Home Group Study Questions

Philippians 3:1-11

V.3:1 “rejoice in the Lord” – is God the object we are to rejoice in? Or is God’s action; His blessing; the work He is doing in the lives of the Philippians the source or basis for rejoicing? I think the answer is Yes. Paul wants the Philippians to find their fulfillment of joy in the person of the Lord, but I also think based on the context used prior in the letter that Paul wants them to rejoice in what God is doing and has done. God is the basis/source for rejoicing. ◆ How are you finding joy in the Lord? . . . because of who He is? . . . in the works He is doing and has done in your life? ◆ ALSO: rejoice in the Lord because I am about to give you correction/difficult news (i.e. V.2) “write the same things to you” – Paul is about to provide another example, kind of repeating himself. V. 1:27 said, “let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel” then he gave the examples of Christ, Timothy and and how they lived worthy of the gospel. He is about to give them another example, effectively repeating himself ◆ This is an easy example for him to give and one that will provide safety as they understand it ◆ ALSO: coming back around to the “opponents” mentioned in V. 1:28 V.3:2 Dogs, Evildoers, mutilators of the flesh? Who are they? Dogs in Biblical context are not family pets, they are wild scavengers who devour what they come in contact with, and are only trying to fill their stomachs by any means necessary even if it is disgusting. Think wild feral dogs. ◆ Psalms 22:16-18 – dogs and evildoers surrounding “the Messiah” at crucifixion, they fail to see the value they are destroying ◆ Matthew 7:6 – dogs or pigs, indiscriminate, trample on what is holy and then attack ◆ Matthew 15:26 – dogs are unworthy of what is meant for the children (of God) ◆ Luke 16:21 – dogs feeding on / licking that which is disgusting ◆ 2 Peter 2:22 – dogs returning to their vomit, pigs returning to the mud – lack understanding of what is going on or what they need ◆ Romans 2:28-29 – mutilators of the flesh – Judaizers, force circumcision on Gentiles in order to become Christian V.3:3 Provides Paul’s context for Verse 2 ◆ Mutilators – those who force circumcision ◆ BUT – we are not that, we are the true circumcision/covenant people of God (Genesis 17 – of Abraham God’s chosen people) Romans 2:28-29 – true circumcision is that of the heart through the Spirit not of the flesh ◆ Evidence: 1) who worship by the Spirit of God – We can worship by the Spirit because we are indwelled with the Spirit. John 4:22-26 – worship in Spirit and Truth 2) Glory in Christ – He is our treasure, He is what we seek, He is what we boast in, He is our passion. Is He really? 3) Don’t put confidence in the flesh – What is the flesh? Human achievement minus the Holy Spirit and the Glory going to God ◆ Our confidence should be in the Spirit giving glory to Jesus ◆ My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness . . . V.3:4 – If Paul is trying to find something to put his confidence in, what is he trying to find confidence for? – answer found in Verse 8 & 9 – “in order that I may gain Christ and be found in Him” V.3:5-6 – Seven fleshly attributes he could attempt to put confidence in, but they don’t actually lead to salvation. Paul lists his pedigree based on Jewish understanding of what leads to right relationship with God – obeying the Law. ◆ 1) right rituals; ◆ 2 & 3) proper heritage; ◆ 4) national pride; ◆ 5) religiously active; ◆ 6) firmly holding to religious practices; ◆ 7) good enough in his own eyes ◆ What do you put your confidence in? i.e.: morality, religious activities, position, job, retirement, strength/skills, etc. V.3:7 Anything we put confidence in that is not Christ Jesus will fail and be lost in eternity V.3:8 Paul values Christ over everything, knowing Christ in relationship overshadows every other element of life ◆ Read Isaiah 46:6. How do these verses relate? V.3:9 Confidence in our own ability to be good enough, our own righteousness is incomplete. Our faith (confidence) must be found in Christ V.3:10-11 Read :3-11. What similarities do you see between these verses? Home Group Bible Study Questions

Philippians 3:12-21

IMPERFECT PAUL. “I’m not perfect yet. I haven’t reached that goal. But I’m running hard for the prize at the end of the race. One day I’ll make that prize my own because Jesus Christ made me his own.” Painting by El Greco, Wikimedia, Google Art Project. V. 12 “Not that I have obtained . . .” We are all works of holiness in process. It is obvious in my life that I am not perfect or holy yet, but does that mean that I shrug off or overlook my sinfulness, give up or stop seeking Christ? No! Press on! Keep seeking Him! Make different decisions because you are not your own. You belong to Him and He expects you to continue to progress. V. 13 Do not allow pride in your salvation to overshadow your sin. I tend to find myself looking at my sin in one of two ways: 1. Pridefully shrugging off my sin as if it is not that bad or not that important. “God has already forgiven my of my sin so it’s not that big a deal.” Yes, God has and will forgive your sin but it is still a big deal. Repent! 2. Living my life as if I have not been forgiven after I have repented. I often feel like I am harder on myself after repenting, not allowing myself to “feel” forgiven or walk in the freedom of Christ. If I have repented then I am forgiven. Learn from the past decision and make a better one next time but live as if I have been set free. V. 14 Paul was “pressing on toward the goal of the upward call . . .” We are all called by God to serve to serve His purpose. • What has God called you to do? If you are not sure, please read Matthew 28:18-20 and Ezra 7:10. • How are you “pressing on” toward the goal that the Lord has set before you? V. 15 The more we understand the heart and forgiveness of God, the easier it is to live this way. Seek God and allow Him to reveal this to you. V. 16 Do not overlook what God has already done and been doing in your life. Hold fast to where God has brought you from. Revelation 19:10 says “the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophesy.” When we proclaim our testimony of what God has already done in our lives, we partner with the Spirit of God to do the same thing in our lives again or in the lives of others. Live out your testimony and proclaim it! V.17 I find myself uncomfortable by the first part of this verse but ok with the second. I think it is easy to “keep my eyes on those who walk accordingly”. There are many people whom I look to as Godly examples for me to follow. Prayerfully thank God for those whom you find faithful examples. I am uncomfortable when I realize that there are people looking to me as an example. Lord, give me the faith to lead others to you with the example of my life not just my words. V. 18 As we think about those who are walking away or have walked away from God, as well as those who are actively working against the church, it should break our hearts seeing their choices. It should also actively engage us in fervent prayer for them. Take time now to pray for the those who you know are away from God. Pray for those who you know personally or just within our culture, who are actively working against God’s leadership. V. 19 Paul oppositely mirrors Verse 3 by describing the focus of those who are without Christ. 1. the worship themselves and their satisfaction – which is temporary at best. 2. They glory in things that should bring shame to them. Social media and Youtube are full examples of those get- ting “famous” for things truly are shameful. 3. They are focused on and confident in what THEY can obtain. The idea that “He who dies with the most toys wins.” V. 20-21 BUT our true citizenship is not here. We are just temporary here. All our stuff will pass away. We are glory bound awaiting His calling. We are not to wait idly or passively but we are to be actively advancing His agenda, being transformed into His glorious holiness by His power and through His Spirit. Praise God for His continuing transformation in your life!