L]T{D Tl{,|'L{ Government of Lndia {Dl D T-{R D Faq {Rtrs Rrifr Qmq Tsr G{Sr

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L]T{D Tl{,|'L{ Government of Lndia {Dl D T-{R D Faq {Rtrs Rrifr Qmq Tsr G{Sr rlflot tq ql,{ fdottt ritt.'{rt Ministry of Women and Child Development l]T{d tl{,|'l{ Government of lndia {dl d t-{r d faq {rtrs rrifr qmq tsr g{sR. zors _ E-dt drWrqrco-qiafuq€fu-6q{ddg{rqcro-*iGckwtrdaviafrou-fi466 qrsqq i qFdr q{ {rd frors deraq. qrcd s{6R i {di d errff dfu-o' srqrfuo fu rcrc 6-{i sd qfrildt d wqn d q6qrr nff{ qrri * fuq teea t \rd|s .Tifr qr=rs +qr Tr€r{ {I-s ftqr t f{rdiT {df sFd {dt d i-sr d soE +.Efr 6{i sd qRild 6} reqrrrqrcdqrfrt req-q6'rqr+,isrdi:dqdr{+frqqfud|rrfag.rc6rd"n-q"rs;rt redtda-srqotcarqlti d ftq {rE d rqis d dbo rrea or \'6 E*s isrrr Etdrtilnwgrwn tS €Rio i-sBil { efurrd B-qedr q} ftg qrqrr q-En 6ri 6r rqrg orcr t t grwn d r ars rqi or ro-s grsn. sifi d 96 +e dfq c6 cnRd qr ynftd tr qGar \'4 qra R-6rg q* d gqrril i {r$q q{rc qfrh qrq srordru €q {|q +r ccrr{-dfai[I {s +r d fa{Hf em sga mairdf di yrc-o-affi or qrn 6-{fr t 1 - ?16 g{sR c-fn frr{d ft-a gor t E{t flft'd t - tssa t qq s'r<r Qrt{s +futr, rees { ff $. 9L dra, rseo d frRR siffiL reez I ffi gffrqT. igss d ff q=iilnq d. nrr. rsse f fTfr qr.rF.r qoftor. zoor d ,ff qts+cro *c,2oo2 q gqrfr srsqdr si6{rqrE fu, 26og { 364q in}$s trq, zma i ffi WSe} eiqrfr,-mos d s.frq ff il;69w1 ifirqr{ 2006 d * Eqqdrqr qq. crt., s* ctR. sqnrff, sr fr qFrii, zooz t ffi rn qffq, ffi yiFrfl rr{d clR-* qEi*q dldq Rlt. zooa I criq ctv * st, i[qrR6 otfitG. ocle6 * sr. {-{ d. *c aln'rmrrd t ff cisnr{ yfi. 6ffi.s{ zoos d ftFR * fi qdf( dhd-'rr5 d * ff -i<+s<rqR qtr vr-t rtcr d ffi sifrr+ crrsrf, dR st 20ro d ersq d ffi fin ornfr, qiq riv "H.d st vs. q. nsffqt rcn dr* Bqr+a risl d sr. qk6r rssr. cf* s{ 200e d R-6n i ff E-dr ffi.dR-d-{l€ + a1 fi.ir+sflcfr drr vt-t rfu:qi' ffi sr\ffi srrsn sit{ ai 20ro d'ersq ol ffi dftr o'r0. sfr{ft 20r r d €firE rS t qft lft sm. eqn. o'-rld6 * Erfi qq"iEr oft qFrr&rg n 4 !frq\ fr-tntn; 2012 { sfisq * f ff*g crq qfr. EftqMr + ff i-s r6rv snd, mnrX t sr. wtfl-t rsc qa+€. zots d #r-a-* fuer sr. +ft ftrs-O. cprqr i 4 fuqri fr. dfH'r drr Fqr+o c-AsT * ff s{ c-6tv srct. zorl d oqls6 t ffi t'n iiqqT. q-qrs t 4 fiFicr ffi€ drr e-r*ro.s i ffi ffi qr+{ ara i cfrfud +fl gve;n lr< fuv I qSq qct sfrfr i st zors $ ftg chfud {d-q ffi q-aa *qr T{sR d nsrdt d sq d ersun+o cts * gq. qrrq sL dr$ fti-ff, o'-ilg6 t ffi i-wiR drrntn drq ftcq'iilgvq. +t-d i sr. hq fr df{s 6r 20rs 6r frqI t r er.rdgs\ wcclfuTr+{dld+fl++rtsr. *frfrrft. ffii-qrifrgq. ir.ndr€rtrer. *idrsfrdtT{dqhr<fr qqT oT s+r ftqT * | RAJIV GANDHI MANAV SEVA AWARD FOR SERVICE TO CHITDREN 2015 INTRODUCTION The Mininry of Women and Child Developmen! Government of India in puBuance to ats policy to support and encourat€ voluntary action for providing servicesto children initiated the'Rajiv Gandhi Manav seva Award" in 1994to honour and recognize the individuals for providlng their voluntary social services to chlldren. The Individuals are recognized for their outstandlng contribution towards service for children, including children with disabilitles. The criterion for s€lection is th€ quality of work performed by the individual for the cause ofchildren. Voluntary action has a specialplace in the natlon's efbrt br promotinS the well being ofchlldren and thls Award seektogrant recognitlon for individuals(cellence in such volunta ry servlces. The Award includes a cash prize of Rs I lakh, a silver plate and a citation. A National Selectlon Committee chaired by the Minister of women and child Development selects the reciplents out ofthe nominations r€commended by State Governments/ Union Territory Adm in istrations and o@erts in thisarea. The prevlous recipients ofthis award include- Rev Fr. Thomas Felix in 1994 ShriJ.N. Kaul in 1995, Sister Ancia Karrichenil In 1996, Smit. Puteeramma in 1997, ShrlAnantraiK, Shah in 1998, Smt. Balkrishna Sukalikarin 1999, ShriMohanlalJain in 2OOt,Kum. Arunaben Shankarprasad Desai in 2002, Aneen Joseph Mathew in 2003, Smt. Zaaputo Angami in 2d)4, late Shri Balkishna Acharya in 2005, Shri Hamzakoya M.l, Ms. R. Usharani, Or. G. Muniratnam in 2q)6, S.nt. MahaJabeen,Smt. Shobhana Ranade and Shri Ahanthem Tolen Singh in 2oo7 and Dr. Azariah Korabandl from Andhra P6d€sh, Dr. Me€na K. Jain from Karnataka and shri MaheshbhaiS. Kotharifrom Guiarat in 2008,5hr1 Fulendra Chaudharyfrom Bihar, ShriV. Nandansabapathy ofTamilnadu and Smt' saroiinl Agarwal of Uttar Pradesh ln 2009 andSmt. Mira Kagati ofAssam, Shri s.A.Thasleem Sulthana fmm Andhra Prad€sh and Dr. Mallika Nadda from HimachalPradesh in 2010, Shri R. RaviKumarfromAndhn P6desh, SwamiJapananda from Karnataka and ShriThungdemo Kikon from Nagaland in 2011,shri Bhab€ndra Nath Dutta from Assam, Shri Ved Prakash Anra hom Haryana, Dr. Samir Hasan Dalwai from Maharashtn in 2012 Sister Dr. Mary Litty from Kerala, Shri Lian C. Tombing from Manipur and Shri Satya Prakesh Sharma from Himachal Pradesh in 2013, Mrs. Ganga Changappa from Karnataka Shri Vajinder Singh from Punjab and Smt. Priyo Lall from Uttarakhand received the prestlgious Manav Seyd Awatd in 2014, The National Selection Committee has selected Dr. Moji Jini from Arunachal Pradesh, Smt Vaijat6nti M. Chougala from (arnataka and Dr, Santhosh. G. Thomas fromThlruvananthapuram, Kerala asthe recipients ofthe prestigious RalivGandhiManav Seva Award ,or the year, 2015. The citatlon on iollowing pages describes the contributions made by Dr. MoJi Jini, Smt VaiiaFnti M. Chougala and Dr. Santhosh.G. Thomas in the field of services towards children. sr ridrq d €ffdrs ffuserciagra, A-Jd cr. deits d drq o,r uoq gr q{, tszt d freoriayqq, ;t gsn Qfi | oilc rsgz i qra o-eqrq 'fttrEzii d on gg t t eilq'i qqfra se cnr?rrerdf d qr+fiq 3ft iFtr6 aeif, wn nen ffi frs{€ it sRte"r ti d ftq ErrZffr{iRr+ierr wrwfr +{ ifinq q-{d frc r Gnqi sTqrfii Tdt d qrtr-frcr d cr ldlRrc{rc siti tt sEii d fd\ ftitq-qR d-q ff Tdri tt enci qff s-dl d qfrqq q6qdr 6r qrr6 frqosilotr{ft'qrtewirrtrfrq d-fi frqT ftqq A s6dr{r * srqrff qEit d fuq Ris it{F dc frqid sftt zooo d qE-fi sdf dI gsrt qrqifu-d ft-qr rrqr g1 flqi q-d A frg 3[+o, wrq{ff +4, iFs6-d dq delr ordslrf,N *iqrfuddtt gT. afqs ft:g6 e-fl l-<n o€ t asfi Tdt d ffi d ftg cfu{€ € t <ait d o-erq $ frq sr. ddrq fr. df rs am c-ftil *spfi d qerq d, srd Yrffq ri$ qrq-E ter grwn. zors rEr< bql qI{6I t t Dr. Santhosh. G. Thomas Thiruvanathapuram, Kerala Dr. Santhosh. G. Thomas born on 3lst May, 1971 in Thiruvananthapuram has been engaged in child welbre activities since 1992. He started student/adolescence counselinS centres in selected 98 orphanages to teach human and moral values, meditation and ethics. He has formed a parents association of children with disabilities and also runs a therapy centre for such children' He has conducted mass free assessment of learning disability among school children. He has formed a special oension scheme for disabled children in association with Life Insurance Corporation of India and more than 2OOOchildren are enrolled in thesame. Hehasconducted several counseling melas, medicalcamps and workshops for children. Dr. Thomas provides services free ofcharge and is committed towardsthe bettermentofchildren. In recognition ofthe services rendered by Dr. santhosh. G. Thomas forthe welfare of children, he is being honoured with the RaiivGandhi ManavSeva Award,2015. ,.,il.li,'ll c) t{j,irt :].il .dailclt , I ), 'rl('< ! ) ffi i-qqft \'q. fl-rn-6r 6r qq e gar{, rsss o'r o'-rf-6 d ger w t enci €rea. RreT 3ir *iisr"T f$ erd Tn if 3r5qrrAq od fu\ d I eirq ao o$i d ffiif d ftc ord or € d npn erq faft-q qfrrerrr 6fffii iwqd qfud Fq;tord orqfft renqi era 3ID-6R, qrd FIRazI oqr frqur, qqiTrET rireTsr. qtd srq +t qr tnrffic era ffii 3ri6 odrrdrq csn ff endrfuo fuc t r qro-wreq ti rrcn sii ddgq elr.riid.Tfqffi d {r{ff.rrd n 3rrr$gq oTd-mq D;urfu-6 6t g, gsd:rorer, enci o-o qf d.tTg s,f d {d dft\ qrg{E gF1. grqFr6-Rnir. olir Ndaff q-dfr, wreq qiq aen cftrerur orfoq or n+s fuqr tqss.Tq rTidi qar eilv q{q-fi i rg dq orfoq c-S d il?rT {di o) qd T{ frrst. dtqur aqn wr*eq ts.{s qft-aq €qrc sqrcT s-*r € f, ; 3nq dQn go+e-o ffit o\ ffid f{i d s*q t w..m {dr d ftc frft - ofu 3ir r<rf'Rqi riaftd or sS d r ffi +r-dl i Fqd qrqr dr ctffirfi qR q ti d ftr wqn uranror cn'r of t r Gilqi B$irqir Grffi d {ait oi RTtrd 6{i d fu\ i-o.rsd 5a ET{ q?i nBqrnqirqdq qcIql 3TIq.is@\ nc.fr$rf 6l q|{qrol frqdd$ilqr srn qftqrclidt r-w.n qrr6 ffi ori d frl er.inis{ \E *irrd{ *arTG-d fuqI t I 4qff Aqqfu drrrrdTem +qf d oerqd ftr rerrtqreil + EqTq q otrq.o'rq-Sq ql$ qr+q t-qr gqsn 261 5 qqrft6 qr Q fo-ql {6r i I Smt.
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