brazil, 60 % of the workforce are women. In three principles : combatting discrimination, you encouraged women in management 1980, this figure was only 38 %. We manag- promoting equality of opportunity, and positions to be aware of, and take action ers, especially women, in companies where respecting differences. Petrobras partici- to combat, prejudice. You also pointed out we play a leadership role, must be constantly pates in the gender equality programme that the oil sector is naturally dominated aware of, and combat, all and any kind of launched by the federal government’s by men, stating that 84 % of the Petrobras prejudice. If companies accept prejudice, this special women’s policy agency. In 2010, Holding workforce are men and only 16 % constitutes a destructive administrative act, we adhered to the Women’s Empowerment women. We could say the same about leading to the loss of competitiveness and Principles, a UN document listing seven standardization ! In your opinion, how resulting in other consequences damaging principles giving companies practical would gender diversity benefit business ? to the development of the business itself. guidelines for promoting gender equality How can we change our viewpoint and In a highly competitive global market there in the workplace, in the market and in the involve women more ? is no room for gender bias. community. 

© ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 7 a Special Report

From spaghetti ...... to symphonies by Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis facing the international community. For that projects, equipment manufacture and ISO Focus+, the flagship magazine of The November/December 2012 ISO 4. Learn about ISO standards you never confirmation, you only need to look at the construction, assembly and commissioning ISO, strives to make improvements year on Focus+ issue looks at those “ unknown ” suspected existed “ Guest View ” column of ISO Focus+ of new onshore and offshore facilities are year, a lot like the continual improvement standards, famous only to the industry 5. Discover how a standard for tooth- Did you know that ISO has magazine. CEOs from both private and in line with international practices, aimed principle contained in ISO management concerned, but which intrigue, captivate brushes can make you smile more than 19 400 standards ? public sectors regularly cite implementation at ensuring quality, operational efficiency standards. ISO Focus+ provides a one-stop and pique the interest of others.. 6. Delightful anecdotes and tidbits you A few years ago, if you men- of ISO International Standards as principal and compliance with health, safety and shop for articles on the complete range of Did you know, for example, that ISO has won’t want to miss assets for improving their operations. environmental requirements.” ISO standards and their benefits to business, standards for spaghetti and for symphony tioned standards to just about 7. Broaden your standards horizon Take, for instance, the exclusive interview ISO 9001 on quality management also government and society. tuning ? The Special Report in this issue 8. Regale all your friends and acquaint- anyone in the mainstream media, with Maria das Graças Silva Foster, CEO of brings a great many benefits to the company. We focus on key issues, events and focuses on “ other ” ISO standards and ances with your encyclopædic th they would dismiss standards Petrobras, the 4 largest energy company Graças Silva emphasizes : “ The decision on achievements in and around ISO and their benefits. knowledge of standards in the world, in this issue of ISO Focus+. adopting ISO 9001 was a strategic option international standardization and related as a technical subject only for Here are the top 10 reasons why you 9. ISO Focus+ is fun and the graphics Maria das Graças Silva Foster appre- aimed at improving our operations, cutting matters. The purpose is not only to capture shouldn’t miss this issue of ISO Focus+. are gorgeous industry experts. That was then – ciates ISO standards for supporting the costs and boosting customer satisfaction. the range of ISO standards – beyond ISO’s 1. You should never miss reading an this is now. worldwide business operations of Petrobas : Applying ISO 9001 helped increase asset well-known ISO 9001 and ISO 140001 on 10. You will never drink a glass of wine issue of ISO Focus+ “ Applying International Standards is of efficiency, improve processes, enhance environmental management – but also to the same way again (see page 16) !  2. It’s the last issue for the year 2012 Standards are now more and more seen as strategic importance to ensure competi- flexibility and strengthen our commitment do justice to the broad scope of work of all Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis is Editor in Chief, practical tools for tackling urgent challenges tiveness in our business since this means to safety and the environment.” ISO committees and standards. 3. Your work just might be featured ISO Focus+.

8 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 9 a

Special Report

results should be compared with the aim The long and short • Put the whole test sample of pasta onto of accepting, checking or improving any of pasta assessment a plate, noting the time method. • Leave this pasta on the plate for five A sample of pasta is cooked by a standard minutes Pasta-stic ! procedure specified in ISO 7304-2:2008, Towards perfect pasta assessing the starch release, liveliness and The OCT can be determined before ISO 7304-2:2008, Alimentary pasta firmness. The test sample is then rated in testing by using the same cooking condi- produced from durum wheat semolina – accordance with the results. To do this : tions described above, but two minutes Estimation of cooking quality by sensory • Weigh 100 g of pasta before the estimated cooking time. This analysis – Part 2 : Routine method, speci- • With long, solid strands of pasta, break is usually written on the package by the fies a method for assessing, by sensory each strand into two halves (13 ± 2) manufacturer (or, if this is not the case, analysis, the quality of cooked pasta such cm long and eliminate any small bits use a cooking time based on experience as spaghetti and macaroni. This pasta can before weighing with pasta of similar thickness). be produced from durum wheat semolina, With long, solid strands of pasta, remove common wheat or a common wheat-durum • Place a steel pot containing 1 300 ml a strand of pasta and crush it using the wheat mix, and expressed in terms of its of tap water on the hob crushing plate ; with short, hollow strands starch release, liveliness and firmness • Add pasta to the water of pasta, remove a strand of pasta and cut characteristics – its texture. • Cook the pasta for the time determined it at right angles to the length with the • When the pasta is cooked, cool the water Pasta products cutter ; and repeat this every 30 seconds by adding 200 ml of cold tap water are now eaten and until the continuous white line, visible at Sensory evaluation is • Immediately pour the pasta into the enjoyed everywhere. the centre of the crushed strand or the cut nearest to consumers’ colander and drain gently section, disappears. estimation and remains the most reliable test. How to cook the perfect pasta The method has been developed to provide a procedure for the evaluation of by Maria Grazia D’Egidio pasta samples based on the use of refer- ence samples. It gives an estimate of the s any food lover can testify, pasta can be undercooked, over- pasta’s quality after it has been cooked for A the optimum cooking time. cooked or just right. Fortunately, by specifying a sensory method for It is cooking time that influences all assessing the quality of cooked pasta, an ISO standard brings pasta textural characteristics. Generally the makers and eaters closer to consistently perfect pasta. minimum cooking time (defined also as optimal cooking time) is used, but differ- ent times could be used for experimental Known to Italian and other Mediter- pasta to be evaluated. Moreover, sensory purposes, such as fixed time or an over- ranean civilizations for many centuries, evaluation is the main reference against cooking time. pasta products are now eaten and enjoyed which chemical or instrumental method In this method some terms are applied, everywhere. Pasta is popular because it is and it is useful to define them : natural, versatile, wholesome, available • Starch release – the release of starch in a variety of shapes and easily stored for from cooked pasta, indicating the state long periods. of its surface breakdown Pasta’s sensory quality is determined • Firmness – cooked pasta’s resistance mainly by its behaviour during cooking. to crushing when it is positioned on This characteristic, known as texture, is the distal phalanx of the index finger important for personal/home uses but is and crushed with the tip of the thumb especially so for general production and consumption. • Liveliness – the ability of one strand The textural characteristics of a given of pasta to slide smoothly over sample of cooked pasta can be measured another, which depends on the degree by objective methods (chemical or instru- of strand-to-strand adhesion ; this mental) or by sensory analysis. applies only to long-cut shape pasta Sensory analysis is nearest to con- • Optimum cooking time (OCT) – the sumers’ estimation, and remains the Optimum cooking time (OCT) – the time time after which the continuous white after which the continuous white line most reliable test because it allows the visible at the centre of a pasta strand line visible at the centre of a pasta overall textural characteristics of cooked during cooking disappears. strand during cooking disappears

10 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 11 a

Special Report

(if this is possible for the type of pasta being analyzed) ; and again assess the effort required to fully crush the strand, using the descriptions in Figure 1. Drink up ! Drop and enjoy To assess liveliness (this characteristic is only for long, solid strands of pasta), pick up the pasta with a bare hand and drop it back onto the plate to evaluate the liveliness – the degree of strand-to-strand adhesion – of the strands. This is done by : • Putting one hand in a cup of cold How to make tap water, removing it, shaking off the excess water and then wiping the hand dry the perfect cuppa, • Picking up a handful of pasta from the plate and dropping the pasta back onto and other thirst-quenching drinks the plate • Assessing the way in which the strands of pasta separate from each other in by Maria Lazarte Pouring milk the hand and how they drop and settle But the fact that ISO 3103 is an industry on the plate, using the descriptions in It’s a cold winter’s morning, and you fancy a cup of . But not standard does not mean that we cannot get Figure 1. just any cup, you want it absolutely perfect. So as you approach the a few tips out of it. So here is the answer to the big “ milk ” debate. Reference samples are useful in training kitchen, you think hard about the big debate : do you pour the milk According to ISO 3103, you must pour quality-control assessors. Each assessor is before or after ? Believe it or not, ISO has the answer. required to be familiar with the evaluation your tea into the cup after the milk to avoid The pasta’s characteristics can be deter- The amount of starch coating the palm scales given in Figure 1 and are also used scalding the milk, unless this procedure mined by starting the assessment five minutes and fingers can be estimated using the when there are any doubts about the rat- It is no exaggeration to say that ISO makes sure that sensory tests of tea samples is contrary to the normal practice in the after putting the pasta on the plate. descriptions in Figure 1. ing which should be given for a particular standards are almost everywhere you look, around the world are comparable. organization concerned. A recent study To assess the pasta’s firmness, put one test sample. even in the most unexpected places, offering And this is no small feat if you consider from the Royal Society of Chemistry con- hand in a cup of cold tap water, remove it So, the next time you eat a plate of pasta, solutions to problems, both big and small. that the production of tea grew by over 800 firms this order. At high temperatures, milk So, the next time you eat and shake off the excess water, and then think about the ISO standard that offers From the quality of medical devices, to the million tonnes in the last decade to 3.8 proteins begin to unfold and link together billion tonnes in 2008. This is equivalent in clumps, so it is better for the chilled milk a plate of pasta, think wipe the hand dry. the ingredient of objectivity to the delicate fire safety of spacecraft to, yes, a standard For long strands (spaghetti), place two debate on the cooking of pasta which is for making a proper cup of tea ! to over 1 000 billion cups of tea consumed at the bottom to cool the tea, than for the about the ISO standard. strands of pasta over the distal phalanx of so dependent on subjective taste : what is Known as ISO 3103:1980, Tea – Prepa- per year ! Combined tea drinking markets hot tea to scald the milk. the index finger and press them with the nice and firm for one is undercooked for ration of liquor for use in sensory tests, are estimated at USD 70 billion annually, ISO 3103 concludes that while adding thumb until both strands are fully crushed ; the other, too this or too that…  the standard has attracted attention. In playing an important role in the economy, milk is not essential, it can help to accentuate 1) To assess the pasta’s starch release, and assess the effort required to fully 1999, British Standard BS 6008 – which key for over 30 tea-producing countries . differences in flavour and colour. remove by bare hand the material that covers crush the strands using the descriptions is identical to ISO 3103 – received the Ig its surface ; then, to evaluate the stickiness in Figure 1. Nobel Prize for Literature. These awards produced, put one hand in a cup of cold tap For short, hollow strands such as maca- About the author are a well-recognized American parody According to ISO 3103, water, remove it, shake off the excess water roni, press one strand of pasta at a point of the Nobel Prizes, which celebrate the you must pour your tea and wipe the hand dry ; and lastly, rub the halfway along the strand, between the distal Dr. Maria Grazia unusual, honour the imaginative, and spur into the cup after the milk. pasta gently with the palm and finger. phalanx of the index finger and the thumb D’Egidio people’s interest in science. has worked in So why did ISO publish what appears to cereals biochem- be such a surprising standard ? ISO 3103 Which is why ISO technical committee Liveliness Starch release Firmness istry and technol- is intended for use in sensory analysis, a ISO/TC 34, Food products, subcommit- ogy since 1974, way of investigating consumer products 100 – very high 100 – very low 100 – very high tee SC 8, Tea, has developed nearly 30 after graduating in using sight, smell, taste, touch and hear- standards, such as ISO 3720:2011, Black 80 – high 80 – low 80 – high chemistry. Having a ing. If you are testing a particular tea in tea – Definition and basic requirements, particular interest in laboratories around the world, results may 60 – medium 60 – medium 60 – medium recently updated to reflect criteria for durum wheat and its derived products, she vary depending on how much water you minimum polyphenol content, important 40 – low 40 – high 40 – low is involved in related ISO and European add, how long you leave it to settle, and for a healthy diet. Committee for Standardization (CEN) so on. So although it may not seem like a < 20 – very low < 20 – very high < 20 – very low activities. Dr. D’Egidio is author or co- big problem on the grand scale of things, 1) “ Time for tea – A cup full of science and Figure 1 : Evaluation scales of sensory analysis parameters. author of more than 360 publications. it is crucial for the tea industry. ISO 3103 health ” ISO Focus+, October 2011.

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will be interested to hear that a number of ISO 3103’s recipe for tea standards exist for vine cultivation and wine making developed by ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry. Preparation without milk : But the one that strikes people as more • Fill the pot containing the tea with freshly boiling water’ to within 4 to 6 mm of the unusual is another ISO/TC 34 standard, which brim and put on the lid specifies the shape of a wine tasting glass, ISO 3591:1977, Sensory analysis – Apparatus Allow the tea to brew for 6 minutes • – Wine-tasting glass (see article page 16). • Holding the lid in place so that the infused leaf is held back, pour the liquid through the Why do we need this standard ? Profes- serrations into the bowl sional wine tasting is conducted system- atically under strict conditions, including Remove and invert the lid, transfer the infused leaf to it • identical glasses. Wine experts agree that the • Place the inverted lid on the empty pot to allow the infused leaf to be inspected shape of a wine glass is key to its evaluation and for determining its aroma. For example, Preparation with milk : ISO 3591 specifies that the opening of the • Pour milk free from any off-flavour into the bowl cup be narrower than the convex part so as to concentrate the bouquet. So when you • Prepare the liquor as described above but pour it into the bowl after the milk, in order go wine tasting, do not forget to ask for glass. The standard specifies the character- So next time you drink up, take a second to avoid scalding the milk the ISO glass ! istics of a glass to be used when examining to consider the numerous ISO standards the odour, taste and flavour of virgin olive that behind the scenes play a part in getting oils, for the classification of such oils. you the perfect beverage. The list goes on, break powder, providing a tool to detect possible And if you were wondering whether there No problem According to the standard, this glass is : from standards for milk, to standards for adulterations. Not only do incorrect decla- is a standard for making the perfect cup, is considered • Steady, so as to avoid spilling the oil bottle tolerances; the beverage world of We cannot talk about tea, without also rations deceive consumers, they result in ISO 6668:2008, Green coffee – Prepara- • Fits perfectly with the heating unit for ISO is larger than you think. No problem mentioning coffee. By now, you may not too unusual or trivial unfair competition between manufacturers. tion of samples for use in sensory analysis, best results is considered too unusual or trivial to war- be surprised to discover that there is also a ISO 24114 can be used to verify declara- specifies a method for roasting, grinding, to warrant a standard. rant a standard, if the market requires it. • Has a narrow mouth to concentrate subcommittee developing standards for this tions, and strengthen mutual confidence and preparing the beverage. According to For after all, everyday problems and their odours popular beverage, ISO/TC 34/SC 15, Cof- throughout the coffee chain. the standard “ The sensory analysis carried solutions were at the very root of why ISO fee. But how does this affect you ? Imagine out following this preparation may be used Talking about glasses, here is another • And because it is not intended to was created in the first place.  that you are making a cup of instant coffee. to determine the acceptance or rejection of interesting case, ISO 16657:2006, Sensory assess colour, is dark to eliminate The label claims that it is “ 100 % pure ISO 6668 specifies a shipment of coffee.” analysis – Apparatus – Olive oil tasting taster prejudice or bias Maria Lazarte is Assistant Editor, ISO Focus+. soluble coffee ”, so you expect to not find a method for And here is a handy coffee making tip anything else inside. But as this popular direct from ISO 6668, “ Warming the cup product, like many others today, globetrots roasting, grinding, whilst boiling the water can be desirable Is your Irish coffee up to standard ? throughout the supply chain, how can we and preparing coffee. or necessary to minimize cooling of the avoid incorrect and misleading declarations boiled water.” and counterfeits ? Legend tells that Irish coffee was invented one miserable winter evening of the 1940s, That is the job of ISO 24114:2011, Instant SC 15 has published some 25 coffee Wine tasting when tired American passengers disembarked at Foynes port, the precursor to Shannon coffee – Criteria for authenticity. The standards that cover issues such as size International Airport in Ireland. Joe Sheridan, a head chef at Foynes, served coffee with whiskey standard outlines specifications to assess analysis, determination of defects, sampling, Tea and coffee are very nice, but many to warm the passengers who, when they asked what it was, got the answer : Irish coffee. the purity and quality of soluble coffee storage and content to name a few. will agree that wine is even better. So you Since then, the drink which includes whiskey, coffee, cream and sugar as basic ingredients, has travelled the world, and become hugely popular. To ensure the integrity of this Irish invention, the National Standards Authority of Ireland, ISO member for the country, published Irish Standard I.S. 417:1988, Specification for Irish Coffee, outlining : • The ingredients to be used in Irish Coffee • The minimum quantity of Irish Whiskey • The recommended depth of cream to be used as topping • The quality of the cream • The minimum temperature of the coffee • Requirements for Irish Coffee pre-mix products The standard warns, “ Shortcomings in either the quality or quantity of the ingredients or in the method of preparation can have undesirable effects on the resultant beverage.” Don’t wait, grab your copy now !

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When the wine is poured into the glass, these kinds of aromas are spread in the Cheers ! headspace, grouped according to their volatility, and measured by the evaporation coefficient with a scale of 1 to 100. Wine lovers Primary aromas or varietals These lighter molecules on the top of the could soon be toasting glass remind the taster of flowers, fruits and sometimes vegetables. They come a new standard glass from the grape and are closely related to the grapevine variety. Generally they are The universe of wine the most volatile molecules (evaporation coefficient from 1 to 14). “ For me, each glass is a different type of telescope. Depending on the telescope Secondary or fermentation aromas characteristics, you can ‘ see ’ the Milky Way or a single star. Located in the middle of the cup and “ The image, the set of characteristics and the harmony of thousands of stars, or one linked to alcoholic and malolactic fermen- star with all its brightness and highlights, depends on the moment and the type of wine tation, their evaporation coefficient ranges you like to enjoy and/or study. from 15 to 60. “ It is only by means of a well-designed ‘ telescope ’ that we are able to perceive the Tertiary (bouquet) or ageing aromas actual magnitude of the universe. That telescope is the tasting glass.” These come particularly from the heavier Author : Hubert Weber, Master in Œnology molecules in the lower part of the headspace, against the surface of the wine. The less volatile molecules have evaporation coef- The shape and volume of the headspace cup and the stem cannot be the same ficients ranging from 61 to 100. by Gustavo Precedo gas phase, the height of the headspace are designed to achieve full perception of thickness, which needs to be recog- The three aromas can be integrated by and the integration of different aromas. aromas (profile) in all their intensity. This nized in a revised standard gently shaking the glass. Although a larger free surface increases perception is enhanced by the curved walls Can an ISO glass enhance the taste of The criterion used to increase the number When a wine taster tries the same wine in different glasses, it the number of molecules passing into of the body of the glass, which concentrate the wine ? I’m pretty sure that the ISO of aromatic molecules into the headspace is quickly becomes apparent that the shape and dimensions of the glass the vapour state, the smaller headspace the smells in the gap and therefore towards glass can’t make a bad wine good, but it the reduction in the aromas’ output speed reduces aroma integration the nose. In fact, the inwards curved shapes can make a good wine more enjoyable.  affect the perception of wine quality. Therefore, how do we know in the mouth of the glass. This is evident of the glass body delay the output of the that we are using the best type of wine glass ? • Temperature – warmer wine with the smell of the tasting glass. increases the number of molecules aromas. Although no single wine glass can be • Highlights wine quality by “ mag- reaching the gas phase About the author used for all wines, ISO 3591:1977, Sensory nifying ” possible defects – many • Alcohol – a higher alcohol content Ripe for improvement analysis – Apparatus – Wine-tasting glass, defects are in the “subtle aromas” increases evaporation ISO 3591:1977 has not needed improve- Gustavo Precedo comes very close (see Figure 1). This stand- concentrated in the upper headspace, ment over time. The standard glass has is a wine sen- ardized glass, plus the tasting exercise, free allowing their quick identification Types of aromas performed well for wine tasting and can sory analysis expert us from any wine-glass pairing concerns and • Reveals the wine’s flavour intensity – and their distribution also be used to evaluate spirits such as based in Argentina. enable us to focus on the wine in question. and the resulting impact on our sensory whisky, cognac and vodka. With over 20 years’ Now, after serving wine tasters well for 35 The most popular aromas rating is one that systems (taste, tactile and trigeminal) However, the use of the wine glass in experience in wine years, this glass is ripe for improvement. is associated with their time of generation : sensory evaluation, the dairy industry has drawn my attention primary, secondary and tertiary. Mr. Precedo is an Aroma intensity and profile to likely improvements : assessor in sensory This glass, plus the Temperature directly affects the flavour • Volumetric marking – the volume of analysis panels on food at the Agricul- tasting exercise, enables of the wine. It does this by influencing wine to be assessed generally ranges ture School of Buenos Aires national perceived olfactory-gustatory and tactile from 30 ml to 50 ml. While these are us to focus on the wine. university and teaches at several cooking sensations. In addition, oxygen in the air standardized values, the sample shall schools and wine clubs. He has written regulates the quality of the aromas in the be presented in a specific volume, the three books on wine sensory evaluation Effects on taste glass, as well as the sensation of olfactory- same for each assessor, in intensity- Argentine Wine & Vineyard (2000), Wine gustatory pleasure. time tests. As a result, in a revised tasting guide ‘ Gato Dumas ’ (2004), So, what exactly are the secrets of the Once in the glass, the wine releases aromatic standard, the glass could be marked in and Tasting Argentine Wines (2008) and ISO tasting glass ? molecules which diffuse into the headspace. sequence from 10 ml to 50 ml was a judge in the Mercoláctea exposi- • Amplifies wine intensity – the glass The speed of this movement depends on : • Glass thickness uniformity – in the tion for many years. Mr. Precedo is a cannot generate more aromatic mol- • Dimensions of the glass standard, the cup has the same thick- member of the sensory analysis technical ecules, but it can concentrate them in the • Filling level – this determines the Figure 1 : ness all over its body (see Figure 1). subcommittee of IRAM, ISO member for headspace (the air at the wine filling line) contact surface between the liquid and Form and dimensions of the ISO tasting glass. In practice the junction between the Argentina.

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marking, labelling, and packaging guidelines for manual toothbrushes. For example, ISO 20126 states that packaging will neither contaminate nor The ISO toothbrush permit contamination of the toothbrush. If a manufacturer recommends sterilization Keeping the tooth fairy at bay of their toothbrush, the product must still meet all of the requirements of the standard after sterilization. This 2012 version of the standard intro- duces a new requirement and test to determine the impact resistance of toothbrush handles. How important is the flexibility of a toothbrush tuft ? ISO 22254:2005, Den- tistry – Manual toothbrushes – Resistance of tufted portion to deflection, specifies a test method for determining the resistance to deflection of the tufted portion of manual Shaft toothbrushes. It is applicable to toothbrushes materials have having a conventional flat trim design. also evolved, And what about electric toothbrushes ? incorporating ISO 20127:2005, Dentistry – Powered translucent and toothbrushes – General requirements and more flexible test methods, looks at the physical proper- plastics in the handle, ties in order to promote the safety of these and rubber components fashioned products for their intended use. into thumb ridges to help prevent slip- page. Changes in consumer preferences for products designed to care for the teeth and gums, as well as attitudes towards oral healthcare, have brought about greater personal responsibility and emphasis on The oral care standards were developed preventive care. by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 106, Toothbrushes are as important as tooth- Dentistry, subcommittee SC 7, Oral care by Derek W. Jones health of their teeth, toothbrush companies paste for effective oral hygiene. The primary products. In addition to toothbrushes, the are focusing on satisfying their needs by role of a toothbrush is not just to get rid of committee has developed standards for offering a larger selection of products. food particles, but to remove plaque and to toothpaste (ISO 11609:2010, Dentistry – Did you know that the quality of your smile and your oral health is stimulate gums. These functions can best be Dentifrices – Requirements, test methods facilitated by International Standards ? As billions worldwide brush Testing toothbrushes performed using a toothbrush that complies and marking), oral rinses (ISO 16408:2004, with the appropriate ISO standard. Dentistry – Oral hygiene products – Oral their teeth each day, few are aware of, or have even give thought to, rinses), dental floss (ISO 28158:2010, Toothbrushes come in all colours, and Another standard focuses on small brushes the four International Standards for toothbrushes. Dentistry – Integrated dental floss and claim different properties, but how can for cleaning between teeth, and, in so doing, Appropriate dental care handles) and dental bleaching products we make sure that they will perform and facilitating the cleansing of hard-to-reach Can you imagine cleaning your teeth by in England that the first mass produced (ISO 28399:2011, Dentistry – Products not break or fall apart during normal use ? areas of the mouth. ISO 16409:2006, Den- starts with the use chewing sticks (tree twigs), the feathers of toothbrush was developed 232 years ago. of a suitable toothbrush. for external tooth bleaching).  birds, porcupine quills or animal bones ? It is very unlikely that these early devices tistry – Oral hygiene products – Manual interdental brushes, specifies the require- Yet these items were all used before the would have complied with ISO standards. Four International invention of the modern toothbrush. Modern toothbrushes are usually made ments and test methods for performance Standards exist Assuming four billion individuals pur- About the author from synthetic fibers, although animal criteria. It also specifies the accompanying chase only one manual toothbrush a year bristles are still sometimes used. As more for toothbrushes. information, such as the manufacturer’s That was then, this is now at USD 5, this would represent a market of Derek W. Jones, consumers become concerned about the instructions for use and package labelling. The earliest description of a primitive some USD 20 billion. However, in many BSc, PhD, DO,h.c toothbrush comes from China, dating back to Manual toothbrushes should not break Meeting consumer needs developed countries, the prevalence of use Umeå, CChem, 1600 BC. It consisted of a twig with a frayed or lose bristles while you brush your teeth. of a powered toothbrush is probably above FRSC, FIM, end. The first bristle toothbrush was also This will not happen to brushes that have Toothbrush companies have made numer- 50 %. The price of electric toothbrushes FBSE, is Chair invented in China during the Tang Dynasty passed the tests specified in ISO 20126:2012, ous functional and aesthetic changes to the can range from USD 20 to over USD of ISO/TC 106, (619-907) and used hog hair bristle. It was Dentistry – Manual toothbrushes – General heads and bodies of their products. Some 100. Replacing the brush head for electric Dentistry, and has requirements and test methods. toothbrushes have an indicator displaying toothbrushes costs some USD 5-10/year. been involved with ISO 20126 outlines pass-fail criteria, the date at which the toothbrush should be Clearly, the world toothbrush market is standards develop- physical inspection guidelines, fatigue changed ; others have thicker and longer very large and competitive. It is important ment since 1971. He is currently Profes- resistance, chemical challenge, and handle handles for a more comfortable grip and that consumers ensure that their toothbrush sor Emeritus of Biomaterials, Dalhousie strength requirements and tests, as well as extended reach. conforms to an ISO standard. University, Canada.

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“ Otologically normal ” in this context Role in audiology means a state of health free from all signs or symptoms of ear disease, obstructing Another application field of ISO 28961 wax in the ear canal, a history of undue is audiology. For example, one can use the exposure to noise, exposure to potentially standard to estimate the hearing thresholds at oxotoxic drugs, or familial hearing loss. which 90 % of the population are expected to Fractions of threshold distribution around fall. This range can serve as a reference for the median values of ISO 226 are calculable diagnosing whether the hearing sensitivity using simple equations and numerical tables. of a person is normal or not. The calculation can be done for nearly the Standards describe values, dimensions entire range of audible frequencies of 20 Hz and other characteristics of products. These to 16 000 Hz. Consulting this standard, the must be specified unambiguously, and as reader can estimate, for instance, the sound accurately as possible. A wide tolerance of dimensions and uncertainty of measurement level of 1 000 Hz tone at which only one are not desirable. in 10 people with acute hearing can hear. In contrast, human-oriented standards characteristic. They must be able to transmit such as ISO 28961 examine the variation Irregular sound and produce every sound signal equally that exists inherently among people. Varia- irrespective of the frequency. In contrast, the Not all sound is created equal. This is why tion, in addition to central values such as an frequency response of the human auditory ISO published ISO 7779:2010, Acoustics arithmetic mean, is necessary to show the system is not flat at all. It is dull to sounds – Measurement of airborne noise emitted profile of the target population accurately. with a low or very high frequency and is by information technology and telecom- most sensitive to tones of around 3 000 Hz. munications equipment, which provides ISO 226 describes the equal-loudness- design criteria for the noise emission of ISO 226 remains level contours, which are the sound pres- machines. The standard uses the thresh- one of the best-known sure levels of pure tone that we perceive as old distribution for evaluating prominent standards of all. equally loud, irrespective of the difference Assessing loudness and hearing sensitivity discrete tones in the sound. in the tone frequency. The lowest one of For example, when the machine noise this contour family is the hearing thresh- by Kenji Kurakata and Einar Laukli Threshold distribution under testing emits sound lower than the It is important to remember that non- old curve, at which the loudness of tone first percentile of threshold distribution, the standard aspects of human characteristics approaches zero. ISO 28961:2012, Acoustics – Statistical tone is regarded as inaudible. A statement can be an important part of the standard. Although ISO 226 was revised in 2003 People have different hearing sensitivity. Some, who have extreme- distribution of hearing thresholds of oto- such as “ no audible discrete tones ” or “ no with the latest measurement data, the stand- ly acute sensitivity, can hear subtle sounds whereas others cannot logically normal persons in the age range prominent discrete tones ” may be included The best-known acoustics ard has been around for a long time. The contours, which show basic characteristics of hear them at all. Ageing, illness and exposure to intensive noise affect from 18 years to 25 years under free-field in the test report. standard listening conditions, was developed to Attenuating the irregular sound to an our hearing, are mentioned in almost every human auditory functions. Even among young people with apparently resolve this confusion and inconvenience. inaudible level might be technically possible, High-fidelity audio system components textbook on acoustics and hearing sciences. “ normal ” hearing ability, there is a great variation in sensitivity. This International Standard describes the but it can be costly. Product designers might such as amplifiers and loudspeakers are With its long history, ISO 226 remains one threshold distribution of otologically normal want to know the degree to which the noise required to have a flat frequency-response of the best-known standards of all.  This variation is as natural as people’s dif- sound audibility. The hearing threshold is persons, as a function of frequency. must be reduced to produce a quiet machine. ferences in height and weight. Consequently, the boundary at which a sound is perceived deviation from the average, as long as it is as audible or not. A sound component of a About the authors not too extreme, is not regarded as a problem. level that is lower than the threshold level Such individual differences in hearing is generally regarded as inaudible. Prof. Einar Laukli Dr. Kenji Kurakata sensitivity occasionally cause noise prob- It is noteworthy, however, that the thresh- holds an MSc in is Leader of the lems. For example, some users of consumer olds specified in ISO 226 are “ average ” acoustics from the Accessible Design products or office equipment can be annoyed values : medians obtained from groups of Norwegian Institute Group at the Hu- by a faint sound from a machine. People young people with normal hearing. The of Technology and man Technology may also be troubled by any small sound threshold does not designate an absolute has a PhD from Research Institute intruding from the outside into their living limit of hearing. In fact, half of all people the Univer- of the National In- environment. have a threshold that is lower than the sity of Tromsø. stitute of Advanced Worryingly, people’s complaints on this normative value in the standard. His main inter- Industrial Science subject are often not properly understood It is, therefore, no wonder that a frequency est is auditory electrophysiology. For and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan. He is and resolved. component in noise, the level of which is several years, Prof. Laukli served an expert on ISO technical committee lower than the threshold by a few decibels, as Convenor of technical committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, working group Hearing threshold is detected by some people and that it causes ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, working group WG 1, WG 1, Threshold of hearing. He is also a noise disturbance. Because this fact has Threshold of hearing. Secretary of ISO technical committee The hearing threshold level specified in not been widely known or correctly under- ISO/TC 159, Ergonomics, WG 2, Ergo- ISO 226:2003, Acoustics – Normal equal- stood, product designers and practitioners nomics for people with special require- loudness-level contours, has been used in engaging in noise evaluation have been ments, and Convenor of accessibility- noise evaluation as a criterion for judging at a loss when they encounter such cases. related working groups in ISO/TC 159.

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telegraphone, the first device for electromag- time. The level recorder had a pen that could netic recording of sound, had recently been draw a graph of the sound pressure level in invented by the Danish engineer Valdemar dB on a long strip of paper, moving with a Poulsen (patented 1898), but this was not well-defined speed. Thus, when the sound used for acoustic measurements until the source in a room was stopped, the slope of 1930s by Vilhelm Lassen Jordan at the the decaying curve was used to calculate the Technical University of Denmark. reverberation time (see Figure 2). To measure the reverberation time of The shortcomings of the first standard soon a room, Sabine used a method with a became apparent. For example, an impulse stopwatch and four identical sets or organ source, such as a pistol shot, does not give pipes (see Figure 1). Relying on his own the same results as an interrupted, stationary ears, he measured the time from when the sound source such as a loudspeaker. organ pipes were turned off to the moment the sound became inaudible. Repeating this Making it better with four organ pipes instead of one, Sabine could derive the time difference that would In 1997, ISO 3382 was updated to resolve represent a decay of 6 dB (i.e. exactly 1/10 incomparable measurement methods. The of the reverberation time that represents a direct analysis of a pistol shot or other decay of 60 dB). The first step Room acoustic parameters ISO 3382:1975 stated, “ At present, several Listening to music in a hall is a multi-

methods exist for the measurement of rever- : Bjarne Bergius Hermansen beration time and there are some new ideas dimensional perception. To characterize Photo in this field. Each of these methods may give the acoustical quality of an auditorium, a different result for the same auditorium. reverberation time must be joined New concert hall in Copenhagen (2009). Architect : Jean Nouvel. The first step is to standardize a widely used by other parameters and several are impulse sources was abandoned ; instead and room acoustics, describes two such method so that it is possible to compare the defined in ISO 3382-1:2009, Acoustics the integrated impulse response method was methods using advanced digital signal pro- data obtained by this one method.” – Measurement of room acoustic established as equivalent to the traditional cessing to derive the room impulse response. Heard that ? Although a loudspeaker is the preferred parameters – Part 1 : Performance spaces. method of interrupted noise. The maximum length sequence method sound source, other possible ones are As in the first edition of the standard, this (MLS) uses pseudo-random noise combined mentioned : a pistol shot or, in churches For the listener in the audience, the five with autocorrelation technique. and concert halls, an organ. sound parameters are : second edition focused on auditoria and, in Improving acoustics particular, concert halls for classical music. An orchestra may also be used : “ For- Subjective level of sound (neither too • New annexes define a number of room from the concert hall to the office tissimo passages of musical compositions high nor too low) followed by adequately long pauses are acoustic parameters to describe the listen- Today, we have a three- • Perceived reverberance (neither too ing conditions in an auditorium. The idea by Jens Holger Rindel suitable.” Beethoven’s Coriolan Ouverture part ISO standard is often used for acoustical measurements as dry nor too reverberant) is that reverberation time, though important covering ordinary rooms, as an overall descriptor of the acoustics of a it has suitable interrupted chords at the start. • Perceived clarity (the preferred value room, is not sufficient to describe acoustic performance spaces hether listening to a concert, or working in an open plan office, get- During the following decades, the tech- varies from high for speech to low for W quality. Listening to music in a hall is a and open plan offices. ting the acoustics right is important. The ISO 3382 series on Acoustics – nique for sound measurements developed, choir and organ music) multi-dimensional perception (see Box). Measurement of room acoustic parameters, is raising acoustic standards microphones and loudspeakers were used and the so-called level recorder became the • Apparent source width (sound The room acoustic parameters in in performance spaces, open plan offices and other types of room. preferred device for measuring reverberation reflections from the side walls ISO 3382:1997 have created a common The second method uses a sine-sweep, contribute to an audio perception reference that allows comparison of data that is, a sine tone slowly changing the The scientific approach to acoustics in specified the measurement technique as that the sound comes from a wide measured around the world. frequency from very low to very high, rooms started in the 1890s, when Wallace applied to concert halls. source, not from a point) The standard has also established a solid combined with a so-called de-convolution C. Sabine, a young physics professor at Acoustic science has continued to develop, basis for discussion among researchers in to derive the room impulse response. Listener envelopment (the feeling of Harvard University, established the concept and today, ISO 3382 consists of three parts • the field. This has been demonstrated by being embedded in sound) of reverberation time. covering performance spaces, ordinary international conferences in acoustics, in Other fields of application rooms and open plan offices. For the musicians on stage, two other which special sessions have been devoted to the ISO 3382 parameters. Reverberation time is widely used in a parameters are : variety of rooms, not just auditoria. These Getting the acoustics Sabine’s acoustics • Ensemble conditions (how well the New measurement techniques include classrooms, meeting rooms, restau- right is important. Sabine defined reverberation time, as the musicians can hear each other) rants, sports halls, industrial halls, railway time for a decay of 60 decibels (dB) after a Figure 1 : Sabine’s setup for measuring New measurement techniques have been stations and airport terminals. • Perceived reverberance (how well the stationary sound source has been stopped. reverberation time using four sets of organ recently developed to save time and improve In addition, reverberation time has to be musician can hear the room’s response The first International Standard in this However, around the year 1900 there were pipes. (Ref. W. C. Sabine, 1922. Collected the accuracy of reverberation time measure- measured in connection with several other Papers on Acoustics, Harvard University to his/her instrument) area, ISO 3382:1975, Acoustics – Measure- no microphones or other electronic devices Press, 1922 [reprint by Dover Publications, ments. ISO 18233:2006, Acoustics – Applica- acoustic measurements, such as sound insu- ment of reverberation time in auditoria, that could be used for measurements. The New York 1964]). tion of new measurement methods in building lation between two rooms. In this case, the

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From the second of these, two simple measures can be derived : the privacy distance and the distraction distance. The former is the distance from a source in which speech is not intelligible due to attenuation and back- ground noise ; and the latter is the distance as which speech is only partly intelligible, but mostly contributes to background noise. This recently published standard with new acoustical parameters may form a common basis for the research and development of better designed open plan offices. As we have seen in previous decades in relation to concert halls, it can be an important step forward to have measuring methods and parameters that are well defined, and allow comparison of data from different researchers and different cases. The Euronoise international conference in Tune in to ISO 16 ! June 2012 featured a session on the design of open plan offices, where delegates discussed The long and oscillating history the results of using the new ISO 3382-3. New open plan office in Oslo (2008). It is hoped ISO 3382-3 will contribute to of standard tuning frequency reverberation time is used as a correction to time is not a sufficient descriptor of the an improved understanding of problems in ensure that the sound insulation is measured acoustic properties in these rooms. open plan offices, leading to better designs independently of the acoustic condition of The most important parameters are the in the future. of the data have been questioned. It looks the receiving room. amount of sound absorption material, the by Tor Halmrast like someone has fired a shotgun, although It was, therefore, unsatisfactory that the possible use of screens between work sta- World-class acoustics existing standard for measuring reverberation tions, the level of background noise and some trends in the “ inflation ” of frequen- Many recently built concert halls now The theories of tuning musical instruments have been discussed cies might be seen towards 1900. time was devoted to concert halls. Source speech and, more generally, the seating plan. claim to have “ world-class acoustics ”. positions and microphone positions, for since Pythagoras. However, these early discussions included only String instruments are rather easily tuned Although this may not be entirely true in all the relative frequencies, called intervals. to +/- a whole tone, somewhat depending example, were described in terms of the cases, it seems that new halls generally have stage and seats in the audience area. on the material used for the strings and Listening to music much better acoustics than before. ISO 3382 Even after the western world simplified the neck. String instruments tended to be For this reason, it was decided to divide has helped to achieve this, in combination ISO 3382 into two parts : in a hall is a multi- tuning into the strict system of semitones of tuned rather high, to give a louder and with improved prediction tools.  equal size, as in Bach’s Das Wohltemperierte broader sound. • Part 1 on performance spaces (2009) dimensional perception. Klavier, there was no decision regarding Wind instruments also have tuning flex- • Part 2 on reverberation time in ordi- reference tuning frequency. ibility, but to a lesser degree than string nary rooms (2008) About the author In the long and “ oscillating ” history of instruments. Between 1300 and 1400, the Following this, ISO 3382-3:2012, Acous- tuning frequency, the first question was : tuning frequency often changed from occa- tics – Measurement of room acoustic Open plan offices Dr. Jens Holger what tone (“ chroma ”) should be used for sion to occasion, and from city to city. The parameters – Part 3 : Open plan offices, Rindel such standardization ? Of course “ A ” had lack of standardization of tuning frequency This could have been the end of the story, introduces some completely different is a senior consult- an advantage, from the alphabetic structure became clear when keyboard instruments had it not been for open plan or open space acoustic parameters, spatial decay rate of ant in Multicon- of the tonal names (somewhat disguised by such as the clavichord, harpsichord, forte- offices becoming increasingly more common. noise with a typical speech spectrum as a sult A/S Norway, the mid-European/German misspelling of piano and, most of all, the organ were played There can be severe acoustic problems in measure of the sound propagation in the senior researcher H for B), and for its position in the mid- together with woodwind instruments. open plan offices. Several research projects room and speech intelligibility as a func- in Odeon A/S dle of the common -clef, and thus in the in this field have shown that reverberation tion of distance. C Denmark and middle of the tonal range (“ ambitus ”) of Hz 510 former professor in most melodic instruments. acoustics at the Technical University of The middle “ C ” has been a challenger, 490 Denmark. Dr. Rindel has been Convenor but the middle “ A ” (A4) has been the most 470 of ISO technical committee ISO/TC 43, common tone for tuning instruments. 450 Acoustics, subcommittee SC 2, Building In Europe, the reference pitch has fluc- Chamber 430 acoustics, working group WG 19, Meas- tuated some five to six semitones over the Organ urement of reverberation time in rooms, past 400 years. Haynes spends 560 pages 410 Army + Salv.Army ISO/TC 43/SC 2/WG 24, Application including 36 graphs on the many sidetracks 390 of new measuring methods in building in the history of “ A ”. 370 acoustics ; and ISO/TC 43/SC 2/WG 25, Figure 1 shows a smaller selection of 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Year Figure 2 : Portable setup for measuring reverberation time using a pistol shot and level Measurement of the random-incidence found tuning frequencies from 1350 to recorder [Ref. K.B. Ginn (1978). Architectural Acoustics, Brüel & Kjær, Denmark]. scattering coefficient of surfaces. today. This is adapted from Ellis, and some Figure 1 : Tuning frequencies from 1350 to 2000.

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Almost all the findings from before 1700 Why use a a “ mathematical ” of contemporary music and rock bands, tun- in Figure 1 are taken from church organs/ fork ? It is not tuning frequency ing to a sine-wave-like synthesizer or tuning pipes. We see that the spread is so huge that even harmonic ! of C = 28 = 256 machine, it might also be considered that they could be called transposing instruments. Luckily, the fre- Hz, so that all the the perceived pitch for pure tones actually The difference between organs in the same quency of the first Cs would be a depends not only on frequency, but also on city could be up to five semitones. overtone is way power of two, but sound pressure level. One argument for tuning church organs above the funda- A4 = 435 Hz won. rather low is that it is relatively easy to cut mental, about 6.25 The previously Do we follow the standard the length or hammer the pipes inwards to times, and it is mentioned ques- today ? raise the frequency, while it is not as easy to rather weak, so tion of correcting lower the frequency. An argument for tun- most of the energy for temperature in The majority of today’s “ ordinary ” ing organs high is, of course, that the pipes goes to the fundamental. the 435 standard instruments are by default tuned to 440 will be shorter/cheaper and need less space. The main reason for using a fork is that it alteration of a fork due to heat is scarcely War (1861-1865) are high pitched (A = 454). could result in 439 Hz, so this number was Hz. However, most symphony orchestras One of the first pitches mentioned as some is stable and solid. In its principal mode, the perceptible, but wind instruments, and par- In fact, the USA “ military high pitch ” often also suggested, but superseded by 440 Hz on the European continent today use 442 kind of standard was the mezzo punto in prongs move of phase so the audience will ticularly organs, rise because sound travels turned out even higher, to A = 457 Hz. after complaints that 439 was a prime number Hz, while 440 Hz still is most common in Venice, Italy, around 1550, and tutto punto, not hear it. The handle of the fork moves faster as the temperature rises. In Germany, bands and orchestras in the and thus difficult to reproduce in a labora- the United Kingdom, the USA and Japan. which actually was 440 Hz, like our ISO up and down, so it can be held without From the time of the French Diapason, mid- to late-1800s tuned to A = 440 Hz. Around tory. In the “ analogue age ”, 440 Hz could When an orchestra from mid- or northern standard today. In the 18th century, we might, dampening the vibrations severely. This there have been discussions on whether the the turn of the century, the use of this low pitch already be generated from a high-precision Europe visits “ the Proms ” in London, a with the danger of simplifying, put the tun- up/down movement also makes it possible temperature was given in Réaumur or Cel- became more common in the USA, too. Brass 1 MHz piezo-electric crystal, using some grand piano tuned to 442 Hz needs to be ing frequencies into the following groups : to place the end of the handle on a resonat- sius, and some suggested corrections have horns were often offered with slides to allow multiplication with 11/55. leased. ing table or a box, to amplify the sound. led to new mistakes. (Possibly the measure- the musician to play in either pitch. Some concert halls have two grand • Cornet-thon 465 (A+1 435-479) Alternatively, the end of the handle can ments should be performed at 15°R≈19°C, In 1917, the American Federation of pianos in different tunings. Herbert von • Chor-thon 440 (A+0 428-452) Karajan wanted 445 Hz for the Berlin be placed on the mastoid bone behind the and not 15°C, so that the French tuning of Musicians followed A = 440 as the “ official ” Most instruments today • Cammer-thon 415 (A 409-427) Philharmonic. -1 ear, enabling structure-born vibrations to 435 in fact should correspond to some 439.) pitch for the USA, and it became known as are tuned to 440 Hz, Luckily, modern digital instruments are • Opera-thon 390 (A-2 384-397) be transmitted directly into the inner ear. “ American Standard Pitch ”. Following World easily retuned to other tuning frequencies, (In this way, an audiologist can diagnose War I, a little known provision of the Treaty following ISO 16. But not The brackets indicate the regions for but the non-standard tunings of symphony any mechanical or neural hearing loss.) of Versailles (1919) adopted A = 440 as the the major orchestras ! approximate pitch levels used by Haynes. The first standard tuning orchestras give problems for guest musi- The choice of the oboe as the source standard pitch, and the production of horns The ratios between the main numbers for the fork was made by John cians with instruments not easily tuned to a when tuning an orchestra is not obvious. with accessory slides for high pitch declined. different tunings indicate that the tunings different frequency, such as the accordion It is not an almost “ pure sine ” source like Shore in 1711. The standard was endorsed by the are close to semitones apart, and skilled Absolute/relative pitch and Hammond organ. the fork, but it is actually easier to judge British Standards Institution (at a meeting organists transposed “ on site ”. and psychoacoustics Ensembles with wood instruments in the pitch of such a tone richer in overtones. organized by the International Federation tropical countries have problems keeping The fact that the oboe itself is quite hard to Other countries gradually followed the of National Standardizing Associations/ Reference pitch is common for many The tuning fork and the oboe any standard pitch due to huge changes in intonate is a disadvantage. The choice may French, with the United Kingdom the last ISA) in 1939, and by ISO in 1955 and 1975. singers and musicians. They are familiar humidity and temperature. be more down to tradition, as the “ haut- in line. The tuning history of the United In 1964, the Salvation Army asked its with the different types of intervals and can The first standard tuning fork was made Some ensembles specializing in early boy ” was the first wind instrument to join Kingdom was a bit troublesome, as the manufacturers to produce brass instru- judge “ any ” tone once they hear a reference. by John Shore in 1711 and had a frequency performance praxis might use 415 Hz for the string orchestra, and has a penetrating, Philharmonic Society had already decided ments only in the “ low ” pitch. Some older Absolute pitch means that the person needs of A4 = 423.5 Hz. Of course Heinrich Hertz baroque music (about a semitone lower than strong sound. on A = 433.2 Hz. Forks for this vibration instruments were of such good quality that no such reference tone. Since Mozart was himself knew nothing about this, as he was 440 Hz, see Figure 2), 430 Hz for classical number, stamped “ Philharmonic ”, were a number are still in use today. said to have absolute pitch, and the standard born in 1857, but some tuning forks from music, and 438 Hz for romantic music.  those days have been found. Fluctuations toward a standard sold as late as 1846, but in or about that tuning frequency has changed since then, absolute pitch might be impressive but is year the performing pitch of the Society Scientific alternatives Thanks to Jens Holger Rindel. The troublesome evolution of tuning and many organs had actually reached the and solutions somewhat meaningless. frequency up until the publication of the “ High Pitch ” of 452.5 Hz. For a future revision of ISO 16, there International Standard, ISO 16:1975, Acous- In 1885, Queen Victoria sanctioned the The French standard of A4 = 435 Hz might be more detailed discussions about About the author tics – Standard tuning frequency (Standard French standard for her private band and gives C4≈258.65 Hz. This gave the idea of subjects such as temperature. For ensembles musical pitch), (at 440 Hz) is described in state concerts. The Philharmonic Society Tor Halmrast many books and papers. Almost none of adopted the “ Diapason Normal ” in 1896, is Head of Acous- them agree. A simplified overview might but military bands and brass bands did not tics at Statsbygg look like Figure 2. go along. In fact, they went gradually higher. (Norwegian Di- Around 1800, the most common tuning In 1896, the Society decided upon rectorate of Public was the “ Classical Pitch ” of A = 422 Hz, A = 439 Hz (“ New Philharmonic ”) at 68° Construction and which is said to be the one in which Mozart Fahrenheit (20° C). The “ High Pitch ” of Property), Associ- wrote. However, this was not a standard by 452.5 Hz remained for military and brass Photo : Statsbygg/M. Brakastad ate Professor at our definition, and there was a rise in the bands, preserved as the standard for the the University of following years : two tuning forks from Military Training School Hall in 1890. This Oslo’s Department of Musicology and an the Dresden opera house are found to give high pitch also remained in some churches award-winning composer of works for A = 423.2 (1815) and 435 (1826). with large concert organs not yet lowered. symphony orchestras, opera, and elec- In 1859, the French government estab- Bands in France, the United Kingdom troacoustic music. He has been a member lished by law the “ Diapason Normal ” of and the USA also used this “ High Pitch ”. of several ISO and Standards Norway A = 435 Hz at a temperature of 15°. The Most remaining horns from the US Civil Figure 2 : Tuning frequencies. committees on acoustics.

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ISO standard for ice hockey head and face protection

ISO series of standards for International PIN management and security Organization for Standardization

ISO standards for ski boots and bindings

ISO standard for the International Musical Work Code

Having fun with ISO standard on sensory analysis ISO wine tasting glass standards

ISO system of measurements (SI)

ISO series of standards on car side impact testing

ISO standard for the safety of cosmetics

ISO standard for pasta cooking time ISO standard for safe cold workplaces ISO series of standards on mental stress

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Durability test methods – tensile, lightfastness and flexure.

many flexes does a five-year driving licence Card application profile class is 0 or 1, and not used on chipped or need to survive ? And what about a 10-year embossed cards), and test sequences (used national ID card or a two-year ID badge ? ISO/IEC 24789-1 establishes a card for all other circumstances). The answers depend on specific agree- application profile. This attempts to define ments between vendor and issuer, and the how a particular card type will be used, so Stand-alone tests detail of these agreements often takes con- that appropriate durability tests can then be siderable time to establish and is imperfect. carried out. In this way, the service life of The test, and its duration, is defined by The issuer may become baffled by the a national ID card is specified differently the application profile class. For example, range and complexity of descriptions used from, for example, an employee ID card the standard states that 50 surface abrasion Durable cards worn as a badge, and tested accordingly. cycles are carried out on a card with a profile by vendors to promote their products. Con- sequently, it can be difficult to make valid Part 1 of the standard establishes applica- of 0B, but a 1 000-cycles test is needed for comparisons between options. tion profiles and how the card will be used a card with a profile of 1D. and stored, and Part 2 defines durability test methods for each profile. Test sequences Giving the ID industry a new lease on card service life Industry practitioners The card application profile is broken down into three areas : The concept of the test sequence is to try by Brian Beech and Gene Meier will need to provide to better simulate the real-life environment • Card-use environment – likely expo- for a card, something a stand-alone test is critical feedback. sure to temperature, humidity, daylight not designed to do. evolutionizing the way in which ID card vendors and card issuers ISO/IEC 7810:2003 provides a useful and chemicals R The cards are therefore aged, stressed and frame of reference for ID card performance, discuss and define durability is ISO/IEC 24789, published in two • Card storage – bending, friction and then checked that they still function. The ageing but not a useful means for establishing Perhaps most important of all, compression parts under the general title, Identification cards – Card service ISO/IEC 7810 takes no account of how and stressing cycles are repeated to reflect the card service life. For example, the stand- • Card reading – stresses put on the card life. The new standard is becoming a key reference in the secure the card will be used, for example how it is intended lifetime of the card (see Figure 2). ard refers to the ISO/IEC 10373 series to by the reader ID document industry. stored and read, and how long it needs to last. Several ageing, stress/use and conformity test the flexure strength of a card, but how assessment tests are listed in the new stand- Efforts to create and issue a new standard Points are assigned to the various condi- have been rumbling on for more than 10 ard. The vendor or issuer can decide which For 15 years, ISO/IEC 7810, Identifica- tions of use, storage and reading, with more Bank card ID card years. All stakeholders, however, agreed that ones to use, or can mutually agree on this. tion Cards – Physical characteristics, was points given for more severe conditions. These it was important to develop a more relevant the key reference for ID card performance. points are taken from look-up tables within Validity Typically two to three years Typically five years or more standard, so that vendors and issuers could Although it addressed the issue of mini- the standard and are summed to produce the period begin to use it and provide feedback and Determining the application mizing card interchange issues, it did not, raw application profile for that card. improvements to the technical committee. profiles for identity cards however, ensure a specified card life. Storage Carefully, often in wallet Many different types of use and The required card life and expected storage : worn, in pocket, in wallet, not Because there were philosophical differ- frequency of card use are then applied as carried ences between many of the stakeholders 1. Determine raw application profiles Bank versus ID cards correction factors, which modifies the raw involved, the resulting standard is, therefore, for environment, storage and reader Security Predominantly machine-readable Both covert and overt features data. Further look-up tables are then used a compromise. Bank cards and ID cards are very differ- features to find the age/use class for that particular 2. Create a corrected application profile ent. They are typically the same size and card. This represents the application profile using correction factors for age and contain sensitive personal data, but there Brand Important branding opportunity. Conventional branding negligible ; class for the card, which determines the test usage the similarity ends. It is useful to consider Competing with other bank cards opportunity for “ national brand ” methods and regime to be used. the many differences between these card Personali- Typically thermal Variety of personalization technologies 3. Look up the corrected application types, as it helps us better understand the zation including thermal, laser engraving, Card evaluation profile to determine the application need for ISO/IEC 24789. Figure 1 highlights inkjet and toner profile class some of them. The remainder of Part 1 of the new stand- Typically chip or magnetic stripe Human readable, barcode, chip, 4. Express the application profile class ISO/IEC 7810 states : “ Durability of the Use ard identifies the test methods to be used read, in exchange for cash, goods or magnetic stripe for a variety of in the durability assessment of the cards. as a number (age) followed by a letter card is not established in this International services entitlement benefits Standard. It is based on a mutual agreement There are two different types of evaluation (usage), such as 2A between the card purchaser and the supplier.” Figure 1 : Highlighting the differences between ID cards and bank cards. regime : stand-alone tests (used when age

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Introducing test methods START As proud as an ISO 9000 user. Once Part 1 of the standard has been used to define the application profile class and the selection of durability tests, Part Age Ageing, for example temperature and humidity exposure 2 deals with the test methods themselves. Essentially, Part 2 acts as a repository of relevant durability test methods. It is Stress Stressing, for example dynamic bending, simulates card use intended that test laboratories around the world use the same procedures, and Part More cycles 2 will help standardize these methods. Number of cycles is defined by the ageing class They are currently a mix of the old (from required ? Yes ISO/IEC 10373) and the new, created for No ISO/IEC 24789-2. Conformity tests indicate if the cards remain functional after Conformity test ageing and use. For example, visual check, machine readability test and peel test Delivering maximum benefits END The new standard includes several examples (healthcare, national ID, trans- port, access, campus, driving licence and Figure 2 : The principle of a test sequence in ISO/IEC 24789-1. bank cards) to show how to generate the application profiles. For the new standard to deliver the maxi- meaningful dialogue around the complex There is a recognized danger that the card mum benefits for all parties, ISO/IEC 24789 subject of document durability. issuer will automatically use the applica- will need to evolve ; industry needs to In fact, anyone involved in specifying, tion profile given as the example in the provide feedback to standards develop- evaluating or delivering ID cards needs to standard. It is important that this does not ment bodies so subsequent revisions can be familiar with ISO/IEC 24789. happen and that, instead, the issuer uses be improved. However, the new standard is not perfect the relevant data from the tables in Annex ISO/IEC 24789 will, therefore, be opened and will need to evolve if it is to become A to calculate the predicted application for revision immediately after publication. a practical, valuable tool for defining and profile for their particular card programme. The next edition of the standard is likely measuring durability. Industry practitioners to be issued in around three to five years. will need to provide critical feedback on their experiences in using the standard, to ISO/IEC 24789 could Feedback and evolution ensure it does. eventually become a key If constructive feedback is forthcoming, reference in the secure A global durability standard for the ID and card issuers, consultants and vendors ID document industry. industry has been a long time coming. With alike elect to use, and not misuse, the the arrival of ISO/IEC 24789, it is likely standard, ISO/IEC 24789 could become that card issuers and vendors alike will one of the most important references in the Following the procedure in take hold of it and use it as the basis of secure ID document industry.  ISO standards ISO/IEC 24789-1 and accurately applying for a sustainable the correct use information to the profile world calculations will help ensure that the most About the authors appropriate test regime is designed and applied. This may be done in isolation by the Brian Beech Gene Meier issuer, by using a third-party consultant, or by is R&D Direc- is a principal dialogue and agreement with the vendor(s). tor for Datacard. chemical engineer ISO Standards Collection – ISO 9000 Quality management. Whichever test methods are selected, it After graduating in Datacard’s - should then facilitate a useful and effective in mechanical en- rial R&D group. He Users of the ISO 9000 quality man- The ISO Standards Collection – Available from ISO national member durability dialogue between parties, and gineering from the graduated in chemi- agement standards typically report ISO 9000 Quality manage- institutes (listed with contact details allow the various potential card construc- University of Min- cal engineering on the ISO Website at www.iso.org) benefits like greater efficiency, ment groups the entire tions and personalization systems to be more nesota, Mr. Beech from the University and from the ISO Central Secretariat increased effectiveness, satisfied Webstore at www.iso.org/isostore meaningfully compared with each other. started with Data- of Minnesota and family of quality or e-mail to [email protected]. In addition to enabling issuers to make card in 1981 and has since been involved has over 30 years’ experience in chemical customers and continual improve- management system ment. That’s business language. standards and sup- the right decisions, the standard should in all areas of product development – and coated films processing. Mr. Meier CD : ISBN 978-92-67-01173-8 also help vendors ensure their cards meet from design to programme management. has contributed to the American National There’s another benefit that’s porting tools. You’ll be market requirements for durability. Indeed, He has been involved in developing ISO Standards Institute (ANSI) InterNational often quoted in people lan- proud to put it to work. International Organization for Standardization – www.iso.org some vendors might choose to use the new cards standards for over 20 years, and has Committee for Information Technology guage. Pride. The pride of standard to better educate their marketing and acted in the US as Chairman of INCITS/ Standards (INICTS) development since staff who have met a major Central Secretariat 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse product development departments to ensure BIO (Identification cards and related 1995, and has been involved in ISO card challenge like implementing Case postale 56 they have a competitive product portfolio. devices) for the past 10 years. durability standards efforts since 2005. ISO 9001:2008. CH-1211 Geneva 20

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Ad Peacock ISO 9000.indd 1 2012-11-05 12:32:36 a

Planet ISO Planet ISO CDC – Consumers, Developing Countries, Conformity Assessment

It was agreed that the work group developing a A comprehensive review and understand- common HR lexicon will shift from producing ing of the most important standardization an internal document to potentially creating practices is essential for ISO members. a published standard. Additional discovery Good For this reason, a first ISO pilot course work will be undertaken in the areas of HR standards content structure and literature on “ Good standardization practices ” census, and human governance. Efforts to was held in Bangkok, Thailand in July develop technical documents on HR metrics standardization 2012 with senior level participants from and sustainable employability of staff will ISO members in Thailand, Vietnam, Lao start soon. Peoples’ Democratic Republic, Myan- Screenshot of the new video introducing Members of the committee also took the mar, Mongolia, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, ISO’s Website. opportunity to organize a seminar on stand- practices Malaysia and Indonesia. ards at the World Congress. Their aim was to New video introduces ISO’s Website encourage participants to get involved in the Geoff Visser, consultant and previously ISO has just launched a video on YouTube technical work, in order to increase worldwide Putting best practice to work at SABS, ISO member for South Africa, giving a quick introduction to the new ISO representation from HR experts. and I, delivered the course. Over three days, Website that aims to give “ simpler, faster ISO/TC 260 is actively recruiting addi- Alexane Rosa (left) with her ISO graphic artist the course covered practices and techniques colleagues, Xela Damond and Pierre Granier. and better ” access to information on ISO tional countries to be part of this effort. by Kevin McKinley But to help ensure the credibility of ISO that will help members contribute more International Standards. Interested ISO members are encouraged to effectively to ISO’s technical work, and contact ISO/TC 260 Chair, Lee Webster, at As an example of Alexane’s contribution to ISO relies on the effective contribution standards, it is important that all ISO mem- The new Website, which went live in June will also help ensure that ISO continues 2012, has been fully revised with customer [email protected], +1-703-535-6047. communicating the benefits of ISO standards of its members and their stakeholders for bers deploy best available techniques and to meet the expectations of organizations focus and readability in mind. The concise The next plenary meeting will be held in in vital, everyday terms, she talks about the the development of relevant International maximize their contribution to ISO’s work. such as the WTO. introductory video helps busy people quickly the Netherlands in September 2013. book of cartoons she developed with her Standards. Given the diversity of ISO’s 164 These good practice expectations for colleagues to show how ISO international An important component of the course learn how to get the best out of the site and national members, the effective application standardization are also one of the funda- discover how ISO standards provide benefits graphical symbols assist a typical family dur- was to provide attendees with a self- of good standardization practices can pose mental building blocks of an effective global for business, government and society. ing their foreign holiday in a country whose assessment tool to enable them to measure numerous challenges. trading system. The World Trade Organi- The new Website puts users first. The layout language they do not understand. their own standards development practices. “ My work is to contribute to promoting It is difficult for some members and their zation (WTO) Agreement on Technical and content have been specifically designed More information on the course can be to help visitors find information quickly and and popularizing ISO standards and, seri- stakeholders to actively participate in stand- Barriers to Trade (TBT) requires the use of obtained at : [email protected]  easily, on any device. ously, it’s fun ! ” Alexane comments. “ With ards development, and others may lack tools relevant International Standards as the basis Today, most of us access the Internet through a little imagination and humour, the human or capacity to communicate, promote and for technical regulations whenever appropri- dimension of technical standards can usu- Kevin McKinley is ISO Deputy Secretary-General. a variety of platforms. The new ISO Website engage on standards issues of importance to ate. The Agreement even contains expected adopts a “ one-Web ” approach. Its fluid and ally be communicated through cartoons and their economies. disciplines in its Annex 3 responsive layout flexibly adapts to different colourful graphics. ” “ Code of Good Practice resolutions, browsers and screen sizes, so that for the preparation, adop- no matter how users access the site (desktop, Identifying security gaps Participants at the ISO/TC 264 plenary tion and application of ISO/COPOLCO laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.), they can read in China. it comfortably and easily. The new site is also The ISO special advisory group on security standards ” and most ISO (SAG-S) is reviewing ISO’s security-related Good standardization launches much easier to navigate than its predecessor. Fireworks begin members already apply To access, the video, go to : http://youtu.be/ standardization activities, including disaster these practices. planning, recovery and rehabilitation, and its Facebook page Clq2vK_MCWI. To access the new Website, The first plenary meeting of ISO/TC 264 practice In addition, the TBT on fireworks took place in September 2012, will be developing recommendations to be go to : www.iso.org Committee, in its second in Liuyang city, Hunan province, China. presented to the ISO technical management by Dana Kissinger-Matray review of the Agreement, Human resource management After two days of intense discussion, par- board (TMB) in early 2013. ticipants unanimously adopted a business plan Members of the group met in Washington defined certain princi- The ISO Committee on consumer policy The second plenary of the relatively new for ISO/TC 264. Its future standards will mark DC, USA, in September 2012, hosted by ples for the develop- (ISO/COPOLCO) has now launched ISO technical committee for human resource a new start for the entire fireworks industry. the American National Standards Institute, ment of International its own Facebook page – join us at management, ISO/TC 260, took place in Four working groups and five liaisons were ISO member for the country. The group’s Standards namely www.facebook.com/isoCOPOLCO. final report is to be submitted to the TMB in September 2012, in Melbourne, Australia, established at the meeting. transparency, open- This Facebook page complements in conjunction with the 14th World Human The conference was hosted by the Stand- time for consideration at its February 2013 ness, impartiality and ISO/COPOLCO’s current networks for Resources Congress. ardization Administration of the People’s meeting.  Experts from nine countries discussed the Republic of China (SAC), ISO member for consensus, effective- maintaining contact with its members and committee’s work programme, which was the country. Expert delegations representing ness and relevance, conducting its business. The difference is expanded substantially, and future standards. seven countries and one region attended. coherence and the that it is an open, interactive forum and The next plenary conference of ISO/TC 264 development dimen- accessible to the public. will be held in France. sion – all of which Besides ISO/COPOLCO members and depend on the appli- their stakeholders, the Facebook page also Behind standards – people cation of these good welcomes contributions and questions from Alexane Rosa, a young graphic artist in the standardization prin- consumer and civil society organizations Geneva-based Communication team of ISO, ciples by ISO mem- that are interested in standards and consumer was featured in a Swiss television programme bers. Finally, ISO protection issues. in October 2012. International members must meet Its aim is to provide a discussion forum Her interview is one of 40 portraits of Organization for Standardization objectives in the ISO and source of ongoing news and information people comprising the mosaic of skills that contribute to international cooperation in Strategic Plan, Code about standards and their role in consumer Geneva, Switzerland, home to many inter- of Ethics, and ISO’s protection. It also aims to raise awareness national governmental and nongovernmental numerous policies of the benefits of standards for consumer Participants at the HR management plenary Members of the ISO special advisory group 2012-07-03 09:36:07 in Australia. organizations. on security, in Washington DC, USA. and directives. protection, both within and outside of the

Cover - Good standardization practice brochure.indd 1

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CDC Consumers, Developing Countries, Conformity Assessment

commitment to foster developing country • ISO/IEC TS 17022:2012, Conformity Win the energ participation in the committee’s activities assessment – Requirements and recom- y challenge with ISO 50001 and praised the large number of new par- mendations for content of a third-party ticipants in attendance, particularly from audit report on management systems Latin American and Caribbean regions. • The development of ISO/IEC TS This year’s open day session focused on 17023 on audit duration for manage- the work of the ISO/CASCO WGs : ment system certification • The new version of ISO/IEC 17020, • The revision of ISO/TS 22003, Food Conformity assessment – Require- safety management systems – Require- ISO 50001 ments for the operation of various ment for bodies providing audit and energy management

Win the energy chal types of bodies performing inspection certification of food safety manage- lenge with ISO 50001.indd 1 2011-06-07 16:27:27 • The recently published ISO/IEC 17065, ment systems Conformity assessment – Require- ments for bodies certifying products, The open day in Bogotá provided a processes and services, (which replaces unique forum for discussion, learning ISO/IEC Guide 65) and its relation to and the valuable exchange of information the future ISO/IEC 17067 for product and experiences among various conform- certification schemes ity assessment stakeholders, essential to ISO/CASCO’s successful work. • The revision of ISO/IEC 17021, Con- “ Holding the open day and the formity assessment – Requirements for ISO/CASCO plenary in Colombia facili- bodies providing audit and certifica- tated the participation from the region and tion of management systems, and the allowed its representatives to share their development of its additional parts, New ISO/COPOLCO Facebook page at www.facebook.com/isoCOPOLCO. experience with their peers from other defining competence requirements for countries and gather useful information environmental management and qual- ISO community. Finally, the page is another Access www.facebook.com/ on newly published ISO/CASCO stand- ity management systems way to generate ideas, and for its friends isoCOPOLCO to see background infor- ards, ” said Sean MacCurtain, Secretary to network and interact more easily with mation and to tell us what your priorities • The recently revised ISO/IEC 17024, of ISO/CASCO. standards and with the ISO system. are. All are welcome to contribute with Conformity assessment – General The next open day on conformity assess- Participants at the regional seminar on “ Energy management and ISO 50001 ” held in Tunis, Tunisia. In this space, ISO/COPOLCO members any ideas on standards and consumer requirements for bodies operat- ment will be hosted by the Standardization and their stakeholders can freely share news protection, or consumer participation in ing certification of persons, and the Administration of China (SAC) in Beijing, and debate issues related to standards, leg- standards development. development of a related terminology in October 2013.  ISO 50001 training islation and consumer protection. However, We have already posted the first ques- document Nargès Boudali Rezgui, External Rela- we also welcome postings and queries tions. Friend us on Facebook and join the Anna Koroleva is Project Manager, in Tunisia tions Manager at INNORPI, hopes that this seminar will help to make ISO 50001 more from other consumer groups, non-profit discussion !  ISO/CASCO Chair, Lane Hallenbeck, ISO Committee on conformity assessment. organizations and concerned members of speaking at the ISO/CASCO open day by Sandrine Tranchard widely implemented in Tunisia and the Arab in Bogotá, Colombia. countries in order to further consolidate the public who would like to learn more Dana Kissinger-Matray, Secretary of the ISO A regional seminar on “ energy manage- about standards. Committee on consumer policy (ISO/COPOLCO). sustainable development. “ Everyone is ment and ISO 50001 ” was held in September affected by the standard and we must all 2012 in Tunis, Tunisia. consider ways to reduce energy consump- The seminar brought together different tion ”, she says. players from the energy sector to share their This seminar was followed by a two-day ISO/CASCO experience and expertise on efficient energy course entitled, “ Training the trainers ”, holds open day management and ISO 50001:2011, Energy the aim of which was to prepare trainers management systems – Requirements with to provide training courses adapted to their in Colombia guidance for use. country, to be made aware of the training These three days gave the various stake- methods and tools available to them, and holders (representatives from industry, by Anna Koroleva to experience real training based on practi- government and academia, etc.) a chance cal exercises. More than 80 participants from all around to find out more about the standard and The events were organized by INNORPI the world gathered in Bogotá, Colombia, the issues involved. The process leading to (ISO member for Tunisia) in partnership for the open day on conformity assess- certification was also explained to the par- with ISO, and with the support of the Swiss Open day programme ment, hosted by the Colombian Institute ticipants, who came from 24 Arab countries. State Secretariat for Economic Affairs ISO/CASCO of Technical Standards and Certification “ We cannot talk about renewable energy (SECO) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft on conformity assessment (ICONTEC). The event focused on the and the like, while continuing to waste für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Bogotá, Colombia work of ISO Committee on conformity energy ”, said Liam McLaughlin, Direc- 10 October 2012 GmbH on behalf of Germany’s Federal ISO Central Secretariat assessment (ISO/CASCO) and its ongo- tor Energy Efficiency, Energy Services, 1, chemin de la Voie-Creuse Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Case postale 56 CH - 1211 Genève 20 ing working groups (WG) and recently Ireland, in his introductory presentation on Switzerland Development (BMZ).  Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 International Organization +41 22 733 34 30 for Standardization published key standards. energy management. He added, “ Today, we Fax E-mail [email protected] Web www.iso.org In his opening address, the ISO/CASCO simply do not have an intelligent approach Sandrine Tranchard is Communication Officer, © ISO – September 2012 2012-09-19 12:04:33 Chair, Lane Hallenbeck, reiterated his to energy management ”. ISO Central Secretariat.

Open day.indd 1-2 CASCO Bogota 2012 - Programme

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Management Solutions Management Solutions

In response, the working group has improving the partnership and devel- developed a process for encouraging people oping shared understanding between involvement and competence. It also reviewed people and their managers each element of ISO 9001, identified typical • Teamwork and collaboration : occurs management system problems that can occur when people work together for a com- through lack of people involvement, and mon goal specified actions to overcome those problems. • Responsibility and authority : manag- ers should be responsible for provid- Content and key definitions ing people with the authority to make decisions about their work Two of the key definitions in ISO 10018, • Creativity and innovation : success central to its title, are : results from a high degree of crea- 3.1 Competence, defined as the “ abil- tivity. Enabling creativity creates a ity to apply knowledge and skills to higher sense of personal fulfilment and achieve intended results ” consequently enhances involvement 3.5 Involvement, defined as “ engag- 4.6 Implementation : the plans and • Recognition and rewards : the organi- ing in and contributing to shared actions are implemented to achieve zation should recognize actions that objectives ” the objectives 4.7 Evaluation : plans, actions and improve people involvement The contents of ISO 10018 follow the outcomes are evaluated to identify The guidelines in Clauses 5 to 8 provide structure of ISO 9001 with the exception of opportunities for improvement. the specific actions to meet individual quality Clause 4 : Management of people involve- management system requirements, such as ment and competence, and include : Subclause 4.6 describes general leadership those specified in ISO 9001. Some of these 5. Management responsibility actions to enhance people involvement, and how that is best achieved in an environment actions are shown below 6. Resource management in which people participate in planning Getting the best out of people 7. Product realization Clause 5 : Management responsibility and influencing decisions and actions that 8. Measurement, analysis and affect their jobs. Clause 5 recommends that top manage- improvement The people involvement process includes ment explain to the people in the organization ISO 10018 aids ISO 9001 implementation a number of human factors : the value created by the quality management People involvement is a • Communication : integrates people and system, the importance of customer satisfac- promotes shared understanding tion, and the relationship between quality prevention-based activity by Peter Merrill The ISO 9001 principle Involvement of • Recruitment : the process of sourcing, policy, business plans and individual roles. people states : “ People at all levels are the investing in training, team- screening, and selecting people for a Managers should involve people in setting work and communications. position in an organization objectives and, in preparing the management SO 10018:2012, Quality management – Guidelines on people involve- essence of an organization and their full I involvement enables their abilities to be • Awareness : once communication is review, should establish involvement and competence objectives and communicate ment and competence, a new ISO standard for organizations of all sizes, used for the organization’s benefit ”. This established, people should be made these to the organization. types and activities, provides a framework for getting the best out of peo- links with the Leadership principle, which In addition, it contains Annex A : Human aware that ISO 9001 requires an ple in the implementation of a quality management system based on ISO states : “ Leaders establish unity of purpose factors that impact the quality management organization to maintain a quality system, and Annex B : Self-assessment. Clause 6 : Resource management 9001:2008, Quality management systems – Requirements. It is designed and direction of the organization. They management system should create and maintain the internal • Engagement : employer engagement Clause 6 addresses human resources, to be a useful tool for leaders, managers, supervisors, quality practition- Clause 4 : Management of people environment in which people can become is the organization’s commitment to and advises that human resource planning involvement and competence ers, quality management representatives and human resource managers, fully involved in achieving the organiza- and can also be used with other management system standards. tion’s objectives ”. Clause 4 describes the processes an organi- zation can use to implement and maintain people involvement and competence in The new International Standard was quality management systems (see Figure 1). developed by ISO technical committee Input : Output : It also describes how leaders should encour- ISO/TC 176, Quality management and Improvement • Organization’s needs • Appropriate competence age people to assume responsibilities, and quality assurance, subcommittee SC 3, Sup- Policies and objectives • Involved people • create the conditions that enable them to porting technologies, through its working • Previous reviews • Documentation for review achieve desired results. group WG 15, Guidelines for participation The process is based on four steps : and competence of people. 4.4 Analysis : data are collected and ana- Importance of people lyzed to establish an organization’s 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 short- and long-term objectives for Analysis Planning Implementation Evaluation WG15 concluded that based on the eight people involvement and competence quality management principles from which 4.5 Planning : procedures are created to the ISO 9000 family is developed, the peo- plan the people involvement and com­ ple aspects of quality management systems pe­tence acquisition process at an organi­ ­ needed to be addressed more strongly. Figure 1 : The people involvement and competence process. za­tion­al, group and individual level

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Management Solutions

Attitude and motivation A.2 Leadership A.9 Annex B Awareness A.3 Networking A.10 The guidance in Clauses 5 to 8 can be used as a checklist to assess people involvement Communication A.4 Recognition and rewards A.11 and competence in an organization. Annex Creativity and innovation A.5 Recruitment A.12 B provides a rapid high-level guideline for Education and learning A.6 Responsibility and authority A.13 self-assessment. Empowerment A.7 Teamwork and collaboration A.14 A better framework Engagement A.8

Table 1 : Human factors in people involvement and competence. Although there is a body of knowledge available that seeks to address the people should be strategic (long term) and tactical Following are extracts from several key need, it is not in a form readily accessible (short term), and include a recruitment and factors : to users of ISO standards and is often selection process. That process should be • Awareness : leaders should ensure that hard to find and difficult to link. However, For humans, transparent to candidates, and emphasize people in the organization understand ISO 10018 can help by providing global the importance of their competence. The the purpose of the quality management guidance on what knowledge to use when the food supply chain is clause also refers back to the competence system, and their role in the system. implementing ISO 9001, and the link acquisition process described in Clause 4. They should be involved at all stages between the quality management standard usually a bit longer. of identifying the process and controls and people involvement. It enables multi- Clause 7 : Product realization they work with, and be aware of their national organizations to develop a more consistent business culture with a common Clause 7 guidelines require that those process responsibilities quality management language, and a bet- responsible for product realization and ter framework for global communication. service delivery understand customer needs People involvement is a prevention-based and expectations, as well as product require- ISO 10018:2012 provides activity investing in training, teamwork ments. Meetings addressing complaints a framework for getting and communications. Although it may be should involve people in departments the best out of people. perceived as a cost, people involvement affected by the complaint. is actually a shift in time allocation from Clause 8 : Measurement, analysis correction to prevention. and improvement • Communication : effective communi- Following ISO 9001 certification – and cation is necessary for people inside with an excellence mindset among a broader Clause 8 states that when people from all and outside the organization, to ensure group of people as a result of ISO 10018 business functions are engaged on the audit they work with common objectives. As implementation – organizations can then team, that team is seen as representative of organizations grow and become more progress more rapidly to continual improve- the entire organization. It advises that those complex, communication becomes ment. An easier transition from ISO 9001 being interviewed during an audit should be more difficult to excellence models and awards can also made aware that the audit involves assessing • Creativity and innovation : creativity be expected.  the process and not the person. and innovation inside the organization enables the improvement of existing Standards Annex A About the author for sustainable processes and products, and the crea- development Annex A describes in more detail the tion of new products and services for factors that impact on people involvement the market Peter Merrill is Convenor of ISO and competence, as previously listed in • Education and learning : the learning technical committee 4.6. and explains why each is important, organization focuses on increasing ISO/TC 176, Qual- and outlines the benefits gained from their knowledge to continually increase its ity management The ISO Pack on Food Safety Management Systems on CD. implementation. Table 1 shows the full list performance. Organizations must be and quality assur- of these human factors. competent to be competitive ance, subcommittee The supply chain that puts food from supply chain to implement man- Available from ISO national member • Empowerment : Empowerment enables SC 3, Support- the farm on to our table is a bit longer agement systems that ensure the institutes (listed with contact details people to take responsibility for their ing technologies, on the ISO Website at www.iso.org) than in nature. It can food we eat is safe. The work and its results working group WG 15, Guidelines for and from the ISO Central Secretariat stretch across conti- ISO Pack on Food Safety Webstore at www.iso.org/isostore • Engagement : When people are fully participation and competence of people – ISO Packs or e-mail to [email protected]. nents and includeveloped within ISO pro- Management Systems engaged in the organization’s activi- the developers of ISO 10018:2012, and is products, in order to This ISO Pack contains the standards de under the aegis of ISO/TC 34 , Foodplement such a system and Food Safet ducers,help operators in the foodprocessors, chain in their approach basis ofto thefood traceability safety includes on one CD the ISBN 978-92-67-01166-0 ties they experience more personal also a member of the Strategic Advisory management. It explains how to im ionals in the recognition and how to demonstrate achievements,izations, on the by establishing appropriate y standard. This CD also assists profess ion of systems. Mana transportconfidence they place in theirand real storage entire ISO 22000 family g Food Safety fulfilment, and the organization Group of ISO/TC 176 and Liaison with ement S requirements for bodies providing certificat International Organization osoft Windows ®, y Management Systems consequently conducts its activities TC 260, Human resources. Mr. Merrill is operators, and retail stems of standards, in English This product is compatible with Micr Mac OS X ® and Linux ®. Systèmes de management for Standardization

Systèmes de management de la sécurité d

y more effectively. Engagement is the a conference keynote speaker and author outlets. The ISO 22000 es and in French. d de la sécurité des denrées © ISO, 2007 – All rights reserved enr alimentaires

é loppées au sein de es a Central Secretariat

oduits alimentaires pour li outcome of effective recruitment fol- of Innovation Generation and Do it Right family of standards men

Cet ISO Pack regroupe les normes dévelimentaire dans leur démarche g t s alimentaires. a 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse l’ISO, sous l’égide du ISO/TC 34, Pr i All rights reserved.res e un tel système, il assiste Unauthorized copying of aider les opérateurs de la chaîne a this product is prohibited lowed by introduction to the workforce the Second Time. He may be reached at : . de management de la sécurité des denréea démonstration de ce qu’ils Version 1 helps all types of ISBN 978-92-67-01166- Ce CD explique comment mettre en urplac la norme relative à la traçabilité © ISO, 2007 0 Case postale 56 également les professionnels dansssance l et la confiance en ce ont mis en œuvre, en s’appuyant s es appropriées pour les through an awareness process. [email protected] Food Safety ISO Packs CH-1211 Geneva 20 operatormais également dansin la reconnai the. ee Management Systèmes de management de la sécurité des qu’ils ont fait, en établissant des exigenc Systems organismes certificateurs de système denrées alimentaires dows ®,

Ce produit est compatible Microsoft Win ISO Packs

Mac OS X ® et Linux ®. 2007-11 Switzerland in Printed 40 + © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus November-December 2012 © ISO, 2007 – Tous droits réservés © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+

Ad Girafe_Food safety-2010.indd 1 2011-05-27 12:04:34 a 360° 35th ISO General Assembly

management) and ISO 50001 (energy Innovation is management). 2012 GA photos on FlickR “ I applaud and celebrate ISO for taking the lead in sustainability standardization. Photos of ISO’s 35th General Assembly can be accessed on the social In particular, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 are name of the game media site, FlickR, at : www.flickr.com/isostandards models for how to approach sustainability th in practice and in management, ” Dr. Gal- ISO 35 General Assembly lagher declared. “ Sustainability is the right priority. Wisely 1947, it had 26 members. “ Today, ” he He was followed as a speaker by Jim managing a world of finite resources is one said, “ the ISO family is made up of the Pauley, Chair of ANSI’s Board of Direc- of the key societal challenges we face. As national standards bodies of 164 countries, tors, who told delegates : “ As standards all of you know, standards play an essential including industrialized, developing and professionals, you know that standards role in how we assess the challenge. transitional economies, from all regions and conformance play a critical role in “ Sustainability is not about looking at of the world. ” the economy. We often like to cite a US one part of the process, but the entire life Dr. Aleshin told delegates that ISO had a Department of Commerce figure that cycle of a product : design, production, use huge opportunity to achieve greater strategic standardization impacts more than 80 % and disposal. It’s about engaging producers recognition of the value of standardization of global commodity trade. The jury’s still distributors, regulators, buyers and users. to business, government and consumers. out on what that will mean for 2012, but in “ In a global market, I can’t think of a But he warned, “ We, at ISO, need to ensure 2011, that 80 % impact came to more than challenge more important for us to undertake. that customers know about ISO, that we USD 13 trillion dollars. As we develop the standards framework, it are not just talking from the ҅ inside to the “ It’s clear that effective utilization of will also unleash innovation and creativity. inside’ – that is, amongst ourselves. standards and conformance promotes tech- It’s a worthy challenge. ” “ The ҅ inside must talk to the outside’ nological interoperability and the global Dr. Gallagher also emphasized the and we must find the most compelling and competitiveness of all businesses. And importance of global standards to compa- vivid ways of doing so, so that we show greater cooperation and information-sharing nies and consumers “ because technology clearly how standards benefit those ҅ on the will improve cost savings and increase effi- is not within national boundaries but on a outside’. To do this, we should find new ciencies – clearly a top priority in today’s global scale ”. forms to communicate, new ideas to debate economic landscape. When individual ISO President, Dr. Boris Aleshin, pointed and decide on actions – and to be simpler, businesses do well, there is a corresponding out that when ISO began operations in faster and better in everything we do. ” improvement in our national economies.

The “ top table ” at the 35th ISO General Assembly. by Roger Frost

The focus was firmly on innovation at ISO’s 35th General Assem- bly (GA), 17-22 September 2012, in San Diego, USA. In response to feedback from ISO members after the two previous GAs, ISO shook up the 2012 format to encourage more participation, discussion and networking. An open session also highlighted innovation.

ISO’s 35th GA was hosted by the ISO US Government standards chief member for the USA, the American National praises ISO’s sustainability Standards Institute (ANSI), a founder member standards of the organization. It attracted the participa- tion of 434 delegates from 123 ISO member Dr. Patrick Gallagher, the US Under countries and 13 partner international or Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director of the National th ISO General regional organizations. The GA took place 35 Assembly on 19 and 21 September with a break on 20 Institute of Standards and Technology September for the open session addressing (NIST), delivered an opening speech. He two of the challenges facing the international said that ISO is making enormous progress in developing standards for sustainability 17-22 September 2012 community – innovation and the economics San Diego, California, U.S.A of sustainable development – areas where and is taking the lead in this area through International Standards are making clear standards like ISO 14001 (environmental Speakers and participants in the opening ceremony, from left : S. Joe Bhatia, President and CEO, ANSI; Rob Steele, ISO Secretary-General;

2012-05-04 11:54:48 Dr. Patrick Gallagher, US Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director of the National Institute of Standards contributions. But can they do more ? (See and Technology (NIST); Lori Jenaire, singer; Jim Pauley, Chair of ANSI’s Board of Directors; Dr. Boris Aleshin, ISO President; ISO General Assembly San Diego 2012_FINAL_EN.indd 1 following article on page 51). Dr. Mary McKiel, Chair of ISO/ANSI Council.

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360° 35th ISO General Assembly

“ But standards and conformance also ISO’s strategy play another important role in the global marketplace. They demonstrate quality ISO Vice-President (policy), Sadao and inspire consumer confidence. ” Takeda, provided an update on the imple- People to people… mentation of the ISO Strategic Plan 2011- Meeting, networking, debating, sharing… 2015. While ISO was on track to achieve its President urges ISO to define strategic objectives for 2015, the business new business model environment had significantly changed due Innovation was also an underlying theme to the global financial crisis. of a panel discussion facilitated by ISO However, he underlined that ISO had President, Dr. Aleshin, on the resources made rapid progress in particular in the ISO and its national members need to meet information and communication technology future customer needs. (ICT) sector which would have an impact ISO needs to embrace a new business on its core business of information creation model in order to ensure its future and and dissemination. avoid “ brewing in its own stew ”, he told In addition, ISO Council had conducted delegates. Dr. Aleshin called for clarity on a risk and scenario analysis to determine what sort of business ISO actually is ­– the ISO Secretary-General, Rob Steele. action that might be required by ISO to meet ISO Vice-President (technical manage- central operations of ISO in Geneva, or a the challenges of the economic climate. ment), Dr. Elisabeth Stampfl-Blaha. multi-billion dollar network comprising products. And we need to discuss the • Improving communication – the ISO Central Secretariat and its national business model of the entire organization Dr. Stampfl-Blaha underlined that members in 164 countries. This was an and identify common objectives with our improving the sharing of information “ exceedingly important issue ”, he said. international standardization partners, the was key. Distribution of the TMB Com- “ We have to address our target audiences International Electrotechnical Commission muniqué had been widened to the whole together, ” he said. “ We have to define our (IEC) and the International Telecommuni- ISO membership so all could provide customers – whether business, consumers cation Union (ITU). ” feedback and indicate their priorities or government – and address their needs with a common understanding. Otherwise ISO Secretary-General • Enhancing efficiency – She underlined we are brewing in our own stew. challenges delegates the efforts made to shorten standards “ We do not work well enough together, development times, leaving more ISO Secretary-General, Rob Steele, or with industry and consumers. A lot has freedom to technical committees to challenged delegates with his favourite been done to meet their requirements, but select the best path to achieve consen- question – “ So what ? ” many do not really know about us well sus quickly “ It is clear that solid progress is being enough apart from professionals. made against the key strategic objectives “ I would like us to concentrate on our GA with a difference of the ISO Strategic Plan 2011-2015. Key target audiences and address them with priorities are identified and action is being Among issues discussed during the communication and training. We need taken to address these, ” he said. General Assembly were : to propagate our values and promote our ISO Vice-President (policy), “ However, it is also clear that there Sadao Takeda. • Key issues in standardization from the needs to be a much stronger link between perspectives of partner standardization ISO and our key customers. The issues of ISO’s technical work organizations, the IEC, the ITU and economic growth and rapidly changing the World Trade Organization (WTO) expectations create a significant oppor- ISO Vice-President (technical manage- • ISO intellectual property rights (IPR) tunity for ISO as International Standards ment), Dr. Elisabeth Stampfl-Blaha, outlined and the copyright of ISO standards can play a significant part in meeting those three issues being tackled by the Technical (facilitated by Nicolas Fleury, ISO expectations. Management Board (TMB), which oversees Director of Marketing, Communica- “ But we must now look at each other ISO’s standards development work : tion and Information) and be bolder. To achieve the potential • Fostering partnerships – She empha- • The resources ISO and its members of the opportunity requires us to look at sized that thinking in terms of need to meet future customer needs – what standards are needed in the world in structures was obsolete. Rather than ideas on future business models (facili- ways that allow us to respond to and meet focusing on conflict resolution - tated by the ISO Secretary-General) that need in ways that are simpler, faster nisms, ISO and its partner the IEC and better than we ever have before, using were looking into possible synergies • Simpler, faster, better IT tools to all of the skills, experience and credence and solving issues upfront, before they develop and publish an ISO standard of the ISO name to meet our customers’ became problems to an iPad, to the Online Browsing needs. We need to use whatever resources Platform and as a PDF (facilitated are available to do this – and the time to by David Ratcliffe, ISO Director of ISO President, Dr. Boris Aleshin. do that is now. ”

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360° 35th ISO General Assembly

Information Technology and Elec- Kenyan wins ISO/DIN essay tronic Services) contest for young standardizers • Working with partners to meet the in developing countries People to people… ISO Strategic Plan 2011-2015 – what Meeting, networking, debating, sharing… works and what more can be done An essay on the role of standards in the (facilitated by ISO Deputy Secretary- Kenyan economy was announced as the General, Kevin McKinley) winning entry in the ISO/DIN contest for young standardizers in developing countries. • Standards and education (facilitated by The author is Amwayi Omukhweso Wil- Strategic Advisor to the ISO Secre- liam, Assistant quality assurance officer, tary-General, Daniele Gerundino) at the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS). • Review of ISO’s governance to The contest, which is organized by ISO make it more efficient and more and sponsored by DIN, the German Institute effective (delivered by the ISO for Standardization, aims to challenge and Secretary-General) give an opportunity to young standards professionals in developing countries and In place of long presentations, delegates economies in transition. tackled these issues through panel discus- Participants in the 2012 edition had to sions and break-out sessions to encourage write an essay in English answering the ques- questions and debate. Participants also used From left : Amanda Richardson (BSI) ; Leonardo Martins (ABNT); ISO President, tion, “ How do ISO International Standards electronic keypads to provide rapid feedback. Dr. Boris Aleshin; Ed Pinero, ISO/TC 242 Chair; Jason Knopes, Secretary help industry in your country to respond to PowerPoint presentations used to intro- of ISO/TC 242, and Guo Hui (SAC). local and global market demands ”. Young duce the discussions and break-out ses- critical to organizational operations and can “ ISO 50001 provides a framework for standardizers were encouraged to present sions, along with resulting reports and be a major cost to organizations, whatever industrial plants ; commercial, institutional, their personal views based on their coun- recommendations made are available to their activities. In addition to the economic or governmental facilities ; or entire organi- try’s experience. ISO members on the ISODOC server. costs of energy to an organization, energy zations to manage energy. Targeting broad Announcing the winner, DIN Director, ISO’s senior officers are sifting through can impose environmental and societal costs applicability across national economic Dr. Torsten Bahke, declared : “ The winner the recommendations and will be reporting by depleting resources and contributing to sectors, it is estimated that the standard has very nicely linked the development on resulting actions to be taken. problems such as climate change. could influence up to 60 % of the world’s objectives of his country, as contained in In addition to the changes in format, the “ Individual organizations cannot control energy use. ” the national economic blueprint dubbed 2012 GA featured increased opportunities for energy prices, but they can improve the way ISO identified energy management as one ʽVision 2030’, to the need to apply Inter- networking by introducing “ genius bars ”. they manage their energy consumption, ” he of the top five fields for the development national Standards in the sectors that are During breaks in the agenda, delegates were said. “ Improved energy performance can of International Standards and in 2008 expected to lead growth, with an emphasis able to meet members of the ISO Central provide rapid benefits for an organization created a project committee, ISO/PC 242, on export markets. Secretariat teams in an informal atmosphere by maximizing the use of its energy sources Energy management, to carry out the work. “ The need to apply ISO standards for and learn more about issues such as IPR and and energy-related assets. conformity assessment and management how they can benefit more from services ISO/PC 242 was led by ISO members for the to members, IT tools, and marketing, com- United States (ANSI) and Brazil (ABNT). In addition, its leadership included the ISO ISO Secretary-General, Rob Steele, presents Erniningsih Haryadi, of BSN, munication and information. Indonesia, with her prize for winning a quiz about ISO’s development programme. members for China (SAC) and the United Developers of ISO 50001 Kingdom (BSI) to ensure that developed and energy management standard developing economies participate together honoured in the strategic direction and administration of the project committee. It was transformed The achievement of a team of experts into a technical committee in June 2011, who developed the ISO 50001 Interna- signifying that it will be developing addi- tional Standard for energy management tional standards. were recognized through an award for Today, experts from the national stand- superior performance. For 2012, the ards bodies of 48 ISO member countries Lawrence D. Eicher (LDE) Leadership participate within ISO/TC 242, with another Award for excellence in creative and 17 countries as observers. innovative standards development went Dr. Aleshin presented the LDE Award to ISO technical committee, ISO/TC 242, to : ISO/TC 242 Chair, Ed Pinero ; Secretar- Energy management. ies – Jason Knopes (ANSI) and Leonardo Announcing the award winner, ISO Presi- Martins (ABNT); with Guo Hui, repre- Amwayi Omukhweso William, dent, Dr. Aleshin, pointed out that energy is DIN Director, Dr. Torsten Bahke, senting SAC, and Amanda Richardson, announced the winner winner of the 2012 ISO/DIN essay of the ISO/DIN contest. representing BSI. contest for young standardizers in developing countries.

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360° 35th ISO General Assembly

their cooperation before and during the event, which greatly facilitated the proceedings and contributed to its success. ” The ISO President presented the outgoing Treasurer, Julien Pitton, with cufflinks as a token of ISO’s appreciation for his achieve- ments and valuable service during his term of service from 2008 to 2012. ISO Vice-President (technical manage- ment), Dr. Stampfl-Blaha, presented the outgo- ing President, Dr. Aleshin, with cuff­links as a token of ISO’s appreciation for his achieve- ments as President and delivered a speech thanking him for having led the organization in new directions with enthusiasm.

IEC’s Vice President, James Matthews. ITU’s Deputy to the Director Counsellor of the WTO Trade and The ISO President Dr. Boris Aleshin presented the outgoing Treasurer, Julien Pitton, with of the Telecommunication Standardization Environment Division (and Secretary of the a gift for his achievements and valuable service. Bureau (ITU-T), Reinhard Scholl. WTO/TBT Committee), Erik Wijkström. systems has also been clearly described. standards are issues, but only four are fully • IPQ (Portugal) Overall, there has been a very good under- be able to identify the projects that our of There has been a reduction in the number fledged disputes – one dispute was around • INNORPI (Tunisia) “ what is an international standard ? ”. Being standing of the theme by the contestant/ interest to them. National bodies need to be of standards-setting organizations because • MCCAA (Malta) winner and he has covered the topic from proactive in reaching out to communities of the means and money required. Compa- widely used is not a prerequisite for an international standard, but that it has been many angles, showing that he has a clear of stakeholders. New participants need to nies want their interests well reflected. The Presentations idea of how ISO standards should be used. ” see the benefits of global solutions. challenge is how to stay market relevant. created by a body in which participation In an audio message of thanks to the Reinhard Scholl (ITU) : The information ITU has adapted to be relevant by working and openness are key. The more countries The ISO President and Secretary-General ISO General Assembly, William affirmed : and communication technology (ICT) indus- very fast and today, it has transparent and that participate, the more it will be relevant. presented the President and CEO of host “ Standards have and will play a critical try is very competitive, which is reflected good procedures. A second challenge is the organization, ANSI, S. Joe Bhatia, with a role in enhancing global trade by improving in the standards-setting process. There is a intersection between ICT and the vertical New Council members special gift and read out the text of a spe- market access and enhancing the competitive proliferation of organizations developing markets (such as transport and utilities). cial resolution : “ The General Assembly The General Assembly elected the fol- advantage of products. It is important there- standards and a growing number of fora on Erik Wijkström (WTO) : Standards are expresses its deepest thanks to the Ameri- lowing six members to the ISO Council for fore for countries, especially the developing standardization. Companies cannot afford to “ the air we breathe ” and the use of interna- can National Standards Institute (ANSI) the 2013-2014 term : nations, to leverage on this linkage between attend all such fora, but at the same time, if tional standards is strongly encouraged by for its warm welcome and the outstanding standards and trade as this is a crucial driving their interests are not addressed, they will the WTO. Since 1995, there have been 45 • DSM (Malaysia) arrangements it made for ISO San Diego The 2013 ISO General Assembly will be held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, at force for any country’s economic growth. ” continue to create new consortia. formal disputes brought to the WTO where • ESMA (United Arab Emirates) 2012. The General Assembly expresses its the invitation of Dr. Grigory Elkin, President • IRAM (Argentina) heartfelt gratitude to the staff of ANSI for of ISO’s member for the country, GOST R. Working with partners As a cornerstone of his Presidency, he had The ISO President, Dr. Aleshin, facilitated notably encouraged ISO to work on ways to a panel discussion by IEC’s Vice President, innovate and improve the standards devel- James Matthews ; ITU’s Deputy to the opment process, to shorten development Director of the Telecommunication Stand- timetables while providing higher quality ardization Bureau (ITU-T), Reinhard Scholl, documents and improving the relevance of and the Counsellor of the WTO Trade and the work to users. More importantly still, Environment Division (and Secretary of the he had helped promote the fact that there WTO/TBT Committee), Erik Wijkström. was strong and direct linkage between the They provided insights on how standardi- development and use of standards, and zation impacted the world and highlighted innovation. key challenges facing their organizations, including the following extracts : Next General Assemblies James Matthews (IEC) : ISO and IEC have a rich history, but always moving for- The 2013 ISO General Assembly will be ward for efficient and productive outcomes. held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, Work flourishes, technology advances, and at the invitation of ISO’s member for the the two organizations are more collabora- ISO presented a special gift to host organization, ANSI : (from left) Rob Steele, country, GOST R. The 2014 GA will be ISO Secretary-General, Dr. Mary McKiel, Chair of ISO/ANSI Council, ISO Vice-President (technical management), Dr. Stampfl-Blaha, presented the outgoing tive than ever. At the same time, it is vital Dr. Boris Aleshin, ISO President and President, Dr. Boris Aleshin, with a special gift for his achievements as President. held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, at the invita- to understand that standards user need to S. Joe Bhatia, President and CEO of ANSI. tion of ISO’s national member, ABNT. 

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360° 360° 35th ISO General ISO Open Assembly Session

ISO’s developing country members urged to become “ standards makers ”, not standards takers Sustainability

Another highlight is the development of workshops on good standardization practice. The programme covered by the workshop and innovation includes provision of a self-assessment tool to enable ISO members to benchmark their practices and embark on the path Leveraging International Standards of improvement. One of the main objectives is to help them when developing standards to apply the six World Trade Organization principles for avoiding Technical Barriers to Trade. To meet the objectives of the Action Plan, ISO has also been running training programmes for the secretaries of ISO technical committees (TC) and their support teams. In addition, a course for ISO/TC chairs and convenors has been developed. A related innovation is a new course for implementing the guidance on engaging stakeholders in standardization work developed by the Process Evaluation Group (PEG) of the Technical Management Board (TMB). Such initiatives are made possible not only by ISO member From left : ISO Secretary-General, Rob Steele; ISO/DEVCO Chair, contributions, but also through funding by external donor organizations, Dr. Bambang Setiadi and ISO/DEVCO Secretary, Beer Budoo. particularly the Swedish Agency for International Development (Sida).

ISO Secretary-General, Rob Steele, urged developing countries ISO/DEVCO Chair for 2010-2012, Dr. Bambang Setiadi (Indonesia), to increase their participation in standards development and has been thanked by ISO Council for his numerous contributions, become “ standards makers ” instead of “ standards takers ”. including his input to the development and implementation He was speaking at the 46th meeting of the ISO Committee for of the ISO Action Plan for developing countries 2010-2015. developing country matters (ISO/DEVCO), held at the beginning Evah Oduor (Kenya) has been appointed as the ISO/DEVCO Chair of the GA week. The meeting drew more than 340 delegates from for 2013-2014.  106 developing country members of ISO. He emphasized the important contributions that standards make to national economies, international trade and to tackling challenges facing the world community such as the environment The “ top table ” at the ISO Open Session. and adequate supplies of water. Rob Steele said no country had by Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis the resources to participate in all of ISO’s more than 200 standards development committees. However, developing countries could oday, ISO’s portfolio of more than 19 400 standards provide busi- The open session provided an opportunity identify the half-dozen most important sectors to their economies T ness, government and society with solutions in all three dimensions of for stakeholders from around the world – and become involved in the corresponding ISO technical groups including business leaders – to discuss the developing standards for these. sustainable development – economic, environmental and societal. current issues around innovation and the Mr. Steele reviewed ISO’s efforts to assist its developing economics of sustainable development, ISO standards are crucial to sustainable harmonized solutions to global challenges what is being done and what needs to be country members to build up and improve their standardization development, as they are a key source of that are too large for any one country to done better, and how standards could assist. infrastructures. The roadmap for these efforts is set out in the ISO technological know-how, including for solve on its own. They allow the industry The event’s interactive format prompted Action Plan for developing countries 2011-2015. developing countries and economies in to move forward without each individual extensive discussion among participants, One of the innovations already launched under the plan is transition. They are invaluable in helping company having to do the ground-up and generated a wealth of ideas to address countries develop their economies and build implementation on its own. Because of gaps and opportunities as well as new bringing together members of academia and national standards During the General Assembly week, ISO and the Standardization capacities to compete on global markets. standards, everyone can innovate and avenues for the development of ISO stand- bodies (NSBs) to reflect on how to introduce standardization Administration of China (SAC) signed a Memorandum Consumers, governments and businesses everything can interoperate. ards. Some 100 ideas were captured from topics to educational curricula at all levels. This coincides with of Understanding aiming to increase SAC’s participation in international standardization. The agreement was signed everywhere benefit from ISO’s efforts. It was precisely the mix of these two the two break-out sessions addressing the the launching of the ISO database of educational materials on by ISO Secretary-General, Rob Steele, and Chen Gang, In today’s interconnected world, Inter- subjects that was at the heart of the lively expectations on international standardiza- Administrator, representing SAC. standardization. national Standards provide internationally open session held in September at the ISO tion and highlighting a number of exemplary General Assembly in San Diego, USA. achievements around the world.

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360° ISO Open Session

including on the use of ISO 14001 for management systems – Guidelines for a environmental management. phased implementation of an environmental “ The standards approach is incredibly management system, including the use of helpful in the hospitality industry to ensure environmental performance evaluation, that we are aligned and drive sustainable which facilitates the inclusion of SMEs in development.” their quest for sustainability. “ Society is seeing business as a solu- Business buy-in tions provider more and more, ” he said. “ Business has the chance to contribute Across many industries, leading firms have along with society to the formulation of adopted ISO standards to improve quality the public policy agenda for sustainability.” assurance, waste reduction, environmental The benefits of a public and private partner- impact, and safety. Like other ISO stand- ship was taken a step further and explored by ards, ISO 50001:2011, Energy management Declan Meally, Head of Department, with systems − Requirements with guidance for responsibility for non-domestic energy effi- use, offers an organizational framework to ciency, in the Sustainable Energy Authority achieve a greater goal, in this case, energy of Ireland (SEAI), Ireland’s national body for management. Its strategies include estab- sustainable energy policy and programmes. lishing management structures to increase The SEAI/industry partnership is a accountability and results, applying energy Dr. Boris Aleshin (far left) captivated by a discussion on innovation and standards. model of how government and business can efficiency to operations and maintenance, The panelists at the afternoon session, which addressed International Standards in support work together. It has been pivotal in turn- of innovation. From left : Patrick MacLeamy, Chief Executive Officer, HOK Architects and integrating energy into areas such as ing Ireland into an international leader in The opening address was given by training and procurement. (Norway); Phil McKinney, an Innovation Consultant, and former Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Hewlett-Packard’s Personal Systems Group; Jacques Lair, Chair energy-management best practice, solutions Dr. Torsten Bahke, Director of DIN, ISO Leading firms have Industry use of ISO 50001 was well of ISO/TC 268; Rajan Rajeev, Senior Director, Product Management, Qualcomm Life Inc. and systems. The publication of ISO 50001 member for Germany, who accentuated adopted ISO standards to explained by Chad Gilless, Practice Lead (USA), and Dr. Torsten Bahke, Director of DIN. has been crucial in creating a framework the importance of International Standards : – Strategy Energy Management, EnerNOC that is proven to deliver results. “ Global challenges need global solutions improve quality assurance, energy efficiency industry. Mr. Gilless, who innovation in the use of natural resources (USA), a leading provider of energy man- In the early years, said Declan Meally, and ISO, through its national members and waste reduction, environ- has been involved with ISO 50001 since and helps to ensure that goods and services agement applications and services. we were dealing with energy managers. organizations in liaison, has a unique frame- its inception in 2008, showed how busi- are globally acceptable.” mental impact, and safety. ISO 50001 is being used as a strategic ISO 50001 took it a step further by moving work for bringing together the international nesses, energy utilities, and governments tool and framework in the multi-billion USD He highlighted the market situation the discussion from “ the boiler room to the expertise that can develop these solutions, can leverage the standard to achieve their for SMEs and the increasing demands boardroom ”, necessitating the involvement and for disseminating them in an orderly and energy goals. being placed on them to prove the envi- of the whole team and bringing together effective manner. ISO standards also ensure “ Energy efficiency is a smart business, ” ronmental management efficiency of their interested groups. “ We saw major changes that innovative solutions can be transferred he said, “ Studies show that implementing production processes. Additional support, in productivity thanks to ISO 50001 ”. to developing countries so that the benefits ISO 50001 is a smart payback at the facil- he suggested, can improve the outlook, He gave an example : the Dundalk 2020 are also available on a global basis.” ity level with a return on investment in a citing ISO 14005:2010, Environmental Project is creating the first sustainable Denise Naguib, Vice President, Sustainabil- year or less.” ity and Supplier Diversity, Marriott Interna- He concluded : “ ISO 50001 makes smart tional, Inc. (USA), made the keynote address energy efficiency ‘smarter’, from equipment to the first panel. She described the Marriott to energy data to organization.” sustainability strategy and its journey, as well The benefits of ISO 14001:2004, Envi- as the development with industry partners of ronmental management systems − Require- an aligned carbon footprint methodology. ments with guidance for use, particularly Ms. Naguib pointed out that a systematic for SMEs, was also well explained by the approach to sustainability has helped the next speaker, Haroldo Mattos de Lemos, company succeed and drive innovation President of the Instituto Brasil PNUMA throughout its 3 700+ hotels/properties (Brazilian Committee for the United Nations around the globe. Environment Programme – UNEP). “ As an industry, we have worked together Mr. Mattos de Lemos noted that ISO’s to align on the methodology which we can work promotes sustainability and has all use to move forward and give consistent always been an underlying concept of communication to our customers on our standards development. Take, for instance, The panelists at the morning session, which addressed International Standards in support of carbon footprint.” sustainable development. From left : Declan Meally, Head of Department, Sustainable Energy the ISO 14000 family of standards for She went on to explain how sustain- Authority of Ireland; Chad Gilless, Practice Lead, Strategy Energy Management, EnerNOC environmental management. Industry’s use able hotels are not easily defined and the (USA); Denise Naguib, Vice President, Sustainability and Supplier Diversity, Marriott of the ISO 14000 series results in savings importance of standards. “ The value of a International, Inc. (USA); Haroldo Mattos de Lemos, Vice Chair of ISO/TC 207, of natural resources, reductions in the gen- Chair Technical Council of ABNT (Brazil), and President of the Instituto Brasil PNUMA, standards approach is very important so we and Dr. Torsten Bahke, Director of DIN, eration of residues and pollution, supports Some 100 ideas were captured from the two break-out sessions thanks to the active can better communicate to our customers, ISO member for Germany. participation and engagement of all attendees.

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360° ISO Open Session

Advances in wireless healthcare are pro- The proposed programme of work for the viding improved sources of understanding newly created technical committee includes for disease and treatment modalities, and the development and implementation of holis- Programme 13:30-14:45 are revolutionizing the provision of health tic, cross-sector and area-based approaches Afternoon keynote address Innovation through International Standards services in both developing and developed to sustainable development in communities. supports sustainable development Panel discussion : Innovation, How innovative technologies are pursuing sustain- countries. “ The aim is in line with the overall objectives able development with the assistance of Inter sustainable Standards national “ We have become untethered…our world of sustainable development, ” said Mr. Lair. • Wireless technology in healthcare example development • Smart cities example is ruled by wireless. There are more people “ These recommendations will improve use • Smart buildings example and standards with access to cell phones, than to drinking of local resources, give access to best avail- 14:45-15:15 Afternoon coffee break 15:15-16:30 water, electricity or a toothbrush.” able technology, and reduce environmental Three concurrent breakout sessions to discuss innovative technologies, sustainable develo However – and herein lies the chal- impact. And to succeed, innovative solutions and related International Standards solutionspment

lenge – the medical technologies sector is will have to be adaptable and incremental.” 16:30-17:00 Regrouping break 17:00-17:30 highly fragmented, highly competitive and Mr. Lair ended his talk by encouraging Reports from the morning and afternoon breakout International Organization sessions, summary conclusions and closing remarks. for Standardization participation in the ISO technical committee Central Secretariat highly regulated. There are, at the same 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse Case Postale 56 time, opportunities for standards, the most whose success depends on the involvement CH-1211 Genève 20, Switzerland Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 immediate solution being interoperability. of a large number of experts from a wide Fax + 41 22 733 34 30 E-mail [email protected] “ Fragmentation and connectivity cannot range of countries. The more the better. Web www.iso.org

Thursday 20 September y 2012 coexist ”, he said. In healthcare, devices and An example of innovative thinking in San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina, San Diego, USA systems need to bridge these gaps through the building sector was provided by Patrick © ISO – Jul Open session 2012-EN.indd 1 MacLeamy, Chief Executive Officer of HOK 5 Substantial feedback was gathered through interactive discussions at the break-out groups. interoperability. And International Stand- 6 ards can provide interoperability solutions Architects, a global design and services firm. 1 2012-07-10 14:37:58 energy community in Ireland. The aim of the “ Innovation is the engine that drives without which it would be impossible for BOOM has the biggest pay off ! We can More than 100 ideas were synthesized project is to examine, in a structured way, our economy, ” he said, “ I’m a believer in these technologies to make the links neces- save at least 10 %, if not 30 %, on energy into a few key themes. consumption throughout the lifetime of the the interaction of all aspects of sustainable co-innovation.” sary to work together. Some 100 ideas were • Success is made through collabora- development and the potential of the region Mr. McKinney underlined the fact that building. Our job is to develop interoperable tion [business, regulators, standards Where do we go in the long term ? captured from the two to act as an exemplar and national model success in standards is driven by bringing “ Standards can act as enablers to drive dif- solutions that allow any ingenious provider development organizations (SDOs), for sustainable energy. Work to date on the together more people at the table and put- ferentiation, ” said Mr. Rajan. “ Standards break-out sessions. to operate with any others, thus improving academia] Dundalk 2020 project has led to savings of ting the best ideas forward. “ Scale has a should drive the lower layers of the system. the built environment. This is the promise • Communication is key – are we (ISO) several million Euros in energy and even huge benefit ”, he said, “ it can accelerate This will enable vendors and providers to of buildingSMART. being understood ? Energy consumption in buildings, he “ We think the end result of our work more is envisaged. The innovation is the new standards and address the innovation drive differentiation of their products at the • Accelerated rate of innovation integration. gap and the innovation delay.” upper and application layers.” explained, represents nearly 40 % of the has to be embedded as ISO standards, ” he • Standards provide leveraged R&D and The importance of innovation – as it The enabling role of International Stand- world’s total energy use and 40 % of global said. The building industry is not local, but innovation In support of innovation relates to wireless healthcare – was the ards was highlighted in a talk by Jacques solid waste. There are many ways to reduce global. The big constructors are everywhere. subject of the talk given by Rajeeve Rajan, Lair, Chair of the recently created ISO these energy requirements, and the potential Building operations are a profession, not • Need speed to address markets…or International Standards bring innova- Senior Director, Product Management, technical committee ISO/TC 268, Sustain- savings from energy efficiency in the building an afterthought. miss out tion to the marketplace, facilitating the Qualcomm Life Inc. (USA). able development in communities. sector would contribute substantially to a In many, or most, presentations and dis- development of new markets and increased worldwide reduction in energy consumption. Where are we going ? consumer knowledge and confidence. They cussions, speakers agreed that International This is why buildingSMART is an innova- Vision for the future Standards generate multiple benefits to all make a positive contribution to the world tion approach not only to building design, but we live in, providing solutions and achiev- Addressing participants at the end of types of industries, from hospitality, to smart also to construction through its entire life cycle. cities to buildings. There is room, and a ing benefits for all sectors of activity, from The building industry can gain a high the conference, ISO Secretary-General, sciences to technology, from management Rob Steele, reiterated the importance of pressing need, to develop more standards return on investment by looking across all for all industries to help them innovate and to finance or trade. phases of design, construction and occupancy. the open session in today’s economic cli- The keynote address to the second panel mate. Innovation, sustainable development reap further benefits… even more. Mr. MacLeamy explained that for every Dol- “ All of the suggestions will be reviewed, ” (on innovation) of the open session was lar/Euro/Pound spent to design a building, and standards make good business sense. delivered by Phil McKinney, an innovation “ The need for standards won’t go away; said Rob Steele. “ We will bring them together, about 20 USD is spent to build that building. and evaluate them, and, if possible, incorporate consultant and former Vice President and Most owners of buildings think of that as that much is clear,” he said. “ What needs Chief Technology Officer for Hewlett- to be clarified is the best road to follow to them into the implementation plan. Whereas the end, he said, but it’s only the beginning : broader, more strategic ideas will need to be Packard’s Personal Systems Group, who the actual operating costs of the building are get there.” spoke on the theme of “ Standardizing The open session’s more casual format transmitted to Council for further action.” three times higher than the costs of design. The complete set of presentations made sustainable co-innovation.” BuildingSMART consists of three models : favoured interaction between speakers and He underlined the one competitive audience. This led to lively and relevant by workshop participants are now available. • Building information model (BIM) : advantage that is driving every organiza- discussions, allowing inquisitive minds to All ideas and feedback submitted during design (USD 1), tion – speed, and how to shorten the overall thrash out ideas on issues of relevance to the event are available at www.iso.org/ development cycle, including the industry • Building manufacturing assembly sustainability, innovation and standards. The ga2012pres. Information regarding follow- standards process, so that “ the work we do (BAM) : (USD 20) setting encouraged give-and-take, facilitat- up on this input will also be posted there.  today can have an impact now, and not five Discussion and dialogue head up this year’s open session • Building operation optimization model ing vigorous exchanges and addressing Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis is Editor in Chief, to 10 years from now.” on innovation and sustainability. (BOOM) : (USD 60) thought-provoking topics. ISO Focus+.

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New Releases New Releases Coming Up ISO road safety standard Helping save thousands of lives worldwide

Guest interview In an exclusive interview, John F. Malloy, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Victaulic, a global leader in the design and manufacture of mechanical pipe-joining system solutions, highlights the importance of International Standards to the company : “ The nature of our business and the breadth of markets in which we oper- ate necessitate a global perspective. International Standards are part of the Victaulic difference. Find out more in the next issue of ISO Focus+. 

by Roger Frost ISO 39001 will be useful for organizations ISO Focus+ involved in road-safety related activities as The electronic edition (PDF file) of varied as auditing the effectiveness of road ISO Focus+ is accessible free of SO has just published ISO 39001, a management system standard safety programmes, such as for analyzing I charge on the ISO Website www. for road traffic safety. The standard is a practical tool for govern- “ black spots ”, or providing funding or iso.org/isofocus+. In addition, the ments, vehicle fleet operators and all organizations worldwide who awarding prizes for road safety. Cities entire collection of previous issues of want to reduce death and serious injury due to road accidents. “ The standard has been developed with the support of experts from 40 countries and ISO Focus+ editions, plus ISO Focus ISO 39001 provides them with state-of-the-art requirements for safety 16 liaison organizations, including the World (2004-2009), plus ISO Management aspects including speed, vehicle condition and driver awareness. Health Organization, the World Bank, and the Systems magazine (2001-2009) International Road Federation, ” according is also available free of charge as ut of the earth’s seven billion inhabit- Focus+ includes an overview of the major to Peter Hartzell, Secretary of ISO/TC 241. o electronic files. ISO 39001:2012, Road traffic safety “ ISO 39001 will assist governmental “ The committee will continue its work ants, half of us now live in cities and urban concerns of cities today and of the standards (RTS) management systems – Require- and private sector organizations alike by by following the global implementation areas. It is estimated that in little more than enabling such issues to be addressed. ISO Update ments with guidance for use, is widely providing a structured, holistic approach of ISO 39001 and by providing aware- a generation, two-thirds of the world’s ISO standards are improving the energy The ISO Update, a monthly sup- regarded as a major contribution to the to road-traffic safety as a complement to ness of lessons learnt from case studies. population will be city dwellers. efficiency of buildings, increasing safety in plement to ISO Focus+ is available United Nations’ Decade of Action for Road existing programmes and regulations. It is The committee will be developing other As the population living in urban areas cities, planning sustainable urban develop- Safety 2011-2020. based on the process approach, proven by related standards so we would be happy grows, it is becoming increasingly impor- ment, developing reliable road networks electronically (PDF) in both English Claes Tingvall, Chair of the ISO techni- successful ISO standards such as ISO 9001 to hear from other ISO member countries tant to focus efforts more closely on cities and effective means of transportation, www.iso.org/isoupdate and French cal committee – ISO/TC 241, Road traffic for quality management, including the plan- wishing to join us in the work. ” in order to improve urban planning and reducing pollution and dealing with water www.iso.org/fr/isoupdate. safety management systems – that developed do-check-act cycle, and a requirement for operation and to promote the sustainable and wastewater management. ISO 39001:2012, Road traffic safety The ISO Update informs readers the standard, points out : “ Road accidents continual improvement. ” development of cities. Providing city dwellers with quality of (RTS) management systems – Requirements about the latest developments in account for some 1.3 million fatalities The new standard lays down harmo- with guidance for use, is available from The United Nations Conference on Sus- life, whilst at the same time meeting the each year. The number of people killed is nized requirements, based on international tainable Development (Rio+20), which took pressures exerted by demographic growth, the ISO world, including ISO member ISO national member institutes and from bodies’ CEO and address changes, on the increase, particularly in low- and expertise and applicable to all countries, to ISO Central Secretariat (www.iso.org) place earlier this year, and in which ISO took urbanization and climate change, is a major draft standards under circulation, as middle-income countries. It is crucial that support all public or private sector organiza- through the ISO Store or by contacting the part, emphasized the important role played challenge. well as newly published, confirmed governments commit to implementing a tions involved in regulating, designing or Marketing, Communication and Information by cities in building sustainable societies at To find out more about how ISO standards series of specific and attainable actions, operating road transport. It will also help an economic, social and environmental level. provide essential support to governments, department ([email protected]).  or withdrawn standards. It also in- including the setting of ambitious road by providing a framework for contacts and The ISO standards have a key role to authorities, industry and services in building cludes a list of upcoming technical casualty reduction targets. The sharing of communication between regulators, vehicle play in the construction and development the cities of the future, don’t miss the next Roger Frost is Head of Communication Services, ONLINE committee plenary meetings. know-how and experience is also needed. manufacturers and their suppliers. ISO Central Secretariat. of cities. The January 2013 issue of ISO issue of ISO Focus+ ! 

56 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 ISO Focus+ November-December 2012 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 57 You have to be organized.

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The integrated use of management system standards.

Organizations face multiple challenges. The integrated use of management Available from ISO national member Quality and environmental system standards, explains institutes (listed with contact details management, information how to integrate the required on the ISO Website at www.iso.org) and from the ISO Central Secretariat security, food safety, sup- elements of different standards Webstore at www.iso.org/isostore ply chain security and within the organization’s or e-mail to [email protected]. occupational health and overall management system. ISBN 978-92-67-10473-7 safety among others. More Based on the practical and more are turning to experience of organizations International Organization management system stan- large and small, the book for Standardization – www.iso.org dards (MSS) to help them identifies methodologies, ISO Central Secretariat meet such challenges effi - tools and good practice. 1, ch. de la Voie-Creuse ciently and effectively. The Case postale 56 combined book and CD, CH-1211 Genève 20

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