1.1 Background

For years, a lot of web designers have been used graceful degradation

principle to make the visitors who use older browser at least can see the

content in their website [1]. Graceful degradation designs a website with

fully functional in modern browsers, but it will degrade gracefully to the

lower level of user experience that is using older browsers or outdated

browsers. It means that the websites will not view with fully functional

since the features of modern browsers cannot be understood by older

browsers, but they still provide basic functionality of a website. There is

a better solution for designing website which is progressive

enhancement. Progressive enhancement is similar to graceful

degradation, but it starts from the basic level of user experience to higher

level of user experience that at least should be compatible to all

browsers. On the other hand, graceful degradation starts from the

complexity and try to fix it in older browser. Progressive enhancement

focuses more on the improvement of the design, interaction, and user

experience while graceful degradation is more focusing on browser


The benefits of progressive enhancement are not only for those using

regular desktop or browsers but also for those browsing the content via

their mobile devices. It will display the content clearly in the mobile

1 browsers although the browsers do not support the CSS or JavaScript. It means that the structure of the HTML will work regardless the CSS on it.

The other benefits are the website can easily corporate with mobile version and easier to maintain. It will be easier to maintain because the basic content and functionalities are separated each other. For example, making changes of the appearances will not affect the content and functionality of the website, and vice versa.

The way to build a website with progressive enhancement principle:

Well-Structured Semantic HTML

Well-structured semantic HTML is the design of the content in

HTML that can still be read with or without the presentation layer

(CSS). It means that all of browsers especially basic mobile

browsers will be able to view the content as the example below


Figure 1 – Well Structure HTML


Presentation Layer(CSS)

After creating the well structured semantic HTML, the presentation layer is the next. This is useful to make the readers easier to view, use, and improved user experience.

JavaScript should be the last

JavaScript can greatly contribute to the usability and user experience of the website [1]. Even JavaScript can greatly contribute, but make sure that the site also usable without

JavaScript. Although almost all browsers have JavaScript enabled, some of mobile browsers are not supported with JavaScript. And this is called as unobtrusive JavaScript. Here is the example of

JavaScript that has no functionality lost between JavaScript enabled and JavaScript disabled.

Figure 2 - Here’s the fully functional version of the site, with the modal window [1].


Figure 3 - Here’s the version with JavaScript disabled, with the Terms & Conditions appearing just above the footer. It is still linked from the same place in the content [1].

The goal of this thesis is to implement a website with the techniques

that are best in web enhancement performance such as

maintainability, flexibility, compatibility, accessibility, and response


1.2 Scope

The scopes of this thesis are:

To create a portfolio website for MoStudio using Progressive

Enhancement and Unobtrusive JavaScript principles.

To examine the techniques based on enhancement

performance such as easy to code, maintainability, flexibility,

compatibility, accessibility, and response time


To compare graceful degradation and progressive

enhancement with unobtrusive JavaScript principles for

creating a website.

To compare normal technique to add backgrounds inside

HTML, normal technique to add backgrounds with CSS, and

CSS-Sprite technique for adding backgrounds.

To compare normal technique with fixed text, normal

technique with changeable text, and sliding doors technique

for creating image button.

To compare table-based design and CSS-based design for

creating layout of the webpage.

To compare flash and JavaScript for creating animation.

This thesis does not examine the HTML5 technology due to

emerging nature hence limited available resources.

This thesis does not examine the technology due to the

requirements of the project and will make the thesis too broad.

1.3 Aim and Benefits

The aim of this thesis is:

To seek the technique that is the best in enhancement

performance such as maintainability, flexibility, compatibility,

accessibility, and response time.

The benefit of this thesis is:


To show which techniques are the best in enhancing performance.

Since there are emerging technologies that web developers can

choose, web developers are riddled to choose which one is the


1.4 Structures

The thesis will be written in seven chapters as listed below:

Chapter 1. Introduction

It contains a background of the problem, the scope of

activity, and the aim and benefit of this activity.

Chapter 2. Theoretical Foundation

It contains theory, opinion, principal, and other

sources that can be proven scientifically as the

comparison and reference in discussing the problem.

Chapter 3. Problem Analysis

It contains the company profile, organizational

structure, the current existing system and the

conclusion of the current system.

Chapter 4. Solution Design

It contains the steps of designing the solution for the

problem and the final solution that made by student.

Chapter 5. Testing and Implementation


It contains the result, observations or

implementation of the solution given.

Chapter 6. Discussion

It is to evaluate and clarify the results. It contains

what the result means to the student.

Chapter 7. Conclusion and Recommendation

It is summarize all-important aspect starting from

what causes the problem, the problem itself, the

solution, and the result of implementing the solution.