
Nutrition Services

Nutrition Services Gets Creative with

Step aside, Lean … Fargo Public Schools (FPS) Nutrition Services is rivaling even the most popular frozen brands with its creativity and resourcefulness. The team has overcome many challenges as everyone adapts to COVID- 19, and it is finding ways to make sure all students get the nutritious they need, whether they are learning at school or at home.

Nutrition Services Director Cindy Hogenson says, “Every day is a challenge to feed students in different settings, and nothing has been perfect, but the staff has been great coming up with new Taco in a bag ideas to meet these challenges.” FPS is pleased to assist families through COVID- 19 by providing these take-home meals for distance learning days and Virtual Academy learners. Additionally, FPS is providing free meals to all students through the 2020-2021 school year, thanks to a funding extension from the United State Department of Agriculture.

Spaghetti with meat sauce and frozen meal

Some of those new ideas include finding recipes that freeze and reheat well. Nutrition Services has found several recipes that do so, like with meat sauce and vegetables, chili and corn, taco in a bag, and so many more. The team has also been able to find special containers that are durable enough to transport the meals and safe enough to be microwaved. Take home meal in a bag


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