. WALLINGTON-WITH-THOBPLAND. '.I'rades. Tombleson Joseph, farmer Cambridge Henry, farmer Letters received through Coward John, farmer WERE HAM. Gentry. Smith William, victualler, " George and Branwhite Henry Baxter, Esq., White house Dragon" inn Du Pre Rev. Michael Thomas, B.A., perpetual Spencer J ames, veterinary eurgeoh curate of Spinb Edwatd, Tictu&ller, n Nag' a Head .. inn Houchen John Esq., Hall Steward Elizabeth, farmer, Providence farm N ash Mr. Thomas, jun. Tingey James, shopkeeper Royle Rev. James Pabrick, B.A., curate Vince Amos, blacksmith Sewell Philip, Esq. Wames William, farmer, Win~aU farm '.I'rades. Wigg Thomas Spendlove, echoohnaster Aylmer George, shopkeeper Wolsey Edward, com miller Baker George William, farmer Wright Benjamin, fatmer Bland Joshua, farmer Wright Bobert, farmer, Wereham Fen farm Carter Bobert, farmer Wright William, blacksmith Cnrties James, farmer, Cannham house Durrant William, boot and shoemaker Post Office. Fryer J ames, wheelwright Fingay James, postmaster. Letters arrive Hazel J ames, farmer from , 8 a m; depart, 6 pm Hudson John J., juu., baker and confectioner Places of Worship. Hudson John, setJ., farmer Bt. Margaret's Ohurch.-Royle Rev. James Mason Henry Baxter Branwhite, solicitor Patrick, B.A., curate. Service, 11 a m, Nulls Mary, victualler, "Crown" inn and 3 pm Moore Benjamin, farmer, Bow farm Nash 'l'homas, farmer Wesleyan Ohapel.-Circnit preachers. Ser­ Nelson Edward Gudgeon, farmer, Bow farm vice, 10.30 a m, and 2.30 and 6.10 p m Oldham Robert, miller National Sclwol. Bead John, butcher Wigg Thomas Spendlove, master. Number Bobertson Robert, blacksmith of scholars, 3() Sharman George, farmer Oa1'riw. Smith J ames, beer retailer Lynn.-French Wm., &ues, thun,aud sat, 8 am WJCKMERE. Alien Rev. Steven, M.A., curate, h., Erpingham Thompson Richard Miles, farmer 7'rade& Letters received through Aylsham Davison John, shoemaker Hook Joshua, farmer Ohurch. Sootter Joseph, blacksmith Alien Rev. Stephen, M.A.., rector. Senioe, Sharpin Thomas, farmer 11 a m, and 3 p m

WIMBO~SHAM. Gentry. Rodwell Bobert, shopkeeper Alien Rev. William Mascey, curate Pike John, fellmonger & lamb leather dresser Eartel Mr. John Sherwood Bobert, blacksmi&h Browne Mrs. Ellen Thorp J ames, farmer Dashwood Rev. Geo. Hy., M.A., incumbent Towler Bobert, baker Flanntgan Mr. Timothy Youngs Thomas, butcher Page Mrs. Mary Letters received through Downbam Market

Trades. PI~• of W or:ship. Bell John, farmer St. Mary':s Ohurch.-Dashwood Re"t'. Georgt Chalton George, shopkeeper Henry, M.A., incumbent; AIJen Rev. Wm. Chalton Joel, victualler, " Chequers" inn Mascey, curate. Senice, 11 a m, and 8 pm Filby Robert, farmer Primitive M ethodistOhapel.-Circuitpreachers Goulder William, farmer Service, 10.30 a m, and 2.30 and 6.10 p m Green John, farmer Jarred Robert, farmer WesleyanOI..apel.-Circuit preachers. Service, Kemp Anthony, farmer 10.30 a m, and 2.30 and 6.10 p m Lines James, fa1mer NatiOMl School. • Merriogton Bames, baker Number of scholars 4:0.