TheThe PrajnaPrajna ParamitaParamita HeartHeart SutraSutra Translated by Tripitaka Master Hsuan Tsang Commentary by Grand Master T'an Hsu English Translation by Ven. Master Lok To Second Edition 2000 HAN DD ET U 'S B B O RY eOK LIBRA E-mail:
[email protected] Web site: Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese By Tripitaka Master Hsuan Tsang Commentary By Grand Master T’an Hsu Translated Into English By Venerable Dharma Master Lok To Edited by K’un Li, Shih and Dr. Frank G. French Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada New York – San Francisco – Toronto 2000 First published 1995 Second Edition 2000 Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada Dharma Master Lok To, Director 2611 Davidson Ave. Bronx, New York 10468 (USA) Tel. (718) 584-0621 2 Other Works by the Committee: 1. The Buddhist Liturgy 2. The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows 3. The Dharma of Mind Transmission 4. The Practice of Bodhisattva Dharma 5. An Exhortation to Be Alert to the Dharma 6. A Composition Urging the Generation of the Bodhi Mind 7. Practice and Attain Sudden Enlightenment 8. Pure Land Buddhism: Dialogues with Ancient Masters 9. Pure-Land Zen, Zen Pure-Land 10. Pure Land of the Patriarchs 11. Horizontal Escape: Pure Land Buddhism in Theory & Practice. 12. Mind Transmission Seals 13. The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra 14. Pure Land, Pure Mind 15. Bouddhisme, Sagesse et Foi 16. Entering the Tao of Sudden Enlightenment 17. The Direct Approach to Buddhadharma 18.