
SDAI Phase 3 – funded projects

The adequacy and optimality of retirement provision: household behaviour and the design of pensions Dr Cormac O’Dea, Institute for Fiscal Studies Email: [email protected]

Prevalence and variation in antidepressant prescribing across Northern Ireland: a longitudinal administrative data linkage study for targeted support Professor Mark Shevlin, University of Ulster Email: [email protected]

Technical change, employment and inequality. A spatial analysis of households and plant data Professor Maria Savona, Email: [email protected]

The prevalence and persistence of ethnic and racial harassment and its impact on health: A longitudinal analysis Dr Alita Nandi, Email: [email protected]

Evaluating the use of contextual data in undergraduate admissions Dr Vikki Boliver, Email: [email protected]

The taxation of human capital Mr Jonathan Shaw, Institute for Fiscal Studies Email: [email protected]

Pathways to socio-economic and civic-political inclusion of ethnic minorities in Britain and Canada: The influence of family capital Dr Laurence Lessard-Phillips, Email: [email protected]

Which fathers are involved in looking after their children? Identifying the conditions associated with paternal involvement Dr Helen Norman, The Email: [email protected]

Have socio-economic inequalities in childhood cognitive test scores changed? A secondary analysis of three British birth cohorts Professor Vernon Gayle, Email: [email protected]

The kinds of poverty in schools and their impact on student progress Professor Stephen Gorard, Durham University Email: [email protected]


The legacy of authoritarian regimes on democratic citizenship Dr Anja Neundorf, University of Email: [email protected]

Migration and the North-South divide Professor Alan Manning, London School of Economics and Political Science Email: [email protected]

Commuting and wellbeing Dr Kiron Chatterjee, University of the West of England Email: [email protected]

Economic change and internal population dynamics: an innovative study of new residential mobilities in Scotland Dr David McCollum, Email: [email protected]

Life course causes and consequences of caring: how do work and family histories influence caring, and how does caring influence health and wellbeing? Dr Elizabeth Webb, London Email: [email protected]

The effects of a tailored health warning on socio-economic behaviours and health outcomes Professor Adeline Delavande, University of Essex Email: [email protected]

An ADRC-NI project linking Social Security Benefits and Census data to understand the health and social needs of disability benefits claimants Dr Dermot O'Reilly, Queen's University of Belfast Email: [email protected]