1 TheBoxing Biographies Newsletter Volume 4- No 11 22 May , 2009 www.boxingbiographies.com If you wish to sign up for the newsletters ( which includes the images ) please email the message “NEWS LETTER”
[email protected] The newsletter is also available as a word doc on request As always the full versions of these articles are on the website Harry Mizler Part 6 and the final installment Just before he was matched with AI Roth of New York Mizler became friendly with Betty Greenfield an attractive young woman who was to become his wife two years later. Betty met Roth at a dance and asked him during the course of conversation what he did for a living. The exchanges went something like this: Al (swelling out his chest and trying to look nonchalant "I'm a professional boxer." Betty (surprised): What a coincidence! My boy friend is a fighter—his name is Harry Mizler." Al: "Oh, that guy. I may be meeting him in the ring soon which will be tough luck for him. I’ll slaughter him." TIPPED FOR TITLE That story may carry more than one moral, but it may also have spurred Mizler to be at the peak or his form and outpoint the American by an overwhelming margin over ten rounds. Certainly Harry looked brilliant and besides being awarded a "Boxing News" Certificate of Merit was very strongly tipped to regain the British lightweight title. For the contest, made at ten stone. John Harding paid Mizler £250 and Roth £150. And to this day looks back at the promotion and considers it the best bargain he over made.