Introduction Satanic Apologetics and the Church Sex Abuse Scandal a branch of Christian theological studies called “apolo- getics,” which is the art of refuting criticisms directed against the orthodox interpretation of Christian scripture. Unfortunately, many people whose religious interests could be classified as ‘occult’ also feel the need to resort to “apologetics” when con- fronted by an orthodox Christian with the “Satanic” nature of their beliefs. They claim that there is nothing “Satanic” or “Lucife- rian” about their interests, and that the Christians are simply “mis- interpreting” an ancient tradition that predates the concepts of both Christ and the Devil. Some even claim to be more truly ‘Christian’ than their detractors, throwing around New Age terms like “Christ-consciousness.” The worst perpetrators of “Satanic apologetics” are those who openly call themselves “Satanists,” especially members of the Church of Satan. These people claim to speak for the Satanic tra- dition, and yet they relegate Satan to the position of an “arche- type” with no real existence. To them, Satan merely represents ‘intellectual rebellion.’ Their beliefs are, at bottom, atheistic, and if they worship anyone, it is themselves. What is really annoying is how Church of Satan members assume that all other followers of Satanic traditions are like they are. Thus the practice of Satanic apologetics spreads to the “debunking” of phenomena like Satanic human sacrifice, Satanic Ritual Abuse, and Satanic conspiracy theories. Recently, a Church of Satan rep- resentative appeared on Linda Vester’s ‘Dayside’ show on Fox 2 lucifer’s lodge News, debunking the notion that Laci Peterson could have been killed by Satanists.
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