From: AAAI-92 Proceedings. Copyright ©1992, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Common Sense A. Julian Graddock University of B.C. Vancouver, B.C., V6T lW5
[email protected] Abstract Such inferences are made by retrieving common sense knowledge: General stable knowledge about the An important and readily available source unobserved properties obtained by aggregating over a of knowledge for common sense reasoning is set of similar experiences in the EKB. Thus, the CSR partial descriptions of specific experiences. might infer that the bird sitting on the lawn flys if Knowledge bases (KBs) containing such in- flying is part of the common sense knowledge about formation are called episodic knowledge buses similar birds. (EKB). Aggregations of episodic knowledge In this document I provide a first order framework provide common sense knowledge about the appropriate for: 1. Describing experiences, and 2. Mak- unobserved properties of ‘new’ experiences. ing inferences by retrieving common sense knowledge Such knowledge is retrieved by applying directly from an EKB. The framework differs from statistics to a relevant subset of the EKB many existing knowledge representation techniques as called the reference class. it provides information about specific experiences. I I study a manner in which a corpus of expe- judge the effectiveness of my model by its ability to riences can be represented to allow common flexibly and efficiently retrieve common sense knowl- sense retrieval which is: 1. Flexible enough edge. to allow the common sense reasoner to deal with ‘new’ experiences, and 2. In the simplest My solution case, reduces to efficient database look-up.