And Others Selected Bibliography of Educational Materials: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia. Volume 3, Number
tr. DOCUMENT RESUME ED 034 455 72 FL 001 537 AUTHOR Azzouz, Azzedine; And Others TITLE Selected Bibliography of EducationalMaterials: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia. Volume 3,Number 4, 1969. INSTITUTION Agence Tunisienne de Public Relations,Tunis (Tunisia). SPONS AGENCY National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.; Office of Education (DHEW) ,Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. REPOT NO TT-69-52000-4 BUREAU NO BP-7-1275 PUB DATE 69 NOTE 34p. FDPS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$1.80 DESCRIPTORS Adult Education, *Annotated Bibliographies, Educational Administration, Educational Methods, Educational Needs, Educational Objectives, Educational Planning, Educational Practice, *Educational Problems, *Educational Programs, *foreign Countries, Instructional Aids, Instructional Materials, Instructional Program Divisions, International Education, Statistical Studies, Teacher Education IDENTIFIERS Algeria, Libya, *Maghreb Countries, Morocco,Tunisia ABSTRACT A 100-item bibliography withabstracts of books, newspaper articles, andPeriodical articles in English and French dating from 1953 offers information on variousaspects of education in Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.Emphasis is placed on sections dealing with educational organizationin primary, secondary, vocational and higher education; and the structureof educational organization in. North Africa. Less extensive sectionsdeal with: (1) educational philosophy, administration, statistics,and cooperation; (2) adult, teacher, religious, artistic andspecial education; and (3) teaching aids and special problems. Englishtranslations of foreign titles are provided and the country underconsideration is noted. For companion documents see ED 026 892, ED026 920, ED 029 527, ED 031 123, and FL 001 501. (RL) Irtrttr '2:4 Ciii444iaga0-4 - ,e-741.73- ) I A. 7 z aelfis 1.. SELEbTED ,BIBLIDGRAPiit OP 11,1DUC..TIONATJAWATZRIALS rI ol. No. 4 13 U.S.
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