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I. On-machine dressing integrate the dre sing unit with the grinding head to ensure the highest level of repeatability. Compensation for wheel wear between dresses is automatic . • Designed with the flexib.ility Ito al 0 grind internal and external! gears with non-dressable Gleason high-precision vitrified or plated CBN wheels . • On-machine inspection analyzes stock distribution. and compensates for heat treat distortion and pari. runout. The grinding cycle is optimized automatically. The bigger the grinding application, thebeuer we look. From 400 to 4,000 mm Gleason-Pfauter Profile Grinders can take the lime. cost and question marks out of your process, and put more profitability in. Call us. We 11cut your big grinding challenges down to size. I. Grinding technology database recommends and optimizes the "perfect production" methodology. • K-Chart inspection allows specific input for both profile and lead modifications. 1000 University Ave., P.O..Box 22970 I. Tooth twi t compensation for noise-controland Rochester, NY 14692-2970 U.S.A. high performance application corrects tooth Phone: 5&5/473-1()(X) Fax: 585/4614348 profile deviations. Web site: E-mail: Gleason delivers the pDwer. IMrS '02 - BDD'th # 6931 JULV/AUGUST 2002 I The Journal of Gear Manufacturing _ FEATURES Gear Surface D'uralbility Devel:opment to iEnhance! Transmissiion Power Density Experiments to increase pitting resistance in auto transmission gears 20 Performancel A_na'lysisof H;ypoid Gears bvTooth ,Flank Form Measurement Detailed measuring of hypoid gears by scanning machine 26 26 Minimizat;ion of ln-Pmeess Co,rrosiohl of Aerospa,ce Gears Experiments to reduce corrosion of gears during production 36 IMTS 2002 SPECIAL SE,CTION 2002 FAQs,and Pavilion Info ,, 12 2002 Show Indicat'8s Minimal Recession Damalge Expected IM:TS attendance 16 Allon- 9 - with -the --Show 12, A technical conference, student participation and attractions outside the show 18 DEPARTMENTS Publisher's Page The E-volution of Gear Technology 7 iRevolutions Edwin R..Fellows and a very large gear unit. '9 Iindustry News What's happening in the gear industry .., 32 9 Technicall Calendar Don't miss these important upcoming 'events 34 P,roduct N!ews 'The latest products for the gear industry 44 .Advertiser Index NEW! Phone numbers and web addresses to make it easier to get information 49, Classifi.eds Services. Help Wanted and more 50 __ ----" 52, ,Addendum A Gear With A Sweet Tooth ,,,,, ..'1;2, I~ur S.400 GT Gear Grinding Machine the S 400 GTaJlows for the adapl.ation Contact us for the latest in IS flexible and' easy to usa I,t allows of the latest tool developments - grinding technology. you to employ or even combine which proba.bly makes it today's most different grinding technologies liike versatile grinding machine. SU America linc. profile, grinding, continuous 'generating 5200 Prairie Stone Parkway, grinding, shave grinding (external In addition, we provide you with G8N Suite 100 honing) to find the most efficient way and electroplated grinding wheels and H'offman Estates, IL 60192 to gr,ind your g.ear, worm or rotor. worms Ibased on our I'onglexperience Tel.: 847 649-1450 as at developer of grinding technology. Fax: 847 649-01' 112 Fully equipped with today's standard, E-mail: [email protected] like linear motor technology and GNG, ....- Hobbing' - Profile Grinding - Generating Grinding - Shave Grinding - Chamfering - 'Deburring - Shaving! Culter Grinding _ Bevel Gear Cutting - Tool and Commodity Management Services (eMS) I GEAR TECHNOLOGY ,EDITORIAL Publisher '& F.dito ..-iD-Chi~f Michael Goldstein Managing Editor WiUiam R. Stoll Associate Editor Joseph L Huzelton Assistant. .Edilor Robin Wright Editorial Consultant Paul R. Goldstein Technical Editors Robert Errichello Don McVittie Robert E. Smith Dun Thurman ARI Art Director Jean Bartz Advertising Manager Patricia Flam Ultra Predse Hobs itUSSELL. Adv~g Coordinator Angel ica Vi loria Accuracy Class: AAA, M, A CIRCIJLATI(IN Materials:. Carbide/Bridge/HSS HOLBROOK& Techno[ogy, Dry/High Speed/Hard Hobbing Circulation Coordinators Range: 10 - SOO Diametral !Pitch HENIDERSON.IINC. Dina Krauss & Angelica Viloria 17~1i' -Route 208 North, Fair Lawn. New jer:s.eyO'7"'.'lD STOCKAVAILABLE T@lephone:201-796-51145 Fax: 201-796·S664 "'~'iE1hEIUt:i~'IIIq,a.,t;,'ltA..'IF' INTE.IINEl • Visit our website at: Web Developer Dan MacKenzie Gear Indllstry Home Pagel M Sales Patricia Ram TM Sales Michael A. Gianfrancesco !lANDAU PUBLISHING STAff President Michael Goldstein Vice President Richard Goldstein Controller Michael Grafman Accountln/.: Dianne Johnson omce Coordinator Gladyce J. Cooper Phone: 847437.661)4 E-mail: Web: VOL 119,NO.4 GF:,\R TEeIlNOL!) .y, l'b. Journal or ce .. I\lu""raclurlng (lSSN 07-13-6858) ls published bimonthly by Rundall Publishing. Inc .. 1425 Lun: Avenue. PO. Bo. 1426, Elk Grove village. IL 60007. (847) 437·6bQ.I. Cover price 55.00 U.S_ Periodical postage puid 01 Arling'a. Heigh". IL. end at addi[ional mailing offic e, Randall Pubhshing makes e ..·cry effort 10 ensure that the processes do,,'libed 'n GEAR TECHNOLOGY conform 10"",ad enga- ne;:rm~ practice. Neither the umbers 1lIJT the pubhsber can be held respcnn ble for injuries susralned while following the capaI_,1ncIud1ng tInII8 element. procedures described. Postmaster: Send uddress cbunges 10 Arrow's latest success was utmztng our GEAR TECHNOLOGY. The Journal of Gear Manufncturf ng. 1425 Lum Avenue, P.O. Bu. L426. Elk s1ate-of-1he-art technologies to design the Oro"< Village. IL. 60001. OConl.nts ropyriglllL-d by RAN· gear t001h geometry and to manufacture DA.LL Pl'BLISHlNG. [NC.. 2002. No pen of lh" publica- 2301 Curtiss Street· Downers Grove, IL 60515 [ion ma) be reprod ueed or uansmmed in an) form or by an) all bevel gears in 1he PT1l & AGB for mCQn~: electronic Or mechanleuj. indudingthou:-cop) ing, Tel: (630) 969-7640 • Fax: (630) 969-0253 recording, or by any informauon storage an rerneval sys- Pratt & Whitney's PW 6000 engine. tem. wuhour permission in wri{ing from [he publisher. Contents or ud:-i<are:o.ubJeclto Publisher's approval. 4 JUL Y/AUGUST 2002 • GEAR TECHNOLOGY' •. MACHINE Up To MORE PARTS PER HOUR. Dura-Bar Plus is a new engineered iron that machines better than carbon and alloy steels ... and better than competitive grades of continuous cast iron. New & Improved Dura-Bar Plus gives you A LOWER ,CO TPERPART ••• PLiUS - MORE PART PER HOURI Decrease cycle time. Increase productivity! PLUS - LONGER INSERT LIFE! Reduce your downtime for tooling change ! PLUS - A DEFEO-FREE MATERIAL! Quality guaranteed! Dura-Bar Plus is available in gray and ductile iron grades and in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. For more information. sec web site at Or call I-SOD-BAR MILL (1-800-227 -6455) INCREASE "0 R MJ\ClDNlNG PRODUcrWITI' A~D S.4\'[ MONEl' wrrn New Dura-Bar Plus, THE LATEST I ENGlNiELRJD l\1ETA~TECHNOLOGl'. Continuous ,Cast Iron:Bar Stock. 21100 West Lake Shore 'Drive, Wood5tock,l~L 6009s..69 I I I-SOO-BAR-MILL •. 815-338-7800 • FAX: 81.5·338·1549 E-mail: sa'[email protected] Internet: LMT-.FEITE end L.I.EBHERR' for gear cutting otutions .. LMT-F,ETT:E'slegendary cra,ftsmanship and precision ha,ve earned us a world-wide reputation for producing hobs thallarle unsurpassed in the 'gear industry. Now we .r'oudl announce a newpafitnership, lin the North Amedcan market with LIIEiBHIERiR.the industry leader of LORENZ®$;haping. shaving: and ,gauging tools" By combining the strengths of these global! leaders, weare now North America,'ssingle-.source so!lutionl provider in the gear industry. 'Combining premium materials, st·alte-of-the-a,rt coa'tings and the most advanced heat-Irealting processes, we prlovide gear cuttingl tools that out-per1orm all others. Our continuall investment in research and deve'lopment ensures each LMT:. FETTE and LORENZ® product is designed alnd built toexceedl your performance expectations. All LMT-FETTE and LIE'BHiE'R:R'gear,cutling tools are manufactured to AGMA and DIN standards. Solid HSS Hobs Sol:id Carbide Hobs Multi-Gash Hobs Heavy Duty Roughing Hobs Inde.xable Carbide Insert Roughing IHobs Milliing Cutters with Carbide Inserts Skiving Hobs Hobs for Worms, Sprockets, Rotors, Timing: Belt Pulleys & _ ... ShapeI' Cutters Form Milling Cutters Shaving Tbols Rack TY1>eCutt.ers Rolling Dies Rolling Racks Broach Rings Master Gears Aling and Plug Gauges Cutter .Adapters C.lamping Arbors C:lamping Fixtures Call our new Gear Solution Center r in Saline, Michigan at 734-429-2095 LMT • F'ETTE 1;0' tindouf how we can be your - ,./ single~source solution provider. 18013 Cleveland Cleveland Ohio 44135 PUBUS,HER'S, PAGE _ -------- - ing the magazine. E-GTeliminales those costs, It will be avail- able for free to qualified subscribers anywhere in the world. Another benefit for subscribers outside the United Stales is The E-volution of that they' II no longer have to wait two or more weeks extra 10 receive their issues by mail. They'll have access to the content as soon as the issue is published and the electronic version is Gear Technology uploaded to our website. To ensure that our magazine is reaching the right audience, our electronic subscribers will fill out .1 qualification card once Technology creates excitement. lust consider the natural per year, just as they do with our printed version. Part of that buzz around IMTS, where manufacturers will go to explore qualification card will include the subscriber's e-mail address. ways they can increase productivity.