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Qctj,;/.O It D (Gpa.S~S ) QctJ,;/.o It D (gpa.s~s ) 101-0111-050--1070 $11.740.6S COMMERCIAL 47 W FLAGLER ST U 47WFStlC 1370 WASHINGTON AVE Fl 3313S 101-1111.1-050-1080 $24,530.10 COMMERCIAL 21WFlAGtERST 640113 -CITY NATL BANK OF MIAMI 2SWESTFLAGLERST 33130-1712 101-01'11-050-1090 $23.,274.46 640113 BISCAYNE BLDG INC 19WFLAGLERSTSTE310 Fl 33130-4420 101-0111-050-1100 $10,903.55 COMMERCIAL 4SEAST FLAGlERST Fl 201-Oll1-O&o-1090 $ll.95233 COMMERCIAL 36NElS1" SERNARDKAYDENTR& OESAPARTNERSLP 550 MAMARONECKAVESUITE404 201-0111-060-1100 "29 $17,402.9~ GMPROPER1YCORP "Fl "",. 201-0111-060-1140 $U.370.83 NATAN ROBERTO flOK C/O WAL'(;REEN TAX DEPT 201-0111-(160-1160 $37.117.38 BYRON fLAGLER LTD 4SEFLAGLERSTPH#10S 33131-1012 201-0111-060--1170 " $17,203.18 COMMERCIAl. ONE F1.AGlffiDEV lLC %MIDGARD MANAGEMENT 147SWC'(PRESSCREEKRDII20Z FORT LAUDERDALE moo 201-4137-042-0010 "0 $9,0:1.0.13 37.93 illS COMMERCIAl CONDO 1.7 EfLAGLERST1. 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