NESTRANS Steering Group
To:- Councillors D A Aitchison, M Boulton, J Cooke, J B Cox, G Graham, R Grant, B Hunt, P K Johnston, J Latham, B A Topping, S Wallace and I Yuill Aberdeen City Substitute Members: Councillors P Bell, N Copeland, B Comrie, S MacDonald, T Mason and J Reynolds Aberdeenshire Substitute Members: Councillors C Buchan, A Forsyth, S Leslie, D Lonchay, I Mollison and G Reid STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AUTHORITY FRIDAY, 30 JUNE, 2017 at 2.00 P.M. COMMITTEE ROOM 5, WOODHILL HOUSE Your attendance is required at a meeting of STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AUTHORITY to be held on FRIDAY, 30 JUNE, 2017, at 2.00 P.M. at the above address. Please Note: Members are formally invited attend a working lunch/training session which will start at 12.00 pm in advance of the formal meeting. Director of Business Services Aberdeenshire Council B U S I N E S S (All reports prepared by the Strategic Development Plan Manager, unless otherwise stated) 1. Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chair (pages 3-4) 2. Sederunt, Declarations of Members’ Interests 3. Minute of the Strategic Development Planning Authority Meeting of 22 March, 2017 (pages 5-9) 4. Housing Land Audit 2017 (pages 10-166) 5. Supplementary Consultation Response to Aberdeen City Council (Football Stadium, Training Pitches and Football Academy) (pages 167-175) 6. SDPA Budget Monitoring Position as at 31 March, 2017 – Report by Treasurer (pages 176-177) Cont/….d 7. 2016/17 Annual Audit Plan (pages178-189) 8. Unaudited Annual Accounts 2016/17 – Report by Treasurer (pages190-218) 9.
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