Appendices Appendix I
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APPENDICES APPENDIX I Refractive indices (n D '·, i.e. measured at 20°C at the yellow natrium D-line) of some media used in microscopy for mounting, immersion, etc. air 1.0003 Malinol* 1.520 distilled water 1.333 methyl benzoate 1.520 seawater 1.343 Apathy's gum syrup (W) 1.524 ethyl alcohol (W) 1.362 gum damar 1.520 - 1.530 Aquamount (W) 1.435 clove oil 1.531 water-free glycerol (W) 1.473 methyl salicylate 1.535 liquid paraffin 1.482 Permount* 1.530 - 1.540 Gelatinol* (W) 1.480 - 1.490 Canada balsam* 1.530 - 1.540 toluene 1.495 Euparal* 1.535 xylene 1.497 nitrobenzene 1.535 benzene 1.502 (very toxic) cedar oil* 1.510 Cedax* 1.550 - 1.560 non-resinifying mono bromo benzene 1.560 immersion oil 1.515 anilin oil 1.586 ani sol 1.517 Clearax* 1.660 Eukitt* 1.510 - 1.520 mono bromo naphthalene 1.660 Clearmount* 1.510 - 1.520 Hyrax* 1.710 cristallite 1.5 10 - 1.520 methylene jodide 1.738 Media indicated with * become hard after a shorter or longer period, cementing object glass and cover glass together. This hardening process is caused by the evap oration of a solvent (xylene, toluene) and/or as a consequence of a process of polymerization (with synthetic media) or resinification (with natural resins). During this process, which may take from one or two days to over a week, the refractive index gradually increases until a final value is reached. In the table only an average final value is listed; this is often not rigidly constant everywhere in the specimen, as in the centre the evaporation/polymerization process is sometimes stopped at an earlier stage than at the border, due to sealing off of the central part. Non-hardening media in the list usually are sharply defined chemical substances with constant physical characteristics: their refractive indices immediately have the desired value (which can easily be controlled with a refractometer). Especially in * hardening mounting medium W miscible with water APPENDIX I 317 photometry, where the adaptation of medium and object may be very critical, but also with more unusual specimens such a pure liquid mounting medium may be indicated. As these substances have a low viscosity and are often volatile, the cover glass has to be sealed and fixed with a ringing cement. Different types of quickly hardening sealing media are on the market, but they are often soluble in benzene derivates and non water-miscible substances like methyl salicylate with its favour able refractive index, so that they cannot be used to seal off specimens mounted in these media. In these circumstances, an excellent sealing can be obtained by using a 10% (wjv) solution of gelatin in water to which 10% (wjv) sucrose is added with gentle heating. When this mixture is kept in an incubator at 37°C, it remains liquid enough to be applied with a brush, but has a sufficient viscosity to seal off immediately a volatile medium. It dries in a few hours at room temperature in forming a stone-hard cement which can be removed easily with lukewarm water. It is not dissolved by xylol, petrol etc., so that immersion oil on the cover glass can be removed freely with these liquids. Apart from the pure substances mentioned in the list, use can be made of mixtures of different compounds to achieve a certain refractive index; these can also be obtained commercially with virtually any desired refractive index (Cargille oil). It should be kept in mind in using any type of mixture that the refractive index of a stock solution may change considerably with time, due to differential evaporation of components. 318 APPENDIX II FOUR-LINGUAL VOCABULARY OF SOME COMMONLY ENGLISH FRENCH adjustment ajustement air bubble bulle d'air angle of aperture angle d'ouverture angle of view angle de vue aperture stop diaphragme d'ouverture attachable mechanical stage surplatine amovible attachment camera chambre microphotographique oculaire beam of (light) rays faisceau lumineux bellows camera chambre photographique a soufflet birefringent birefringent bright field fond clair brightness of illumination force d'eclairement built-in illumination eclairage incorpore calibration etalonnage case coffret cement lut centering device dispositif de centrage chromatic difference of magnification difference chromatique de magnification coarse adjustment mouvement rapide coating, blooming traitement anti-reflet collector-lens collecteur colour temperature temperature de couleur comparison eyepiece oculaire comparateur comparison microscope microscope de comparaison compensating eyepiece oculaire compensateur compound lens lentille compo see concave mirror miroir convergent condenser condensateur, condenseur condenser with swing-out frontlens condensateur a lentille frontale escamotable 319 USED TECHNICAL TERMS IN MICROSCOPY GERMAN SPANISH Einstellung ajuste Luftblase burbuja de aire Offnungswinkel angulo de apertura Sehwinkel angulo visual Aperturblende diafragma de apertura ObjektfUhrer platina m6vil Aufsatzkamera camara fotografica acoplada al ocular (Licht) BUschel haz luminoso Balgenkamera camara con fuelle doppelbrechend birrefringente Hellfeld campo claro Beleuchtungsstarke intensidad de i1uminaci6n Einbaubeleuchtung i1uminaci6n incorporada Eichung calibraci6n Schrank caja 6 Estuche Kitt masilla Zentriervorrichtung dispositivo para el centraje chromatische Differenz der diferencia cromatica de aumento Vergrosserung Grobtrieb (Zahntrieb) tornillo macrometrico (enfoque rapido) ReflexschUtz tratamiento antireflectante Kollektor, Sammellinse colector Farbtemperatur temperatura de color Vergleichsokular ocular comparador Vergleichsmikroskop microscopio de comparaci6n Kompensationsokular ocular compensador verkittete Linse, zusammengesetzte lente compuesta Linse Hohlspiegel espejo convergente Kondensor condensador Klappkondensor condensador con lente frontal abatible 320 APPENDIX II ENGLISH FRENCH continuous running interference filter monochromateur interferentiel control knob bouton de commande correction collar monture de correction cover-glass lamelle couvre-objet critical illumination eclairage critique cross-wires reticule en croix curvature of field courbure de champ dark field illumination eclairage a fond noir defects of image defaut de I'image deflecting prism prisme de renvoi depth of field profondeur de champ diffraction image image de diffraction dissecting microscope microscope a dissection distortion distorsion division eche\le graduee drawing apparatus (camera lucida) appareil a dessiner (chambre claire) dry objective objectif a sec electron dense dense pour electrons electron microscope microscope electronique empty magnification grossissement vide entrance pupil pupille d'entree exit pupil pupiIIe de sortie exposure time temps de pose extinction (optical density) extinction eyepiece oculaire eyepiece micrometer micro metre oculaire field lens verre (lentille) de champ field number index de champ field stop (- diaphragm) diaphragme de champ field of view champ visuel film holder chassis final magnification grossissement total fine adjustment mise au point (mouvement lent) flash eclair electronique flat-field objective objectif a champ plan fluorescent screen ecran fluorescent focal length distance focale focal plane plan focal to focus mettre au point APPENDIX II 321 GERMAN SPANISH Verlauffilter-Monochromator filtro continuo desplazable de interferencia Bedienungsknopf tornillo de control Korrektionsfassung collar 0 montura de correcci6n Deckglas cubre objetos kritische Beleuchtung iluminacion critica Fadenkreuz reticulo en cruz Bildfeldwolbung curvatura del campo optico Dunkelfeldbeleuchtung iluminacion de campo oscuro Abbildungsfehler defecto de imagen Umlenkprisma prisma de desviacion (para proyectar y dibujar) Schiirfentiefe profundidad de campo Beugingsbild imagen de difraccion Prapariermikroskop microscopio de diseeci6n 0 estereoscopico Verzeichnung distorsion Gradeinteilung escala graduada Zeichenapparat (camera lucida) camara clara para dibujar Trockenobjektiv objetivo 0 sistema en seeo Elektronenmikroskop microscopio electronico elektronendicht electrodenso leere Vergrosserung aumento en vacio Eintrittspupille pupila de entrada Austrittspupille pupil a de salida Belichtungsdauer tiempo de exposicion Extinktion extinction Okular ocular Okularmikrometer ocular micrometrico Feldlinse, Kollektivlinse lente de campo Sehfeldzahl numero indicador de campo Leuchtfeldblende diafragma de campo Gesichtsfeld campo visual Kassette chasis (portapeIiculas) Endvergrosserung aumento total Feintrieb (Mikrometerschraube) tornillo micrometrico (enfoque de precision) Elektronenblitz rayo electronico Plan-objektiv objetivo de campo plano 0 con optica plana Fluoreszenzschirm pantalla fiuorescente Brennweite distancia focal Brennebene plano focal Scharfeinstellen enfocar 322 APPENDIX II ENGLISH FRENCH focussing eyepiece oculaire de mise au point focussing microscope, auxiliary microscope auxiliaire microscope focussing plane plan de mise au point foot of the stand base du statif front lens lentille frontale frozen section coupe Ii congelation glare, stray light lumiere parasite graticule, grating reseau ground glass plate plaque en verre depoli high power magnification grossissement fort high pressure mercury vapour lamp lampe a vapeur de mercure haute pression illumination illumination illumination apparatus appareil d'eclairage illumination field champ d'eclairage image image image-formation formation de l'image immersion-objective objectif a immersion incandescent lamp lampe Ii incandescence incident illumination eclairage incident intermediate piece bague intermediaire