Report of the Assistant Director of Planning, Transportation and Highways to the Regulatory and Appeals Committee meeting to be held on 9 February 2017 AF Subject: This full planning application -16/006857/FUL - seeks approval for two plants to recover energy from waste with materials reception, waste bunker hall, turbogenerator hall, bottom ash hall; construct education/visitor centre, offices, workshop/warehouse for plant operatives, with parking and landscaping. Land East of Former Gas Works Airedale Road Keighley West Yorkshire. Summary statement: The proposal involves two different processes for the management of waste which produce energy (electricity) and fuels through a series of interlinked buildings, with the tallest building at 35m in height and associated stack (60m) to the eastern part of the site in the proximity of existing gasometres. The effect of the proposal on the surrounding landscape, Grade I listed East Riddlesden Hall and residential properties has been assessed. On balance, the proposal is considered acceptable, and provides overall benefits and public benefits that outweigh the identified harm. Julian Jackson Portfolio: Assistant Director Regeneration, Planning and Transport (Planning, Transportation & Highways) Report Contact: John Eyles, Overview & Scrutiny Committee Area: Major Development Manager Regeneration and Economy Phone: (01274) 434380 E-mail:
[email protected] Report to the Regulatory & Appeals Committee 1. SUMMARY In April 2014 planning permission was granted for three plants to recover energy from waste, with materials reception and feedstock building, offices, education/visitor centre, parking and landscaping (13/04217/FUL). In 2015 a further application was submitted (15/01381/FUL) which was a material amendment to the proposal granted permission in April 2014, with the major differences being: - a reduction of the number of energy facilities from three to two.