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EQUIPMENT SHARING BROCHURE Version Jan 21 CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION 06 LEICESTER INSTITUTE OF STRUCTURAL AND CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 17 Biological NMR spectroscopy, Protein-protein interactions, Protein-ligand interactions, Protein dynamics WISB FLOW CYTOMETRY AND CELL SORTING FACILITY 08 Flow cytometry, FACS, cell sorting, BD, Fortessa, Fusion PROTEIN EXPRESSION FACILITY (PEF) 17 CyTOF, Helios, Mass CyTometry, metal isotype, University of Birmingham, UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM FLOW CYTOMETRY FACILITY 08 Flow, Cytometry, Flow Cytometry, FACS, Cell Sorting, Imaging Flow Cytometry, IFC, CFC, Single Cell Cloning, Single Cell, Training PROTEOMICS RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM 18 Proteomics, mass spectrometry, identification, quantification, post-translational modification, LC-MS, LC-MS/MS, peptide, protein, UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM FLOW CYTOMETRY PLATFORM 09 phosphorylation, validation Fluorescence, Microscopy, Super-Resolution, SIM, SMLM, STED, Light-Sheet, Lattice, SPIM, FRET, Photometry, TIRFM, image analysis ADVANCED MASS SPECTROMETRY FACILITY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM 18 UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM CYTOF SERVICE 09 Proteomics, mass spectrometry, identification, post-translational modification, peptide, protein Imaging Suite Laser scanning Wide field fluorescence microscopy Live cell imaging Slide scanning Lightsheet microscopy ADVANCED IMAGING TECHNOLOGIES 19 CONTAINMENT LEVEL 3 (C3) FACILITY 10 Fluorescence, Spinning Disk, Confocal, microscopes, WISB, Time-lapse, Nikon, Andor, Imaging Hazard Group 3 organisms, Models of infection, Small rodent, Specialist training, Risk assessment for C3 organisms BIRMINGHAM ADVANCED LIGHT MICROSCOPY (BALM) 19 WARWICK ANTIMICROBIAL SCREENING FACILITY 10 Life and environmental sciences, Medical and Dental sciences, Fluorescent Light microscopy, Confocal (LCS) microscopy, TIRF, Structure Illumination, Drug discovery, Antimicrobial screening, Surface testing, Medical microbiology, Antimicrobial resistance, Medicine, High throughput imaging, imaging analysis, trainings Natural products, Microbiology, Robotic screening WARWICK LATTICE LIGHT SHEET 20 AUTOMATED HIGH-THROUGHPUT LIQUID HANDLING ANDMICROBIOREACTOR PLATFORMS 11 CAMDU, Warwick, LLSM, Lattice, LightSheet, Microscopy, Light, Sheet, Live Cell, Dynamics Automation, liquid handling, high throughput, Tecan, screening, Antimicrobial, WISB, robotics, RoboLector, BioLector, microbioreactor, fermentations SLIM / SCHOOL OF LIFE SCIENCE IMAGING 20 DEEP SEQ: NEXT GENERATION SEQUENCING FACILITY 11 Microscopy, Imaging, analysis, confocal, electron microscopy, histology Next generation sequencing, Illumina, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, sequencing, single cell, optical mapping, bioinformatics, genomics, COMPARE 21 transcriptomics, DNA, RNA, 10X Genomics, Bionano Fluorescence, Microscopy, Super-Resolution, SIM, SMLM, STED, Light-Sheet, Lattice, SPIM, FRET, Photometry, TIRFM, image analysis NEUROELECTROPHYSIOLOGY AND ORGAN BATH PHARMACOLOGY LABORATORY 12 TECHNOLOGY HUB IMAGING FACILITY, COLLEGE OF MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCIENCES 21 Neuroelectrophysiology, Organ Bath Pharmacology, Long-Term Potentiation (LTP), Microelectrodes, Neuronal Signalling, Epilepsy Imaging Suite Laser scanning Wide field fluorescence microscopy Live cell imaging Slide scanning Lightsheet microscopy CENTRE FOR HUMAN BRAIN HEALTH 12 CORE BIOTECHNOLOGY SERVICES ELECTRON MICROSCOPY FACILITY 22 Brain, MRI, MEG, EEG, OPM, Fnirs, sleep lab, Non-invasive brain stimulation Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM, Scanning Electron, Microscopy, SEM, Ultramicrotomy, Critical Point Drying, Negative, staining, Immunolabelling, CLEM, Biological sample preparation STEMLAB BIOSUITE 13 Plate Readers, Bioscience, Microbiology, Tissue Culture, Spectrophotometry, Microscopy ADVANCED BIOIMAGING RTP 22 Cryo-TEM, transmission electron microscopy, biological samples, cellular ultrastructure, nanoparticles, size measurements, negative stain, LABEL FREE BIOMOLECULAR INTERACTION ANALYSIS 13 ultrathin sectioning SPR, Biacore, ITC, MicroCal, Microscale thermophoresis, Monolith, biomolecular, WISB, affinity, kinetics, thermodynamics, protein-protein, labe MIDLANDS REGIONAL CRYO-EM FACILITY 23 HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES 14 Cryo-TEM, transmission electron microscopy, biological samples, structure, single particle analysis, tomography Tablet preparation, tablet testing, dissolution testing THIN SECTION LABORATORY 23 SCHOOL OF SPORT, EXERCISE AND HEALTH SCIENCES 14 Thin sections, micromorphology, polished blocks Blood Cell Counter , Dexa Scan, Mri, Ultrasound, Cortex And Carefusion Gas Analysis-Hokanson ROCK PREPARATION AND THIN SECTIONING FACILITY 24 MITOCHONDRIAL PROFILING CENTRE 15 Thin sections, Polished blocks, Stubs, Core drilling Mitochondria, metabolism, oxygen consumption, oxidative phosphorylation, high resolution respirometry, Seahorse Extracellular Flux Analysis, cells, tissue THE NANOSCALE AND MICROSCALE RESEARCH CENTRE (NMRC) 24 Nanomaterials, Surface Analysis, Imaging, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Engineering, TEM, SEM, XPS, Raman, CryoEM Lithography, OrbiSIMS PLANT GROWTH FACILITY 15 Plant growth, soil-crop systems, plant and root phenotyping, pre-harvest, post-harvest, crop monitoring, climate change studies, seed technology, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM 25 crop establishment, agrochemicals, biostimulants, biopesticides Electron Microscopy, Transmission EM, Scanning Transmission EM, Scanning EM (FEG), Focused Ion Beam SEM PHENOME CENTRE BIRMINGHAM 16 ANALYTICAL SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY AND AUTOMATED MINERALOGY 25 Scanning Electron Microscopy, EDS, WDS, micro-XRF, Automated Mineralogy, Imaging, Materials Metabolics, biomarkers WMG ELECTRON MICROSCOPY SUITE 26 BIOINFORMATICS RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM 16 Scanning Electron Microscopy, Focused Ion Beam, (Scanning) / Transmission Electron Microscopy, Precession Electron Diffraction, Bioinformatics Computational Biology Data Analysis Nucleotide Sequencing Big Data High Capacity Computing Programming genomics, X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Nanoindentation metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, single cell sequencing technologies, sequence assembly, regulatory sequence analysis KEELE UNIVERSITY CENTRAL ELECTRON MICROSCOPE UNIT 26 Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, TEM, Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM 2 3 CONTENTS: X-RAY FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETRY FACILITY (XRF) 27 SOIL MANAGEMENT FACILITY 36 X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometer, pXRF, powder pellets, fusion beads, analytical balances, furnaces, drying ovens Soil management and erosion, crops, water, agricultural machinery, off-road vehicles, agrochemicals, cultivation, sowing, rainfall, hydrological processes, geotextiles, runoff, meteorological data, weeding, pesticides X-RAY DIFFRACTION RTP 27 X-ray Diffraction, XRD, SAXS, XRF, High-resolution, Scattering, powder XRD, Structural solution, nanomaterials, reflectivity, stress, texture, NATIONAL RESEARCH FACILITY FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT 37 GISAXS, non-ambient Sewage treatment, drinking water treatment, wastewater, water science, pilot facility, water monitoring and testing CHEMISTRY X-RAY CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 28 WARWICK THERMAL ENERGY FACILITY 37 Crystallography, X-ray diffraction, single crystal, powder crystal Thermal Analysis, Materials Testing, Thermal Conductivity, Calorimetry, Dilatometry, Sorption, Solar Simulator, Humidity, Heating and Cooling WARWICK PHOTOEMISSION FACILITY 28 WOLFSON SCHOOL ELECTRONICS WORKSHOP AT LOUGHBOROUGH UNIVERSITY 38 X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, XPS, Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy, UPS, Surface Analysis, Surface Science, Surface Chemistry, Printed Circuit Board (PCB), Arduino, Micro-Controllers, Electrical Cabinets, CAD, Ultimaker Composition Analysis, Materials, Angle-Resolved Photoemission, ARPES, Low Energy Electron Diffraction, LEED CRANFIELD ORDNANCE TEST AND EVALUATION CENTRE (COTEC) 38 (LA)-ICP-MS 29 Defence and security, firing range, munitions testing, ammunition proofing, ordnance proofing, explosive trials, bullet and fragment attack, LA-ICP-MS, ICP-MS, laser, Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, trace elemental analysis fragmentation trials, testing and evaluation, flare test track, high altitude test facility, pyrotechnics SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY MASS SPECTROMETRY AND CHROMATOGRAPHY 29 SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM (SC RTP) 39 Mass spectrometry, LC-MS, accurate mass, GC-MS, HPLC, MALDI, electron ionisation Scientific Computing, Research Computing, Research Software Engineering, High Performance Computing, Linux VOC AND GAS ANALYSIS FACILITY 30 CENTRE FOR MATHEMATICAL COGNITION 39 Electronic nose, Machine olfaction, gas analysis, VOC analysis, GC-MS, headspace analysis, Portable VOC measurements Eye-tracking (VR, remote and mobile); Psychophysiology (fixed and mobile GSR, ECG, EMG), Observation (fixed and mobile) UK HIGH-FIELD SOLID-STATE NMR FACILITY 30 KEELE UNIVERSITY SMART ENERGY NETWORK DEMONSTRATOR 40 Solid-state NMR, Magic Angle Spinning (MAS), battery technology, pharmaceuticals, plant cell wall physiology, protein structural biology Smart Energy Network Demonstrator, Intelligent Energy Generation, Living Laboratory NOTTINGHAM DNP MAS NMR FACILITY 31 GLOSSARY 42 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Dynamic Nuclear Polarization, Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, Structural Studies, Catalysts, Energy materials, Biomolecules POLYMER CHARACTERISATION RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY PLATFORM 31 GPC, SEC, Gel Permeation Chromatography, Size Exclusion Chromatography, Polymer Analysis, Polymer Characterisation, TGA, DSC, DMA, Thermal Analysis, Materials Testing