312697 1 En Bookbackmatter 757..773
Index Note: Page numbers followed by f and t refer to figures and tables, respectively A Abnormalcy bias, 687, 688 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Acidic LAZE plumes, 91 (AVHRR), 644, 649t, 652 Acoustic flow monitors, 200 Advisory Committee for Popocatépetl Volcano, 237 Action research approach, 510, 718 Aegean Bronze Age ‘Minoan’ culture, 449 Active hydrothermal features as tourist attractions, 85 Aeronautical Information Services, Air Traffic Control, challenges of hazard communication, 92–95 and Air Traffic Flow Management, 55 challenging factors related to hazards in, 94t Aesthetics, 665, 672–673 definitions of hazard, risk and vulnerability, 87 Affective processing system, 553 hazard and crisis communication, 98 Agriculture, 42–43 alerting the public, 98–99 and critical infrastructure, 166 hazard management, 99 volcanic ash impacts on, 25–26t authorities reluctant to announce evacuations, Airborne ash hazards, international coordination in 100–101 managing, 529 people reluctant to respond to warnings, 99–100 challenges and visions of future, 535–544 hazards and risks in hydrothermal areas, communi- impacts of volcano eruption onto air traffic (case cated to public, 96–98 study), 533–535 hydrothermal tourist sites, challenges of, 88 Volcanic Ash Advisory Centres (VAACs) and vol- direct use of hot springs as tourist attraction, 88–90 cano observatories potential hazards, 90–92 related to volcanic ash clouds in Northern Pacific hydrothermal versus geothermal, 88 region, 531–533 main stakeholders and responsibilities, 99 Airborne Infrared
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