BLACK SUN LIT 2 DOUBLECROSS PRESS 3 ELLIPSIS PRESS 4 ND/SA 5 BOOG CITY ROOF BOOKS 6 A COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER FROM A GROUP OF ARTISTS AND WRITERS BASED IN AND AROUND NEW YORK CITY’S EAST VILLAGE ISSUE 133 FREE Celebrate Five of the City’s Best Small Presses Inside in Their Own Words and Live Readings from Black Sun Lit, DoubleCross Press, d.a. levy lives Ellipsis Press, ND/SA, and Roof Books authors, celebrating renegade presses and music from Jason 17th Annual Trachtenburg. NYC Small Presses Night Bowery Sun. Dec. 15, 3:00 p.m., $10 Poetry Club 308 Bowery (@ E. 1st St.) Book Fair The East Village Info 212-842-BOOG (2664)
[email protected] 3:00-3:30 p.m., 5:30-6:00 p.m. @boogcity BOOG CITY 2 WWW.BOOGCITY.COM from from from [WANTON] Meat Habitats The City is Lush with by Christy Davids by Angela Hume Obstructed Views by Greg Nissan we are taught (re)production a hook shock determines If it is you the social value of female bodies, so in the cortisol Lay and remove the scaffold, It won’t be called making I can secrete with discretion night sign But revision tills the hand warrant only instances Hedonic. It loses its loss of mating and sheer over a door scratching fraction prettiness, perpetual arousal carousel in riotous green DOUBLECROSS PRESS from xxox fm by Joshua Escobar a.k.a. dj ashtrae in the supermarket full of mistakes my dream husband motions muddy socks over his navel i gave my future to him last night from It’s no Good from Everything’s Bad Headlands Quadrats by Stephanie Young by Brian Teare I can’t claim this is a translation of Kirill’s chasing prey a kind translation of Bukowski of looping beauty from or the way Bukowski appears in Kirill’s early Meteorites poems as translated by Keith Gessen back into off-kilter wobbling by S.