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A Cameroon French Polynesia Kyrgyzstan Afghanistan Canada G L Albania Cayman Islands Gabon Latvia Algeria Central African Gambia Lebanon Andorra Republic Georgia Lesotho Angola Chad Germany Liberia Anguilla Chile Ghana Libya Antigua and Barbuda China Greece Lithuania Argentina China, Hong Kong SAR Grenada Luxembourg Armenia China, Macao SAR Guatemala M Aruba Colombia Guinea Madagascar Australia Comoros Guinea-Bissau Malawi Austria Congo Guyana Malaysia Azerbaijan Cook Islands H Maldives B Costa Rica Haiti Mali Bahamas Côte d'Ivoire Honduras Malta Bahrain Croatia Hungary Mauritania Cyprus Bangladesh I Mauritius Czechia Barbados Iceland Mexico Belarus D India Mongolia Belgium Democratic Republic Indonesia Montenegro Belize of the Congo Iran (Islamic Republic Morocco Benin Denmark of) Mozambique Bermuda Djibouti Iraq Myanmar Bhutan Dominica Ireland N Bolivia (Plurinational Dominican Republic Israel Namibia State of) E Italy Nepal Bosnia and Ecuador J Netherlands Herzegovina Egypt Jamaica New Caledonia Botswana El Salvador Japan New Zealand Brazil Equatorial Guinea Jordan Nicaragua Brunei Darussalam Estonia K Niger Bulgaria Eswatini Kazakhstan Nigeria Burkina Faso Ethiopia Kenya North Macedonia Burundi F Kiribati Norway C Fiji Kosovo O Cabo Verde Finland Kuwait Oman Cambodia France P Rwanda South Africa Uganda Pakistan S South Sudan Ukraine Palau Saint Kitts and Spain United Arab Emirates Panama Nevis Sri Lanka United Kingdom Papua New Saint Lucia Sudan United Republic of Guinea Saint Vincent and Suriname Tanzania Paraguay the Grenadines Sweden United States of America Peru Samoa Switzerland Uruguay Philippines San Marino Syrian Arab Republic V Poland Saudi Arabia T Vanuatu Portugal Sao Tome and Tajikistan Venezuela (Bolivarian Q Principe Thailand Republic of) Qatar Senegal Timor-Leste Viet Nam R Serbia Togo Y Republic of Korea Seychelles Tonga Yemen Republic of Sierra Leone Trinidad and Tobago Z Moldova Singapore Tunisia Zambia Romania Slovakia Turkey Zimbabwe Russian Slovenia U Federation Solomon Islands Area Name Afghanistan FAOSTAT 21/02/2020 metadata update Data description The CPI is an average of change in prices of goods and services of the commodity basket based on the Household Budget Survey conducted in 1987. For Afghanistan, the CPI for the capital city, Kabul and the national CPI are calculated separately. Classification The Afghan CPI is based on the Classification of Individual Consumption system by Purpose (COICOP/HBS) and is broken down by category on a five-digit level. Statistical The prices include sales tax, if applicable. concepts and definitions Institutional The national CPI, selected among the most important regions, coverage representing all private households residing permanently in urban areas of Afghanistan and about 15% of the entire population. Item coverage The consumption basket includes 202 important goods and services, typically consumed by urban middle and low-income households. Reference Area CPI for the capital city Kabul only covers this city itself. However, the national CPI covers the capital city, Kabul and other five cities namely: Herat, Kandahar, Jalalabad, Mazar-e-Sharif, and Khost. Dissemination Monthly and annually. Frequency Frequency of Prices are collected from markets and shops in the middle and low data collection income areas between the 20th and 30th days of the Solar month (10th- 20th of the month). Aggregation and Separate indices are first calculated for each item in each of the six urban consolidation areas using the ratio of the current period's average price to the previous period's average price. The national index represents the weighted arithmetic average of indices relating to the urban areas. Elementary indices are aggregated to several levels using the modified Laspeyres formula and the fixed-weights proportional to consumption expenditures. Documentation A comprehensive sources and methods document is published and on methodology updated regularly in “Technical Notes” in the last section of the Afghanistan Statistical Yearbook. Weight sources The Kabul consumer basket with its commodity composition and weights has been used in the other cities for the aggregation of items to expenditure groups and the overall index. Weight detail Major groups relative weights in the national CPI are as follows: 1. Food and non-alcoholic beverages: 58.84% 2. Cigarettes and tobacco: 1.77% 3. Clothing and footwear: 9.06% 4. Housing and related items: 16.46% 5. Household furnishing and appliances: 7.17% 6. Health: 1.68% 7. Transport: 2.15% 8. Communication: 0.97% 9. Education: 1.30% 10. Miscellaneous goods and services: 0.60% Area Name Albania Data description Consumer Price Index (CPI) is defined as the measure of the average change of prices of a fixed basket of goods and services, which is purchased by households and which aims to satisfy the households' needs. Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) comprises all products and services purchased in monetary transactions by households within the territory of a country. Classification The classification of goods and services of CPIs and HICPs follows the system European Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (ECOICOP). Based on this classification the expenditures are classified in 12 main groups Statistical CPI/HICP measure price change in a representative basket of goods and concepts and services typically consumed in Albania and are calculated according to a definitions harmonized methodology and sets of regulations. CPI and HICP are Laspeyre index type. Institutional For CPI: private households within or out the territory of a country; by coverage resident households. For HICP: households within the territory of a country; those by both resident and non-resident households, and Albanian and non-Albanian. Item coverage CPI comprises all products and services purchased in monetary transactions by private households within or out the territory of a country; by resident households. The CPI excludes interest and credit charges, considering them as financing costs rather than consumption. HICPs cover the prices paid for goods and services in monetary transactions. The prices measured are 4 those actually faced by consumers. The HICPs exclude interest and credit charges, considering them as financing costs rather than consumption expenditure. Reference Area Albania has 12 prefectures and for CPI and HICP calculations 11 prefectures are used and Kukës prefecture is covered by Dibër Prefecture.The regional statistical office of 11 cities used to collect the price are Berat, Diber, Durres, Elbasan, Fier, Gjirokastër, Korçë, Lezhë, Shkodër, Tiranë, Vlorë. National index The reference period for CPI and HICP is December 2015 = 100. reference period Dissemination CPI and HICP are disseminated on monthly basis. Frequency Frequency of Prices of most goods and services are collected each month between the data collection 10th and 25th of the month by full-time price collectors employed by INSTAT. However, in the case of fresh vegetables and fruits price collection is done 2-3 times a month, and average price is used for calculation. Air-fair tickets and sea-fair tickets are collected in two months in advanced. Prices for some products such as; university tariffs, price of school books, dormitory tariffs are collected one time in the year. Adjustment No seasonal adjustment is performed. Aggregation and Aggregated index and total index are calculated using Laspeyres formula. consolidation The relative prices are aggregated geographically to form product indices on items for whole Albania. Aggregation over items then gives the CPI of Albania. Documentation The CPI Metadata is published at INSTAT website: on methodology http://www.instat.gov.al/media/375641/cpi_quality_report.pdf Weight sources Weights for CPI: The Final Monetary Consumption Expenditures are used for calculation of CPI weights. The main sources of final expenditures are HBS data. CPI in year t is based in expenditures of year t-1. Additional sources for calculation of weights for imputed rents, alcoholic beverages and tobacco are National Accounts data. The item weights are expressed as a share of total expenditure on all goods and services falling within the scope of the index. Weights are updated every year based on HBS data and other sources. Weights for HICP: HICP weights are calculated in accordance with the requirements of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2454/97 and Council Regulation (EC) No 1688/98. The HICP weights reflect the structure of the FMCE (domestic concept). 11 National accounts are the main source of data for construction of the HICP weights at the highest levels of aggregation. HICP in year t is calculated with weights of year t-2. Area Name Algeria FAOSTAT 12/02/2020 metadata update Classification In order to ensure a better coverage of all products, a carving-up of system goods and services is made. Different classifications are distinguished: 3 categories (food, manufactured goods and services); 8 groups (food, clothing, housing and service charges, furniture, health, transport, communications and education, culture, leisure and the diverse groups); 63 subgroups, 261 articles and 791 varieties. These groupings while meeting a need of homogenization by types of consumer spending are very similar to those recommended by the international classifications for the needs of the national accounting system. Statistical In terms of the nature of recorded prices, it consists in prices paid by the concepts and consumer to acquire a property or a service,