... :.

Our window 0 b HE SPORTING NEWS. filled with

ir, is the way you greet a person that is well dressed. .You notice something; about him that requires special recognition, fake two men, Business Suits, 1 , ' tone seedy looking, the 0ther respectable looking-- although they wero BOWLING WRESTLING THE DIAMOND Wh born equal, yet, by reason of their appearapce you regard one as above the other. Good clothes command respect, attracts good com- MERRILY THEY ROLL MATCH IS OFF OVER THE FENCE pany, and good company is essen tlal to success In life. $9.50. Gaines on die Woorter and Caiino Kelly and Kehoe Will Not Meet Bit of Bate Ball Talk Heard From AUeyi Uit Night Were Thursday Night-Meet- ing To All Quarters Where the last , ' Well These are the . Attended. for Game TeaAeir Night an Understanding. is Played. if lion's share Every Y You'll jet the In school makes it her business to see that the children arcrneat aird Surprises were In storo for the leid-er- s The match between John E. Kelly John H. Conway of Webster, Mass., of the lines we la tlie VTwo-Man- " tour- and Kid Kehoe wilk not take place on who has been an um come this week. cleanly dressed, because she knot's that a neat an4 clean appear- bowling just appointed you'll nament last evening at the" Wooster Thursday evening as advertised. Kelly pire In the National league, held an closed out from the ance Is very influential in form lng a boy's habits. The same is with alleys when Jaeger and Elton were is under a physician's' care being In- Indicator in the Connecticut league a and' decisively beaten by A. Gross and Du jured while training with wrestler few years ago. .is a young men arid men of full age. We have the Suits Overcoats Conway cigar manufacturer last blin. The surprise was all the greater Plunkett His left arm was hurt and drummer in the winter months and WW We shoes that give you an air of respectability. have the hata and because the winning team had been be was advised not to ; attempt to has been prominently identified with beaten In another game earlier In the wrestle until the arm had' a rest of n athletic since his boyhood were trim. . We sorts sports days month that; will keep your heftd and.feejiln good havejill - they evening and It . was expected that week at least The wrestlers and being especially conspicuous in base- of clothes for men, women and boys, and take "easy payments in ex- Jaeger and Elton would have a walk their managers and the manager of ball. He has had considerable exper over. results was the Stmonfiville Athletic club will meet finished in December ' The of the" bowling ience as a player and has managed change for the goods. Do you see the point? , , 8S follOWSt i. ' , this evening at J. J. Murphy's cafe on some fast teams in New England. He First Game. ; Bank street to decide .what will be has held various political offices in too late for the trade Bossell ...... 185 158 180 r.23 done in the matter. They will meet at Webster and Dudley and is prominent Cummins . .. ,104 .155 181$ T.3T eight o'clock sharp to decide whether In the Foresters and the Knights of to postpone the match 'for one week Columbus. 19-9- 3 BANK Credit Co, . Tbtnl ..,.10(10 or to call it off indefinitely. . There Spearo t" ino-- 4sr W tiOVVB MAIN ST, upstairs. Look for Electric Sign, CREDIT. A. Gross mi 132 was much money bet on this match BASE BALL NOTES. Dubuc 151 189 105535 and a whole lot more would have been 80-8- 2 S. MAI .it.. - of the wagered. The match should take The first big base ball teams UeSs.S,M ' Total ' 1020 inside of a week at least as the to begin the southern Invasion is the s. place National team. Durant will turn over the first spade- Second Game. fans are looking for It. ; Philadelphia league ful of earth.' There will be in .. 191 ISA 232582 Duggleby, Lush, Donovan and Gleason (THE PUGILISTS placed Jaeger ' y 3l'J leave Savan- tlie hole a sealed box con- iBIton i . 157 189 J06-r- BOTHXER AM) TURK. Philadelphia for ( first post nah. S Down taining the roster Of players already George Bothner.r the signed, an account of the life of Roger Total lfHM champion wrestler, McGeehan, formerly a star player at AND A. Gross 178 195 two a -- firUbleX GAME IS LIVELY Connor, a picture of Joe Connor, a ' 102533 is determined to change his tactics en Holy , and years ago pitch 1 174 210--57- 3 v mi t menu Card of the Hotel Ellon, and a Dubric .189 tirely when he faces Aibrahim kazzi, er witn toe Philadelphia Americana, Is f r iinn conv of the "Waterbury .American." the Turk lightweight, on the mat at critically ill at Whit Haven, Pa, with A fence to be built around the Total ih tuberculosis of is park .....1108 Grand New on the lungs. - arsi M Central Palace, York, IL mt Week I at arm bj a Boxen Are While the of dia- - bb akain as bust $1 Making Hay and the work laying out the March 6. , Camlss, captain and second baseman. T mond and the ; stands will V 'WATCH SHOP TEAMS . 138 The usual Billiard and Pool Plentiful building As the latter must weigh in at and Giadfelter, first baseman of the Crop . it Many soon follow. Manager Durant still Departments 29 and 27 of the Watch pounds at 9 o'clock that night, Bothner University of Pennsylvania team last Tables are too expensive and - has hopes ef landing George Lachance shop rolled a match game on the Woo- Is confident that be can more than bold year, have signed to ptey with the require too much space for tha figliU Last but he does not care to pay a fancy ster last win- to think of buy- Njt. A alleys evening, the latter his own at any kind of grueling game Washington club of the new Ohio and average family figure for him." .. ning; by 1,798 to 1.672. The score: that the Turk fancies, and he fairly Pennsylvania league. .' ing. - New York, Feb 20, Howard Smith " 27-- Department Carroll, 246; M. that in the recent con- Norwich Burrowe Pool and Billiard Elizabeth, .N. and Clarence .' proved assertion Upon the anneal of the club pf J., GREAT FIGHT THIS. Deiners, 279; J. Rivers. 372; A. CoIH-ga- test he took in at Brown's Tables are moved from lorbes of gave a exhibl-io- n part gym the case of Pitcher Frank McLean, re easily Chicago great Boston. Mass..' Feb. 20 "Honey" 412; E. Banzier, 399; total 1.798. nasium Schnable, a recog soom to room or can be at the stag of the-- Navarre A. C. with George cently awarded to the Rochester club, put Melody of Cbarlestown knocked Qjit Department" 26 M. Creffon, 243: 8. nized heavyweight, who endeavored to will be- national com- Call assSt see them. n American bail Flta-geral- reheard by the awayi .Theater last night, Martin of In the Vesconte, 352; Ukshton, 376; IV d. to even the finish. Terry Philadelphia force the clever professor quit by mission on February 25. : lonors being about at twelfth round of a fifteen round go' S35; P. Duggau, 360; total, the tactics.. contest - roughest of ,The Malachi - THE In the first round Forbes found at the Lincoln Athletic club in Cliel 1,672. . .. While Kittredge, Washington's it lasted was the most exciting id in South Caro- pmlth often with a left , and the sea last The . men catcher, at present night. fought ' v ANOTHER VICTOItr WON. ,T that could be imagined, and at. its mind was more than half over before both to the floor in lina, coaching the base ball team of fiercely, going team close Schnable was nursing an injured col- Howard was to get in a damaging of tho rounds. The bowling of the Waterbury the Agricultural and. Mechanical CO. now ajle many Watch defeated Oakville leg caused by a heavy fall through the ' ' E. II. TOWLE on nis adversary. Howara visea In the tenth round Melody dropped company the lege there. In ropes. , i left to the stomach with great Martin for the count but in the next eompany team a match game on Manager Mike Kelley of the Indian- ffeet, and Forbes was forced to ngnt round Martin came and the Wooster alleys last 'evening by a apolis team has George Du 25 West Main St. up strong scttre 2,177 to The scores: NEW BEDFORD SOLD. signed hard to keep up with his man. three times the combatants broka of 2,025. quette of Paterson, who pitched in t.e was a Oakville 408; Tlie second round Bmitu s ty through the ropes and struggled in Krautz, Negotiations have been concluded for Hudson River league last year. Du large margin. . After one mlnui.e ot the crowd about the ringside. In the 374; Hull, 402;, McUunu, 897; Stone, the purchase of the New Bedford base quette is six feet tall and powerfully fighting Smith planted a hard swing twelfth a chance blow Martin 444; total, 2.025. ball franchise of the New England built. He Is a left hander wli great put Watch Co Cook, 397; on Forties's jaw that staggered the out. ! Waterbury league from A. G. Doe of that city by speed. a time it looked as Paughn, 430; Anderson, 472; Monuer-at- , the Arm & who are en rhicagoan, and for of Burke Shay, The report cornea fom Indianapolis Music Hits 2,177. , New f Clarence would go down for , tha SEATING. 406; Regan, 472; total, gaged In business in Springfield. The - FIGURE that the gold diamond studded medal ount. he to was 14,000. By stalling- managed last price to John T. Brush after the Farewell, My Own True Love, march song; Cheyenne (Shy Ann), big the roiuid. ' TWELVE WAS WHIPPED. Messrs Burke and Shay have ex presented through Cham R-- When the Whlppoorwill Salebow Wins the European 3 Clock New York Nationals won the world's hit: Nothln' from Nothln' Leaves You (coon song); The was one tnc ' Department of the shop tensive business interests in' New Bed third round of " been stolen a v I'm Sleepy; ever Both sailed plonships. , defeated Department 12 on the Woo- which is field Championship has by Dearie; In the Valie of Yesterday: Getting astrst fought. boys ford, among the athletic ' Sings Marguerite; ster last who entered Mr Brus-U- on Eli (new, into each other, and In one of the Two important figure skating events, alleys night by the following where all the league games have been burglar One Called Mother and the Other "Ho me, Sweet Home"; Rely score: ' - house. Milled Smith received a smash on the Hie Buronean chamnionehti for men played. to Silver heels; Grenadier, and many others. Law-so- n, lale march); March Victory; nose that drew Iblood. The boxers dis and International Championship for Department 12 Lewis, 451; Doe's agreement to sell the team Jesse Burkett, tlie former Boston ya-vo- s, 417; Palen, 414; Moore, 459; no- cleverness in an effort to land women, were decided at " came a with the American league player, has been regarded recently 598; total. through disagreement a telling blow, and the waxed Switzerland. For the men's con- Bchlag. 2,33!). of the field as to the tified of bis release from that club. BOOKS FREE milling R-- proprietors MUSIC so old Department 3 8towe, 403. u, to be for sea Burkett Is to devote all his time NEW furious that the spectators stood tort the bent figure skaters in the amount of rent paid the goin,g Ask Sal-cho- 498; Waldron, . words and music. upon their chairs and cheered like world were present, notably V; 4S4; Deborde, son, Burke & Shay making an advance teJ the Worcester team, which he owns containing the choruses of over 50 popular songs, mad. ' were 477; McPartland, 486; total, 2,408. tn which Doe considered in At the (bell both boys tired. P. Thoren and P.' Meyer, Stock; the figure pro. conjunction with Jimmy Collins, for our new music bulletin. In the other touts Frank le Howe A. G. Fucha blbltive. of the Boston Americans. February holm; Budapest; . captain ma a I'rbary. . . THE ENGINEER WON. bested Johnny Allen. Charlie Gold and II. Burger, Munich; E. Hen, Mr Burke made an offer of $3,500 for Pitcher Pittinger has been engaged outclassed Low-er- y Sal The Engineer of the Waterbury the chub week. Doe s was Johnny Bergen, Jack and J. Hunzlker, Davos. Co last price to coach the baseball team of the Car beat fWrauh, Tim O'Brien Manufacturing defeated the Plating $4,500, when Burke offered to Tommy chow, who has held the title of world' Room at the Casino last but split lisle Indians, and will do his prelim lout to Jimmy Stone, Kid Black baa Inst five was ' alleys night rne uinerence ne agreeu 10 FULTON MUSIC COMPANY, ciampion for tha years, by a margin of 70 McKenuey accept ' luary training at Carlisle Instead of he better of pins. , Frank Renney, Jimmy regarded as a certain winner, and he lii- - south with the Na- Moran beat and Bob carried off the high honor with a The transfer includes the going Philadelphia Post Office. Harry Engel maintained the confidence reposed In or 173 following tionals. He has cot announced whetb 146 Grand St, Opposite gie triug and a total of 466 Cov-ene- y. Adler and Mosey Ring boxed a nam him. He was m tha players who are under contracts: use season. The was specially brilliant for three strings. The acore: er he will the spit ball this and rlever draw. program outside with double Jump Elliott, Clark, Foote, Morrissey, apreadeagle Engineers. . Frank G. Selee, formpr manager of arranged by Billy Jacpbs. turn, and MiShane.urrilI, Valdois. Murphy, the witting standing plrou Hfedler ..:... 163 137 120420 the Chicago National. Is at Faywood combination of rocker and coun- 137 Dwyer, "Mullaney, Kavanaugb, Kehoe, GOLF BILLIARD STOPPED ete. Stevens',...... 152 140429 such a Doe In Hot Springs, New Mexico. Selee, It 1 rOUCD FIGHT. ter and The total 77 20Sf and rights may have figures the dance. Hlgglns i 102 89 Kiobedanz. I to . Buffalo, Feb 30. Charley Seiger, score J(VH Friend and "Wally" Tay reported, planning organize was: Selchow, point; Ueebner 108 89 147344 who second last baseball In the to EXHIBITION the lightweight fighter f Hoboken. 141 Thoren. lor, played base year, league southwest, Hera, 1H; 1333. will manage the team. embrace Santa Fe, Albuquerque and HEARD ON LINKS Feb. 25 JoeIieonard of Buffalo here 1 fought For the women's international 525 452 4a4 1461 other New Mexican cities and Ei Monday Evening last night Referee Rube Ferna called event were ix the most Room. Paso, PROFESSOR IIARER HARTFORD a "draw there entries, Plating Texas. the light after the police prominent being Mrs Syers of London. Snagg 114 101 130345 L1PTON GIVES CUP. v. d MopN-- it In thirteenth round. estab-llslie- This from Bill and it' an the tn the she d Igo , ... CO 55 73178 Dineen, Connecticut Golfers Preparing for knocked Leonard down bad Early, competition Tim One In WALTER A BORN of NEW YORK Seiger and a strong lead, and her figure Bauby 1021 102 138402 To Be Raced for by Massachusetts other Hurst story: day bliu almost out when It ended. , Cincinnati Tom Corcoran a Pro- were remarkable for their size and McKenney 147 173 144466 Racing Association. put up a Busy Seuon Art Fenn Trick and fancy billiards by measly Texas leaguer behind third of the world. dart. Beside she gave a bewilder- Boston, Feb. 20 Sir Thomas Linton fessor Harer, champion GOOD SIX JtOUNDS. combin 423 493 485 1391 base. Hurst called it foul. "Dead in tlie Sooth. Chairs reserved at 85 cent each. ing display of dance, rockers, t offered, and tlie the Boston Yacht club fair." as he Philadelphia, Feb 20. Jimmy Walsh and The final score In a expostulated Corcoran, a ations pirouette. has accepted trnst M cup to be came back to the "Hit on The Wooster Bowling and Billards. had the better, f Jack Langdon in 912 SIXTY WAS VICTOR. g plate. right On heels of the national cham- win: Mrs Syer. point: rr. Hera, raced for In' the class of the In the lx round fight last night "before the Frl. Buda- Department 60 of the the line.". "Well, bring the line." announcements, out on Thurs- Tel 462. 123 BANK BT. Vienna. Kronberger, Waterbury yacht racing association of Massachu- said Hurst. "Leta have a look at pionship Washington Athletic club. 783 n: Manufacturing Co defeated depart- setts. There are 26 club in the asso- It, day, the similar announcement ar pest, point. Tom." t It was one of the swiftest encoun- In contest there ment 74 by a majority of 200 pin at the trom promised for thi werk from the Met- some Ihe pair skating ciation, representing ports ter seen here in tune, and both were four but the prise was the Casino alleys last night Allen Provlncetown to Annisquam. fbe George Stone, the hard hitting out ropolitan nd New Jersey association. showed a couple, carried the score 453 fielder of the &t Louis Americans, does boys gratifying willingness won by Mr and Mr Syer of London. high of for trophy will tie the finest ever offered The Connecticut Golf association, to fight every second of the time they three strings, while Sweeney and Nea-gl- e here for small boats. not want any more admiring citizen to which Include a well a the New POU'S BUILDING In were were for htm watches. were the ring. They fairly DISASTER AT NEW ORLEANS. tied a single string with Tlie enp will become absolutely the present with gold "Last Jersey body some M. G. A. club", well matched as to weight and reach, a acore of 1H7. The score: owner year, when I was leading the league, made it on at the an- property of the first winning " plan Saturday and both teemed to have admirable Department 00. two championships. He need not said Stone. a crowd of fan gave me nual meeting held In New Haven. lr t. OBsaUasT "U powers and ability to take la atecsleeaaa sat C. i 152 124 149423 win them with the same a gold watch. My hitting promptly C. II. Zimmerman- of New Haven wa CASINO staying Broks Bis Nesk. Denehy necessarily Nengle ...... 87 167 113 367 liot or two year In succession. Pend- lumped, and the fan said thing elected president and Y. E. tnd of 20 -F- 149-- 455 ' Walsh was the aggressor and waded NEW ORLEANS, Feb. tTorlte Allen 144 102 ing auch performance, the Boston about me and my watch. I'll buy my Mertden secretary. The state tourna- ROLLER SKATING In from with ware beaten In race at Norman 119 139 W1 own hereafter 1 We right the start, fighting every City park. ...103 Yacht rlnb, which Is a chartered lodr. watches and keep th ment will be on July It t 2 to 4, 4 to 6 daily; veiling tettloa Hi disas- con-fli- rt tmth hands like a little demon. The steeplechase termlaatad In SchwerU ,..150 163 110435 while the association I not, will lioid batting eyV Burn or Brooklown. The dtes 10. to the non- 6 to furious straights Jaw ter. Malcolm M, tb favorite, fell at the cup In trust with the amateur championship admitted free. In the . 42 733 COO 2043 Ladle plussed langdon the middle of the third Jump. Oliver Mc. stumbling Sir Thomas previously has given COLLEGE SOCCER PLAT. at Englewood. but as the Connect!mt fight and Jack Went down In the third Department 74., for on the Pacific field seldom Include of na- Special attention given to beginner. ' ever tb prostrate bone, also fll, and enp yachts racing any goIfr round. The bell saved him. Dilllber 154 113 120-5- 87 roast and in the lakes. should not make a Candling fell at the seventh jump and great Schedule Arranged for the Season, and tional ralRer, this Langdon, however, recovered his 112 147 107420 In the entries to GURT1SS & broke his nerk. Sammartes: Sweeney Will Soon material difference O'BRIEN, Prep's. and held his own admirably. OH li9 133310 Play Begin. contest. Oa the prln.-iple- " tn strength Rac.-O- dd Bins Kennedy CANDLING BREAKS HIS NECK. either He was outclassed, however, First Trick, first; Ulnar ...... 7 112 114 i5 The next Intercollegiate sport to get sbonbl re clearly Little third. the state championship le by the quicker and shiftier Walsh, who Dale, second; George, Scaddea 137 HI 129355 under way I association football. The garded a feeder for the national tb Rars.-GIlfal- n. The Well Known Steeplechaser Finishes certainly earned the decision. - Second first; oocer team begin their playing sched conflict will still be regretted by many. Gleam, Rian, third. ' 630 570 063 1783 Hi Career at City Park. ules within three There are now second; ( week. A the tournament ha oriibiti BRITT DENIES IT. Third Raca.-Jad- ge Nolan, first: New Orleans. Feb 20. The steeple- six college in the league. Cornell. Har- for four yer between the New Ha- n Francisco, Feb 20. Jimmy Ruth's Rattler, second; Ohio King, The 'Monitor defeated the Frank- chase yesterday at City park, which vard. Haverford, Pennsylvania. Prince- ven and Hartford link. It eni wlM ar- Kroob-taen- . Brltt. his brother Willie and old mat third. lin at the Casino alley last nlarht by w featured by the management, re- ton and Columbia. By a peculiar to go to Wee Burn r Business Men a of S3 carried in accident In each meeta rln Brltt all make denials of the charge Fourth Race.-Ad- ar. first; Captain margin pin. Ieanean sulted three which two rangement college only where the Brat two were held. off with a score were and the horse four of Its so that a cham- 1 tlie FIND TH of crookedness in framing op the fight Bash, second; Or Viva, third. the high tingle string Jockey Injured opponent, The championship Bow for 2 and the hi lie hard to Conn-tr- y n Brltt two o. see-sa- of Chappelle had high Candling broke nerk. Jockey pionship may figure out first tlra held a New Havea between and year Fifth Raee.-Florl- ael, first; Iota, by The alst of long talk U that total for three strings, with a scor or who rode Candling, fell with Inasmuch the team are playing for club W. Khepard of the Jimmy's Gravisa, third. score ' hi known a plyer. produce no proof that a court of j 523. Th mount at the seventh jump, and a championship trophy the Yale faculty. Wnce the beginning la Evening Democrct, r;n Sixth Race. first; Robin I I law would lie advances AnrociTr. . . Franklin. how he escaped being killed a mys- Milne run. It regretted that the ivm the bolder have been Tbomaa U accept, ui third. so teams sworn word. Jimmy says: Hood, second: Qnlna Brady, DnnUp 195 155 103454 tery. When carried into the paddock schedule is arranged. The Cheney of 800th Manchester; rr. -- ran't force me Into a fight by Seventh Race. Saronolo. first; Jndgs Senior.... 119 103 14 130 It wa found that he had escape. I with could not get permission for more than Martin. FalrteW; C. IL We AOOD i;n 1 1WI 134 132 4M a town ely. sivb ttulHojtlng tactic, a will never Traynor, secoad; The Only Way, third. J. mith .... a colls rtxHie broken. Jockey Boyle, certain namber of trip ont of Burn, for three year running, and I 1S7 12H 155--41. ac- from their athletic ADVERTISING tep Into the ring with him again. Ma boner who rode Malrom. suffered a like respective facalty Stephen H. ratter. Brooklaaa. annot see bow any fair minded anaa. lmk F. Smith 122 179 15U45W cident wbea he went down at the see. committee. Zimmerman ha been a loyal snppnrt-e-r the of Cans for SAX FRANCISCO. Feb. ond Jumps. The race proved easy for The college men were assisted In the of the toomsmenta. la being MEDIUM. rorxulcring reputation G98 !2 . 75 2213 exohtn. one of the formation of their member p crwfceitneMi and my own clean record. raa away dating tb third tie 71 Judge outsiders la league by ranner-o- to W. R Cheney for the Monitors. 1 who wore Ohio of Amateur Athletic anion and ran believe what he says. la other at Oakland and threw Walsh the betting, down King the by consolation and In winning Kldd accuse Jockey 14 152 142434 In the last turn of the Held and won rred IL Milne, captain of the Pil eip II word, tf I'a.Bila should the fenee. Detective took GtHpeaa In the fonrsoroe with Fmf Green. Try our Popular Penny- - President Roosevelt or against Theranx ...... 133 154 119 KsJ handily from Roth Rattler. grims team, which toured this country Is of the energetie. play game sort wh BoueTreajog of the hone, aad snr-- 2""1 13 440 Mr Milne word adva. return would anyliody believe the charge? j charge veterinary Lean can fA recently. gave the trophy, make good presidenta la tae Inra! Quick -- are aa to 2 1W-- S23 hi It I glt m r d tmt 23o i;an taya llerrom ami any Drotaer gtons snaking lavsstigatloa CbappHie ! and for in named. Pennsylvania. lea rne. After being la for sevra ry tl th r ac- 1 1S3 have ply Willie fixed the matrh op. Why doe scertam the ease of the strange Tregeaa 1C 4; Haverford and Princeton bees year the Brooklavra Gotf corporation 'a all n not an bring forth the tions of the aalBML Wearies: had all BASKET BALL playing winter nd hv perfected team seesired final posses-to- by tbreo testimony T31 their work. Herford or any other third party I the speed and captared Jbe eveat by K 737 Z3A team The schedule begins orresslve win of the tnterelab rwp Boet and Job PiwUng. 0oe the first set of artk-l-e - March 10 with the game between at the last tonrBament. held at the New liana says fire leogtba. Uaverford Phila Low Price signed a pbony set. Wfcera Is WON BT BTRrtKilX. The AH Waterbury basketball team Pennsylvania aad at Hve t'osntry rtnhv Ungle wtnafng worki that other set! Let na prodare it ItartWeta Woo BslaaT AsrsV-KE- Department 24 of the Waterbory will Hne trp against the Boy' rlnb lv delphia. had been by the Fi irflet-- TV Willie Brltt asks how It la, if the ORLEANS. Feb. SO. - Viaf Clock. C defeated department 14 by toaaorraw evening at the Bora rlnb Bora. New naves aad Arawaaa team. Raiavllle -- - - - figbt was framed ap. that liaae ebowM herla. Soother Cross and Csswsri IL a marrow aitrgia of 9 piaa. gyaiBaslaBL This wilt be the first ara- A sew series will be started tbia year earrled eff the bosmr with a sin It an The fall anwa three tinea wltbowt betag were the wtsalag fsverttsa at tb Fair high game played at the gymnasfnai sod rnirinn rk tl tm foe another rap. The elose fefloanihip It for the strtng of 1TI sad m total of 492 for Is that a crowd will wit- i antiT anto hervetf and la the CaertV-a- t bit. tha making possible gressda. Miatberia. abatost ten at tb gle expected large hss takes eomradery referee to disqualify aim. Brltt three string- - The score: ness the garnet. The Rovs rfah team She wa Mis Cdna rlnb make the aad tea rapa her ftsld oa by see 14. aasbaad. Dieter foarn - be- sort, ptckei sp sotae fastest ea- y-t- ay plainly that Eddie Greaey Is Department Is ade mp of of the play- aad the ajUliea was fc--n ts be-- contest rank foHy high htsa aad we going sway. Caasili IL M. ntsBMaric .. 129 135 13S 33") tsars. 00, hind Gaae and Is esgtng a to get ers la ancle. Alfred Johasoa ef honor of cUiaiing tie tndivMaai K is a a rwa mp ts $w aad boagbt la. CBosrke 155 -2- T.1 Mianeap mmrn reveage ea Brltt jiltogetaer TWes am a eaotcat. bat ii'. caamploa. war. that famtabes ' at footTghts ravartta wa sold to Vs Mahnaey ...... 115 133lt 117 .V3 ea serry Wt Dicker wsa la the eoarts. The ma. ave to the sport, bat aerioasiy Bart the Geidbiatt at private sale. Cashing ...... y 27 er.e 171 eh wsa la a . tm eoowrawas. Ralavtlie IW 13143 IOWA FALLS. Tea, J0-T- W lawyer, rusmj Yawrlsaod by Water. ai fghtieg la. whom k Wi pm SleaW reew. Csrt Reotevett 1 beta by she wa uit?ce Sweeda so not abtafa a mrt4 for aaay--r I awriaet ysrf e SIRCASTIC SPORT WRITES. Fetv --A eT4 W of aapleye. ' soil at the BOttaai .at FHILADCLraiA. spin 14 Acfctoy. B Is a eeasta ffha freal the ef the Coaraat FT"" la Is fsilew Departasewt Sea water s. I The Hartford writer the Tespsr ttah t keiy ts 1 T4 aetsiJiat. sat a DeaMcnt hat freai tha itself. Ma ar-eas- af Fetoy l t hi pea oace aaore la h tab the to the effect that a ef W--cs - aaaal3v , let-- , expsre Oroaat 7 122 I ad the reealt appeared aa the eresr a : Vesper Healay ar prfto-J- 121 K 147--S7 treat TL n tttM m paper-- f far lev ira:g - The threateasd xp5sfoa ef faeaa Ktrrbi 117 OJB.aPtJTtTA. 1 Net least to a The sew MMa para W aier- Cat XaOsasJ t!cae Il -- .09A IMLatt the nkra milt. WSe wmt mr ay Aassetonoa Groetsetovt 12 1J 31 Is tbssit rw of t fae-Oea- later ta that the laseasil taa bwry Aaatear Oarsaua kaa actrred t s lkrUMvi ettjr aad eost abesrt tUirX Th pet mm tea 4wa est Ua aheif ts sarty. ra seoa M sag aa aaaawgr bar to a sftto ggmt &ss m