Orange County Ceilidh Newsletter of the Orange County Branch of the RSCDS Volume 39, No. 5 September/October 2021 Visit our website at “For naught can cheer the heart sae weel, As can a canty Highland reel” — Robert Fergusson Greetings from the Chair Orange County Classes I hope everyone is having an enjoy- MONDAY able summer and having an opportunity Annex at Tustin Legacy to venture out to restaurants and events, Building E, Room E103 perhaps with a mask on. The Orange County 15445 Lansdowne Rd., Tustin branch is very happy to be holding our three Interm/Adv 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. weekly classes again and attendance has been Bob Harmon: (714) 774-8535 quite good. Bob Harmon was able to arrange WEDNESDAY a new venue for the Monday class (see right), Columbus-Tustin Activity Center so our three active teachers each now have their own class. 17522 Beneta Way, Tustin Our July dance was very well-attended by members from near Beginning 7:00 – 8:15 p.m. and far – we were so happy to see everyone! We had three people Intermediate 8:15-9:30 p.m. from San Diego venture north and several from the far ends of Connie Walker:
[email protected] LA County and Ventura County venture south. Walking all the FRIDAY dances worked well for those who could not yet attend a local Columbus-Tustin Activity Center class. We will continue this for our September dance, which will 17522 Beneta Way, Tustin have several fewer dances than usual to allow time for walking.