ISSN 0306 1698 the grampian speleological group bulletin fourth series vol. 4 no.2 October 2009 Price £2 GSG Bulletin Fourth Series Vol.4 No.2 CONTENTS Page Number Editorial 1 Meet Reports 3 7 Additions to the Library 8 An Elusive Cave: Uamh Mhei Sain Reoich 12 What Happened in Bowden Hill? 13 An Early Survey of Cnoc nan Uamh 14 Pushing the Limits 15 Vale: Mike Holland 17 Mining at Cousland 17 Caving in The Land of The Cedars 18 Fishing For Caves in West Assynt 25 Caving By Candlelight 27 Meet Note: Fissure Cave on Beinn Tulaichean 29 Smoo Cave: ‘Shakes and Ladders’ Shaft 30 Choice Extract: ‘Live in Sea Caves and Defy the Law’ 31 Forty Years Well Spent. Part 1 32 Ivy Hole, Skye 39 Mexpe 2009 42 From the Bulletin, 45 Years Ago 44 Cover Design: P. MacNab Obtainable from: The Grampian Speleological Group 8 Scone Gardens EDINBURGH EH 8 7DQ (0131 661 1123) Web Site: E-mail (Editorial):
[email protected] -1- The Grampian Speleological Group EDITORIAL: Readers will notice that the ‘Additions to the Library’ section in this issue is very much larger than usual. We have been privileged to benefit from an extraordinary act of generosity which has enabled the club to fill in a lot of gaps in journals runs, and add significantly to its stock of books. Literate cavers seem to come in two distinct groups - those who amass information for useful speleological purposes, and those who collect material as much for its own sake as for its intrinsic value.