SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections

Internet and Its Services Practice Questions Collections 2074


Internet and Its Services 230 Questions Collections

Deepak Shrestha


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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 40 Theory Questions

1. What is internet? 2. What are the components required for internet connection? 3. List any four services of internet. 4. What is WWW? Explain. 5. Why is internet called network of networks? 6. Define HTML. 7. Define HTTP. 8. What is ? 9. How has email simplified the mode of communication? 10. What is ISP? Give any four name of ISPs of Nepal. 11. What are newsgroups? 12. What is telnet? 13. What is FTP? 14. What is upload? 15. What is download? 16. What is IRC? 17. What is internet telephony? 18. Differentiate between chat and video conferencing. 19. What is e-commerce? Name any four e-commerce web sites. 20. What is video conference? Write any two basic requirements of video conference. 21. Differentiate between web page and web site 22. Differentiate between email and e-fax. 23. What is URL? Explain the parts of URL. 24. List some internet security measures. 25. What is web browser? Name any four examples of web browser 26. What is search engine? Give any four examples of search engine. 27. What is browsing? Name some of the most popular internet connections. 28. Why FTP is necessary in the internet? 29. What is the role of internet in business and education? 30. Write any two advantages of Email comparing to postal Mail system. 31. What is the use of web browser? 32. What is the purpose of search engine? 33. How is internet different than intranet? 34. Write any four advantages of internet. 35. Write any four disadvantages of Internet. 36. Name some free email service providers. 37. Differentiate between web server and web browser. 38. Write the names of any two popular websites used for locating required information from various web sites. 39. Differentiate between intranet and extranet. 40. Define wi-fi and wi-max.

INTERNET & SERVICES 1) What is internet? Ans: Internet is an interconnection of several thousands of computers of different types belonging to the various networks all over the world.

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 2) Who controls the Internet? Ans: Different organization like ISOC (Internet Society), W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), IAB (Internet Architecture Board), IEFT (Internet Engineering Task Force), IRTF (Internet Research Task Force), IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group) and INIC (Internet Network information Centre) gives directive and guideline for the proper use of internet.

3) Why is internet called ‘network of networks’. Ans: The internet is called ‘network of networks’ because all the smaller networks of organizations are linked together into the one giant network called the internet.

4) Which communication protocol is used by the internet? Ans: TCP/IP is the communication protocol used by the internet.

5) List the components required for internet connection. Ans: The components for internet connect are: i) A TCP/IP enabled computer with web browser ii) An account with an ISP iii) MODEM iv) Connection (ISDN, Satellite, cable and dial-up)

6) List the services provided by internet. Ans: The services provided by internet are: i) WWW (World Wide Web) ii) E-mail (Electronic mail) iii) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) iv) IRC () v) News Group vi) Telnet vii) Internet Telephony viii) E-commerce

7) What is E-mail? Ans: E-mail (Electronic mail) is one of the most popular services provided by the internet which exchanges between the computers. It is the method of transferring/transmitting data, text, file, digital photo or audio or video file from one computer to another computer over the internet.

8) Write down the advantages of E-mail. Ans: The advantages of email are: i) It allows to send and receive message across the world at very low cost. ii) It is very fast compared to postal system. iii) The image, sound, video and documents can be attached to e-mail message. iv) Multiple copies of same message can be sent to many people.

9) Write down the disadvantages of e-mail. Ans: The disadvantages of e-mail are: i) Minor mistakes in e-mail address may deliver the mail to wrong address. ii) Since it passes through a vast electronic network, it may be seized in between.

10) What is newsgroup? Ans: A newsgroup is a discussion group that discuss on particular topic such as politics, health, computer, etc.

11) What is telnet? Ans: A telnet is a program that allows a user to log in to a remote computer on internet as a user on that system.

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 12) What is FTP? Ans: It is the internet tool that allows the user to transfer the file from one computer to another.

13) What is IRC? Ans: Internet Relay Chat is one of the important services provided by the internet which allows the user to communicate with other people in real time.

14) What is internet telephony? Ans: It is one of the cheapest and reliable services provided by the internet that allows the user to make telephone communication or voice communication through internet.

15) What is FAQ? Ans: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is an online document that possesses series of common questions and answers on a specific topic.

16) What is E-commerce? Ans: It is the buying and selling of goods over the internet.

17) What is video conferencing? Ans: Video conferencing is the visual communication of parties around the world.

18) What do you mean by online banking? Ans: Online banking is the practise of making transaction using the internet.

19) What is webpage? Ans: Webpage is an electronic document written using a computer language called HTML.

20) What is website? Ans: It is a collection of webpages that can be published by an organization or individual.

21) What is uploading? Ans: Uploading refers to copying files or documents, programs or data from the user computer to the internet server.

22) What is downloading? Ans: Downloading refers to the copying files or document or program or data from the internet server to the user computer.

23) What is web browser? Write down the name of any four web browsers Ans: Web browser is a computer program that access web pages and displays them on the user computer. Any four web browser are: i) Google chrome ii) Mozilla Firefox iii) Opera iv) Internet explorer

24) What is URL? Ans: It is a unique address that provides location of a webpage on the internet.

25) What is browsing/ surfing? Ans: Browsing/ Surfing means searching information on the internet.

26) What is search engine? Ans: Search engine is the website that allows the user to search the information based on keywords on combination of keywords. They are used to locate specific sites and information.

27) What is URL? Ans: Each web page has a unique address that provides location on the internet is known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator).

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 28) What is a ? Ans: A blog is a time-stamped online journal that appears on a website.

29) What is wi-fi? Ans: Wi-fi refers to wireless technology that allows computer and other devices to communicate over wireless .

30) Write down the names of four ISPs of Nepal. Ans: The names of four ISPs of Nepal are: i) World Link ii) Broad Link iii) Mercantile iv) Otel

31) What is ISP? Ans: It is a company that provides Internet and E-mail service.

32) What is ISDN? Ans: It is a high speed digital communication network involving from existing telephony integrated digital network (IDN) which provides end to end digital connectivity to support a wide range of services including voice and non-voice service. 33) Write down the names of any four search engine. Ans: Names of any four search engine are:    

34) Write down the names of any four sites which provides e-mail services. Ans: Names of any four sites that provides e-mail services are:     35) What are the advantages of internet? Ans: The advantages of internet are: i) Communication medium ii) Information sharing iii) Entertainment iv) Online services

36) What are the disadvantages of internet? Ans: The disadvantages of internet are: i) Theft of personal information ii) Spamming iii) Pornography iv) Limited personal interaction

37) Differentiate between video conference and chatting. Ans:The differences between video conference and chatting are:

Video conference Chatting

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections It is a service that provides visual communication of It is a service used to make communication by parties around the world. reading, ignoring and replying the message. It requires necessary hardware and software to It uses the browser software without using special see and speak to each other. chat software. It communicates sounds as well as pictures. It communicates only text. For eg: chatting on . For eg: chatting on .

38) Differentiate between e-mail and fax. Ans:The differences between e-mail and fax are:

E-mail E-fax It is a service of internet that allows sending It is a service of internet that allows sendind and receiving mails. and receiving faxes directly on computer. E-mail can be sent using a computer with E-fax can be sent using a computer with modem, e-mail program and internet modem, e-fax program and internet facility. facility. It is the soft copy service of the internet. It is the hard copy service of the internet.

39) Differentiate between internet and intranet. Ans:The differences between internet and intranet are:

Internet Intranet It is not owned by a single company or It is owned by a single organization or company. organization. It can be used by people all over the world. It can only be used by the employees of the owned organization.

40) Differentiate between chat and e-mail. Ans:The differences between chat and e-mail are:

Chat E-mail It enables us to send and receive instant It doesn’t enable us to receive and send instant messages. messages. To use chat services, we should have a chat To use e-mail service, we should have email program like Yahoo Messenger, etc. program like Microsoft Outlook, Euroda etc. It can be done only when both sender and It can be done even when the both sender and receiver are physically present on the . receiver are not present physically on the line.

50 Technical Terms 1. The large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another. 2. A network of networks. 3. The largest computer network. 4. A collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various network all over the globe. 5. The term used to describe the tool which allows one computer user to send a message to one or more other computer users over a computer network. 6. A company that provides the Internet facility. 7. Sending mail by using computer. 8. Online postal service.

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 9. The exchange of messages and computer files between computers over a computer network. 10. A web page, which is designed to search other web pages. 11. A program that allows the user to scan the contents of the internet to find Web sites or specific information of the interest to them. 12. A coordinated set of programs that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index, and returns result to you. 13. Both a program and method used to transfer files between computers. 14. A protocol used for transferring files from one computer to another typically from your computer to a web server. 15. An internet tool that helps to download /upload the file. 16. A global electronic in which millions of computer users exchange information on a vast range of topics. 17. A searchable database of Internet files collected by a computer program. 18. Internet programs to communicate with each other by typing in real time. 19. A server which sorts and directs your mail for you. 20. A component of the Internet that presents information in a graphical interface. 21. The total set of interlinked by hypertext documents residing on HTTP servers. 22. The document formatting language used to link document in on the web. 23. The application software which is used to visit web pages. 24. Commercial activities on the Internet. 25. Buying and selling products and services online. 26. Protocol used to browse the internet. 27. A protocol used by the WWW to establish client server interaction. 28. A protocol used for sending from one server to another. 29. Protocol used to receive email from mail server. 30. The technology with deliver voice over the Internet. 31. The learning process by using the Internet. 32. A mechanism which is used to convert domain names into IP addresses. 33. The process of transferring data/file from user’s computer to Internet. 34. the process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer 35. An online meeting and information system that allows people to carry on discussions. 36. A service of the Internet that allows a user to send or receive instant message. 37. The visual communication of parties around the world. 38. Voice communication through Internet. 39. A document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile device. 40. The wireless technology that allows computer and other devices communicate over a wireless signal. 41. The very first page of every web site. 42. Software that is used for surfing information through the internet. 43. The process of copying files, documents, programs, etc from users computer to the web server. 44. The private network within an organization that utilizes the internet services. 45. A service of the internet that allows a user to post question for discussion. 46. A program that allows the user to log into a remote computer on the Internet as a user on that system. 47. A service of the Internet that allows a user to access the remote computer. 48. High speed digital communication network evolving from existing telephony. 49. An online interactive communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussions with one or more people through the internet 50. A character (such as asterisk or question mark) that stands for any other character, or series of any character Answers: 1. Internet 2. Internet 3. Internet 4. Internet 5. Email 6. ISP 7.Email 8. Email 9. Email 10. Search Engine 11. Search Engine 12. Search Engine 13. FTP 14. FTP 15. FTP 16. 17. Search Engine 18. Internet Relay Chat 19. Mail Server 20. WWW News/News Group 21.WWW 22.HTML 23.Web Browsers 24.E-Commerce 25.E-Commerce 7 | P a g e

SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 26.TCP/IP 27. HTTP 28.SMTP 29.POP 30.Skype/ Internet Telephony 31.E-Learning 32.Domain Name 33.Upload 34.Downloading 35.News Group System 36.Internet Relay 37.Video Conference 38.Skype/ Internet 39.Web Page 40.Wi-FI Chat Telephony 41.Home Page 42.Web Browser 43.Upload 44.Intranet 45.News Group 46.Telnet 47.Telnet 48.ISDN 49.Intrernet 50.Wild Card Relay Chat Character 40 Multiple Choice Questions

1. ______is the service of the Internet through which remote computer can be accessed from another location. Newsgroup FTP Telnet E-mail 2. Which software is needed for net surfing? Web browser Word Processor Multimedia player Windows Explorer 3. Which protocol sends outgoing mail to mail server? POP FTP HTTP SMTP 4. The process of transferring file from a remote computer to local computer is: Uploading Downloading Searching File transfer protocol 5. Which of the flowing is the internet service? Chat E-Mail FAQ All of above 6. Which of the following is online business? E-Commerce E-shopping E-Business All of the above 7. Which one is not the service of the Internet? Electronic Fax ii. Chatting iii. Sharing hardware iv. Electronic mail 8. Which is not the search engine? ii. iii. iv. 9. Which protocol gets the email from the mail box to the user’s computer? SMTP ii. POP iii. FTP iv. HTTP 10. In an email address : [email protected], what does ‘yahoo’ refer? User account name ii. Domain name iii. Top level domain name iv. None of them. 11. The service of the Internet that provides audio and video conversation is_ Chat ii. E-mail iii. Video conference iv. Video chat 12. The internet was developed by US. Department of Defence Department of Electronics Department of Commerce None 13. A user can get files from another computer by using File Transfer Protocol TCP/IP Internet Protocol None of above 14. Web-site is a collection of HTML documents Graphics File audio and video files All of above 15. Each web page has its own unique address known as i) Uniform Resource Locator ii) Universal Resource Locator iii) Uniform Resources Locator iv) Universal Resources Locator 16. The large group of millions of computers around the world that are all connected to one another. LAN Intranet Internet All of above 17. A technology that allows the creation of collaborative web sites. i. ii. E-Mail iii. Search Engine iv. All of above 18. A protocol used for transferring files from one computer to another typically from your computer to a web server. i. Apple Talk ii.TCP/IP iii.FTP iv. All of above 19. A set of interconnected WebPages, usually including a homepage, generally located on the same server, and prepared and maintained as a collection of information by a person, group, or organization. i. Web site ii. Web Browser iii. Web server iv. None of above 20. Web sites that allow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords. i)World Wide Web ii) Electronic mail iii) Search engines 21. A web site in the internet that brings people together in central location to talk, share ideas, share interests, make new friends. i)USENET ii) Social network iii) Web chat 22. An online interactive communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time decision with one or more people through the Internet.

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections i)Web chat ii)Newsgroup iii)Videoconferencing 23. The unique address of a web page on the internet is called i.URL ii. Browser iii. Protocol iv. HTTP 24. Which is the protocol used in internet? i. TCP/IP ii.FTP iii.ICP iv.ISP 25. Which of the following allows the user to surf and interact with the web-page? i. website ii. Browser iii.web page iv.web server 26. Which device is necessary to operate the internet? i.CD-ROM ii. ISP iii. Modem iv. All of above 27. Which is web browser software? i. Windows 2007 ii. Internet explorer iii. Windows NT iv. All of the above 28. Which is not related to Internet? i.ISP ii.TCP/IP iii.WWW iv.UPS 29. Email is i. Mail concerning electronic devices ii. Transaction of letters,messages and memos over a communication network. iii. Transaction of messages within a computer. None of them. 30. Connection between a computer and the Internet done using a normal telephone is called i. Satellite network Dial-Up network Cable network None of them 31. The ARPAnet that helped to develop protocol is i. TCP/IP ARP POPA None of above 32. FTP is used to i. Browse the Internet Send emails ii. transfer files from one computer to another None of above 33. WWW is a i. Protocol of Internet Service of Internet Language of Internet None of them 34. Yahoo! Is a …….. i. browser ii .home page iii. search engines 35. Which is the correct Email ID? i) Yahoo@ramesh ii) [email protected] iii) iv) None of the above 36. Modem converts i) Sound into digital ii) Digital into sound iii) Both i) and ii) iv) None 37. Which is not an internet service? i) e-mail ii) e-telephone iii)e-fax iv) e-commerce 38. E-mail is a/an …………… i) organization which controls internet ii) protocol to access internet iii) service of Internet iv) none 39. Which of the following network connects computer to the Internet? i) Intranet ii) LAN iii) WAN iv) MAN 40. Used to transfer file from one computer to another computer in Internet. i. FAQ ii. IRC iii. FTP iv. TPF

Answers: 1. Telnet 2. Web Browser 3. SMTP 4. Downloading 5. All of above 6. All of above 7.Sharing Hardware 9. POP 10. Domain Name 11. Video 12. Department of 13. FTP 14. All of Above 15. Uniform Resource Conference Defence Locator 16. Internet 17. WIKI 18. FTP 19. Website 20. Search Engine 21.Social Network 22.Web Chat 23.URL 24.TCP/IP 25.Browser 26. Modem 27.Internet Explorer 28.UPS 29.transaction of 30.Dail-up Network letters, messages and memos over a computer network 31.None of above 32.transfer files 33.service of internet engine [email protected] form one computer to another 36.both i) and ii) 37.E-Telephone 38.service of internet 39.WAN 40.FTP

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 50 True and False Questions 1. The internet allows playing the interactive multimedia games, listening to music and watching digital movies. 2. The Internet is a network between different computers within a group. 3. Internet is a collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various network over the globe. 4. The Internet has greatly changed the way people use computers and communicate today. 5. The Internet user can only buy goods through the Internet. 6. The Internet provides facility for posting messages on various subjects on the newsgroup. 7. Internet is the service provided by WWW. 8. The network of network is called the Internet. 9. The Internet carries large amount of data stored in specific server. 10. US government controls the Internet. 11. The web uses HTTP protocol to transmit data. 12. Web documents contain graphics, sounds, text and video. 13. FTP is document that allows you to log into another computers on the Internet. 14. Usenet messages are stored on central computers. 15. Downloading is process of sending files from your computer to another computer on the Internet. 16. E-commerce is buying and selling products services online. 17. In the Internet information can be sent from any computer to any other 24 hours a day. 18. Probably the most common web-based resources available through Telnet is library catalogs. 19. FTP is used to transfer file from one computer to another. 20. DNS is used to convert domain name into IP address. 21. ARPANET was the first computer network. 22. Websites have their own uniqueness address known as United Resource Locator. 23. Chatting only supports voice messages. 24. Search engines are used to locate information on the Internet. 25. ISP provides the Internet service to end users. 26. Google chrome is a search engine. 27. Web servers are stored in websites. 28. People can send or receive email through the IRC. 29. You can send only text message through the Internet. 30. Communication between all the different devices on the internet is made possible by FTP. 31. Dial-up connections involves large volumes of information being carried at high speeds to your PC. 32. Telnet allows you to remote computers (called hosts) over a TCP/IP network (such as the internet). 33. DNS represents a powerful internet technology for converting domain names to IP address. 34. The seeds of today’s Internet were planted in 1959, when U.S. Department of Defense sponsored a project named ARPANET. 35. Wiki is a technology that allows the creation of collaborative web sites. 36. Web server is a set of interconnected web pages. 37. TCP is responsible for ensuring that the packets are sent to the right destination. 38. Wi-Fi refers to wireless networking technology that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal. 39. Web chat is a live video connection between people in separate locations for the purpose of communication or interaction. 40. Social network is a web site on the Internet that brings people together in a central location to talk, share ideas, share interests, make new friends etc. 41. A person can reverse the room in a hotel and even purchase goods by using his computer. 42. You can send mail through internet but cannot receive the mail. 43. A web page can have only textual information. 44. A search engine allows you to search web sites on the net as specified. 45. We will use IRC to make real time communication 46. The World Wide Web uses a protocol called TCP/IP. 47. TCP/IP is responsible for ensuring that the packets are sent to the right destination . 48. Electronic mail contains a large collection of linked text , image, sound and video files. 49. The method of locating information on the internet involves the use of search engine. 50. Fire wall programs allow workgroups to use the internet to see each others face in small window on the computer screen and to hear their voice through speakers.

Answers: 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. True 7.False 8. True 9. True 10. False 11. True 12. True 13. False 14. True 15. False 10 | P a g e

SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 16. True 17. True 18. True 19. True 20. True 21. True 22. False 23.False 24. True 25.False 26.False 27.False 28. True 29. False 30.False 31.False 32.True 33.True 34.False 35. True 36.Fasle 37.False 38. True 39.False 40. True 41. True 42.False 43.False 44. True 45. True 46.False 47. True 48.False 49. True 50.False

35 Fill in the Blanks 1. The remote login protocol is______and file transfer protocol is ______2. The main page of the website is called______3. A dedicated server used to serve web pages is called ______4. ______are online services that allow users to scan the contents of the Internet to find Web sites or specific information of interest to them. 5. ______refers to the buying and selling of things over the Internet. 6. The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer is called ______7. ______are computers that deliver (serves up) Web pages. 8. ______is a set of standards that allow users of the World Wide Web to exchange information found on web pages. 9. ______is an interconnection of several computers of different types belonging to various network all over the world. 10. The Internet began life in 1969 when the United States Department of Defence started a network called ______11. ______can be simply defined as a fast connection to the internet that is always on. 12. ______refers to wireless networking technology that allows computer and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal. 13. ______is a standard for high speed broadband internet access over a wireless connection. 14. The ______is the leading information-exchange service of the Internet. 15. ______is defined as the exchange of message and computer file between computers over a computer network. 16. On the Internet, a ______is a coordinated set of programs that receives your search request, compares it to the entries in the index and returns result to you. 17. ______on the Internet has become a popular way for people to connect online in a group(a ) to share similar interests. 18. ______is a collection of user-submitted notes or messages on various subjects that are posted to servers on a worldwide network. 19. ______is a live video connection between people in separate locations for the purpose of communication or interaction. 20. ______is a web site on the Internet that brings people together in a central location to talk, share ideas, share interests, make new friends, etc. 21. ______is an online textual communication with each other in real time. 22. ______is a protocol used to upload and download information. 23. The process of copying and storing data, files, programs, etc. from internet server to user’s computer is known as______. 24. Dial-up internet access requires______and ______. 25. World Wide Web is also known as ______. 26. A ______is the collection of web pages. 11 | P a g e

SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections 27. Each page of information is known as ______. 28. Each web sites is identified by the ______. 29. Windows Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are two popular ______. 30. The Internet is network of ______.

31. ______is software that allows the user to surf the information through the Internet. 32. Chat programs allows user to ______with each other in real time. 33. The internet originated from an experimental network called ______created in 1969. 34. ______is the leading information exchanged service of the internet. 35. The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer is called ______Answers: 1. telnet and FTP 2. homepage 3. web server 4. Search Engine 5. E-Commerce 6. downloading 7.Web Server 8. HTTP 9. Telnet 10. ARPANET 11. Broad 12. WI-FI 13. wimax 14. WWW 15. E-mail 16. search engine 17. Web Chat 18. Usenet 19. Video 20. Social Internet Conference 21.IRC 22.FTP 23.downloading 24.MODEM and 25.internet telephone 26.web site 27.web page 28.URL 29.web browser 30.networks 31.Web Browser 32.communicate 33.ARPANET 34.WWW 35.downloading

5 Match the Following 1. NCSA Mosaic Internet Protocol ARPA Online shopping WWW Funded by US DOD TCP/IP Dr. Berners-Lee E-commerce First web browser

2. E-mail A private network within an organization. World Wide Web The opening or main page of a website. Home Page The buying and selling of goods and services on internet. Electronic commerce The leading information – exchange service of the internet. Intranet The exchange of computer-stored messages telecommunication

3. Usenet Instant Chatting MSN Remote Login Telnet Internet component Modem Newsgroup Website

4. Internet Service of internet HTTP Service provider Email Networks of networks ISP Protocol

5. E-mail a global collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks worldwide

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SEE COMPUTER SCIENCE 2074 [Internet and Its Services] 230 Questions Collections Internet an online communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussion with one or more people through the internet Newsgroup electronic message sent from one computer to another Web Chat world wide discussion group in which people share information and ideas on a particular area of interest.

Answers: 1. d,e,b,c,a 2. e,c,d,b,a 3. b,c,d,a 4. c,d,a,b, 5. b,d,a,c


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