Journal of the International Palm Society Vol. 52(3) Sep. 2008 Essential Palm Palms:Essential Palm Palms 1/22/08 11:34 AM Page 1 the INTERNATIONAL PALM SOCIETY, INC
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Palms Journal of the International Palm Society Vol. 52(3) Sep. 2008 Essential palm Palms:Essential palm Palms 1/22/08 11:34 AM Page 1 THE INTERNATIONAL PALM SOCIETY, INC. The International Palm Society Palms (formerly PRINCIPES) Journal of The International Palm Society Founder: Dent Smith An illustrated, peer-reviewed quarterly devoted to The International Palm Society is a nonprofit corporation information about palms and published in March, engaged in the study of palms. The society is inter- June, September and December by The International national in scope with worldwide membership, and the Palm Society, 810 East 10th St., P.O. Box 1897, formation of regional or local chapters affiliated with the Lawrence, Kansas 66044-8897, USA. international society is encouraged. Please address all inquiries regarding membership or information about Editors: John Dransfield, Herbarium, Royal Botanic the society to The International Palm Society Inc., P.O. Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 3AE, United Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044-8897, USA. e-mail Kingdom, e-mail [email protected], tel. 44- [email protected], fax 785-843-1274. 20-8332-5225, Fax 44-20-8332-5278. Scott Zona, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Florida OFFICERS: International University (OE 167), 11200 SW 8 St., President: Bo-Göran Lundkvist, P.O. Box 2071, Pahoa, Miami, Florida 33199 USA, e-mail [email protected], tel. Hawaii 96778 USA, e-mail 1-305-348-1247, Fax 1-305-348-1986. [email protected], tel. 1-808-965-0081. Associate Editor: Natalie Uhl, 228 Plant Science, Vice-Presidents: John DeMott, 18455 SW 264 St, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853 USA, e- Homestead, Florida 33031 USA, e-mail mail [email protected], tel. 1-607-257-0885. [email protected], tel. 1-305-248-5109. Growing Palms Editor: Randal J. Moore, 15615 Tobias W. Spanner, Tizianstrasse 44, 80638 Muenchen, Boulder Ridge Ln., Poway, California 92064 USA, e- Germany, e-mail [email protected], tel. 49-172-630- mail [email protected], tel. 1-858-513-4199. 7778. Supplement Editor: Jim Cain, 12418 Stafford Corresponding Secretary: Horace O. Hobbs, 7310 Springs, Houston, Texas 77077 USA, e-mail Ashburn, Houston, Texas 77061 USA, e-mail [email protected], tel. 1-281-558-6153. [email protected], tel. 1-713-890-1186. Guidelines for authors are available on request from Administrative Secretary: Larry Noblick, the Editors. Montgomery Botanical Center, 11901 Old Cutler Road, Miami, Florida 33156 USA, e-mail Annual membership dues of US$40.00 for Individuals [email protected], tel. 1-305-667-3800 and US$45.00 for Families include a subscription to ex 104. the Journal. Subscription price is US$40.00 per year to libraries and institutions. Dues include mailing of Treasurer: Kathryn Ostadal, 114 Melrose Ave., the Journal by airlift service to addresses outside the Destrehan, Louisiana 70047, USA, e-mail USA. [email protected], tel. 1-985-725-0501. Change of Address: Send change of address, Directors: 2006–2010: Elena Beare, Uruguay; Norman phone number or e-mail to The International Palm Bezona, Hawaii; Faith Bishock, Florida; Paul Craft, Society, P.O. Box 1897, Lawrence, Kansas 66044- Florida; Larry Davis, Florida; John Dransfield, United 8897, USA, or by e-mail to [email protected] Kingdom; Ray Hernandez, Florida; Horace Hobbs, Texas; Christie Jones, Florida; Don Kurth, California; Bo-Göran Claims for Missing Issues: Claims for issues not Lundkvist, Hawaii; Gerald Martinez, France; Santiago received in the USA should be made within three Orts, Spain; Jeanne Price, Australia; Fernando Roca, Peru; months of the mailing date; claims for issues outside Toby Spanner, Germany. 2008–2012: Lyle Arnold, the USA should be made within six months of the California; Philip Arrowsmith, Australia; Bill Baker, Texas; mailing date. Jeff Brusseau, California; Jim Cain, Texas; John DeMott, Florida; Garrin Fullington, Hawaii; Haresh, India; Tom Periodical postage paid at Lawrence, KS, USA. Jackson, California; Leland Lai, California; Jill Mezel, Postmaster: Send address changes to The Brazil; Larry Noblick, Florida; Kathryn Ostadal, Louisiana; International Palm Society, P.O. Box 1897, John Rees, California; Sue Rowlands, California; Grant Lawrence, Kansas 66044-8897, USA. Betrock’s Essential Guide to Palms —$29.95 ea + $1.80 FL tax + $7.00 S&H in U.S. = $38.75 (Int’l S&H: $20.00) Stephensen, Texas; Scott Zona, Florida. Make checks payable to Betrock Information Systems, Inc. 7770 Davie Rd. Ext., Hollywood, FL 33024 PALMS (ISSN 1523-4495) Phone: 954-981-2821 Fax: 954-981-2823 or Bookstore: Christie Jones, [email protected] Mailed at Lawrence, Kansas September 15, 2008 Name Chapters: See listing in the Supplement. © 2008 The International Palm Society Address Website: The full text of PALMS is available on EBSCO City State Zip Publishing’s database. Phone Cell FRONT COVER This publication is printed on acid-free paper. Visa MasterCard Amex Exp. Date Security Code # of copies The red new leaf of Chambeyronia macrocarpa, in Card# Signature cultivation in Kona, Hawaii. Photo by Angela Blakely. PALMS Vol. 52(3) 2008 CONTENTS Beneficial Role of Arbuscular Features 113 Mycorrhizal Fungi on Florida Native Palms J.B. FISHER & K. JAYACHANDRAN News from the World of Palms 108 Ecological Factors Affecting the Growing Palms 109 127 Spread of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Red Palm Weevil) in Advertisements 123 Eastern Sicily Palm Literature 124 F. C ONTI, F. S ESTO, E. RACITI, V. TAMBURINO & S. LONGO Announcement 125 Seed Predation of Attalea dubia Photo Feature 126 133 (Arecaceae) in an Island in the About the Covers 140 Atalantic Rainforest of Brazil C.E. STEFFLER, C.I. DONATTI & M. GALETTI Classifieds 154 New Species of Licuala (Palmae) 141 from Vietnam A. HENDERSON, N.K. BAN & N.Q. DUNG For Your First Look at the New Edition of Genera Palmarum Turn to Page 125. BACK COVER The red new leaf of Actino- A wine-red new leaf of Welfia regia, a seen in the wild during this year’s kentia divaricata, grown and Biennial in Costa Rica. Photograph by Angela Blakely. See p. 140. photographed by Angela Blakely. 107 PALMS Vol. 52(3) 2008 NEWS FROM THE WORLD OF PALMS With a certain amount of regret the Editors so when the palm is in flower it has strong have decided to terminate the annual alcoholic smell. Frank Wiens and his associates compilation of palm literature that appeared have discovered that the alcohol is attractive in part three of each volume of PALMS. This to tree shrews and other mammals, who visit column has been produced in recent years by the flowers to feed on the alcohol. Amazingly Dr. Bill Baker in Kew, whom we thank for his they do not become intoxicated. While visiting assiduous collation of references. The decision the flowers, they also are responsible for the to terminate this feature is based on the fact transfer of pollen from anthers to receptive that modern internet search engines can easily stigmas, thereby pollinating the palm. Wiens’ produce listings of recent palm literature, and article appears in a forthcoming issue of the that those most likely to read the feature in Proceedings of the National Academy of PALMS are almost certainly already using such Sciences (USA), available at, search engines, making the publication of the along with night-vision video of the tree shrew feature in PALMS redundant. We shall visiting bertam flowers (listed as Supporting continue to provide book reviews of recently Information). You can listen to an interview published palm books. with Dr. Wiens at One of us (JD) has just returned from a short The most exciting news from the palm world visit to Hawaii where as guest of the Hawaiian is the publication last month of the much- Islands Palm Society, I gave a lecture on palm anticipated second edition of Genera Palmarum. novelties from Madagascar. It was a great The work revises and expands the first edition opportunity to look at a host of mystery to include new discoveries (including new unnamed species of Dypsis. First I was taken genera), new data and a complete synthesis of aback by the astonishing growth rates of palms the literature that has become available since in Hawaii – even with little or no fertilizer, the 1987, when the first edition appeared. The growth is mind-boggling, and with fertilizer, new book, with color maps and illustrations many species seem to flower within five years throughout, is co-published by the IPS and the of planting. Examination of some of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (UK) and the LH unnamed palms has solved a few mysteries, Bailey Hortorium. Publishing an important perhaps the most important being that the so- reference work such as this is one of the ways called Madagascar Foxtail is Dypsis marojejyi. A the IPS fulfills the mission of the society and lively discussion developed on PalmTalk, with is the tangible result of members’ support for many people contributing their opinions on the organization. The IPS is the exclusive new determinations, not all in accord with my North American distributor of Genera conclusions. Palmarum (2nd ed.) and has arranged special, members’ discount pricing. Order your copy An extraordinary story has emerged soon (see the Supplement or p. 125 of this concerning the bertam palm, Eugeissona tristis, issue), as the print run is limited and expected and pentailed tree shrews. Both staminate and to sell out. hermaphroditic flowers of bertam in Peninsular Malaysia produce copious THE EDITORS quantities of nectar that rapidly ferments, and 108 PALMS Vol. 52(3) 2008 GROWING PALMS Horticultural and practical advice for the enthusiast Edited by Randal J. Moore Contents Recycled Water Quality and Palms: Part I – Randal J.